Feb. 27, 2025

Europe at a Crossroads: The Rise of Islam & Its Global Impact

Europe at a Crossroads: The Rise of Islam & Its Global Impact

What’s really happening in Europe?
The latest Epstein files release may be making headlines, but what’s unfolding across Norway, Sweden, the UK, and the European Union is even more shocking.

In this deep-dive conversation, Rebecca Mistereggen exposes the truth about mass migration, Sharia law’s creeping influence, censorship, rising crime rates, and the EU’s economic collapse.

Joined by host Keith Malinak, they break down:

  • Epstein Files Leak: What’s in the black book?
  • Immigration and Islamization: Why is Europe changing so fast?
  • Sharia Law in the UK: The rise of parallel legal systems
  • The European Union’s Role: A failed experiment?
  • Crime in Sweden and Norway: The reality of no-go zones
  • Censorship and Free Speech: Are European values disappearing?
  • Corporate Influence on Politics: Who is really in control?
  • "Europe is no longer Europe. And politicians are letting it happen."
  • Subscribe and share if you care about the future of democracy.

Timestamps for Engagement and Retention

00:00 Introduction and Epstein Files Discussion
04:23 Deep Dive into Immigration and Islamization of Europe
31:39 The Historical Context of Immigration in Europe
36:28 European Perspectives on Migration and Identity
38:56 Sharia Law and Freedom of Expression in the UK
40:54 Energy Resources and EU Dependency
43:44 Rising Concerns Over Terrorism in Europe
46:57 Censorship and Free Speech Challenges
51:07 Corporate Influence on Politics and Media
54:14 The Reality of Terrorism in Europe
01:01:25 Historical Context of Immigration in Norway
01:05:48 The Growth of the Pakistani Community in Norway
01:07:22 Rising Crime Rates in Sweden
01:08:49 The Impact of Immigration on Ireland
01:10:40 Cultural Adjustments and Food Regulations
01:12:39 The Shift Towards Sharia Compliance
01:15:02 The State of Scandinavian Societies
01:16:32 The Future of Europe and Political Leadership
01:22:55 The Role of Eastern Europe in Europe's Future
01:29:59 The Potential Dissolution of the EU

Stay Connected: 

Rebecca Mistereggen
: @RMistereggen

Keith Malinak
(Personal): @KeithMalinak
X (Show Account): @AtTheMicShow

Wes Castelhano (2nd Floor Studios)
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X: @ThatGuyAtPGU & @2ndfloordallas
YouTube: @2ndFloorDallas

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@KeithMalinak On X (00:01.056)
Ta-da! We are live. least I hope we are. Okay. Hi everybody! I hope everybody's having a great day. I will say that I a little bit of Jeffrey Epstein news. I don't know if you saw this. Welcome to the Thursday edition of At The Mic, where we do a deep dive.

Got a lot of questions for my guest who I will get to momentarily. But of course the breaking news that the Epstein files, if you haven't heard, going to be released I think noon Eastern I saw, is that right? I don't know which phone was I looking at. I don't even know anymore. So there it is. I swear I have three phones, a tablet, a laptop and two more laptops. Now I'm not using all of them at the same time. My brain can barely handle one as you are probably well aware. And

But I did see something just a moment ago, right? It's at noon Eastern. So that's tomorrow. And I guess it's going to be phase one. It's probably going to be an address book. It's probably not going to be much. And then I just saw where Pam Bondi has sent a letter to Cash Patel at the FBI saying, yo, your agency is holding back some info from me on the Epstein stuff. So to recap, Representative Annapolina Luna.

uh... going after pam and i go after but you know a little bit of the head butting there in public with the a g pampani pampani going to cash but al hey what's up and we know that they've shredded all these documents right uh... so we'll see what happens it's gonna be interesting is this thing unfolds but uh... gonna be a fun day tomorrow i think for a lot of people okay and i don't think i i think tomorrow doesn't do anything but just as a here's here's who's in his rolodex i'm sorry for those young people

That means anyone that was, that's anyone other than me. That's like the black book. Okay. So it's, yeah, gonna be a bunch of names, gonna be a bunch of nothing. That's not even gonna be anything tomorrow. That's what I'm afraid of. Instagram, Gabby hard at work, making so many great videos. I'm so grateful for her. You can follow her on X at Jeffy Apologist, but she has, I mean, on her own volition started at the mic.

@KeithMalinak On X (02:12.805)
Over on Instagram where she is putting up all sorts of fun stuff. Thank you so much Gabby That is so kind of you to do that. You've course got the YouTube Channel YouTube comm slash at the mic. No, it's at at the mic. You got to do the little at sign Don't forget so there's that what else we got here. I hope we're live on YouTube right now It doesn't look like we are. Maybe we are somebody let me know

Hang on, I see everybody waiting over there. I'm so sorry. I'm trying. Dang it. Let's see here. YouTube. it's not the YouTube channel isn't coming up here. Dang, y'all. I'm so sorry. my goodness. What a mess. I don't know. Let me inform everybody over there that to go to Twitter here. Let's see. Go to Twitter. We are just on top of it over here.

So everybody that is visiting us courtesy of Rebecca's tweet, this is what you get over here. Bunch of chaos every Thursday and Friday at 3 PM Eastern. So, so I've got it. There you go. YouTube.com slash at, at the mic pointless today, but that's where the live chat is happening. So thanks y'all. Hi, I see you over there. And don't forget Wes, his wife.

Victoria is battling ovarian cancer. Give send go.com slash Victoria strong. Y'all have been so generous over there giving to her battle against the wretched thing that is cancer. And he posted a nice message of thank you message over on his Twitter, which is at at wait that guy at PGU. You getting all this? I tell you come with a pen and paper every time we do this. And if you want the audio version of this podcast at the mic.

dot transistor dot FM. And there you go. All right, that's enough babbling. My goodness. I better get my guest on here. She's going to disconnect and go live her life because she's in Norway where it's getting late. What time is it there? What time is it?

@RMistereggen (04:23.943)
It is six minutes past nine.

@KeithMalinak On X (04:27.765)
9 p.m. Okay, so you're seven hours ahead of Dallas, Texas. So thanks for making time. I appreciate you joining us to talk about this. boy, this topic is this is a deep dive here. Before I start, follow her at our it's Mr. Egan. Did I pronounce that right? Yes. Okay. Document Media over in Norway. I saw a tweet of yours the other day.

@RMistereggen (04:49.548)
Yes, that is correct, Keith.

@KeithMalinak On X (04:58.109)
And I love this. Please. This is such a great point you made. You tweeted out, good morning, X. I did an experiment this morning. I asked chat GPT and Grok to summarize today's top news. And you say, chat GPT gave you climate change. Grok gave you actual news. So before we started this conversation, the deep dive is, based on the Islamization of Europe.

a place where you were born and raised in Norway. And so you've seen it your entire life. And I thought before we started, you know what, I'm going to do her experiment. I'm going to go to chat GPT and ask the question about, me about immigration in Europe. And I'm going to go to Grok and say, tell me about immigration in Europe. I took some, I wrote down a couple of bullet points here. Grok was very succinct. It was like four or five paragraphs. Chat GPT,

had nine bullet points and these were big bulls these weren't little line one line deals these were chunks and a lot of the reasoning for why immigration is out of control in europe it blamed brexit chat gpt blamed climate change let's see it it just it was it was one leftist explanation after another both actually

did focus on the European Union. And before I turn the floor over to you, I want to tell you about the epiphany that I had two day ahead of this conversation. I wasn't even thinking about prepping for this. It hit me. I've always thought that Europe going the socialist route. So if you really want to unwind this and you want to go back to post-World War II in NATO, I always thought, OK, Europe can sit back

and they can let the United States of America handle the defense. then Europe can use its money to push socialism and socialist causes, universal healthcare and so on. And in order to pay for that, Europe needs to open the immigration floodgates for cheap labor to continue to fund these social programs. Then, yeah, I know you're gonna set me straight on all this. I know this is my theory.

@KeithMalinak On X (07:25.023)
But then today it hit me. Something Donald Trump said yesterday, where he said that the purpose of the European Union was to screw the US. And then I got to thinking, holy crap, yeah, that's okay, yes. And then in order to do that, the EU trying to become an economic match to the United States, therefore needs to import the cheap labor, open the immigration floodgates to the third world. And before you know it, your continent,

has effectively been conquered in a way that hasn't poor Charles Martel. Okay. The year 732 Charles Martel saved Europe and all of the West by defeating the Muslim invasion. But it feels like all of that is crumbling away. I've set this up now set me straight from your perspective because I know Rebecca that you have been following this so closely. The way you document

what is happening to Europe. It's tragic.

@RMistereggen (08:26.74)
It is very tragic. First of all, cheap labor. What labor? The European Union made sure to kill all industry. Have you seen them been crying about the 25 % tax that Trump is now imposing on the EU? Isn't it funny that just a couple of years ago or last year or whenever it was, they were talking about this carbon toll because they wanted to

@KeithMalinak On X (08:31.987)

@RMistereggen (08:55.95)
or carbon tax for other industries because they wanted to protect Europe's green industry. Australia went off the, they went bonkers for this because Europe wanted to protect its steel, green steel production, which is just...

@KeithMalinak On X (08:57.621)

@KeithMalinak On X (09:07.413)

@KeithMalinak On X (09:13.653)
What is green steel production?

@RMistereggen (09:15.788)
It is just produced in a way that makes it way more expensive. It's the same freaking steel. Okay? But anyway, that tax is okay to protect Europe. Norway has had this sort of import tax for forever to protect our farmers. But when Donald Trump says something about this, then he's the evil Hitler. So that's Europe. We don't have our car industries inside the European Union, Germany and Italy. It's crashing.

@KeithMalinak On X (09:37.428)

@RMistereggen (09:46.392)
There's no, where are you going to go get labor? We're going to get a job, Keith. There's no jobs. We're all supposed to be living off anti-racism and cutting each other's hair while we're being tolerant. Like that, that's the EU today. And frankly, if they were concerned about birth rates and population of the European countries, they would have done as Hungary did. They would say, well, two children,

@KeithMalinak On X (09:58.155)

@RMistereggen (10:15.982)
You don't have to pay tax for the rest of your life. That would stimulate people to have families. They would make policies that makes you want to have babies. What do they do instead? They make it really hard to survive on one salary. In Norway, that's not possible whatsoever unless you own a big business. Even small businesses here are struggling to survive. Because I don't know if you're aware.

@KeithMalinak On X (10:33.108)

@RMistereggen (10:44.226)
But with our Labour government, taxes has gone through the roof. They even have an exit tax now. Because you know, the rich people, the intuitive people of Norway, they all escaped to Switzerland because of the high taxes. And then when they escaped, they were like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, we're losing money in tax now because all the rich people are gone. So we're going to create an exit tax. So if you come here, create something and you leave, you have to tax to Norway and exit.

If that's not socialism to you, I don't know what is.

@KeithMalinak On X (11:14.141)
Okay, so yeah, that, yeah, that's, that's, definitely so okay. So I want to back up just a moment here, because people move around, immigration happens. Cultures change. But it feels like, like, right now, you have a situation where one population and one culture is being destroyed, but by its own government.

@RMistereggen (11:30.958)

@KeithMalinak On X (11:43.062)
Policies that's the difference this time. It's not an invasion per se. It's a it's an invitation and I just cannot help help me from the outside looking in to get into the mindset of a politician in Europe that seems to be embracing this this destruction

@RMistereggen (11:43.436)
Yes, yes, that's exactly what

@RMistereggen (11:50.252)

@RMistereggen (12:03.918)
would love to get you into that mindset, to be frank with you, Keith, I can't, because I have no idea what goes on in these people's heads. They live in a different, like the, what's the word for that in English? You know, when you had monarchy and you had all these little, I tend to call them little popes, controlling their area.

@KeithMalinak On X (12:04.757)

@KeithMalinak On X (12:27.983)
little fiefdoms. Earl's and print. huh. Lords.

@RMistereggen (12:30.828)
Yeah, like, like, Princess, yeah, Earls and stuff. we've gone, Lords, we've gone back to that. That's what we are right now. That's our, that's Europe right now.

@KeithMalinak On X (12:41.673)
So that's Europe. in other words, under the EU blanket that I guess has been here for, gosh, I remember reading about, I mean, it's been a quarter of a century at this point, right? More than that, right? It's been probably 30 years that the EU has been a thing. I don't know exactly when. Back in the 90s, first of all, is Donald Trump correct in saying the whole purpose of the EU was to screw over the US? Okay.

@RMistereggen (13:04.365)
I don't know if I can support that statement and per se, think the, oh God, I'm going to be so politically incorrect. I'm going to, I'm sorry, I'm just going to say it. I'm going to say it and break, hold onto your hat, Keith. Cause if the EU is anything, it is Hitler's wet dream come true. That's what it is. We're back.

@KeithMalinak On X (13:23.122)

@KeithMalinak On X (13:29.726)

@KeithMalinak On X (13:33.363)
I feel like my dogs barking in the background almost make it fit even more perfectly what you just said, you know?

@RMistereggen (13:34.028)

@RMistereggen (13:39.848)
you see the whole the EU was supposed to be a trade union right we were supposed to trade and make peace and all that stuff what has become is the EU SSR it's a centralized European version of the Soviet Union they control little details in your life they're wrecking our industry there's nothing left and they open the floodgates for immigrants

@KeithMalinak On X (13:51.688)

@RMistereggen (14:07.754)
frankly to be honest with you this is my theory on why this has happened because I think that Europe and when I say Europe I mean the European Union okay so I think that Europe wants to incorporate North Africa into their trade in some sort of way there must be resources or something that they want because they make these agreements with

the North African countries and Ursula von der Leyen has been out talking about this several times on how they want to make visa routes for North Africans and how we can make everything work together. So that just gives me the heebie-jeebies. There's something there that I can't say for sure what it is, but it's something there.

@KeithMalinak On X (15:02.005)
Okay, so in America, we have college football and you have conferences. So parts of the nation, different regions have their own conferences. So you're saying that they expand and now you have some conferences that literally expand, Big Ten, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. So for lack of a better analogy, it just sounds like maybe European Union expansion

has gotten out of control to the point where there isn't this common bond that european nations because that was what's so cool about europe is the yes you are all on the same continent but you all had your individual cultures and that's what makes epcot so cool when you walk around and you're like now i'm in italy now i'm in greece now i'm in norway but

@RMistereggen (15:30.317)

@RMistereggen (15:50.816)
Isn't it funny what propaganda does to your brain? Like you come to Europe and you tell us the most diverse continent on planet Earth. To tell us to be diverse, we need immigration to be diverse. Now every single shithole of Europe is the same shithole. It's not diverse, it's Islamized. It's Islam.

@KeithMalinak On X (16:06.505)
Heh. Heh.

@KeithMalinak On X (16:12.924)

@RMistereggen (16:19.726)
all over its shitholes. you look at Brussels, when you look at the capital cities, look at Berlin, look at Stockholm. Sweden had 31 bombings in January alone, okay? 31 bombings. What did Germany have this past month? Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (16:22.132)
because that

@KeithMalinak On X (16:41.819)
yeah. I just I this is just in the last week, and this is just from what I've seen without having a Google News alert or without really being in tune to what's happening in Europe. We've got and it's just the past. This is since JD Vance. And again, I'm sure that there's been more. So JD Vance was there. What was it? Two weeks ago? Yeah, you're not. No, you will not take JD Vance from us.

@RMistereggen (17:04.212)
Give us JD Vance, please. Yes.

@KeithMalinak On X (17:09.725)
So we had the mom and the daughter who were run down in Munich while he was there. We've got German police and I got this one is from your feed. German police on high alert after Islamic State calls for carnival attacks in Germany. You've got Muslim council of Britain warns that halal ban could drive Muslims out of the UK. That's actually we got to we'll come back to that one.

That one, I think I took that one out of the wrong stack. That's fun. We got to talk about that one. So, okay. It's a culture of death that is being imported. That's the difference. sure. You know, you can you can do your conference expansion Europe, you can get into northern Africa, but understand that you're now importing. You're now borderless with a culture that has no problem in so many areas with death.

@RMistereggen (17:45.484)

@KeithMalinak On X (18:03.667)
and you just talked about the bombings and stuff we have got to talk about the transformation of places like gosh what i can't think of which scandinavian nation i should have written this down the the violent crime rate sweden okay yet i think yes of course sweden has in the last twenty years what has happened to to crime in that nation how is it that

@RMistereggen (18:19.342)

@KeithMalinak On X (18:31.445)
And I know that I know that your leaders over there see this is it just political correctness? Is that the only reason that they are so hell-bent on protecting this class of people that are coming in and doing this? I mean, there's a common denominator here and it ain't the native borns.

@RMistereggen (18:50.714)
No, it's not. what it is that is the core of this, I don't know. But as I said, like you, if you can convince Europeans that you need immigration to be tolerant and diverse in the most diverse continent on earth, you can convince them of anything. Because if you look at Macron in France, what he said is have this dream about a European army, right? Yeah. And in what language are those soldiers going to take commands?

@KeithMalinak On X (19:15.306)

@KeithMalinak On X (19:20.085)
Ha ha ha!

@RMistereggen (19:20.77)
Like have somebody thought about this because I don't think they have that's the first thing and second thing Sweden Yes, Sweden is no longer Sweden. There's more immigrants. There's over 50 % Immigrants in several cities. There's over 60 no-go zones. Okay over six

@KeithMalinak On X (19:24.725)
That's good.

@KeithMalinak On X (19:39.805)
Whoa, say that again. Over 60 no-go zones in Sweden alone. And explain what a no-zone is because this is so important. Police, don't go in there.

@RMistereggen (19:44.39)
Yes. The police don't go in there because... No, I think it was a couple of years ago, the the clans, they call them Swedish gangs. They're not Swedish gangs. These are Middle Eastern clans and they put out a curfew for the residents in their area. They're out with guns. Like this is not a joke. This is bad crime.

This comes from the Middle East. I don't know if you caught that thing. Was it last year? Excuse my brain. There's a lot of crying immigrant crying information in there. But

@KeithMalinak On X (20:22.741)
Right, exactly! It's hard to keep straight every country and every crime because there's so much of it.

@RMistereggen (20:29.14)
But one of these clan members escaped to Baghdad. Okay. He got shot to death in Baghdad on the street and the Iraqi government was like, we don't want Swedish conditions here. when Sweden is worse than Baghdad, like we have our own problems. Like take your Swedes back. That's bad. It's that's how bad it is. Okay.

@KeithMalinak On X (20:46.196)

@KeithMalinak On X (20:54.751)
So hold on, to recap, the people that are causing the chaos in Sweden go to Baghdad, Iraq, cause trouble, well, yeah, get involved in trouble there, and Iraq says, keep your Swedes out of our country, Iraq.

@RMistereggen (21:13.91)
Yes, yes, I'm not joking and we had a politician from our progressive party. She went over to one of the suburbs of Stockholm. I think it was or was it Malmo? can't remember correctly. Rosengård. I think it's called Rosengård. And she came like they did interviews there. She came back and she said, you know,

We gotta make sure that Norway doesn't turn into Sweden. We don't want Swedish conditions. What happened was that all politicians went, they went completely nuts. They're like, there's no such thing as Swedish conditions. You're just a racist, blah, blah, blah, Nazi racist, Nazi racist. And now everybody's.

@KeithMalinak On X (21:58.806)
Of course, yes.

@RMistereggen (22:01.132)
All the politicians are like, well, we warned you about Swedish conditions. Like we don't even need that anymore. We have Norwegian conditions. What are you talking about? People get shot here, stabbed here. A 16 year old boy stabbed another 16 year old boy to death. Do you think he got a sentence?

@KeithMalinak On X (22:08.701)
@RMistereggen (22:19.968)
No, there's child soldiers in Sweden. They're hired in Denmark and Norway and other countries to commit murder. Do you know why? Because they don't get sentenced. And now there's a huge debate going on in Sweden about lowering the age for crime. Like how young can you put them in jail? They're talking about 14 years old for a serious crime.

And even that's meeting resistance. Like when you don't want to lock up children who kill children, I don't know what's wrong with you, but there's something seriously wrong with you.

@KeithMalinak On X (22:56.693)
That's the other thing. Okay, that's the other thing. There never seems to be any repercussions, any long-term serious punishment and sentences for these crimes. It's chaos. It's a society that is lawless. it just appears that way, you know, if you're a Muslim. If you're a Muslim.

@RMistereggen (23:04.769)

@RMistereggen (23:21.878)
If you're a Muslim.

If you're a Muslim, yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (23:26.153)
thank you there are two okay yes i'd i'd you got a two-tier justice system there do you rebecca

@RMistereggen (23:32.366)
Yes. Yes. Yes, we do. It's not only the UK that has a two tiered justice system. We have as well. We have two tier policing here. I don't know if you caught the case. This is not a... It's serious enough, if you ask me, but in terms of like, it's not murder, but we had... So some years ago, we got a new law.

It's paragraph 185 is called the racism or racist law, hate speech law. So of a matter of fact, you can be racist to any minority, including gay trans people, but you cannot be racist to the majority population that be a white, normal person. Okay. That's not possible. So what happened was this youth gang.

of immigrants that have been terrorizing this whole area outside of Oslo. They've been threatening the staff in the grocery store there to rape them. They've been selling drugs. They've shown up to parties that they weren't invited to with machetes, high on coke, threatening to kill people, know, that sort of thing. Violence.

This older man was walking his dog. He comes upon this gang outside the grocery store and he tells them to behave like any normal person would do. Like if you're being loud or rude, you correct them, right? Yes, he corrected them. What happened was he got knocked out, but it all happened on video, right? And so the police was not going to investigate this case, but the heat from the press got

@KeithMalinak On X (25:11.369)
like a normal society would do.

@RMistereggen (25:25.784)
to too much. they reopened the case. Turns out this violent kid, who's not really a kid, if you ask me, if you're knocking people out, you're adult enough to take your punishment. Anyway, he had a rap sheet, obviously. And he said it was because the older man was racist, which turned out not to be true, by the way.

@KeithMalinak On X (25:46.037)

@RMistereggen (25:53.536)
And in the mists of this, the community came together and they said, well, we want to have a parade against violence. You know what happened?

@KeithMalinak On X (26:04.177)
I'm afraid to hear the rest of the story.

@RMistereggen (26:06.594)
Antifa mobilized and said that all of these people were racist. They had to cancel the parade because it was too much noise. And then the day of when this parade was supposed to happen, somebody had graffitied the church to say, kill white people. So I contacted the police department and I asked what kind of hate crime they were investigating. They weren't investigating no hate crime. They were investigating vandalism.

@KeithMalinak On X (26:30.261)

@KeithMalinak On X (26:36.62)
@RMistereggen (26:37.194)
So if I went to a mosque and I wrote kill Muslims, do you think that would be considered vandalism?

No. No.

@KeithMalinak On X (26:47.125)
This. Yeah, you talked about the churches there and it flashed into my mind what's happening in Britain where the churches are being shelled out and turned into mosques. mean. Sorry, sorry, just it just occurred to me when you were talking about. Anyway, continue, please.

@RMistereggen (27:03.233)

@RMistereggen (27:10.924)
Yeah, well, we have Muslims running, you know, a thousand year old tradition with our church in Trondheim. you know, we have a we have a huge tradition in God, what's the name of the church? I can't remember. Niederustum. It's a cathedral we have in cathedral, sorry, that we have in Trondheim. And every year there is

@KeithMalinak On X (27:19.433)
What's that?

@KeithMalinak On X (27:34.869)

@RMistereggen (27:39.414)
I can't remember the name of it, but it's like a long-standing thousand-year-old tradition. It's... They say it's not Christian, but it is Christian. And now all of a sudden, the people that are leading this every year are Muslims, and they always focus on immigration and the poor children of Gaza and all that bullshit. It's like, it has nothing to do with that. It's a Viking heritage. Like, leave us alone. It's not...

@KeithMalinak On X (27:42.313)

@RMistereggen (28:05.966)
They still do it and they're allowed to. Actually, in fact, one of my coworkers with document wrote a long piece on this and this Syrian man that came to Norway. We don't really know when because there's discrepancies. But anyway, he was leading this this this year, last year, 2024. And

point it out that you know he posted on Facebook like so great to be on holiday in my homeland Syria

@RMistereggen (28:40.344)
So he reported us for, there's a kind of like a little court for press here, like you can report if you're not satisfied that we followed the rules of ethics, right? We got the notion back today that we're not being, well, we were freed basically, because we did nothing wrong. But yeah, he was saying it was racism because we showed that he went on holiday to...

Syria and that he's a Muslim leading a Christian tradition. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (29:13.514)
But he posted it, right? Publicly? Okay.

@RMistereggen (29:18.914)
So this is what we have to deal with and

@RMistereggen (29:24.522)
We had a situation last summer as well where was it three? Three men aged 17 through 21 or something. They stabbed a gay couple in Oslo. And at first we sure what happened but it's always interesting to see what happens when two minorities clash.

@KeithMalinak On X (29:48.35)

@RMistereggen (29:51.118)
Because it creates this like, my god, what are we gonna do now? Because they think that, you know, the gay parade and it can go together, it can't, by the way, if you're wondering.

@KeithMalinak On X (29:54.581)

@KeithMalinak On X (30:03.765)
What's the hierarchy over in Europe on hate crimes? In other words, does the government side with the Muslims before they... Okay, I figured. yeah, okay. All right.

@RMistereggen (30:17.933)

Yeah, that is the general thing. I don't know if you caught that, but I was in a wedding this summer for one of the party leaders in Sweden. I had my photo taken with Ebba Bush and that really... like the Swedish press, apparently...

I'm a known Nordic right wing extremist.

@KeithMalinak On X (30:52.831)
that's awesome. Did you make a t-shirt that says that? yeah. Known Nordic right-wing extremist. and then an arrow pointing up to you.

@RMistereggen (30:55.744)
I should, shouldn't I?

@RMistereggen (31:02.572)
Yeah, yeah. I wasn't known before they started that shit, but you know, now I am.

@KeithMalinak On X (31:09.269)
That's awesome. So, all right. My goodness. okay. I keep saying I want to go back here. When did this? Because I gave you at the onset, I gave you my theory as to how this all happened. It doesn't exactly line up with what you had said. but when did this start? Like, when did Europe begin to get conquered?

by the third world.

@RMistereggen (31:40.494)
it's a good question. So I think late 60s. I'm gonna see if I can find my... Yes. God, I did write a document about this. I'm just gonna see if I can find it. Because the first Pakistanis that came to Norway came late 60s.

@KeithMalinak On X (31:48.981)
Really? We're going back that far?

@KeithMalinak On X (31:58.262)
all right, yeah, take your time.

@RMistereggen (32:09.358)
68 I think and going through the archive is

@KeithMalinak On X (32:14.335)
But they weren't blowing up city centers back then, right? OK. Uh-huh.

@RMistereggen (32:19.518)
No, no, no, no, they were not. need to find this document because the numbers will shock you. Let's see if I can find it. This Mac.

@KeithMalinak On X (32:27.965)
Yeah, you do that. Because because as you're looking for that, you know, I, I thought this has only been going on for the last 20 years. And then today, I thought, well, if it started with the EU trying to sustain itself, like I said, with the cheap labor, then I maybe goes back to the 90s. But no, you're saying that this actually goes back to the to the late 60s. I mean, is and while you're looking for that, I'm just going to throw this out there. Is your is it salvageable? Has it been conquered?

Is there any great hope on the horizon for that continent or is it is it going to be country by country, town by town that's going to save itself?

@RMistereggen (33:07.724)
I think it's gonna be country by country. I think the only way for Europe to save itself is for the EU to dissolve. The EU has done nothing good for Europe. For the nation states at all. On the contrary, it's turning into the Soviet Union. It already has in many ways. And as long as that hold, like those elites hold and have everyone wrapped up,

@KeithMalinak On X (33:37.098)

@RMistereggen (33:37.388)
I don't think there is a way for Europe to salvage itself. It needs to be... It needs to come from the small towns in the nation states, you know. That's why they're hating on local democracy. That's why they're hating on the family. That's why I guess, vogueism is so important because if you divide and conquer people into... Like, you say that you want to have...

@KeithMalinak On X (34:00.502)

@RMistereggen (34:05.494)
a community of everybody and everybody being tolerant and everything like that, but governments and the EU keep making minorities. Like, why would you need minorities? Yeah, you need them to divide and conquer. Right? Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (34:20.117)
Okay, yeah, yeah, no, I got you so it's it's it's almost like you said it's balkanization, but it's with a twist and and you've got an invasion happening at the same time. Do me a favor. I'm gonna I'm gonna pause for a second. Do you have a pen and paper there? Okay, I want you to write down don't don't tell us yet, but write down off the top of your head five European nations, the ones that are worse off under this threat.

@RMistereggen (34:32.237)

@RMistereggen (34:36.791)
I do.

@KeithMalinak On X (34:48.751)
of radical Islam coming in and doing what it's been doing to that continent. Five nations, and then when you're done coming up with the five that are the worst off, I want you to rank them. Let's count it down, five to one, from the best case scenario of the five to the worst. And I have a hunch as to who number one's going to be. No, it's one and two.

Okay, so I'm gonna write down, I'm gonna write down on my whiteboard, my magic whiteboard. I'm gonna write down from my perspective, maybe I'll do that. Let me write down five nations just like I asked you, and then I'll rank them. And this is just my outside looking in. my gosh, ranking these is gonna be tough. Let me do that real quick. So one is gonna be the worst. Let's see, I think we got a two there, we got a.

Okay, so let's see if our fight and you can do this at home if you're watching right now think of five European nations and let's see if the chicken Norway has the same Ranking as the rest. no, there's a there's our other show. That's that that was a few months ago there That was with foundering. Sorry. That was a You can see that it's a double-sided whiteboard. I didn't even realize I had this back here. Haha. That's the scale of 9-eleven

But anyway, okay, so here we go. All right, the fifth worst off European nation when it comes to battling Islam in their cities and towns.

@RMistereggen (36:22.499)
I only put down four, that was everything I could think of.

@KeithMalinak On X (36:25.429)
that's fine okay so we have is a number of number four then hold job okay belgium coming in at number three friends number two and work worst case scenario but sweden and which european nation is the worst off when it comes to battling the effects of radical islam

@RMistereggen (36:28.909)

@RMistereggen (36:35.288)

@RMistereggen (36:39.95)

@RMistereggen (36:52.578)

@KeithMalinak On X (36:53.791)
Germany. Okay, so here's my list. I put number five, put Norway. Hmm? No?

@RMistereggen (36:59.662)
Yeah, I mean we had some. Mm-hmm.

@KeithMalinak On X (37:01.909)
that's your i mean that's your town that's your country there okay number four i put sweden number three i put france number two i put germany number one i put britain

@RMistereggen (37:16.526)
I didn't think of Britain as a part of Europe though because of Brexit. And saying that is funny, isn't it? Because Britain would be my number one in that case and everything would be pushed down. But it's funny they say Brexit is the reason for migrants. They were sending boats over there long before they Brexit. Like, don't give me that bullshit. You know, they've been screwed longer than any of us.

@KeithMalinak On X (37:18.063)
okay. Yeah, okay.

@KeithMalinak On X (37:36.085)
Right. Right!

@RMistereggen (37:43.938)
They have over a hundred Sharia courts.

@KeithMalinak On X (37:48.021)
that's an interesting fact in great britain they have over one hundred sharia courts

@RMistereggen (37:55.97)
Yes. So, we wrote,

@KeithMalinak On X (38:01.098)
But don't post a meme. Don't you dare post a meme.

@RMistereggen (38:03.938)
no no, there's more people in prison for using their freedom of expression in the UK than there is in Russia. Okay? That's the reality. There are more people in prison or being prosecuted for using their freedom of expression in the UK than there is in Russia.

@KeithMalinak On X (38:13.567)
Say that again.

@KeithMalinak On X (38:28.661)
I mean, this is where we're at, y'all.

@RMistereggen (38:31.182)
So, in December we wrote an article about the Sharia laws taken over the UK. That's happening. It was a big reveal that showed that over, well, around 100,000 marriages in the UK is being regulated by Sharia courts.

@KeithMalinak On X (38:54.705)
Again, I ask you to repeat these fun facts.

@RMistereggen (38:56.158)
A hundred thousand marriages in the UK are being regulated by Sharia courts.

@KeithMalinak On X (39:09.493)
Yeah, everything's fine, Rebecca. It's fine.

@RMistereggen (39:12.31)
Yeah, yeah, that's what we're told. Everything's fine. Just be tolerant and you know, you gotta accept your new neighbors even though they want to slaughter you, but that's fine.

@KeithMalinak On X (39:15.689)

So in the United States, we have a fun little thing that we glance at every now and then in a museum. It's called the US Constitution. And that is supposed to stop things like Sharia law or no-go zones. I just wonder, is there anything, is the EU or each of the nation states?

@RMistereggen (39:36.706)

@KeithMalinak On X (39:45.301)
Are there any what is is there anything in place that is supposed to at least in theory? Stop this kind of separatism within your own borders

@RMistereggen (39:55.326)
No, I mean, they override everything. We're not supposed to give up our resources. We're not, we're not allowed, according to our constitutions to divide our country into bits and pieces and give it away or sell it, but we're doing it. Look at what happened to our energy resources. We have had hydropower for about a hundred years. We had the best, best, best opportunity for, for industry.

In Europe, we could provide, and we still can if we pull out, provide very very cheap energy to anybody that wants to come to Norway and create. What did we do? You ask? Well, in the 90s we put it on the stock market and we joined the EU energy packet. Then Acer came along. What happened to the Norwegian prices?

we pay european prices because germany decided to sit to put down their their energy and say well we're going to live of wind power which you know is impossible right and then made themselves completely dependent on russian gas and then they started hating on russia so what happened then well they didn't have anything what norway has the gas we provide the eu now but instead of

@KeithMalinak On X (41:15.477)

@KeithMalinak On X (41:19.061)
And I just want to apologize on behalf of my government for blowing up that pipeline. Yes, I know you are too. That's fair.

@RMistereggen (41:23.65)
I think we were in on it. you we're releasing a book about it anytime soon now. But anyway, back to the topic. Like this is what we're doing. We're dividing up the country and we're giving it to the EU. The only reason the EU wants Norway is because of our oil, gas and our hydropower. There's no other reason and our fish. So, you know, we're paying millions upon millions upon millions.

@KeithMalinak On X (41:34.964)
Yeah. Yeah.

@RMistereggen (41:51.598)
for not being a member. We're not a member state. We are a colony. We're a resource colony for the EU. If we had grownups in our parliament, when the EU comes to threaten us with any like tolls or act or taxes or anything like that, you know what I would do, Keith? I would say, oh, that's cute. I'm just going to turn off the gas tap.

@KeithMalinak On X (42:03.029)

@RMistereggen (42:20.984)
Good luck.

@KeithMalinak On X (42:22.357)
I yes, that's the thing Europe is is so tight at the hip with and everything with each other and and you can see why Great Britain would have said yeah, we're leaving now, but the problem is Great Britain isn't isn't doing anything better Even though they're you know individual from

from the rest of the European Union. And by the way, I did find my list here. I want to hit this real quick if I can. I found my list of just recent big events here out of Europe. And this is just, this is what I was referring to earlier, that just as a casual observer, you would think that if I'm preparing for this conversation, that I would have done a better job in gun and actually looking for this. But I didn't even go looking for this. It's just stuff that came up in my feed.

Mother and daughter run down in Munich while Vance was there. mentioned that. Berlin stabbing suspect revealed to be a 19 year old asylum seeker from Syria. Let's see. An Islamist terrorist went on a knife attack in France, killing one and injuring multiple others, reportedly shouting Alou Akbar during the attack. He, by the way, is an asylum seeker from Algeria. So those are just three things came across my newsfeed.

in the last couple of weeks, I just cannot understand and by the way, I have the same criticism for the United States of America and our citizens here for various things, but I cannot believe with this kind of constant onslaught, how is it that every right thinking German, Norwegian, Swede, and I know that these rallies are happening.

But how big is this pushback? How big are the crowds in the streets? How? Are governments even listening? Do they care at all?

@RMistereggen (44:24.93)
don't care. Well, they do care, Keith, because they're hysterical, right? So they do care, because they see that they're losing momentum, they see the popular vote in elections. So the problem is, with a lot of the election systems in different European nations, you can strategize to keep power and that's what they're doing. So the popular vote is leading right, right?

And in terms of Germany, I don't know, if I was German, I would be pissed right now. I would be so angry at those idiots on the west side of the wall voting for communism. let's be honest, let's rebuild the Berlin Wall.

@KeithMalinak On X (45:14.515)
I noticed that. I noticed that. It's fascinating. And this happens in Eastern Europe time after time after time. The people who lived under the Iron Curtain and lived under communism realize how precious freedom is. And I looked at the map from Germany from over the weekend. And you're exactly right. Right where the line for East Germany and West Germany was drawn. The East Germans, voters said, this sucks. We're voting for common sense, y'all.

The West Germans said, what's the problem, y'all? It's fascinating to watch this, but when the politicians respond to what's happening to their countries into Europe writ large, it's sickening that the reactionary laws that they come up with have nothing to do with the actual problem. They're going after free speech. I just don't understand this suicide pact with itself.

@RMistereggen (46:06.806)
Yes, there is the laws in place. They're just not using them, Keith. you could like look at, look at Zuckerberg, suck my Burke. He saying, my God, I'm so sorry that I censored everybody during COVID. I'm so sorry. I'm not going to do that again. Well, Mark Zuckerberg, if you're serious about your apology, you would go up against the European union.

Which you're not, because we still have those shitty fact checking bullshit over here, okay? He's not doing shit about it. It's all talk, talk, talk. He doesn't have a spine.

@KeithMalinak On X (46:38.377)
Really? gosh. Wow. So it. I mean, we all knew that he just wanted to be on the winning team, and so he cuddled up to Trump. But that's fascinating. It was strictly just an American thing for him. It wasn't a larger free speech thing that also extends into Europe. That guy is a piece of work.

@RMistereggen (46:52.888)
That's it. Yeah.

@RMistereggen (46:57.42)
Yes. Yes.

@RMistereggen (47:05.77)
No spine, no spine, no morals, no spine. They want to, they're working on more excessive censorship in the European Union as well. What is it called? Digital Service Act. Like they're really trying and going after X, they're going after Elon Musk. Like who are they not going after? We had a Norwegian guy, he was tweeting, cause you know,

When all these politicians, including our prime minister, started to say, you have billionaires interfering, they're interfering in elections and in politics. What the fuck was Bezos doing? Are you kidding me? And Bill Gates? You had a meeting with him not too long ago and you're going to talk about billionaires? Who are you trying to fool? It's all...

Glitz and glam, some fun and great when Bill Gates rolling out the red carpet giving him billions from our pension fund to fund his fucked up ideas and you're talking about Musk interfering in your policies? Fuck off! Seriously!

@KeithMalinak On X (48:07.93)
@KeithMalinak On X (48:14.229)
I want to read this tweet yesterday from Jeff Bezos. You brought him up. Did you read this? Do know this?

@RMistereggen (48:20.972)
Yeah. No, no, I haven't read the tweet. No, but he did. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (48:25.333)
I want to see what your reaction is to this. Jeff Bezos tweeted out yesterday, I shared this note with the Washington Post team this morning. I'm writing to let you know about a change coming to our opinion pages. We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars, personal liberties and free markets. We'll cover other topics too, of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.

There was a time when a newspaper, especially one that was a local monopoly, might have seen it as a service to bring to the reader's doorstep every morning, a broad based opinion section that sought to cover all views. Today, the internet does that job. I am of America and for America and proud to be so. Our country did not get here by being typical and a big part of America's success.

has been freedom in the economic realm and everywhere else. Freedom is ethical. It minimizes coercion and practical. It drives creativity, invention and prosperity. I offer David Shipley, whom I greatly admire the opportunity to lead this new chapter. I suggested to him that if the answer wasn't hell yes, then it had to be no. After careful consideration, David decided to step away. This is a significant shift. It won't be easy and it will require 100 % commitment. I respect his decision.

will be searching for a new opinion editor to own this new direction. I'm confident that free markets and personal liberties are right for America. I also believe these viewpoints are underserved in the current market of ideas and news opinion. I'm excited for us together to fill that void. What are your thoughts about that?

@RMistereggen (50:13.996)
Isn't it- is he just a kissass?

@KeithMalinak On X (50:16.501)
I think he's just like Zuckerberg in this respect.

@RMistereggen (50:18.348)
Yeah, I do as well. Like there's no what he's been doing If he had any balls on him, like he wouldn't have been doing that in the first place

@KeithMalinak On X (50:26.451)
He lost those in the divorce, if you recall. So hold on. How much? OK, I really don't know this. And maybe you don't either. We know that Facebook, we know that they are they are present in America and Europe. You just explained to us something that I was I didn't even think about. In America, Zuckerberg is seeing the light now, I guess, I guess. In America, obviously, he's just as you say, a kiss ass for Trump.

in europe it's it's business as usual as far as censorship goes i assume amazon is big over there yes do we

@RMistereggen (51:07.628)
like for my personal...

@KeithMalinak On X (51:08.423)
Okay. I'm just trying to figure out if he has much of a...

@RMistereggen (51:12.856)
So we don't have like that Amazon delivery system that you guys have. So for me, if I order something from Amazon, it's going to take the same time if I order from some other online shop. Like, I don't know what it's like in the rest of Europe, but in Norway it's not. My impression is that it's not a big thing.

@KeithMalinak On X (51:26.397)
Okay, I gotcha. Okay.


@KeithMalinak On X (51:35.559)
Okay, so, boy, I...

@RMistereggen (51:39.148)
At least it's not for me, I can only speak for myself.

@KeithMalinak On X (51:41.791)
Sure. Is X, what's happening with Elon Musk and X in Europe as far as free speech? guess that's...

@RMistereggen (51:51.34)
Well, they're trying to get him. They have an investigation going into X, right? They want to censor X. Like I told you, we had a Norwegian. What's his name? God, if you're listening, please make yourself known in the comments. He lives in Germany. He's a Norwegian. So he posted a meme of Bill Gates and our prime minister saying that Elon Musk is interfering in policies. And then

@KeithMalinak On X (52:04.701)

@RMistereggen (52:19.148)
They were so outraged by this because they were caught with their pants down, right? And then because the picture and the meme text wasn't, it wasn't something that Bill Gates and our prime minister were discussing as it implied in the text. But the fact that, like I said, we roll out the carpet for Bill Gates, we give them billions of them, billions of them, billions to the

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and all his fucking vaccine vaccine work and all that like billions Keith. But yeah, then then the they got so historical that they they took this tweet to the European Union and wanted to include it in the investigation of Musk. I am not shitting you. This is how bad it is here.

@KeithMalinak On X (52:48.949)

@KeithMalinak On X (52:53.493)
I... Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (53:13.653)
You know when we complain over here in the United States we would be well to remember what's happening in Europe

@RMistereggen (53:22.176)
know if they maybe they they are getting rid of the fact checkers on facebook because when i think about it we have a fact checking service which is a part of the greater fact checking service and they're all in the same club under the cnn umbrella or what i can't remember what it's called but anyway and you're gonna laugh when i tell you what they're called they're called factis dot e no

@KeithMalinak On X (53:44.629)
I'm sorry, what was this?

@RMistereggen (53:45.908)
I'm a pro this,

@RMistereggen (53:51.288)
disc dot no it sounds like fuck this and it's because it is fuck this anyway they were they were really frustrated they were they were really upset about this whole facebook thing and they're not doing too well either they haven't for a while so what they came up with now is that they're going to create a center not a website anymore a center for critical

@KeithMalinak On X (53:52.387)
I know I'm hearing what I.

@KeithMalinak On X (53:59.924)
We're breaking records today, y'all.

@KeithMalinak On X (54:15.053)
no! Wait! Wait, when you centralize anything it gets worse, so...

@RMistereggen (54:22.078)
Yes, that's Norway for you. It's censorship. But I want to go back to you asked me about Europe and I thought of a case which popped up when you were listing terror, Islamic terror. There was a case today that happened.

@KeithMalinak On X (54:42.003)
Is there a case every, I'm not being facetious. How frequent, and you can take the entire continent, the entire EU if you'd like. It's literally, it's a terror attack. Grock, come here Grock, where's my phone? Where'd I put my phone?

@RMistereggen (54:49.28)
Every day. There's something every day.

@RMistereggen (54:56.448)
So if you look at that, I'm sorry, I didn't send you this. But if you look at

this nowhere did I put that did I put that here

@KeithMalinak On X (55:08.981)
We're both looking up stuff at the same time. Bad timing.

@RMistereggen (55:12.11)
So there's a lot of non-specific terrorism related arrests in the EU. But you must keep in mind that they try to keep Islam out of the picture. If they can, they will. So there's a lot of, like I said, they call it non-specific. And we're all scared to death of the right wing. if you look at... How can I send you this picture?

@KeithMalinak On X (55:27.093)
Uh-huh. Yes.

@RMistereggen (55:41.902)
It's all these dots right here is absolutely ridiculous. From 2010 to 2019, can I put this anywhere?

@KeithMalinak On X (55:45.397)
How are you sending this? Okay, gotcha.

@KeithMalinak On X (55:56.786)
okay is this going to be a screen share something or what are doing here yes and i'll hold it up that's gosh i'll look let me check the studio chat

@RMistereggen (55:59.838)
Yeah, I can send you the link in the chat maybe. Studio chat. Here you go. If go to the picture with the dots, you can see that the right-wing terrorism is very little. So is other. Nationalists and separatists, I don't know what they put in there, but had his religious inspired are the biggest and the non-specified.

@KeithMalinak On X (56:10.377)

@KeithMalinak On X (56:16.469)

@KeithMalinak On X (56:25.503)
All right, hang on, I'm getting there. OK, let's see here. Let's see, I accept, yes, whatever. What did I just accept? OK, this? OK, go further down, all right. Tell me when. OK, yeah, all right. OK, so we're looking at can. Let me look. OK, you see the years at the bottom and the top row is jihadist or religiously inspired.

@RMistereggen (56:32.307)
a little further down a further down. Look at that.

@KeithMalinak On X (56:49.407)
Okay, so it maxed out in 2017. It's been getting better. According to this chart from the EU.

@RMistereggen (56:57.056)
But you can see that the non-specified is getting bigger when that is getting better.

@KeithMalinak On X (57:03.829)
look at this. OK, top row. Jihad, religious, bottom row, non-s- I see your point. OK. Wait, wait. What's happening here, though? Is it 2021? Uh-huh. What's this all about?

@RMistereggen (57:11.021)

@RMistereggen (57:17.102)
2021, what happened in 2021?

@KeithMalinak On X (57:21.47)
Lockdown time. Right now is 2020.

@RMistereggen (57:23.564)
But what right wing terrorist attack happened in 2021?

@KeithMalinak On X (57:27.355)
right wing terrorist attack. What country?

@RMistereggen (57:31.054)
Todd, this is Europe.

@KeithMalinak On X (57:33.018)
Yeah, is there a specific country that I need to be remembering? Okay.

@RMistereggen (57:36.264)
I don't remember. Honestly, there's so much going on every day that your brain gets kind of tired, right? Because I was going to tell you that today two Afghan brothers, they were convicted of planning a terrorist attack against the Swedish parliament. You want to guess where they live?

@KeithMalinak On X (57:54.518)
your neighborhood germany of course

@RMistereggen (57:57.356)
Germany and They want to blow up Blow up. Let me see No, I'm sorry. They wanted to shoot and kill police people police and civilians near the the parliament in Sweden because they wanted revenge for people burning the Quran We have a lot of Quran burnings here in Scandinavia. That's kind of a thing here I don't think that's the thing in the US but it's a thing here

@KeithMalinak On X (58:25.653)
Burning the Quran. Yeah. How does that go over?

@RMistereggen (58:28.32)
Yeah. It's usually, usually you get confirmed what your suspicion is.

@KeithMalinak On X (58:37.065)

@RMistereggen (58:38.976)
So this very violent reaction, yes. Three years ago, we have a group in Norway called Stop Islamization of Norway. They burned a Quran in one of the immigrant areas in Oslo. They got chased by two women in a car that pulled knives on them and then pushed them off the road. So the car flipped and one of the people with this organization broke her back.

@KeithMalinak On X (58:39.699)
as a

@RMistereggen (59:08.226)
They could all have died. This was on the highway in the middle of the day. But were they convicted of attempted murder, do you think? Or terrorism? No.

@KeithMalinak On X (59:20.201)
Did they get a speeding ticket? Is that what it was?

@RMistereggen (59:23.064)
They got a little more than that, but then, you know, they claim victim.

@RMistereggen (59:29.368)
So that's usually what happens.

@KeithMalinak On X (59:29.587)
Yeah, and I don't and I'm going to ask you here in a moment to give me your prediction for what Europe looks like, say, five, 10, 20 years out. But I just feel like.

I feel like they've gone from having allies in the government to becoming the government.

@RMistereggen (59:50.84)
The president of our parliament is from Iran.

@KeithMalinak On X (59:55.539)
the president of the

@RMistereggen (59:56.952)
The Norwegian parliament is from Iran. He never wanted to answer if he has dual citizenship. I don't think you should be able to hold a position like that if you have dual citizenship. And you go on vacations to Iran.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00:12.937)
well i mean you can't beat it especially this time of year so that's that's disheartening the norwegian parliament the though you say the president

@RMistereggen (01:00:23.47)
The president of the parliament so we have to remember we have a monarchy So we have a king and queen and then we have the parliament our prime minister. So the president of the parliament is not necessarily Like he doesn't run The country but he runs the parliament So he holds a high position within the parliament

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00:43.901)
This is, this is fascinating. The President of the Norwegian Parliament. Is this the guy you're talking about? Masood Garakani? That is Norwegian to a T, that name.

@RMistereggen (01:00:55.917)

@RMistereggen (01:01:00.354)
very Norwegian, right? And I'm okay. So I couldn't find my document. So I'm going to translate this underway. this is a myth of the Pakistanis in Norway. You asked me about when did this happen, right? When did this start, this whole invasion of Europe? And if you go back in the...

@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:23.646)

@RMistereggen (01:01:25.738)
archives and you look at the newspaper and the police statements back in the 60s, they are very different to what they are today because we're not allowed to talk about ethnicity anymore, religion,

@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:39.038)
yeah, you don't even know who's doing the bombing. It might be Sven.

@RMistereggen (01:01:43.496)
It's always Sven. So the thing is that our media in Norway, they try to convince people that the Pakistanis came to Norway as workers and built our nation.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:02:03.435)
yeah, because Norway's a brand new nation, like in the last couple of generations. Tops.

@RMistereggen (01:02:07.662)
Right? So in 2016, one of our main newspapers said that the Pakistanis that came to Norway in late 60s was young, hardworking men that came because we were asking for labor. No such thing ever happened. It's a lie.

They are lying. Our king is lying about this in his speeches. It is a myth and a lie that people now think is true. It's not true. It's not true at all. If you go back into the archives, because we entered the oil age, our oil age in 1969, right? The first Pakistanis came to Norway, 68, I think. I think it was

14 Pakistanis. No, actually already in the 70s.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:09.951)
So basically your founding fathers arrived on the scene in the sixties. Sorry, sorry, was inappropriate. That was cruel. can we, when you're done with that, I want to talk about Britain if we can. Because I want you to talk to me about some of the things that I saw you post, but go ahead.

@RMistereggen (01:03:17.09)
That's cruel! That's cruel.

@RMistereggen (01:03:26.335)
of course we can.

@RMistereggen (01:03:31.502)
Of course, the 8th June 8th 1971 it says that the Pakistani came here on tourist visas and they were just living in the streets looking for work and shelter and they couldn't keep a job because they didn't know the language and they tried to figure out how to get these Pakistanis back. In 1968

Okay, so there were more of them. 1968, was a group of 20 to 30 Pakistanis that created a headache for Norwegian government. Because they came here on false premises. Because a human, what we today would call a human trafficker, right? Like you pay someone to get you here on false premises. That's what happened.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:15.797)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:23.038)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:27.189)

@RMistereggen (01:04:27.63)
in 1968. that person, the Scotland Yard was actually involved in this case and that person just went off the face of the earth, by the way, that human trafficker. So and they keep becoming more and more people. I'm going to find, let's see, three years later, 1971, they were still

in our streets, they tried to talk about how to return them, but they came through West Germany, by the way. So they kept coming through Germany, from West Germany. So this gives you an idea, right? Because who was the one that wanted to break the Dublin agreement to just place immigrants all over Europe coming to Germany?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:06.357)
From the West.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:22.125)
gosh, yes, hold on. my gosh, you're making me remember all sorts of stuff. Finish this up. Okay, all right, here we go. Conspiracy time.

@RMistereggen (01:05:27.8)
You like conspiracies, here is your conspiracy. Yeah, so how did that happen? Already in late 60s, early 70s, West Germany was feeding Pakistanis to Norway on false premises.

How did that happen? You have any ideas, Keith?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:54.453)
answer this one. You tell me.

@RMistereggen (01:05:57.006)
I don't know. I don't know. So, okay, by 1973, the Pakistani colony had grown to, hold on to your hat, 2,000 individuals. From 20 to 30 in 1968, 2,000 individuals in 1973.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:58.036)
You know, okay.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:09.522)

@RMistereggen (01:06:27.243)
And already-

@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:27.615)
So you're right, this has been going on a lot longer than I suggested.

@RMistereggen (01:06:30.862)
In 1975, they were 9,000. Okay, 73, 2000. 75, 9,000.

So you can see how this is growing. And in 1976, Pakistani Workers Welfare Union wanted a mosque in Norway.

@RMistereggen (01:07:00.908)
Hmm? And how is that gone for us?

@RMistereggen (01:07:06.946)
How has that gone for us? That was just a little recap. But this started long before the European Union. And from what I can tell, they're just doing the exact same thing they did before the European Union.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:14.601)
Right. Right.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:22.549)
Well then, so, okay, I was looking up.

@RMistereggen (01:07:24.056)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:29.525)
I know where to go next. Can we? At some point we have to talk about, I think Sweden specifically, the constant climb in rapes and who is responsible for them, because it's just endemic. I don't know if you have any stats there or maybe you can find some, but.

I read an article recently about Sweden. should have kept it and had it for this conversation. my goodness, it's just, this is where I go and I say, how are they not marching in the streets? And I know there are some, but I mean, everybody, everybody should be marching in the streets for what's happening to these nations on that continent.

@RMistereggen (01:07:58.456)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:08:25.921)
I don't know if you have those numbers, but I remembered a story that you told my boss Glenn Beck when you were here a couple years back. What is happening to because weren't you talking to him about Ireland and what was happening to people in their houses and being forced out to have immigrants there and take over? What is that all about? I'm having you go all over the continent. Sorry.

@RMistereggen (01:08:49.228)
Yeah, yeah, that is that is a story on its own. If anybody's worse off is actually the Irish.

They're horrible to the Irish.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:04.531)
So the government is kicking people out of their houses to have places to house immigrants.

@RMistereggen (01:09:08.706)
They made a law that can and they tried to implement this in the US. So you need to keep in mind that they do different things in different nation states, right? All over the West to test different things out. This, they did this in Berlin as well. think it was, hold on, let me find that actually, because that will paint this picture perfectly.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:35.83)
And while you do that, something else, you don't have to remember all of these. So here's on your to-do list right now. See, we really planned ahead, didn't we all? Sweden, rape stats, Irish housing, and I saw a tweet of yours, I was just scrolling through your feed there. All the cheese now in Norway you posted is halal.

@RMistereggen (01:09:46.222)
@RMistereggen (01:10:00.222)
god, yes.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:10:05.225)
make it stop okay okay

@RMistereggen (01:10:10.956)
Yeah, so they're adjusting. So we the general population, we don't mean anything to these people. They say that they want to change. They wanted to change the cheese because it would make it edible for everybody. Right. Well, I don't eat that. And then they say it's because of now vegetarians can eat our cheese. Vegetarians already eat cheese. OK, vegans don't eat cheese. So I don't care.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:10:24.767)
He he he he he.


@RMistereggen (01:10:40.408)
kosher halal No, I want rennet in my cheese if I can't have it. I'm not gonna buy it I'm telling you Italy is gonna get a lot of my money

@KeithMalinak On X (01:10:50.825)
That's another t-shirt you need to make yourself. I want rennet in my cheese. I don't even know what rennet is, but yeah, I understand that, yeah.

@RMistereggen (01:10:55.086)

It's the micro stuff they use from the cow's belly to actually grow the cheese.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:01.139)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:07.443)
Honestly, I really did not need that definition, but thank you, Rebecca.

@RMistereggen (01:11:09.614)
But worse off, it's like there's terror chicken everywhere now. Like I just call it terror chicken. Allah chicken. So we as consumers have to pay more for chicken now because some Imam is going to sacrifice it to Allah pointing to the sky and you know, I don't want to eat a sacrifice to Allah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:15.987)
There's who what? Hold on, what now chicken?

Terror Chicken, explain what that is.

@RMistereggen (01:11:37.89)
I'm gonna try not to swear again, because I'll...

@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:39.733)
That's fine. and I honestly do not know the answer to this question. And clearly I'm coming from a naive point of view here, but how prevalent throughout the continent, if you know, is the audible morning prayer call in cities?

I know it's happening a lot in Minneapolis. Sometimes I put on Minnesota Twins games just to try to see if can hear it in the background, but anyway.

@RMistereggen (01:12:04.838)
is friend

@RMistereggen (01:12:10.7)
I think maybe France has had some. I wonder if Belgium had a project or was it a town in Sweden? I can't remember. It's not all over, but they're trying to make it happen. And frankly, halal food is the first step to adjust the country to Sharia. It's a part of the Sharia law, right? You have to eat this food and you have to wipe in this way when you go to the toilet. And it's all these...

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:14.197)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:22.985)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:31.218)

@RMistereggen (01:12:39.406)
I understand why the EU like it so much, because it's like you control the details of Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:45.479)
Right? No, 100 % socialism and that brand of Islam definitely have a lot to... I gotta go back though, I'm sorry. What was this about, the bathroom?

@RMistereggen (01:12:52.268)
They have a lot in common.

@RMistereggen (01:12:58.384)
they have to wipe a certain way or something. They have all these weird rules for every little thing that you do. But food is an important one. See, this was my point about the cheese. Even though no Imam has screamed at the cheese, it's still, I find it offensive because they tell us that, you can just eat anything. So we'll just adjust you to the Muslim because the Muslim doesn't want to adjust to the country he came to. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:13:24.741)
It's COVID, it's COVID. We've got, everybody's got to adjust to those that, that...

@RMistereggen (01:13:29.568)
Yeah, no Uh-uh I'm not eating not that I eat chicken to begin with but I'm definitely not eating chicken anymore I'm not gonna have any and this is what really pisses me off because I found out this the year before last When they have too much halal butchered They just put it in normal packaging. I want to know If what I eat has been sacrificed to a different god because my god wouldn't allow actually says in the bible you shouldn't eat

food, sacrifice to another god. If you want to play the religious game, it's on baby. It's on. So talking about like adjusting the

@KeithMalinak On X (01:13:59.51)
Wow. Wow. Yeah.

Wow, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that Deuteronomy was gonna be a part of today's show. We are covering all sorts, yeah, I like it.

@RMistereggen (01:14:14.644)
No, I'm just saying if you want to play that game with me, I can play but it's just like you don't adjust the majority to the minority that comes here and exploits us and hates us and stabs us and rapes us and kills us. No, if you want to come here, you eat our food. You adjust to us.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:34.239)
This is what, and this is what is so shocking because what you just laid out is it's factual. It's happening. What is so, what is more shocking than that? Because that's shocking on its face. But that's what conquerors do. What's shocking is that the governments that are just hand in hand, letting this happen to their nations. It's, it's, it's shocking, man. I don't have another word for it.

@RMistereggen (01:14:41.048)

@RMistereggen (01:15:02.434)
And people don't take to the streets. They don't. And you must understand at least

@KeithMalinak On X (01:15:06.473)
Why is that? Is it just docile cultures? What's going on here? Where's the Viking spirit, yo?

@RMistereggen (01:15:11.21)
It's dead, Keith. It's dead. Maybe you'll find it in the UK and in Ireland, but you can't find it here. That's for sure. The thing is that you must also understand that the Scandinavian countries are... They still are, and it baffles me, but for years has been a high trust society. We're very gullible for the government. It's always been high trusted. It's been great countries to live in.

It's been peaceful and nice and, you know, it's, it's, we take care of each other and the state has taken care of people. And now that we have immigration, our system is being exploited and we have violence. It's not like we didn't have murders and rapes and violence to begin with, which I hear often is an argument, well, Norwegian people can be criminal too. Yeah. Does that mean that we should import criminals though? Like really?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:16:03.817)
That's the thing. That's the thing here. We have our own murders and rapists. We don't need open borders to allow every other murder and rapist free access to our country. We got our own. We don't need more. OK, so Britain. Britain is constantly in the news. It seems like there's a good pushback there, but is it also too little too late?

@RMistereggen (01:16:15.328)

@RMistereggen (01:16:31.342)
You're asking difficult questions. think, so for Britain as well as Europe in general, I think there's two things that needs to happen for it to be salvageable and that is closing the border and remigration. Those are the two things that can save Europe. And also of course we need to

@KeithMalinak On X (01:16:32.309)
Yeah. I'm sorry.

@RMistereggen (01:16:58.186)
exchange every single politician in power at the moment, but that's a longer process close the border and Remigration if you can go on holiday to the nation that you came from you can go live there And I am always baffled also by this argument that we don't so this is a big thing in our we can't just move Children. Yeah, they cheated to get here. But the kids had gone to school here for three years and we can't just move dude

@KeithMalinak On X (01:17:03.711)

@RMistereggen (01:17:28.066)
They travel all the way here with their children. They used to live over there. How is it okay to drag children across the entire continent to come here, but you can't return them because then the children has to travel? They're more into their parents' culture than they are ours. In fact, second and third generation Muslims are more radical than their parents.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:17:28.383)

Thank you.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:17:50.255)
Yeah, okay.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:17:56.351)
Say that again.

@RMistereggen (01:17:57.854)
Second and third generation Muslims are more radical than their parents. They're more criminal as well, if you wonder. Yes.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:18:08.085)
supposed to go the other way. Like, once you go to a free society, you're supposed to... Okay, well that's neat.

@RMistereggen (01:18:15.328)
So go home. I mean, what's stopping you?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:18:18.695)
Okay, I got I got two more questions here for you. Number one. Anywhere on that continent? Is there someone that even and he's he doesn't really have an equal but is there someone that compares to a Donald Trump? You know, let's shut the borders down. Let's put America first. Is there someone for Europe or anywhere maybe in your country of Norway? Anybody that that

that is bold enough to just call a spade a spade, no.

@RMistereggen (01:18:51.22)
No, there's not.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:18:54.377)
What about that Nigel Farage guy over in Britain? Has he got a chance to do anything over there? no. I don't like that look. Okay. Okay. Is he really?

@RMistereggen (01:19:00.718)
Oh hell no. Oh no, he's a goody two shoes and he turns where the wind turns and he don't frankly doesn't have the spine to say it. He doesn't even want to talk about immigration. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:19:13.243)
really? what's the- well

@RMistereggen (01:19:16.972)
I mean, is reform an option for the UK? Yes, definitely. But I think reform loses massively with trying to ride two horses at once. And this is the problem of all semi-progressive parties on the right wing when they try to get into power, is because they want... So it's like that...

You know those girls that are like pick me girls pick me pick me like me please like me pick me. It's kind of like that and you're turning towards the left who will never like you regardless of what you do. Okay, they will never forgive you. They will never embrace you. They will never accept you and they for sure as hell will never like you not going to happen. Okay.

Even if you turned around and said, I'm a man now, if I did that, well, I'm a dude now, I identify as a man. They would still shun me, okay, from what I've said in the past. But these progressive right-wing parties, they're trying to be liked by people that are never going to like them. They're trying to capture these people that deem themselves classy and intelligent. And at the same time,

@KeithMalinak On X (01:20:16.857)
I see.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:20:32.181)

@RMistereggen (01:20:34.264)
capture the grassroot that is actually willing to do something about the problem which all the other groups look down upon because they're thugs or right wing or whatever you want to call them and that's the problem because you know they've been dividing and conquering for so long that we've been categorizing each other for so long there is a divide between right and left for sure it is but I don't think Nigel Farage or reform have anything to win

@KeithMalinak On X (01:20:50.686)

@RMistereggen (01:21:03.904)
upon being trying to please self-righteous people. Like why would you do that? Don't you have a country to clean? Is it more important who likes you? Like do you want something done? Like you're gonna have to get your hands dirty. You're gonna have to get a bully. You're gonna need a Donald Trump. Does everybody like Donald Trump? No. Is he a bully? Yes. Does he speak out of his ass a lot of the time?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:24.245)

@RMistereggen (01:21:31.126)
Yeah, and I love him for that. He's a perfect bully. Who's a great presidential candidate? JD Vance. The perfect candidate for presidency, right? But how can you pave the way for JD Vance if you don't have a Trump first? And when your country is so in the shits, you need a Donald Trump. But nobody has the spine to do it because they're afraid they won't get liked by the people that will never like them.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:51.701)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:22:02.28)
And I will say that I know the term pick me girl because my 17 year old daughter has explained that to me within the last few months or so. however, the latest phrase that she's using and she uses it describe me because I guess I've been stopping at McDonald's a little too often lately. She calls me a big back. So whatever. Right. OK. I don't know. Anybody else know that term a big back?

@RMistereggen (01:22:31.82)
I don't know what a big bank is.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:22:33.621)
I guess someone who eats at fast food joints too often. Sorry. Okay, so what do you think about what are Europe's prospects based on what you know now? You can't predict the future. We've established that there's not a Donald Trump that you see on the horizon. But where do you see your continent in five, 10, 20 years?

@RMistereggen (01:22:37.358)

@RMistereggen (01:22:55.798)
It's impossible to predict, to be honest, but this is what I want to happen and I think the best chance of happening is if there is such a figure as Donald Trump within the European continent, he's going to be in the East Bloc of Europe because they actually have spine in the guts to do something about it. We have Viktor Orban, you have several Polish politicians, Romanian politicians that they're not afraid to say

what they need to say and keep in mind that the EU had their election in Romania annulled because it didn't go the way they wanted to so they made up some Russian collusion bullshit to annul the country's election so they have a new election now in May. That aside, that is the part of Europe any sort of if there is such a thing as a savior to Europe that can come in and make Europe great again, I think it's out of there somewhere.

that person will emerge. And I think that Eastern European countries, if they are see the value in it, are the ones to save Western Europe. So it can go two ways. It could be a full caliphate, the global, what do call it? infida. Yes.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:23:55.689)
Yeah, I think you're right.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:24:16.306)
Infant data.

@RMistereggen (01:24:18.494)
or we've been saved by the East Bloc of Europe. So it's an open path. I don't know where we're going right now. Looking at the EU and looking at what they're doing with pushing more of this green industry bullshit, putting more loaned money into it and driving the European Union to bankruptcy, which probably is a good thing because it will mean that it will have to dissolve and, you know, we can start working on our nation states. That is

Probably the third path to making Europe great again is to have the grassroots come up and build our communities and our nation-state again and actually come together instead of fighting over Trump being evil, because that's what happened. That is what is happening right now. Trump is now the enemy. We have a bunch of people in our country going out into the media saying that

Our greatest ally, United States, is now a threat to us. You do realize that we border to Russia? Like now we've poked the bear and now we're slapping orange man and we're in the middle and we have no defense? I don't know how that's going to play out, but it's sure as hell is not good. I can tell you that. I wanted to highlight one thing though, before we go, Keith, because I found... So there was a new study.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:25:29.525)
I know.

Yeah, yeah.

@RMistereggen (01:25:42.454)
in beginning of January saying that 63.1 % of all rapists that has been convicted in Sweden has a foreign background, by the way. Convicted, yes. So this is a study, so it's not completely accurate, but it is, I think it's more like 80%.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:25:54.387)

Ha ha ha ha!

@KeithMalinak On X (01:26:08.985)
I, yeah.

@RMistereggen (01:26:10.51)
And also there was a case from last year.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:26:15.381)
There's some horrific stuff that you just see... pop up.

@RMistereggen (01:26:18.176)
Yeah, last year the police, didn't have time to investigate rapes. So that puts that into perspective, convicted rapes, right? So they don't have time to investigate rapes anymore. And you have categories of rapes as well. You have the degrading type of rape that happens from immigrant, you know, what do call it? Adolescents, men, boys.

raping other boys with objects, filming it, putting it online as sort of like a humiliation thing that happens more frequently than you would like to think about, I can promise you that. And then you have the gang rapes, which is also a huge problem. I think the worst one I read was a girl that walked naked from this building after being raped by 17 different men.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:26:51.999)
Yes, yes, I s-

@RMistereggen (01:27:12.278)
and sought shelter in a tube station. These cases are horrific, Keith. This is Sweden. They're horrible. They happen here in Norway as well. And they don't discriminate. They're victims, you know. You can be a 40-year-old woman going home from work at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and being attacked, raped. Or you can go home from having a few beers at a bar late evening through the park and being attacked, raped.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:27:18.005)

@RMistereggen (01:27:41.93)
in Oslo that is every season, every summer attack rapes happens. They stopped keeping stats of this and we already know that close to a hundred percent of these rapists are immigrants or have an immigrant background from the Middle East or North Africa. So they just stopped keeping stats and now it's gone so far they don't really tell us there's a rapist out there anymore either.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:28:10.001)
that's helpful. And these are nations where the population isn't walking around armed. what? God. It's like the perfect storm. You're gullible. And I mean this with all due respect. I mean, that was your word. You're gullible. You're not armed. You have this nanny state that needs to be

@RMistereggen (01:28:11.083)
Very helpful.

@RMistereggen (01:28:17.88)
no, we're not even pepper spray. No, we're not allowed to defend ourselves.

@RMistereggen (01:28:30.36)
You know, no, I get it.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:28:39.369)
provided for through what? It's a tax base and third world comes in handy there. And you've got a violent culture. So this invasion happens. you've got the worst, the stuff that I just cannot get over the element of this. The ingredient in this cake that I just cannot get over is how the governments of all of these locations, all of these countries are just like

Look, what are you gonna do? You know, make the cheese for everybody, I guess. it, make everybody like the Muslim cheese. Okay.

@RMistereggen (01:29:14.176)
If you defend yourself, you will be convicted.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:19.701)
That's tragic. Okay, one last question. I lied. I'm not out of questions. I have one more.

Do you think so it's two parts. One is, do you think that the European Union is on a path to dissolve? And then the other question is, do you think that the only hope for Europe is for the EU to dissolve? Sorry, it's three questions. Even if it does dissolve, who's to say that these individual countries are going to

make right by their citizens and fix these laws.

@RMistereggen (01:29:59.768)
So yes, yes, and yes, because the European Union is driving Europe into bankruptcy. With Trump in power in the US, they are really desperate right now, because the United States isn't following suit. And so that puts Europe alone in the Paris Accord.

It also, well maybe Australia is a part of it still, I don't know. But... Yes. Yeah. So, yes, I think the EU is down the path of dissolving. I don't think that they have necessarily realized it yet, because they're focusing so much on the outer threat being the United States in their eyes.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:30:26.933)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:30:32.071)
Another unarmed culture who is a little too gullible.

@RMistereggen (01:30:56.326)
And I think it's really funny. It's not really funny, but I find it kind of funny when, you know, Trump says that we're going to pull everything out of Ukraine. You're not going to get any more money from us. And then their European countries are like, well, we'll we'll give money and weapons.

Okay, which weapons? We gave everything away already, we have no defense, like how are you gonna continue a war against Russia? don't, like are you delusional? Because they are delusional. So eventually it will dissolve. I think that is the way that we can save our nation states and I do think that by that time each and every nation station, nation, nation states, sorry.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:31:19.573)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:31:31.434)

@RMistereggen (01:31:46.702)
don't have an opportunity to hide between, behind European Union directives and laws anymore. So they will be held accountable by their population. Because imagine when the population finds out there's no pension fund anymore, there's no money anymore, the EU bankrupts everybody, is all violence. No, no, that's not gonna fly anymore.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:31:58.035)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:12.799)
Yeah. Yeah. And honestly, the way you talk about Trump and Europe and the relationship there, shame on Europe for not seeing Trump eight years ago and going, wow, we should probably get our act together. Then they had four years of the empty Marxist shell of Joe Biden that they could push around. And now

@RMistereggen (01:32:22.252)

@RMistereggen (01:32:37.72)
Did you not know he was the greatest president of all time according to Europe?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:42.699)
my word, what who the hell see this is it and so Europe didn't say hey look we should probably Take this Trump guy more seriously because he might come back and has he come back in with a vengeance and I do not want to get too far ahead of myself here But you saw last week what JD Vance thinks of Europe and if Europe doesn't get on the same page

as American politicians, it could be a very, very long road for that continent going forward. So

@RMistereggen (01:33:20.27)
So JD Vance said what every reasonable European has been thinking for a long time, which is why I thought it was so funny that Babylon B was on it like that saying, Europeans begging JD Vance to be their president. And it's true. Like we need somebody like that. But as far as I can tell at this moment in time, we don't have one. If we have one, he or she most probably he is hiding.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:39.497)

@RMistereggen (01:33:50.326)
very well at this moment so hopefully it will come out of the woodworks at some point but

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:55.731)
Okay, well, all the best. There's obviously some common bonds there. I hesitate to say strong anymore. But, you know, we care about Europe. We actually do. We act like we don't, but we do. We don't want to be involved in your crap, but we care about you. I'm not...

@RMistereggen (01:34:09.742)
What you do?

@RMistereggen (01:34:13.792)
I don't want to be involved in our crap anymore, Kim.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:34:15.987)
I'm not going to fight for you, but I'll say, hey, knock it off over there. If that helps. OK, Rebecca, Rebecca, Mr. Egan, she's a document media there in Norway. Follow her on X at R. It's I mean, it's pretty simple. If you just this is like with my last name, people mispronounce them. I just slow down. Just look, it sounded out. Malinak, Mr. Egg in. Perfect. OK.

@RMistereggen (01:34:43.978)
Like a man and an egg, just one word. Very simple.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:34:46.389)
There it is. OK, thank you to everyone. I'm so sorry for the technical issues on YouTube and it not being live streamed over there. I so appreciate all of the chat involvement over there. And I apologize for our issues. It's a it's a it's like whack a mole, Rebecca. It's a different technical issue every week. And it's it's like a box of chocolates. You never know what kind of technical issue you're going to get. So tomorrow on the Friday live stream, we got the brothers Alex and David Quester from the Alex Questa show.

@RMistereggen (01:35:09.848)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:35:15.317)
We're gonna have a lot of fun. We're gonna I have a study about siblings, and I'm gonna put them on the spot and it's gonna be kind of fun. So anyway, thank you, Rebecca, looking forward to talking to you again at some point in the future. Everyone, please have a good rest of your day and I'll see you tomorrow at 3pm Eastern. Who the hell knows where I don't know maybe YouTube, but definitely on X at Keith Malinak. Thanks so much. Bye bye.

@RMistereggen (01:35:37.688)
Thank you.