The Tire with a Mind of Its Own? | 2025 Kickoff with Jeff Fisher!

On New Year's Day 2025, Jeff Fisher joined our inaugural live stream to kick off the year with laughs, hot takes, and chaos!
What happens when one of the most sarcastic minds in media dives into topics ranging from NFL playoffs to robots taking over Costco self-checkout lines? Join host Keith Malinak and special guest Jeff Fisher (Chewing the Fat) as they tackle everything from hilarious childhood mischief to society's shifting dynamics in this can't-miss live stream.
From Jeff’s sarcastic wit to deep dives into conspiracy theories that will have you questioning reality, no topic is too big or too absurd for this New Year’s conversation.
🔑 Topics Covered:
- Wild holiday stories and Jeff Fisher's survival tips
- The robot uprising: Are self-checkouts just the beginning?
- NFL playoffs predictions and why Jeff’s not impressed
- Hilarious pranks, mishaps, and close calls from childhood
- Conspiracy theories: From global agendas to the bizarre
📺 Featured Guest: Jeff Fisher, host of Chewing the Fat, master of sarcasm, and expert on making the ridiculous sound plausible.
Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more entertaining and unfiltered conversations as we dive into 2025 with a bang!
#JeffFisher #ChewingTheFat #NFLPlayoffs #ConspiracyTheories #PodcastLive #2025Live
[Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] oh boy all right cool here we are my word honestly y'all thank you for making time if that uh if if that song I don't know how long you've been waiting but if that song looped one more time I was just going to jump in here and just start it was given me nauseating so I'm going to have to I'm going have to find some other new song anyway uh thanks for making time I really appreciate you being here for the inaugural live Friday live stream for 2025 so uh thank you and boy do I have a
special guest because you you got to start a new year right and so I can't wait to bring him in here before I do that please like subscribe I don't know share you know send it to your family your friends your co-workers uh people that you need a a lame Icebreaker with people you hate I honestly don't care just you know share the show make sure that they're aware that every uh Thursday at 3M Eastern on X at Keith malinac you can see my handle there uh there's also YouTube and then later on it'll be on Rumble and in fact
if you want to comment during the show uh YouTube apparently at least for now is the only place that that is possible so there you go if you want to say hello over there or something and I do see KMC 85 saying hey so hello I mean hey back at you there so that's over on shift2 right at the mic uh what else I want to oh the Thursday live stream if you missed the Deep dive yesterday uh with my guest uh Tony bur we covered so much from Las Vegas to New Orleans to we got into Oklahoma City I
learned stuff about that I wasn't familiar with before from uh about Timothy McVey uh about Osama Bin Laden about the World Trade the First World Trade Center um attack in 1993 so much good stuff there we talked about forever Wars we talked about cbdc we covered so much ground uh Tony and I he was a fascinating guest uh so you can check that out uh somewhere no it's actually if you're not familiar on my profile page at the top is pinned and you click on the article and it's got every live stream I've done in the past year plus
and so just go to the Thursday uh deep Dives and you will find it at the bottom of that list now like I alluded to I've got if if I had to start the new year off right and I had to bring in the guest the guest to do it with it' be one Jeff Fisher chewing the fat a you're were the only one available I almost believed that yeah that sounded so good yeah so uh the man he's the busiest man in Show Business H that's me you do your uh Daily Show chewing the fat correct over at the blaze where do people go to get
uh access you can go to uh well you can just go to the podcast page or you can get it uh you know wherever you download podcasts uh across the world chewing the fat with Jeff Fischer and you can uh you know then uh I know you were alluding to uh you know I do the Saturday morning live yeah tags every Saturday you know except for tomorrow and uh yeah well Brad for some reason decided that he was going to uh remodel the studio and that over the holidays this was his this was his plan I'm just going to remodel the
studio because my gosh it hasn't been remodeled you know in the last month so he had to do it again and uh then mid remodel they had uh family issues in uh Nashville yeah and so uh they had to go to Nashville and they spent more time in Nashville than they had anticipated which meant that I had to go over and take care of their stupid cat and oh wait a minute I offered now because I said to Brad I said now this is the difference between you and me okay he reaches out to you and says hey can you
take care of our cat that's that's not true but you can go ahead okay I I I happen to be in his neck of the woods last week knowing he was out of town and I just s in my text I'm like hey I'm up in your neck of the woods if if the cat needs anything let me know uh this is really your only chance so uh anyway uh he didn't take up on that offer but it's good that you because because he had a doe person taking care of it uh now see that's the thing uh Brad uh does not reach out to me for that uh he sends the
he sends the wife and I can you I'm not saying no to her that's true so uh I go over and I make sure the cat's got a stupid food and the water's okay and I I hang out for a little while just to see if I see him some days cat's inside do Kitty is the cat and sometimes the cat's inside laying on the bed and he sees me and he comes out you know he tosses his cigarette butt at me and he goes back in the bedroom and some days he's not in the house so I hang out to see if he comes back in and he does well
he comes back in he goes oh hey by the time you got here I needed some food and then he goes into the other room and then I leave and that's our relationship with each other last time it was going to get cold and stormy they weren't back yet I was I really truly was concerned that that stupid cat was going to be for pawed to the sky but apparently uh it survived so well good for you you're such a good caraker you know you could cats are so self-sufficient we went to oh yeah Disney World like we were living
in Charleston we went to Disney World uh I don't know the kids were young and I'm trying to think of how many days we were gone we had two cats at the time we left them in the I mean you know we left a bigid I shouldn't admit to doing this because personally you know I I don't care if it's before paused to the sky you know whatever if it happens it happens but you know actually I mean the cat comes and goes brings in dead animals all the time he's he's always like all the time and so except I mean I
I make sure that his food bowls are full and uh they've got a you know a waterfall kind of thing for for him and I make sure that that continues to flow and I really I just I hate myself for being that nice to be honest the G hold on hold on hold on that needs to be a chewing the fat merchandise needs to be a t-shirt that says I hate myself for being this nice Jeff fer and baby you can't quote me on that that's okay yes you can you can all right so uh chewing the fat Monday through Friday Saturday morning live
returns next week correct Brad STS where you go watch chewing our uh Saturday morning live uh you can well Brad will tell you you can watch on X and Rumble and every place else but really just go to my ex at Jeffy JFR and you can watch it there it's all you need to know it's down there Saturday morning live at Jeffy JFR it's all you need to know and then of course I'm on uh at least two days a week on Pat unleash uh some days uh some weeks more but uh regularly Wednesday and Friday uh on Pat unleash
and I was find it weird you said the only place that you could comment was uh on YouTube for this show and I I thought you could comment on X I just went to there and you can't and it's weird because you can on Saturday morning live I I know people comment underneath the uh so wait are they commenting like like they're replying to a tweet or yeah okay yeah okay but I they I don't I don't know that I don't see where they can do that on this for you it's really weird well I I I mean I don't know me no I I
I'm just saying I don't I'm not quite process yeah out I need to figure that out for sure uh thanks for the heads up um now I'm feeling very self-conscious about that uh shortcoming but there is a chat that shows up to my right so maybe they are commenting okay you know what I don't know I opened up the X account and there's you know there's uh there's chats here uh so uh yeah we're good yeah yeah I can post yeah you can post underneath it you can you can comment on the X yeah absolutely how pathetic am I
I'm just letting you know I appreciate it but I don't know how to get to the comments so somebody's going to have to give me a tutorial because all I see is the post on X I I don't know so someone tell me did you but can you but click on your post click on it okay cck it's just uh I don't know man I'll figure this out later shame on me though for not uh being more aware here let's see Jonathan Evans is asking if I rearrange Brad's Furniture randomly no but I do make sure I do go through the cupboards
and find you know food that I like and bring it back to my house so sh don't tell anyone did you get the mail though you got the mail yes I get the mail and I bring it in you've been again I hate myself for being this nice okay I just want to be clear about that so you you've been very busy taking care of things animals and people what's the latest on Amber she fell down a flight of stairs at your place and broke an ankle in two places what a nightmare and maybe three uh the X-ray I look I finally got to see the x-rays because
she we went to an orthopedic guy uh the other day and what Wednesday and uh so I saw the x-rays they're in a cast um they immediately want surgery and she's like no we're not doing that uh which I don't necessarily blame her um one of the fractures could have been there a long time from her Dancing Days um and so you know they don't know we we just want to operate and uh the other she has to be you know she's in a cash she fell down the stairs on I don't know whatever day it was last week coming down the stairs
just the whole thing it just throws the whole world into a curve I mean she's got a uh daughter-in-law getting ready to give birth and was all ready to go down there uh to help with the baby and she can't even drive I mean I I I I can I she I can I make her go outside you know just to get a fresh air because I you know tired of looking at her you you it's just a joke sorry it a bad joke sorry no no um I I'm I I hate that because now the whole world is the whole world is inol right because you have to
take care of yourself now the whole world thank you thank you and and uh you know if I want food I have to make sure that she can hobble into the kitchen with the Walker and I I put a you know I put a chair in there next to the counter so she could you know maneuver around the kitchen a little bit you're a helper well I am thank you and in fact uh dare I say you probably hate yourself for being so nice I do I do hate myself for being this nice it's really been it's very frustrating and you know they're talking
about now they claim they they want the orthopedic guy says well you come back in three or four weeks and we'll get another look at it and then uh you know maybe we'll put you in a boot and uh you'll be good for another two or three weeks and then you can maybe possibly start putting a little weight on it that's what they say uh Jeff fiser orth iic surgeon not says uh you better be hop singing a lot sooner than that okay Dr Jeffy Dr Jeffy there better be a way for you to push the accelerator in the old car with that
right foot sooner than six to eight weeks I'll tell you that six to eight nightmare okay well our best to Amber I hope that the recovery is uh quick and smooth and for no other reason uh just because I mean the the the pressure that's put that puts on you uh for just survival is just not acceptable can I just say that uh I did activate the I've talked about this new streaming service I activated all right I made it so that I could see the you the chat stuff on this screen without having to look all
over the place so if as Jeffy says I don't doubt you Jeffy I just doubt my ability to find if if you have that ability to to chat over on uh Twitter please uh please post something and I want to see if it comes up over here even if it's just a high anything uh okay so I know that Christmas is big in your house Amber is a serious Christmas decorator I mean that is her wheelhouse so here's what I was wondering had she like had the Christmas we didn't go we didn't go all out this year so okay I was gonna ask that's very fortunate it's
a good thought though I was wondering about that I can imagine Jeffy packing stuff away because Christmas would be a nightmare when you went to get stuff out of the boxes that would not have happened it would have just remained up I I aren't you ever gonna take them down nope no and no once you get to about May June you're like you know what at this point we're just close not gonna happen that would not have happen I promise you that would not have happened there's no way I would no we just we didn't go all out
you know we went uh you know she was down in Austin and like I said she's getting ready to be a grandmother again they were down there with the the prager's wife so eloquent okay so what's the due date who knows anytime could happen that anytime I mean she is ready to explode man okay okay uh by the way by the way real quick update you know what it is y'all um I do see your messages now on Twitter thank you I was using an old phone that I haven't updated Twitter uh in so long you need to update it because it's X
it's not Twitter and yeah it's like it's even got the it's not quite this long since I've updated it but uh it's close to being still the bird logo on this old phone uh for Twitter over there okay uh I'm sorry X so um alrighty uh oh yeah because I wanted to ask you if if when the best time to take Christmas decorations down would be because a lot of people keep it up until what Epiphany which is what J I don't know is it January 6th every year you're a big Epiphany fan I mean you know Bible and that good stuff well that would be
the that January 6 that's the 12 Days of Christmas plan right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh yeah we always I don't know for years we used to put it up uh my first wife man another lifetime ago my first wife her birthday was on the 18th of December okay so we couldn't do anything uh for a long time uh for Christmas before then because as a child everybody used to just give her one present oh here's your birthday Christmas present happy birthday Merry Christmas and so she you know she was like no uh my birthday then obviously
when we you know we had a baby and it was like well we got to do Christmas you know we had Christmas up I a little after Thanksgiving was it was okay then cuz we still were able to we were all adults and we knew we had to give a birthday present and a Christmas present uh so it's okay but uh then I you know it uh it just kind of varied you know that first when got close after the first of the year depend on work and everything you're just like okay it's time yeah yeah because I'm in charge of the outside lights and it's really based
on the weather I tried to do it on the first weekend after Christmas but uh indoors that's not my domain and so she sets the schedule for that and because I don't I just hands off you don't want to see me looks like a third grader decorated if I start doing stuff but um I I just uh I saw a a chat here somebody said something ah I should have I should have started to come back to it well anyway maybe it'll come back to me but anyhow uh yeah it's um I I am so excited to get the Christmas decorations up
but then I can't wait to get them down I don't know what that says about me but there you go and these are simple things and this this is actually uh with Amber being down for the count it has actually made me more aware of how much I want a dubot in my home oh my gosh I have an update on the dubot every day I need I need one I don't I don't want the new one that they're one of the ones that they showed off at CES looks like a you know an overgrown uh vacuum cleaner the vacuum one you know the okay uh what are what are those
stupid things called uh Rosie from the Jetson no no no no the the floor ones the circle ones that oh floors yeah the roombas okay the the ones that they showed at CES which has been going on all this past week and they've had some amazing stuff shown at CES which I haven't broken down on chewing yet I need to what does that stand for doing know CES uh yeah uh not to put you on the spot there but uh oh put him on the spot you did and I I can't remember it's the uh electrical science uh what are they really stupid
that's okay that's fine because I have a video and I wonder if it's from that event so let let me let me put this on the screen here if I can uh Consumer Electronics Show okay all right CES so I want you to watch this video I I was going to save this for later but since you bring this up I thought oh it's good as as any so here we go this is uh this is a new this is Arya oh yeah yeah Arya humanoid AI powered robot we've seen ARA before her own social media she might be competing with you one day what makes
her really special is that she can talk to and ask questions so maybe we can have her introduce herself and say something hello I'm Aria the flagship female companion robot of real body some of our peers in the robotics I don't think this is new human labor we think that's a great area but we think there's a much bigger area in having social robots for example at a convention like this we can draw a crowd very easily Arya has been a little bit of a rock star here people taking pictures and and coming over so she can
promote your brand the AI is all customizable so she can learn all about you and your brand and she can continue to communicate to people it's a huge epidemic amongst Adolescent and seniors on loneliness so she can be programmed to know you and learn more about you yeah that bond with you that feels like a that's great that's great do the dishes don't have the ability to clean the house they don't do physical labor but they're more there to converse with you it's companionship it can actually even be a boyfriend or a girlfriend so
we have built that into our AI as well vacuum see they Arya is not doing that very oh look at that it messed up our screen there very disappointing uh yeah we've seen Arya before I'm pretty sure I don't think that's I don't think that's new from uh from CES but there's I mean I you can break down there's a uh uh Peter diamandis uh Dr diamandis has a metat trend report out that I that I read through it's called the rise of human alied robots and he gives you the 16 humanoid robots that are shaping the
decade ahead and he breaks them all down it is fascinating oh boy where we're at I mean we are uh we are so much farther than people think and it is incredible when you break it down like nid n Nvidia Nvidia yeah they have been a big part of the Consumer Electronic Show and they are posting some of their stuff but they have invested in almost all of these robotic companies around the globe so they're going to I mean that's one company that is going to uh capitalize on robotics for sure but he breaks down
I mean just I hadn't planned on talking about this actually but uh we he go he breaks down all the different robots the 16 of them and what they're worth and where how tall they are and how much it's going to cost to uh to get them and manufacture them I mean elon's talking about having um Optimus up to 100,000 I think next year and then 10 times that following year boy so there's going to be and that that's just the that's just the one robot so when you I'm trying to scroll down here through here we go so
Optimus uh right now has a $1.4 trillion market cap and uh it's I mean that's where we're at with it it's 5et 10 Ines 130 pounds it says it has a carry load of 45 pounds right now and that's the Tesla one then there's figure AI uh that has a $2.6 billion valuation by the way none of these do the dishes you say not yet uh this one has a is 5 foot 6 in 13 2 PB load limit of 44 pounds yeah see just like okay hold on a second they're going to have to come up with different terminology for these uh female looking uh dubots than load limit
agility robotics uh has a robot and that's you know it's a different different looking it's got the the uh knees going backwards instead of forward like a human that's 5 fo n 143 pounds 35 pounds uh is the limit of the load uh Boston Dynamics of course has theirs with their uh Atlas robot that is a 4 fe1 it's lot smaller 196 pounds but 55 pounds and that's the one we've seen videos of working in the warehouse already that was already working and doing stuff um then we have the unry robotics uh which is the uh this is from
China yeah uh Nvidia is invested in all of these those are going to be spies man okay no here's the thing these this one is 511 uh 104 PB 66 PB very strong does a lot of work and then they have it that's the H1 they East German version then they have the G1 which is 4 foot2 77 pounds load limit 7 pounds which is why would you have that I have no idea U but then there's others in China many of these Chinese uh robotic companies are definitely yeah from the state and are preparing to be soldiers when you look
at like this one this one oh my goodness could you imagine this one X Technologies is uh you know I think this one is what uh okay so the app TR where's the uh I'll scroll through here real fast which one is oh this one okay so this one is founded in Beijing it's the uh HR I robotic company the CEO not available funding undisclosed location Beijing uh AI partner not available website available and uh it I mean that is that's a military so can you imagine a mil that is a military Rob I agree um that that okay you heard it here first
Jeff fiser with the analysis uh we're gonna have these uh eventually they're going to become so popular and in so many homes and then one day they're all going to be activated and just start killing us where we live I mean if first of all if that's the case so be it you know my house will be clean and I don't care but uh the really just go ahead I mean seriously so as a fine but what but what it does mean maybe not the household ones uh will turn on you but it does mean that there will be uh you know
hundreds of thousands yeah uh of robots uh taking over countries I am being completely serious something we got to keep in the back of our mind oh man and it's and it's really when you go through this it's it's really almost there here's another one uh this robot era uh in uh location Beijing uh robot star one AI partner not available uh it just here the picture the picture of this particular robot is running down a road okay that's all I'm saying it's a military robot we're not no no thank you
all right so one of the things I do uh here on the Friday live stream is is ask my guests some not so rapid fire questions so are you ready put you on the spot again you ready for these all I know is my mother told me make sure my ears are clean and when you go out make sure you're wearing clean underwear okay I'm ready I'm ready all right good because let's go back to your childhood and let's I want to know so because I don't know that I've ever heard you really talk about this I know I interviewed you for at the mic
years years ago but I don't know that we really got into too much in your childhood as far as trouble because when I was sitting down for this show today I thought have we ever really gotten stories of a young Jeffy getting into trouble because I know stories of an adult Jeffy getting into trouble but were you a kid like I could see this both ways you could almost be the smarmy uh Eddie hasal Leave it to Beaver type where like the adults think you're a good guy but you're really not but I could also see you just being a
Hellraiser so I'm just curious are there any stories from a a young Jeffy uh childhood of you remembering like getting in big trouble for something I don't know I mean I couldn't remember the uh I'll tell you the time uh in elementary school that I that I was in trouble with the police one story that comes to mind quickly uh so uh prior to me becoming uh a uh cross guard thank you I had the the orange belt and you and thank you and I I I broke into that job early uh because I was uh you know a fat kid and big kid bigger than
most of all the other kids so I was like he can do it so I did it and then the next year I even got the yellow badge with the badge you know the yellow thing with the badge how many badges do you have was the captain of the crossing your ketchup inspector but oh yeah my so how many how many badges do you have that's that's all but uh when I was prior to those days prior to my uh law enforcement days at Elementary School uh I was standing in line and I had a little a little mirror and I don't know
where I I honestly I don't know where it came from I don't know if I found it in the on the sidewalk or if I stole it from someone I don't know I just had one of those little square mirrors and we're waiting in line to for the school doors to open and the you know the main road is over here where were waiting in line and the people are stopped at the red light so I started you know reflecting the Sun from the mirror on the cars and one of them was a police officer oh no and I did it to him put it away did it
to him put it away like he couldn't see who it was I was wrong and uh so I get into class and we were say into class and I remember looking up and there's the police officer talking to the teacher pointing to me saying let's go oh no and so I thought uh here we go uh here we go I'm going to be arrested and the whole thing I'm scared he walks me and he goes hey think I didn't see you with that mirror I was like yeah I did yeah where's the mirror that's in my locker he walked me down to my locker
took the mirror and told me you know just don't be doing that crap again you could cause an accident he walked away I mean I mean into today's world I'm going to jail so yeah well hold on was this a police car or was yeah was a police officer in his car on the road yeah I mean so he was he decided he was going to mess with this fat little kid at elementary school and he did and he did I knew better than to you know when I was going to do that again not to do it to a police officer that's how much
okay so what it wasn't not to do it again just don't do it when the police are around there you go see that's you learned young didn't you so what's the worst punishment that your parents ever gave you young Jeff Fisher oh I don't know I don't know I guess I I guess I don't know I don't remember what it was for I don't remember what it was four but I I remember once uh getting the belt a couple times oh yeah and I remember um I remember once I was supposed to take out the trash and this is before my dad actually so I would be
younger than 14 back in 18 12 because uh you know my my my real dad died when I was 14 that's a whole other story but uh I I remember him walking in the house and my mom he I thought we were G to take the trash out what what do you think I am you're slave and I remember I remember getting punched oh no and then I remember him standing over me going yes now take the trash out oh bro okay I look you got it Dad you're right sorry Dad I I I've been there too man uh me and that belt were uh acquaintances yeah
more more than acquaintances and in fact um I felt so sorry for like the little tree in the very far end of our backyard how many how many branches I had to break off know that switch right I'd forgotten about that I had I stayed uh when I was real little I stayed at my aunt's house Aunt Lor and Uncle Les's house uh my dad would go to work in the morning my mom would go to work and she would drop me one of them would drop me off at their house early in the morning and so I would stay with my with my aunt
and uh I remember I don't know what it was for I don't remember what it was for but I can remember being sent out to get a twitch from walk to to you know to take a to get a whipping and uh yeah holy cow longest oh man and then when we moved there was another tree that fit the bill with those kind of branches I'm like a come on so yeah for my dad it was the belt my mom it was the the the switch or twitch like you said I think it's switch I don't know whatever but uh my mom had a f waterer oh no I never had any mess
with that not messing with no twitch my mom my aunt uses the Twitches the mom uses the F dad was using the belt Andor the fist so my dad I don't know look my dad's dead so he it's fine if I say this man I had my nose bloodied a few times it got so wild you know like he he wasn't punching me in the face it's just me trying to run away running in is like leg or something but uh anyway uh Gen X baby what so long ago right right uh let's see worst injury oh no gosh we talked about Amber earlier what's the
worst injury you've ever had Jeffy well I mean I've had multiple knee surgeries I mean my first knee surgery was when I was 14 um you know I remember doing that and then I remember uh after my first surgery I was on crutches and I my crutch went through a hole on on our front porch and I bent my leg which I wasn't supposed to do at the time and swelled all up and then I thought I didn't I think I'll be fine I'll be fine so I was sitting in the backyard and I went to get up and my knee where the
surgery you know where the the slice was for the surgery split open and so it just shot blood and gush because that's what broke the inside stitches had broken when I bent it the day before and that was just swelling up and all of it just split wide open so you know I had to go in and get uh you know resurged that's what I was going to ask you they had to do the surgery again well not the full surgery but I had to go in for the whole thing again yeah yeah but I mean there were all kinds of bike
crashes I mean some some huge bike crashes we used to jump off of this ramp on at the ice big surprise I lived close to an ice cream company and who actually was a sponsor of our softball and baseball team every time we won we got a free ice cream cone uh we were City Champions both in softball and baseball we did not lose very many games I'll tell you that a free ice cream cone when you win yeah uh we're winning but they used to have their own they made their own ice cream and they had the warehouse
out back and we would use their r to jump you know evil coneval days and just SM you know they're big you need to keep the front wheel up you need to land straight with that back tire and if that doesn't happen you're pulling gravel out of your skin it's just it is that's just the way it is when you talked about that uh the onset of this I I just remembered I came down the highest hill in my neighborhood when I was eight years old or so and I did not oh that's what it was I was about to say I didn't navigate
the very well that wasn't it they had just put a a mailbox in at the bottom of the hill and there was gravel around that was on purpose damn it but right but all the gra loose gravel from the cement so when I made my turn the bike just went sliding and to this day I still have uh two scars on my knee and one on my elbow because I slid down the road like that oh gosh it was a nightmare uh I've been I've been accident prone though since I was a we lad so that's nothing new when I felt when I was I don't know how old I was I can
still see my mom in the kitchen though because I I used to have a we built a treehouse out back and uh I was climbing up to the Treehouse iy came home from lunch uh from school for lunch and my mom was making lunch so I said I was going to go climb up into the Treehouse till lunch was ready and I climbed up in climbing up to the Treehouse the one uh piece of wood that we had that we used climbing up into the Treehouse slipped and I fell down out of the tree it hit my head on the you know how the old cars
had the uh the door handle that came out the door you know the door handles on cars where you push the button to open the doors and uh no you did no not not on the one the door handles that stuck out okay I mean this is back in 1812 remember and the cars were the door handles that came out with the button that you push to open the doors okay yeah oh yeah yes yeah okay got it and so you know when I fell out of the tree I hit the door handle on the side of the car and I remember standing up going o
and I remember my mom going are you okay and then I passed out I remember I remember falling backwards I could still see her in the kitchen oh I woke up with her standing over me that was a fun fall can I just say one last thing on this topic that you and that didn't affect me at all ke not at all no not at all NOP you're totally totally fine totally normal uh you you you just briefly mentioned Jeffy and now I just have all this flood of memories coming back how many times did especially the boys I think the girls too maybe you you
ladies can chime in here if you like in the chat uh how many ramps did you set up for your bike oh yeah where you did because you said evil can eval man we would do that stuff and just oh man we would just get wrecked and uh boy those are the days those man get outside kids H enjoy the fresh air touch I mean we were not allowed inside know we just we just yeah it wasn't happening you know it just wasn't happening get out uh the farthest outside we were at that time I mean I can remember uh you know during the summer
if it's raining you know crappy days you were we were on the front porch you know playing some game or doing you know running around on the front porch but now we weren't in the house that's for sure you know in the house hav um okay what's a conspiracy theory that Jeff fiser believes and wishes everyone else did actually I don't know really that's a good question I I don't know I don't know that I I mean is there a conspiracy theory that hasn't been proven true that's a fair question that I mean really in today's world uh the
only thing maybe Sasquatch uh you know hasn't been proven true really uh you know we hear about uh we hear we've heard audio presumed audio I know I know uh you know maybe if they live in we but we've never seen any homes or any defecation or anything that proves that they're alive in our world now if you believe that they live in an alternate plane and then come and visit and go that way you know maybe but uh I don't know that anything is anything is you know we thought was a conspiracy hasn't
been proven true for real seriously I mean that's the only one really Bigfoot right yeah there was a time when I really did think big vot you know existed oh wow I mean there was I me people were spotting them and you were see you know hearing about them they were I mean all over the country right I mean all over the country now again those were you know people trying to get attention to themselves and it worked but uh did you think there were a lot of Bigfoots or just a handful few around the country yeah wow huh who knows man I
mean for sure I mean we definitely have not ever seen one uh or you know saw where they would live or where they' come from so to believe in them now you kind of have to believe that they come from an alternate universe and show up and then leave right oh wow oh that's that's a twofer right there I like that uh have you ever been part of a research study Jeff fiser uh not an official official one I I do I've made a few stud pregnant pause not an official one just trying to think of a joke for it because no really I have
not okay oh really I could see because I could see because when I wrote that question no I'm doing I'm doing this pile of drugs here yeah that's a research study part study that's what the morning rock producer in Atlanta when I was a talk producer that's what he would always say whenever he'd go to a a questionable website a research purposes research purposes actually he's 100% right though in our business that's true I don't know that is true I I I I officially believe that seriously because there's nothing that we do not
one thing I'm sorry uh you know we we've done radio and now I guess we don't technically do radio anymore we do you know streaming streaming and whatever broadcast but there's nothing that we do in our lives that really isn't show prep that's a fact yeah I mean we don't we don't we don't show up on the air and talk about one specific thing all the time we talk about our lives so I mean everything that we do is now there are things that we don't talk about there are things that we decide you know maybe
we make a side mentioned but we don't really go in depth about but everything that we do is a part of our as part of our life and and part of our shows my gosh we're we're like animals in a zoo for for all these beautiful people that are commenting over we're just zoo animals yeah absolutely and that's okay I okay I'm a fan of zoos I no one supports zoos more than me are chewing the fat that's that's a fact so it's okay hold on hold on I I and I believe you when you say you haven't been a part of a a research study but boy that
surprises me because I could almost see you saying something along the lines of 50 bucks is 50 bucks I'll I'll try this yeah you know the before my first knee replacement surgery my doc uh Vladimir Alexander who I loved and I wish he'd still be my doc today and let him I I need another knee replacement as soon as I can get one um hobbling around here but the uh uh the prior to my first knee replacement surgery I mean I've had I had like I don't know three or four surgeries on my left knee before it was replaced and
I've had I don't know two or three surgeries on my right knee that now needs to be replaced but uh prior to the replacement he was giving me uh some test goo shots for about a month and you know the deal was this was a test goo and uh I I remember him saying oh it's either really going to help or it's really going to screw you up and we're probably going to have to replace it and we ended up replacing it so uh the test goo didn't work so that possibly could have been part of a study actually okay see I thought there would
be something there hold on uh I'm trying to find this uh somebody asked I guess there's been a discussion in the about my age I'm 48 and uh three three or four months from now I'll be 49 1976 I was born so there you go and Keith is married to a bully wife hence the man closet office you know crawfis has had this Obsession the entire afternoon about my my podcast space I don't know if this is your first time to the party but you're welcome here um this is uh you know how is my space you know how Brad um you said he was uh yeah
remodeling remod shaping yeah I remodeled uh between last season's at the mics in this one and it and it involved well actually I went and I I snagged a desk that a neighbor was giving away before they threw out and then I literally just reoriented it and I had to because this this room that I'm in used to be when the kids you know used to play around and stuff and have you know it's a toy room it's just a long above the garage toy room but as we've discussed uh at length here on this uh on this podcast is that the room
in the summertime is hotter than 40 Hells in here and I have positioned this desk below the one vent I don't know who designed this room they have one vent it's all the way to this end it's a long room and so this desk is in the only habitable part of the whole room so any I remember I remember actually one of the only times that I was invited to your home and I wasn't invited back uh I remember uh seeing that but you know I noticed that you got a I noticed that you put the you got a couple of new
signs you got the at the mic live stream and at the mic Deep dive sign lik that thank you is the Thursday show and this is the Friday show and it's a funny story I just got these over Christmas break and I went to the I don't know Kinkos I guess it's called FedEx copy now or whatever okay and I was talking with the guy and he quoted me the price and uh I forgot well anyway uh and he said something like for two because I got two of each and so I thought he was saying 50 bucks for all four okay because I have backup signs because I
know me and I'll scuff it or I'll tear it or get b or something and so when I came so when it came time to check it out whatever he's like that'll be hundred and something whatever and I'm like whoa whoa hang on bro no dude he didn't say four you said two well I meant two of each anyway at the end of the day he was very cool James at the South Lake uh FedEx copy and he gave them to for the 50 whatever price so never hurts to uh push back a little bit you know just a little just a little just say you that's company policy okay
well let's change the policy and you got and you got to use that phrase that I learned on the glenbeck program probably 15 20 years now it's been he had some guy on who said um whenever you talk to and I have used this all the time and it works like a charm when you're on hold with or you're talking to someone customer service or in your situation like that you use this phrase is that the best you can do yeah that's a good phrase and boy they find a manager special or a discount code that you didn't know existed because everybody
wants to be helpful everybody wants to be helpful and if they don't well you know then they say no that's all that's the best I could do and I say I'm done fine okay and you and oh my gosh back in the day man with Direct TV it was very rarely that I had to pay for Sunday Ticket because all you do is you cancel you threaten to cancel every year and it keeps getting elevated and if you don't mind talking about three or four different people you're going to walk away with free Sunday Ticket or half off
or something like that anyway get you into that no problem you know and I see I don't see a that a Green Bay Packer thing but I don't see a falcon thing what's happening Falcon thing right there oh okay see that I see I see the Green Bay uh logo I don't see the fal I was just thinking about you uh this past weekend as a matter of fact when uh you know the Buccaneers secure the playoff spot all right over the look at the time you know I was looking at someone sent me a fun fact about the Atlanta Falcons
I may have been Max and he hey hold on hold on is this gonna be Atlanta Falcons trivia because I don't tell me Keith tell Keith don't tell me I want to guess if it's a question no no it's a oh okay well I could turn it into a question because it was uh I I think uh when was the last time uh the Falcons have been in the playoffs uh it would been 2017 the year after 28 to3 yeah I think that the fun fact was though they haven't been to the playoffs since 283 but that would be wrong then right if they went the next year 2017 they
yeah that was the year after yeah so the fact would be Super Bowl then not just playoffs playoffs you know what I'm saying yeah play I'm just saying I'm trying to remember I'm trying to remember what the fun fact is but that so the fun fact wouldn't be uh the Falcons haven't been to the playoffs since 283 it would be they haven't been in the Super Bowl that's fair yeah that's right um and I'll just say for anyone that cares uh this this was my uh bedroom curtains when I was a child because you can see the Redskins logo
peeking up that's coming back this right here this right here oh yeah you think so the redsk I think the logo might maybe not the know I don't think the name is I think uh I I think uh Max has been uh doing some uh doing some study up on that and uh I think that the logo's coming back yeah and they may actually change the name but uh from commanders well I think they were considering changing the name from commanders to like Warriors sure uh which would be awesome when you have the have the uh logo you know the
Indian would be one of them that they would you know you could use that on the field or one of the one of the helmet that they would wear they wouldn't use it all the time but uh now that they're doing so well as the commanders it's going to be tough to take that commanders away but the logo might come back yeah well I mean the history behind the guy who I know who did that and everything I mean right down to um he was in the uh Kennedy Administration the guy who drew that uh and he was honored and all this stuff I
mean the family H I know I know by the way though the greatest NFL logo from my youth is uh and and at the time my cousin Steve Grogan was the quarterback it's the old Patriots the old Patriots I love that you got the Patriots I'm have that snapping the ball the Patriots snapping the ball yeah what what do you mean yeah what is that what was the best NFL Logan when we were I don't know but not that okay well then it it was pretty I mean it's you certainly remember it you do you certainly remember it's really cool uh
let's see here how much money after taxes oh boy would it take for you Jeff fiser to take a punch in the face today's world a lot less than it would have uh a few years before today I'll tell you that um now hold on a second hold on I actually somebody posted this I know that you watch the Mike Tyson Jak Paul fight yeah I did somebody actually posted this for those that may not have seen it we have actually a highlights from that fight here it is there's Jake Paul and Mike Tyson duking it out that's
basically that's basically what it was is that funny two kittens not funny swatting each other you can handle a punch from one of them not funny yeah I could yeah oh no okay I see what jeffy's doing see Jeffy is already he's already turned on the I'm not going animal videos these these animal videos you know I so the problem I have what really seriously the problem I have with them is that and it's really me an videos with anal is that uh you know once I click on one that my algorithm says oh he likes
animal videos so then I end up seeing them all because the algorithm keeps sending me stupid animal videos so I have to stop looking at them for a few for a week so that the algorithm catches up but see it's Mike Tyson and Jake Paul no I got it it's basically what the fight isn't it cute they're just two little kitties okay so so we're gonna do this this is a Jeff your challenge here I've got some animal videos you know that's what you sign up for when you agree to do the Friday live stream so here we go let me see I've got three
more animal videos okay and I want you to genuinely try to not laugh I want to see if Jeff fiser will laugh oh he's already got his little you see he's already okay okay young Jeff fiser in the principal's office with a cop about to take his mirror so take you back to that trauma okay I never I never went to the princi office they just called me out of the room oh that's okay go okay here we go here is a uh safety off other one see that safety off other one is that funny come on that's funny safety off other one see he's a
talented I don't know I like raccoons man things are mean okay so you're n animals man you're good with shooting them yes they I mean they if you don't they next thing you know you've got 80 of them they they have kids like they're going out of style you go I used to see them oh and they used to be so mean and they just they get big too and you know if they if they start hanging out around your house they start tearing into your trash scans and then they start throwing raccoon parties it's it's not fun uhhuh okay
okay so we used to stop at a gas station on uh going into I think it would be on the St Petersburg side of Tampa Bay uh going into Tampa uh Gandy Boulevard getting ready to go on the Gandy Bridge and there was a boatload of racons that used to live around this QT I think it was a QT maybe a racetrack and uh man and you you stop in there at four o'clock in the morning to get some gas and a cup of coffee headed into the studios and there they are uh all roded up with Mama and Papa raccoon and every
little little raccoon baby ready to attack the world man they got you gota humans first put them down wait what did they do they're out they're out Scavenging okay well they're do they're doing what raccoons do but that's not the point so the next video uh we had we had that raccoon I don't know the backstory there I don't know if he was an actor or what whatever trained monkey if you will yeah but uh this next video are animals playing dead as well and they're doing this because they apparently just saw uh these birds just
saw a bird that was injured uh get get food get taken care of so now these smart birds realize yeah they're copying look at this man look at this they're faking death look at oh I did see this I'm so dead I did see this yes look at me feed me take care of me yeah right I me food come and pet me here we go me up yeah H watch this guy watch this guy oh I'm so sick and I'm dying help me did you see me here I'm dying he's like move you're in my their line of sight yeah it's my turn it's my scene I just did a
story today about uh I think in Malaysia where the salt there's saltwater crocodiles that are doing this very thing in Malaysia saltwater crocodiles either Malaysia or Indonesia okay and there there's video of a Croc rolling over on its back putting its paw you know putting its uh feet up in the air and they're that the Croc seen humans do that and other humans jump in the water to save the humans and they're saying that the Croc is doing it hoping that humans jump in the water so that he can attack
[Music] them oh that's what they're claiming I don't know that I buy it but why not you didn't laugh at the birds did you uh no you saw it I knew that I knew what he was doing saw it I knew what he was doing I've only got one more video you might make it through the gauntlet without cracking a smile here and according to Ben Steiner on X next stop Gator Land yes no doubt uh my favorite theme park in America Gatorland Cassi Florida 100% no one supports Gatorland more than me I'll tell you that and they better
they better find a way to reach out too because I'm a little hurt that they have it anyway you uh you've always been a big fan of Gator Land that's for oh man I loved Gatorland I I the first time I went I didn't take uh we just I just went and uh I took uh I took my oldest son uh at the time I don't know how old he was he was a little kid and we just were it was summertime it was go to Gatorland we had so much fun and we spent about I don't know $8 million on hot dogs because that's what you feed
Gators at Gatorland is hot dogs so the next time I went we stopped at Walmart and I bought like I was not g to give Gatorland their $8 million for hot dogs I'm going to go ahead and buy a about two or three jumbo packs from Walmart of the cheap hot dogs put put them in a backpack let the kid carry them and we spent the day feeding them feeding the Gators our hot dogs it was so much fun that's also so but they have gator wrestling and they have the the have the Jumperoo where the Gators jump out of
the water and eat the chickens just tell me I'm not the only person that every time I go to the theater smuggle in food and drink and all that stuff right come on uh tell me because you were talking about taking the hot dogs to Gator Land I'm pretty sure I could you could do that at Gatorland oh oh oh okay I want to go out on a limb and say you can do that at Gatorland that Gator land's probably going no you can't at the [Laughter] next but uh hey by the way I've got a uh I've got a uh uh a mission should
someone choose to accept it you know how you just referenced the Gatorland comment coming through on x yeah all right so just just so everybody knows I feel like I just I feel like an invalid when I'm doing this I'm trying to find where the comments are on X so somebody if you want to DM me just say hey dumbass it's over here maybe take a screenshot send it to me because for whatever reason mine opens up to the right I when I when I clicked on the when I clicked on the live event yeah then the comments were on the right hand
side of the of the of the video stream okay well not for me not on a phone and not on a tablet so that sucks all right because I this is a laptop so it's not a phone or a tablet I let me look up my phone maybe that's it yeah if you see it on the phone let me know uh one last video for you one last animal video I should say so uh this is a kid who wants to uh wants to find out uh what's in the Old refrigerator but he's not tall enough to see what's in the refrigerator okay I got to look at this right yeah
you got to look at this this part of the assignment here see so he employs emplo his friend oh yeah yeah that's cute pul climbs up it's in the fridge oh it opened that's cute but we're not done okay is that all you were using L for yeah dummy he's standing on the dog Jeffy all right Jeffy you know what enough of you uh what's the uh what's the biggest prank you've been a part of either you pulled or someone pulled on you best PR prank prank yeah oh I'm not a big prank guy no I mean there's a lot of jokes and stuff yeah
you I don't that stuff can get escalated too yeah I I don't know that there's been H I don't know if there's been a I'm sure there's been one I seriously I'm sure there's been one cuz man we used to you know party and do a lot of things but I don't remember I can't decide if this is real or not but uh uh this guy pranked his mom uh out in the woods I believe it was took her on a walk yeah here we go pranking mom let me get this thing ready so they go out on a walk in the woods and uh and then hilarity ensues when
when he when he threatens her life or something now watch this hang on let me see I can never get Tik Tok to because I don't have a Tik Tok account so I'm going to do my best here let's see here okay so before you do that okay go ahead I love it good idea yeah he's pranking mom reminds me of of when y'all were little right no one can hear scre little he said no one can hear your scream out here I said what what are you talking about no it sounded like you said and no one could hear you scream no why would
you say that that's weird I don't know why you that is weird you're making stuff I heard I heard you say that you said you're hearing losses no I said it feels like a dream you know what I'm going to tell you stop stepping up back up why are you back up you're the one going you're going away I was you're going away I don't understand I am laughing at this that's hilarious she's so pissed something was up when you're like let's go take a walk out in the woods you know just me and you and I was like I don't know if it's safe and
you're like come on time together no no back up back up going this way get out of the way of the path get out of the way of the path look start start go all right so uh I don't know if it's real or not either but it's funny that's funny yeah because she is so pissed it's great acting if it's not so yeah that's why I don't think it is so I don't think that lady is that good of an actor okay so I clicked on I went to I just went to your X account oh and I clicked on the live stream and the comments are below I just I feel
literally right now so don't know what my problem is help me okay cool I'll work on this I I'll work on getting better for next time just click on the actual L see okay so somebody just commented right but then I can't see the ones that have come up before I've done live streams through Twitter before where I can see them but through this third party now I've lost that ability makes me sad I'll figure it out I'll figure it out okay so oh oh my gosh let's go through this thread here uh I gotta have a I'm gonna have a drink you
know I kicked drinking I kicked drinking Coke Zero did did you really and then I had one not long ago I had drank one in a long time I don't know how long it was but it was quite a while it was so so good so now you're hooked again I think I'm getting back to being hooked again it was so good like this is not good right now because I let I've let it sit out too long but I'm gonna go down when I watch the football game tonight uhuh uh there will be an ice cold Coca-Cola zero for that football game this one's
got to be rechilled but uh I'm getting back to being addicted again to cozero it's kind of okay just a just a just a comment on the side heck of aall game last night hold on Ben Steiner uh I I'm not Outsourcing you uh I I see the comment when it comes up I just can't see the old one so I can if I'm I'm looking over here uh so okay so hold on Notre Dame beat Penn State last night 2724 what a great game was fun to watch so noted and by the way it's been the games have been pretty disappointing from my perspective except for Texas uh
Arizona state was very good uh Arizona State got screwed over in that game I don't know about that okay well anyway Notre Dame wins last night that was a good game so what do you expect tonight from Texas Penn State fans will say that they got screwed over last night and Notre Dame fans will think that hey well we almost got screwed over because uh you know they shouldn't have called that pass interference call but so I mean there's go either way Notre Dame drove down was any was fun to watch fun so
who's winning tonight Ohio State or Texas who will Notre Dame in the I I don't know and it's tough for me to root for either one of these teams uh you know I was raised to hate Ohio State uh you know being uh born in the great state of Michigan uh I was born right here uh and I was uh raised to uh you know grew up uh with uh loving the University of Michigan those Michigan Wolverines the amaz in blue the guts and am amazing blue and uh listening to Bob eer on the radio these Michigan men are chewing up these defensive lman and
spinning out sidewalks and uh so good and so I was raised to you know dislike Ohio State very much and the and the state of Ohio so then uh and then uh when uh my son played at the University of Missouri uh in the Big 12 uh Texas was in the Big 12 ah I grew to hate them in the Big 12 yes now they're back in the SEC they had to F Missouri went to the SEC just to get away from these bastards and now they're back in the SEC same with Oklahoma so it's very very hurtful for me to root for either one of these teams
uh but I I have a feeling that Ohio state is uh Unstoppable against Texas well we'll see I I we'll see I do think it'll be a great game I do too it's almost like you you almost uh describe the Nebraska story with Texas uh used to be the ones that would beat us uh time and time again in multiple heartbreak ways and now it's Ohio State but those aren't yeah those aren't really heart breaks maybe one of them has been since most of them are just oldfashioned ass kicks I just want I you know I do want it to be a good game but
it's tough for me to root for either one of these teams and I and I and I don't dislike them I just have a tough time rooting for them yep okay so check out these I've had this thread up here waiting for us the most dangerous jobs in the world this is from an account epic Maps uh don't open this thread if you're sensitive uh I we don't there's so many jobs on this list I forgot how many we don't have to spend a lot of time but just I'm just curious would you do any of these jobs uh I mean obviously
the pay is important but look how high these guys are yeah I me I I I don't really have a fear of heights but I don't know that I that I would that I at well first of all I'm not getting out there now in today's world I'm not going to be an 800lb Jeffy out on this this okay hold on hold on time out I'm not going to let you I know you're just being funny but 800 pounds Jeffy man you are getting trim what are you down you weight again me you man I am what are you a buck know that you know what yeah
that's what I am that's in fact this morning I think I I think I'm uh the doctor said you know you're below a buck 50 you need to eat a sandwich or something so oh wow I well yeah that far huh yeah I know I know before it was like uh you know I'm trying to get to 800 lb and he would tell me good luck now it's like hey dude you're under a buck 50 eat a sandwich yeah eat a sandwich right look at this huh yeah see I I don't know look at these guys eating lunch like it's no big deal up there you if you're doing the job power lines if
you're doing the job you have to be like that though right have to be my gosh never no oh there was a time when you I mean that's I I don't know I don't know no there's never a time to make me a lot it have to be worth a lot of money would you be an astronaut dude that would be cool yeah that would be cool they don't have a lot of fat guy space suits or seating in any of the astronaut things so it's not going to happen but I would be yeah there's an oil platform worker yeah I thought about working on the on
the oil rigs I had a buddy of mine that uh moved uh to Texas Houston went out and started working on the oil rigs um I thought about that at one time in my life very very very few insect exterminator oh oh yeah well no he's he's cleaning out some sewage line right oh but he's just oh what is h no he's out there spraying uh whatever that's no I think I it doesn't matter I mean they're just all those holy crap roaches climbing all over you Miner I can't do that no I I would think that every time I I used a pickaxe I was just my death
would be impending right above me I mean I I don't I can't this is reminds me of the Mr eyes and I just I can't I can't do that oh very concrete s look how close this guy's getting to being decapitated yeah you can do that I could do that I I wouldn't be afraid to do that oh gosh I've worked with you know I've worked with power tools and stuff many times in my life I would me not be afraid of that I'm not afraid of that I can tell you how I would die uh if that my job that's not a joke but you don't
think you're going to die because you're just you're busy you're busy cutting stuff uh glass railing installer oh wow look at this glass railing installer that doesn't look that I mean I'm not doing it I was gonna say it doesn't look that dangerous but I guess if you don't get it in the slot you could end up down below in in the conf what is yeah he's he's sliding these glass things at a stadium so he's standing there there's nothing between him death he's just trying to slide this glass into [Music]
a whatever oh oh okay you could do that an average day in the life of a construction worker look how high look at oh my gosh are you kidding me oh my gosh yeah I mean he's he's strapped up too so he's good okay so he's good I mean look he's strapped up he's good I worked uh demolition uh running a jackhammer up on uh you know uh build up on scaffolding and stuff for uh for a few months it's it's not it's a pain in the ass but it's it's doable I want you to see this this 80 pound Jackhammer up been knocking down walls up on
scaffolding you know knocking them down I did that for for a while yeah this I work for this guy out of I worked for this guy out of Alabama I love this man so much he took care of me I was so broke I have any money I just moved to Florida I needed a job I any money I went over and uh you know held up my hand when they were looking for people to work on this construction site at the old VA hospital in seol Florida and uh I remember you telling this story on our interview I mean I just I love that guy
he took care of me he bought me boots and had I just I love him then it then it became winter and uh it was raining and cold and now the guy came to pick me up to go to work and I was like he said we're late you're late you're late I'm not going back uh this mother H is saying right here oh I want you to watch this okay right here this right here is in Argentina and it says a machinist uh in Argentina traveling across La Picasa Lagoon I love the LA Picasa Lagoon you know what I thought about this I when when this is
playing I thought I could see this in a nightmare and then I thought this is almost like a scene from stranger things something you know look at that man oh look at that cloud line man look at that so where where's the the kapasa a big Lagoon I think I think they meant to say the word Lake but where is this at Argentina oh yeah okay right it's at Argentina okay no thank you that's some scary stuff right there oh oh hold on a second I I have this tab I don't think I was going to use this today um I was going to hold on
to this but I forgot that it was still open and since it's still open uh it fits perfectly with what we were talking about earlier when you were asking me this random uh fact about the Falcons because Carrie and I have these kind of conversations all the time how do I remember where I was when the Falcons lost to the Denver Broncos in the Georgia Dome in 199 I was driving on I75 on my way go to yeah it's it's stunning how we remember at least for me sports stuff where we were all that good stuff so so just look
at this video and tell me this isn't every man uh how do you do audio on Instagram what why why does it do this J it does it all the time and then then you have to go back and it doesn't start again it's very frustrating it is hang on let me try this again this may not work if it doesn't work I'll just post it on Twitter later yeah I don't know it's not gonna it's not g to play but well just click on the video see if it does I am I keep pausing it stuff so this guy is obviously out of spelling be this I'm not gonna do this
Justice okay but uh but but they're asking him uh asking him you know facts about the Civil War and about sports team and he okay knock those out real fast and then the ladies like or the the spelling be guy he goes uh yo so what did your wife ask you to pick up on the way home and he's like can you repeat the question yeah I don't know yeah I don't know there's I been plenty of times when you you you you're talking to me and I'm not I have no my wife gets so pissed it's just like she'll finish a
whole thing and I'm like I have no idea what you just said so just tell me what you said again right I'm not GNA try to Fake It just I I was not listening to you I'm I was I'm busy reading something I'm looking at something I'm completely think I got if if if you need a response from me you need to repeat what you're what you said because I got I have no idea what you just said not a clue let me try to find this other video and that makes her happy I just want to let you know that's a that's a happy
time that's a happy time okay hold on I want you to watch this video tell me I I just love this lady and I I love everything she everything she said in this video uh about when you go to check out at the grocery store in Walmart or something this is so great watch this do your job I don't work why why does this video see I gotta get used to this uh discuss something that has a lot of companies confused and I'm here to help it's really very simple let's check oh she's 100% right this is me yes I know
at the grocery store there are 82 cash registers there are two cashiers over here there are 19 self checkouts what you're not understanding is I don't work's 100% right self checkout I'm doing the job of others I do not work here sler compensated for my time and effort I saw a mother look like she had just got off work and the self checkout you think she came here to also work I need you all to get people at these stations yeah I mean she goes you know the premise of what where she's going job I
don't work here I have I have talked about that at length un cheing the fat so many times it pisses me off and what really frustrates me is why when I go into a uh a warehouse store I don't know let me think of one if I could think of one oh I know Sam's Club or Costco Costco where I'm paying to go into your store I'm me paying to go into your store and now you want me to self checkout there should be a discount on that and and now they do have helpers at the self checkout so because they wanted to run faster and
smoother which is what they found out that you know having helpers there moves people along no I I understand that and I appreciate it I get it Sam Club doesn't really have that although they do sometimes when it's busy but Costco does um and but uh at their at their self checkout but there should be a discount for for card carrying members going through uh checkout so what's fair what's fair I don't know I I don't know that's a good question discount it's a good check it's a good question I I don't know maybe you build even if it's
just building up stupid bonus points for a free pizza or a hot dog or something something that uh makes you go through the self checkout rather than go through the cashier okay yeah yeah incentivize me yeah yeah I'm I'm with you but we're already trained most of us are already trained so why would you do it by the way yeah well and and let's be honest though I go through self checkout because I'm faster than the and a lot of people and a lot of people want to go through self Chuck out they don't want
the they don't want the little chitchat which I don't mind you know whatever but I mean so and all the stores have already expanded their self checkout areas yes greatly greatly and so that's why they have most of Walmart has one or two people that kind of oversee the self checkout area now uh so it moves pretty smooth unless it gets uh those people start get get back backed up and then they you start getting people with large orders that aren't going through the cashier area because those are all backed up now
you're getting the self checkouts backed up it's see I'm so streamlined and I'm so efficient in my that once every I don't know 15 16 trips through they have to come over because the camera thought that I was I'm sorry that I'm too fast for your a and I I think that they've changed the sensitivity on those actually I was watching uh not that I was watching the other day but uh we were into Walmart and I I was already through and uh my son was coming through and he was scanning and he got dinged twice yeah
twice with the with the AI cameras I thought they got to lighten up the sensitivity on these what are we doing he L up the process here uh and by the way the reason that because I talked to somebody at Costco about uh I was like do I get a gun or whatever or what what I forgot what it was like uh everything had to come out of the cart and I said I said didn't it used to be where I could just yeah they do that and she said Club Costco did okay but then Costco said yeah um our inventory was the worst ever
last quarter or last month or whatever she said so uh it was local management so so for whatever reason based on you know theft for whatever reason they're now um forcing you to take everything out of the buggy which it really isn't necessary now because they have uh you either get checked by a human or you go through the over the uh the overpass uh AI machines and they check everything oh right you know by the way by the way if if another pandemic pops up and and Society over reacts to the bird flu the
way they did with co uh that's good news for you Jeff fiser because if you recall during co uh Costco was um quite uh quite adamant that you wore a mask when you went in there and I I had I had him hanging on the wall there if you didn't have one I refused toing if you that that was the era where you got to use my card now hold on a second now that I say that I was about to say hey if the bird FL stuff gets crazy you get a free Costco membership but no now your ID yeah you can't you and I look same can't do it very well
see that's the thing uh you know I've talked about this before when they started now you when it was just at the checkout uh you could get away with using someone else's card I believe because if they they rarely actually looked right they just card here's your card back they looked and I don't who it was uh you know whether it was someone else uh another male or another female you just say yeah that's before I transition say something me say something go ahead something you wanna you wanna be in the
news and you just go through but now you have to scan your card to get in at Costco which is really frustrating uh and I it makes me very unhappy yeah yeah then you can't do a Jeffy SC I can't I can't just pull up and have one of my kids run in and get something and I'll wait for them I I got to go in oh no you know if you can get them a card and pay for more and they can have their own access just drives me insane what do you think about uh I stumbled across this I know you've talked about drone delivery
and the evolution of that and how it's right here on our doorstep well lo and behold I was at a local Walmart just the other day and in the parking lot boom oh yeah oh yeah I've got I should have sent you my wife Scot we played it on uh I think we played it on one of Pat gry overtimes I don't know if you were there or not um but we you know of the delivery drones taking off and the landing at the the local Walmart when am I gonna start seeing them well the testing it's getting close but I mean there's the closest I've heard that for
years I well I know but there the closest Walmart to us that has drone delivery still doesn't bring it to my house and I don't understand what the what the problem is but they don't it's not the you know you're know it's not available for drone delivery yet so just keep your fingers crossed well I know that pisses you off dude it does I know I mean it really pisses you off it really does so uh I I learned a fun fact this week that I wanted to share here and I feel like I I feel like the last person to to know
this every Pixar movie contains a reference to the Pixar movie that comes after it did you know that um I feel like I have to go back and watch every Pixar movie now in order just to pick out the reference I don't have time for that so every every Pixar movie has a reference to the next upcoming because I thought for sure they they did always pay homage to the Past movies in all the movies I caught those uh but every and like uh The Travelers down under movies always had the babe with the big boobs in the windows when
they flew by stuff like that not that I went back and you know paused it there but um uh they have reference to the next the upcoming Pixar movie I don't know that I knew that not sure that I that I knew that do we have an example could you break the law and show me the Pixar oh no I don't it's no picture or anything just fun fact I don't even know where I copied and pasted that from I thought oh that's interesting heang that that doesn't surprise me hey I want to I want to quiz you here just take a guess
as I look this up what year do you okay how old do you think George foran is famous boxer Mr Grill machine George Foreman he's got to be 79 80 you know 76 years old today happy birthday George George Foreman yeah the I mean his the George Foreman the George Foreman grill what an awesome product I I love that product and my wife now my wife this wife uh never liked it for some reason I don't I don't ask I don't know I've I've had this battle forever I I gave up uh you know she likes cooking on The
Griddle fine use the freaking griddle just get in the kitchen and cook is where I'm at right now but the I loved those damn George Foreman grills man they were so huge at the time man so huge so so when I have to cook something if it's like my night to cook you know once every seven months I so you still have one oh yeah and it's it's a it's a big one I don't know that that's the biggest one but it's you know it's up there right right right and and I go and I get thin cut pork chops boneless pork chops okay and I just
stack them item or as Jeffy might say I got these I got these uh pork chops all roded up roded up on the George Foreman baby flip that you know let the grease drain down I season it perfectly and I mean that's a meal in of itself I don't need any vegetables just give me seven of those anyway I mean you gotta have some fettin Al fre side dish or something yeah sure happy birthday George Forman the nicest celebrity by far that I've ever met that guy came to Pat show in Houston when I was his producer there and just such a nice guy
I just I don't know that I've ever met George Forman I don't think I have yeah I don't think I have M I hope you get to someday because man he is genuine uh in fact in fact I just remember oh my gosh this is hysterical back in college back in college yeah yeah yeah hadn't have been back in college I don't even know why I did this um I I cut out a picture of George Foreman from Sports Illustrated it was yay big and I stuck it under the uh there there's built-in desks in the college dorms into the wall and so I stuck like
a picture of George Foreman under there and then I would knock on the door the next next school year be like hey I used to live in this room can I just you mind you know just I left something here and I'd go over there and I'd grab that and I did that for four years and it was just you know it was a fun to meet people and just it was haha okay get your George foran picture out of here what are you doing and so then I took it to to I I just kept moving with it and I think right now I think the last place I
left it because then I would just do that at at uh cubicles where I'd work it's just a stupid Keith thing I don't know it's right now it's if you work at or you know someone that works at WSC radio in Charleston South Carolina I think I forgot him there he's under a cubicle uh somewhere there's a picture of George Foreman in Charleston South Carol that's hilarious you'd be sure to there's a guy there's a guy that works overnight that dropped dropped something one night and got bent down under there
what the hell is a George Foreman picture doing underneath this desk that guy knows it's there and I'll never know that guy knows the pleasure of knowing that this guy you know knows it yeah absolutely okay also on this day in 1776 Thomas Payne's Common Sense was published oh wow how about cool is that uh for for you kids out there that went to Public School uh oh we're doing this day in history I mean Anita Bryant died today too so can't forget Anita Bryant is she famous for anything she I think
she how old was she 84 I think which which surprises me I thought she would be older let me double check Anita's uh uh do I have how old she was Anita Briant yeah 84 that's how was right yeah I would think that she was a lot older yeah she was the big Citrus spokesperson for years but she got in trouble uh she did and she was a singer she was like Miss America from Oklahoma maybe she was just miss Oklahoma I think she might have been ended up being Miss America anyway and she was a you know singer and
papay fores and she had some classic songs back in the day and uh then she uh got in trouble because uh she did not like the game and uh they do not like her and so they are happy that she's dead the the old gays are happy that an need a Brian is dead that's just the way it is ah this has been retrospective Anita Brian dead dead at the age of 84 uh all right so check this out you I know I don't know the name of this website I hate to put you on the spot but I know that you're familiar with it it's so cool
uh I don't know with this new setup how I can get this thing to to show up without it cycling through hang on a second here let me oh is this the chart site yeah this is really cool whoever invented that and is doing that is genius yeah yeah I don't oh yeah how couples met yeah this a fascinating chart yeah and and let me look that if I if I make this full screen I think it mutes you and can can y'all yeah we I can hear you can you hear me okay yes okay all right I mean I can hear you I don't know if the
people can but who cares can y'all hear can y'all hear us talk about you when we put this full screen yeah who cares about you cares about you I'm gonna test this y'all I'm gonna say a number and somebody in the chat tell me what it is okay let's see if this works three because that's D Murphy's number uh okay so let's see if anybody heard us talking while that chart was up I'm sure that they did sure they did V says loud and clear Jonathan says still good okay nobody's put up the number yet though no one put the number up the
three there it is yeah there they did you got it okay cool all right so here we go uh back in the 1930s uh where we at in the 30s look at that family and friends yeah of course online didn't exist just keep an eye out on online once we get around the 1990s Church no yeah College oh college starts to go up because you get girls in uh yeah little business starting to happen there that's not what I was going with that sorry just saying their attendance I mean there was plenty of business to be had in church too you
just had to do it right I'm just saying friends and co-workers bar and restaurant 90s okay oh online look online at the bottom holy crap what are you doing online look at that I me it just shoots to the top and just dwarfs everything yeah 60% this incredible I know I know after just 20 years ago was Zero I know yeah pause it when you I mean if you can pause it I don't know if you can I'm going to try at one point I mean obviously we're getting through you know we're still strong in the uh Church
days uh they have people now about 63 now we're not doing church anymore [Laughter] yeah so Church yeah yeah and and it's not going to let me pause which is pissing me off I'll tell you that oh that stinks but just look at online it's like it's like a horse in the Kentucky Derby that comes out of nowhere yes secretar moving like a tremendous machine holy I haven't seen that movie in a while I might be time to watch that again I love that movie that is that's just that's fascinating that sure is look at that
though I mean the friends and co-workers still strong but not near I mean nowhere close well look we still have we I just did a story the other day where JP Morgan is announcing that they're going to announce which is a weird way to announce something but they're going to announce they announce that they're going to announce that they're going to make all their employees come back to the office office it's 2025 they still have 40% of their Workforce that isn't coming into the office every day wait wait 40% 40% I I
I'm not being flippant when I say this I would I I would question my money being invested through that company if you have people if you're that pathetic stop it I I know I look at Amazon is you know starting to I don't know what the percentage is on Amazon and when at the time they probably gave the numbers because this story was didn't even me this story went with 60% of the people are working at the office so that means that 40% are still out there that's that's who the who they're talking to
right get your ass in here and so Amazon was doing the same thing and all these people are up in arms man they're like whoa we're used to working here at home I don't care what you're used to right oh that's that's I know so pathetic incredible oh okay let me as as I as we both sit in our homes uh I I I worked from home the last two days let me be a hypocrite please um let me uh let me get this on the screen here I want to play this video because I watched this video and it just made me laugh Jeffy I
just laughed and laughed and laughed and that's all I did 100% I thought this is hysterical okay then I started reading the comments oh boy and I'm like okay y'all need to chill and a lot yeah and then I got to thinking well maybe they have a point so you know what I thought I would go to my moral compass which is Jeff fiser boy that's a play this video and you tell me if it's just good fun people think of me Keith you know what they think of moral compass moral compass all right you see the tire yeah on the okay so guy is
driving down the road it's like he's got a dash cam right yeah and and somehow he catches up to this tire that's which by the way my dad I've am so every time I watch these videos from dash cams I get angry at myself for not having one yeah yeah hey my son has one and there's been some interesting things that he's captured right and even if there isn't so what it's still you still have it just in case uh clearly this video isn't going to play for us so just know that it was funny or maybe it wasn't H the end uh
but I wanted to be the moral compass what that's okay that's okay I've got it downloaded to so if it doesn't start playing We're Not Gonna freak out too much here hang on I just have to add here I've got two videos that are uh oh here we go hang on I think it's hilarious it's awesome I me it's got a life of its own and he's laughing to the guy driving just sheering it down the hill think of think of the days when you didn't have a dash cam and you just had to experience this yourself without being able to share
it okay so you think it's about over right n we're done no we're look we're in the mountains we are in the mountains man so I think this is hysterical and I'm just laughing like like if I were a kid I'd be driving behind this 16-year-old you know people are it's dangerous exactly some of the comments were he should have bumped it off to the he would have damaged his vehicle no way you can't there no this guy no this guy's doing the best by just following it yeah he's keeping people behind it and then they
were like he could have hit that motorcycle guy and killed it well yeah it could fly up in the air and fly back and kill 80 people too sure could happen it's not going to it's a tire I have no control over this I mean I think it's hysterical I mean seriously how long is this video 2 minutes that's I mean that seems like a short period of time that this thing is rolling but eventually it's got to go yeah it ends up going off does yeah like a like a tractor trailer in the mountains you know yeah we go are we done it goes off
yeah I mean that guy actually I mean he he saved that he was doing the right thing by following it so the traffic wasn't passing him yeah to you know get involved you can't be dinging that tire like that with your car do they think think this is no sorry bust your bumping it ain't racing okay we're not RAC we got it not NASCAR that I mean that could do some serious damage seriously they're they're right I mean it's some serious damage no question if it bounces over the guard rail or whatever but you have no control
over that just don't that's that would be uh someone else who has uh power over that who do people call on for that um oh you know that place that they stopped going to church uh they talked to that guy those people weird they talk to that guy uh that has control over that tire uh that would be uh G G oh you God that's it that's it yeah that's uh hang on I'm sorry I just realized I didn't download that video so we're gonna move on from that one uh okay oh hey I have been so excited this was supposed to start before the football
season began but there's been a a major change uh in streaming services or there's about to be I should say nah it's not going to do anything it's not going to save you any money yeah that's the thing so uh fubo went to court against uh what was good be venue Sports people like you and me were so excited because there was going to be a streaming service that was just Sports yeah they said that's the only reason I get streaming is for sports honestly and uh obviously I watch other shows but this venue Sports thing that would have
just had networks would have been exactly tailor made for me it would have been pretty sweet now again I'm with you on that I mean I watch that's let me let me let me rephrase that that's the only reason and I ever get live streaming services I should say for sports during football season for example but anyway there's been a major yeah yeah yeah because I guess that would be true because uh we were all my wife and myself were all pretty good with the streaming services without the live uh when uh when we cancelled YouTube but
then I I got to have it for the sports yeah big development where fubo TV said hey this is you know we we wanted to do an all sports thing but all of you companies that own the rights to sports like Disney with ESPN or uh NBC and and just it goes on down the list they were like ah well we're gonna make you also carry this and you're gonna have to pay all this and fubo took them to court and things were starting to go fubo way so at the end of the day now uh Disney now uh if you can't beat them buy them so
Disney that's what they do purchasing fubo TV uh and so they're being absorbed into the conglomerate that is uh well the mouse and so it's going to be interesting to see uh what channels end up where well and it might not even for you and me it might not even happen and they you know they talked about um I don't have those looking to see if I could find the the quick number story that I had um that uh if it doesn't happen Disney still ends up owing like 140 million uh to the to the fubo people so
I mean they're going to get some cash out of it if it doesn't happen but Disney then again uh announced today that they're trying to say uh you know all our streaming platforms have a combined 157 million Global users subscribing to ad supported tear that's the first time that they've given these numbers out so they have 157 million Global users subscribing to add supported tiers now I'm not sure that that's good because they own an awful lot of uh an awful lot of properties uh that are streaming boy that's
interesting we're going to see how this plays out but like it always does you and I aren't going to be the winners oh no I mean Netflix is they're they're they were all happy that which I and I thought it was going to be more but they were happy that the you know they just uh WWE Monday Night Raw started going live on Netflix now yeah here in the US and they had like uh I don't know two and a half million uh they said were their numbers and I thought it would be more than that actually but uh here in
the US now obviously that's a global thing but Netflix doesn't uh there are some streaming services that still have the rights to WWE outside of the United States and as soon as those contracts are up they go to Netflix that's part of the WWE deal so uh those numbers will continue to rise for WWE and Netflix but uh anyway they they I mean Netflix has what 60 million Global oh Bo subcribers so I want to address something I see in the chat here I disagree and I'll tell you why Dan uh you say that NFL plus is
a ripoff because I used to think that because it just has the local games but it also has your National games so it's got Thursday Night Football uh let's see is Thursday Night Football part of that that might be just exclusively Amazon but it does have Sunday Night Football and Monday Night Football but here's the reason why Dan um I will resp respectfully disagree with your NFL plus being ripoff take I used to have the same thought however um I get Sunday Ticket uh through YouTube I don't I don't do YouTube TV I just buy you can
buy it through YouTube uh and then of course I use my uh my daughter's uh being enrolled in college to get it at a I mean my daughter uh loves loves YouTube and loves the old NFL Ticket No actually but she does but she's in Florida and so I get NFL Plus for her because while she can't watch all the Falcons games which I don't know who besides me would want to but she I get it for her as like a thank you really but I get it do they allow you to do that to watch that does she can she watch it in Florida and no no that's the
thing it's on YouTube it's just one stream yeah but but for NFL plus it's 15 bucks a month I believe 16 bucks a month and it comes with NFL Red Zone so you could get NFL Red Zone for 16 bucks a month it is and in fact what I'm doing right now is I'm writing myself a reminder cancel NFL plus but this is how my daughter in Florida is going to watch all the playoff games and uh anyway bottom line is uh it does have Red Zone Dan and if you weren't aware of that I just wanted to let you know so if you
just want the Red Zone channel uh it's it's it's worth it in my opinion see where we differ on that is that where you and I differ on that is that I don't uh like I have I have ESPN plus and so with my Hulu live so that I can get all the college games with ESPN plus uh because they carry like all the college games I you get those from the only ones they don't carry uh are the specific Big 10 games which I only once in a while carry care about which I can watch on peacock if I have to yeah uh because
peacock has those as well so I can watch them there if I care which is rare about a big 10 game uh you know but I mean I I'm happy to watch them but I love college football the NFL I so with Hulu live I get the you know the regular either one at noon and two at 4 or two at noon and one at 4 and then you get the Sunday night on NBC and uh you get the Monday night on ESPN and ABC Thursday night is on Prime we got a Saturday night playoff game on Prime this weekend too so yes okay cry about that but it also Hulu
live gives you the uh NFL I think it's called NFL game day I think I can't remember what it's called that's where they have the highlights kind of delayed all the games yeah it's and and and the what what's fascinating is the highlights are all coming across but the bottom scroll is live see you know what I mean why do they do that I don't know it drives me crazy but it's fine I mean it's fine because I but I get you get to see you go around the league man I I love that yeah I'm happy to have that yeah so for
football fans and not sick fance for their specific team it's perfect yeah yeah but for me I've got to watch every painful snap of the Atlanta Falcons and so they've got me by the short and curries that way um all right so you mentioned the NFL playoffs uh we got uh three games tomorrow starting at I think right 3:30 I think is the first game there there's three games to B I thought there were only two I'm sorry uh see damn it now I forget what what is my problem I thought there seriously I only thought there was two
the 3:30 and the Amazon Prime at night right I don't know now now now I'm doubting everything uh we have the playoff game tonight yeah the cotton bll yeah with Texas and Ohio State I'm glad I'm checking this stupid we have two games tomorrow one of them is our Prime yeah yeah you're right so it's 3:30 tomorrow Chargers and Texans 7 o'clock these are Central times Steelers and Ravens seven then uh that's that's the Prime game yep yep yep Amazon Prime uh Sunday night we've got the our Sunday afternoon at noon um central time we got
the Broncos and bills then Packers Eagles at 3:30 and then 7 o'clock tomorrow night Sunday night I'm sorry Buck the Redskins and Buccaneers yeah and then the Monday night game has been moved it's the Vikings at the LA Rams but Jeff Fischer why are they moving this game and where too there there apparently there's something going on uh in uh Los Angeles and Southern California that can't be avoided I don't know what it is uh people are whining about their neighborhoods being burned down and there's something going on in
California some kind of there's some guy wandering around with a flamethrower that they can't charge with arson now whoa whoa whoa they can't charge with because of what the hell no they just said they there was no there's not enough evidence to charge him with arson or whatever Los Angeles walking around the neighborhood that's correct with a flamethrower propane yeah don't worry about it neighborhoods catch him trying to yeah don't worry about it so nobody recorded it in the ACT they jumped in
too soon they had to wait until the neighborhood burned down I swear this California what the hell are you doing so California's burning so the game was supposed to be played at Sofi and I don't think Sofi is in danger of burning although it's not really a domed stadium it's a it's like a you know a cheese wrap what's that stuff that they use the cheese paper or whatever they call it it's a it's like a it's a mesh screen it's agonizing yeah it's really terrible they spent five billion doll on this I
almost said a bad word they spent five billion dollar on this stadium and they didn't put a complete roof on this thing that's beautiful I tell you that I love the stadium it looks great beautiful to play at but whenever there's any kind of weather you're still you still get effects from it it's just stupid so where where should the Rams Fans that might want to see their team host a playoff game isn't it where where where are they going to move this game to then probably just down the road right yeah
why not play in the old San Diego Charger Stadium maybe down the road a little bit I could do that oh no wait no we're not going to do that we're gonna move it to Phoenix Phoenix Arizona congratulations Cardinals fans you got in the playoffs I don't understand okay so that's cool fine you know I and I they absolutely had to move it air quality travels all everything absolutely but what do they do I mean what do we do for fans yeah tickets like if I have if I have a ticket to the game do I do I automatically do I have to go
to Phoenix or do I get a refund are they saying are they going into Phoenix and rounding up all the homeless people and say come to the game for free we need people in the seats are they dragging out the covid cutout people again to pretend like to pretend like the stadium is full I mean I seriously what I I don't know what they're going to do it's m it's a Monday night football game I'm sure there's look if you're in Phoenix want to go to the game maybe it cost you five bucks to get into the game or
something I don't know um because they're going to charge you for parking and they're going to charge you $80 for a drink so they can Dam sure let you in the stadium for five bucks but uh that's up to that's up to the NFL which probably won't happen but I'm just just fascinating to me what how they're going to handle that tickets okay tickets for the game went on sale um Friday so today at one o'clock Eastern through SeatGeek for LA Rams season tickets members uh and then 300 PM Eastern for the general
public uh let's were they not on sale before that that's what I'm trying to figure out no because no I think they just started from scratch Jeffy they they opened a window two hours early for Ram season ticket holders that's it so SeatGeek had tickets listed for as low has $124 each including fees in the upper level Friday afternoon with others for around 150 each lower level tickets start around 300 each this is a mess man okay yeah we're hey we're giving you playoff game and instead of Sofi we're
playing in h Phoenix and there you go that's the come to the game yeah okay it's okay so do you have a prediction on how big the crowd size is gonna be I'll probably be just like any other Monday night game it'll be sold out it's playoff game yeah it's playoff it's it's the National Football League please that place will be that place will be rocking boy Vikings fans I don't know after that after that Lions game Sunday night they they may not be making a a impromptu decision to go to Phoenix Oh
I thought we love Sam darnold oh no not after that Lions game okay never mind uh one last thing before we go and I appreciate all your time today and all of those who have joined us and been in the chat and everywhere thank you so much remember to share this like this subscribe whatever all the stuff all the things please thank you all you know I before before I know you're wrapping up yeah sure what I got one more video but you got something but since we're talk we're talking about Football let's stick
with football just one last time because uh Ben in the chat reminded me that we we should talk about it uh deshun Watson is out for another year I know another year I know they had to do Do Achilles surgery again when did he do that rupturing his when did that I don't know I guess he was walking to the bank and uh hurt himself again so they had to do another surgery so he's out looks like the entirety of 2025 holy cow Cleveland the guy signed what guaranteed 230 million I think was the deal and I could be wrong I think I
think at least 100 million is still owed yeah I mean it's guaranteed money they have to pay him yeah uh just holy cow what a if you I mean I bet you now I will say this this is just a thought from me and I you know you I'm just go on a limb that after this surgery he probably sure could use a massage that's what I I was just about to say you stole my thunder sto I tweeted out earlier that a a good deep tissue massage sure would rub that out sure was you need that and have that and then this is why I grabbed my phone so I
could say all deshaan Watson needs to do is go and get a massage anyway if you're not familiar with the story Watson busted for don't be writing my jokes for me okay just more getting more than a massage uh multiple occasions if you aren't familiar with his legal troubles okay he have you ever heard of the one-on-one with Mike D podcast one-on-one with Mike D man you cannot tear me away one-onone with Mike D there was man that I thought so so here is the oneon-one with Mike D podcast there there something happened uh oh yeah
during this show yeah this is you saw this already fun yeah this fun just keep uhh well here we go hang on a second here been my passion nothing that I never like being a rapper is something that I never considered myself right was in that situation right was that I got some money to buy some work so when that went High went yep preach man this back to and once again what not glorifying way it's just the mentality like those headphones though and my heart and love and passion for that type of Life uhuh
hey man I'm back acquainted with what I really love and what I really want to do and what I'm really about tell me I asked that because it's a lot of young that his headphones M hisers good bangro and then they start going to they start know they tra hang on Jeffy is getting pissed off about something say that that Houston oers logo that logo really Tennessee Titans wore them against it's like they rubbing in Houston's face last exactly what they do pisses me off every time and the the NFL has allowed that to go on and I
don't like it at all okay so yeah when the Texans come to Nashville the the Titans who used to be the Houston Oilers we those old throwback uniforms to rub I I just want to burn down the stadium right there here comes the uh by the way can you see at the bottom yeah you can okay I want y'all to see this okay so here is can you see the little raised up bottom left corner I know it's tough to see on this player and I'm sorry but basically the most watched parts of a video uh show up you can see the little
Hill right the end there see that now then you it's a flatline nobody watches nobody's watching nobody's watching oh my gosh we're getting close to the big mountain here why is everyone watching this part we about to find out because uh one-on-one with Mike D something happened in the studio F you had a different route you just went back to what you know right you feel what I'm saying so I'm just showing them the difference between trying to be something that you not and choices we got in life those
were your choic what's he doing oh oh no who shot who oh no somebody got shot you good I hope y'all good that poor dog's like what the hell he reaches in his pocket and he ends up shooting a hole through it think God nobody got shot literally and choices we got in life those were your choice what's happening my man shot who my man doesn't know somebody got shot that dog was sleeping that dog was sleeping by the way I know that dog's like what the hell what the [Laughter] all thinking we all thinking Mike D
from oneon-one wit Mike Dame he realizes oh this is a live podcast I gotta act professional again he he recovers it nicely right Dead one on one with Mike D I thought my n shot me everybody D everybody good everybody good oh wow so congratulations Jeffy to both you and myself we made it through this podcast without firing guns so that's a plus I haven't put my hand in my pocket yet we should probably go then uh before before that transpires on this end okay uh I appreciate everybody making time please be careful
uh don't put a gun in your pocket uh with your lighter you'd hate to be confused when you're reaching in there to light up a BL yeah you would yeah you would okay uh all right everybody have a great weekend stay warm wherever you're at um I will be back next Thursday today for a deep dive with uh FBI what are you diving into next the FBI it's going to be the third time Steve friend and I tackle what's wrong with the FBI and oh my gosh we could do an episode every day till the end of time and we wouldn't
cover it all so what do you think um well I mean I know you're trying to wrap up and get out of here and and I'm I'm actually uh missing my Friday afternoon nap time so I'm a little cranky but uh I know listen anything for you anything for you yeah anything for you uh anyway the uh what do you seriously are we how much let me read I gotta stop for a second are we putting too much hope into the inauguration of Donald Trump so interesting you said that because I my gosh I mean it's gonna I realized today that we're going
to have the inauguration and the national championship on the 20th of January which is awesome I'm all about that MLK day too new president there you go Donald Trump right out of the gate will be racist for insisting that he get inaugurated on an M day and we're raising the flags up right that are supposed to be well I I thought so he wants them to right um and if I'm him I do they're at half Mass because of Jimmy Carter's death I mean they dragged him back to Georgia last night after the funeral and put him in the ground next
to rosin so they're finally done with them I mean we can raise the flags back up again sorry Jimmy we love you but get the flags back up we love you you live to be 100 bro we're putting the flags back up okay sorry and what he's not gonna care correct correct he's not gonna care he's building he's busy building habitats in heaven just let the guy be so hang on a second hang on hold on uh I asked this question U or I posed this thought uh a while back on a drinks with Keith thing and I said this next
four years will either be the greatest four years of our lifetime as far as presidential politics go or it will be the biggest letdown and the most depressing four years because we have set our expectations so high for the next four years that this this this Administration better deliver and I'm telling you the people that are around him I do have that hope at least right now I mean they look right now no matter what happens we have at least saved I think the Republic um you know I mean Biden is
still trying and no shots fired well I mean burning down we're burning down cities the uh in America and literally burning down cities in America and that doesn't surprise me that that's happening under this watch but I just feel like we're we expect so much I mean Trump man we expect so much out of this guy don't let us down BR he's a felon now bastard sentenced today by the way and got zero zero nothing all all they cared about was getting the sentence and that's what they did so now he's a felon
whatever I know and you're right I know I mean that's that's the day that I decided I'm absolutely voting for this guy the only protesters out there today were the people with Trump flags and all the Trump supporters in Manhattan they're all I mean in Manhattan Manhattan there just Trump supporters outside that courtroom it was incredible but and they got what they wanted which actually didn't do anything like they had hoped was get him with his felony conviction and well obviously we have this weekend coming up
but everybody when you go to work on Monday morning just just know that that is the last full Monday of a Joe Biden presidency thankfully thank you have a great weekend Jeffy hope technically we can talk about this at some other time get out of here okay okay so uh where we going for chewing the fat uh available wherever you get your podcast uh whatever platform you wish to to uh download on uh use it and warm the little innards of your heart chewing the fat with Jeff Fisher all right thanks so much please share this
episode with anyone like literally with anyone uh and we'd be grateful uh I'll see yall again Thursday at 3M Eastern for the live stream Steve friend oh oh next Friday uh the live stream is uh it's gonna be Steve Baker uh January 6 uh convict himself yeah and uh he'll still he still has an opportunity to be a convict next Friday right yeah yeah yeah he's hoping for for the yeah but but when we go live he will still be uh I'm so bummed that he that he I I am I'm bummed I all right all right you got let
that go I I'm not I'm not letting it go because I'm telling you you wanted him to fight the Jud just between you and me you me and the fence post nobody else yeah I already killed we're not we're not broadcasting anymore so yeah go ahead is that true no okay the uh cause by the way shim Von Shrek uh shim Von Shrek is going to be uh uh with us as well on Friday anyway awesome I love him and I actually uh you know he's uh been a fan of uh the shows for a long time yeah we were talking after and he
had his Bees No the bees no hat old Blaze merch I know I gave him a present that I had in my office that uh I had an old the Bees No pillow wow that I have forgotten all about it's just sitting in my office on the sofa that's been there forever you know what I mean I didn't even I I see it and don't see it anymore yeah you know how you it's just there and coming into the office after he and I were talking I was like holy crap he should have this he's the one that cares about anyway so uh he's a
really cool man and that it'll be good to tuck him but now I want to be back to Steve Baker um I know you I need to let go uh Steve uh you know ple ping out it's guilty but I'm telling you this might affect his deal with Trump I I hope it doesn't but uh you know I just feel like he should have been if you know he plad guilty and I I think that might weigh on Trump's mind when he's pardoning people I don't know I I don't know I haven't thought of that uh outcome but I know I I I know I don't want it to be so and I want
the man to be pardoned I think it's it's a travesty yeah a travesty that any of this is happening in the first place period for anyone involved in January 6 the day that democracy almost died but it's just agonizing that it's happening however that having been said we're living in the moment and it is happening and we're living man yeah all I don't know all right let's go watch some football this week uh and then hope that America pulls out of its nose dive as of noon Eastern on January 20th yes that
would be fantastic thank you guys I appreciate everybody thanks Jeffy I hope you have a good weekend all right brother we'll see you all again pack Ray unleash bright and early 7 AM Eastern on Monday morning over at see you