March 13, 2025

The Epstein Cover-Up, Trump’s Power Play & The Mandela Effect Exposed

The Epstein Cover-Up, Trump’s Power Play & The Mandela Effect Exposed

Epstein files, Trump vs. Zelensky, New York City politics, taxation, sibling dynamics, and the Mandela Effect take center stage in this episode. In a fast-paced discussion, Keith Malinak, Alex Cuesta, and David Cuesta break down the latest political scandals, government transparency issues, and urban legends. They examine whether the full truth about the Epstein case will ever come to light, analyze the heated exchange between Trump and Zelensky, and discuss the potential return of Andrew Cuomo to New York City politics.

The conversation also dives into sibling dynamics, government reform ideas, and taxation, exploring how different policies impact everyday Americans. The hosts debate the IRS audit system, the lack of transparency around Fort Knox, and the role of social media in shaping political discourse.

Closing out the episode, they deeply dive into the Mandela Effect, cryptid legends like Mothman, and the psychological impact of collective memory shifts. With a mix of political analysis, humor, and conspiracy theories, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in politics, pop culture, and history.

Key Topics Discussed:

- The Epstein files and whether the full truth will ever be revealed
- Trump vs. Zelensky: The political and strategic implications
- Government transparency and the missing gold in Fort Knox
- The IRS audit system and how taxation impacts different income brackets
- Sibling dynamics and parenting differences
- The Mandela Effect and whether collective memory is being manipulated
- Cryptids, urban legends, and unexplained phenomena
- The role of social media and streaming platforms in controlling narratives

Takeaways and Notable Quotes:
- "We’re all getting played—it’s a PsyOp, dammit!" – Alex Cuesta
- "Trump and Zelensky just had the most brutal 10-minute stare-down in history." – Keith Malinak
- "Mitch McConnell cam? I don’t want to see that!" – David Cuesta
- "Animal videos are the only thing keeping us sane."

Timestamps and Chapters: 00:00 – Technical glitches and live streaming issues
06:01 – Epstein files: What information is missing?
12:04 – Trump vs. Zelensky: What really happened
26:15 – Sibling rivalries and childhood stories
38:27 – The IRS, taxation, and financial policies
51:49 – The Mandela Effect and psychological operations
01:09:54 – Fort Knox and the lack of government transparency
01:16:54 – The influence of Elon Musk and major tech players
01:34:01 – Cryptids, conspiracies, and government cover-ups
01:56:02 – Final thoughts and wrap-up

Creators & Guests

📺 Follow The Alex Cuesta Show on YouTube

Keith Malinak
- X (Personal): @KeithMalinak
- X (Show Account): @AtTheMicShow

Wes Castelhano (2nd Floor Studios)
- Instagram: @wesstlixx & @2ndfloordallas
- X: @ThatGuyAtPGU & @2ndfloordallas
- YouTube: @2ndFloorDallas

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Speaker 1 (00:00.462)
Hey, what's going on guys? It's Wes, also known as that guy at PGU. I'm not in the back right now. I'm actually front and center. We're not gonna, not doing video right now, but this is more of a thank you. And I have the best co-host I could ever have right now, my lovely, beautiful, amazing wife, Victoria Castellano. And we didn't want to do a simple

TikTok or generic thank you. And so I know I have posted a thank you letter on my ex account, but you know, why something that could have been edited and rewritten, which it wasn't, it was from the heart, but we wanted you guys to get to know the person, Victoria. Like you wanna hear from her. She's the one that's most, as much as thankful as I am, Victoria's really the one going through.

I don't even know what to compare it to, but just awfulness. this is more of positive thing. So ladies and gentlemen, my lovely, beautiful, amazing wife, Victoria, how are you sweetie? Besides the obvious.

Do it okay. Everybody has to bear with me. I am not a social media person. don't do posts very much. I definitely don't do recordings or videos.

But you're really good with finding cat and dog videos. Yeah. So if you need anybody, find her.

Speaker 2 (01:33.902)
That'll be, that's my strength currently. I just wanted to let everybody know that I am very, very thankful for all of the prayers, all of the donations, all of the more or less just caring about what I'm going through.

through it and know the struggle.

Yeah, it definitely feels very isolating because, you know, I don't have siblings, I was a Navy baby who moved around, so I'm not used to even having the... I don't have childhood friends that I could call and talk to. Yeah, no siblings.

Friendships that you built throughout all the years.

Speaker 2 (02:29.748)
nobody that I can really confide in and moving out to Dallas, then I was literally thousand miles away from both my parents who I do love, but I mean they are retired, they are doing their own things, so I basically got very sick, very quick, and dumped it all, unfortunately, emotionally onto

My husband, my newly husband.

We've been together for a while. We were recently married and Dallas was supposed to be the fresh start and my dad's here. our support system has been insane. Yeah. So it's been small. People have been great and friends and family have been. But when Keith mentioned this and then all of sudden these overwhelming amount, I think it's only been 12 days since we started this just


Speaker 1 (03:30.562)
Money aside, just the prayers and just positive vibes, definitely.

make me feel a lot lot better.

Yeah, it doesn't feel so isolating.

Yeah, I've always grown up just dealing with the pain.

walk it off or yeah. This is your new normal.

Speaker 2 (03:48.578)
You're fine, you know? Yeah, not being one to quote unquote complain. Right.

It's just in general.

Yeah, just in general, whether it's complaining emotionally or physically.

Yeah, and now you found it's okay to ask for help.

It's an uncomfortable feeling, but the fact that there were actually so many people who actually did care to give prayer, I greatly, greatly appreciate it. My husband also was lucky enough to find me two adorable kittens that whenever I'm sad and alone and at home, they do help.

Speaker 2 (04:40.425)
is a lot of weird.

They're violently adorable and we'll post pictures of If you like kittens, well they're not kittens anymore but we do have an Instagram handle called Catstilano because our last name is Catstilano. It's a pretty solid pun.

They're my children since unfortunately I was unable to start a family and now I have been permanently removed from that option due to being sick. But who says that kittens can't...

Everybody's got a fur baby, you know, and that's okay. but that's, know, but yeah, again, the small support system that we do have, but now that we know that there's people, not just in Dallas, but across the country, and especially you fellow patheads and followers of put that on your pipe hashtag. It really been a lot that Pat, of course, Keith has been promoting it on


Speaker 1 (05:47.81)
the At The Mic Show. Again, as from on a side note, I'm trying to get the YouTube thing to work out. But the fact that it's always been mentioned and the fact that Pat Gray took the moment to actually mention it was incredible. So thank you so much to Pat and Keith for always pushing it. So where we're kind of at now is

There is some, there's a big milestone. I want to say light at the end of tunnel, but this is a, it's not so dark. The tunnel is getting a little bit lighter.

It's been slow recovery. I just, I struggle to keep my numbers good so that I can actually finish my rounds of chemo.

My number's being blood platelet.

Yeah, a bunch of medical stuff that they need to bore you with.

Speaker 1 (06:40.302)
This is on a sales. Yeah, she's not a salesman. You gotta keep those numbers up. No, yeah, we mean like blood It was supposed to be on the what a week ago


Speaker 2 (06:50.478)
It's been pushed back a times, I'm more or less shooting for the day that I always say when my port finally comes out, then I know that I am actually on the road to remission. And I just cross my fingers that it stays that way.

Yeah, so it stays that way. it's what's been kind of happening is that they didn't want to rush the they rushed it right after surgery. So she had to get a transfusion and that pushed it back. So to get the numbers right on her blood level. So I don't know if you people who've ever been through chemo and this is all new to me. Usually chemo is a four or five hour ordeal per session. It's basically a whole day. But this one is about an hour.

It's a ho-

Speaker 1 (07:44.364)
So that's the final infusion visit. everything looks good and then for two years we'll be taking just medication.


Speaker 2 (07:53.652)
with fingers crossed that it's just for maintenance.

Just to keep it suppressed and not to get with the numbers and basically the antigen marker that they counted at is They wanted to be 35 or below When she was diagnosed at the end of July right after her birthday She was at 14,000 or 1400. Yeah, which is a Slightly elevated Yeah, so after surgery


Speaker 2 (08:20.522)
It's at the lottery you don't want to win.

Speaker 1 (08:25.646)
in her latest blood test marker. Again, I wanna say 35 and below is acceptable. Victoria is at 10. So that's huge. So thoughts and prayers. You guys are keeping it that way. All right, so those positive vibes.

Lots of prayers. Do help by sending that number down.

If you don't feel like praying, just get some of that good juju out of our way. Just thinking positive and thank you for the thoughts and prayers as well. This was kind of our way to update you and thank you so much. And I'm not joking, God gets me a little teary eyed. Thank you to everybody.

to thank you.

Speaker 1 (09:18.862)
And I know I talk more than I do for my wife, but I'm a media guy, so that's...

I'm used to it. It's okay.

She's timid. You've got a little bit more timid since. So, I understand. But I just wanted people to hear it from you, not just from me writing something. nothing but love and prayers from us to you, everybody. So thank you so much. We'll try to keep you posted. And when we're feeling a little bit more camera ready.

being sick.

Speaker 1 (09:56.12)
We'll do a little bit more of a video, thank you. So you might just be seeing my face saying thank you, but feel free to reach out. Again, I'm at that guy at PGU and they will.


Speaker 1 (10:16.558)
Yeah, so thank you so much guys and Victoria anything else you want to say?

Just thank you so much and love y'all.

I always sign up for every radio show. Big kisses.
