Feb. 21, 2025

Hidden Truths: Aliens, Kurt Cobain & Real Estate Market Collapse

Hidden Truths: Aliens, Kurt Cobain & Real Estate Market Collapse

Aliens, conspiracy theories, UFOs, real estate market trends, and government secrets—this episode dives deep into hidden truths, Kurt Cobain’s death mystery, and paranormal encounters you won’t believe.

Join Keith Malinak, JP Decker, and Kelly Smith for a discussion covering everything from the unpredictable real estate market to alien theories, government transparency, and conspiracy theories. Plus, we break down the mystery of Kurt Cobain’s death, life as a military family kid, and how parenting has changed over generations.

Stay tuned for a deep dive into disaster relief efforts, dream recall science, and hidden government technology that might just prove aliens are real.

Timestamps for Quick Navigation:
00:00 - Introduction & Technical Difficulties
05:57 - The Shocking Reality of Charity & Disaster Relief
11:53 - Personal Stories: Birth During a Typhoon & Military Family Life
18:00 - Kurt Cobain’s Death: Murder or Suicide?
26:00 - Conspiracy Theories & The Existence of Aliens
39:57 - TV Nostalgia: The Most Quotable Movies & Classic Shows
50:40 - Government Transparency & UFO Cover-Ups
01:07:43 - Is The Government Hiding Alien Technology?
01:13:40 - The Science of Dream Recall & Psychic Predictions
01:32:57 - The Generational Shift: How Parenting Has Changed
01:42:47 - Surprising Health Stories: Gallbladder Issues & Near-Death Experiences
01:47:26 - A Fun Math Game to End the Show

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@KeithMalinak On X (00:00.983)
I guess we're live. Yeah, it looks like we're live. good. But who knows, honestly, because now it says it's not available. So we'll see. Somebody can check. Maybe Wes can check on his end. All right, cool. Yeah, no, I got it. We're good here. I see everybody's smiling face on Twitter. OK, I'm telling you all this is who I want to thank my guests, JP Decker and Kelly Smith for their patience today because

Kelly Smith (00:15.009)
Something says uploading on mine.


@KeithMalinak On X (00:31.489)
My internet says, I don't know what's going on, y'all. I don't know if it's my internet, which says it's fast. I don't know if it's my laptop. This is the third laptop that I've actually tried. I don't know what's going on. Kelly may have an answer as to what's going on. She's going to enlighten us in a little bit. But I decided to bring y'all on at the beginning because I didn't want to take any chances that I wouldn't be able to get you back on the screen. This is the kind of day it is.

Kelly Smith (00:50.903)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00.095)
So before we go any further, and thank you for your patience behind the scene, both of you, grab a pen and paper, everybody, because I gotta go through some info here, because I'm so bad at this. I'm so bad at explaining to everyone that is so gracious with your time and watching. I don't do a good job of saying, hey, here's where you can find us online, right? So first of all, shout out to Gabby, who...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:03.086)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:27.083)
just for the love of the game set up an Instagram page for at the mic show so it's at at the mic show thank you so much Gabby for doing that she puts up real she puts all sorts of stuff there so go to Instagram and follow please at the mic show thank you again Gabby you're so awesome let's see what else there's youtube.com slash at at the mic you know you got to do that i don't know why they make you do this over there but see this you gotta

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:51.694)
Thank you.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:56.291)
You got to put the at sign there. Keith, don't hold up anything. Your internet connection sucks. They can't see it anyway. So like and subscribe over there, please. And a lot of hard work by Wes over at themikeshow.com. Let's see, at themikeshow.com. Wait, FM. Boy, I really screwed this up. At themike.transistor.fm, where you have a dozen different places where he has put the audio podcast now.

It's not just the video. If you want audio, a lot of you are asking for that. And I'm so grateful for you just finding the best place it works for you like Spotify or iTunes. That's at the mic dot transistor dot FM. Scroll down. You'll see literally a dozen places you can listen and get the audio only. You've got at Keith Malinak on Twitter. You see it there. And JP, what is your Twitter handle? I know you're on there. What is it? J Paul Decker. And Kelly is

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (02:49.737)
and at J. Paul Decker. J. Paul Decker.

@KeithMalinak On X (02:53.739)
Yeah, you are at Kelly the number four, freedom. Kelly for freedom. It's free. I know. Good stuff. Okay, I think I covered everything. Next week we're gonna on the deep dive. If you missed yesterday's deep dive, it was about 15 minutes cities. That is terrifying. And we had a great conversation with Daguerre Bear.

Kelly Smith (02:55.307)
He's all business.

for freedom, liberty, freedom, but it is freedom. Yes, that's how you can find me. Little spicy tweets, cats, aliens, you know, stuff like that.

@KeithMalinak On X (03:22.435)
next Thursday at 3 p.m. wherever you're at right now, that's where we will be Thursday as well just just like you are today every Thursday and Friday 3 p.m. Eastern we're gonna talk about the Islamization of Europe That'll be the deep dive topic next week and then Alex and David Cuesta will be my guests on the Friday live stream They do a great job in the Alex Cuesta show great interviews over there looking ahead Thursday March 6th Ed McCrae

gonna talk to us about underrated founders notice I didn't say underrated founding fathers founders there's there's some chicks in there that need to get their due so a lot of fun stuff coming up here Thursdays and Fridays at 3 p.m. Eastern alright I really hope that everyone that is tuned in right now can can see me hear me see my awesome guests so

Kelly Smith (04:02.848)


@KeithMalinak On X (04:16.365)
Why don't we get into some not so rapid fire questions as the thing we like to do here is we get to know our guest. JP, this is your second spin on the Friday live stream. Kelly is a newbie. And so we appreciate it. And Kelly, let me start with you. You're a real estate agent and you're in Austin, Texas. And dams are open. I have to know what is the...

Kelly Smith (04:31.467)

No pressure. I am. Yes.

I'm in Austin, Texas. DMs are open. Just kidding.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (04:44.601)

@KeithMalinak On X (04:45.195)
What's going on in the real estate market right now because I can't figure it out from where I sit.

Kelly Smith (04:52.822)
Honestly, we can't either. I've got a couple listings right now, right? No, none of us can, because it's, you know, we'll be slow, slow, slow. Everybody's like dying for offers. And then all of a sudden it'll be multiples. And we're like, all right, we're coming back. Everything's good. And then it'll stop again. And I'm not sure, you know, obviously I think some of it is interest rates, you know, and I wasn't licensed in 2008.

@KeithMalinak On X (05:16.607)

Kelly Smith (05:22.198)
But I do have a lot of mentors and friends in the industry that were, and they said, you know, the one thing that's different from now between 2008 is in 2008, it was pretty much insulated like to like real estate, you know, people were losing their jobs. Well, now, you know, we're paying for more for food, we're paying more for cars, we're paying more for gas, insurance. I mean, y'all would, y'all's toes would curl if you saw like the insurance rates that people are getting right now.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (05:50.669)

Kelly Smith (05:50.998)
on top of it. I've got a first time home buyer right now. She's 41. I haven't seen anybody in their late 20s, early 30s. It's sad to be honest with you. mean, everybody loves million dollar buyers, but I like first time home buyers. And I haven't seen a lot of that in the last few years. So it's weird. any time buyers, mean, buyers can do whatever they want right now, but sellers, I'm telling pack your patience.

@KeithMalinak On X (05:57.805)
Kelly Smith (06:20.862)
You know, it could, it could be, it could be two weeks. could be six months. We just don't know, you know, and buyers are being really bold right now. Like, and they can, because they can. it's weird. And another thing, you know, we were talking about earlier, the, way that the market has shifted since COVID, and all the drama of the summer of love is we're not seeing a whole bunch of people.

@KeithMalinak On X (06:32.269)
Mm. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (06:44.387)

Kelly Smith (06:50.354)
live inside the city limits anymore. Austin, as I'm sure everybody knows, is like the number one place for the California transplants and, you know, New York and whatever. When I first got my license, had to have an Austin address, non-negotiable, had to be in the city, you know, don't even take me to the suburbs. Now, everybody wants to be in the suburbs. Yeah, I've sold one house inside city limits since 2021. And even like farther on that, people are wanting land.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (06:58.071)

@KeithMalinak On X (07:06.019)

Kelly Smith (07:19.83)
People like, know, give me acres, give me 10 acres, let's put a barn dough on it, you know, it's weird to see the shift. So I started working on my, you know, farm and ranch and land designations because I'm smart.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (07:20.343)

@KeithMalinak On X (07:24.472)

@KeithMalinak On X (07:30.979)
That's awesome. Okay, so I tell you, it is an uncertain time. wonder if that's interesting that you mentioned how necessities like groceries are affecting people in their home buying choices. wonder JP in your world of charity work there with mercuryone.org, are people donating as much as they were say before the pandemic?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (07:37.042)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (08:01.663)
Actually, it's pretty amazing. We do have people donating nonstop because they trust us. We've had Mercury ones been around for 12 years and they know that when we take care of funds, their funds, they know it's going to go directly down range. And so I think that's where, you know, it actually is. We've seen a pretty big uptick, especially end of year last year in January, especially with, you know, the LA fires. We helped a lot there through a lot of our partners.

And yeah, we're still in North Carolina helping build. We're right now for the next two years, we're going to help through our partners build about 400 homes. And so it's, it's pretty amazing to say that, but you know, when you brought that up about the groceries and all the, know, you know, how much things are right now. And I don't know, you might have this clip later, Keith. So forgive me. don't know, but Congressman Crockett, she.

Kelly Smith (08:40.832)

Kelly Smith (08:51.734)

@KeithMalinak On X (08:56.739)
You just have to say her name and then I Dallas Dallas

Kelly Smith (08:59.51)
She's from Houston. Isn't she from Houston or Dallas? can't remember. It's one of the two.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (09:00.301)
I don't remember where she's from, but she's from Houston? Okay. I mean, when I read that yesterday that she said, $5,000, what can anyone do with $5,000 in this? And I'm like, wait, $5,000? I know what I would do with $5,000. I'm pretty sure anybody does. I'll buy a dozen eggs maybe with it. I don't know.

@KeithMalinak On X (09:11.619)
How the touch do you have to be?

Kelly Smith (09:17.056)
That's closing costs.

@KeithMalinak On X (09:17.085)
Yeah! I mean, that's life-changing for a lot of people.

Kelly Smith (09:22.422)

@KeithMalinak On X (09:24.545)
I want somebody to show up at her next town hall if she does those, if she dares to do those, and ask her, what did you mean by that? What do you mean? What could I do with $5,000? I have a question. I'm trying to write this out here. Here's a website that I should get as long as we're talking about donations. And then I have some questions here for you, JP, because breaking news just right before we started here that I have to ask you about.

Kelly Smith (09:25.972)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (09:33.077)

@KeithMalinak On X (09:53.399)
but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this. Hero West, his wife, been struggling with ovarian cancer for the last, I don't know, eight, nine months here. GibsonGo slash Victoria Strong. GibsonGo.com, whoops, slash Victoria Strong. Help them out with their bills if you can. Such a lovely lady, and any help is much appreciated by Wes and Victoria. So.

I just had this thing that popped up on my newsfeed here just before we get started here. By the way, if you need a good follow of what's going on in the ground in Asheville, it's Matt Van Swal. So look for Matt Van Swal. did a screenshot here so I don't even have his actual handle here. He's okay. Awesome. Well, he tweeted out, in a horrifying admission from Asheville, North Carolina Mayor Esther Mannheimer,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (10:43.383)
He's a good friend. Matt and his wife Erin are amazing.

@KeithMalinak On X (10:50.883)
Out of the $225 million promised for disaster recovery by Joe Biden, a grand total of $0 has been delivered to Western North Carolina. Where is the money? And so I get to thinking, wow, JP is going to be out here. How do you guys, I can't imagine being in charge of millions of dollars in donations and making sure that it gets in and you guys have a reputation for trust. But how, how do you go about

doing tracking all that.

@KeithMalinak On X (11:26.933)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (11:27.437)
It's a lot of scary responsibility. But what's amazing about it is when Glenn started Mercury One 12 years ago, he said, want anytime someone gives a dollar to disaster relief, he wants that whole dollar to go to disaster relief. And so we're a little different than most nonprofits. We do not take any overhead costs. We don't take admin costs. If you go to hurricane relief or disaster relief fund, goes to...

Kelly Smith (11:31.456)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (11:53.281)
hurricane, you know, recovering in Asheville, Swannanoa, Tennessee, all those areas. The only caveat to that is that you have a check mark if you pay credit card fees. If not, we'd have to take that on, obviously, but we never take admin costs. And so that's huge. That's why we have our maximum impact fund that goes directly to cover those things. But what we do is a fund comes in through our page and that goes through probably two or three.

Kelly Smith (12:11.03)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (12:20.715)
different departments. They make sure where it came from, that it's accounted for that donor. And then that fund goes into our account and our accountants will figure out exactly what fund that is supposed to go to along with our database. And then myself and the other executive director, Suzanne, we both make decisions on, okay, they wanted this to go to disaster relief or humanitarian aid or veterans.

And this is our initiative on what we're doing out there. yeah, every single dollar. And plus we audit every year, which is awesome to go through willingly. And I think what's amazing about that, though, is, you know, I've been through quite a few of them now that I've been here and it's really cool. By the end of it, usually we always get a clean audit and it always shows us that that I can actually go to a donor.

@KeithMalinak On X (12:54.082)

Kelly Smith (12:58.102)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (13:16.171)
And I can say, hey, you gave us, know, there was about, I think it was 12 kids last summer who raised $500 to go help the people in Asheville. And so I, myself and Glenn got on a Zoom with the kids and we told them exactly where that $500 went to. And that went to help provide generators and heating heaters, you know, like the small heaters to go into some of these homes that had no heater and no power and no electricity.

And so it's so cool that we are able to do that. mean, when Afghanistan fell, you we raised millions within a few days and we ended up taking over the Kabul airport, all flights in and out. We rescued 12,000 people. so even to this day, that Nazarene fund is audited every year. And we can tell you exactly where those funds have gone and where they're still going, because we still replacing people.

all around the world. And it's just really cool to be a part of something like that. So transparent. I mean, we see what's happening with Doge and how transparent a White House can actually be, especially when they open up a media row in the White House. That's shocking to me. And that's how we are. You we want to be as transparent to where everyone knows where the funds are going. Like we have nothing to hide. And that's what's really cool that we could say. But when Asheville, when I was out there a couple of months ago,

Matt texted me and said, hey, did you just see that they opened up a public restroom downtown Asheville for $400,000 of COVID funds? And I was like, I'm sorry, I'm actually in downtown Asheville, give me a second. So I drove around and they had had this big celebration. I had missed it just by like an hour. And it's one bathroom and it's all covered. And they really used it for the drugies that are around there so that they could hide the people.

shooting up. but anyways, you walk by it, and it's a tin can and it's pretty it was $400,000 that was earmarked for COVID. But they did not just go back to the government and say, Hey, maybe we should give it to the people in Nashville that lost everything or I don't know. It's so disgusting how horrific the leadership in Asheville is. I so far have yet to meet someone in the leadership there.

Kelly Smith (15:11.466)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (15:39.231)
in Asheville, Buckham County, around that area that actually has their constituents in mind and want to take care of them. I'm sure, and I pray to God that they're out there, but that's why there's people like us with Mercury One. We were in there within a couple hours of the hurricane rescuing people from helicopters. So, you know, we work with so many great partners that are still on the ground, but the fact that they were forgotten for so long and over 200 million is missing, they should all be fired.

@KeithMalinak On X (15:47.843)

Kelly Smith (16:03.094)

@KeithMalinak On X (16:04.651)
Yeah. Gosh, okay. Well, BerkeryOne.org.

please help if you can at the the devastation there is unspeakable have a buddy who works in a radio station in asphol and i've communicated quite a bit with him on this since september and it it is so bad and and then the weather not cooperating over the last several months either so okay well please keep them in your thoughts in your prayers and if you can donate mercury one dot org

Kelly Smith (16:32.117)

@KeithMalinak On X (16:37.259)
And if you're looking for a home in and around Austin, Texas, Kelly Smith. OK. So let's. Yes.

Kelly Smith (16:43.766)
Call me. For context, by the way, speaking of your bathroom, both of my listings right now in the suburbs of Austin are less than $400,000. Like, yeah.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (16:44.833)

@KeithMalinak On X (16:53.067)
And that's probably the hottest market in Texas.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (16:56.874)

Kelly Smith (16:59.062)
Yeah, right. Yeah, I mean, they're both within 20, 30 minutes of downtown Austin. I mean, I'm not good soft right now, but yeah, I your one bathroom stall in Asheville is less than a couple of houses in the suburbs of Austin. But less.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (17:00.717)
That's amazing.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (17:05.473)
No way.

@KeithMalinak On X (17:11.619)
Okay, uh, well, let's uh, let's do some not-so-rapid-fire here. Uh, we'll let ladies go first. Kelly, what topic do you know about better than any other? Uh-oh, she's already laughing. Uh-oh.

Kelly Smith (17:23.67)
All right. Well, I mean, this is why I'm here, right? Aliens has got to be the first one. I can't wait for it. That's my thing. That's my jam. Inner Earth aliens, interdimensional aliens, under, you know, the sea aliens. What?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (17:29.645)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (17:36.206)

@KeithMalinak On X (17:37.239)
Hang on. Hold on a second. This is fascinating. Hold on a second. So the aliens that are intergalactic, the aliens that are inner earth, and the aliens that are under the sea, are they the same aliens? Are they different kind of aliens? Like what's going on here?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (17:43.211)
Under the sea, like Avatar?

Kelly Smith (17:45.43)
Yes, please.

Kelly Smith (17:53.024)

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Probably, they're probably different. mean, I don't, just look at the diversity of the species on earth. I mean, there can't, of course there's gonna have to be diversity of aliens, you know, but I think that they've always been here. And I don't think it's in a way that we think that we, that, you know, we picture them to be, you know, I think that they can move maybe through time and space in ways that we can't imagine.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (18:17.292)

@KeithMalinak On X (18:17.827)

@KeithMalinak On X (18:21.963)
All right, we'll put a pin in that because later on in the stack here, we're going to revisit this because I want to ask you guys a question about something that Congress is working on. And so let's come back to the aliens for sure.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (18:26.411)

Kelly Smith (18:30.684)
Yeah, we're gonna reinvest in aliens.

Kelly Smith (18:38.878)
Yeah. Besides aliens, it would be the death of Kurt Cobain. I could talk about that for hours. The death, specifically his death. The death, can completely convince you he was murdered.

@KeithMalinak On X (18:41.367)
Kurt Cobain.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (18:42.07)

@KeithMalinak On X (18:44.897)
The death. So hang on.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (18:46.027)

@KeithMalinak On X (18:50.293)
it wouldn't take much. So I guess my question would be, was Courtney Love the one that pulled the trigger?

Kelly Smith (18:56.383)
JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (18:57.824)
Why though?

@KeithMalinak On X (19:00.067)
What does she know?

Kelly Smith (19:00.374)
No, I don't think she was the one that pulled the trigger, but their nanny, she orchestrated the whole thing. So their nanny that was living with them, that was in the house when he died, was her drug dealer, like some tranny dude.

@KeithMalinak On X (19:09.685)
Okay. Okay, hold on. Hold on a second. Put another pin in it. Because you know what we're gonna do? Hang on a second. Hang on. This is my very organized life. On the one side, you have the Thursday deep dive guests coming up.

Kelly Smith (19:17.064)
Alright, I got it.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (19:19.873)
Ha ha ha ha ha.

Kelly Smith (19:22.934)
I'm a star in this, I'm a in this.

Kelly Smith (19:30.31)

@KeithMalinak On X (19:30.687)
And on the one side here, you got the Friday live stream guest. So you're on the Friday live stream. I think what we're going to need to do is we're going to have to find a Thursday for you to come here and talk to us about Kurt Cobain's murder, OK?

Kelly Smith (19:33.312)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kelly Smith (19:40.672)

All right.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (19:44.589)
Yeah, that's impressive.

@KeithMalinak On X (19:47.329)
let me and i'm not kidding i'm just i'm just looking for a writing instrument here she doesn't believe me i'm gonna write it down let's see here okay hang on

Kelly Smith (19:48.419)
Deal! I'm here. I'm here for it. These are real!

I mean, I do. We want to talk about soaked in bleach. I have a signed copy of a book from Courtney Love's dad that he wrote about saying that Courtney Love did it.

@KeithMalinak On X (20:04.867)
Okay Okay, you know don't don't give away all the stuff yet. That's just weak You already you already got me to say yes, just wait and we're gonna reveal all this stuff Yeah, that's good stuff. I can't wait. Okay, so JP what is something that you know about better than other stuff?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (20:13.837)

Kelly Smith (20:14.358)
I'm not, no, no, no, no,

They're nuggets. They're nuggets.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (20:31.095)
So I was homeschooled and about usually about three or four we'd start watching TV throughout the day. I would say movies and TV, my backgrounds in film and TV. I yeah, I would 100 % say film and TV. I mean, I grew up literally my TV trained me.

@KeithMalinak On X (20:40.706)

@KeithMalinak On X (20:47.639)
Hey, hey, my kids are homeschooled too. And I think the modern equivalent... Yeah, I'm with you. At a certain point, you're just like, you know what, you've learned enough today. So...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (20:54.633)
Right? Little house on the prairie at nine in the morning, full house at four. Come on.

Kelly Smith (20:59.292)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (21:07.147)
Yup. I tutored under the producer of The Godfathers. That's how I started. Worked on a lot of documentaries with him. And then I worked with Mel Gibson and Jim Cavie still on a couple things. yeah, film is like my jam.

Kelly Smith (21:08.662)

@KeithMalinak On X (21:11.491)
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Kelly Smith (21:12.374)
Stop it. That's incredible.

@KeithMalinak On X (21:24.451)
Let's see here. I know that you What was it? I mean, there's the problem guys. I should have printed up with what JP wrote me instead of trying to write it in my chicken scratch that's what I this is what I wanted. This is what I want to ask you since you're such a movie expert What is the most quotable movie because there's only one right answer, but let's just see if

Kelly Smith (21:24.736)
That's way sexier than the death of Kurt Cobain.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (21:27.499)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (21:39.501)
Don't look, just ask. I'll give you a different answer. Yeah.

Kelly Smith (21:40.7)
I did a... yeah.

Kelly Smith (21:50.867)
And I know it.

@KeithMalinak On X (21:50.923)
Yeah, what movie do you find yourself- Yeah, do you quote the most?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (21:51.553)
What's the most quotable movie? From my perspective or?

@KeithMalinak On X (21:57.441)
You can think about it while I tell you the correct answer. But Kelly's already got an answer apparently. Go ahead.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (21:58.593)
Do I quote the most? Wow. I'll think about it. Okay.

Kelly Smith (22:05.3)
I do. Mean Girls.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (22:08.383)
Wow. Okay.

Kelly Smith (22:09.986)
Hello, you can't just ask me people why they're white. my god

@KeithMalinak On X (22:10.307)
Okay, well that's different than mine. I was gonna go with Tommy boy

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (22:13.932)

Kelly Smith (22:17.654)
Yeah, I should have done, I should have thrown that out with some girls.

@KeithMalinak On X (22:19.011)
Alright, that's fine. That's cool.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (22:19.127)
Tommy boy, wow.

Kelly Smith (22:23.03)
That's Mean Girls.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (22:23.127)
I was gonna say like die hard. mean, there's so many good lines in die hard, you know? But also the Godfather, leave the gun, take the cannoli, like come on.

@KeithMalinak On X (22:23.981)
That's a good one. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Sorry. Go ahead.

@KeithMalinak On X (22:34.347)
Sorry, I'm about to sneeze. It's pretty awkward. thank you in advance. Okay, so let's see... JP do you know about the details of the day you were born, sir?

Kelly Smith (22:39.67)
God bless you.

Kelly Smith (22:50.87)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (22:51.149)
The doctor ended up not showing up and I was delivered by the midwife slash nurse so Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah Yeah

@KeithMalinak On X (22:52.515)

You're like, I'm Okay. So wait, was this at the hospital? Was this at the house? Where were you? Okay.

Kelly Smith (22:58.55)
I might've been better.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (23:07.329)
This was at the hospital. Yeah, unlike my firstborn who was not born at the hospital. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (23:08.407)
This is incredible. So I interviewed JP when At the Mic was, know, let's talk about people's life stories. And the story you tell about your first born, when I knew your answer about your own birth, I was like, my gosh, what is it with this family? They can't get to the hospital or something, something always, there's always some missing piece. It's very important to the puzzle. In your case being born, it was, where's the doctor? In the case of your first born, tell us what happened.

Kelly Smith (23:18.358)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (23:26.911)
Yeah. Now!

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (23:34.06)

Yep. We were at a birthing center, know, and things ended up midwife was not great. A long story there, but we ended up rushing out to the hospital and it was about 30 degrees outside and it was pretty much it was life or death situation. So I don't mean to laugh, but now I can. She was born in the car. My wife caught her and then she wasn't breathing. And so the midwife out.

Kelly Smith (23:58.943)

Kelly Smith (24:04.927)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (24:06.733)
Ended up grabbing her blowing into her mouth and then she started screaming. So it was awesome. It was a blessing What's what's really crazy? Actually Keith my brother-in-law just had a baby and I had been back to that hospital in five and a half years and We ended up I got out and I was like I'm having some some PTSD right now and my wife was like I don't remember any of this and I go yeah, I'm sure you don't you were in a mode

Kelly Smith (24:10.592)

@KeithMalinak On X (24:25.015)
No kidding.

Kelly Smith (24:27.882)

@KeithMalinak On X (24:29.752)

Kelly Smith (24:32.672)
Ha ha.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (24:33.831)
And we ended up taking a picture with our daughter just like right the same spot on the side of the street where she was born. It was crazy. it was front seat of the car. So it is my father-in-law's Lexus. So yeah, yeah, it was it's crazy. She really is. I don't know. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (24:37.163)
Yeah, because it was the back seat of the car, right?

Front seats.

Kelly Smith (24:42.358)
That sounds credible.

@KeithMalinak On X (24:46.531)
So... Yeah.

Kelly Smith (24:47.52)
Ooh. Well, your wife is the real MVP. Like, wow.

@KeithMalinak On X (24:51.309)
Question if I may. So was the car detailed afterward or what? How do you, what do you do? Okay.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (25:00.385)
Yes, yes, it was detailed. We were we were like in the hospital and I texted my father-in-law he was out of town and like was flying rushing back home to meet his granddaughter and I was like, hey, so just so you know, there might be a mess in the passenger seat. And he was like, yeah, I heard about this. And so he ended up cleaning it. I mean, he gets props for sure. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (25:06.283)


@KeithMalinak On X (25:21.111)
Wow. No kidding.

Kelly Smith (25:24.79)
What do they put on his birth certificate? Like his place of birth?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (25:28.077)
I wanted them to put Lexus on there, but they ended up not doing it. was Baylor Hospital. Yeah. So I kind of want to go back and change it, but before she turns 18, just be like Lexus. Okay.

Kelly Smith (25:33.27)

Lame. Yeah. Should have named her Alexis. Mine's not that dramatic, but it's kind of cool. So I was a military kid. I was born in Okinawa, Japan. Yeah. So my, story goes that if

@KeithMalinak On X (25:36.331)
Yeah, that's funny. That's good. All right, Kelly. Yeah.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (25:44.257)

@KeithMalinak On X (25:45.175)

@KeithMalinak On X (25:50.12)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (25:53.119)

Kelly Smith (26:00.658)
and I don't remember the exact number, but there's like a threshold. If a woman is more than, let's just say, six months pregnant, they have to go to the hospital because, I'm sorry, if there's a typhoon coming, they have to go to the hospital. That was an important part. Because when the typhoon comes in, the barometric pressure drops and it's very common for babies to be born early because of the pressure dropping. Yes, it might be seven months. I can't remember the exact date.

@KeithMalinak On X (26:13.216)

@KeithMalinak On X (26:21.346)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (26:24.993)
Hmm. Wow.

Kelly Smith (26:29.088)
So my due date was Halloween. Tsunami, sorry, typhoon comes in October 25th. My mom had to go to the hospital. My dad was en route, he was a F-15 pilot to Australia at the time. The only time he's ever gotten a TDY to Australia and he had a turnaround in his F-15, because they were sending my mom to the hospital, and he never got to go back and he still holds that over my head to this day.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (26:43.212)

Kelly Smith (26:56.234)
but no kidding. My mom went into labor and I was born about a week early, because of this typhoon. And then my mom told me, she was like, you know, I considered naming you after the typhoon, but it was typhoon gay. And that just didn't sound very nice. And was like, I really appreciate that. Mom, typhoon gay, but that I ended up as Kelly.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (26:56.983)
Ha ha ha ha.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (27:04.171)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (27:12.513)

@KeithMalinak On X (27:12.707)
I found cake.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (27:17.933)
Wow, that would be, there you go.

@KeithMalinak On X (27:19.011)
my goodness, wow!

Kelly Smith (27:25.222)
And she hadn't had a middle name picked out for me yet. So they were waiting in the hospital. They put you like in a holding space and there was an Elizabeth Taylor movie on and she was like Elizabeth. So that is my birth story. In Japan. I do not speak Japanese. So don't ask me. Typhoon gay Typhoon Kelly. They call me Typhoon Kelly as a child forever.

@KeithMalinak On X (27:33.259)
about that's cool very good in japan okay typhoon gay interesting i don't know that i like it i like it a lot so if you let's see in school i'm sorry boy i i need to work on my handwriting in school did you ever get suspens

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (27:38.241)
Wow, very cool.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (27:47.789)
Typhoon Gay.

Kelly Smith (28:00.086)
It's okay.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (28:00.493)
Side note, I'm loving the messages about Carrie and your wife and how she deserves to sainthood because she homeschools with you. So I agree with that. Carrie deserves sainthood for one, marrying this guy. I mean, it's just, it's amazing.

@KeithMalinak On X (28:01.805)
What do we got over here?

Kelly Smith (28:11.348)

Kelly Smith (28:15.358)
That's amazing. No! Spicy in here!

@KeithMalinak On X (28:15.587)
100 % I could give you I could give you a dozen reasons why she deserves sainthood but but shoot Yeah Okay in school did you ever get suspended expelled or detention and do you remember why JP? Homeschooled Piss me off go to your room Report to your room

Kelly Smith (28:23.69)
That's incredible. Like I thought about it, but I don't know if I could do it.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (28:27.551)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (28:37.965)
I was homeschooled.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (28:43.693)
Yeah, pretty much. I mean, it could have been anything from like playing drums with my pencils or I don't know, it could have been anything. But yeah, literally, I just got grounded. So that was it.

@KeithMalinak On X (28:50.093)
So hang on a second. You just resurrected a memory in me, especially fifth grade. Pencils, man. We had a pencil fighting league. You know I'm talking about? We had a schedule. Yours truly made a lot of schedules. Yeah. No, no, not homeschool. I wasn't homeschooled. I'm talking about when I was in school. You take a pencil, right? So does anybody in the chat know about this? OK, so you hold the pencil.

Kelly Smith (28:52.788)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (29:01.623)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (29:06.109)
No. Humskull.

Kelly Smith (29:13.75)
Thank you.

@KeithMalinak On X (29:18.883)
And you can't spin it because that'll lessen the blow, but you have to hold it tight because if it comes off, it's a, I don't know how I don't remember all the minutiae, but so what you would do is you'd, you'd rear it back like this and then right. you would hit right. And you tried it and whoever's pencil broke, you lost and we had a whole season and it was wild, man. I don't think I was that good. I don't know. It's just like,

Kelly Smith (29:37.999)
yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Season?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (29:39.037)
yeah. Yeah.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (29:45.217)
Did you ever win?

@KeithMalinak On X (29:48.299)
it's torque you know it's like but you could cheat you could cheat you know and you can catch your body cheatin if you see the the print move you know because he's spinning it so it yeah anyway fifth grade but that that's what i thought that that's how distracted i get when someone says yeah we used to drum with our pencils and the next thing you know i'm off talking about my childhood sorry so okay let's see kelly kelly my gosh i bet just in the

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (29:50.253)
Okay, well, it's interesting. Yeah.

Kelly Smith (29:54.102)
some physics.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (30:00.285)
Yeah. Huh.

Kelly Smith (30:01.854)

@KeithMalinak On X (30:17.901)
Just in the brief conversations that we had, I bet Kelly was... I bet Typhoon Kelly had her own desk in detention hall. No.

Kelly Smith (30:23.606)
Thai food, Kelly?

Kelly Smith (30:28.086)
So oddly enough, I never got suspension or detention because, and it wasn't because I was good, I was really good at being bad in the military. I mean, you had to be. So we all lived on base most of the time. I mean, by the time you're bad, you're in high school. And I went to school like on base and you lived on base and everything. Everybody's dads worked together. But in the military, like if you get in trouble,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (30:29.536)

@KeithMalinak On X (30:53.795)

Kelly Smith (30:55.126)
your dad gets in trouble too. Like it's not just you. So military kids are really bad, but really good at being bad. My best friend, I had my two best friends. My dad was a Colonel. My friend, Julia, her dad was the preacher, the base chaplain. She was terrible. I love her. And then my friend Laura, her dad was a three star general. we could, like, we had to be like good about being bad. I mean, we used to do stuff. We used to sneak out every single weekend.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (31:12.661)


Kelly Smith (31:23.702)
And this is how bad I was. This is how smart I was. You remember in the nineties, with sneaking out? Like when I started sneaking out, probably 13. Yeah, I was, I told you I was bad. No, you're good. It's coming, it's coming. So I would, when I would sneak out to meet my girlfriends.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (31:26.636)
What age?


JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (31:34.593)
Wow, okay. I'm just trying to picture, my girls are only five and two, Like, what do I, I gotta, got a lot to go. Get ready for it.

@KeithMalinak On X (31:36.835)
Get ready JP!

Kelly Smith (31:48.242)
In the 90s, y'all probably don't remember this, because you're boys, there used to be some really popular nail polish that glowed in the dark. Like it was clear, but it glowed in the dark, right? So we lived in this two-story house and it had wooden floors. So I went through my house to find the spots that didn't creak, because my room was upstairs, and I would put like a little paint on there. So when I'm sneaking out at night and the lights are off, I could see where I would step to not wake up my parents.

@KeithMalinak On X (32:03.895)

@KeithMalinak On X (32:13.026)

Kelly Smith (32:15.894)
like that level like recon bad. When we would have parties, there were no cell phones, obviously. My girlfriend and I would make a diagram of the house, like this is where like all the furniture is. So everything could go back exactly where it was when your parents got home. I mean, you don't want the general coming home and finding, know, we threw a rager in the party house. Yes. Thank you.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (32:16.502)

No way.

@KeithMalinak On X (32:28.995)
JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (32:29.962)

@KeithMalinak On X (32:35.299)
I have two questions. That is incredible. Well done, first of all. Okay, so I know in this house where, but I don't dare tell my kids, I know where the stairs creek too. So yeah, so that's number one. But here's my question for you. Your dad in the military, how many locations did you...

Kelly Smith (32:50.261)

Kelly Smith (32:54.496)
They'll find out. They'll find out.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (32:54.771)

Kelly Smith (32:59.07)

@KeithMalinak On X (33:03.743)
end up living as a kid as a military brat.

Well... Uh-huh. Okay.

Kelly Smith (33:09.994)
Okay, that's good. I got to think about it for a second. So I moved, I was early. I moved out of the house at 17. And I want to say 12 different, we lived, I grew up completely in Europe. I was born in Japan and then I've lived in probably 10 ish different States or something like that. That's pretty, pretty incredible stuff. I mean, when I got to college, my college boyfriend was from little teeny tiny town of West Texas.

@KeithMalinak On X (33:24.909)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (33:27.351)

Kelly Smith (33:37.92)
first time you ever moved was into the dorms, blew my mind. I was like, what? Like you've known people like forever? Like it just, but I thought it was normal, you know, and people ask me now, like, was it hard? I'm like, no, like everybody did it. And like you PCS, you'd see your friends again in two or three different moves again, you know, it's, was normal. Yeah. Yeah. the time. Military kids are built different. It's, it's, it's basically a business trip.

@KeithMalinak On X (33:50.958)
JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (33:55.413)
Wow, I didn't think about that. That would happen, huh?

@KeithMalinak On X (33:58.403)
What does PCS stand for?

@KeithMalinak On X (34:06.06)

Kelly Smith (34:07.222)
It's, it's it's a, it's, they, it's, forgot what it's called. The acronym stands for, we just call it a PCS. It's a moving or TDY is the business trip. That's temporary duty. know that one. PCS is when you actually move, like you get orders somewhere to move. Cause we didn't usually know. mean, sometimes it would be like a month and a half and you're gone. Sometimes it'd be six months. You never know. dad would come home with ice cream. Anytime he came home with ice cream, my sister and I were like, Oh, we're moving. Where are going now?

@KeithMalinak On X (34:10.179)

@KeithMalinak On X (34:14.615)

@KeithMalinak On X (34:19.736)

@KeithMalinak On X (34:32.453)
huh. So, gosh, yeah. Here's the ice cream cone, honey. Pack your bags. So I always say that being a broadcasting kid, my kids, that's like, if you're a radio kid, it's just one step below the frequency rate of a military kid. You know what I'm saying? Like you said, you moved a dozen times. That's shocking. I thought five was a lot for my kids, but no, apparently not.

Kelly Smith (34:36.97)

Kelly Smith (34:46.326)

Kelly Smith (34:54.528)
Mm-hmm. Maybe. Maybe.

At least, yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (35:02.648)
So, okay, let's see here.

Kelly Smith (35:03.318)
No. I went to three high schools. Went to three high schools, two middle schools, three elementary schools, maybe two. At least.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (35:10.263)

@KeithMalinak On X (35:12.291)
You and that kinda... You said, you know, were asked, was it hard? I don't know, I can see it being hard, but, you know, if things are sucking at a location, that could be a breath of fresh air. Right! These people have no idea! Yes! That's good.

Kelly Smith (35:25.398)
You can reinvent yourself. You can be whoever you want. The next time you move, like who cares? Yeah. No, was pretty, I mean, then I grew up on flight lines and then, you know, airplane hangers with F-15s. We would go to the squadron for Christmas and they would put some little second lieutenant in an F-15 and dress them up as Santa and they'd take off and then they'd bring all the kids out to the flight line. No ear protection, like nothing.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (35:30.647)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (35:37.997)

Kelly Smith (35:53.718)
just on the flight line and an F-15 would come in and land and the would open and Santa would come out smelling like jet fuel and whiskey and cigarettes, you know, because it was the 80s. It was great. I mean, I'm half deaf, you know, whatever, like inhaling jet fuel fumes. But yeah, it was a pretty, was pretty bitch in life.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (35:58.561)
No way.

@KeithMalinak On X (36:03.521)
Don't judge.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (36:04.246)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (36:09.069)

@KeithMalinak On X (36:09.283)
ha ha.

@KeithMalinak On X (36:17.547)
That's awesome. Okay. Huh?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (36:21.197)
What was your favorite state or base that you stayed at?

Kelly Smith (36:23.637)

Kelly Smith (36:27.19)
Um, I have a big fondness for Germany. We lived off base in Germany. Uh, that was a couple of times we lived off base. And my parents like, that was kind of one of them. So I grew up in a German village. speak German fluently and my childhood best friend is German. I mean, the culture, the, the food was fantastic. My favorite place in the States, besides Texas, obviously, I think it was Alaska. Alaska was really cool. I'm, I'm at first kiss under the Northern lights.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (36:42.733)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (36:52.781)
That's cool.

@KeithMalinak On X (36:53.731)
Oh, that's kind of cool. Hold on a sec. Hold on. Hold on. on. Hold I'm not going to ask you too many details about the guy who kissed you, but here's my question. Okay. No, here was my question. My question was, was he a local to Alaska or was he a military? Okay. So, so, so again, not, not to, not to ruin that romantic magic moment under the Northern Lights.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (36:56.941)
Wow. That's cool.

Kelly Smith (37:06.166)
I think he's gay now.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (37:06.26)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (37:10.091)

Kelly Smith (37:16.072)
He was a local. He was not a Bratz.

@KeithMalinak On X (37:22.465)
My question was, how do we know he wasn't doing that with a lot of girls? Like, look, it's under the Northern Lights. Sorry, I didn't want to ruin the...

Kelly Smith (37:24.052)
Yep. Yep.

Kelly Smith (37:31.197)
I'm sure, oh yeah, like roll out the red carpet or something. It probably was. I mean, us military girls, we're like exotic, right? You know, to these civilians. We call them civilians, not locals. They're the civilians. But then we'll go to the net, we'll PCS the next place and find somebody else. Anyway, sorry, go on.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (37:36.503)

@KeithMalinak On X (37:40.835)
Okay, alrighty, who's the most in-

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (37:44.872)

@KeithMalinak On X (37:48.899)
that's that no no but there no northern lights and uh... you know and uh... and dot in their force base in atlanta uh... as the other the only air force base i could think of a time i had i grew up right next to it uh... let's see here who's the most intelligent person you know and why kelly

Kelly Smith (37:55.08)
There's no Northern Lights now.

Kelly Smith (38:04.456)

Kelly Smith (38:11.126)
I'm gonna be basic on this one. It's gotta be my dad. mean, the man who flew F-15s, traveled the world with a couple of kids. He worked at the Pentagon. He's done some stuff at Kirtland, but he will not tell me anything that's a big alien base, by the way, if he had calcium. He will not tell me! Uh-uh.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (38:21.195)

@KeithMalinak On X (38:23.427)
What? I was just about to ask you. I was about to ask you, what is he, what are these conversations like with him? He will not do any...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (38:30.253)

Kelly Smith (38:34.132)
Well, tell me, will not tell me. He has told me before that, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is fine. He's told me before and keep in mind that he was a pilot like in the eighties and early nineties. So it's like the climate is completely different than it is now. But he said, he says he personally hasn't seen anything.

@KeithMalinak On X (38:34.795)
Okay, does he hint at anything? Does he...

I don't wanna get him in trouble here.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (38:44.373)

Kelly Smith (39:00.266)
But he was like, I'd say probably three out of the four pilots that I knew have seen something, but nobody ever reports it. Like they'll talk about it with their bros or whatever, you know, after hours of the beer, share stories, but it wasn't ever reported. You never like talked about it or anything like that. You just kind of kept it to yourself. He said, everybody had a story.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (39:10.925)

@KeithMalinak On X (39:18.027)
Wow, okay, all right, so JP, who's the most intelligent person that you know and why?

Kelly Smith (39:22.952)
Yeah, it is.


JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (39:29.165)
Besides you, Keith, I don't, I mean. No, Yeah. No, I would probably definitely say my wife. She's just super smart. Way smarter than me. Way above my what I, I, they all are. No clue how I got her.

@KeithMalinak On X (39:30.883)
Yeah, I was totally fishing for this, yeah. Stupid.

Kelly Smith (39:31.06)
@KeithMalinak On X (39:41.571)
They all are, bro. Don't, Kelly, close your ears, Kelly. Close your ears for a second. They all are smarter than us. And they remember everything. And Carrie, you're always right. That's actually a fact. Like we'll start talking about something and then I'll say, no, no, it's not that, it's this. And she goes, it's that.

Kelly Smith (39:43.68)
to have.

Kelly Smith (39:48.118)


JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (39:52.941)
They are so smart. Everything. That is true.

Kelly Smith (39:57.995)

Kelly Smith (40:02.624)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (40:02.783)

@KeithMalinak On X (40:06.763)
and then she'll show me and I'll go, it's that. Every time, every freaking time. so what was the last TV show that you binge watched, JP?

Kelly Smith (40:12.938)
That's that.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (40:13.133)
Yeah, every time.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (40:20.299)
Ooh, Blast or current?

@KeithMalinak On X (40:23.395)
hair? Just pick one.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (40:28.073)
Alright, currently, currently, currently, I'm rewatching all the Seinfelds. Fantastic.

@KeithMalinak On X (40:30.679)
That's good, I've been wanting to do that for 20 years, man.

Kelly Smith (40:34.518)
Let's go on.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (40:37.675)
And for first time, which is kind of sad, I'm just now watching it, but I love politics, so I'm watching West Wing for the first time. And it's a lot of fun to watch. Super liberal, but I mean, I'm really enjoying it. I like it. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (40:41.75)
I've never watched it.

Kelly Smith (40:45.046)
I haven't watched that. Never watched it either.

@KeithMalinak On X (40:46.497)
Yeah, I love that kind of stuff. You know what was a good, and I should watch The West Wing, because that is right up my nerdy alley, but it's the first season of Designated Survivor was really good. Then it just blew chunks after the first season.

Kelly Smith (40:50.486)
I mean everything else.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (40:59.201)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (41:04.601)
that was so good. Then it, well, it's kind of like 24 of the first few seasons were incredible. And then the last season where he like apologizes to the terrorist, you're like, that's not Jack. Yeah. So stupid. Yeah. But Seinfeld, mean, living in New York, you know, we lived there for a couple of years when I was at Fox and every time I watch it, it's like reminiscing on my old times, even though they filmed it in LA, but still it's like living in New York.

@KeithMalinak On X (41:08.023)
Yeah. Yep.

Kelly Smith (41:12.143)

@KeithMalinak On X (41:15.115)
Yeah, yeah, that's not Jack. Yep.

Kelly Smith (41:16.0)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like what? Key for Sutherland's growth.

Kelly Smith (41:33.195)
I actually didn't know that.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (41:33.965)
Don't tell anyone. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (41:35.898)
Okay Let's see here, where do I want to go now I tell you

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (41:41.357)
Where were Kelly's? Where were Kelly's?

Kelly Smith (41:42.966)
What am I? We're rewatching Yellowstone right now and all of them, the Yellowstone, you're fine. Thank you, JP. I told you we're besties. Have you finished? You haven't finished it? Like the new, new one that just came out a couple of months ago? And I did too. We rewatched it right before the new, new, the ending of it came out. It's so good. And then we're finishing up 1883.

@KeithMalinak On X (41:43.233)
my bad, I'm sorry Kelly. I'm a bad host. I'm a bad host. Sorry. Okay.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (41:46.866)
I never finished. You're welcome. I care. I care.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (41:58.923)
I mean, I know how it ended, but I would love to rewatch it again. Ugh, it's such a good show.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (42:09.419)

Kelly Smith (42:12.95)
Getting ready for the new 1923. 1883 was my favorite by far. Like Yellowstone was good, but 18... Yes, Keith. Was that your favorite too?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (42:14.763)

@KeithMalinak On X (42:16.451)
Yes. 1883 is the greatest TV show of all time, as far as I'm concerned. And it's only, what, 10 episodes, eight episodes? JP, I'm not gonna ruin, I'm not gonna ruin anything for you, JP, or anybody that hasn't seen 1883. I've tweeted about this, but, and Kelly won't, she's not gonna ruin anything either. But the scene where,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (42:21.089)
I need to watch that. I haven't watched it.

Kelly Smith (42:26.166)
It's so good, like the characters. Yeah, something like that. It's like, yeah, 10 or 11. You need to.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (42:27.905)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (42:33.111)
That's awesome.

@KeithMalinak On X (42:45.783)
The oldest with a daughter is talking with the captain. Okay, you know what I'm about? Where they're sitting there talking. That is the greatest scene in TV history as far as I'm concerned. The dialogue, the acting, anyway. So, okay, I need to go back and watch 1883 now. It's only like 10 episodes, right? It's not.

Kelly Smith (42:46.23)
I promise.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (42:46.294)

Kelly Smith (42:52.15)
Is it? Is it? it? Is it?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (43:00.439)

Kelly Smith (43:03.423)

Kelly Smith (43:09.152)
Yeah, I mean, we're finishing up right now. think we started last week, so it's nothing.

@KeithMalinak On X (43:10.603)
Okay, I won't say anything about the ending of Yellowstone except for... Except for this. Taylor Sheridan was handed, through the Kevin Costner drama, a big pile of crap, and what he was able to turn the final season into off of that was incredible. That, I mean, seriously.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (43:25.975)

Kelly Smith (43:28.342)

Kelly Smith (43:38.728)
Agreed, agreed. Because I knew going into it, what would have happened. And I was like, how are they going to get around that? You know, like, it's Kevin Costner and he nailed it. Get for him.

@KeithMalinak On X (43:40.845)

Well done, Taylor.

Yes, yes he did. So I thought this would be fun and I'm not trying to set y'all up here, but with Canada in the news, I thought, you know what? I don't know how many provinces and territories there are, but I'm going to try to count as many as I can come up with and let's see how well I did. Okay. It's not, it's not easy because no, no, no, no. I'm just telling you, I didn't do that well.

Kelly Smith (43:56.32)

Kelly Smith (44:10.038)
Am I fat checking you?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (44:13.921)
Ha ha ha ha ha.

@KeithMalinak On X (44:14.847)
And so I'm not trying to embarrass y'all, but I wanna see if you can, A, guess how many territories and provinces there are and how many can you name? Because they're in the news!

Kelly Smith (44:15.317)

Kelly Smith (44:21.04)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (44:30.284)

Kelly Smith (44:33.467)
@KeithMalinak On X (44:33.771)
You don't wanna play? JP doesn't wanna play.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (44:35.07)

Kelly Smith (44:38.39)
I'm going with my gut. I'm gonna go with my gut. I'm gonna say five.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (44:44.525)
I'm gonna say seven.

@KeithMalinak On X (44:46.275)
Somebody can do my job for me in the chat here because this didn't list them. It's just a map. No, okay, so it looks like there is, again, somebody seriously fact-checked this. I'm not kidding, please. I think it's, is this, counting two, four, six. Is it 11 provinces and three territories? This didn't print. Oh, you do that. Do that for me. Do my job for me. How many?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (44:55.597)
my gosh!

Kelly Smith (45:13.394)
Rock, are you on Twitter? Ask Rock.

@KeithMalinak On X (45:16.333)
Thank you. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada?

Kelly Smith (45:18.26)
I got you boo.

How many provinces is...

@KeithMalinak On X (45:24.504)
Okay, since you're doing that JP is gonna see how many he can name

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (45:29.997)
Also, also ask Rock why do I care?

@KeithMalinak On X (45:31.259)
Because because we're gonna take it over one day and we need to know how many individual states are we gonna is it gonna be Is it one state are we gonna let them break into the little provinces and stuff. here we go. Hold on. Hold on Hang on the the Knights who say knee has has done the okay 10 you said right 10 provinces kit. Okay Alberta British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland

Kelly Smith (45:33.95)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (45:35.725)
That's what I want to hear. We got to take them over.

Kelly Smith (45:43.126)
don't think we want to take him over though.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (45:46.124)

We're going to take Greenland and take Canada.

Kelly Smith (45:49.472)
Nope. yeah, Greenland.

Kelly Smith (45:58.016)
Ten provinces, yes.

@KeithMalinak On X (46:01.019)
Labrador you don't get two names it's like Trinidad and Tobago you pick one Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan yeah but okay here are the territories Northwest territories Nanavut and Yukon so 13 total entities there and I think I got

Kelly Smith (46:08.284)
I was still that much fine.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (46:09.623)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (46:22.933)
Wow. You know, there's, there's a great Canadian show, two great Canadian shows. One, it was Avonlea, Disney show way back when took place in a Prince Edward Island right around there. Another one due South, that used to be on CBS. And it was about a Mountie that had to work in Chicago at the police station. It's a great show. It's one of the best things that ever came out of Canada was an actor out of Canada.

Kelly Smith (46:24.822)
Why do they gotta make it so confusing?

Kelly Smith (46:34.568)
one. Okay.

@KeithMalinak On X (46:40.931)
Well that was good! I kinda like that. Yeah!

Kelly Smith (46:43.83)

@KeithMalinak On X (46:49.411)
Yes, uh, hang on a second. have you guys been following this stupid asteroid? They keep changing the percentage chance of it us. It's gone from 2.6 to 3.1. Now it's back down to 1.5%. And that's just in a few days. We have until 2032, if you haven't heard this, this asteroid, they think it's going to hit us, you know, a 1 % chance at this point. I feel like they're holding back some information. I don't think they want to tell us what they want to be able to say. Well, we warned you.

Kelly Smith (46:52.502)
That's funny.

Kelly Smith (47:01.206)
And time.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (47:01.515)
Yes. Yep.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (47:06.966)

Kelly Smith (47:11.914)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

@KeithMalinak On X (47:19.373)
there was a chance. What do y'all think? you are you much concerned about this asteroid? Anyone?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (47:29.293)
Go ahead, Kelly.

Kelly Smith (47:30.934)
I've got a lot to say about this. Do not bring in aliens. No. I know, I'm sorry. I'll rein it in a little bit. So the last threat that we had from an asteroid, there was one, I think it was like 2.6 % and it was in 2004. And they didn't tell us anything about it. Like, do you remember?

@KeithMalinak On X (47:34.369)
That's right, I gotta make sure we get to that alien story I have here. No, no no no! No! We're gonna get to it!

Kelly Smith (47:59.562)
Nobody remembers that they don't even like there was yeah, there was one. mean, you're just like.

@KeithMalinak On X (47:59.595)
I remember something very recently, but you're saying 2004?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (48:00.634)

Kelly Smith (48:06.07)
It was like 2004. remember I could, I could have the date off by a year or two, but I think it's, I think it's just like everything else is like really sensationalized right now. Um, I mean, there's like, if we, if we knew all the stuff that is flying around us all the time in space, like we would never, we would never sleep every day. I mean, it's, it's, it's more than the human mind could like.

@KeithMalinak On X (48:22.947)
And more and more every day with all the stuff they're launching.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (48:25.079)
all the time.

No. Yeah. Yeah.

Kelly Smith (48:34.816)
comprehend out there, like we're always endangered for them to say this asteroid, you know, is seven years away and these percent of chances. I think, I think it's just, you know, not to be David Icke, but to stir up the louche.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (48:42.295)

@KeithMalinak On X (48:48.163)
JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (48:49.069)
Mm-hmm. I think we should call it Bruce Willis out of honor of Bruce Willis. And Armageddon that thing.

@KeithMalinak On X (48:51.299)

Kelly Smith (48:53.214)
No, don't. Well, definitely we gotta call Bruce Willis.

@KeithMalinak On X (48:54.787)
So, it's gonna be interesting to see if they actually come up with a plan for this, but I've got a million dollar... I can probably... Okay, that's fine. But I think I have a million dollar idea for somebody. So, if anybody can create apps or have that kind of knowledge base, you need to make an app, it be the Asteroid Tracker. And so every day at the water cooler at work, you can be like, oh my gosh, we're up to 5.8 % chance of...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (49:03.433)
It's gonna disappear, just like all the other ones. Yeah.

Kelly Smith (49:15.23)

@KeithMalinak On X (49:24.449)
And you know how the polymarkets... really? I didn't know this. you attract sharks. Yeah, that's right. No, I'm aware of that. Yeah, Pico, the famous shark, he went all over the place from the Northeast down the Gulf of Mec- America? The Gulf of America, excuse me. I feel like I'm gonna get my ass thrown in jail if I say Gulf of Mexico anymore. That's right. So, you know how they have the polymarkets.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (49:27.201)

Kelly Smith (49:28.243)
They have one for sure!

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (49:30.38)

Kelly Smith (49:31.626)
You can track sharks. Yeah, it's a shark tracking app. Yeah. So why couldn't they put it on the asteroids? Yeah.

Ah, ah, the Gulf of America. You're gonna get shamed on the internet.

@KeithMalinak On X (49:53.313)
And so you can bet on events or presidential elections, on. And okay, there needs to be a polymarket for this asteroid. The problem is if it's a direct hit, that thing ain't paying out. If you buy in when it's at 1%, that's a big payoff if it actually hits us,

Kelly Smith (49:58.667)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (49:59.851)

Kelly Smith (50:04.423)
The asteroid.

Kelly Smith (50:12.981)
All right.

@KeithMalinak On X (50:13.987)
Who's paying it? Okay, so I'm looking for, had this, here we go, here we go, I found it. Here we go. All right, get your alien talk ready. The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is vowing to be transparent with the American people on issues such as assassinations, 9-11, COVID-19 origins, and UFOs. So here's my question for the two of you and everyone there in the chat. If you'd like to participate in the chat, maybe you're watching on Twitter.

Kelly Smith (50:18.326)
Who's playing it?

@KeithMalinak On X (50:40.375)
The gang hangs out and chats over at youtube.com slash at the mic. I just want to make that clear. So I'm wondering, do you think, how much transparency are you actually expecting from Representative Annapolina Luna and Representative Comer? I just wonder, do you think we're actually going to learn some stuff here? Is it going to be a bunch of nothing burgers? I can already tell that JP is not expecting any shocking revelations. What do you think?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (51:14.067)
I'm frustrated that they built a whole committee on this. No offense to Anna. I think it's really cool that she wanted to do this, but put it all on archives on the national archives website and let us look at it. Like, why do we need Congress people who already, I mean, Congress has one of the lowest ratings in a long time. So why do we need to, why do we trust them to go through it? I just, I don't, I don't get it. I don't get it.

Kelly Smith (51:19.734)

@KeithMalinak On X (51:21.589)
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Kelly Smith (51:27.316)

@KeithMalinak On X (51:34.307)
That's a great point. That's a great point. It's such a simple but profound point. know, like, we don't need gatekeepers. I thought that was the whole point.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (51:49.453)
Right, he did it, he released it. So be transparent and release it. We don't need hearings. Hearings are a waste of taxpayer money anyways. Nothing is accomplished. And it's just, it's like, I don't know, it's frustrating. I don't think we will.

Kelly Smith (51:49.846)

@KeithMalinak On X (51:50.413)

@KeithMalinak On X (51:55.778)

Kelly Smith (51:56.298)
Right, right.

@KeithMalinak On X (51:58.499)
I don't like all this time they've got a lot of time with Sharpies and I don't like that the FBI... Yeah. But the FBI saying, we found this extra 40,000 pages from the JFK investigation, the 2,400 pages or something, or was it files with equally, 2,400 files, 40,000 pages. And to your point, JP,

Kelly Smith (52:01.908)
No, I agree.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (52:07.083)
Yeah, and then big poster boards that they'll just put up and say, this happened.

Kelly Smith (52:09.92)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (52:18.209)

Kelly Smith (52:21.226)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (52:22.733)
Yeah, yeah, I think there's like 2,400 files that hadn't been seen before.

@KeithMalinak On X (52:28.619)
Okay, let's just say you actually just found that which we know that you didn't but let's just say you did then what the hell then just Push it out. What why why what's the what's the hold up here?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (52:40.311)

It's kind of funny because with Mercury One, we also have a history museum. And so we have about 100,000 historical artifacts from the pilgrims to the space race right here in Dallas. And we're scanning it and we're digitizing it. Super, super easy to do when you've got the process. You literally go in and you scan it, and then we're going to put it up on a database for the world to be able to search history. So it's all of our artifacts, which talk about God's providence through American history.

Kelly Smith (53:10.485)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (53:11.169)
But also, you we've got the good, the bad, and the ugly of American history. So just upload it. Haven't we been paying billions of dollars to the National Archives? So it's just upload it, let us look at it, and let the American people decide. I mean, it's pretty much our job anyways.

@KeithMalinak On X (53:15.171)

Kelly Smith (53:21.322)

@KeithMalinak On X (53:24.131)
Here's the counter argument. Yeah, but Elon made us get rid of all of our employees. So now we don't have anybody that can scan stuff. So, OK. Anybody in the chat that's within driving distance of Dallas or you're planning on being anywhere near Dallas. Kelly, how old are your kids?

Kelly Smith (53:37.138)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (53:37.165)
True, true, so true.

Kelly Smith (53:51.958)
So I have a seven year old, nine year old, and my stepson is 28. The spread.

@KeithMalinak On X (53:52.119)

Okay, okay. Well, what I was going to suggest is, is you have to get to this museum that JP was just discussing. Anybody that can get up to Dallas, not only for the American, what's the website, JP? I'm sorry to put you on the spot. American Journey Experience. I always put you on the spot, sorry. So it's, and it's like 20 bucks, right? 25 bucks? What is it? 30?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (53:58.391)
All right.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (54:13.421)
American Journey Experience. You're putting me on the spot? American Journey Experience.com.

Kelly Smith (54:15.67)
American Journey Experience. I'm writing it down.

@KeithMalinak On X (54:23.787)
something. It's such a good deal. It is a museum like you've never experienced. You aren't just walking around looking at boring placards going, okay, maybe I'll look at this. No, you have someone storytelling, letting you hold these hundreds of year old items and artifacts and telling you what you're holding in the stories behind. It is truly the most well done museum that you guys do over there.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (54:25.729)
Yeah, yeah.

Kelly Smith (54:25.776)

Kelly Smith (54:36.096)

Kelly Smith (54:49.11)
That's cool.

@KeithMalinak On X (54:51.457)
JP. So if you're ever in Dallas, I would recommend getting to that. And I would go over to the JFK, the school book depository, six floor museum, because that's interesting.

Kelly Smith (54:59.99)
Mm-hmm. But where was the other shooter from? Was he in the car? We don't know yet. I've heard it, but I don't really. I've heard it. Apparently there's a new video out and everybody is like swearing up and down that they can see the driver turn around. I've watched that video a hundred times and I don't see what they're seeing. I don't see what they're like. And I believe everything.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (55:01.367)
Yeah, the sixth floor museum. Yeah.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (55:08.213)
You know that I had not heard that one before until like just this year. Yeah. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (55:08.806)
yeah, the Secret Service agent. Yeah.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (55:18.273)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (55:22.539)
I've watched it so many times too. I personally, this is not the stance of AJE, our museum, but I do believe there was a second shooter. I think it just makes more sense. I watched that Seinfeld episode with the silver loogie, with the spit on Kramer. that was one of the funniest episodes, but I think there was. I do.

Kelly Smith (55:32.65)

Kelly Smith (55:41.558)

@KeithMalinak On X (55:45.251)
Okay, well, I never remember the name of the book, but Robert Morrow, my audience is so sick of me talking about this book, this guy who bought the guns, didn't know he was buying them for the assassination three rifles. He fixed he he made these radios that were on a different frequency that you couldn't. I'm telling you, it was it was three. And just read the book. Oliver Stone's JFK is very close to the book.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (56:12.621)

@KeithMalinak On X (56:14.581)
And as I've said before, after I read the book, I still had never seen the movie JFK. And then I found out later that Oliver Stone got a lot of feedback input from the author. And I thought, that makes sense. So watch JFK from Oliver Stone if you have it. It's about as close as you're to get to reality of what happened that day, I think. So you just mentioned something else that I can't let go, but I forgot what it was. So I guess I'm letting it go. the Silver Lugie episode on Seinfeld.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (56:37.388)

@KeithMalinak On X (56:44.513)
I gotta tell you, Keith Hernandez, the New York Mets player who was in that episode, he nearly killed my mother before an Atlanta Braves New York Mets game back in the late 80s. That's back when they had the picnic area. was her company's picnic night down in the bullpen. And so I was watching the pitchers warm up before the game.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (56:45.293)

Kelly Smith (56:47.562)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (56:48.353)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (56:53.293)
She thirdandes?


JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (57:06.495)

@KeithMalinak On X (57:13.301)
and it's right on the field. And so I called her over here to the bullpen to watch the pictures warm up. And so she turned around and then no sooner as she turned around that she just like collapsed. And I was like, dear God, my mom's been shot, you know? And so what had happened was my instincts as a kid, I think I was eight years old. It's like I was helping her, but then people were helping her and I saw she was alive. And then I turned around.

Kelly Smith (57:31.414)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (57:31.905)
Whoa, my gosh.

@KeithMalinak On X (57:41.293)
who just hit a line drive down the first base line. And during batting practice, it was Keith Hernandez who tried to kill my mom with a line drive that hit her in the back. If it had been four inches higher, it would have hit her in the head. So, Keith Hernandez, I'm watching you, Keith Hernandez. So let's see. so let me talk to you now, Kelly, about what do you expect to be disclosed with the aliens and stuff.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (57:49.921)

Kelly Smith (58:01.012)
That's crazy. We're coming for you.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (58:01.707)

@KeithMalinak On X (58:14.099)
I figured you did.

Kelly Smith (58:14.609)
I have a lot to say about this one. To piggyback on JP, I totally agree. think that, I'm super like, when they started talking about it, kind of perked up, I was like, okay, but she keeps saying, we're coming out with it, we're coming out with it. Like just put it out, like we don't quit telling us, like we don't need these hearings. But like I'm gonna nerd out for a second, so.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (58:18.615)
Let's hear it.

@KeithMalinak On X (58:26.071)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (58:35.573)

Kelly Smith (58:43.062)
Follow me, bear with me on this. This is my thought process on disclosure because I've been following this, I mean, since I was a kid, like way before social media made it like acceptable, you know, and sexy and all that. Are y'all familiar with Werner von Braun?

@KeithMalinak On X (58:58.212)
yeah, the Nazi guy, right? Or,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (59:00.887)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have a lot of documents from him.

Kelly Smith (59:03.639)
He was a Nazi. Yes, he was a Nazi. We brought him over here during Operation Paperclip. He basically sent us to the moon.

@KeithMalinak On X (59:08.525)
Hold on, hold on a second, hold on. So let's see, hold on. Kelly Smith, Kurt Cobain death and operation paperclip. That's gonna be a long day. I'm writing you down.

Kelly Smith (59:23.382)
I'm to clear my schedule. So he, and I don't know if y'all know this part of it. So when he got cancer towards the end of his life and when he retired, he spent the last couple of years of his life going on this whole like campaign with his secretary, I think it was talking about, essentially it was, listen, we have all this technology. Like I've seen it.

We've rebuilt it, it is there, we have the aliens, we have the crafts, we've rebuilt the crafts. Like I have rebuilt the crafts, right? and by the way, the government is planning to use this later, like as some kind of false flag, know, fear tactics, something like that. So he went on this, like, till his last breath was talking about, do not trust government disclosure.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00:06.785)

Kelly Smith (01:00:19.814)
Aliens are smarter than us. They don't need the government. If they want to be seen, we'll see them. But he just, I mean, like went to his deathbed telling us, do not trust government disclosure, whatever they tell you. It's, it is the government. Like, you know, if you see aliens landing on the White House lawn, that's the government doing it. So I've come from, know, again, like this like log space of watching that.

You know, and while I would love disclosure, obviously, I think the government should tell us the truth. Man, I am really, really hesitant to believe anything that they say. I'll believe, you know, these guys that come out from the Air Force, you know, and the pilots that talk about it, regular people, you know, I've seen stuff myself, but, you know, I just, and Tucker had a...

episode not too long ago about UFOs and he brought up a point that I'd never really thought about that I thought was super interesting. And I think the reason why they won't disclose it is because they're profiting like from whatever technology it is that they have, you know, like free energy or whatever, which would completely change our world, you know, but yes, I love him. He's amazing. Yes.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:22.9)
Ashton Forbes. Y'all have to just X Ashton. Please follow him. He's all over this. Yeah. Yeah. And in fact, go ahead, go ahead.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:01:33.595)
and forwards.

Kelly Smith (01:01:37.898)
So, you know, he's amazing. But.

No, no, I mean, I was about to die. I'm just saying like there's no organic reason for them to tell us, but there's lots of reasons for them not to tell

@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:50.211)
Correct, yeah. And I'm kind of curious though, I think I heard you just mention in passing that you've experienced something yourself.

Kelly Smith (01:02:02.006)
You know, a couple things here and there. I've seen some weird things. Yeah, do I tell about that? So two times. The one's kind of weird. It's your show. It's your show. We can save it. We can save it.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:02:08.419)
I don't know. Do you want to save it for this episode that I've already penciled in? Yeah, you know what? Hang on a second. Hang on. Hang on. You know, these boxes that I, this grid that I've made, there's only so much space here. Hang on. Kelly Smith, Kurt Cobain death, Operation Paperclip, her UFO, UFO experiences. Plural?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:02:19.489)
Just now? It's true.

Kelly Smith (01:02:26.07)
Kelly's alien experiences.

Kelly Smith (01:02:35.324)
UFO and I think there was an interdimensional. It's a little fuzzy. There's two times I've seen a UFO. I'm sorry. You didn't know that we were getting into all this when you asked me, huh?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:02:35.779)
my gosh, I don't have that much room in these boxes. Alright, we're gonna have to...

No, no, okay. So it's gonna be interesting to see what they disclose, but I think you're right the longer that we go from We're going to disclose them to their released I Don't like that each passing day. It gets less and less believable

Kelly Smith (01:02:59.446)

Kelly Smith (01:03:04.434)
Well, the whole New Jersey drone thing would have been a perfect opportunity. And they're like, yeah, no, no. It was just regular people. Next.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:04.758)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:03:08.827)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:10.318)
I got okay. Yes, that

Kelly Smith (01:03:15.932)
It shut down an Air Force base!

@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:17.271)
Look, does Trump believe that? Yeah, does Trump, do you think Trump believes that they're ours or is he just passing along what he was told to say?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:03:18.797)
Yeah, and then all of a sudden it just ended and no one asked again about it.

Kelly Smith (01:03:20.862)
Like what? Yeah.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:03:30.337)
I just wanted one follow up. Can you prove it maybe? Just show it to us?

Kelly Smith (01:03:30.422)
I think.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:33.709)
Yep. Yep.

Kelly Smith (01:03:37.28)

I mean, that was a lot of drama for backyard drones. You know, that one, I think it was in, I forget where it was. I think it was at Heathrow. And I know y'all remember this. was like during Christmas time and it was a commercial plane and they took a picture out of the cockpit and it was like, that looked like a volleyball kind of thing floating down the runway. Like, do y'all remember that?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:03:42.803)
Mm-hmm. And now nothing?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:56.887)
I didn't see this. Okay, make sure that... Yeah, please do.

Kelly Smith (01:04:02.354)
Okay, I'm gonna have to find it and send it to you. But I mean, this is pilot, know, like sitting in a cockpit, you can see, you know, the airplanes behind it and everything. And this, it looked like a, it was kind of like a dark gray color. It looked like a volleyball for all intents and purposes or whatever. Floating down the, down the hot, it was when all that New Jersey stuff was going on.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:04:04.438)
Yeah, I that one.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:15.565)
Well, I look forward to seeing this. Okay.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:23.027)
good. I can't wait. So, this article, where did this come from? MSN. so this is good. So it's an article that talks about the wisdom of crowds. And it's a phenomenon whereby the collective opinion of a group of people often provides a better judgment than that of a single expert. It is the most famous, in its most famous example, the statistician

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:04:35.787)
Yeah, this is good.

Kelly Smith (01:04:37.846)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:49.187)
Francis Galton recorded how in a competition to guess the weight of an ox at a county fair in 1907 the average of all 787 entries was astonishingly accurate. So the the crowd guessed 1207 it was 1198 so they were what nine pounds off very close and so so so that's the that's the term wisdom of crowds. I'm gonna skip a little bit this skip a little of this

So they've applied this to now and in his 2024 prediction contest, the wisdom of crowds beat 87 % of individual forecasters taking part in the exercise. And this is over in Britain. So there are a lot of British political stuff or what have you. Now, 51 % of those that were asked about current events.

said that Elon Musk would be fired from his role at Doge. I mean, that's half. 16 % chance that... Okay, so here we go. What are the chances that the United States will end up with either the Panama Canal or Greenland? 16 % chance. We kind of got the Panama Canal taken care of, as far as I can tell, right? So...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:06:09.608)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:13.443)
Let's see, the chance of a lasting ceasefire or truce between Ukraine and Russia before the end of the year is at 50%. So that's not what... Chinese blockade of Taiwan, 32%. So that's not likely. Anyway, I just... It's kind of a fascinating article to just how this whole wisdom of crowds thing work. And again, most of these predictions are British stuff that whatever. So I wanted to ask y'all if you had any predictions, anything.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:06:15.33)

Kelly Smith (01:06:15.434)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:42.975)
Anything, politics, sports, weather, any predictions that we want to get on record now in February that by the end of the year will take place. Do you want to go on record for anything?

Kelly Smith (01:06:52.598)
@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:58.883)

Kelly Smith (01:07:00.406)
to aliens, think it might come out that, I know, sorry. I think it's gonna, I think it's gonna come out that a lot of what we're seeing is from, is us. But that it came from them at some point. But I mean, I had to like, I don't know. But I think, but I think it can be traced back to, you know, Roswell or whatever.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:02.519)
No, you're good, you're good.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:07:05.933)
It's good.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:11.007)
Wok wok.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:07:16.823)
That's unfortunate.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:21.133)
I gonna say, I was just about to say, just go back and learn as much as you can. In fact, I should just do a show on this from Roswell, because that's before they figured out how to properly cover their tracks. And there is...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:07:25.538)

Kelly Smith (01:07:35.534)

Kelly Smith (01:07:43.169)
And I'm not saying, know, go ahead, sorry, I got you off. I got excited.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:44.277)
No, I was just going to say the technology itself from from the crinkly material in the kitchen before the government comes in and gets it. I would love to know. And I don't I have no idea, but I would love to know how much, if any, of our fascinatingly awesome technology originated from from that, you know, is from aliens. I don't know.

Kelly Smith (01:07:54.75)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:07:59.063)

Kelly Smith (01:08:12.436)
Yes, yeah, and that's exactly what I was gonna say. I think both things are true. Like I think that the government is totally lying to us and pulling all the wool over our eyes and fabricating a whole bunch of it, but it had to come from somewhere. I think they also still have it, you know what I mean? I think both things are true, but I think we're gonna find out that a lot of it is them.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:08:18.125)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:08:32.823)
Yeah, I hope we actually do learn this. want to, there's a comment here. Yeah, here we go. Sue, I'm sorry, but no, we are not using Psychic Nikki anymore. You want to talk about somebody with a failure rate, psychicnicki.com. And then you have to, yeah, so this is a bit that we do on Pac-Grey Unleashed on my day job there is that every year we go through Psychic Nikki.

Kelly Smith (01:08:49.558)
What's that mean?

I don't know her.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:01.283)
She had she lists thousands. I'm not exaggerating thousands of predictions and You have to print them up every year and so at at work You know if you guys are watching Pat Gray off to my side is a whole mess of junk because I'm the most unorganized person in the world But there are stacks there are stacks of printed up every year I have about six or eight of these and in 2020 her predictions for 2020

Kelly Smith (01:09:21.71)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:09:23.565)
It's true.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:30.211)
Nowhere in those thousands of predictions is anything about a pandemic or COVID or anything that sounds like that. And you're like, if you could get anything right and you even knew toward the end of 2019 stuff was happening in China. Anyway, I digress, but it's trust the wisdom of crowds as opposed to individuals. I think was the bottom line there. OK, so did we have a prediction? You said the aliens, JP, you got anything that we should expect?

Kelly Smith (01:09:47.702)

No psychic, Nikki.

Kelly Smith (01:09:55.542)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:59.651)
for the end of the year, by the end of the year.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:10:04.001)
Doge will save us a trillion dollars by the end of the year. Thunder wins the championship. There you go. That's it. That's all I got.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:10:06.307)
I like it.

Kelly Smith (01:10:10.453)
I love it.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:10:13.101)
What's their seed right now in the NBA if the playoffs were today? They're with one seed? Cool. How the Mavericks doing? Sorry, too soon. Okay, that is, I tell you, that is, that is horrific. I'm not even a Mavericks fan and I feel so bad for those that are. So bad, that was just, okay. Let's see here,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:10:19.307)
They're one, should be one. Yeah.

Yeah. Too soon.

Kelly Smith (01:10:27.797)

Kelly Smith (01:10:31.796)
Well, hot in here.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:10:36.983)
Still is best so bad.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:10:42.721)
This is fun. I thought when I saw this story, see, I go through, I find some stories that might be fun. And I love it when it works out that the topic that comes up, like in my feed is perfectly timed with my guests. And so I think Kelly, correct me if I'm wrong, this sounds like it's right up your alley. Why, here's the headline. Why do some people remember more when it comes to dreams and others don't?

Is that right up your alley or am I wrong?

Okay. Okay, so I thought, yeah, that seems like right up relative. And then I read the article. And now I don't know if it's as cool as it sounds. So here you go. Okay, here we go. So according to researchers at MIT, School for Advanced Studies, let's see. Yeah, let's see. Three main factors emerged as strong predictors of dream recall. Now, again, I'm reading this, I'm thinking, this is gonna be so cool. And then I'm reading, hold on.

Kelly Smith (01:11:16.737)
Oh, that is a good one. That is a very good one.

Kelly Smith (01:11:27.52)
Well, tell me about it. Let's hear it.

Kelly Smith (01:11:36.32)
Smart guys.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:45.591)
Maybe not. A person's, yeah, yeah, a person's, a person's general attitude toward dreaming.

Kelly Smith (01:11:47.414)
They're not getting enough sleep. Too much caffeine.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:55.383)
their tendency to let their mind wander during waking hours, and I'll break these down for you, and their typical sleep patterns. Yes, you're exactly right, Kelly. So, quote, dreams are a good way of learning about my true feelings versus dreams are random nonsense from the brain. So in other words, if you are predisposed to believe that dreams have deeper meanings, then you're more likely to recall your dreams. That's one way, okay?

Kelly Smith (01:11:56.278)
That's so MIT.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:22.019)
Let's see, the relationship between daydreaming and dream recall points to an intriguing possibility. People who spend more time engaged in spontaneous mental activity during the day may be better equipped to generate and remember dreams at night. I mean, this article is kind of a letdown so far, Yeah, lastly. Right, thank you. People who typically had longer periods of lighter sleep with less deep sleep.

Kelly Smith (01:12:23.798)

Kelly Smith (01:12:41.278)
That's kind of a let down. It sounds very MIT.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:12:46.433)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:50.125)
we're better remembering their dreams. And it goes into talk about brain waves and when you're in deep, deep sleep, the way that your brain activity isn't conducive to remembering. And like I said, I set this segment of the show up to say, how cool is this gonna be? But now you went on the depressing ride that I went and you're like, not so much.

Kelly Smith (01:13:10.303)
that's cool.

Kelly Smith (01:13:13.878)
No, mean, we spend a third of our lives asleep. Like a third of our, that's crazy. Well, normal people do. I mean, it's so much time. don't think that the creator, in whatever capacity you think that is, would just let it be nothing, you know? mean, but what about this? Like, have y'all heard, this is a whole rabbit hole that just.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:13:14.284)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:13:16.291)
Hold on, hold on. We're supposed to spend a third of our lives.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:13:21.289)
Wow, wait. Supposed to.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:13:34.861)

Kelly Smith (01:13:40.978)
absolutely blows my mind. It was about like a year ago, you heard about people that don't have an internal dialogue. Have y'all heard about that?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:13:49.192)
I should probably set this one out because No, I do. I sure as hell do and I don't know that how much I want to talk about that Yeah, that's cool You so so so we're all hearing voices we've established that okay

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:13:51.077)

Kelly Smith (01:13:54.72)
Do you not have an internal dialogue? yeah, no. Like, I got different people that can talk to each other. It's crazy, but like, yes.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:14:00.097)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:14:04.535)
I definitely have one.

Kelly Smith (01:14:08.842)
We're all hearing voices. We're all talking. I can have full conversations with myself in my head. But like, I wonder if that has some kind of like impact on dreaming. That I'd like to see, you know, like, do people with internal dialogues? like, I dream like crazy. I will go all over the place. Like, I remember them, like, out of control. I don't know about y'all, but like, is it something different in people's brains that they can't dream like that?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:14:09.16)
Yeah, yep.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:10.562)
I know.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:14:13.707)
All the time.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:21.652)
I don't

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:14:24.631)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:28.865)
I talk to myself, but I don't remember my dreams very often.

Kelly Smith (01:14:36.394)
You probably don't have very good sleep. You need take some fish oil. That'll help. I can't, I can't get it. Read your vibe. Take some fish oil too, by the way. That supposedly helps like crazy. Like people that try to elucidate will take high doses of fish oil to achieve it. Fun fact.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:36.437)
I don't. Ask anyone in the chat. They'll tell you. I don't sleep.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:14:36.791)
Really? Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:44.086)
I just,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:14:47.445)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:56.067)
Huh. I'll think about that. Is it? No, is it?

Kelly Smith (01:15:02.742)
You can get it on Amazon, Keith. It's good.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:15:05.111)
yeah yeah i've tried a lot of things i'm not gonna list them all here to bore everyone to tears but no no no well well one of the most recent things that i think is actually helping somebody remind me is it n.a.c or something i don't know is that some n.a.d n.a.c m.o.u.s.e anyway it's good

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:15:05.15)
Or some melatonin works too.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:15:14.409)
No, I'm interested. What have you tried?

Kelly Smith (01:15:17.43)
Kelly Smith (01:15:25.654)
Oh, NID. Yeah, I what we talking about. There you go. Well, no, the official is not to help you sleep. Sorry.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:15:26.497)
@KeithMalinak On X (01:15:31.723)
I JP, that's a great question. And at the time that I purchased it, I knew now I don't. I've just been taking it and I think it's been helping. I'm just seeing if anybody can remind me. Is it NAC or is it NAD? What is it? The bottle's downstairs and I'm not going to run down there and grab it, but it's NA something NA, AA, CP, NA, AA, CP. OK, so, OK, so you were talking about all the places you lived and stuff. JP, did we talk about

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:15:31.925)
NEC, what does that do?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:15:45.142)

Kelly Smith (01:15:55.601)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:15:57.001)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:16:01.815)
Wait, it was in your email, wasn't it? Tell us, JP, all the places you've lived. Kelly, you're on deck because I want to see if Kelly can remember all the places she's lived.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:16:12.343)
Yeah, Kelly's beat me. So.

Kelly Smith (01:16:18.516)
It's really hard. try to do it every now and then and it's hard. I'll think about it while JP's going or am I going first?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:16:19.629)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:16:20.941)
Yeah, make a list, make a list. Okay.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:16:24.533)
All right, mine's easy. Mine's easy. Started in California, born there, moved to Oklahoma when I was seven, lived in Oklahoma for about 20 years, moved to Texas, lived here for about six years and then got married, moved to New York City for a few years and then moved back to Texas. So, yeah.

Kelly Smith (01:16:26.518)
All right, let me get a pen, hold on.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:16:44.803)
Wow, okay. So yeah, keep your list going. That's fine. Make your list there. And JP, I want you to be thinking of the place. You don't have to answer yet. Be thinking of the place you liked the least. And I'm gonna play this video. I don't trust the computer. It'll probably disconnect from the internet if I try to play this today. So I'm gonna play this from my phone. These are the five places people regret moving to the most in the United States. Let's see if this'll play okay.

Kelly Smith (01:16:48.704)
I'm halfway through my list, hold on.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:16:53.207)
That's amazing.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:17:05.05)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:17:12.771)
the in the U.S. Firstly, the state where people are most happy after moving to is Tennessee. But here are the top five states people regret moving to the most. At number five, it's California. Around 59 % of people who

there decide to leave again. number four, it's Connecticut. About 60 % of people who move there leave. It's not very cheap to live in this small state. At number three, it's New York. About 63 % of movers decided to leave. The cost of living and busy lifestyle make it hard for many to stay here. At number two, we got Illinois. Around 67 % of movers leave after a while here. Many people don't like the high taxes and the cold winters. And finally, at number one, this state tops the list with a whopping 70 % of people leaving after

moving there. It's super expensive and the bad weather doesn't help either. It's New Jersey. Which state do people regret moving to the most in the U.S.? Firstly, the state where people are most happy after moving to is Tennessee. Okay, so Tennessee is the most happy, most regret...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:18:02.795)


JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:18:13.611)
Wow. do not, no offense to people in Tennessee, but I don't, I mean, I like it. My sister lives in Tennessee, but I don't know.

Kelly Smith (01:18:15.284)
Hi, Tennessee.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:18:21.357)
So, yeah, I'm a fan. Yeah. So I'll make a list.

Kelly Smith (01:18:24.296)
I love Tennessee.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:18:25.963)
Really? Maybe I gotta try it and yeah. New York is very expensive to live in. my gosh.

Kelly Smith (01:18:30.39)
All right, I'm at 13. I'm at 13. I think I got them all. I think I got them all. Yes. There could be one or two that I forgot.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:18:31.959)
Wait, she's at 13. That means she's still adding. So let me say this about Tennessee. Growing up in Atlanta, we went to Chattanooga quite a bit. I spent a little bit of time in Nashville. I like that state. And fun fact, if you take all 12 members of my fantasy football team, or league, all the different guys spread around the country, because when we started, we were on Atlanta.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:18:37.246)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:18:43.254)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:18:49.225)
I love Chattanooga.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:19:02.091)
And now, know, nine out of the 12 are not in Atlanta anymore. And Nashville, Tennessee is basically the epicenter, like the geographical center of our league. And so we threaten every year to just hold the draft in Nashville because it's like the middle of the... Anyway, like I said, fun fact, at least for me. So I agree completely with New Jersey. As someone who's lived there,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:19:23.105)
There you go.

Kelly Smith (01:19:28.598)
fun fact.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:19:30.461)
New Jersey sucks so much. However, however, Houston, Texas, you know me, Houston. Houston is actually worse than New Jersey. At least, at least Western Jersey. We lived way out west toward Pennsylvania, you know, and I have, and I have lived all the way east toward New York and it really sucked there. And that's before the family moved up there. But Houston, Texas, I'm sorry. There's just not one redeeming thing about Houston, Texas.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:19:32.397)
And you too.

Kelly Smith (01:19:32.608)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:19:43.874)

Kelly Smith (01:19:44.041)
I agree with that.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:20:01.941)
It is the armpit of the, yeah. Yeah, but you see, but you notice, but you notice to get to the woodlands, you have to go 45 minutes outside of the city into this master plan community that is not in Houston proper.

Kelly Smith (01:20:02.622)
It's like an, it's the armpit of Texas.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:20:04.789)
Yeah, I like the woodlands. I think that's pretty. But the rest of Houston is horrific.

Kelly Smith (01:20:11.99)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:20:17.954)

Kelly Smith (01:20:19.817)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:20:20.373)
Yeah, yeah, it's true.

Kelly Smith (01:20:23.936)
Houston is two hours from Houston, by the way, like every time I go there.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:20:25.665)
Wait, wait. Say that again?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:20:28.641)

Kelly Smith (01:20:31.21)
I said Houston is two hours from Houston. That's true. Anywhere you go is two hours.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:20:32.914)
That's true. That's good. I like that. Okay, so, did you come up with your list there, Kelly? Let's hear it.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:20:34.113)
That's funny. I like that. It's true. Yeah.

Kelly Smith (01:20:43.542)
I did, I have 13 and I'm sitting with it. All right, so Japan, Japan, Texas, Alabama, Kentucky, Germany, Belgium, DC, Alaska, DC, Texas, New Mexico, Texas, Reno, ooh and then back to Texas. So guess that's 14. I came back, so there we go. That was gonna be my least favorite.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:20:44.845)
Okay, let's hear it.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:03.681)
How is Reno, by the way?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:21:05.877)
Wow, that's amazing.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:08.236)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:21:11.627)
Wow. Huh.

Kelly Smith (01:21:12.586)
But I honestly, I think it was a me thing. I don't think it was a Reno thing. Reno is like the wild, have you all been there? It is the wild, wild west. I mean, like there are prostitutes. It's complete, everything there is legal. Like it's Vegas, but it's like the secret Vegas, you know?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:20.065)
JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:21:23.329)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:25.827)
It's vague. Okay, so this is I was just having this conversation off the air with Pat the other day and I don't know if I've ever talked about this but It's it's it's widely known in my family that I told Carrie we can never live Closer than an hour to a casino, you know, like it Right, that's what I figured about Reno. So so the draw for Reno, you know the

Kelly Smith (01:21:34.73)

Kelly Smith (01:21:47.35)
No, there's just all casinos.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:53.641)
It's there's no state income tax. It's the fact that you're close to the mountains. I would imagine. Right. would. It seems like the perfect spot. huh. OK. And then and then I remember. crap. I gambling is legal there. And that's probably not a good thing. So OK. I'm good. So so so it's like is it like a little Vegas then?

Kelly Smith (01:21:59.38)

It's beautiful. On paper, it's great. There, it's not great.

Kelly Smith (01:22:12.938)
Prostitution's legal, gambling's legal, like all of the things, yes.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:22:15.933)

Kelly Smith (01:22:23.926)
It's kind of like a little Vegas, but it's a little bit more like off the beaten path kind of Vegas. It's not as sexy as Vegas. mean, downtown is kind of cute. You know, they've got the casinos and the Reno sign and everything. And then the mountains are in the backdrop. mean, Tahoe is the best part about it. Tahoe is gorgeous. But it's really poor. There's a lot of drugs. There's no HIV. That really bothered me. Good. No, I meant.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:22:31.917)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:22:40.483)
Okay. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

It's... So all of the things that gambling brings. Okay. Okay.

Kelly Smith (01:22:56.048)
Yes, yes, exactly, exactly. No, wasn't. I ended up there when I graduated college. I graduated in December of 03 and I had a college graduation party and I was bartending at that bar, I bartended through college. And so another bartender brought like his homeboy or whatever. And I fell in love with him on the spot. He had a motorcycle and tattoos. And six weeks later I decided to move to Reno, Nevada with him. I think I was 22.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:22:57.037)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:23:19.265)

Kelly Smith (01:23:24.562)
went about as good as it sounds. was back within a year. So it just might have been me. But I mean, tattoo motorcycle boy aside, it's kind of like just debauchery and not like the sexy debauchery. Vegas is the sexy debauchery.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:23:24.737)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:23:30.359)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:23:42.125)
like this. Hold on a second. No, don't let's not pursue. Hold on. I think okay. I'm just doing the math here on my own. Are we counting the same place twice if you move back?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:23:46.221)

Kelly Smith (01:23:57.631)
There's a couple play. Yeah, I mean I guess yeah Yeah, cuz I've lived in Texas one two three four times. I lived in DC twice So those those are the overlaps

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:23:59.309)
Why not? It means you lived there.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:24:05.603)
10. All right, I got 10 then. Okay. So yeah, I will say Charleston, South Carolina. you want me go through? Born and raised in Atlanta. Then I went to Scottsbluff, Nebraska during high school, then back to Atlanta, then to college in Lincoln, Nebraska, then back to Atlanta and then Houston, Omaha, Charleston for five years. That's our favorite place, far and away. Then New Jersey and then Dallas.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:24:10.935)
Wow, okay.

Kelly Smith (01:24:11.282)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:24:14.093)
Where are they?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:24:36.77)
So here we are.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:24:38.369)
Wow. What part of Jersey?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:24:39.587)
Uh, 100 and counting. before the family got up there and I lived five months, rented a room in Perth Amboy, which is grotesque. And it's right there on the coast. And it's just a few train stops from New York.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:24:55.373)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:24:59.299)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:24:59.949)
Perth and, Perth and boy?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:25:05.209)
okay. Wow.

Kelly Smith (01:25:09.3)
That's some... That's some Yankee nonsense.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:25:10.327)
Sounds lovely.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:25:25.133)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:25:30.733)
Staten Island, the general. And our homeboys were there in Perth Amboy and they rented a room and they were gonna take a boat out to try to, let's try to avoid war. Obviously they failed and then the whole thing exploded. But the night that they spent in Perth Amboy, and I wish I knew this when I lived there, cause I would have tried to find if there's a plaque or something. It's such a great story. So John Adams and Ben Franklin,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:25:41.515)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:25:59.937)
they have to sleep in the same bed. They had like one room at this end or whatever. And then they argued while they were trying to fall asleep, if you should open the window or close it, because based on the fresh air, like one of them, because we didn't know a lot about germs back then. And so, so John Adams, I think I think John Adams wanted to keep the room closed off. And Ben Franklin said, No, we need fresh air and all this stuff. And so I guess Ben Franklin

Kelly Smith (01:26:20.359)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:26:30.011)
just running on and on according john adams who's great when he writes about this is that i let the old man have his way because i was falling asleep he was just babbling about whatever so anyway i just i i love those little anecdotal stories in history really brings the the founders the life and not not so much the way i tell it but if you read it in his book it's it's so are read the book john adams and the way it's it tells a lot better okay so

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:26:47.443)
Wow, makes it sound a little more exciting for sure.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:26:59.415)
There's a story that I had here about a mom leaving her 18 year old home alone to go on her honeymoon. And then the school reached out to the kid because, and the article goes on to talk about how, my gosh, check this out. I didn't catch this till now. On her Reddit thread, so she said, I left my teenager at home for a week. Why did the school make such a big deal about it? Well, first of all, you shouldn't have.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:27:09.421)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:27:28.675)
hosted this publicly, you know, should have kept that's the first thing. So 93,000 interactions. So she went on her honeymoon and and quote, she wrote, apparently, this raised red flags and he got called in to see his guidance counselor and question him about the legal about the situation. She said, he's a legal adult, he can vote, he can call in case of an emergency. And so

Kelly Smith (01:27:34.218)
That's fair.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:27:37.005)
Yeah, that's the first problem.

Kelly Smith (01:27:56.062)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:27:57.801)
She's asking, was the school out of line? Is it me? And I guess, first of all, there's so much here. We could pull this apart. Like, what's the proper age that you can leave your kids at home? I'm sure it depends on the kid. Part of me is like, I'm glad that the school cared, but I'm also pissed that they cared too much. It's... Yep, yep. So I just wondered,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:27:59.959)

Kelly Smith (01:28:09.59)
That's a lot.

Kelly Smith (01:28:15.03)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:28:26.155)

Kelly Smith (01:28:26.376)
That's a little, that's overstepping. I'd be pissed.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:28:28.323)
First of all, first rule of parenting when you leave your kids at home Don't tell anybody not the school. No one no one We'll find out if something bad happens, but we don't need maybe a neighbor knows right? Okay. Hey, hey first time Maybe it depends on if you trust your neighbor So I just didn't know if you guys had a general rule of thumb on when you think it's okay And I hesitate to ask you this

Kelly Smith (01:28:38.71)
Right. My kids are home alone! no kidding.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:28:39.671)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelly Smith (01:28:49.046)
Grandma, Grandpa, you know, whatever.


@KeithMalinak On X (01:28:58.019)
since it's being broadcast and you have young children. But as someone whose kids are ages 21, 19, 17, I'll tell you straight up, because I had to ask Kerry before we did this, I was like, why did we start leaving them home alone? And it helps to have a sibling that's older. There's so many variables here. But if you're going to the store or something and your kids are trustworthy,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:29:03.943)

Kelly Smith (01:29:04.339)

Kelly Smith (01:29:11.446)
Kelly Smith (01:29:21.494)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:29:21.888)
Older, yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:27.619)
Right? I mean, just whatever. I just know that I was home alone. I think the statute of limitations is gone. I was like nine or ten years old. I was a latchkey kid. I was at home cooking. Yeah. Yeah.

Kelly Smith (01:29:36.467)

Yes. And by the time I was 11, I'm babysitting other kids, you know, like, and we were okay. No, I think.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:45.219)
So, I... Go ahead.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:29:45.591)

Kelly Smith (01:29:51.722)
No, I think you're right on, but I mean, the 80s was a little wild, you know, we were, it's because we're Gen X. It's because we're Gen X.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:52.803)
Is it because we're Gen X? Is that why it's different? People are so sensitive now to like... This is the thing. They freak out over something like this. Like how dare you leave your kid at home at age 18, but if the kid were seven and said he wanted to be a chick, then the same people bitching about this would be like, oh, that's totally understandable if one's a lop off some body parts.

Kelly Smith (01:30:12.15)
18 years old.

Kelly Smith (01:30:18.102)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:30:21.495)
But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him stay at home and spend the night alone at 18. Yeah, so, but let's see here. I'm just...

Kelly Smith (01:30:23.166)
Right. No problem.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:30:24.045)

Kelly Smith (01:30:28.596)
None of it makes sense.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:30:32.877)
That was homeschooled, so.

Kelly Smith (01:30:33.278)
not left my kids home alone yet. And honestly, just think it's because I was so bad. And I see a lot of myself in my children that I'm like, it's not that I don't trust them. I just know that they're hoodlums.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:30:33.613)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:30:44.683)
Okay, hold on, hold on. think, I think, I think, I think I might've thought of a, I think I might've thought of a different, what do call it? Not dynamic. I don't even know what I'm looking for here, but it might be different for JP than you, Kelly, because two girls, you have two boys, right Kelly?

Kelly Smith (01:31:08.362)
Mmm, with the girls.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:31:12.579)
Okay There could actually be some serious injuries with two boys at home Beating each other off or whatever now that I think this through the the risk of bodily harm and JP's household is a lot less with two girls

Kelly Smith (01:31:13.96)
Yes, two boys. I'm boy mom.

Kelly Smith (01:31:21.078)
Yeah, they'll burn my house down. Yes.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:31:23.018)

Kelly Smith (01:31:33.684)
No, no, the boys would be launching themselves off the second floor. I'll find them on the roof, you know, probably naked, whatever.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:31:40.108)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:31:42.459)
Whatever. Just do me a favor, guys. Make sure that the blinds stay closed. We don't need Mrs. Carson calling the cops.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:31:45.025)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:31:55.595)

Kelly Smith (01:31:56.274)
But it's such a, it's a crazy contrast though, because I mean, when I was a kid and I'm talking eight, nine, 10 years old, my friends and I would leave in the morning and ride our bikes. We'd be like towns away. Never talk to our parents, no cell phones, no water bottles, no air tags or whatever, you know.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:12.835)
Right? No s- That's the other thing! If I'm running to Walmart, my kids had a landline from the house that they could call. If there was a problem, we could rush back and- and- and so, there was times when Aslin was babysitting and maybe we're at a movie and she calls. Hey, you know, Zili's vomiting again or whatever. I don't know. That's a bad example. But- but-

Kelly Smith (01:32:26.024)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:41.98)
We would never have gone out JP if that were the case. so let me, let me, let me read some of these comments here.

Kelly Smith (01:32:42.39)
The kid things.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:32:42.733)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:32:47.629)
She's like, I know you guys are having fun at the theater, but she's throwing up again.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:54.071)
We have to get out! You clean it up! Let's see here... Some comments here. Nothing says we want you prepared for adulthood like being an adult and then telling you that you don't know how to survive on your own. Let's see... Some making compar- Let's see... When I was 18, I traveled solo around the world. Your kid can handle a week at home alone. Okay, I don't know that I want my 18 year old traveling solo around the world.

Kelly Smith (01:32:57.94)
you time.


Kelly Smith (01:33:11.414)
That's a good one. That's a good one.

Kelly Smith (01:33:20.534)
That's amazing.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:22.049)
Maybe, you know, in the military, sure.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:33:23.573)
No. No.

Kelly Smith (01:33:26.23)
out of the house at 17. I was gone.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:27.819)
Yeah, let's see. others take the school's position, pointing out that administrators may just have been ensuring there was nothing to worry about with their student. They were concerned for his safety. Imagine if he'd been an 18-year-old abandoned and fending for... Yeah, but he wasn't!

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:33:28.439)
Some have done that and it hasn't gone well.

Kelly Smith (01:33:47.476)
But can you abandon an 18 year old? An 18 year old's an adult.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:48.363)
Right. Right.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:33:51.393)
Yeah, it is an 18. Yeah. That's just, this whole thing doesn't make sense. It's like, they're an adult.

Kelly Smith (01:33:53.29)
Like, it even, is that a thing? Like, let's say for argument's sake, somebody called the cops and the cops came. Like, that's an adult, right?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:34:01.761)
Yeah, look.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:34:04.045)
Can you imagine? Cops coming like, old are you, sir? Do you have driver's license? Yep.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:34:05.697)

Kelly Smith (01:34:06.376)
No, that's crazy.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:34:08.067)
gosh, I just made my dog spark by knocking on the wall for effect and that really that kind of backfired didn't it? Okay, a couple more quick things here that I'll leave y'all alone Let's see here. this is This is where I was gonna play a video, but I'm terrified too because you know what I should say goodbye now Just in case it kicks me off, but as I was reading through that and thinking of when I would stay home alone

I had this video of this kid and I thought this if people wanted to see what it was like for me as a kid it is summed up in this one video that I guarantee you will not play. So let's just sit here and see if it magically plays. I'm watching. I'm watching it off to the side here. It's not gonna play. Isn't that good? Isn't that good stuff? did you hear the crash? Okay, here we go. Okay. So there's some weird language. I don't know.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:34:53.661)

Kelly Smith (01:34:57.782)
That's playing. Yeah, I know, I can see it.

my god, are those my kids?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:35:06.509)
We're gonna do a trick, watch this.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:35:12.547)
Okay, you saw that whole thing, right? You saw the whole thing? Okay, I don't know which boy I would be. Like, am I the boy who pulls the sheet out and knocks into the other kid, causing the whole thing to fall? Or am I the blonde kid who gets injured? Now, I know it's high.

Kelly Smith (01:35:13.398)
Like that could not be a better example of boys. Yes.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:35:17.053)
That had to be real, right?


Kelly Smith (01:35:26.294)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:35:34.571)
Nah. I would have been the blonde kid.

Kelly Smith (01:35:36.534)
Pshh! Ugh!

@KeithMalinak On X (01:35:40.065)
Yeah, okay. So anyway, I know it's hard to tell on there, but I'm pretty sure that the little kid didn't die. Pretty sure. Because, because the one kid runs away, and if you, and if you slow it down, you see the other kid, if anything happened, he had his legs crushed. He's fine. He got, he's fine. Walk it off, kid. Okay. One last question for you. yeah, it's another.

Kelly Smith (01:35:40.182)

Kelly Smith (01:35:51.306)

Kelly Smith (01:35:56.416)

Kelly Smith (01:36:01.088)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's fine. Walk it off!

@KeithMalinak On X (01:36:08.183)
another freaking video that's not going to play right. let me try it though. There's a, this video it's, it's just, it's called, the title is just another day in Australia. So let me play this for you. And then I have a follow-up question.

in this in this good this is funny stuff here look at that okay let's see if this works kangaroo chases a guy have you have you seen the kangaroo chasing this guy in australia they get into a fight look at this

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:36:26.295)

Kelly Smith (01:36:32.736)
Everything in Australia is trying to kill you.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:36:39.647)
I that, that, I can't agree with no joke either. That thing's huge.

Kelly Smith (01:36:39.691)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:36:39.939)
What is it? It's creepy. It's creepy how human they are.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:36:45.983)
It is creepy. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:36:48.769)
Right. It's I don't like it. So I just wondered because I'd be thinking this is this is this is on brand for Keith. I'm either going to die from the China hutch falling on me or the kangaroo beating my ass. So so I want to know, JP, have you ever, you know, and I've told I've told a story about being electrocuted and shooting across the room. That was fun. So have you ever been close to death, JP, or feared for your life?

Kelly Smith (01:36:49.206)
I mean, he's like throwing right hooks.

Kelly Smith (01:37:03.67)
or kangaroo.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:37:03.893)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.


Kelly Smith (01:37:14.07)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:37:18.613)
Yeah, there's been well, actually, there's two times one time I was trying to replace some switches in our house. And I was like, I don't need to turn the power off. I can do this. And I did I electrocute I electrocuted myself once and I was like, that kind of hurt. And I was like, it'll be fine. When again, I did it five times. And then finally, I was like, you know what? I think I'm done. I think I think I'm done. I'm just going to turn the power off. So I did that. But the other time was flying in a helicopter.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:37:24.949)
no! You're me!

@KeithMalinak On X (01:37:41.891)
Hold on, do you have superpowers now?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:37:47.711)
No, I wish I did. I wish I did. Yeah.

Kelly Smith (01:37:48.264)
Would you tell us if you

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:37:53.683)
No, I wouldn't. So that's a better question. No, the other time was flying in a helicopter with Glenn Beck. So that was scary.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:37:58.484)
no! Wait, he wasn't flying it, was he?

Kelly Smith (01:38:04.406)
Was he flying?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:38:05.023)
No, but he was in the front seat with the pilot and that was scary. And I was listening the whole time and I was like, Glenn, don't touch that. I literally heard the pilot at one point go, Glenn, do not touch that button. And I was like.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:38:09.123)
Kelly Smith (01:38:09.462)
I'm not flying anywhere, right?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:38:15.031)


Kelly Smith (01:38:19.796)
Ha ha!

@KeithMalinak On X (01:38:21.623)
Wow. So I'm glad that you're... before I forget, you're talking about Glenn and helicopters. Let me just first say this. Sorry, my brain is a little scattered. I don't know if you guys have ever picked up on that, but I had a buddy who was a pilot in high school and he took me up in his plane one time and he asked me, it was Wes Williams. And I'm sure he went on to be a professional pilot like his dad, but well, now's your time. You ready to fly, Keith? I'm like, your God, what? And so...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:38:22.027)
Which button? Yeah, yeah, so, that was scary.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:38:51.971)
I had the controls and I mean that plane dropped, you know. didn't, I mean it was like this. And I said, okay, as it were about 15 seconds. All right, Wes, I'm done. Now I can say I've flown a plane. You know, I mean it was terrifying, but it's just ironic. Today I'm driving home. So Chris Cruz, a coworker of ours, JP, he has told me in the past that, and in fact, let me,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:38:54.401)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:39:09.773)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:39:19.361)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:39:21.823)
Let me do the map on this because this is important. Okay. So you know where Alliance Airport is up here. And I'm sorry to be so specific here, but JP, it's Perot Field at Fort Worth Alliance Airport. Now, you know where Dr. Phil works at it's Merritt, Merritt Broadcasting. Merritt Street. Thank you. Merritt Street. Let me find that here. Okay. Merritt Street. Why isn't it coming up here? Cause it's in Fort Worth.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:39:32.77)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:39:42.827)
Mm-hmm. Merge Street Media, yep.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:39:52.429)
I had an hour and a half Zoom call with him one time. It was interesting.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:39:52.704)
yeah? Did it go well?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:39:59.563)
I mean, I wasn't on the show, thank God, so that worked out great. But it was a good counseling session. No, I'm just kidding. That's not why.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:39:59.683)
okay. So I'm not kidding. By car to get from Parole Alliance Airport to Dr. Phil's studio. I love you, Dr. Phil. I truly do. But it's 6.0 miles according to Google Maps. It's an 11 minute drive. It's green. Hell, it's always green. It's right there. It's right there. 11 minute drive.

So Chris Cruz tells me, Dr. Phil, he lands at Alliance Airport and then takes a helicopter to his broadcast facility. I'm like, what? He's like, bro, I've checked it on the aviator app. I'm telling you, dude flies 6.0 miles in a helicopter after his plane lands to get to work. And I'm like, you know this for sure. And he's like, yep, I'm you.

I'm driving home today and I'm driving by Dr. Phil's Merritt Street broadcasting in North Fort Worth and I see a helicopter landing right where I know that studio is and I text Chris Cruz, of course after I come to a complete stop down the road, not impacting anyone else on the road, and I say, bro, is Dr. Phil's helicopter in the air right now and where is it?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:41:09.822)
No way.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:41:21.709)
Of course, legally. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:41:28.331)
And he said, he's landing at his studio. I'm like, you, that guy is flying. He's shaving. How long does it take to walk from the plane to the helicopter to fly up and then fly down? It's an 11 minute drive. What are you doing, bro? Come on. I love you. But that is how much is that costing? And tell me, what are you saving? Three minutes? Stop.

Kelly Smith (01:41:46.612)
my god.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:41:50.229)

Kelly Smith (01:41:55.412)
Mm-hmm. And then what happened to Kobe? Wasn't Kobe going like 15 miles? Like he was like trying to get around rush hour or something like that.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:41:57.155)
JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:41:57.495)
That's incredible. Yeah. Yeah, that's why I just... I don't...

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:02.113)
This isn't even traffic. This was 10 a.m. this morning. And an area that you're never, you're never sitting in traffic going from that airport to that studio. You're just, you're never.

Kelly Smith (01:42:10.07)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:42:15.477)
No. Never.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:15.755)
It's just... silly. Okay, sorry. It's because he CAN! And part of me is like, I want to just have that problem too. Do I take the helicopter?

Kelly Smith (01:42:17.84)
I don't know Dallas.

Kelly Smith (01:42:21.974)
It's because he can, why wouldn't he? It's because he can.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:42:24.577)

Kelly Smith (01:42:30.292)
Yeah, okay, I need to show a house in South Austin. I'm taking the helicopter. What?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:42:30.293)
Right? Me too.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:31.747)
Do I take the driver? I'm taking the chopper today. Okay, I just thought that was interesting. Okay, Kelly, you ever had a near death experience?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:42:35.159)
There you go.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:42:41.538)

Kelly Smith (01:42:47.6)
Yeah, I have. I have had a couple. They're not super sexy because I'm not a man. I, you know, I mean, bless your hearts.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:52.547)
We go spectacular when we try to off ourselves. Yes.

Kelly Smith (01:42:59.318)
Right, y'all try to kill yourselves all the time. mean, bless your hearts. I almost died. Again, it's not super sexy, but when I was pregnant with my second child, I had a gallbladder attack. And this is kind of funny too, because I had a, right before I got pregnant, I went and got reiki. Do you know what reiki is? It's energy healing. They don't touch you or anything. They just kind of, right. And she's like,

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:43:01.345)
Yep. Yep.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:43:21.41)
Yeah! Yeah!

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:43:24.791)

Kelly Smith (01:43:28.244)
She goes through, she's like, you know, your throat chakra is blocked and this and that. She's like, have you ever had issues with your gallbladder? And I'm like, I don't even know what that is, right? Fast forward a couple weeks and I was nine weeks pregnant. Middle of the night, I have this pain and I'm like, sit her up and knew exactly what it was, right? So I go in, cause she's the reiki girl tells me, she was like, listen, it's gonna be worse than what they say that it's gonna be. And I was like, okay, she's like.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:43:43.508)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:43:44.13)

Kelly Smith (01:43:57.52)
really like almost shaking me. She's like, really got to get this taken care of. no, my airfod's about to die. Can y'all hear me still? Okay, cool. So I go and they do the scan and they see my gallstones and they try to talk me into wait until the second trimester or whatever. Well, one of the stones had left, had gotten to my liver and I was going into liver failure.

I didn't know that, nobody saw it, I didn't know. So I'm telling the doctor, I'm like, no, something's wrong, you gotta do it. And they did it, and I'm 27 now, and I had two emergency surgeries. At nine months pregnant, yeah. So again, not sexy, but it was kinda cool with the whole Reiki thing.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:44:31.031)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:44:34.349)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:44:36.661)
No, no, it's so fascinating you mentioned that. I don't know where I mentioned this, if it was on with Pat, if it was a drinks with Keith, I have no idea. But I recently tried acupuncture and

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:44:40.375)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:44:52.013)
Probably several people told me to do that. I'm sorry. Yes. Yes, Kelly told me to do the acupuncture So so check this out check this out you know how they at your consultation they They wet the end of a pin looking thing or something and then they run it on your foot, right? Is that what it was on your feet? Yeah Something like that. Sure. So then they go Hey, what's the story on your gallbladder? It's got some really

Kelly Smith (01:44:52.66)
God, didn't I tell you to do that? Yes!

Kelly Smith (01:44:57.568)
We've talked again.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:45:00.205)
It works.

Kelly Smith (01:45:11.19)

Kelly Smith (01:45:15.604)
Hmm, that's your meridians.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:45:21.379)
Like, I forgot what she said. Some like, negative whatever. And I go... I said, I said, well, I had it removed in 2002. She goes, oh, that explains it. And I'm looking over at her computer monitor and like, I have like all these interesting, most of them are normal levels. There's a couple of spikes here and there, which they were right. Freaks me out. But the gallbladder one was off the charts in the red. And that's when she goes, what's the deal with your gallbladder?

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:45:26.391)
No way.

Kelly Smith (01:45:29.44)
See you.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:45:37.911)
Ha ha.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:45:51.351)
Like, how the hell? is... This is voodoo!

Kelly Smith (01:45:55.944)
It's huge in Chinese medicine. It's huge, it's, when I went to my acupuncturist after I lost my gallbladder, she was like mortified. Like it's like the center of where your chi goes through or something. So I don't remember exactly what it was, but apparently there's a lot of meaning behind it. know, your body being able to function with it.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:45:58.647)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:46:17.419)
just gosh and by the way please if you have gallbladder issues or whatever get a second opinion don't just jump to get it taken out because i swear i

Kelly Smith (01:46:28.562)
yeah, no kidding. If you told me tomorrow I would have to give birth or have a gallbladder attack, I would choose birth like all day. It's like the worst thing ever. They took it out. Yeah, they had to take it out and then they go in and took the stone out of my liver the next day. It was a lot of fun.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:46:35.011)
Did they end up taking your gallbladder out? Okay, so...

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:46:38.101)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:46:44.941)
So, do you have a... I'm sorry, this is Health Watch with Keith Malinak. Welcome to today's program. No, that's not it. It was, do you ever wake up with chest pains?

Kelly Smith (01:46:53.768)
A weak stomach?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:46:59.523)
heart it's like heartburn and you have to eat and drink we'll pick up this conversation somewhere else it's life without a gallbladder it's it's it's worse now than in 2002 the problem i was trying to correct and it's been going on 20 years okay send me the information okay one last thing yeah please send me that information i'm not kidding um i want to play one last video everyone everyone get ready to play this game together

Kelly Smith (01:47:00.808)
I have like heart palpitations sometimes. Not like pain.


JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:47:09.386)
my gosh, that sounds horrible.

Kelly Smith (01:47:15.83)
You need to take Oxvile.

You need to take Oxvile. I will, I'll text it to you.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:47:26.627)
This will be the last thing we do here. This is a unique math problem. You want to talk about things that freak me out. First of all, math, but that's separate. It's this math problem. So get ready, grab a pen and paper. If this is not loud enough, somebody tell me or if it's too loud, because I cannot hear. Say the weird thing. Think of a number. All right, so she said, say the weird thing. Everybody heard that? OK, here we go. Think of a number. Think of a number between one and 10. With that number, multiply it by nine.

Kelly Smith (01:47:37.91)
I'm gonna...

@KeithMalinak On X (01:47:57.419)
If you have a two digit number, I want you to add those two digits together. Great. With that new number, subtract five.

that new number, find the corresponding letter in the alphabet. A is one, B is two, and so on. Okay, if you have a letter now, think of a name of a country that begins with that letter. A country. Got one? With the name of that country, the last letter in that country, think of a name of an animal that begins with that letter.

Okay, with the last letter in the name of that animal, think of a color that begins with that letter. You got one? Seen any orange kangaroos in Denmark lately?

I don't like it. I don't like it.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:48:50.539)
What? Stop it! There's no way.

Kelly Smith (01:48:55.542)
What? Denmark, kangaroo,

@KeithMalinak On X (01:48:55.565)
I don't like this game! I don't like that! We all got the same freaking thing!

Kelly Smith (01:49:07.85)
What witchcraft is that? I don't know that one. We can talk a lot in Earth Aliens, but I don't know that one.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:49:10.369)
That's crazy.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:49:11.011)
I will tweet this out here in just a moment if people want to check that out at Keith Malinak over on the X. JP, what was your handle again? I'm sorry. It's at jpauldekkermercury1.org if you can donate. Speaking of donating, don't forget our friend Victoria. givessingo.com slash victoriastrong if you can help with those.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:49:14.645)
Okay. I got to learn that. That sounds like a fun thing to do. Wow.

Please do.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:49:28.646)
J Paul Decker

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:49:34.167)


@KeithMalinak On X (01:49:39.523)
cancer expenses. And Kelly, if people are in the real estate market in Austin, Texas, where can they go to find your stuff? Should they just follow you on Twitter?

Kelly Smith (01:49:48.192)
Yeah, in the Austin area.

So yeah, you follow me on Twitter at Kelly, K-E-L-O-Y, the number four, freedom. Again, DM me, I work from San Marcos to Waco. I love my job. We can listen to alien podcasts in the car. It's a lot of fun. I do not own a blazer. Like I'm not that kind of real estate agent. But yes, thank you.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:50:05.837)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:50:10.179)
I don't get it. okay, so don't forget your assignment, Kelly. Send me whatever the gallbladder help is. And JP, you were gonna send me something too, right? No? What was it? no, I gotta send you, I gotta tweet out the orange kangaroo thing. I'm sorry, that's what it was. Okay, kids, thank y'all so much. I appreciate you making time today. Let me see if I can figure out how to stop this live stream.

Kelly Smith (01:50:14.653)

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:50:15.085)
That's awesome.

Kelly Smith (01:50:22.481)
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:50:27.115)
Nah. Nah. I don't know.

Yes, I gotta learn that.

Kelly Smith (01:50:33.801)
orange kangaroo.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:50:38.251)
And then next week, we'll see you Thursday at 3 p.m. Eastern when we talk about Islam. That'll be, that'll be a fun one. Okay, talk to you later. Bye.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:50:44.653)
Thanks, Keith.

Kelly Smith (01:50:47.638)
Happy Friday! Alright, bye bye.

JP Decker,Mercuryone.org (01:50:48.269)
That'll be fun.

See ya.