Blaze Media’s Best Kept Secrets… LEAKED!

Blaze Media exposed. Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Blaze TV with Kris Cruz and Ken Kuykendall as they reveal media secrets, viral content strategies, and insider stories about political news and journalism.
Ever wondered what really happens behind the scenes at Blaze Media? In this exclusive episode, Keith Malinak sits down with Kris Cruz and Ken Kuykendall to reveal wild production stories, behind-the-scenes secrets, and insider moments you won’t find anywhere else. From hilarious mishaps to untold stories, this episode is packed with raw insights, surprises, and unfiltered discussions.
Don’t miss this exclusive look into The Blaze. Hit like, subscribe, and turn on notifications to never miss an update.
Topics Covered in This Episode:
- What really happens behind the scenes at The Blaze
- Unseen moments and bloopers from Blaze Media productions
- Insider talk on working with top Blaze TV hosts
- Wildest production stories from Kris and Ken
- The truth about media, politics, and content creation
00:00 – Introduction and Show Start
02:10 – The Funniest Behind-the-Scenes Moments at Blaze Media
05:45 – How Live Broadcasting Really Works
09:20 – Kris Cruz and Ken Kuykendall’s Career Journeys
15:30 – What Makes Blaze Media Unique?
20:15 – Viewer Q&A: Answering Audience Questions
25:40 – The Infamous "Ken Kyle" Name Mix-Up
30:20 – Wildest Moments Working at The Blaze
35:50 – Does Keith Have a ‘Scary’ Reputation at Work?
45:15 – Hilarious Wardrobe Malfunctions on Set
55:30 – The Reality of Digital Content Creation & Social Media
01:05:20 – Should 18-Year-Olds Be Allowed to Drink?
01:15:10 – The Strangest Items Borrowed (And Never Returned)
01:25:40 – Unexpected Controversial Conversations on Air
01:35:10 – How The Blaze Handles Censorship & Free Speech
01:45:30 – Favorite TV Characters & Nostalgic Throwbacks
02:00:10 – Final Thoughts & Wrap-Up]
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- X (Twitter): @AtTheMicWithKeith
- Rumble: @AtTheMicShow
- Deep Dives (Every Thursday)
Creators & Guests
- Keith Malinak - Host
- Wesley Castelhano - Producer
Follow The Host:
- Keith Malinak: @KeithMalinak
Follow Our Guests:
- Kris Cruz: @realKrisCruz
- Ken Kuykendall: @KenKay84
#BlazeMedia #BehindTheScenes #ExclusiveInterview #KrisCruz #KenKuykendall #BlazeTV #KeithMalinak #AtTheMic #MediaSecrets #DigitalMedia #ContentCreation #InsideTheBlaze #Podcast #MediaIndustry #WildStories #RumbleExclusive
but I will of course make sure that y'all know when we go live I'm not gonna Ambush you and you know just put you put you on the air here without you knowing and because that would be a I would be a bad host if I did something like that well not you can see me anyways because I got the Harry Potter cloak going on where did you go bro you ready are are you ready look whoa let me know when we start so I can put my pants on okay I'll give you wait do we have to have pants on because I don't have pants on right now I thought it was
optional it's not a prerequisite if the camera stays uh above the table please oh yeah you have to have um what do you call a shirt they are frown upon you not wear shirts so why I just want to be comfortable and I I want my guests comfortable I don't want them too comfortable I took off socks so I'm ready to go I'm comfortable I can smell them from here oh no no what you smell is my bearded dragon he stins which is why I'm upstairs so you can see I'm in my fancy fancy room it's great nice that's a very nice room it's it's a it's
a lovely day out too I see it's a very well yeah upstairs it is downstairs it's not it looks like a Sunday what is your um what is your uh beer weed dragon's name Draco and he he SS is that named after the Harry Potter character funny is when when we were talking earlier you was like Draco fluffer I'm like who say fluffer what was I said Draco Malfoy Maloy yeah who's that and then when I Googled it I was like oh my gosh I don't think Adam has ever said that joke for don't Welling job right I got it it is I
will say that it is it's a really well-paying job I just a reminder I very hard job I would of course inform you gentlemen if we were to go live earlier than the schedule time I would make sure that you I don't wanna I don't want to cross any boundaries are you talking from experience Ken Kyle yeah no I was a fluffer for 10 years and made a whole lot of money and is that how you got your title Cinema Master because it is it well that's how I became the cinema master I started nice lff master and then graduated and
then all the way to the top that's cool it was like Diddy party stuff all righty oh sorry okay okay ah we're probably live who knows I got to set this clock though oh my gosh hang on I am so old hang on oh hang on let's see time set what time is it oh hell it's time to go it's time to get this party going let's see what boy I feel so old doing this thing hang on come on this is such an old school thing I don't you hate those CL you have to tap tap you can't just hold it down and let it fast forward really
quickly no you guys excited sitting there watching me set o clock there we go okay by the way current temperature oh it's perfect it's perfect in this room it's a 65 degrees and I think it's actually two o'clock but we're just gonna leave it right there because you don't want to uh watch me set a clock all day I'm sure that's not why you why you tuned in alrighty um woo thanks for joining very grateful for your presence today uh and big thanks to uh the hero hero Wes which by the way Wes and I behind the scenes guy who's
been working as I say every every show I do I want you to know that Wes is behind the scenes dealing with inferior stuff and so I'm grateful for Wes he's got a cool Studio hero West does and I might do next week's Friday live stream uh yeah what is that yeah I might do next week's Friday live from his studio in Downtown Dallas he's got his own little uh setup and so uh we'll see and what I was thinking is be thinking you you be thinking what are some things you would like to see from a technical standpoint
uh obviously making it available uh in an audio form type podcast um any questions you have about why has there been two streams at any given point like on YouTube or whatever anything any issue you had write it down I think I'm going to be hanging out with Wes this time next week we'll try to get some answers for you and anything like I said like your wish list you're at the mic wish list write stuff down yesterday uh if you didn't uh see that a Thursday Deep dive it was just kind of a hangout it was
almost like a glorified drinks with Keith uh we had all of the uh confirmation hearings that were happening and that was uh you know we had gosh RFK Tulsi cash so we talked about that I think we talked about vaccines we talked about the war on ter we covered a lot of ground yes Sue yes you're in the right stream I don't know where you're at you're on YouTube that's fine you're you're fine I'm just looking here one of these days I'm gonna set up a camera or I'll take picture just so you can see what I see and it's it's
freaking chaos okay it just please trust me um let's see what else I need to tell you about um next Thursday Richard Gage will be my guest on the Deep dive as we talk about World Trade Center building seven that is such an important piece that gets overlooked and yet I think it's the Keystone to 911 it can it can take you down uh a a dark road if you get your questions answered about building seven so and oh my goodness this is so cool this is so cool hang on a second Jeffy apologist um someone who is um a fan of
this show uh Miss Gabby chimed in yesterday when we did the open phones during the Thursday Deep dive and she said hey can I start a uh well I don't know did she it might have been just a message later after the fact I hell I don't know I got it level with y'all I got Joe Biden brain got a bad case of Joe Biden brain and I'm forgetting all sorts of stuff in fact if I ever we're a family here if I ever put something on the screen or something we talk about and and and we've already done that please chime in message say bro what the
hell because there's so much stuff that I that I put on the screen here that maybe we never get to but in my brain like like or maybe we did to it but I think we did whatever see I can't even make a coherent thought about it but anyway my point is please by all means stop me if I do something stupid or or go over old ground okay so I want to show youall this and I can't show youall this because I'm on a cracked damn screen anyway Jeffy apologist she made a uh Instagram page for at the mic show and and so you could go to it's
just at the mic show on Instagram or you can kind of trying to make a not glare see that this camera does not focus what in the heck H is wrong with this thing there you go whatever it's at the mic show um so please uh head over there she made a great reel that goes through the entire month of February um that uh all the guests that we have what do you mean what a what a warning for what what the other link closed good oh my gosh see poor Wes he's trying y'all he's dealing with some technical uh challenges here so anyway
uh a lot of stuff going on and and uh there you go I appreciate you making time all right I've babbled long enough let me get my guests in here I don't know this is like the 10th time that uh is he in his invisibility cloak what's happening over here Harry Potter himself uh Chris Cruz yes works with me oh gosh works with me at petre Unleashed at the blaze what how many times have you been on this show bro uh plenty but I still don't learn the lesson for saying no I keep saying yes wait a minute you don't want to be here
is that is that what you're uh does it look like I want to be here I want to be in this beautiful you see my flowers right here it's lovely prefer to be sleeping I see yeah you and me both brother well I appreciate you being such a team player uh this is Chris Cruz's uh 412th uh visit to the program so I appreciate that a lot and we have a new one a new oh no why did you do it you you you you tricked me and and you revealed my past so I I didn't say anything I didn't know and that's why what's what's awesome about this Friday
stream is that I told Keith after Ken Kyle came to the studios a couple of weeks ago I like we have to bring him but I would love for me to be the second guest yeah Ken Kyle is with us I because master okay Ken Kyle is is an incredible human being however however I have a bone to pick with you sir oh no well careful how you use it's the fact that I don't know what it was two or three weeks ago he came up there and he hung out with us uh before the show because we're all employees of the blaze so you had the and and you sign up there be a subscriber and we're so grateful for you and I guess there's a higher tier membership called unlimited okay oh gosh Chris discovered the emoji button just like Brad that no no no so anyway uh and if you sign up for unlimited then you get I guess more behind the scenes stuff and Ken is in the process of editing together his time with us uh early one morning before Pat gry Unleashed which we fun we had a lot of fun we had a lot of fun and and Ken followed me around for the
longest time that morning and every time I would address the camera I would it's like I was talking to him and I would I would always say Kyle ah K Kyle what do you think of this Kyle I must have done this how many times Ken 14 Is that real 14 times something like that could count for you it is ridiculous you really leaned into the Kyle I leaned into the KY I was so confident that Ken's name was Kyle I called him Kyle I mean like I was using his name like I won't say forcing it but it's like places where
you didn't need to use anyone's name in the conversation I was saying Kyle and finally at at at at the 15th opportunity where I screwed up his name Ken goes my name is Ken so you know what now you're Ken Kyle because you allowed that to linger way too long I felt I was so embarrassed dude I felt like you thought you were making me feel special by just using the wrong and it turned out to be 180 degrees for that so nobody you are now Ken Kyle Among Us and I'm s I'm sorry but uh it was good it was fun yeah so
when no it was not uh when when might the blaze unlimited subscribers have access to this behind the scenes tour that you did with us at Pat gray Unleashed well I just uh finished it today earlier today and I submitted it to the blaze for review and so I'll probably get some notes and stuff like that but it should be pretty soon now like a week or so I think were you able to keep that part that me and you went to like my special place whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh well dude I am the fluff Master Okay I
kept I sure because like the executive don't like when like I show too much okay hey I thought that you actually kicked me off when you started the show I was like oops no no I was like oh I went too far I'm already done you can't go too far with me unfortunately um okay so uh and by the way the Kevin thing um I forgot what that you guys have to refresh my memory wasn't somebody calling me Kevin or or I know that my entire life people have called me Kevin so I don't know what that Kevin though but I don't know
what it is the K name and and I guess for whatever reason people people call me Kevin or have always called me Kevin now I think what's worse than calling me Kevin is when people are replying and I mentioned this last week replying to my tweets and type k i t they misspell my name even though they're literally Ling underneath my name that they could make sure that you see it name my first name is Ken and my last name starts with k my middle name starts with an L now when I was three I saw a train going by and there were three KS
on the train and I was like Mom why didn't you do that why didn't you name me so that my let they could all be KS and she was like um no like and I didn't know nothing that is great question Ken that okay so I had a similar experience um so when I was a kid and Bob her was third baseman for the Atlanta Braves I was listening to um I don't know it was it was a national radio broadcast I don't know and the and the guy was trying to come up with a nickname for Bob Horn it was so stupid I don't know
anyway and I said why don't they call him horny call him Bob horny and my mom was like I don't think that's a good nickname for Bob horer so uh but there is your Twitter handle right Ken k84 did I get that right okay so you can follow him on what do you mean you you think so oh yeah no I'm I'm pretty sure um but I'm gonna have to like delete a lot of stuff before it goes public hold up hold up hold up Chris get to work go go start scrolling go do it who knows I don't even remember what's in there I don't know
just like just you know fun stuff I'm kidding I think oh uh Blaze HR uh yeah no don't do that it's about time for you to turn off this live stream I thought that the blaze was about Free Speech yeah thank you yes yes thank you there's no way I could be fired for saying anything no by the way let me just clarify I didn't know you you were following me I'll follow you back myad hold on the guy in the back that reads the pat gry tweets that's Wes that's actually double duty Wes so Wes who helps out with at the mic tremendously
is also a part of pack Ray unleash just just to clarify who Wes is and and the guy doing the tweets and all the stuff during that Ken actually you work primarily well I don't want to say who what shows at the blaze are you a big part of man so I am I I make sketches with the sketch team and that's what I've been doing for the past few years um and uh I primarily have worked with normal world and I've also made sketches with um Sarah Gonzalez Alex Stein and Chad Prather when he was here too um but
I mean it's really fun it's something that I enjoy yeah and so you're one of the guys who uh and I mean this sincerely I'm not this isn't you're one of the guys who like I would never cross paths with like our hours did not uh their streams never crossed right and until until poor choice I realized until until until last Friday until until you know you came in to do that thing but then we crossed our streams no we're good we're moving on so uh you are in a a room that I'm very fond of I'm very familiar with that prop closet and
that's where I modeled hats that that where you are that is the wall next to my office and so every morning for I don't know a month or so last year I would go in there every day and and and try on a different hat and so uh I mean that's when I started following you because I I was like Hey like these hats I know these hats and I know like all all the sketches that they were in uh like we've used all of them for everything those uh some we have uh some I think were Glenn's or the blazes for it from the past that we found so
we've had like a lot of good stuff to use you got anything you could show us there that that I recognize uh we got uh sass made cost no okay now hang on a second I didn't put that on although I don't object to sassy made costumes in general just not for me now you I think you wore this I did Genie hat awesome that is did you ever try out the Leatherman hat I did I did I'm pretty sure I tried on every hat in that room the Bonnet of oh that's that's lovely I missed that one sure do we got you you
requested the visor yes the uh the welders mask type thing by the way uh just just could you tuck that made costume off to the side we might need to might need to revisit that at some point anyway um so what else we got in there we got uh witch oh yeah that was K's Halloween costume as a matter of fact we have we this has been in a lot of stuff it's I don't know like some sort of Barbie cowboy hat I guess that's awesome we got some Army World War II stuff yes we got a big daddy Ed Roth Top Hat Thing um I could go on and on I hear you
yeah you could uh and I know for a fact you could probably for like 30 or 40 days how many I I got to go back and count how many I did with that yeah you should do costume day and just dress up in the costumes too nobody wants to see that nobody wants to see that well I didn't mean the sexy made one I meant there's like there's like Robin there's Superman there's some other fun ones you know 60 something in the studios if you Google Chris Cruz sexy nurse you'll see me dress up as a sexy nurse oh gosh
that's so true I've done that before too I'm not wearing Spandex I'm just not doing that no one said you have to well that's what all these outfits he just he's like all there's uh like a vampire type Cape that'd be fun we have Power Ranger clothes well I guess those are spandex oh and my favorite thing to wear is the fat suit like I'm a fat suit extraordinaire oh really I I before I was here I worked at louder with Crowder and there were a bunch of fat suits in the back and like anytime I played a
character it it wasn't just like like an EMS person it was a fat EMS person not security guard fat security guard like and just I like overused it and then I think everyone hated me oh that's I love you for that anything fat is funny now that's quotable right there anything fat is funny and I don't disagree that's uh well yeah look at what what's her name dank Theos that thing looks funny from the beginning her music is funny the way she walks is funny her suing lift is funny then she falls Ag and then she tries to
be sexy that's funny and then she tries to tell us that she that her mind doesn't match the weight of her body that's funny as heck she has the most fantastic FAA does oh my gosh okay so I want to point this out it's very sad because uh it includes all right you have to recover k out Chris is a no I I rest in peace our our mutual friend Doc Thompson who's in the background here uh but there is one there's Chris Cruz and a sexy nurse's outfit ladies and gentlemen I gotta give it a 10 out of 10 no thank you K Kyle
thank you gosh I actually hate though for looking that up now I like myself a little bit more okay so so let's get to know you gentlemen uh with the not so rapid fire questions that we ask here on the program oh I got a screenshot hold up you gotta get a who my screenshot so I can pay attention to the questions oh okay well um was in this stupid thing you were asking questions and then I kept forgetting the questions you repeating yourself so that's cool uh let's see here I'm gonna make you go first since since you um are a veteran
here oh in more ways than one ha what' you say do I read the question or do you read the question I read the question okay uh so Chris H growing up who is your favorite TV character you can't pick a cartoon oh we just talked about it Power Rangers I was always the Red Power Ranger okay hold on okay am I okay I guess we'll allow that I I should have said I meant like okay well that's fine which Power Ranger did you like and why I said the red one no you didn't say the red one yeah because he's the leader and I always
like to be the leader I like the green one and and when when it was the normal colors right he was you know with pink with Kimberly but then Tommy came and screw everything up so then Kim went with Tommy and Jason stayed all without a girlfriend because stupid Kimberly went with Tommy I remember all of it I know so cool the the Blue Ranger used to be my favorite Billy came out as gay and then I was like oh he did oh I didn't know that no just kidding I liked him even more K Kyle is going to fit in perfectly
here so what was uh what was your character there Ken Kyle well first I want to uh throw a shout out to Michael J fox because when I was a kid I remember him being the first cool kid on TV and uh but my favorite character was Steve Urkel I liked Steve urle so much that I dressed up as him uh for Halloween in third grade uh you wouldn't be able to do that today oh no not kid no that's awesome I he like again again I like the like the train with the 3ks no idea just innocent like you know he was my
favorite so like I got to dress up for him one year you know in blackface that's hilarious did anybody give you any crap at all I don't think so because it didn't really seem like a thing then what year was this it would have been like 93 oh yeah no one cared no no one cared at 93 no and if they did no one said anything well and I just that I don't because think about it the mindset of 93 was not what the mindset of 2020 is right or shoot 2024 yeah but that was the um 1993 was the birth of political correctness with the
Clinton Administration that's when we started policing speech trying to control thoughts and and the whole woke train began to uh barrel down the tracks it was pulling out of the station in 1993 100% you say it like it's a bad thing yes I do and so um I specifically remember that was the first time that I heard that term uh political correctness was from where first from the first year of the uh Clinton administration and very likely Chris I don't know for a fact but I'm going to assume uh on Rush
limbo uh may he that's what I was thinking I think it was either political or like SE span I mean I was in guys I I I I was a political geek well that's what I said I I was thinking like either a in like 93 you were working right you were like how old were you in 93 Keith uh 16 yeah you were working so I was there thinking you were either stuck in front of C-SPAN or you were working for for a radio host well I've to I've told this uh story before that the way I got into talk radio the very first time was and
you can thank the Atlanta Falcons for sucking so much is that they were blacked out and and so I had the game on radio whenever they were playing at home and they never sold out and so you had to listen on the radio and so there was a teacher work day or for some reason we came home early from school this particular day this Monday after I had been listening to the Falcons on the radio on the Sunday so normally I wasn't home early enough to catch rush before 3 p.m. Eastern but on this particular day
when I turned on the radio it was still on the Falcons affiliate which at the time was the same station that Rush was on and I think it was Circa 1990 14 year old that sounds about right and I was hooked and there you go that's how it happened so congratulations the Atlanta Falcons uh parentally sucking is why I ended up uh falling in love with talk radio Rush lumbo Etc that's a fact okay where were we uh have you ever borrowed something and not gotten it back maybe someone's borrowed something
of yours and not returned it Ken Kyle what say you okay so I have an interesting story I bought this movie called House of the Dead on DVD it's a based off of a a arcade shooting game it's about zombies and it was awful it was one of the worst movies I ever seen and it was so cra and then someone wanted to borrow it and so I left I let them borrow it and I didn't care but then someone told me that the director UI bow had commentary on there where he's just talking himself up how he's the best director in the world how this
movie is so great and uh like it sounded hilarious to me so I kept asking for it back and I never got it back now I do want to add that I actually am a fan of uib bow now because he challenged all his internet critics to boxing matches and he beat all of their asses oh wow yeah did you did you ever get to hear that commentary no I didn't because he never gave it back I don't want to waste any money on that movie again and so um now you've given everything back right you you you haven't stolen anything um inadvertently
I've stolen some hearts hang hang on where's my where's my damn phone hang on hang on a second so so I just oh that's not the right one where's where here it is sorry sorry I had to find it okay so anyway let me just uh let me just ask you this uh Ken Kyle um have you ever stolen anything I've stolen some hearts thank you okay gave you the rim shot that that that helped it I think thank you uh and anyway uh Chris how about you I was trying to think I don't I I don't know um I don't think I've ever owned something that
somebody wanted and never gave it I don't have anything that someone would want he I'm like I don't know but funny you say that because um I just got my solar panels cleaned out um $168 to get your solal panels cleaned out wow um and $20 same as downtown rip. Thompson and I looked this way to the ground because I'm on the second flooor and I was like what are those I'm like oh my gosh I asked my old neighbor that no longer lives in the neighborhood anymore he moved out like maybe two years ago uh I was I needed some the pole
diggers to uh install new fence and I say hey can I use your pole diggers and somehow okay Keith if I were to come to you and ask hey Keith can I borrow you pole diggers you be like oh yeah I got four of them let me let you borrow one no somehow I said let me have all four of them and I have four pole hole diggers next to my house so hang on it's 2025 I don't think we're allowed to call them that anymore so hang on a second hang on Chris Cruz hang on I know what you're talking about I think they're called
postle diggers post hole diggers and you shove them in the ground and you step on them and then okay so hang on a second why did you need four at a time you can only use one at a time that's a good question ke I don't know why have four who came up with the let's do four of them I don't remember and that's a bad thing about my memory you know earlier you were talking about how if you have you know Biden brain you know let you know I have what is called PTSD brain so I would do something I completely forget
why I did it why did I do my wife sometimes hates me for this because she said she had a full-blown conversation I'm I'm in that stage where I'll say okay fine we'll had this conversation um what did I say and Oh no you're letting her I hope right history oh no no used you know or taken advantage of my wife loves me so I think she's not going to use that and take advantage of me but there's been a couple of conversations that we had oh for example we just had this conversation right um and and it's a big
one I bet you know if we have parents that are listening you relate to this especially now in the after covid vaccine right and again I'm not a vaccine denier no I believe in vaccines just give me time right not like here's a vaccine and go shove it right no no I believe in vaccines right I know I know I know no no no no you talk you talk I wasn't gonna say anything until Ken started shaking his head he empowered me so you know we just got done doing some vaccines for the for the kiddos um and Zeke is done with vaccine until he's
11 and I just asked um oh how many did he get she said he got four and I was like could we just have space them out you know not all at once and then she started to cry and they started to cry and I was like I'm not upset I'm just asking I guess we've had this conversation long time ago that um she was worried about vaccines and what vaccine should we give to our kids because you know again vaccines so I made her cry because I guess now I showed that I cared but I was just simply asking a question about maybe
next time we just you know space him out and she said we just had this conversation a long time ago I've been struggling with this for three years I'm like I'm sorry okay so we did have this conversation okay I'm sorry I just completely forgot so it's kind of a big conversation too that you forgot to forget yes I know rip to all the vaccinated out there okay it's true yeah but funny you say that did you guys see about the bar um the bar stool uh employee that just died suddenly no yeah Bar El pres uh tweeted out that
it's a very sad story and Baro lost one of the reporters or whatever want to call it and he said quote die suddenly end of quote Oh you heard about it Ken no I didn't hear about that I just I've seen others and the M checks out yeah it's not funny no it sucks man it sucks and will people like Anthony FY ever be held accountable nope nope oh let's not go down that route that's a waste of hang to think hang on a second hang on I'm I'm distracted Chris uh behind you something is delicious don't touch
your camera just something's delicious and I and I hesitate to ask what you know what it is no I can't see above delicious do you want to know what it is I know do we want to know Ken Kyle yes I think you should guess oh yes it ends with what looks like an M it looks like an and it's what I I don't know you just I think I know what it is but he's afraid to say I want to go with popcorn yes popor yes Ken Kyle ladies and gentlemen not as ruined as I am because I was nowhere near popcorn okay so um
where were we I got to find my freaking question we're going to question three by the way by the way something that someone borrowed from me not that y'all asked but uh it was a book titled how Al Gore stole the two tried to steal the 2000 election wow and I mean and I'm still bitter so they stole that book that's a damn good book that got stolen about a stolen election almost stolen almost anyway all right um where are we Chris what do you think the legal drinking age should be in the US and let
me stop right there before you answer that Chris do you know off the top of your head and don't spend a lot of time but do you know how many countries you've been to in your life because you know you were in the Air Force and I just wondered you know how many how many countries between seven and 10 probably most of them were Islamic countries so yes Germany I was in Germany okay so what's the drinking age in Germany 18 is it it's 18 okay every uh as soon as we hit overseas all the 18 year olds in
the military can drink and to answer your question I think and I I honestly believe this even though I don't drink right like I'm about to say this um 18 if you're old enough to serve your country you're old enough to grab yourself a beer now I'm not condoning that you should get you know all drunk or no but if you're old enough to serve your country you're definitely old enough to crack a beer open well that was the Vietnam War that empowered uh young men and women to vote at 18 because if you're old enough to
Die For Your Country you're old enough to vote for those making policies that could uh alter the direction or end your life uh and so that Amendment and by the way talk about a segue almost I've got coming up amendments in American history that failed and I only read a couple of them and I stopped reading them because I thought we would just read them together there I'm sorry we do today yeah I got them right here oh fun like that yeah that'll be fun so okay um so what do you think the legal drinking age
should be in the US Chris 18 is that what you're landing on okay Ken so was was it 18 in the 70s uh or did does anybody know I I was I think know what I hold on hold on I think it wasn't a federal standard but continue okay so I think I'm thinking about the movie Dazed and Confused it was just set in the 70s and uh I remember asking about why it was 18 or whatever or why they changed it and my dad said that just too many young people were dying but I ALS so I mean 21 is probably better but I agree with Chris
about like you know an exemption should be made for anybody who's military yeah and and I was thinking about that so I didn't know if that was an acceptable answer so like if you just right if you're and again I'm coming from the mindset that Israel has one thing right that they they a person should either serve their country or become a civil servant I do agree one of those two um so I'm coming from theet that um if you're stay not home and you're not going to serve your country why do you need a
beer right because you're proba playing video games I got the answer here so before prohibition it was 21 um uh so most States was 21 and then uh prohibition passed and then after prohibition Most states set the minimum legal drinking age at 21 but in the 1970s I wonder if it was also Vietnam related like you said between 1970 and 1975 29 States lowered their minimum drinking age to 18 19 or 20 and yeah this happened at the same time the voting age was lowered to 18 well in the 1980s Congress passed a law
basically saying if you don't um raise your minimum legal drinking age sure states you have the right to change your minimum drinking age but if it's not 21 or higher we will stop with the Federal Highway funds they also did that with the speed limit but anyway um and so by 19 88 all 50 states in the District of Columbia had raised their minimum drinking age to 21 in other words sure States you can totally change it to whatever you want to but if it's not 21 or higher you're not g to get your uh
your daddy funds Cash Cow well and and I was I was checking while you were talking about that well here in Texas um a minor can drink alcohol as long as the parent is with them oh Texas um yeah absolutely you can so um you know I like how young like um it does it just says allows miners to drink in public if they're with a parent um miners can also drink alcohol in the private of the home miners can drink alcohol in licensed places like a restaurant if the parent is present and um gives him permission
that's pretty crazy so like see that rule I agree it should be up to Mom and Dad yeah me too uh all right so on the first date who should pay the bill should it be split what are your thoughts in Kyle well I think women should because I believe in equality here here oh look he got he got you a little uh laughing emoji now however I I uh don't go out on too many dates because I believe in this equality where they should pay so it doesn't work out too well but I stick to my principles you go that you know I may be
oldfashioned but I believe that the male should pay um the only way the only way I I could get around this is if she asked me out but then if she's asking me out why am I gonna go out with her because that means I was too scared to go out with her and I was too intimidated so why should I even go out with her that's a lot going on upstairs with this hey uhuh huh okay Sue says whoever asks yeah uh should pay so do you sit there stare at the bill well oh oh I get it I get it whoever asks out on the date yeah yeah
that's fair absolutely I like that yeah yeah uh oh born genius J I'm never going to get this right uh I'm worth it he pays put her picture back up again let me see if she's worth it I'm not doing that put her picture Sweet Lord oh yeah she's worth it I'll pay okay where are we what question is uh she looks you're what you're who I'm afraid to ask what you said she looks like my server I went to a I went to a Japanese restant for sushi oh today man I could I I will never eat sushi I'm just really yeah so the wife
has been asking me to go out for sushi for two years now um and we found out all you can eat sushi and I have so much sushi in my tummy right now it's like not even funny bear belt one is there one here so good huh is there one here yeah there's there's one like 20 minutes or so away from here also go try little Katana it's really good little Katana okay they have good music too I just I just cannot accept what is it what's my issue yeah you don't like it the term raw fish is just something I cannot get past I've never tried it raw
fish you there's some cooked ones they'll cook some ones yeah I don't know I think you should try it uh like I didn't eat it growing up I just started eating it more recently and I'm I I'm a fan I feel like I'm going to get like the the Blowfish poison you know whatever I don't know those those are for the elites I don't think who you talking to have you seen those where I'm gonna get the Blowfish that if you slice it incorrectly boom you're dead yeah plus I like Japan Japan is cool Japan you know
that's one thing I don't like about this whole Michelin stars because usually a Japanese restaurant will get it and I get so aggravated because like oh they gota be yeah I get it and it's art and you know it's little you know oh wait I can I can raise my hand can I hang on what I I have a question a question um where do people see listen I got a note on my screen it sounds like you have said something something so your hand will be lowered thank you for that up anyway so um I where do you see Michelin ratings
anymore what what is that I mean I know what it is but where are you seeing them on the door I mean where are they yeah there are on the on where the host stands that's where your mission and star is if you if you all remember the movie Ratatouille it was on the big sign outside huh okay speaking of Ratatouille the chef ended up killing himself didn't he I think I think it was suicide yeah that's thank you Disney that was kind of you anyway um okay uh Ken Kyle uh What uh what was the question I don't even
remember what the question was anymore what were we talking about sushi no that wasn't even a question was it uh it is Chris if you could serve in a presidential cabinet I'm sorry I don't I I thought thought it was a question I forgot and we just randomly came up with it because that's what have Chris had for a lunch uh so so Chris if you could serve in a presidential cabinet what secretary would you want to be secretary I was thinking about that um I don't want to do defense or nothing like that I want to do something like legit
something that will transfer over in the real world so maybe agriculture I won't do HUD because I feel like that's just racist wait why is it racist because only the black person gets it is that right yes so I'm thinking like agriculture um interior I love interior do you um treasury that's way too much work so maybe something like that like yeah interior or agriculture okay shoot I'll take Transportation okay but I think I'm leaning more for the interior Secretary of the Interior oh you want to deal with like
uh national parks and whatnot yeah oh I love me a good Park man I'm a socker for Parks okay all right all right um okay wow um the the people of color one two three four five five of the last seven uh HUD secretaries have been people of color nice call true interesting interesting well Ken did blackface when he was a little kid so he might want to be a secretary oh I could I could be that I could be part of Hud no I mean I didn't expect no I didn't expect HUD and interior to be our choice or just our
our really what were you expecting I don't I don't know like CIA or there not really a secretary but it's a I guess I'm thinking of the ones that have to be approved by the nomination process but if I'm just doing secretaries yeah I don't I don't often see I'm a hypocrite I don't often give thought to the questions that I I'm gonna have to look up a list um interior actually would be fun I mean that's okay so if you think about it you got Secretary of Education I really don't care about the education secretary
interior you got the par secretary agriculture you know that you're dealing with amazing people there you're dealing with the farmers The Growers you with those those people know what they're doing and if you respect those people they'll respect you back and they'll take care of you and Secretary of the Treasury again way too much going on there Secretary of Defense definitely not you want to be Secretary of State and travel the world and trying to keep countries in lineary state but then again that
means I'm representing the state treasury treasury deal with the money yeah but that means that you have to work with the Secret Service defense uh attorney general interior agriculture Commerce labor boring uh HHS uh HUD like you said there let's see Transportation which we know uh the the standard isn't set by Pete Buddha judge we're all qualified to be Secretary of Transportation energy soon as you r a train you can be S yeah uh education veterans and DHS so anyway yeah all right what was your
answer K other than HUD oh well um I'm actually offended by the question because I think being a secretary is a woman's job and I would want to be bordar that's because I I'm all about deportations and I like Tom homman Tom homman is my spiritual animal wait hold on it's I think it's just spirit animal I don't know that you do the whole word spiritual no I you heard it right spiritual animal I love the way Chris talks uh okay uh where we at here I have not a clue uh when when you were younger did
you ever sneak out of the house and where did you go uh who's up next K Kai I believe you're next right or uh for that I don't really remember doing that I staying inside and playing Nintendo and Playstation drawing pictures your mom's watching isn't she you do look like my only fan kid well remember Keith he started his own podcast playing oh yes hold up oh yeah tell us about your podcast would you yep I'm I'm starting my own podcast tomorrow and it is called oops oops oops it's called drum roll why do I feel like he's
he's just coming up with this on the Fly doesn't feel organic on the Fly no no no tomorrow it starts super Kendo where I play nintend Nintendo games okay and and that's it hold on it's tomorrow so okay so so starting tomorrow super contendo is GNA be a thing and and people just watch you play video like do you announced as you're like as you're playing do you say hey I'm doing this and I'm doing this and I'm going to go find this or is it just silence and it's just us watching you play Oh I might talk about some stuff or
whatever but um you know I I don't know well I I haven't started it yet we'll find out tomorrow when I do it it's a surprise so where can we where can we watch super Kendo debut uh super Kendo dotv it's taking everything in me to keep from typing that in okay all right uh Chris what the hell was the question no I never snuck out ca really yeah I never did I was staring to think about it even if I could come up with a lie but no like I lived in PTO Rico if I sneak out you know the anakanda gets me so I can't do that and
then here when I came to this State hold on what what what did you just say if you sneak yeah the anakonda will get me I don't I don't understand what you're saying if is that a sexual reference yeah what is happening what you know what a big snake is yes I know is we know what an anaconda is I'm just trying to figure out like where you would cross paths with one I lived I was I was basically a not Mountaineer that's not the right word I was at Hillbilly in Puerto Rico I lived in the in the rainforest okay so you meant you you
sincerely meant an anaconda might yes okay I shame on K KY and me because our our heads are somewhere else apparently I mean we didn't remember BR I'll pay for her too bring her back up I'll pay for her yeah I'll for no let me see her hair oh my gosh yeah she's cute what did you say I never snuck out and always what did she say you didn't read it oh my gosh I never snuck out and always let my parents know where I was because I didn't want them worried about me any more than they already were a yeah that was me that's exactly that was
me well done you're a good person unlike Keith good job there we go I just figured out how to do that too oh no G give some K Ken Ken did you ever sneak out of the house I I we went over that with me already I [Laughter] have my mom's watching remember that's right that's right no she wouldn't watch anything I do a I can't read my handwriting gentlemen so please please hold while I try to decipher what I wrote here how old do you think dinosur are no I got that here I got that by the way I only snuck out
twice it was once to um to wish somebody a merry you know a white Christmas in July and then the other time was uh that was with toilet paper oh my gosh I can't keep Chris awake and then the other time was uh I only snuck out of the house uh when I liveed with my grandparents because I wanted to go to Arby's and get like five for five I do remember yes I remember the problem was you remember the problem outside my bedroom window at Nan anda's house do you remember that no there was a holly bush those things are sharp five for
five was not worth what I went through I remember that I huh oh I was gonna say when you say you snuck out for a white Christmas in July you're saying admitting to do in cocaine no no uh that would be a toilet papering uh oh right an individual before I I I tore off this little note I wrote to myself because I'm I'm I'm determined by the end of this show today to figure out what it uh what it says but uh haven't got there yet i' I've cracked half of it okay so uh don't forget uh you got your lottery
your Powerball 89 million this weekend Mega Millions 59 million some guy just won 1.2 million and he almost forgot to even check his ticket it's uh because uh was going to miss work or something and somebody texted him oh did you win the lottery and that's what reminded him to check his ticket and sure enough he had won the freaking Lottery 1.2 million this is getting awkward Chris don't get any closer it's he's using all these new features I just found a bunch of features and can you zoom on this thing where's the zoom zoom
you and there's something called beautification and I it all the way up but like my face is the same hold on hold on where's the setting for the zoom what do you click for that Chris uh you click on Smart Zoom I don't have that oh yeah no I it is smart Zoom is great now move your head around and it will follow you yeah where I don't have Smart Zoom it's under effects or something so well I feel what kind of laptop you got I don't know what is it Lenovo oh are you on a Mac Chris no yes so I'm on a m you don't get it so it's
not a feature I gotta yeah I bet okay so here are some uh amendments some Constitutional Amendments that that never made it through uh the whole process here if you want to go back to 1876 there was an attempt to abolish the United States Senate it's too bad that one didn't go through wow that's a lovely place you're at there Chris uh also in 1876 boy they were really pissy back then the forbidding of religious leaders from occupying a governmental office or receiving Federal funding wow uh 1878 an executive Council of three to
replace the office of President oh uh that that came back around during Jimmy Carter his era because he suck so bad at it 1993 a constitutional amendment failed that would have renamed this nation the United States of the earth oh I like that why because it's like Futurama okay also you know what it would do it would open us up to places like Greenland because then we aren't pigeon hold into America I like it too yeah uh 1893 abolishing the United States Army and Navy all right what freak tried that 1894 libertarian I bet
you was some dumb libertarian hey hey uh let's see 1894 acknowledging that the constitution recognizes God and Jesus Christ's Supreme authorities in human Amen to that I thought that that was already established in uh the Constitution well I think it got a roded over time oh definitely more than a little 1912 making marriage between races illegal oh the pro now we're in the Progressive area boys 1912 1914 finding divorce to be legal 1916 all acts of War should be put to a national vote anyone voting yes had to register
as a volunteer for service in the US Army hey you'll stop Wars very quickly if you do that yes you will it goes back right it goes back to what we always say like all these Congress people and Senators when they vote for a war of course they are because they're not going yep either are fortunate Sons yep uh let's see 1933 an attempt to limit personal wealth to $1 million oh gosh somebody wake Chris up uh 1936 an attempt to allow the American people to vote on whether or not the United States should go to war that sounds similar
does 1938 the forbidding of drunkenness in the United States and all of its territories okay that's unacceptable you need to stop the personal attacks what are you drinking water oh okay probably yeah it's it's not it's not this now when this glass is empty then it'll be this so I'm gonna go mosy on over to your office and get some too there's none in there oh well that's too bad or it's hidden no let's see here H let's see 19 where the hell did I leave off 1947 the income tax maximum for an individual should not exceed
25% uh uh yes please yes please should not exceed 10% but this is 25 if it's good it's good for you 1948 the right of citizens to segregate themselves from others wait now that's freedom of Association I I I don't think that this had anything to do with just leave me alone I think this is a little bit more Jim crowy let's see let's see 1971 American citizens should have the uh the alienable right to an environment free of pollution that's the stupidest damn thing and there you go these are failed
uh constitutional amendments in history uh okay I'm telling you this continuity of government thing with the DC crash because that's what the the Blackhawk was participating in a mission you know or or an assignment or whatever the hell what what do you call it Chris now he's muted now um what is wait now I can hear myself what are we doing uh check check check okay that's better all right uh anyway the continuity of government that was uh that was what what the chopper was uh yeah yes it I don't know I just that's
still bugging me and and now it shouldn't bug me because if we didn't have a plan for continuity of government I've done a little bit of research uh since this morning when we talked about on Pat G over on the blaze uh if they didn't have a plan in place and something really bad happened especially in our nation's capital then I'd be the same person to be pissed that we didn't have a plan in place so you know I can understand why they would do something like that but new details today uh and I haven't
checked in the last couple hours so if you guys have any new information or if you want to Google right now um I know that the uh the FAA employee that was running the show there in the tower I know they were doing the job of two that came out of originally then a couple of hours ago it came out that the other employee that was supposed to be there was allowed to go home early what what were're finding what what I have yet to find out is what was the excuse like like in other words I mean if they were
vomiting profusely if they were you know they had diarrhea explosive diarrhea or something like I can understand that but if it was just yeah I I want to go and watch the game see I don't know understand that oh sorry oh yeah okay all right so um I don't know know the reason for that now something else I want to address is I keep hearing that the chopper was taking an erratic route that's something that I want some more information on and of course we got explanation my only explanation to that is if this was a
training Mission the erratic routes it was probably the pilot trying to get his the training in right now the other question would be then why would he do it in such a close proximity to a you know airport it goes back we don't know what kind of train yet I know um Secor heg Seath is on it but I I'm curious to know because it's obviously was a night Mission obviously the the army filed the paperwork and they got permission and the base commander you know it was clear for the for the crew chiefs to be there
it's and it was a pilot with a co-pilot so it had everything approved the one thing that that I would love to know is where did the mess up happened was it a air traffic controller and the more information we get out of it it looks like the um the air traffic controller might get most of the blame and I agree after what Keith said yesterday were you know there were more than just one plane and when the tower asked the helicopter do you see the plane he says yes and ask for a wasn't specific enough but it wasn't
specific enough and I know Pilots have contacted youi and told us that like hey the the traffic control did not say hey 11 o'cl you know yeah you know uh passenger plane yes so I honestly feel like I If you were to ask me today Chris where you think theault is I say 8020 80 going to the tower 20 going to the pilot okay um and by the way by the way by the way we need to address this the Joe Ellis thing going around the trans pilot what what's what's so interesting is that on that day the 29th Michael
marones his Facebook page has an interview with a trans pilot named Joe Ellis so I don't and so people are saying that there was a Joe Ellis I haven't heard that name released by the Department of Defense uh and so I don't know if it was just ironic that that interview uh occurred so people are trying to say that it the same person I I would caution us on that I mean it may turn out to be that is the case but we haven't heard officially the name of the third uh uh the co so we know the pilot we know the crew chief we don't know the
co-pilot yet that's what that's what I'm trying to find out and if you recall um there was a lot and I I ended up stumbling on this as well if you recall during Christmas break they said that they had identified the burning victim on the New York City subway and that was completely wrong as well so let's just find out and wait for the uh DOD can I just I want to I want to clear my name here for just a second here did you have thought on this super oh yeah I kind of and I mean I don't have any knowhow but I just sort of
think that it was on purpose um because there's too many things happening that that are weird and then get memory hold um one of them is when that fery or what barge ran into the Francis scottt keybridge um that was some time after a Russian uh bombing attack and you know I have I don't know who would do what but like that could have been retaliatory I mean it looked like it went right into it it steered right into it you saw the power go out and then I mean you these Blackhawk helicopters there's even a
video from a few months ago or where where those can be remote controlled yeah so let's do this off the top of our head Francis Scott Key bridge memory hold um we've got uh the New Orleans attack is on its way to be memory hold Las Vegas memory hold Las Vegas few years ago memory hold so I got two Las Vegas memory HS uh uh we've got the uh Pennsylvania shooter of trump memory hold the uh Florida assassination of trump memory hold I mean the list is just getting untenable man let's go let's crack some of these codes but uh I
I I can't go any further until we address this because people are blaming me in the chat and I just won't stand for a for a typo or or a spell check error that's that's being unfairly pinned on yours truly uh super contendo you're gonna need to change borders are yeah take that take that a off of there come on come on now I I thought about I was gonna let that go until people started saying did y'all see what Keith typed and he miss spill okay I can't no was it was Keith's fault Keith's the one that controls it I I
just fixed it for you guys in the chat you're a bad person that right there well under Ken's thing that's something I would have done and I would have never guessed that I spilled it incorrectly I mean at least you admit that right uh all right so it's gonna be interesting to see where this goes but Ken I think you're right man I think I think a week from now I I fear I fear a week from now it won't even be a topic of even even okay let's say let's say even that's true let's say it goes into the you know memory hole whatever you
want to call it I'm really impressed with the transparency and the quickness from this Administration oh that's the other thing I want to address when you're done right so immediate you know I gotta what did I say what did I say this morning I said Trump when he is bombastic and way out in front of a story challenge him at your peril on this stuff because when he says something like it was Dei well how do you know that because I have common sense now the Press is like well we don't we don't say that we're we're not
ready to report that well you're not the endel be and you're not the president of the United States and you're not the commander and chief the top of the chain of of what apparently caused this accident so or I'm sorry I'm sorry Ken this AC so why don't you let him say because every time the Press does this and anytime someone says Trump's being trump it turns out he's right he was right and he never gets credit they don't go back and go well it turns out that six months ago when Donald Trump told his X it
turned out to be X when we we screamed it was y so let's keep an eye on that thread and trust me this is the great thing about Trump being president because if this turns out if he does turn out to be absolutely correct whether he's right about it being the FAA or the helicopter or whatever a Dei policy that that led to this then he is at least in in a position as president states to have a the biggest megaphone possible to come back and go told you told you and what's funny is um so for example when this whole thing happened
right you know immediately and it's it's you know of course but immediately um The Blonde Squad was out the Blonde Squad The Press Secretary was right in the front talking to Fox News and she said the Pres oh you don't know about the Blonde Squad I've never heard that term associated with anything theond Squad this sounds like a uh a a sounds like a a series so the Blonde Squad um is the new new Administration that um what's her name Caroline Caroline levit okay so press secretary yeah car line I thought you knew this if
I if I knew this uh um if you didn't knew this was gonna be so they're called The Blonde Squad and is Karen Caroline and her two and her two sidekicks which are blondes okay um Kar um Caroline levit yes give me one I don't know who her got I got him I got him so this is your Blonde Squad okay ah stupid hold up sorry it's my back the one time I'm trying to be cool about this Burns me oh look at that popcorn oh yeah so this is your block I'm going to give you who who the name are so these are all press uh affiliated bab is what
they she is thank you she's in charge and those are her two assistants basically okay um and they're called the they're called the uh the the blond Squad and you got oh they don't have their names in here oh here we go nope they don't have their names what the heck I thought they would have their names in here darn but anyways they came out and they were already talking to the Press then the next day you had everybody in their mother right there got Christian Nome you had uh secretary uh Pete and then hexa did this amazing
thing he took his interview just like we're doing our stupid not stupid doing this thing with his camera took us inside the office of the C of defense and I was like what there's an office like that's [Music] amazing so I I I was I'm curious to you know think about if this incident would have happened in a Biden or a Harris wal no because even that night Caroline levit was um calling in uh you think kjp is gonna be bothered to call inity that night right y briefing briefing America telling them the president is
aware we'll find out what happened that's wild that is awesome Yep and just so you know um those two chicks behind her don't have names they do have oh no I finally found him I finally found here we go just as I said that Sunny Joy Nelson yes and Keegan nle yes Sunny Joy that's they're called the blonde Squad okay so let let me go one step deeper on this uh crash thing remember how we played the video today on packr Unleashed of the there there were they were practicing ice rescues on the river yeah
okay granted it's it's not often that that you can practice right there in DC so it was cold enough a lot of people are saying Jeffy kind of uh intonated that huh look at them practice now let's just set that aside for a second our government is famous for practicing for disasters on the eve of actual disasters so I I'm just I mean they they were doing exercises in New York uh on 911 2001 uh if if you recall there was a little thing called event 2011 on the eve of the covid-19 outbreak um we had they tried to set up
this election monitoring thing for election day 2024 but news got out about that that they would be accessing servers and all that stuff and they're like yeah we're not going to do that now thanks though that was a that that that's so and there there's been other um situations let's say where it's just too ironic uh the coincidences ahead of major events so I preface that by saying this headline FBI begins nuclear incident drill in New York amid fears of World War I it started Sunday it runs through
today I'm sure it's fine um just so you know they're they're just getting ready for any kind of radiological attack so that uh response Personnel uh can can practice protecting the public health and safety uh again I'm sure it's honestly I I bet it is just a normal thing that that happens but just I to let you know uh uh they're prepared for a a nuclear attack a radiological attack in New York city so you should you should sleep tight knowing that the authorities are are planning for the worst in protection of
you speaking of that one of my kids that I Mentor uh just graduated from Kosar so send me a picture of him he is officially in the United States Coast Guard and he'll be stationed in California EXC well God bless what was that did you hear that Ding I did that was I don't know what it was I don't either uh well anyway uh please give him our best for sure hold on a second it says super contendo dotv I am this close to checking that why don't why do I feel gullible at this point um would you guys huh because you
are yeah I honestly there something's happening to me uh I have I told you it's a Biden brain uh Chris this next story is for you oh before I do this I I was practicing this before you jumped on here Chris uh me and Ken and and I want to ask the audience if they can hear this uh and if they can how loud blah blah blah blah blah can you hear ad so there you go can you guys see that video uh I had to switch screens here you see that baby everybody yeah yes no yes okay I need some confirmation here okay cool
all right so this is a thing where they discovered that uh babies really love the sound of tape so hopefully you guys can hear the greatest sound in the world babies laughing at tape this is hysterical and I just set this up and now if you can't hear the audio it will be the biggest let down ever did you hear the baby laughing yeah yeah yeah that was normal this time normal yeah [Music] [Music] ready [Laughter] why does that say what the hell who who wrote [Music] [Music] that that one actually got like sad when
he when they started closing it again yeah I think he was just intensely staring at it but I didn't realize until I scrolled down that somebody whoever captured this uhhuh they captured it what the hell I mean come on that is a odd uh that's odd way to title that there let's see if I can get back to you guys now there we go okay all right I'm just glad you could hear that hey I've got a story freshly made for Chris Cruz and and the headline is yes the color of your egg yolk matters here's what it means means I have got I've got
a list of all the different shades of egg yolks that um like what they mean and so Chris I want to know if if if if wait why aren't we outside with your chickens bro what's the deal oh because I I'm supposed to be thank you for reminding me let me put my pants back on okay thank you for reminding me to feed my chickens today I was going to let them starve to death but I was drink the reason the reason why I'm up here is because I need to be cleaning um Draco Draco Malfoy oh dude he's he's looking at you
like bro get over here so um he stinks like there no tomorrow hold on is that him on top there yeah what am I looking at yeah okay I have to clean him up he like looking at you right there yeah D you been looking at us for the last hour and 17 minutes is that awkward or what man oh yes it is wait your pants are on right confirmed yeah confirmed they're on I just oh whoa hey bud what's up he's like i' I've been waiting to be invited all right so so hold on a second here's a question for you right now can you smell
him or is it his cage smells I think it's the cage I don't think it's him that's why I took him out yeah I don't think it's him that's good he's like thank you it's weird because I literally went at least like eight months without cleaning his kenel his bucket thingy here never had a smell issue so I wonder if it's the sand because we have movie Nights on Frid up here in the movie room and U my wife told me at lunch yeah we're not can't have a movie night when it smells like something died upstairs yeah right
what what does he um does he ever Mt and have his skin come off and all that stuff oh yeah he already happened how often does that happen I don't know that's a good question huh but we have some parts here I still hasn't oh he's ticklish yeah okay so get this if your hin okay so stop me if okay let me let me back up all of your chickens how many do you currently have 12 12 do do their eggs um do the yolks all have the same color Yes okay now listen to this description and stop me when you hear the Yol that is
best descriptive of your chickens okay got pale yellow no okay pale yellow means a Hinn's diet was mostly wheat barley or white cornmeal okay uh is it a medium or darker yellow Chris Cruz no A Hen's diet that has that color Yol was mostly corn or alfalfa meal how about your yolks are they orange ye yes okay does this check out that means the hen's diet was rich in uh protein carotenoids is that carrots I hell I don't know uh which are pigments found in oh it's gonna tell me sorry in plants like marigolds carrots pumpkins
and sweet potatoes that's in the that's in their diet yes okay um let's see so uh hen foraged for Foods I'm listening did you say something if it if it has a different shade of because mine are like dark orange okay so greenish would mean that um uh it has H let's see the diet of the hen may have contributed to a greenish ring if it was this this did not print up properly so let's just say bugs I think that's the bug one green grass oh gr that makes grass bugs worms okay uh let's see darker yolks are more common
in Freer range eggs and by the way yeah can I just say and I don't want to put you on the spot here but there is a a big distinction that people I don't think realize too often maybe more so now than years ago but Freer range organic and pasture raised are completely different descriptors can you explain that to people range is what I have meaning they are able to do whatever the heck they want in the backyard they can sleep in the coup they don't have to sleep in the CP okay uh and so but I mean this
applies to like beef too yes yes what are the other options let's see it was uh organic pasture raised or free range what's the other one what somebody in the chat will know this right on the meat because the meat is really specific um I'm trying just I can't but I I'll could tell a funny story about um our eggs because we just happened this end of the season for our eggs um when I've uh sometimes when I I I get a little bit too excited with my chickens I like to give them snack he says that as his lizard goes
flopping on the couch just we're just doing facts here man um I like to give them snacks because I like to you know make sure that they're nice and taken care of and um he literally jumped from the couch to the floor he's having so much fun right now I can stretch is that door closed I don't want him getting out there the dogs man oh the dogs are downstairs um he but I'm look look at look at me look at me worried for the bearded dragon getting out of the toy room or whatever he's in up there oh no he can't get up
here okay um but so we when we were're cracking some EGS to make some uh uh some scrambled eggs for dinner and I smell fish and I'm like oh that's so wrong so I'm eating and then I divided all the eggs between me and my wife and the kids and my wife is like oh my gosh kid Chris this is rotten eggs you feeding us rotten eggs what happened was that my snacks I gave them too much snacks and they were not eating the worms and the stuff that they're supposed to eat they were just packing and eating the little Pebbles of snacks
that change their diet and the eggs weren't bad it's just they were extra omega3 oh no we threw them away and then after the internet was like no don't throw them away you just have extra Omega 3s I was like no so you ruined it then huh I just this is this is so ironic you talked about um it smells like rotten eggs on that stuff just as you were saying that I'm like something stinks up here what is that and I look over and uh here's the uh here's the guilty party uh this is I just took a picture Tanner laying over
here Tanner lay over here with his big lump on his neck there and you can see uh definitely I know it's you bro I love you the pieces but you need to go UT I dare not say the word because then I'm gonna be under pressure to take him UT hey I looked up the uh the free range meat is meat from animals that have had continuous access to the outdoors for more than half of their lives that's free range um and so you have you know like they have to review of your application all that stuff free range meat there's another one what was the
other one I was looking up guys um organic or something I think that's the kind of grain that they have access uh to let's see organic is a label that indicates a food or product agriculture product has been produced uh uh using approved methods that promote ecological balance conserve but whatever the hell anyway make them uh taste different in the end o is it more of just an ethical thing ah I good question super contendo dotv I'm not I'm I'm refusing to to go he's looking it up right now I was I
almost did I almost did hey um I didn't even pull this video mostly because it was kind of stupid actually it was just a picture that they think that there was this fish in Japan this is such a Japan story yeah an aquarium in Japan so basically yeah here it does have the picture though they they said the fish was sick this big fish and then so what they did is because it was lonely because it was like um I forgot what the um uh oh they're refurbishing it that's what it was so so they're undergoing a
makeover at this aquarium and so there's no uh people in there right now and so he got sick because he got lonely and so then they put a cloth rack as you can see right up against the uh up against the and now they said he feels better wow did you see I don't think this was that's trickery in Japan but I think it was like overseas the mermaid that got got attacked by the catfish no wait what oh yeah yeah I saw it that I do you think that hurt I think it did I I don't no sorry yes yeah her head the lady dressed in the
mermaid yeah out of her man dude could you imagine if that was a shark right oh and that called on video yeah capitation yeah sucks her whole head in oh my gosh so this is at an aquarium and she gets out of there man uh as soon as it happens watch this y'all can you see that like the fish her head is inside oh oh you freak so her head looks intact and not damaged yeah right right right and she got out of there I think I honestly think it was one of those where it was like oh what is this yeah and it
might have just like sucked her head or something there we go she posted a picture it uh it kind of cut cut above her eye actually she got out pretty safe pretty unscathed there I'm sure like it's the texture of its body that scratched her yeah and also she was wearing a mask so that could have been with the mask okay right so so you heard the 6 six million year old vomit that was found in Denmark right was telling me we never got we never got into it uh say it again what was it Jeffy was telling me
about it we never got into it I had to go so a guy uh was out on a walk uh they're near Copenhagen Denmark and uh who hasn't been in Copenhagen name of Denmark having just a walk right right and so he found um uh some fragments he took it to a museum he's like hey what's this it looks like you know puke and stuff and so they found they they they dated it to 66 million years ago and they they think it was from some kind of fish based on on what what they tested it um like uh because they're like this is very
important when we're reconstructing past ecosystems because it provides important information about which animals were eaten by which and so I forgot what they said was in there like plants or whatever I don't know so so so just file that away for just a second we've lost Chris I miss him already um but um your pants are on at least oh happen can we he just put him on yeah I definitely don't want to see your crotch bro can we you not see a crotch that's my [Music] elbow that's my elbow you flatter yourself so uh let's
see um so so 66 million year old vomit right where is the do you I don't think that's me I don't know where is the dean coming from so um so 66 million year old vomit the same time story is making the rounds a story out of Brazil is making the rounds researchers made an extraordinary discovery of 9,000 year old no so I'm I'm genuinely asking you guys to help me understand this because as everyone associated with this podcast knows I am horrific at M math I readily admit that what no yes it's a true thing
it's a true thing so you're also bad at English because you put borders are with an a true true thank you super contendo for reminding us of that you're welcome thank you it wasn't me it wasn't me okay so researchers made an extraordinary discovery of 9,000 year old rocks okay so the rocks are 9,000 year old 9,000 years old with drawings etched into them okay so that the drawings have to be no more no older than 9,000 years and the drawings are of um dinosaurs okay and they're next to Footprints of dinosaurs so so I've I've
read multiple versions of this story so two things I want to say Chris Cruz you got to get this story to our buddies over at the icr yes icr the creation menu I don't know where where the hell is the dean coming from I'm about to break off something proper here let's go so uh Jim Rome th throwback Jim Rome's been on the mine a lot lately okay but listen to this they're saying that the rocks are 9,000 years old they're saying that the um drawings are 9,000 years old and that uh the footprints are 66 million years old how
does that work how do you have 66 million years old and by the way that's too too ironic that we have two dinosaur stories about 66 million years in the same week but I digress well remember what he told us right what when they were talking about the carbon footprint right that's all oh that science is messed up yeah that science is literally pulling out of their butts yes uh agreed agreed but um I'm trying to find this I think I have a picture of this and I can't anyway um but what I don't understand is
how the the drawings are 9,000 years old so what they're saying is that these would have had some sort of knowledge of dinosaurs which if you go to the Creation Museum they're in Irving they have dinosaurs and humans yeah they have a picture from some um place in England that it's like a there's a guy buried there and on his grave site that's inside this building that you can't get access to because they don't want people that don't believe in evolution to stumble upon it and it showed what was it it showed this
dinosaur um on this thing from I don't know 500 years ago or something I don't know yeah anyway it's it's just fascinating and we don't know know what we think we know I guess no and that's one thing but that be all definitely because Mr Dave me and him we've been talking because uh he has a big event that I'm trying to help him out with but and one thing about that I would like to ask can Kyle is K Kyle how old do you think the universe is or the wait what weit I didn't ask him that I was asking
him how old do you think dinosaurs are but I suppos to answer oh putting you onos toess how the here's the thing though if he get If he if he gives the wrong answer to either of them then that means he doesn't believe what I believe so how old is the earth I didn't know this was religion talk but here we go talk I just want to see where he is okay it's as old as when yeah when God created it right is that a good [Laughter] answer I like that answer he likes that answer hey what is is that Glen Rose
Texas no that's that's Brazil oh this is this is the rock and all this stuff it's impossible to really this is a pointless image that Keith put on the screen here because you can't even see whatever um you see the the the the dinosaur steps yeah but yeah okay yeah I should have had it zoomed in more it looks it looks like uh Glen Rose Texas if you're ever in Glenrose Texas that's what you see really yeah I I've seen this uh south of Denver I can't think it's neared rock uh dinos no is it dinosaur
valley yeah I forgot what it's called y'all it's it's right there next to Red Rocks and they've got dinosaur footprints in the rocks and it's just fascinating uh to go and see one you the question you did want was I I don't really know how old dinosaurs are but one thing that I've recently um people are debating or whatever is that they didn't really have reptilian skin they had feathers and Feathers that's a new thinga pointing yeah I the t-rex with feathers H but would that makes sense is does Chris have a dozen little
tiny dinosaurs running around his back I love that theory I love the theory that the T-Rex's Evolution process with little chickens how embarrassing is that I was some body damn you time lifetime you were the king of the Kings when it came to the Animal Kingdom now you're a side dish you are a dish and so are your little eggs your little half Offspring [Laughter] true that's okay there goes I saw another fun fact recently that it said George Washington was never able to know that there were dinosaurs because they
didn't discover them till after he was dead yeah so that's yeah that's actually true um to find this picture I want to show you I don't know that that was helpful but it's totally helpful hang on I'm trying to trying to get this picture here hang on uh let's get this to show up I oh yeah okay so check this out you eaten this eatting that thing you like that don't you oh yeah I'm G try it yeah that's a donut but I don't think it's over here though I think it's in Europe or something wouldn't that as the MRA
cuz McDonald has the pancakes on pancake buns anyways so isn't that like a mcgr this is how the hell doador how does Ecuador get something before us this Crispy Cream donut with the beef patty and and the the mozzarella cheese or whatever that is and the and the really goodl look bacon wow that looks good and why is their beef patty so much larger than ours like we have like thin beef patties that's like huge you know what Robert Kennedy will get that fixed okay I you probably make that you probably can yeah
i' I'd try one do I look like I'm gonna take the time I'll try it well I would hope you'd take the time to make them for us Chris always is making stuff for us if you wake up early enough Ken Kyle and come in to Pat gry Unleashed at the blaze weekday mornings at 7: am Eastern 6: am Central uh you could come and visit us uh on the day that Chris is gonna make these for us right Chris oh wow oh yeah I want one he also I I was promised uh Chick-fil-A that that happens on on this show too right yeah
no yeah I'm going I'm going I'm in a tunnel and it's what happened just I I can't hear you uh sorry uh I was promised Chick-fil-A yeah that was a lot it was just to get you here oh what so so there's a guy named George and he was worried uh that his employer would demand that he return to the office so he executed a backup plan he started secretly working a second remote job this cat had two remote jobs at the same time in 20122 George was working remotely in an IT role in the finance industry when his
company began discussing return to plans he boed and reached out to an IT recruiting firm in the hopes it could help him find a new remote role shortly after he landed an offer for a remote position that was similar to his current job so now George has two remote jobs the other company doesn't know about um he's a Millen until now right well he's world it's his name is George Chris okay uh he's a millennial uh he is now juggling two remote roles earning $250,000 annually he's considering retiring by age
50 he said working two remote jobs at the same time can be stressful but it's worth it stand by one more sentence for you George said his overemployment situation is far from ideal because his jobs require a fair amount of work and meetings this has made it difficult for him to excel at both roles which is something he said he's had to Grapple with us so this guy so he sits at home and does two jobs two jobs yep but I don't know what he are oh okay he's well he's it he's remote it he dials in and
fixes stuff but you know boy when those meetings those those Zoom calls when they yeah boy that's stressful when the when the the windows uh cross I mean hard to do good for him but you son of a this guy is it's not quality work if he's he probably drinks beer all day too George is smart actually what's going on with your dragon did you put him up yeah I figured out what to do while you guys were talking man I am sorry that that you're so tired I do on purpose because oh trying to get me to wrap this up I see how
you're working oh we got 20 minutes we're good yeah let me try to find I my youngest my youngest daughter oh oh speaking of youngest okay I've been I've been wrestling with this since the New Year okay okay so downstairs on my fridge and I know this this is wait how did him saying he's youngest May him think about this boy I don't know if I like where this is going I know but I'll get there it's all it's all fun okay um I have the is I have your your Christmas card hanging on my fridge a and I've
been meaning to ask you this but today's a perfect perfect day to ask you when do I throw that away you should save it that's what I do okay save it fine okay fine I'll save it right because ke is not the only one that I have I have a couple other families and students and you know I got it right how long do I save this for till you die card I have one card that I've had since my first marriage and it's it's it's it's I feel like really weird through out because it was a little kid who made it for me um
and it's sits there right so I'm not saying that I throw them away but for example Keith me one for Christmas and I love it and I look at it not in a creepy way every morning when I get my juice there's kids family looking at me you get your Jews you have Jews bro are you like hiding [Laughter] them what that's I mean that's the story here well hey that's Cruz is hiding Jews are we already I knew things were bad in the world everywhere Hitler got elected so right we gotta start hiding the Jews no
juice juice okay juice whenever you get your juice yes when I get my opening the fridge and see my my malac family is looking at me now a question to you guys because one of those cards it is it's your card that you said you work hard and you mail them out I got the answer when does those cards get thrown away and if they they get if they get archived right not in the garbage because that's trash AR where do they get put archived all right I got I got three answers for you three answers I love it first of all number one it's not
your family so throw it away whenever you want to which is typically I think whenever you de decorate for Christmas you won't hurt my feelings if if if I sense that I'm being thrown in the trash that's number one number two if it's of your family you keep one of those every year like in other words because it's really cool to go back and see the kids over time every year I don't have that keep one copy uh of of your own and but the third thing is and if you've ever sent me a card cover your ears oh no so when I oh no so
the Christmas card is attached to the Christmas season yeah the card that you just get in the mail like hey have a happy day or whatever now that's not hold on a sec that's not true like listeners Pat great unleash something like that like like I've got a lot of those um around my desk space so this isn't exactly accurate this doesn't really apply to anybody here as a matter of fact you know what it's good so it works out but if I get like a birthday card right or if I get some sort of um whatever from a
[Music] relative that card's at the can before nightfall bro I which is out of character for me because I've admitted I'm a packrat but yet something about of character something about something about so it's double her greeting cards I guess it's just because they're just too there might be so we might be peeling off several layers of onion here is it because it's not personaliz I don't know because it's so sappy or whatever that I'm just like okay whatever all right cool message see you I think Ken is sad sad for me now I
am I have all the Christmas cards for my grandma they're special oh no feel can you see can you guys see the chat I can't see theat yet okay go to the you save all those like scripts and everything and you don't I save Post-it notes longer than I save greeting cards that's that's well that that's that's brought the the podcast to a to a sad wait what hold on what you have to be more clear here what did I say good save what does that mean I don't even know what that means uh yeah isn't that right uh where did it go look at all
those tears oh and thumbs down that's good that's good thumbs down I'm being judged on my own show we are I'm just with the audience this is the last time we'll be be invited because we're judging juding yeah oh uh Kim is not happy with me she has made it very clear is Kim a real rhead or is she faking it hold on look at this look at this good point not Jess there's no money yeah I your card if there's cash in it amen not ja you now forgiven for I always get cash in the card so that's I have to save it right
right right okay um all right so you're a good person you stting that's a good question a little better because we already had the question about who pays when you go out if you're going out with your parents right women oh hold on hold on hold on hold on I got to clarify yeah no no no that's right no that's actually no this is a fact Sue and I don't know if this is the difference between work and home I really don't know this phenomenon but I'm not lying Sue when pthe heads send me cards and in fact I I can Envision it
right now at work all of the cards that people have sent me are like stacked up against the um the lamp there not all of them but the recent ones and then there real and then there's some and then there are some that are down in my um I don't know what do you call it the little uh coffee table that's back in trash can so anyway no I I'm I I'm talking about in the mail like at home I think more than anything because so when do you stop putting cash in a card in fact in fact if you walk over to my office
right now to your left Ken Kyle and you look on my desk you'll see cash several cards cash all I heard you'll see cash on his well I'm I'm about to head over there then yeah I that's what I'm that's what I'm hoping you'll do um oh wait do you actually want me to go get some cards from your office I don't want you to get them I just want you to set your eyes in there and go confirmed there's several cards sitting here like right now if you want to yeah okay I'll I'll be right back yeah we'll do some confirming yeah I
mean don't touch anything touch everything don't touch a thing so anyway uh let's see what is oh this is where I feel let me see if I can get this stupid thing I can't get this tab to open that I wanted to play something to show how just pathetic um my brain is now I told you my uh youngest makes me feel so old that's how we got here to the whole uh Christmas card uh conversation hold on hold on hold on Ken's back Ken's back with a report we are gonna have to go with five out of five pants on Fires
what there were no cards on the desk are you in the right room I there was a mirror there because you like to look at yourself I guess yeah come on yeah it is I didn't see the cards but I believe you because I've seen like some of the toys and stuff people have sent you wait wait you have to look beling you that's bull crap and and go to super Kendo dotv did you put that webcam in there how many cards did you see on the desk I'm serious I didn't see any like like I didn't see any greetings cards I saw uh I I I I looked for real
I'm gonna be up there this weekend and I'm gonna do a live video and I'm gonna show that you Ken Ken yes when we're done with this broadcast I want you to take a picture of his office just in case he tries yes save it save it and then and then you can compare yes please document the entire office okay hold on time we've already done entire office please it's some issues Chris I'm cool with the card documentation let's not do the whole tour don't open the second drawer from the lap yeah that's right that's
right that's good stuff where was I uh I can't get this video to play hang on yeah for some reason the tab that I was playing earlier is now deciding to be an a-hole so let me try it this way hang on um because I want y'all to see when you see what I fell for you will see how I'm getting the Biden brain there's something wrong I'm telling you guys there's something wrong with me oh hang on a second I'm getting distracted add have you guys ever heard of let me see if this will show up have you ever
heard of a snickle uh and that's not gonna play for me it's a it's when you take a it wrong it's called Snicker right it's when you take a Snickers trying to say you take a Snickers you cut it open and you put a pickle inside G all the kids are doing it apparently well how would you get the pickle inside destroy noise is that uh so I can't get it to to play because why why would it do that for me but anyway this guy made this where's that noise coming from is that me me or y'all it's not me probably me it it typically is so
anyway um and maybe I'm the only one that's hearing it but I do you think this guy was doing this for for clicks or let's see I'm gonna try one more time one more time to get this to show up on the screen and it's not going to okay cool oh wait maybe this is it yeah I think so yeah watch this all right to make a snickle all you need to do is up you hear that guy can you hear him yeah yeah we can hear it okay all right out a Snickers one of your pickles take your Snickers bar place it right in there
like that come on fold the top come on now top over if you're traveling with it hit it with that rubber band stop stop it look at this I'm having internet issues again because and then bull crap no one's doing that no one no one's doing that dude for a week take a bull crap he makes a whole come on who's believing no that's not happening that's not my great grandpa drank pickle juice out of the jar yeah yeah that's normal I don't do it but I that's normal well he was in World War I so what hold on a second I gotta follow
up what does that mean they they were a little different back then they were a little different yeah they were built different you're right uh let's see if I can get this other thing hang on a second ah Talk Amongst yourselves while I to get this video to play Hey look at his thirst trap pose there Chris oh thank you thank you you're welcome I was like what are you talking about I'm just sitting here oh Chris definitely Chris just thirst traing away You're what whoa hold on we're gonna give you some thumbs up for the thirst
trap there you go no don't encourage man oh oh we can even we can even send some love heart me heart me baby I really wish that this uh this this item would load so you guys could stop doing whatever it is you're doing I know you also really wish you hadn't asked us to come here today yeah okay I want youall to see this look at this uh uh red fin listing this is um I don't hang on this is uh this is in Flagstaff Arizona okay this is a listing so a real listing right now you can buy this now if you look carefully let me see if I
can get this to zoom in here let's see if this works you see this see that zoom in there um uh it when I printed this up y'all it's different um it's got something different I want to show you uh it actually says price cut of 170,000 so they took that off of there in other words it's 180,000 but it used to be 350,000 that was quick Keith math Chris you're impressed but uh if you zoom back out and you take a look there might be some issues that need to be addressed can you can you see holy crap oh my gosh look at all this
black mold how has this house not been demolished it's on the picture I want to vomit just looking at this thing why is it still for sale I don't know oh you're like why didn't some buy it I mean why wouldn't you pay 180,000 yeah with the free mold holy crap it's like a a house of horrors man I just wanted to share that wait hold up I feel like you're being way too picky here Mr White Privilege so what you're tell me is do you want a house without mold want a house that I can breathe in Freely yes without
dying yes and that's a white thing game you want me to play the hippo game with you oh what's the hippo game is Hungry Hungry Hippo yeah he just got it yesterday I think oh awesome go play Oh I want to play now dude I kick his butt so hard supposed to let him win you're flexing on a CH no hold on Ken's doesn't have no have kids no you don't have here here's the thing I like I used to play chess with my step Grandpa and I remember like towards the end of his life I was just whooping his ass and and
I'm like like after he died I was like oh dude I should have let him win a couple games okay now that might be different than the kids you gotta you gotta train the kids up to be competitive to to to to get better like my kids literally out here in the driveway I had them taking shots on me with the hockey sticks for dessert and there were nights that they didn't get to say this out loud feels different there were night they didn't get deser they watched me eat their that's awesome that's awesome it's the God's
honest truth there have been nights that they didn't get dessert and they watch how let's see early after we moved here so probably ages five through so they had to score a goal for five through Nish so yeah so is it one goal for one dessert or do you have like like a minimum hold on it usually girls gave their shots to Ezra cuz he was playing hockey at the time and he can really wind up and punish so they can come together and say okay Ezra if you's gonna take and I gave him multiple tries so he would end up
getting like nine tries is that fair it was very very rare that doesn't that go sto all rules my rule what do you mean what R well you said you have to be mean and so that so that they can get strong you let if you let one kid take all the kids then the other ones are they're all gonna depend on him for the rest of their lives yeah you know what maybe it wasn't Ezra gets take all nine it might have been um uh hold on it's been so long guys it might have been um go ask them because I know they're trauma I need to do that I
need to remember what the rules were you need to you need to do your little you know live stream you do on Twitter on X and ask them okay remember that day those nights that me your father failed you because I made you shoot for dessert I made you better I made you better you can thank me later that that you're not you know that you're not that you you weren't raised to think that you should be handed everything and and what really and what really sucks is that um I raised you too well to the point where
where you have visibly in front of everyone refused to take a participation trophy God bless that child see um and oh yeah yeah and and so kudos to you uh but the thing is jokes on you kids because you're actually uh in a world now where um you're an overachiever and that's not going to be rewarded I'm sorry I remember getting participations Awards and walking home from school being like like dude I'm just a loser wait what wait what like I I already knew at that point that like participation wordss were like just
[ __ ] that's awesome um Let me let me just try this one last thing because if I could show y'all um what I what I fell for you're gonna look at me and you're going to be so disappointed um let me try to oh she never disappoint me Keith that's not true I make I make you sad it's not gonna show different that's different I don't know what this is I'm gonna try to let me see if I can play it on my phone here it's just sucks that while you're trying to figure that out Ken I'm gonna tell you this earlier
today we had a conversation and Keith was surprised that I'm still afraid of him stop don't do this don't do this and I told I told him it's a healthy scare it's like Father scared it's like I don't want to get him upset I want don't get into specifics but you said that somebody at work is afraid of me and I said why there's a lot of people that afraid of you and you said a lot of people are afraid of me why well he's always been nice to me so see maybe it's the person maybe if people didn't suck then I wouldn't have
to there there it is and that's why people are scared of you because they're going to get label as I suck well he also calls everyone hold on hold on hold on does the person uh specifically that you're referring to suck aha so it's just fact and to your point Ken that you thought that I didn't hear they are and they'll find out on the documentary behind the scenes oh man I don't I don't want to know who it is I I thought everybody was a good person no that's why I like you Ken K have people told you that they look
like Robin Williams all the time I already knew that that's was what what you were gonna say so when I first saw this video I thought this is so cool I don't think I would have the guts to stay at this hotel but boy this is super cool and it's a Cliffside hotel and zie was sitting on the couch next to me and she goes you do know that's AI yes and I go no way and I said oh my gosh I am a dumb ass it is so obviously Ai and I feel so old watch this look at this can you see can you see this I mean it
is so I see that yeah clearly Ai and my dumbass was making reservations I was like where can I book this hotel I was making reserv I'm like where is this I gotta go there that look how cool that is because that shot right there looks like there's a room behind it you know what I'm saying oh definitely I I see yourself Carrie find these on Airbnb hurry up there's a new video there's a new video meme of uh Trump and it's really good Ai and he says I've just signed an executive order that it's okay to call your friends gay
and [ __ ] if you're acting gay and [ __ ] now that I want to be real um let me show you this one last thing here and then and then we'll go uh this is actually a real hotel in Norway on the side of a cliff it's not nearly as dramatic as what I just showed you but look at this y'all did you see this this was making the rounds a couple weeks back hav't had a chance to get to this uh ah come on now load look at this look at this y'all this is so cool those are hotel rooms and that right there is a a
swimming pool out way out there that that's hanging off the edge of of the of the cliff side so is that a real one that's a real one that's a real one I want you to see this swimming pool look at this look at this thing you swimming in that and looking straight down into the abyss wow oh and then there's a wall at the end uh so no no no that's oh oh yeah yeah at the end of the pool like a glass yeah glass wall yep it's been fun I uh I appreciate you hanging out with me today and thank you to everyone there in the chat and and
all the fun that we accomplished today wait there was a it's on YouTube we gota we got so many things we gotta tweak and fix and all that good stuff see it used to be that you could see the chat and now with this new inferior product I have a meeting with this company uh next week we're gonna try to get a lot of this stuff fixed but uh oh dude did you know that um Taylor Swift takes a 40c flight from Los Angeles to Santa Monica 40 seconds in the air 40 seconds how far away is Los Angeles how far the way those
airports uh I don't know that's a good question now real quick uh I didn't know we were going to talk about this but uh you know there used to be service there there's three airports at least there was 20 years ago when I lived there three airports in Houston and you could fly Continental from George Bush Airport down down to Hobby Airport so from North Houston to southon and they had and it's always the government when something like this is so ridiculous doesn't make sense you know it's the government and
it was in order to keep the the the federal dollars flowing keep service at this airport or whatever and it was just the dumbest dumbest thing but how long is the flight it was it was literally I somebody because it was Pat show in Houston that I was producing at the time and somebody called that used to take that flight and they say they said the I said you would go up and you would go down you were never you were never just flying uh straight you just went up and down and uh it was like a 20 minute thing or something I
don't know well I because I think Detroit to Chicago is 13 minutes what I wow only did that a long time ago but I remember being like whoa so my ADD keeps uh flaring up here in the waiting moments of this show that's already in overtime real quick real quick take a quick poll in the chat and Chris and Ken please jump in here I haven't been to the states of Alaska Washington North Dakota and Michigan however I got thinking I spent a few hours in the Detroit Airport have I been to Michigan yes uh I'm gonna go with no because I
went to the Chicago airport I don't think I've ever been to Chicago I mean but I walked around and I was like Wow Chris Farley lived here one time I bet he was at this airport this is awesome if I stepped outside in the parking lot and walked around on a grassy median would that have counted as being a Miss yeah yeah I mean I but I'm going off of my own experience because I I'm like oh yeah I never actually have been to Chicago I just went to the airport okay but you can live your life and your truth the way I got I got I got
a couple yeses I got a no got another no uh see here what else a yes see look at me I gotta I gotta post that that's gonna be a poll Keith malinac on Twitter there you see it real Chris Cruz on Twitter oh my gosh Chris we forgot to promote your trip to Peru that's funny okay hold on and at k k84 for K Kyle should be k84 tomorrow you can see Keith and Chris on super Kendo dotv as we all play video games yes first guest I hope you bought that somebody bought it already while I'm sitting here um Chris real quick can you
uh just tell everybody what you're trying to do with Peru yes I am scheduled to go to Peru uh sometime in the month of June okay but thanks to a bunch of y'all because I know it was a bunch of y'all that are watching have literally got me to the 50% mark on the fundraising in the last 24 hours that's awesome so that's awesome and you're gonna go down there and tell people about Jesus gonna go become a missionary how long you gonna be down there a week you're not leaving are you gonna move okay I'll be there for a week
well it starts with a week and then we'll see what happens okay all right and by the way speaking of Jesus I want to remind everybody that on uh so excited for this I'm excited about this podcast yes what day is it what whatever Thursday is it Monday Thursday or what is it called this is the worst calendar ever by the way uh hell right before Easter the Sunday before Easter yeah I know but what's the DAT calendar hang on it's about to fall on me uh on Thursday April 17th Steve Dace is going to be the uh Thursday deep
dive guest and he's going to be uh talking about the resurrection of Christ because as I mentioned yesterday I said what's one conspiracy theory or or what is one topic that you wish everybody believed the way you do and he didn't skip a beat and he said oh the resurrection and so he's going to spend a couple of hours with us on April 17th uh a couple months from now uh just going through it and I'm really looking forward to the conversation all right uh I I Chris I'm gonna I'm gonna retweet your um your GoFundMe or whatever it is
there to help you get to Peru and K I just just check the yeah if you go to the chat in um YouTube I'm dropping the link right now so I have a gofund me for super Kendo dotv I'm almost to my goal thank you that's awesome it's good stuff so yes oh oh there it is in the chat yeah it's right there so if you're on YouTube uh Chris just posted it in the chat and I'll also tweet this out um again thanks to everybody we'll see yall again on Thursday when we talk about World Trade Center building s tomorrow
super Kendo dotv let's play some video games yes haven't be there or Square in a decade you're gonna do tomorrow on G and [ __ ] because so yep don't be gay or [ __ ] thank you not that there's anything wrong with that all right I'm gonna hang up now thanks kids thanks everybody have a great weekend we'll see you bye and