Feb. 9, 2025

Radio Legends & Lost Connections—The Wildest Industry Stories Ever

Radio Legends & Lost Connections—The Wildest Industry Stories Ever

Ever wondered what really happens behind the mic? This deep dive into radio industry secrets, shocking broadcasting stories, and lost industry connections reveals the untold moments that shaped radio history.

From industry networking secrets to hilarious live radio mishaps, we share stories that only insiders know. We uncover unexpected connections between hosts, discuss influential mentors, and reveal untold moments from radio history.

Timestamps for Navigation
00:00 - Welcome to 2nd Floor Studios
05:30 - Why Radio Is Like a Small Town (Insider Networking)
12:00 - The 843 Area Code Mystery and What It Means
18:45 - Legendary Radio Mentors and Their Impact
25:30 - Shocking Radio Industry Connections We Just Discovered
33:15 - The Funniest Live Radio Fails Ever Caught on Air
41:40 - How a Single Tweet Changed Everything
50:10 - What It’s Like to Work in Radio Today
58:30 - The Secret to Getting Your Own Radio Show
1:05:20 - The Reality of Podcasting vs. Live Broadcasting
1:12:50 - The Most Insane Listener Calls and Fan Stories
1:20:40 - The Truth About Talk Radio’s Evolution
1:28:10 - The Biggest Radio Conspiracies and Myths
1:35:50 - How Social Media Changed Broadcasting Forever
1:42:25 - Final Thoughts and What’s Next

Creators & Guests

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▶ Wes Castelhano (2nd Floor Studios):
Instagram: @wesstlixx & @2ndfloordallas
X: @ThatGuyAtPGU & @2ndfloordallas
YouTube: @2ndFloorDallas

▶ Keith Malinak:
X (Personal): @KeithMalinak
X (Show Account): @AtTheMicShow

▶ Brad Staggs:
Facebook: @realbradstaggs2
X: @realbradstaggs
Instagram: @realbradstaggs
YouTube: @realbradstaggs

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all right all right all right boom so yeah look we're all we're all connected yay okay boy we are on a field trip right now yay and uh welcome to my my world yeah so we're at second floor studios in Dallas Texas uh home of West hero West H you're too kind yeah I'm not used to compliments but thank you can can you either turn my headphones down a little bit or your microphone something something need a maybe I don't know uh all right cool uh and and Brad you you came down here too yeah all the way from

Louisville hi Mom hey Mom hi Brad's Mom how you doing you're gon have to yell louder she's dead too soon it's never too soon I'm just checking to see uh all right so yeah you gotta have to uh we're trying out a new app because we were tired of one stream and uh yeah I'm calling him out yeah what are you gonna do what are you gonna do about it what are you gonna do about it so okay so hang hang on for just a second here if if the good people are tuned in here um are we able to see any kind of chat interactions or

anything like that I I got I got a live chat going see hi Sue she says hi guys I don't see anything oh there's Chad bottom right corner yeah and there's Linda hi Linda okay so here's what I would love to see from you awesome people that that follow I was to say dude I don't take my shirt off just yet that's after no no that's gross no no no I would have to pay people that's our too so um what I would love to see is just to put my mind at ease I would love to know I would love to see someone definitively say that they're uh at X or

they're at YouTube just to know I can see YouTube you can see so that is YouTube where Linda is and and everybody Tam you did not miss anything all right very good very good uh okay so I I'm sorry that uh and I love this setup you have here thank you uh so if people actually if they have a podcast or something uh I want I want you to tell us later how they could be a part of uh you got going on here yeah it's um I like to consider it The Sound City or the cbgbs Sound City no you ever see that documentary Dave gr did where they

record it's this awesome recording studio was some of the best albums were ever recorded there anyway it was a [ __ ] hole oh sorry I can't say that can I all right it was it was an [ __ ] um but no but some of the greatest uh albums recorded are from Fleetwood Mac to slip knot to Rage Against the Machine so anyway I digress but that's basically we're all about sound not square footage here okay all right very good no I love this setup very cool um okay so I I've been up since 12:25 a.m. I am so tired

and I cannot wait to talk to my youngest daughter about how she cuz you know she's being a little Lippy from what you said sound like at 12:30 no I haven't talked to her yet yet okay uh so anyway so she comes home 12:25 and the reason I know it was 12:25 is because that's where the alarm said uh when she walked in and and she because you came over to talk to Carrie you know because she wants to know when the kids are home well I don't care I want to sleep and so uh when she used the flashlight on her

phone it was right in my eyes and I am such a light sleeper bro it's been a nightmare so it's uh yeah been up for a little while I can't wait to sneak into your house sneak with my oh no flashlight seriously and wake you up there it is H so uh so bear with me uh I'm just I'm a little a little tired at the end of a long week and uh and by the way I need to do a formal introduction of Brad stags from the daily mojo.com what's happening plug plug plug so when when can people find you weekday mornings from oh that's

right week morning from8 how I know your schedule better than you do I don't know I was just I'm he's got Friday brain too I do the daily mojo.com and then you also do the Saturday morning live uh I think it's at 10 a.m. eastern right yeah with Jeffy 10 a.m. Jeff Central y okay all right good so we'll be uh what's going on with your tooth what's what yeah what's let's just get this out of the way cuz I it it it came out I was not going to put it in and then I stuck it in and then it didn't want to stay in

and so so I just so I don't look like a total hillbilly I was gonna say hockey player but okay yeah a hillbilly hockey player there you go so I mean it's there and and it's we're gonna play a game of peekaboo is that why you have the mic like that oh there you go looks like a walrus bro I love it I love that we need a nickname for you Brad maybe you could be the walrus I I think that's pretty solid you just got to grow your must get some more handlebars going on so I just just so I don't freak out people too

much I'm just kind of I see you know all right I don't you're blocking yourself I got you I got you but occasionally let the equipment work for you not against you so all of our cameras are like in different spots I know we're all in the same room though I know it's like we I don't know do I look over here do I look here I got I got my my phone as my camera because I didn't want to use that I'm just like whatever I keep moving mine around do you know how much one of the dental places that I went and I I've

got a great dentist I was just out looking around and seeing just kind of you know how much for an implant I cannot for one tooth I can't believe this any guesses I I'm going to do the Jeff Fisher I'm going to do 1400 I'm would to be the I don't know Brad how much $1,375 F off get out of my face I got what I said oh hold on a second hold on hold on uh Alicia uh meth walrus meth okay I I think you're the meth walrus I and no I did not get UV poisoning yet although you been playing with your little UV glue if you get it

on your gums it burns okay yeah not as bad as that STV but it burns that's a safety tip you're not going to get in from show while we're giving a shout out we got to give a shout out to my wife Victoria she's the producer she's the one actually we look somewhat decent because of her so do we have the full shot from her uh she's recording the full shot oh okay my bad yeah this is for we'll fix it in post but yeah nothing to fix nothing to fix but yeah we'll put the video of the wide shot oh that's cool all right we'll do the wi

shot and post rather than just seeing our jug our fancy yeah so okay so we have to uh we have to address a major development between Wes and myself I know this has been 48 Hours of just yes yes and you're the I'm we're having twins okay so this is so wild uh for the longest time getting Goosebumps already I know it's so crazy I'm like no like legit getting Goosebumps it's a small small world but I keep forgetting to ask so you've been at the blaze for almost a year now you've been with Pat gry unleash since just before Christmas yeah

yeah yeah and and and I keep meaning to ask you why the 843 area code cuz I remember I texted you I was like oh South Carolina Charleston South Carol kind like country yeah so okay and so I just never got around to just say hey you said yeah I lived in Sommerville and I was like oh cool I live in Charleston like that was it so so man it's so weird so you started a Twitter account for your duties at Pat gry Unleashed yes and and then I said so do you have another one and you gave me that handle and then I went to that

handle on Wednesday we were texting back and forth and I clicked on that old Twitter account of yours and when I saw your profile picture I my heart just skipped a beat my eyes began to water it was a picture of you with my former boss Richard bachmid who we lost seven years ago almost now yeah it was his birthday not too long ago yeah and and um it's just I what I I small I said you got to call me right now I literally because I didn't see any of the links you sent so I was like oh I I can I swear on here I don't

know but I was I'm going oh my God like what's going on there's something with work I I had no idea and then and then you're like you know box yeah box is his name and so yeah nobody could say box so he went by box it's a great radio name yeah and the guy is the greatest person you will ever meet he taught me everything thing he was my he was my mentor he gave me we're practically Brothers man we are but like how small of a world is it that not only do I move back to Dallas and we and to have and I know like radio can be small

but the fact that yes yes radio is not only small but it's Petty it's it's incestuous and and everybody runs into everybody else at some point but this is different man so but like when uh N8 Rock when I was there with WB it was still independently owned so we were like the muts so it wasn't like you know iHeart Radio where people kind of there was no like networking so the fact that I came to work for for Blaze and the one guy that I saw in passing it for what 10 months I worked meanwhile like

yeah Bo we shared the same Mentor like that's it's nuts yeah yeah the thing about and and I realized that maybe uh the majority of people people watching right now don't realize uh don't AR aren't familiar with Richard bachmid uh and just know that he is such a special person to have cross paths with he's he's everything orbits around box you know I've never met somebody that on the Fly could do imp improvised like tent so smart in fact in fact on this audience sorry I want you to finish talking about

box but I this is the guy y'all that last week or the week before that I was telling you about his system with the the legal pad where he would write all the stuff he had to do and then he would mark it out and stuff that was box that I was telling you about oh no like at when he was doing the morning show at 1055 it was [ __ ] tornado like went through there s I got I can't I'm sorry for I know everybody gets [ __ ] everybody gets virgin ears apparently when I talk I don't know what happens I'm sorry about

this is like me off air in the H so I can relate the box is the box is just looking down you're like you dumb bastard actually no that's he's saying more than that no he would do I remember I the the Charleston Bridge Run um we were we would get there and we would have throw Donuts at people you know when they're coming off the bridge right like that was what you know like hey carve up you know like y that's funny so I had a video of him we had a bottle we had a flask of Jack Daniels it's like 6:00 a.m. I tell you I mean cu we had to

get there early cuz we were on the exit part of the uh the uh the ravenol bridge and so you know we've been up for a while so we're drinking and so I'm like you know box loved Macho Man Randy Savage and he he did I and I one of the biggest regrets in my life is losing this video he did a thre minute Macho Man of him drinking Jack Daniels about why Jack Daniels is so great and he's like oh yeah the cre r oh yeah he's like like he did it so well and I'm like that just came right that was him oh he

would walk around the the cubicles and I realized you know we're reminiscing and you and I are going to do this later for sure but uh he would just walk around the cubicles at the radio station just doing impersonations and just lightening the mood and I'm trying to find a picture that I know I've tweeted out before I'll find it later but I I one day for my birthday uh I all I wanted to do was like a kid play whiffle ball in the backyard and me and and box and two other employees from the station we just

and three other employees from the station we just played whiffle ball in the rain in the backyard as grown ass men and uh and I got to find this picture somewhere but anyway it's just um it just if there's just some people that make an impact in your life and then for for them to come back into it uh through a connection that you didn't know existed is just so wild like you said if it wasn't for him he wouldn't he got me he gave me his afternoon radio show yeah so I was like when I started I was a tech AKA drove I just set

everything up and then I was doing Sunday nights because you gotta suck if you're going go on radio you gotta get practicing then who's who's listening on Sunday nights nobody so but he wanted he was going to a Morning Show on 105 the sister station and he goes Wes you take the you know the after afternoon not the afternoon drive but you know what I mean um so yeah I was the all request 90s newer oh there you go and so I will just say one last thing on box is that I tried I was disenchanted with radio and

why how much time do you have and when he quit he told the radio station there in Charleston make Keith go get Keith malani and make him your program director to take my spot when I leave and um I just I I love him to death and and this right here is the whiffle ball box is in the white shirt on the left not with the blue line the other one and that is box uh we're just standing out there we're in the rain that's our whiffle ball bats and that's uh that is uh I don't know what that would have been maybe my 30th is birthday uh right

there in Charleston South Carolina yeah and then if whoever is watching this this is actually his microphone this last one that he used his sister hi Don um gave it to me so nobody gets to use this mic but now I think Keith is allowed to because there's a little yeah no but I'm very yeah you can't no what's that Victoria oh she says no oh she says no wife he makes the rules but sayy so Brad how are you doing buddy I'm doing okay I you know the the thing about Richard boxman is I know his name mostly from Beth E not's ex-husband

Jim because they work together at TN and um I heard his name in in I don't know that I ever met him incredible programmer uh he uh he you know what last I keep saying last thing I'll say let me just say this if you like listening to talk radio on FM uh one of the guys you can thank for that is Richard bachmid just because he made it work in places like Nashville and Charleston and what you what you haven't said is he left us in in 2018 yeah we try not to talk about that I know I'm just saying just it's take

care of your your peeps because you never know what people are going through and it sucks and then if you check you know I looked at my my last texts with box and I I still have his voicemail yeah we tried to catch up uh and we just life gets so busy you gotta check on your friends because you just well that that was the hardest part I missed I remember I was like around midnight he called me and I'm like half asleep like ah black so you know whatever hadn't heard from and then I get a phone call from my

other friend Katie hi Katy Redfern and they're like know you know Katie Redfern course yeah Redford's another one you can't I [ __ ] love Katie um she's the coolest she's the coolest uh I I don't know if if YouTube will kick us off for that or not what Wella probably box is actually laughing at this Lang but yeah so well I get a call from her and it's like we can't find them I'm like Florida man in Alabama says box and dock on the roof and then and then and since I mean we lost a mo daily Mojo family member this week too

but it turned out it was in uh January one of our listeners oh great friend Robin who was actually transgender female and the last last text I sent to her said are you alive you got to stop doing that you do the same thing with do said the same yeah I sent the same text to Doc and you know he turned six years ago uh what two days ago the anniversary of ducks yep so this one's for you guys because of course box why do I drink Budweiser well I drank it before but you know it's not a Bud Light have you ever

tried drinking you probably have as many tattoos as well no you got got a little waste to go have you ever had a hear did you did ever hear the story why he had the Jesus tattoo on the inside of his arm I'll get kicked off of YouTube for this why don't you just save it for great we'll have to do an impr anybody in the chat wants to know I will just send me a message and I will tell you cuz it's such says Brad please don't text me yeah I swear don't you ever send me that question uh he's gonna do it right

now no I was I was GNA pull out my splinter no no don't you come on man a horrible he already pulled out his tooth I me and why stop down man okay so let's go to The Not So rapid fire questions that we like to do on the Friday live see my SPL who gave me the corn or flour tortillas that was me I thought so that was that was my every B band I interviewed that was my last question cuz I knew when I found out it's like they do what 20 inter 30 interviews in a day they just call in so I wanted to be

the guy that did tried to be separate from that so I go before they we would record I would say all right I'm just gonna ask you the bull the BS questions you know just like the you know the typical like how's the tour going how's new album how's you know like those five same questions and then we'll just talk about whatever because we had like four more minutes to kill so I would always ask flour or corn tortillas uhhuh and that that that apparently was outrage outrage cake or pie is kind of another

uh yeah paper people are very passionate about their tacos man like I so it just depends like for me it's a soft shove I'm just having a taco it oh it also depends he's giving this a lot of thought okay so corn tortillas if you're having a carita and all you need is onion in cilantro but if I'm going to Taco Bell F that I'm going straight flower I'm sorry I don't I us to hate cilantro hold on you used to hate what cilantro okay I just want to hear I just want to hear you say through that tooth of yours over there I can't say forever

so say say flower tortilla with cilantro flower tortilla with cilantro are you looking at my you're like that kid in stranger things say say braces are you looking at my braces uh so I mean are you a corn or flower tortilla kind of guy we we'll wait we'll wait corn when did I eat corn flower I'm moving on uh what okay what generation are you and how would you describe it I am a vintage Millennial uh so by that I mean Victoria disagrees no cuz she's one too okay so technically Millennials go from 81 to what like 90 something like

93 94 I can never get those right I know so I'm technically Millennial but I grew up you know being able to go like do stuff like you know this was the the back in the day when it said you come home when the street lights come on yeah or we locked the doors like grew up with dialup internet and stuff like that Millennials 81 to 96 okay so I was I'm 86 so I like I'm on the you look good for 86 no thanks dude so so what is a millennial like how would you describe it then um I I can't I hate censoring

myself because half the words I just said in my head cuz I'm not a hold on how did you do this when you were on the radio in Charleston but dude I work for I work for a rock station had a delay button in fact the only time that I've Ever Needed the delay button uh thankfully my life isn't on the air but uh it was with box actually it was with two of the guys from that shot there when I was in the dark Studio I've talked about this before where I'm looking down and there's this giant they call them

palmetto bugs in charlon and these giant size of a a baby's fist roach crawls across my foot in this dark studio and I just scream out loud what the [ __ ] yeah and so I calmly walk around the studio to the to the dump button push it cuz I know I had like 10 seconds or whatever come back and apparently in tank and box were like what what was that I mean I was like you didn't hear what I just dropped on the air and they said no it sounded just like a scream as opposed to an F bomb but I mean Brad has seen me

like freak out uh but I thought it was a spider that you were messing with me that one time right don't look at me like that damn tooth what is this we're in Deliverance no I feel like we're like ausome Powers 3 just I like to but do you remember that morning there at and it was a it was a mayfly thing or whatever it was just a mayfly those don't even hurt did you were you standing next to me or did you put it on me or no I was standing next to you you screamed like a little girl because I thought it was a spider it was kind of

big yeah see Victoria even jumped at the word spider oh that's I don't mind spiders but to go back the Vintage Millennial basically means that I would say we grew up when it was still fun and uh but we were also a little bit more techsavvy I think that but we yeah we got away with a lot like with everything yeah I think you were the last generation able to do that but you say this to somebody don't all [ __ ] about doing work though isn't that Millennials no see vintage Millennials don't do that oh okay all right vintage

Millennials yeah so it's good stuff uh all right so what generation are you sir well I am old I'm just old are you Gen X like me or no hold on I'm not done doing this okay what's the DNA I am uh I'm moving on uh Gen X is between 65 and 80 but I'm 64 but I'm on the cuss so I'm Gen X I don't want to be a baby boomer cuz oh yeah because you don't want people say Okay Boomer right I think I think I think that that line isn't so much a year it's can you handle a cell phone it's an attitude right what

happened to my heart Keys Let's see we okay so who is the most joyful person that you've ever met Brad besides yourself oh the most joyful oh that's tough Christy Bruce who's that uh she's my old producer at DIY and HGTV she was so always so happy MH and I don't know if it was drugs or if it was life but uh life life cuz my answer is going to be someone both of you know and I want to see if y'all going to change your answers but Christy Bruce I'm sure ises Bru she was awesome she is awesome she's still with

us so joyful cuz when I think joyful like naturally like just like just always positive because all my friends and I love you guys but you guys bust my balls more than anything so um I would say my best friend growing up uh Mark finger and yes his last name is finger um I didn't say a thing I don't get it trust me he's HT at all so it's okay but no but his family the greatest you get mad at his family cuz they're so they're so nice like the the greatest people I've ever met what was his middle name same one as mine Allan so I got a

crazy story about my middle name which one was the middle finger that yeah oh who do you oh actually actually I'm trying to keep up with the chat no no no no so actually this one this actually will say this my brother's girlfriend Maggie is proba the most positive person I've ever met she's a she's about this tall um we we call her Maggie Forks because because she okay well she's not Asian but she was the closest one that looked Asian in the car so it just kind of evolved into that but she is the most

positive person one of my favorite people in the world have to be when you're that tall right just kind of like if you're fat you better be jolly yeah so uh I I when I wrote this question you know who came to mind was Hillary Kennedy right come on she's very very very nice yes there you go she is very i i i unnaturally so I think she might be an Android we need to talk I think I've said five words to her so I'm assuming she seems nice she's very nice but it's but you know what it's there's something

Hillary we're calling you out I'm going to show this to her what the f Hillary there's something there where there's something something not right she's and always nice you guys see what I'm looking at see there they are hi there we are not Jess says I'm five foot and not a positive person I like uh oh five foot um want some salsa with that chip I'm just kidding so old joke what are what are you looking forward to Wes name something that you're looking forward to Sweet respit of death do you want me to

go I'm ready ready for Brad and Keith to get out of here yeah ready to move down that bench a little bit um no um so I'll go sta you first uh for my wife to go into remission of cancer so that's but selfishly um I'm looking forward to man I didn't really think about this well that's why I sent him early so you guys can get a head start no I'm just I no uh I would say what B No 9 in Nails is coming into town and I can't wait what's that oh know I'm going Scot on my birthday for the second time but yeah yeah so I

would say yeah there some Marilyn Manson and 9 in stes are coming here and rise again so those are my big things awesome can you tell oh yeah me and box St along just fine oh yeah oh 100 100 so um but yeah yeah going Scot by by the way by the way real quick real quick when when I clicked on your profile picture you talking about box there and I and I I quickly thought of 843 area code and then when I zoomed in on the picture I was like that's not b and I saw the Sonic Youth shirt and I'm like and he no

then he has the Slayer he had Slayer tattooed across his stomach all right what do you look he made me feel good about getting a beer belly though he wore it well he did he rocked rocked [ __ ] out of it what am I looking for that's a good question I don't know to not die no I mean I think got stop sending text is g to be quiet that's why I look at it in fact somebody uh somebody posted here don't ever send me a text I think that was uh Linda and she also said watch out for the redheads oh Wes needs to be looking

forward to the camera I'm I'm used to being behind the mic I don't like looking into lenses I'm not used to it like I actually had to think about what t-shirt I was going to wear today so me too yeah meanwhile Keith this Jabron over here is on the oh I'm on air every day and yes Florida man in Alabama she is hot is Victoria the producer hot yes she's she's is Dro dead gorgeous and and but you're you're cold aren't you right now are you always cold or you always hot both wait a minute women are always

I'm freezing so I was going to say she's both hot and hot but yeah no she's Caliente she's hot and cold she's no she yeah she right she's she's Caliente she married me for my last and fego let's see here what's my next question for y'all okay gosh why do I I got to watch the questions when Brad's on why because you're going to take this question and turn it into something it's not what do you mean in a parking lot you you prefer to pull in 20 bucks pull pull in never do this but you know I'll do 20 bucks just a day only okay got a B

the feed yeah hold on a second now we're good what is happening so do you pull in to the parking spot or do you back in Wes I back in because my pullout game's weak right no you never know when you're going have to you're going to be in a hurry leaving someplace right I don't know we all have backup cameras now so like why not yeah okay I'm moving on uh West definitely in the parking garage back in I would say that yeah yeah oh gosh because it's just so impossible yeah like like awesome powers you know the worst place to try

to park and it's not really you having to park it it it's when you you get to the parking garage in New York City and they take your car and they put it in the and they pull it in and then it's on a machine and then it raises up and they stack them in oh God and then just make sure that you don't go they're not in a union because they're like hey sorry it's past 6 o'cl yeah I forgot about luck yeah good luck but you're sitting right there hey it's the union I get it for you but buessing my balls over here yeah yeah sorry not my

fault you should have uh looked at the sign before you parked here okay I I just realized that that's where cash talks right there the chat I got I got a YouTube chat on one screen and then a fleeting uh Twitter chat on the right screen how did I get the the Twitter fleeting Twitter chat oh there I got to hold this okay how do you get the I don't even know how you get Twitter chat you have to hold down the deal you put your thumb it's called it's just called it's called a button no I'm a Gen X I

promise I'm Gen X if I'm watching so if I'm watching laptop internet I can't if I hold down the laptop oh oh it popped up over here this is why Keith reaches out to me I was like hey dude let's just try this River see that look at there look at I and it it popped up I love how Blaze morai uh also known as Martin um this I think this is your first time on this show is is why you're uh stunned by these questions here um this is what we do we do the Noto rapid fire questions every week so let's see uh what was the

next question here oh oh what is the dumbest or coolest thing you've ever done maybe it was a dare I guarantee you your story's with box and I can't say them on air because apparently I'm sensored you know we'll go to we'll go to my left here what's the question I I mean I do have one that's not with box but yes I do have one let's Mo Deb just said Brad you look like someone who needs to be on hehw my dumbest one was I was 16 I got dared so again I grew up in the jackass blink when 18 two years I got

dared to jump out of a moving car going 30 miles an hour and I yeah I totally did that no problem got a concussion but still still a cool as [ __ ] sorry how fast were you going when you jumped 30 but it was on to a grassy null you know very Dallas of me I know right we new suspect okay um so so I I lead into this did you have an answer or you beave what well I know I was thinking that the uh cuz we uh when I lived in Boron California that's a real really go Boron Boron that's where well that's where

they mine borax oh oh okay that makes sense and uh and we were standing on my friend's roof roaches should take that town out and his uh yeah the the pit there is like a mile wide it's huge um anyway so we're on my friend's roof and his parents come home and and uh we thought we're going to get in trouble so we just ran down the back of the roof and jumped right off the roof into the yard oh dude I jump off Ro all the time it's fun as fun as hell yeah especially with the trampoline right down there too but when you're not

expecting it and you just do you don't think about doing it and you do it that's the way you got to live your life man okay so do you have the um uh the guy on the motor uh scooter bike motorbike thingy boy that sounds old on his on his little motorized uh vehicular thing just get these guys out their skateboards from the sidewalk so so yeah play this I want you to see this and I don't know uh if this was a dare I don't know obviously there was some practice involved here Twitter chat is stupid

Twitter chat is stupid I'm sorry it's just loaded up Toby McAvoy is correct I saw that because I I it it fades away like you know what I'm saying like it's just bye-bye should not fade away it shouldn't Fade Away old Soldiers all of it just fad away yeah but we don't see well I can't see yeah we can't see oh you can't see oh it's sto the screen so much better when we can't see oh there oh there it is there it is okay so this isn't the guy but but leave this one up here because I was going to play him back to back this

guy nine and a half oh ho right do it again play play this again we saw the tail end of that so so this is incredible look at this he's getting ready to wow it's insane I can't do a flip I can't say a flip either well Victoria so now it's not showing up I saw it it's not showing up there it was on mine I was watching anyway that's incredible you drunk that's of course I am of course I was it's called Perpetual bevering so okay I like that I like that a lot just came up with that on the FL you can use it ni can I have some Asar okay

so now play the uh motorbike guy uh oh I got I didn't screw I oh you didn't do that one yeah just uh just do the filler stuff would you say about scissoring I didn't say not you w said something about scissoring no he didn't no what the hell's wrong I thought he said nothing I just I know we're in Oak I know we're a beder Springs but come on dude tell me this isn't a Jeffy scam right here waiting to happen a guy named Dylan Rockwell and 32 years old man 32y old man in Idaho okay he had this in you hear about scams you hear about

law Breakers and there's some guys you just respect and you also get pissed that why didn't I think why didn't I think of this listen to this scam right this is genius he had a ring and on that ring it had the barcode for a can of tomato soup so if he bought a Yeti he would just and the camera is watching him and then it it oh that's genius that's brilliant that is genius and so was stealing high-end items all for the price of a can of tomato soup that's that's awesome they did get onto him he's arrested yeah that oh so so Vic has

so not say hypothetically R did this what you have to do don't went to a felony on the air no no so people get spoken like someone who's been there don't do it not people get people get really dumb about this that if you're gonna try to steal something of let's say like a TV or something you're not don't put a $3 barcode on it you got to blend it right right right you got to blend it in you know so it's like I'm still spending a 100 bucks but I'm you're not spending yeah so that's how in Charleston totally lady got totally

busted she tried to buy a TV for like $15 I'm like what it it was just that like are you are you not going to notice that so there got to blend it can't greedy Abby Hoffman wrote a book in 1971 and I remember living in Lancaster California at the time in an apartment with my mom and dad and the book was called steal this book oh yeah that was the guy that did um oh what was he the the part of the Chicago trials yeah I mean he was one of yeah yeah he was a Democrat uh whatever but you know what I

mean yeah yeah I know he was was he Chicago 7 whatever she's part of Chicago 7 but I remember at that I mean I may have been a Helen in the 70s when I was like 10 um but I remember I I read part of that book and one of the things that taught you how to do was make a box with like a cardboard box with a flap on the bottom of it that you could like put you know set it down over like a Yeti or a cat mug and it would the Box bottom would flip up and then close with the thing inside oh so you'd set a box

down over something and pick it up and whatever it was was inside then oh that's what's up that was like a still remember that that's a PG version of the anarchist cookb it sounds like yep yep exactly so I don't see the video that you sent me I can't find the link it's okay I'll save got a motorcycle flipping basically it's basically the motorcycle version of what you just saw like the X Games so wait now nine times the dude he did a nine oh now you're like I gotta find this why don't you Google uh X Games

dude was it an X Games dude check the okay hold on hold on was it P why don't you do this just just okay scroll through that email right there it might be in that Wes unless you've already gone through I got Mocking Bird that's fine then do what she said while you do that do she said while you do that she said I want to show you this uh that this woman went missing in Britain and they couldn't figure out where she oh no you see what just happened there that sucks okay there we go and so she goes missing and they

couldn't find her forever and they went and they looked at the Google Street View you see that she's crossing the road oh talking about cut no way and she apparently on the other side of that road is a little Cliff she had fallen down that and died oh and that thanks for that happy ending okay yeah that was kind of what are the odds that Google Street View caught that right what are the odds so you're like funny that you say that Wes because I have that pulled up uh let's see so um yeah I don't know

what the odds are but I was reading that same story had a bunch of hyperlinks to other crazy stuff that's been caught by Google cameras um a woman discovered her best friend and her man hanging out okay you need to back off wow uh th this is that they they were on a bench he was laying on our lap there and so uh busted thank you Google Street View oh they got that I got that okay I got more I got more where that came from uh this guy this is over I don't know Italy or somewhere I know you can't furing places one of them furing

places there's a guy at the top of the hill with a wheelbarrow and what's in there what what's happening what's happening oh that's what you yeah I remember pulling that image I'm like why am I pulling this whoa what is in there uh that's a body because was that in Italy because this guy um one of them F places killed the other guy because uh uh it was a love triangle and you get busted there there wasn't much love in that trunk was there honestly like the timing for these people you're just destined to rot and

jaill bro uh okay now this right here uh this if you've ever wondered where longdong silver is um he actually lives in Kentucky I don't know if you can see it but it it actually make it bigger it says okay lift up oh crap what you do it says what what what does that say in the upper left corner there home of longdong silver oh there it is verified and so uh the picture that is blurred out and I saw it before it was uhuh no guy standing in his driveway naked yeah well hold on it gets worse than that

L it on me well worse or better depending on your standpoint I mean be real so he had a sock on he was hanging off had a sock hanging off of him no he didn't fill it out what like R did he know he knew that it was going to be coming I think what he just hangs out in his front yard with a sock I think Google caught him at the right moment getting into his car or out of his car or into his car if you will with a seer talk on I mean maybe he really likes Red Hot Chili Peppers okay yep uh it could be

that angle by the way they can't ban us were saying Seer poock okay the last thing I'll show you this is really sad somebody some girl posted this she said somewhere on Google sock on it no somewhere Google on Google Earth it's 2012 my grandpa is still alive and he's teaching me how to play softball in the yard how sad is that oh oh what is it oh wait oh that's sweet it look sweet or sad more I don't know well it's sweet because that's a memory a lasting memory and that's sweet I mean it's nice it makes you

actually think there might be hope for this life right I mean when we all know that there isn't Long Dong Silver has a lasting memory too so congrats to him I just found one I was just looking up the uh creepiest things found on Google Street View and there's one of a man peeing on Thrift Store okay there's one right when they first started doing that they uh they there was a guy coming out of it looked like he was coming out of um like a trip XX store or something like that and he was just walking by it

that wasn't me it wasn't me so help me you say that again you talking th it wasn't me deny deny okay let's see here um do you have the video of the guy with the pepper spray uh you got you have never seen a guy can I use your basket yeah you me just pour this out yeah I don't care cuz I was just going to like lift this up so I'm not looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find okay got a song in my there we go all right look at that so do you have pepper spray guy because this is you want to see a guy go

from 60 to zero oh so saw that that actually we experienced that on Sunday really you saw some okay so let's play the video I got I want to hear your experience is under pepper spray video I don't know oh dude you yeah you gotta I sent see this is the thing I sent West like 17 emails do you have the thing in email 6B it's been a week welcome to my world with Jeffy on Saturdays yeah Jeffy sends me things to pool at like 10 o'clock the night before i' see I'm not seeing anything that says pepper spray behind

the scenes that's fine all right I'll find it hold pepper spray is that what am I what am I searching for really have no idea I'm looking I found it I found it and I'm like Jeffy you're you're lucky you're a radio legend that I'm doing this that's not it that's not it uh all right it should be in the uh did you did you call up the share Drive everything's in there uh I'm sorry that I that I know is in there I'm sorry did you check the sunny Drive I think it was previously oh one of the ones I pulled

like weeks said share Drive said the I Got You Babe a let me anyway so uh so when he when he looks for that because you've never seen a guy who who thinks he's such a badass just turned into a puddle right in front of you and so we we'll get that uh at the mic show is that yeah that's the one yeah y try that one yeah so what so what happened with us was on Sunday we went to see the comic uh Camille Nani for those who don't know who that is if you watch Silicon Valley he's denesh um so we're getting so because where we live

is right by the dart uh in Wood Station so three bucks just take the dart all the way down it was super easy we get on and we were this guy was like telling us don't go back there like that don't go near that guy and we didn't know he was security yeah so we're just thinking because there's like oh there's some guy just talking to himself or whatever and all we're hearing is this guy just drooling he's like hot hot and we're like what and I'm just and we're not putting two I'm like oh it's just some

guys's going through some stuff it almost sounds like Perpetual beverag right so look we didn't know so apparently this guy that was telling us to not go back there he was telling us to not go back there because he just he just maed that guy that was going hun H and that's what it all started to make sense and then the guy who's like I don't know built like an honor rooll student and but he's like 60 years old and he's like this rail thin and he's the security guard is you know he's jacked I was going to say something else

but he was jacked and the guy the this the guy that got base was like I'm F you I'm do this and the guy the guy well yeah well I can't I'll tell you um but like he's the guy is the guy the security guard who's off duty okay he sitting there with his like bare ma can like the guy's I'm GNA F you up and he just he holds the can out he's like I want you to give me another reason he's like please and then the guy tries coming on and off the dart and he's just sitting there and I'm just like I'm like

do it just like aching him do it like I don't want I don't want I don't want the guy to get hurt but we had we had a show to get to right so but I kind of wanted to say I but also I'm like this would be a great second uh you know the funny thing is it for some reason that's funny to see and watching people walk into holes is funny and I don't know why we talked about that the other day say why is it funny to see somebody fall into a hole it's uh it's funnier than a whiffle ball bat to the crotch I'll tell you

that it's only funny that's never funny but what is funny though it's always funny when you see a dude get racked into the big balls big ball you know we the I love the time we live in is that all caps no just the first four oh that's right wow so uh big balls in the news Big Balls I mean that when you see big balls trending you're like do I click this I mean depends are you on a work computer or uh so anyway it's um oh yeah I got hit yes what what's the number 22 that's you guys this is what it

really is like this is what it's like yeah normally we're having to call each other I don't know yeah or you're just texting me while you're trying to talk you're like dude what that so um cut 22 uh yeah where Big Balls is one of the Doge guys dogy it's not Doge doge is crypto doy is the Department of Government hard G efficiency hard e dogy but doge is the one that Elon promoted satto coin yeah but I don't care what little oddly oddly coincidental he's wrong doge is the crypto dogy is the uh the department of Department of

government efficiency which is by the way historic what they're doing it is amaz this is every libertarian dream what is happening it is a Ron very Ron Swanson I don't care what the political aisle you're on or what affiliation how can you not be excited to see them go in and start and finding uh uh ways that they're setting dollars on fire and and duplicating payments and and why is that a bad thing in any political Spectrum it's not I'll just keep talking right here until the two of you figure out what the hell

you're doing because it's the one with the trailer oh this guy no oh this guy oh yes this one was a fun one to watch cuz I had to bleep him out but making an epic point that we've been rudely ignoring Big Balls is one of the dudes who was like the four programmers who went in there and I I think I might well I would be excited it doesn't matter whose team they're on that they went in and they found out how our government both sides most likely were in there pissing money away down black holes well not just that I mean that

almost makes it sound like it wasn't nefarious stuff oh this was tentacles wrapped around tentacles buried under all sorts of layers of hidden insanity and these eight Geniuses I think actually Four I think there was only four there's only well I mean and they were in there at 2: in the morning before anybody else went to workan are these guys not getting paid oh they're getting paid they have I'm sure they're I just remember Elon saying something I want to want you to work 120 hours but not whatever get paid no I'm just I'm

just wondering maybe I have a feeling that that Elon Musk is going to take care of I think I think El elon's got it I would have paid money to watch the the faces of the people who came into work at the uh whatever department and and and and see these poor guys and then them trying to get into their own accounts and go oh crap we're locked out so oh can you imagine like to that level like you go check your ATM or your account balance after a night of drinking you're like oh what is my account at but then to get it on to that

level that level where's the $18 billion for the drag queen show in Uganda I feel like there's a story in there with Wes and an ATM machine yeah called the decade of my 20s called it's called Perpetual beverag apparently I had a good time I don't remember but so so let's see this guy I want you to see this it's just some videos you watch on the old internets and you just can't help but laugh out loud everyone in the house goes what are you laughing at like oh come in watch this so we got to start

you said what from from ec1 I know okay start okay so so start start yeah there we go give me your phone bro give me your phone phone back up man why you recording me bro on trip back up oh you said what I'm from wa I'm from e one I know what whoa dude uh-oh oh hell wait for it wait for it Bradley going for a oh whoops who put that tree yes yes and we're not done we got we got a long way to go dude no uhoh dud uhoh that's a good walk that's a good looking walk right there that's solid walk that's

100% Perpetual bevering follow my voice Man follow my voice you're good good Slow Down slow stop stop stop I'm from the East side yeah they see like East Baltimore wow yeah tasty it is yeah like even the guy feel bad like oh dude you really went down yeah don't you want help you want help okay nope nothing's there are you trying to get in your car man please right there that's your car that's he get all right sit down sit down we'll help you we sit sit down man just sit down man oh that was so good

not not for a nanc and I feel bad for that guy no it almost makes you wonder was that real huh I don't know because see why do you have to ruin everything so I'm I'm actually gonna go the it I thought the same thing but when I was watch this thing with Johnny Knoxville he's answering questions is what was the the worst stunt that he ever did hands out of everything he said getting pepper spray it was the worst and wow and this is the guy that had a motorcycle falling his you know I can't can I say the dick

no I already did so you know I don't think he can say dick I'm talking about Richard right you talking about oh you're talking about the uh the Democrat guy holding up cash pel dick Durban that guy's a big dick Duran I so when you guys were saying that you guys were saying dick Durban all day and I was thinking in my head of Boogie Nights cuz I thought you kept saying Dirk dickler and I was just laughing sounds a lot like Derk I was like I was like Mark Wahlberg you're talking about like what's going on so

doc always used to say he looks greasy dick deran always looks greasy yeah yeah that's fair that's fair he's a nasty guy do you think he's a nasty guy I think like Miss Jackson if you're nasty Miss Durban if you're nasty you just made me think of Larry Craig of course we think Bill Clinton is a nasty guy I just have a wide stance a white I have a wide stance on him in theall I have to okay cuz I I don't know how many people still remember that that's the 90s right that is uh yeah that's the no that was early Denver

Airport yeah well that restroom if you're not oh yeah was that what he tapped to foot a foot Tapper so Larry Craig was a Republican senator from Idaho and what had happened was he was on I think Meet the Press or something and they were talking about how uh Bill Clinton is a is a bad guy but you gotta see watch this I have a take this from Bill Mah here here we go the Senate certainly can bring about a censor resolution and it's a slap on the wrist it's a Bad Boy Bill Clinton you're a naughty boy the American people already

know that Bill Clinton is a bad boy a naughty boy I'm going to speak out for the CI of my stage who in the majority think that Bill Clinton is probably even a nasty bad naughty woman what okay and then they show they show up that's that was just like in parks and rec we were watching it's like this this place is going to hell in a Gucci knockout purse girl and so so so he says that and people are like okay that's odd and then it comes out that he's in the Minneapolis bathroom I thought it was Denver I say

Minneapolis I think Denver okay what are we betting what are we betting you're buying the first drink uh you guys get I'm pretty sure it's Denver I know my gay sex airports and it's Minneapolis my friend Victoria's from Minnesota so what what would you say is that like a thing there I'm going Minneapolis you vote Denver let's go survey says Google says survey says San Francisco CRA I'm just going put airport bathroom see what comes uh and see what happens here and Larry it's okay I don't know that I want

to be right on this Larry Craig Scandal a hypocrite son of a what Min it's just like Larry if you're gay dud for LW conduct in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis St Paul International Airport wow how do you know like how does that start where the foot tap uh like I got to know the background of that that's oh it's a Minnesota thing it's a Minnesota thing Minnesota Victoria do you want to just get on the mic oh oh you haven't plugged in okay so my lovely wife Victoria this is what she's she loves being the voice of

reason can't hear you turn her up turn her on you're trying to silence woman her on why do you hate women so much Wes she gets a little Lippy what can I say still don't hear anything yell really loud just yell at us it is a Minnesota thing and unfortunately Kirby puet got accused of it Kirby Pucket yes wait is it a sex thing or a gay sex thing has nothing to do with what your so it's just is it a bathroom sex thing a bathroom thing they even have weird sex like related you know what weird that's

weird weird no your mic's not working I'm yelling ah so um that's interesting Kirby Pucket no no what's weird is do you remember the Movie Cruisin with alcino I think I've seen that okay has it been out for 40 years uh it's been out I think came out in like 81 then I'm just about up it's coming up on my queue right now okay well it's microphone's not on some people would say is a good thing I mean I can hear you but I don't know that anyone else can ah you want to come sit on my lap oh we can sit oh we

could share a a chck normally we do that when the CER 15 minutes and make me a sandwich first what happened there you are I hear you now is you is yeah he's barely in my ear now no I think that's from your microphone oh you're I'm pretty sure that that's yeah tap it yeah I barely barely it's really low now think we're all low now Tommy James no that was what's her face um uh chicky poo yeah the the mall singer what's her name Tiffany Tiffany yeah yeah all right I can hear you just fine what they say now I can hear me

yeah okay is that good am I high yeah you're good am I hot mik little high little low okay but who do you think originally did I Think We're Alone Now that was Tommy James yeah so when you sing it you're singing Tiffany's version well that's the only version that matters right all I'm saying is that Bruce springy never had a number one hit number one single never had one if you want to go to technicality it was Blinded By the Light but Manford Man sang it so does that I was actually surprised the other because I was

listening to Blinded By The Light Manford Man watching the lyrics and I'd forgotten that Springsteen did it yeah and that was his technically his only number one yeah number one not number one album he's got plenty of those I was never a big Springsteen fan but nope you're not from Jersey why would you be yeah what's do we have the window washing uh oh that that thing is dope yes I do okay so is that aism no it's not it's actual window it's a competition of window washing you got to see this oh I just just give me a minute

this is very this is very sad I tell you what man squeegees are satisfying you know what I mean when you they are when you see the clean you're like oh my gosh how great is that so uh so in a moment here we're going to show you two competitions one is window washing and one is specifically for nerds but here is the window I guess International window washing compan it seems like a very German thing don't they have like those crazy very yearo it was a competition yeah it's hysterical they got judges on the other side of the

glass Brad judging beginning it's very German 4 3 wow look at that form look at the judge over there he's like oh he missed the spot yeah homeboy look at her lean in yeah homeboy right here yeah I know he writes it down yeah he's like sitting there like yes your Technique was not as good as I thought it was but it's okay nine nine nine and you were n it's impressive thought it was a 10 nine but like why do they have that I wanted CU in Japan they have a what bed sheet like um bed folding competitions what yeah is

it got the little the the fitted in yeah like they literally have all women of course so like take take like where they do like the it better be why was there a dude washing windows shouldn't that be a woman I I by the way I don't fold the sheets man I W them up and I I if it's the fitted sheet I agree I'm sick of it quite frankly if it's the fitted sheet you're a monster if you know how to F fold that like nobody knows how to fold that properly the fitted sheet you're right and what you do is you put your

hands in the corners and you do this you get it down and then roll it okay just roll it up just get married hang on a second right yeah just get your a woman to do it if you want if you want to weasel your way out of ever having to fold sheets again just screw them up every time that you get drafted into that surface good point kind of works with the dishes too and then before you know it you're not having to worry about any of that stuff I mean here we are a good point 25 years later plus I hav

done it can you turn me up a little bit on my my earphones I think your headphones or your my headphones I think are just a little low and uh oh yeah that's nice oh yeah that's nice oh hang on I like I like heing your voice let me get comfortable don't okay so okay what's the XL game you got to see the nerdling games here this is um this is something else this is I guess Microsoft Excel uh promoted a a cont I you labeled it Exel nerd it doesn't even seem real but yet oh it is and uh here we go these

are the smart people in your office that know how to do spreadsheets and stuff like that so shout out to uh Graham mortgage who is the business downstairs um Dean cast my Dad what's up uh Adam what's up he is apparently the guy that could he I sent this clip to him Kevin what time and I I think um he's I think it's what $5,000 to win I think that's like the only G prize but apparently he wants to go join it now so I'm really eging him on to do by the way Alicia says that there are YouTube tutorials on

this stuff guys hold on you you misunderstood you you're you're going with the thought that maybe I want to learn how to do this no I know I'm sure there are I want a full sheets I don't want that on my feed afterwards I you know I'm YouTube certified in uh engine repair and Dentistry I don't need to add folding you're wait what does that mean you're YouTube certified I mean I can do it you wait YouTube certified do you really have to ask what feels like a real thing it is a real thing I've got shut at home what then

there are videos of guys that need to be taken off of there because you sit there and you waste 10 minutes on trying to fix an HVAC unit you realize I could have bsed my way through this too I didn't learn anything well today we're going to show you how to fix an and then you read the comments this is what you do you read okay you watch a video and this is a story spot for me you you read the comments to get verification that you're not dumb yes like you watch it you're like did I miss out on the fix

did what did they just go over my head or they add like production value you're like dude I don't or this guy just an idiot and then you scroll down and you're like well thanks for wasting 10 minutes of my life oh this guy has no clue what he's talking about you're like thank God it's not just me yeah or they like oh so it's really easy if you have a professional like if you have a like a body shop you're like oh yeah that would have been easy if I had a list and all that stuff hang on I'm getting a call

from a scam lightly let's likely let's have fun hello hello honey how are you hello you talking about5 hello oh she hung up or he I don't know because of the voice in my head from Tommy Boy all right what do you got there okay we got um here's the EXL competition like not like accelerate but like literally Excel kind of hotel is this this is realator the child from Chile who's going you are not prepared none of us are and again this is real showed off their spreadsheet skills by solving complex puzzles it's not impressive

though cuz I can't do Exel two we go one ex the 12 finalists earn their seats after clearing one of two themed challenges each with more than 100 questions this is a tough case it is one challenge is isometric chaos requiring contestants to work on a rotated spreadsheet rotated oh my gosh this isn't even real world the Temple of the gold I don't know if it's hard or easy to do that stuff got help animal just try to do a basic look at this he's made it out of the numbers Victoria can do the EAS but

that's what I'm saying unless you know world Warcraft design formulas for tracking avatars now this is the kind of stuff that that's like coding on the that's that's coding on the fly yeah this is what doy guys 5,000 bucks a big belt and some serious bragging rights so that that reminds me of uh that reminds me in the movie Kingpin which is one of my favorites uh when they go when they walk in to the bowling alley in Reno he's like this is my church and then and um he goes Randy qu's like it's so amazing to be around

so many fine- fitted athletes it's just a bunch of fat dudes eating pizza and drinking beer what is it about sex that makes what is it about good sex that makes me have to crap wow that that's definitely uh not on the list that so what's the most overlooked line in the entire that is underrated uh let's go to the uh that was that I made box lose his because I played that as an airdrop it was said W St L was like what is it about good sex and he lost it he was jealous that I can't yeah so anyway sorry no go to the

uh the animals escaping um kill the audio on that because you don't want this getting flagged um and and just so you know did um lged just so you know uh the mic out for dark uh this uh the video the audio is playing before the video does um just so you know okay I don't I don't know if the audience is uh experiencing the same thing Brad and I are I don't know I hear everything no we hear everything but it doesn't show up until after a few seconds just for what it's worth I'm used to so I got so I got

the one of the dog yep yep that's the one the far right bottom right there yeah yeah this is good stuff that's why the reason I said that about the delay is because half the video will be gone by the time it pops up on the screen got got so you might have to start it over once it pops up oh good so I just still got gives me one second so you guys just do some filler stuff do some filler stuff no no we're gonna just stare in silence and make it awkward okay I don't know what to think about that says I'm

awkward I'm looking at M yeah I love it I love it when paddle say are you looking this up over there yes now talk about something else until I find the fact that we're looking for something's wrong it's like they call it like ah [ __ ] something's going on like there's so much happening when something gets called and it's not loading up that's like [ __ ] filler filler filler turn it wrong let's see oh by the way um I forgot to read this when I was doing the missing people thing and all the stuff the Google whatever um there

was a woman who you have to kill that audio she was missing for 52 years she ran away from home at the age of 16 52 years and so now she's what 68 you do the math and she just want to be left alone like she they thought it was like a crime or something she's like no just stop it stop following me I don't know boy poor parents though man that's not cool so wait so she just bailed she's like I don't like my parents so I'm just how do you well you say poor parents how you know they weren't beating her or

something that's fair no that's fair oh and she's 60 she's in her 60s now and she was gone for 550 52 years ago she went missing it AG 16 and they just just just just located her and now come on first of all Britain is not that big no what what took them so long like right no yeah yeah no kidding they do have more cameras than we do we we me Brites okay so what we got there watch this watch this video of these animals this is insane look at this guy he it's got to be trained right come on pull he

just naturally knows he just naturally knows how to do but look look at that now that no no it's homeboy wait yeah it's not over yet wait for it I've seen that they train they're trained oh that's now now it's stupid yeah of course they got the cords hanging that's pretty impressive hey try to get three guys of the blaze to do that you could okay cuz I'm one of them I couldn't do it that's my biggest regret with Tanner he's an old lumpy dog now I wish I trained him to get me beers out of the what kind of do he could have done it

too kind dog her ears just perked up she's a Dog Whisperer is so what kind of dog he's a mut he's everything he's awesome yeah he's he's that's a small watch watch he a large home yeah so by the way by the way fun fact little Matilda uh my dog who by the way I got more news on her today she's got a thyroid issue apparently oh no um but um I thought she just over at you were the that's what I thought that's what I thought too yesterday but uh the only the only human being that Matilda has never warmed up to is this guy right

here she kind of does is it the tooth or it's the tooth it's the tooth I think it's when I do that to her but yeah that would that would turn me off too actually was was do you have the picture of the cat oh the cat yeah tattoo cat tattoo cat this is I got that this is got the burping farting cat no not the burping farting cat it's a tattoo cat I a catception is what that catception so this is a uh this is just I think it's cool because it's a cat hold on hold on actually hold on before you before you

before you pull that up there hang on a sec hold hold on a second it just came to me here hang on uh how do you get a cat to sit still to get a tattoo that you have to because okay so so so go ahead and show that and I'll tell you what just popped into my mind there this is a tattooed cat um I'm just trying to get the it's not letting me load Stills oh really there's a big difference between a tattooed cat and a cat tattoo well why don't you while we're yeah Victoria's got a cat nice yeah while we're looking for this uh did

that hurt tell me what the difference is please you might just have to pull up on your phone I did while while you're telling that story I was or while you were looking for it um I was at the gas pump yesterday and the woman was getting gas next to me CU she was at the gas pump too and uh I looked over and she had a whole sleeve of tattoos and then she had a tattoo behind your ear and I wanted to say man I bet that one hurt but then it was like that awkward thing where she was like on the other side of

her car and I didn't want to yell across the car hey I bet that hurt and yeah I mean I I I got one on the back of my neck and um it's not too bad no it's it's really not as bad as most people think no it's it's not really the yes if you did your your size like your obliques that will bring to the Bone yeah so um but it's more about like the length wife is over here taking her clothes off I kind of I'm I'm digging more and more as time goes on so here's the here's the uh here's the cat you see that cat within a cat it's like it's a

cat on the cat oh that's just I know but it looks like a cat tattoo like a cat no it just looks like a tattoo isn't that so that's cool kind of Co what do you want to tattoo me so so just sitting here it just occurred to me this reminded me of everything reminds me of beas and Butthead here we go ladies and gentlemen we're going to talk about a tattoo for be and Butthead he I got to turn the volume up it's better when the volume shut up Brad I'll get a tattoo of a butt I'll get a tattoo of a butt on my

butt oh yeah yeah well I'll get a tattoo of a butt that has a butt shaped tattoo on it get it right my that would be cool you are so simple I know that's a fact that's your gener that's your that's your in Victoria Generation Well yeah gen xers man that was straight Gen X so simple myad that would be cool that would be cool uh all right what else we got here um oh you know what okay don't get hung up on the subject matter here but but this is this has been rapidly becoming an issue in our society for the last

couple of decades here but a university student at the at University of Tennessee um she was nearly kicked out for posting alternative lyrics to cardi B's WAP song okay so she improved this is on her own private social media yeah University of Tennessee got wind of it and they came after her uh they they threatened to ex EXP they can't be worse what's the word her expel her expulsion they they tried to expulse her yeah tried to expose her yeah oh not castration no so anyway so she what okay cration but she

got $250,000 for the threat which is I mean there's two issues here threat I don't know why you're getting a quarter of million dollars but uh anyway well playing the system I don't know like you kind of applaud him for that part yeah but this is a private count I'm with you i' hey assume assumed risk and assume like it's just like hey man this is a private account you knew what you signed up for but for it to see it well wait a second so wait she did she perform the song or did she just lyrics she posted lyrics um

basically just added a verse I'm not going to read it but it's so stupid no no yeah that's weird that's copyright infringement I mean it's it's make make the word something different in other words if it is a word for you know the p word make it vacuum and um you know change the words around just a little bit so that they're safe I don't I don't think a vacuum is going to work if it gets wet though so maybe pick a different what about a wet V so it will work uh anyway they just said that it was a crude vulgar and

sexual Post Yeah welcome to the internet University of Tennessee yeah it's called that's that's 90% of yeah like I think the internet was just made for now the original now the original um uh ruling against her said that hold on a second I got to I got to read this to make sure that this is what it's saying in September the US court of appeals for the sixth circuit reversed an earlier District Court's decision that she could not bring a case against the university because her social media posts weren't

covered under the First Amendment how wait what when this become a first amend I thought it was more of like a licensing thing no I don't think so no you could you could go and post something right now I know at first I thought you were going with like a licensing thing I'm like oh yeah the music industry but it was the first amendment issue I I boy I I get a story like that and that really pisses me off's no taste yeah yeah at least tful n seriously what you say about tasty nudes so so if a student

I just don't I don't like this for employees I don't like this for now now there could be a a what if somebody said okay what if that was a teacher should the employer be allowed to fire I mean this is oh she tweeted it yeah yeah she posted whatever Facebook tweet whatever it was I the teacher did she do well at her job teaching it doesn't really matter to me wait a minute cardi B did the song with Megan the stallion I didn't know that I don't know who that is you don't know Megan the stallion no my my music

taste ends at like 200 something Pharmacy she was a pharmacy student yeah yeah found the old WAP action I did you know it's you ready tackle this Baby It's Cold Outside let's move on so um this is shocking listen to this headline microplastic found in brain weighs as much as a plastic spoon say that one more time I'm sorry I was reading he ate my pops but I call him dad because he got that I tried not to get the lyrics he got that dope yep we know banana okay oh help me strawberry oh no that's not even it's right it's

it's not even as vulgar as the regular song oh no it's not even on here it's right there I just want to say shout out to for wow one look I know um we tried a new platform so it seems to be working born genius with her attitude I got it I got you I got you Sue says Wes's wife thank you so uh her name is Victoria but she says you're welcome um all right so anyway just this uh how are we having twins but I don't know Wes and Keith are having twins kittens yeah twin kittens yeah I be totally okay with that what kind of

spoon say that did oh my sorry I was holding it in my hand wasn't I and I didn't even know it was just so small um microplastic found in brain weighs as much as a plastic spoon I this doesn't surprise me though no I'm I'm getting a little bit the heebie jeebies on microplastics are everywhere they sure are they're everywhere they sure are yeah it's kind of weird if you didn't have it yeah they there was a there were they tried to do and I can't remember when this was but there was a I am because it's a piece of paper yeah

you're welcome um that they were trying to find people uh who compared to have a Baseline and they couldn't find anybody without microplastics in their bloodstream wait what say that again I wasn't listening to you uh a study on microplastics in blood um they couldn't find anybody without microplastics in their blood stream hang on that's the second time I didn't listen to you know why because I'm trying to get Wes to play a nicotine video and he's reaching so kindly for a nicotine pouch for me to to chew on the

air which I appreciate the generosity is there a video about nicotine yes I he's so kind I'm this is a compliment yeah whatever dude like no yeah I get up at 3:30 every morning too you know that right I don't need the nicotine itself this okay here this microplastic nobody likes to smoke alone right microplastic alone is that a thing in human blood for the first time in 2022 and it was found in 80% of people tested so like you're saying there's no B line to really compare it to yes exactly huge yeah it's

it's it is going to it's a huge problem huge problem but if it's all normal so what do we like so when I see hear a headline like that so like what do we do I don't know I don't know I it really it's just kind of like so it's out there now use a filter that's all I can think of to do that uh that that that that that kind of stuff is terrifying and well and it's those it's the uh plastic like the grocery store bags cuz what happens with those is when they if you leave them out in the sun you know they just break down

and they crumble in your hand yeah yeah well that was oh speaking of oh we're doing oh you do have oh co yeah I do cool cool all let me just I just want to get you guys thoughts on this because uh this was brand new news to me did you just say new news okay new news yeah yeah I guess I did and in your brain and in your pancreas that creates insulin did you know you can't create insulin without nicotin infect the tea cells which are the cells that protect you from any respiratory infection ever flu

pneumonia bacteria doesn't matter every immune cell God put in our body has nicotine receptors on them to turn them on now that you know you've been lied to about foods containing nicotine and you've been feeding yourself and children nicotine your whole life and you didn't even know it now it's time to tell you what else you have been lied to about since 1994 about nicotine why would they lie to us about nicotine if it's in all our vegetables we eat every day anyway it's in every bell pepper you've ever eaten

it's in every night sh vegetable on Earth it's in every celery I convinced our government had to lie to all of us about nicotine these are all the things that the FDA has known since 1994 that nicotine is a cure form now this is important every one of you have been told that nicotine is a drug now classified a drug by the FDA it is not a drug it's a nutrient found in tons of vegetables and plants on Earth it is a nutrient nicotine is proven to reverse and prevent Parkinson's disease by itself nicotine is published to cure and

prevent and reverse Alzheimer's disease nicotine is published to cure and prevent multiple sclerosis Leo blastomas brain tumors which is the number one being diagnosed around the world right now killing even young teenagers found the pandemic they published nicotine intravenously can dissolve a gasto by itself in three days okay so he's not wrong I just pulled up a search tobacco leaf I mean think about that tobacco leaf is is she's our vice Queen no but it grows in the ground it's got nicotine in

it so why wouldn't other vegetables have it right so I mean so I just did a search from um so from the National Institute of Health Nutrition Facts all this so yeah the whole thing about Parkinson that trustworthy source of truth and light well I mean better than like BuzzFeed so same but yeah um I think there is something to it because when I started this was the guy was U who I forget what the original pouch was before Zen or any of this was that he oh yeah the series is called like heretic because he was trying to get people to

realize to not drink as much coffee because if you drink coffee the the amount of time that's in your system in for it to kick in and how long it is it's like eight hours meanwhile you can do a nicotine if you just do Straight nicotine you're you get the Boost and then it just drops and you can still yeah this this this Show's definitely getting censored on YouTube oh just I'm not I'm like just saying yeah it's nothing that you cannot find on a safe search on a Google search that's all I'm so I want you to guys to get let's do

some animal videos uh you might want to get those uh with some mocking birds or birds or something my friend okay so while you pull those I want to play this uh this little kitty cat this this cat is awesome I I just love everything about this video I love I want you to tell Tik Tok what you just did I opened the door for a delivery person and what did you do you ran out you jumped in their open car into their back seat where their child was strapped into a car seat I know and then you took a chicken

nugget from her yes oh cat's not don't admit it deny deny deny that's good stuff deny that's good it's deny he didn't say anything I won my turn deny deny deny uh let's see I'm just going to lay here and look cute y hey yeah babe can you email me some of that stuff it's okay yeah if Victoria's has more the you got more fun stuff oh no that she's that's all I'm like hey babe look at this interesting article I read or something like crazy [ __ ] and she goes no watch this puppy do like yeah it's way better it's way more entertaining

find this here okay have you guys ever um I this is I'm I'm learning all sorts of stuff today at first it was the nicotine and now it's olive oil you ever seen this by the way where's this guy voice is this AI voice okay I mean I'm tired of sometimes he's serious sometimes he's trying to get me to be emotional sometimes it's like a conspiracy it's like and this one is an olive oil bottle tip oh I have that pulled up and it's like he's the same voice I'm tired of it can we get some new AI voices instead of this guy right

here oh you're going to call the video okay yeah yeah I I already got it downloaded so one second here you'll play in a second but here listen to this he's being all serious about an olive oil bottle took me 30 years to realize that the pull tab on soy sauce and vinegar bottles isn't meant to be thrown away the correct method is to flip it over and place it on top of the opening this helps control the amount and prevent splashing everywhere took me I did not that that was the same level of when you uh the Chinese Togo boxes

how they're supposed to be used right it's a bowl yeah it's a player what mind blown why didn't anyone tell me this Brad I don't know I didn't I saw the I was blown away Sweet Lord I want to leave here now I want to go and have a cigarette on my way to a Chinese restaurant and I want to buy a bottle of olive oil that you're going to show us this hot I'm I'm trying to then I'll do it I'll do it here it's it's fine I got it I got it it took me 30 years to realize that the pull tab on soy sauce and vinegar bottles isn't meant to beown

the correct method is to F you flip it over and then look it it controls the PO y'all how great is that oh my gosh now they tell you see hold on hold on look what it just rolled into the next video what is I can't wait to watch this for the first time with y'all this is a big boy this cat is is large as you can see big see you see that cat okay watch this do yeah fure look at that it's a bu of wow it's Fat Cat what is I can't see you I mean that's a bunch of hernas right there picking up those that's the

burping farting car is it really I'm just going to let him break it what was he on treadmill or what what was that oh that was the oh that was a cat house anyway sorry whoa hey it can't be it no sorry so what am I I'm pressing play on this just press play okay here we go and and and which doggy is this pass away Sebastian oh I'm sorry here's Sebastian the pup you to bed yes you can you can do it you can Sebastian did it y oh wait a minute you're not going to get the audio from it are you here hand it to me rewind

it come on is this real yes Cs and farts yeah and then you do it in slow motion wait a minute I just got crap for being too simple and you hand me a burping farting cat H technically it was a hiccuping farting cat get it right get it right right yeah my dad would always congratulations Dad all so I got the Chinese food Bo okay let's see the Chinese food box why not let's do your mind's about to be blown all right it already is y'all cuz oh yeah Brad this one she unfolds it and then shows you how to put it all back

together like wow I'm going to be educated hey hey so what am I well that's us that's us you guys are yeah hey that's us we we're talking stop talking on a live so here you go you better than that what in the world all this has a purpose like well that is insane you take that out and you open it up uhhuh now I got it now got a plate it's a plate and then you're done with it she say you do it this way you put back like did you know that that's what it's for right that seems like a lot of trouble

I'm just saying I always just thought it just it was just a to- Go Cart like it was like you lay it out and it's a plate mind blown m i I'm sorry wa what's the hummingbird fan family doing I don't even remember this video you have that one H I got three birds coming up here it's the hummingbird I don't remember two of these three videos um but here's a hummingbird family I'm sure it's great or I wouldn't have sent it in am I right did you ever somebody tagged you in it that's F have you ever held a

hummingbird oh yeah oh yeah hold on a second uh ah I'm so bad at at at noting who tags me and what and I'm sorry about that you know that's my job to literally do that right what's that to like pull images I know I didn't do it today but like to give courtesy you know it's my job I didn't do it today but you know I I had to do all this okay I was just trying to make sure this this boat stayed afloat what do you got over here I got um I got the top of the okay smart bird so the link you sent me just went to a tag of you so

removing the snow easy way smart bird is that uh smart no this was okay so pause this I gotta screen record you got screen oh no I didn't know so that's what I've been doing it's not like I my bad my bad so still we need to stall so this video came in from Patrick Henry and it's a smart bird whoa Patrick Henry's got some years on him are you chiropractor I'm trying to I've had this like tight neck for a long time and I'm just I'm trying to stretch it out I tell you what you know what I'll fix that

right hot babe with really good hands I got I got a cigarette here for you what you do is you just rub the Tobacco on the back of your neck and it'll knock that knot right out you sure I've not you don't there's only one way to find out surgeon general's warning do not apply directly to skin don't you cover me in olive oil first uh not while the camera's on that's for sure you're not Italian you can't do that you got I know I'm just I'm recording it so people can see it I'm just capturing it right now

oh I'll I'll do this that's fine but I I'll wait for you to get that right call for duction value Keith God damn it easy easy let me check here mom died after inhaling helium to get squeaky voice at daughter's first birthday well that's a depressing story from the Metro UK it shows you that you Brit what's going on they're thinning the herd in Britain they are oh so goodmore so she she inhaled helium but was she trying to be funny because that's funny helium's f it is funny but helium in the house you can't

inhale hel let's see uh what guest have been inflating with a helium canister and using them to inhale the gas Faith took up a suggestion to take the trick further inhale it directly from the canister which came from an approved party supplier uh they opened the nozzle she inhaled and it went too fast it kind of shot her in the back of the neck wow her last words were literally oh that's what they that's what the story say was it really like more like o oh yeah oh oh man that sucks no actually technically it

blows here's a here's a but who here's a here's a hummingbird family semantics look at this look at this the the family is inside this tulip that's pretty adorable look at that that's cute come on you know that I got I got the smart bird got the smart bird all right let's see the smart bird here let's see this see we should have not talked see while he's recording I didn't know you couldn't look at that see that oh there smart little Patrick Henry sent me this is he's colorcoded look at this that's

smart that's smart how does that bird doesn't it's smart that's the answer AI it's not AI That's AI that is not AI that's an AI bird whatever bro you can't tell me a bird can see those colors apparently a bird can see those colors no I can tell you and I just did no and you're wrong what a weird thing to make AI out of though it feels too real like well look at we're arguing over it so it apparently is kind of controversial isn't it it's nothing controversial it is contr D bird what a stupid bird he

got one wrong he got it wrong he put it in the meanwhile at second floor Studios on go to the very end again look at the dummy look how stupid he was not only he get the wrong color at the end he put it on top of another ball that was already in place right what a dum well and those are not big balls either those are small balls those are small balls small balls tiny tiny small balls so um so clearly it's not AI I mean unless unless they're trying to throw us off the path but want you think did you

did you did you play play the end of that I I want you to see how dumb this bird really is stupid humming what a stupid it was a oh that's a parakeet watch this that's where go that's where it ended you know what now now I'm just I'm sad see that's proof that it's AI you won't even show me the end you won't show me the end oh no it was on the loop back that's why I see you're on a loop back so we're going to have to sit through no no I just fast forwarded now I'm Ill watching this bird just doing his thing

it's it's a cool bird I'll give you that find cool it's an AI bird it's it's a cool AI bird you who apparently is never going to get to that one ball that I was trying to demonstrate um what about uh I tried I know I just it just what's the uh Mocking Bird Mocking Bird Mocking Bird do the Mocking Bird one this is hysterical okay just FL here all right I'm going to turn my camera away so people don't have to see my side profile there you go guys G are good I don't know why okay govern to Brad's point that I am so simple okay

you are simple I'm so simple simple are you that that I look at this this video made me laugh out loud repeatedly I played this thing so many times it's just so dumb that it's epic let me know when you're ready just fill I got record yeah here I can do it okay W easy enough on that not I got to go to the bathroom watch here you go Brad watch this oh jeez see I get it I get it see oh he made him sad see he's a smart ass mocking B Mocking Bird that's good stuff craus says me too not a cat fan every time I open my

window get a urine smell oh uh let's see see seeing double Keith's and Brad's why is that a bad thing oh look at that how exciting what we're on Wes's camera so you're getting us from 2 yeah I'm hiding behind everything how's that tooth doing over there I'm just you know what I'm trying not to be the center of attention and do this let's just read the comments see they get mad when I don't keep up with comments so I'm just going to stop the show and I'm going to scroll through these comments I just drove to the grocery

store and found a pull through parking spot yay oh those are the best cuz then you don't have to back it's the best of both worlds you get to pull straight in and then pull right out what uh lot of lot of overcompensating Dems out there scratching except Simple Man wrote scatching head not scratching head I don't know what a scratching head is uh um Keith what could you imagine doing a two-hour show with Brad sitting next to you a sitting next to me sitting on my lap right I mean if we're going to do it

we're going to do it right um stallion what does the A stand for on what I don't know oh Megan the stallion no no it's the e e oh I don't D he e hi gun how do they come up with these names by the way govern are bad um best bird videos Johnny Carson Tonight Show with talking birds oh oh oh that sounds really I did see a buddy hacket joke the other uh Day on on the Johnny Carson want your opinion on something yes I do feel like Wilson because it's the again I'm trying not to I want you to see this try not to be

the Gopher I I I love snow Brad but I I need snow not just because I love it because I want to try this I like it when it's some the else's State okay but watch this watch this so this guy laid down this plastic sheet before snow and I don't know if this would really work if I did it something bad would really happen Okay this works no it doesn't does not work all right you know what I'm going to show you here the sheet and then this guy it snows on it pulls it up yep yeah watch this here we go see this

see that's a sidewalk in front of his house BR see that and so it's the morning after and he just pull as long as there's not a bunch of snow on it how many inches you think this is and as long as it's a light fluffy snow oh so you got to have a lot of variables yeah 2 in fluffy yeah light light right but look at this yeah that's I mean that's as satisfying as a squeegee right it yeah if it worked it's gone it's gone well that's the highlight of the video was the Maring Alabama Alabama flamethrower oh yes a flameer

that would be flamethrower for snow absolutely oh Miss Minnesota yo that's have you done that babe flame flame I don't know you you lived in duth Minnesota I don't know oh oh well whatever don't fight don't fight you're both pretty you see this see that what is that that's a that's a fake pet that's a fake dog and an old lady okay why is she f kissing a dog I mean it's kind of sweet but what what's what's the backstory now the headline reads from The Washington Post DC is America's loneliest City oh yeah

cuz can 1,000 robotic pets help here we go here we go uh well do you believe they they're real we got a 67-year-old rose Watkins says she doesn't really have anyone to talk to not since her mother passed away Brenda Jacobs who was 70 doesn't drive anymore and after a heart attack made her pull back from her Hobbies she could do with more company at home Ivonne gathers 74 wishes she had something to keep her occupied to keep her mind from drifting back to the day she learned her son who lived with her was shot and killed oh

gosh all three seniors live in DC and are now part of a new program Distributing robotic pets to Residents 60 and older uh who live in Wards 17 and8 oh I love Third Ward what what the initiative spearheaded I used to live in Third Ward Houston by the way oh wait you live in Houston e Amen brother even even Camille the stand up he goes amen even Camille at the stand up he goes this is not a bit but F Houston he hat he was there the night before amen the initiative spearhead what you going to defend

Houston I deal with this okay scared me nobody ever he scared me Houston um apologist I've never defended Houston so nasty every inch of it uh that's what she said uh the initiative spearheaded by three local nonprofits is part of a broader push Nationwide to use battery powered pets to ease the loneliness and isolation that often accompanies older age and help lessen Associated health risks uh the pets nuzzle stretch and roll on their tummies for scratches you can feel their heartbeat through their

soft fur and they Duck and Cover when they hear gunfire the dogs bark and Wag the cats purr and meow this talks about how lonely and depressed these people are I don't know man I don't want to normalize this stuff but boy it does seem like it might actually oh here we go okay all right we're going to get flagged for this audio but that's that's a little that's a little not as real though the tombot puppy named Jenny is the most realistic robotic it has touch sensors all over the puppy's body allows

her to react to users based on how and where she's being touched whoa okay how you feeling about this and and you're going to take those same sensors and put it in into one of these uh robotic chick that's where they got the idea I guarantee I how much are the robotic puppies oh gosh I mean they never sto being puppies so that's kind of cool that's true they're puppies forever and you don't have to take them out much are come with you on the plane would you ever own a robot never mind the dog Absol should we call Jeff about this one

no we should not I would love I mean yeah one that would actually do stuff yeah it you know stuff like a Roomba no no had a room they don't work well what kind of stuff do you want this robot to do stop stuff finger wash dishes and stuff dishes dishes yeah dishes food so would you wouldn't a dishwasher already automatically fall into robotics then yeah but I don't want to have to load it oh okay so yeah that's okay you you don't want to have to meet it halfway yeah okay yeah it just um how much is it

it doesn't say how much they are well the taxpayers pay for it so it's free that's good point it's free it doesn't cost anybody anything you can buy okay well now I kind of want one but I don't have to pay for it uh Tom what is it Tom Bots they are uh 300 they've raised $32,000 it's a a open sourcing what well so call me call me old school but I rather get a tamagachi this from the 90s I love I love this that's old school let me introduce you to Teddy rxin I had a teddy rxin at least Teddy rxman like was like

an animal the Tom aaji was a little what an egg and you just hit like a button or something like that have you seen the Tickle Me Elmos without the fur on them horrifying they are freaky wait what is happen What and I got to Google this what what tickle Elmo without the skin what is playing what is that uh the next video whatever that was tickle me Elmo's without the fur it's horrifying it's really it's it's like something out of a Blade Runner uh without fur oh gosh say no say Elmo Tickle Me Elmo no

fur tickle oh no I told you they're Terri oh no this is worse than the guy who added the power to it until it blew up this is worse yes this is worse oh y'all look at this they're bad they're very bad get the if the kids are still around tell them to go back to school and do their homework get them away from this screen right oh we got music too yes okay it's the noise that comes with it yeah yeah that's the it just doesn't fit you know yeah no and that that's that's that's how our society falls

apart when you start combining really good with really evil right yeah well that's what we always say that I would um always say that if you go up to somebody you you know cor their face this is sweet but if you go with the back of your hand it's creepy sweet and creepy yeah no really a good point right so if you go up to somebody you're like oh hey sweetie and you go like this but if you go up to somebody he's like hey it just it just it hits differently you're and when what does the TSA do they come up

to you they do this like your him we're just going to find right here we're just going to see if you have any bombs right in here that's why I always turn my head is that a pipe bomb that's a pipe bomb isn't it oh yeah that's W to go off is is that a pipe bom are you just ready to board your flight oh what's the luxury kitchens is that like a video oh I think it's like oh this awesome like granite or something looks like quartz quartz or something that's what it is yeah euphemism is hard to say

too euphemism euphemism you so what's uh I get some gold for that Gap oh that'd be good wouldn't that would be awesome that'd be bread oh yeah bread goney I'm going to paint yes wait until Monday okay oh yeah pix or didn't happen oh my god did you just say that because we okay I love the movie trolls bandn together it's awesome who doesn't it's so good almost like it puts me in a good mood I'm sorry in a good mood you got that guy's got his he's got kid Cy makes me like I love kid Cy and he's my

favorite character oh Teddy rxin with a heavy metal tape in him Striker 1B H with a what in him oh I'm sorry Sue stop telling Sue to look at the screen Keith shame on you she's trying to paint a house or something yeah get back to painting that house so don't look at the kitchen that we is that that exterior or interior we were we I'm getting oh I'm just checking here because I don't know if I should tell Sue to turn away or what you know what I'm saying guy with a lisp I don't have a lisp stop

it oh okay look at this oh my gosh look at that dude look at that screen Isn't that cool can we kill the audio there so look at that that is uh that's cool but you what that is that's a lot of area to dust and when you have to move that is a giant pain so I like looks I like the way it looks I just don't want Jagged edges like on some of these hanging out when I'm in the middle of the night trying to get to the fridge especially if you have your drunk horny friend what I'm saying he's GNA stub his

toe I feel I feel like I like this is an experience that he's had you're drunk horny friend yeah why why okay I can understand the drunk and I understand the middle of the night cuz the hole maybe I don't okay this is off the rails look you set it up I didn't think it I I set up what he said oh it's it's full of holes and it's all this and I'm like oh hang on I have trigonometry homework to do that what's going on over there okay so anyway uh I hope everybody has a good weekend um I'm kind of out of stuff over

here really uh my neck hurts your neck I'm never going to be welcomed back why don't you why don't you rub this I've told you this the the key we learned today is the nicotine rub this into your neck and then report back rub your armpits get get the mainline that stuff you know unlit cigarettes do smell good I know that's the thing bro yes we're gonna leave you guys all vintage Millennial you guys smoking was uh you could smoke inside this was a big thing in Dallas we could smoke on planes I know right so were you around when

Dallas was like there was the dry counties and wet counties here well there was in Atlanta yeah yeah soee 1976 I believe my home county in metro Atlanta finally allowed for liquor liquor fairly even nowhere sorry liquor up front and then they had poker back in the rear at the at the liquor what it was illegal I don't know what you're what the hell is wrong with you people I just I just thought of a joke I heard the other day say it just so funny too smell this okay I'm gonna hang up uh oh you get to hang it up right I'm

actually the host so yeah screw you guys I can do whatever I want thank y'all uh on Thursday of next week I um TBD got a couple of guests uh and we'll see which one uh pans out and and thumbs up if you like this platform cuz I think I'm I think this is the one oh you like it oh Wes is in it makes my job easier rather than freaking out smell that it's like I'm gonna need a moment it's a cigarette like it does it just it smells good can I get a can I get a light or something please uh yeah will you slick my bit I need to go what that

was the old fck my back I just yes it is a 40 um all right guys well I've this has been my first live stream I've ever done so this was fun for me so fun stuff thank you for having us here oh by the way so second floor Studios how can people find out stuff about this setup here okay so uh basically if you want to live stream podcast or anything like that and you don't want you don't have the time or you don't have $5,000 to do one episode that's why you come to me it's only $4,000 an episode no uh 350 um no but so

yeah if I'm just trying to show I know when people they all they look is what they're used to seeing through the lens but yeah this is a cool place it's a cool little setup so it's it's all about the sound and do whatever whatever I can Victoria helps me a lot too but just come on by and um I'll edit I'll produce it I won't be on it don't worry so hang on a second um uh is this you said this is on YouTube right now uh yeah okay so I was I just saw in the chat there uh asking for a link uh let's see here so

if you go to second floor Studios I'll spell out single link to uh. oh hang on or you can listen to the podcast that I've produced uh we have a yeah you do a lot of stuff man yeah we do uh small business living it with Dean castalano I have the endzones to Strike Zone podcast with Trey Ballard uh then we're going to be doing one that's setting up uh with my buddy Matt Michael and I called high fives for fun and then the music show with box in mind uh I'm I'm piggybacking off this SEO it's going to be called

South by South West so I see what he did there yeah and by the way the right now this is on uh uh on YouTube somebody was asking on the uh so so video is all new to me so if you want to come here and you have to give me some forgiveness on the video part audio is where I'm at but as you can see we're you know growing paints but but this has been a lot of fun a lot of fun Keith thank you am I allowed to come back on eventually I think there's a probationary period that's fair that's fair soon as your parole officer clears

it yeah no that's fair that yeah that checks out that's awesome oh all right everybody have a good weekend stay safe and um oh now I see okay see I have a I never mind this internet connection I he isn't the best I'm afraid but me and Brad are just fine fine no it's probably me usually is okay blame it on the internet love y'all love you too buddy bye sweetie see you Monday good night Mom guys going have to yell Lou her she's still dead what all right I think we're still on right