Jan. 30, 2025

They Tried to Silence RFK Jr. and Tulsi – But the Truth Is Out

They Tried to Silence RFK Jr. and Tulsi – But the Truth Is Out

RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Kash Patel expose Big Pharma, FBI corruption, and Washington’s hidden agenda in this explosive episode of At The Mic with Keith Malinak. From government control to media manipulation, we break down the deep-state cover-ups they don’t want you to hear.

Key Topics:

- RFK Jr. vs. Big Pharma – Who really runs Washington?
- Tulsi Gabbard’s explosive takedown of Congress
- Kash Patel exposes FBI cover-ups and media deception
- The truth about Building 7 and 9/11 – what they won’t admit
- Viewer conspiracy theories – Fact or fiction?

0:00 Introduction and live stream setup
4:20 RFK Jr. hearings: Big Pharma, government control, and political influence
8:04 Special guest Richard Gage to discuss Building 7 and 9/11 next week
10:42 Audience discussion: Which conspiracy theories deserve more attention?
17:27 RFK Jr. on COVID, Event 201, and the global response
22:14 Tulsi Gabbard exposes government overreach and corruption
28:11 Kash Patel confronts FBI leadership and government accountability
40:49 Tulsi calls out media narratives and political manipulation
50:59 The controversy surrounding vaccines and medical cover-ups
1:06:47 Military training failures and the consequences of DEI policies
1:47:50 Tulsi vs. Mark Kelly: Who is really supporting terrorism?
2:03:51 Final thoughts and upcoming topics for next week

Don't miss Friday Happy Hours with Keith, streaming live on this channel every Friday. Or if you are m more of a rumble fan check out the channel here: https://rumble.com/user/AtTheMicShow

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  • (00:00) - – Intro and episode setup
  • (10:00) - – RFK Jr. hearings: Big Pharma, government control, and political influence
  • (25:00) - – Special guest Richard Gage to discuss Building 7 and 9/11 next week
  • (40:00) - – Audience discussion: Which conspiracy theories deserve more attention?
  • (55:00) - – RFK Jr. on COVID, Event 201, and the global response
  • (01:10:00) - – Tulsi Gabbard exposes government overreach and corruption
  • (01:30:00) - – Kash Patel confronts FBI leadership and government accountability
  • (01:50:00) - – Tulsi calls out media narratives and political manipulation
  • (02:10:00) - – The controversy surrounding vaccines and medical cover-ups

00:00 - – Intro and episode setup

10:00 - – RFK Jr. hearings: Big Pharma, government control, and political influence

25:00 - – Special guest Richard Gage to discuss Building 7 and 9/11 next week

40:00 - – Audience discussion: Which conspiracy theories deserve more attention?

55:00 - – RFK Jr. on COVID, Event 201, and the global response

01:10:00 - – Tulsi Gabbard exposes government overreach and corruption

01:30:00 - – Kash Patel confronts FBI leadership and government accountability

01:50:00 - – Tulsi calls out media narratives and political manipulation

02:10:00 - – The controversy surrounding vaccines and medical cover-ups


e e e e e e boom hi I think we're starting a little early hope you're okay with that um hang on a second because like I said on the tweet I don't know if you saw it but uh gonna do an audio space so it's gonna be kind of like a a Thursday Deep dive meets uh a drinks with Keith it's kind of a uh it's kind of a work in progress you know I'm going to say that every week I think it's kind of it's always going to be work in progress um still working out some Kinks I appreciate your patience you guys are

awesome uh let's see here how do I just go to this boom okay there we are all right so we've got the video version which you're obviously watching right now I just opened up the audio version so if you're on my ex profile you should see this video uh stream and then just above it is the audio stream the purpose of the audio stream is so that you can chime in with questions and talk to me and talk to everyone about whatever's on your mind I mean because there's so much in the news that we could talk about just C

see this is this is how this this is how this happens okay so our world is crazy I know news flash our world's crazy and so what started off as just a um I just realized I don't need my earbuds it's not a normal at the mic Deep dive uh I don't have like a guest here that I'm talking to I'm just talking straight here so anyway um was goingon to do kind of a I don't know I it's such a Cheesy phraseology to call it open lines but it's kind of like what we do on the uh drinks with Keith I sit around you raise your hand in the

audio version which again is above the video it's like a Brady Bunch moment see it's up there you should see the audio version and so raise your hand let's talk about whatever's on your mind and that's typically the way it goes with the the drinks it's just like whatever you want to talk about I I truly don't care let's just chat um and so Wes genius Wes boss Wes hero West I think hero West I think is kind of I think we're gonna go with that right it just I don't know speaks easier anyway he made this great uh

thumbnail that said you know uh like Choose Your Own Adventure whatever it was and just basically you the goal of of this conversation today was going to be just kind of uh you um if there's a conspiracy that uh that you wanted us to talk about or something along those lines if there was something that that you wanted uh discussed maybe a guest you had in mind maybe you could be a guest hell I don't know honestly uh I I know a lot of you have um expertise in something that you could share with the

rest of us and I think that would be awesome so it was just going to be let's just chat about whatever well I guess I didn't pay close enough attention into the Senate calendar and holy crap what a news day Robert Kennedy day two HHS tulsy gabard dni day one for her cash Patel FBI director day one so you've got all of these my gosh it's been impossible to try to follow all of these hearings today um anyway and then you had the horrific crash in Washington DC last night and already conspiracy theories and lots of

interesting thoughts surrounding that we've got plenty to talk about but again you can you can uh go to the audio stream and raise your hand and chat about uh whatever is on your mind it doesn't matter whether it's the hearings whether it's the crash your thoughts on any of that stuff uh or your own kind of conspiracies that you'd like to see discussed here on the Thursday Deep dive we do this every Thursday afternoon at 300 p.m. Eastern and of course available on demand afterward uh both here on my X

page and on YouTube big thanks to Wes he's been I just I can't I can't than him enough he has figured out so much but yet we still have so much to figure out and it's because we're working with an inferior Pro inferior product that he's trying to uh trying to figure out along the line here in fact I need to that's a reminder try to set up a meeting with this company uh all right let me think here what else I want to oh so looking ahead to next week um I have a special guest Richard Gage is going to be on

here to talk about World Trade Center Tower 7 building seven I should say because I'm telling you man building seven it's like there's just so many questions with building seven and and and because of that it opens up fair questions to so much more so uh building seven is going to be the topic uh at this time a week from now uh on Thursday February is that the 6th I think it is yeah so uh Anyway Richard Gage uh who has so much knowledge uh that he will share with us please be here for that and then uh let's

see February 13th that Thursday uh Deep dive TBD got a couple of irons in the fire on that one February 20th de gar bear will be back back last time he joined us it was a talk about um uh Central Bank digital currency and this time I think we're going to do 15 minute cities because that threat is not gone coming to a town near you and then on February 277th um uh Rebecca uh Mr Reagan I've never had to say her name oh she's gonna talk to us she's over Norway and oh my gosh we got to talk about the islamization of Europe it

has gone on for such a long time and I've got a lot of questions about what has happened to that continent and open borders bro it's not good so uh and they're and they're learning about that over there uh just a few decades ahead of us H so that'll be uh month of February a lot of stuff coming up here what else do I need to give to you here um if you missed last week Brad Stags was here we did another barfle episode I think it was number three I mean we covered everything we we recovered we covered remote viewing on the planet of

Mars going back I think a million years CIA did that of course of course what else have we talk about uh my gosh there was just so much I think reincarnation came up uh I don't even have my list what were some other things here hang on let's see see if I can read my handwriting here what else I mean y'all y'all if you watch it you're probably screaming at me right now uh because it was it was a fun show but um we covered a lot of stuff and uh I can't even remember because it's been a week and there's been too much brain activity

in the last week it's not enough room for me to remember all that stuff maybe it's over here somewhere no it is not uh oh yeah serial killer G Brooks allegedly that was in there as well uh a lot of fun stuff lot of fun stuff going going uh check that out that's last week's deep dive if you can't ever find the Deep Dives because I realize you know it's kind of tough the way X operates it's a PIN to the top like literally everything you need right now is is is above me see including God oh you see what I did there yes yes so

straight above me is the uh the audio version if you want to chime in and talk to me and and the world and then above that pinned to the top of this page is all of the all of the episodes uh that I've done here in the last couple years go and check that out and then and then above above that is is where you'll find God uh let's see anything else oh tomorrow's guests on the Friday live stream I don't know what we're calling this now I I it has 17 names drinks with you know it's happy hour FR I don't know I seriously I don't

know what we're doing here but uh Chris Cruz and Ken kikendall two co-workers of mine over at my day job at the blaze where I produce Pat gry Unleashed uh those gentlemen will be visiting for that and I have told one Chris Cruz I have requested I have said please please sir take us to your chicken CPS so uh I'll kick him off the show if he's not broadcasting live from uh his little chicken coup because we got to see we got to see the hens and uh let's see if can make this to work over here too many

screens I'm sure you know there we go there we go hang on a second I knew I was forgetting something hang on now I can see okay so I realized that the chat is always up and running over at uh YouTube get started okay but I can't see it on this screen until I click a button because why would they let you click that button before before you go live there's so much to remember so I'm kind of catching up here I appreciate all the comments so so I mean that's I mean that's kind of sad Keith what you're

doing here think about this think about this so you're watch if you're watching on X okay I appreciate it very much but if you want to type in the chat you have to go to YouTube if you want to join me and talk you have to go to the A audio space I don't make it easy I do not make it easy okay so uh let's see here let me let me see I got got the comments here Pastor Billy cron as a guest very informative on drone so here's what I need to do here's what I need to do because I realize not all of you are

going to want to speak and I totally respect that so what I need to do is I got my truste legal pad here and I need to find a pin that works that's that's job one got to find a pen that works and it is not this one hello help me is there a Sharpie is there some seriously am I gonna have to write the entire notes am I gonna have to do that with a dry erase marker only if you guys want me to get up and walk over the other side of the room hang on let's see if I got something here uh oh I got a Sharpie right here boom

boom okay so this is going to be what what's today's date 1:30 I had a boss I had a boss back in Charleston South Carolina rip Richard bmid box uh he was my program director he was my boss at News Talk uh whatever the hell it was called 943 WSC and dude walked around with a legal pad all day and I wish I could properly illustrate this he wrote it I'm telling you like the first eight or nine pages was just written stuff and then he would you know flip it back and whatever but he would always go back and then he would mark off stuff

that he that he accomplished but it was always eight or nine 10 11 pages deep of just insane just notes that he had taken things he had to do and then you know it was always a victory we can go back and mark something off and oh oh I've tried that I'm a Post-It note guy but anyway let me uh not today apparently I I don't want 1500 Post notes but I do want your guest ideas for real and so let's see yeah that's right Bor jennice hang on there you go yes welcome welcome to the show Keith malinak how are you well

thanks for having me Keith I appreciate it a lot you know there are some psychiatrists out there watching this thinking that's not healthy hang on uh Billy Crone all right so what are these topics here uh drones and alien oh that's that covers a lot there uh aliens and I will say yeah it's um had some guests that uh you know I thought I had ready to go and this something happens and and that is a that is the most frustrating part of this is is getting the guests locked in and I do realize that this is a time of

day that is not conducive to stopping what you're doing at 300 p.m. Eastern and sitting down with a guy you've never heard of before and having a conversation about God knows what but uh it's it's it's it's I don't like having a Chase and it's not been fun lately but I'm looking forward to February as you can see we got a lot of good stuff lined up good people coming up to chat uh and and I and I don't I can only bug Brad so much so hang on a second Billy Crow any other ones I'm just looking to see here

uh okay so anyway oh yeah look at that so I mean today though coffee lover M today isn't uh I don't really have we just kind of feeling this one out you know so uh hopefully we can get somewh if somebody wants to chime in don't forget the the audio version up there if you do want to talk about a conspiracy or something that's on your mind something like if there's one conspiracy that you wish everybody believed the way you do ah now's your chance to just chime in Just Go raise your hand and hopefully

the audio will work who knows I don't know if it's G to work so let me see what else I got I got too many leg I got two legal pads going here so this one is for potential guests and don't forget I still have that table because I rearranged the room and so actually where I'm sitting is where the conspiracy table used to sit there was this massive how long are you over there I don't know just a long card table you know like a p like a enough so anyway a long table probably you know five feet long about two and a half feet wide and

the folding table Keith I think is what you're looking for and it's just covered with topics guest ideas stuff like that it's it's so disorganized because it reflects my brain the most the most disorganized place on the planet is my brain second most disorganized or maybe it's easier to say least organized yeah that would be that table that that so B so when I picked up this table I had to be very careful and make sure that the delicate filing system of you know piles of paper didn't fall to the floor and so

now it's over here and it's I you don't want me in your house for more than 10 minutes at a time or else it's just gonna get chaotic because it's I got issues all right uh let me see here yeah if you want to follow up with anything we discussed on the barfle episode last week you know maybe you can remember the topics since I can't apparently my gosh it's so embarrassing what's also embarrassing is that my sheet that had everything I had it pinned in my corkboard least organized person in the world this is I almost feel like you're

tuned in for what's rapidly becoming a therapy session for me uh oh you know what we need to do though if you have not because it's been tough if you're a political junkie like me let me back up let me back up let me back up football fans college football fans it used to be the January 1st New Year's day was the most important day because you would have multiple games that that mattered and that that that that's a case that could be made that that it actually mattered more back then when it was it wasn't a playoff because then you

had all these games happening at the same time and anyway you could have a split National Championship it wasn't that fun having a uh uh not not a conclusive Champion but anyway I digress but you didn't know which game to watch or so what you would do is if you think like me you would get all the TVs in your house together and you go to the garage or maybe put them all in the living room or whatever and you would just stack all the TVs and so you you you just try to try to absorb it's like when you go to the sports bar

NFL see and that's not even a good one because well because your team is likely playing and so you're probably mostly focused on that anyway apologize for the undiagnosed add you're welcome but that's what today's been like for political junkies like me and and likely for you as well because and it wasn't just RFK and Tulsi and cash Patel there was a Commerce guy right or some there so much [ __ ] I mean I don't know man I don't know if they did this on purpose or what but I didn't appreciate it because I'm trying to

listen to everything and now I've got to do this I'm in interupting my own day with this just pretend that all the hearings are over for the day you don't need to go and check I got some highlights I want to play for you because they're tasty and uh it's been a busy day in Washington DC and so uh Co conspir I'm sorry oh gosh I'm sorry Michelle lost family members oh oh oh you okay I gotta when you hold on when you say you lost family members are you saying that you lost family members because they

don't believe you on the co conspiracy stuff yeah we got to talk about Co in fact um you know who would be a good guest is Robert K he's not busy Robert Kennedy Jr uh I saw a clip of his the other day that I had not seen before and event 2011 ring a bell October of 2019 so the the interview I saw with him he was laying out how it was clear to him that the elites knew that Co had already been either escaped or released at that point and I had never heard that that anyway he put the timeline together

because it was the interview was from a couple years ago um but yeah anything co uh and and so in other words it lends Credence to those who think that covid-19 was released intentionally almost like okay You released it now it's time to do our little event 2011 thing and are we ever going to know the truth all I want to know is is Anthony fouchy ever going toh serve time yeah uh 64 degrees 64 degrees in Texas right what are we at here I can't ever I need to move that uh 68 here 68 degrees here one more degree and

it'll be nice uh let's see here uh oh my gosh you missed the first three minutes of this show Linda that I don't even know how to I I there's no way to recap it it was so important and so weighty and there's just no way to go don't forget there's the audio stream if you want to chime in uh and uh chime in with your conspiracy theory or guest ideas uh let's see here and I do want to know if anybody's got thoughts on the crash I know Chris Cruz speaking of also a part of the pack unleash show that I

produce over at the blaze weekday mornings at 7: a.m. at blazetv.com he's I'm not going to steal us Thunder he's already sent in some interesting videos for tomorrow yes he has I want to be watching that show so but if you have any thoughts share them now uh okay let me see what do we want to begin oh okay so Senator onesie bunny Sanders Senator onesie do you support these onesies Mr keny uh he uh got the chat so is because I know Kennedy's at a different committee today I can only assume and I

didn't Google this because I'm not preparing for this come on is Bernie on both committees so Bernie got a twofer Bernie got to talk to to Kennedy twice okay so you know like let's just say hypothetically right let's just say you're growing up up and you have a stepdad and you guys always butt heads a complete hypothetical by the way and you guys are always at each other's throats and you have a heated argument total hypothetical y'all come on now and let's say 10 minutes later you think oh I should have said this oh that would

have been a mic drop hypothetically oh why didn't I think of this on the fly right so Kennedy sits down and and basically it was the Democrat grand stand hour which all of these hearings are let's be completely honest it's what is the point of the Trump nominees for even showing up to these things because they are just there for Democrats to hear themselves speak much like me right now so it social media which Kennedy doesn't have the the luxury of being able to go through Twitter in the middle of his uh

confirmation hearing but as he's doing that people are pointing out you know people like Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bennett and Bernie Sanders and so many Democrats are sitting there boy they are very defensive when it comes to Big Pharma and defending the drug makers and oh my gosh kids gather around let me tell you uh let me take you back 15 years when Democrats uh railed against big Pharma and then this little thing called Obamacare came along and then they realized this is how we get ObamaCare we make the big farm of

the partners and then the marriage has been consummated and so for the last 15 years and and with covid and the vaccine around that and oh my goodness you talk about you talk about a happy marriage Democrats in big Pharma now but there was a time when people would with D's after their names in in the senate in the house would be railing against these corporations and and these drug manufacturers and the corporate greed at the expense of Americans Health but anyway so Robert Kennedy sitting there

listening to these imbeciles and one of them was uh Mr Bernie Sanders and I won't play the clip for you hopefully you've seen it by now but Bernie makes it a point to put up pictures of of baby clothes that that had like antiva statements on them dangerous Mr Kennedy and so and he he wants to know if he do you support these onesies do you support these onesies that you sell at a sight go away so as people were pointing out in real time on social media people like Bernie Sanders and his fellow Democrats get lots of money from

big Pharma so of course they're going to be a little defensive especially that Harpy Elizabeth uh Warren from the the tribe of the Lost tribe and and so I mean she is in her voice is insufferable um uh her her points are insufferable uh just I no I don't want to have a beer with you Liz and so she was particularly uh displeased with the fact that Robert Kennedy wanted the ability to sue drug manufacturers wh why if they're not is that not the Democrat line if you're not doing anything wrong then why would you care if we could sue

you I mean anyway makes sense to you it makes sense to me but not to them apparently let me uh let me see if there's a speak I got so many damn phones I don't even know which speaker uh uh is on is it is there one here hang on yeah okay so we are we are hi Tech here at at the mic I don't trust the damn computer to play the audio the end so you're getting it through the phone okay plus it also enables those listening hi y'all on the audio stream it gives them an opportunity to hear the audio as well so so this is today

because like I said I guess Bernie's in both uh both committees again not gonna do the work for you I'm sorry I'm not going to go Google which committee Bernie's on but they lit this socialist on at least two and so this was an exchange about an hour ago I think it was between Bernie Sanders and Robert Kennedy remember now Kennedy's had 24 hours a look Bernie we meet again here we go I'm gonna make America healthier than other countries in the world right now will you guarantee do what every other major country does it's

a simple question and by the way Bernie the you know the the problem of corruption is not just in the federal agents it's in Congress too almost all the members of this panel are accepting including yourself are accepting millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry protecting their interest Oh I thought that that would no no no I ran for president like you I got millions millions of contributions they did not come from the executives not one Nick of pack money from the pharmaceutical they

came workers 2020 in 2020 you were the single largest because I had contriutions from workers all over this country workers not a ni from corporate can I just say poor Bobby Kennedy is never gonna win a shouting match so if these Senators decide I'm going to talk over you it's not going to take much and he knows it and he sto Kennedy stopped whenever they start ranting and anyway but no no no no and he gets and Bernie if you're listening on the stream I'm sorry you can't see this but he is basically admonishing the crowd there in

the Senate chamber don't don't cheer for this don't you cheer for this 1.5 million yeah out of 200 million all right but oh got nothing you have not answer last question oh he's moving on we're moving on bro so score one for uh Robert Kennedy which by the way I would love to know and I'm not gonna I can't this is another thing I've bitched about I wish I could do a poll for y'all here you know I wish I could put up a poll that you could vote in fact I I need to look up a previous poll sorry I'm trying to

get uh trying to get some more Clips ready for you uh let's see here pause that get that ready okay so no stop stop okay so now I gotta go to this phone here I got I got cash queued up okay cash is in the queue all right sounds like a obscure song lyric uh what was I doing oh yeah I want to look up this poll because I posted a few days ago before any of the hearings started if you'll recall if you if you frequent my at Keith malinac on Twitter um by the way I thought this but he verbalized it perfect uh friend of this

program has been on a couple times five times August great great tweet when he um when he posted he posted the picture of Bernie sitting in front of the uh placers here the onesies and he asks can Doge please look into how much we're spending on unnecessary large cardboard printouts for confirmation hearings it's a constant it's confirmation hearings it's on the floor when they're giv the speeches in the well by the way this is the this is the moment where I need to hit pause and I need to scroll up and

see all these comments I'm s please bear with me here um Warren and Sanders are afraid Kennedy's gonna take big farmer money away from him absolutely agree with that Sue uh oh wait all these they just keep flying by here hang on routine uh oh no oh good so Linda stood up in her own little way yeah I've noticed Healthcare professionals starting to go with the masks again and people at Walmart even and so she said I can't understand you and they took the mask off which shows how that's the thing that is okay what

do I do here y'all I've got a doctor who wore uh a mask out in the hallway around his nurses and then when he came in to see me and not all the nurses were wearing masks either so I think he was only trying to plate a couple when he came in to see me I don't know if he just noticed that we've had conversations about masks and vaccines so maybe he just knows me from being there six months ago or whatever but he took it off immediately he's like okay well this guy's cool he's like no no let them wear the masks don't if you don't

want to wear a mask damn it have we learned nothing even you people that supposedly love science okay I digress uh I do need a duot thank you thank you right here I won't let me there we go thank you born genor is it is it genus see I genus I don't know how do I say okay uh yeah so I want to ask this so yes cash has to be approved I agree Michelle uh let's see yeah I don't I'm trying okay and I I am actually trying Linda I'm trying to get more organized I'm not gonna share details yet but one day I'm get I'm I'm

not even gonna say I'm getting there I'm I'm trying look the step the first step is admitting you have a problem right I don't know what step two is but I have a problem okay that could apply to pretty much multiple anyway so sorry that was a visual uh if you're on the live stream if you're on the audio stream that's what we call a visual aid that you weren't privy to I'm sorry that's where Keith held up a bottle of alcohol to make a point uh I see someone's got their hand up and I will be with you

shortly I don't know your handle is gray something but I recognize the the Avatar pick there was I looking up oh so I did a poll and I asked all right so you got cash Patel and you've got Robert Kennedy and you got tulsy gabard all nominees for Donald Trump do you think Donald Trump is going to get all three confirmed two of three confirmed one of three confirmed or he forbid zero of three confirmed and I posted that before the uh hearings began and the results are as follows he says as he's stalling for time scrolling

scrolling scrolling because ladies and gentlemen one of the themes today if you'll recall has been how unorganized keth is somebody find that poll result for me and let me know because I clearly can't can't find it oh my gosh that chick is huge sorry that was the 500 PB lift girl I scrolled past that and then uh let's see here uh did you see okay hang on oh wait so wait Pete heith okay now I'm back too far hell I don't know somebody find my own poll results for my own podcast oh here we go NOP NOP grade the Donald Trump

presidency uh second term so far 91% saying a 7% say B 1% grade C and 1% D or F so oh here we go here we go here we go between Robert Kennedy HS cash Patel FBI and tulsy gabber d and how many do you expect will be confirmed uh 53 47 majority Republicans they never know how to play with a lead here uh so here we go the final results are in and you can't read them uh that's three for three on confirmation 68 percent three for three 68% of you say are going to get through now after today I'm concerned for cash not because

I don't I don't think he did a bad job I just I don't know you watch these things you listen to Supreme Court hearings and you just get a you just get a sense you know a feel for the room and I just I don't know man I don't know uh two for three 20% one for three 9% 0 for three 3% I tell you it's I don't trust any Republicans in the Senate to do the right thing and that's not fair Mike Lee Rand Paul I got it I got it blah blah blah okay where was I going uh oh oh I had I had somebody in the queue had

their hand raised don't forget the audio version is right up there like Brady Bunch it's up there uh so now if I ret oh I could throw a curveball and I'm going to do it right now so don't let me forget y'all I'm G to retweet the live stream okay people maybe missed it the first go around you I got it you're busy doing other stuff all right so now I think if I'm not I'm not mistaken I gotta go and check this let me let me confirm this you're not doing anything right you can wait for me let's just check and see okay so now

the audio version is down the that's not that's not good ke that's not good okay so now the audio stream is below the video stream I need help uh okay so here we go let me go to the let's see let's see if this is working I don't know uh Jeffy apologist Jeffy apologist good that's a uh that's an excellent Twitter handle so let me see if if this is gonna work Jeffy apologist don't to unmute your microphone when uh when I come to you here let see if this thing hang on hang on before you start talking let me lock

this screen here alrighty well my I activated you and then it didn't let you come in here okay yeah unmute there we go all right are you there Jeffy apologist I'm here okay all right so Gabby I've talked to you before okay and who was this again Gabby Gabby oh oh yeah but you changed your uh I gotta I got you you changed I change it all the time what it is okay so Gabby uh first of all I'm I'm G to look look to the the chatter box and see can can you guys confirm how is her audio and how is the audio on

your end I think that's where the problem was in the past it was an echo are you hearing everything okay I'm hearing you fine but I'm on a walk with my kids so am I sounding okay you sound okay but uh you're not hearing yourself Echo back are you no okay that's all I was caring Okay cool so what's up Co well okay so I needed to make a comment about your boy RFK junr my boy because it's my boy because you know I'm so I need to talk to somebody about this this is such a niche thing that nobody in my

life understands really I mean my husband comes home and stuff and we talk about it but like people my age don't get it I'm like I just need to tell somebody so tell all of us um because you know I'm yeah anyway so watching the hearings yesterday the birdie thing was so funny with the onesies because the driving force behind the Maha is mothers like yeah it's pissed off moms it's the only reason why I mean I'm skeptical about a lot of things of RFK Jr I think the biggest being political Dynasty you know I I'm skeptical of that

but the fact that he kind of defined or defined defied his family and is you know doing this for the the kids I we can all stand behind that okay um and it was just going crazy on on Instagram and I don't think a lot of liberals really understand the magnitude of Maha right and like the the Facebook mom groups that are like crunchy I don't know if you've heard that term before but the crunchy moms are going wild and it's like holy cow I don't think these liberals really understand I really don't do you even think that Republicans

understand no you know in fact I was telling my dad this because you know they my dad my husband they get home from work and they just like brained up on them all the things oh I bet they appreciate that do I've [Music] got have no idea oh you're breaking up you're breaking up there oh no uh okay so hold on you play videos or for him when they get home is that what you're saying yeah yes yeah just to kind of like get him up to speed yeah and I was telling him I was telling them like I'm so shocked that some of the big players

on like the crunchy conservative side like Alex Clark and stuff aren't going on bigger shows like prior to the election because I'm like this is a huge demographic that's being left out and I'm like talk to them on a podcast because because even if they themselves wouldn't watch their content maybe somebody's wife would you know what I'm saying yeah yeah uh there there there are so many good things that Donald Trump did uh in the in the final few months of his campaign and I don't know if you can point to one specific uh you

know this is what put him over the top or this was but getting Robert Kennedy on board I think was a tremendous help and it's what I wanted from six months prior like I said like this is the dream scenario whether you make him your VP whether you promise him a cabinet position but it's like there there was such a large uh amount of disaffected Voters that that that didn't want left or right and then there was people like me who were traditionally on the right who were still kind of I'm kind of looking over here you know uh this

Kennedy guy might have something now I'm with you there are plenty of things that we can disagree agree on big issues with Robert Kennedy but there are enough and I think Trump and his Camp realize that there are enough where you can find enough common ground and put him in your Administration and boom HHS is tailor made for him I think and so and oh yeah it was perfect and the Maha moms that you speak of I I don't think that this's just a oneand done like if he does get confirmed and he is a big part of this

administration's successes I I think that that that group of of Voters those those moms that you speak of I think they could pay dividends down the road for a JD Vance or somewhere like that there's going to be a residual effect and and and much much like uh young blacks much like um gen Z voters uh so many of these demographics that ended up voting more for Trump this go around than in previous Cycles have voted Republican uh I think a lot of them uh some of these independent moms you're talking about I think a lot of them are

going to be sticky voters that the Republican Party had better not well listen to me I you know they're gonna blow it but I'm saying they they they've been handed to you by the Donald Trump team don't screw this up going forward that's exactly my feeling whenever I saw them getting on the stage it mean the the election didn't feel real for like a long time afterwards but whenever I I couldn't even enjoy the moment of them going on stage and doing a victory thing because I'm like please don't screw this

up because they're so like seriously I mean I'm part of a group that has like 20,000 moms and they're all crunchy a lot of them are new into the crunchy movement I I was like part of it whenever there was probably less than 10,000 and now I mean it's growing fast yeah and so I'm like man this is and like I I think I messaged you about that house and habit girl she's starting to pick up speed and like even Megan Kelly's reading her stories and stuff it's crazy but um you know she a lot of Independents follow her because she's a

Kennedy person she followed him on the campaign Trail and so when H and she covered ma Maga too but she was clearly more Bobby's you know candidate yeah uh or person and so yeah that that collaboration between Maha and Maga man I'm like please don't screw this up that's all I that was my two I'm like man you should have seen the memes on Instagram they were just making fun of Bernie and poor Bernie I don't think he really really and to your point NE neither does the right really understand because if they did they would pay more

attention to some of these moms and that's one thing I was disappointed in a little bit with Trump prior to the election was like just talk to one person and I I'm not this big Rah raw talk to talk to females kind of person but I'm like it would do you well to speak to like an Alex Clark type from turning point or house and habit or something go on Instagram live you know I mean that's where all the moms hang out anyway really you know there's there's The Fringe like me that like enjoy talk radio but you know there's

not very many other 28y old moms that hang out and you know get that's what I was gonna ask you how old you were and and and your circle before for election season was your circle um I guess inclined to vote Republican uh how are they on the Donald Trump uh were they on the bandwagon like I don't I don't know you and I don't know a lot about you obviously but I'm just wondering like that age range upper 20s young moms uh where were they politically from your Vantage Point before the election season started

oh we lost her I thought it was a pretty decent question too and I would love to heard the answer oh there you are where where were they politically and where are they now yeah so there's Pockets online of like huge coalitions of like Christian conservative moms and not even just Christian so like online friends online people totally were on like the Trump RFK junor side but life to be honest with you even girls from church and now yeah anyway even girls from church I would shock me to hear that some of the

things they support boils down to they're so they don't spend the time to look at the stuff and really ask critical questions because I think a lot of women my age subscribe to group think oh so like and there's if there's one thing that I'm super un itic about is abortion and so that kind of like weeded out a bunch of my you know high school friends what's weird about my age is that like Facebook was around whenever I was like getting started when I was probably in like freshman year 8th grade maybe so I

have people that I from 8th grade that you know I have on Facebook and so like I I get some of those people angry at me about abortion ah we're losing you again shoot we should man uh hey sorry no you're okay you're okay let me run let me run uh a couple quick things by you real quick uh did you notice how during the hearing yesterday and I did admittedly did not see a lot of RFK today uh I was too busy with cash and Tulsi but uh I just found it so interesting that Democrats were so mad that Robert Kennedy said that he would

do what his boss wanted you know Donald Trump the guy who made this possible for him to even be HHS director and and and so they tried to Corner him on on multiple topics like that including abortion and it's like if you roll up there and you're a prolife uh nominee for whatever position usually Supreme Court just comes to mind and you dare have personal thoughts and beliefs about abortion and your pro-life then oh my gosh all all hell Rings down on you from the same people up there they'll say

well that's settled law I mean how dare you I mean you you can't you can't have your personal beliefs when you're applying to abortion uh issues but yet they wanted Robert Kennedy to do just that because it went against what they wanted with Donald Trump but let me ask you this there's a lot of discussion here in the chat and it keeps rolling away from me here uh I think it was uh was it Linda who was it that was asking here it was uh Define what a what the crunchy movement is like what what what

do you mean when you say crunchy and and I think I know I don't want to be assumptious here I want you to tell us so crunchy is more like granola moms natural moms I think 2020 woke up a lot of mothers to vaccines the V word if you're on YouTube yeah it's uh it woke a lot of myself included and I think I watched Co roll out because I'm a stay-at-home mom and I had time to listen to the 90 minutes of freaking fouchy and Trump and Burks every day and I did it and I know it's crazy but did watch the C-SPAN uncut

versions of these things yeah and it didn't make sense to me how they would like even on right-wing media they would spin stuff afterwards and I'm like this makes no sense why do I hate this guy that they tell me to hate and so that kind of led a lot of moms down the road of questioning and questioning the vaccines and questioning yeah what's in them and so now so many moms are that crunchy granola mom natural you know going back to holistic approaches I mean not totally discounting modern medicine

of course but there's a place for both and and there doesn't seem like there really is it seems like you have to pick one side or the other and so a lot of the crunchy moms are on the side of well let's question this and how can I naturally heal my my my children and again there's amazing accounts I think so many women on a lot of nurses on Instagram LED this movement and I mean it really got me because like I was already questioning the stuff watching and then you have these accounts kind of blow up on Instagram that I was like oh

yeah actually I really resonate with this interesting and a lot of other moms did as well so I okay so I'm I'm uh 20 years older than you and I think crunchy and people can confirm this or deny it in the chat crunchy is kind of an updated version of granola right we used to call them granolas you know out in the out in the natural out in the Wilds uh uh going hiking all the time or organic uh you know all that good stuff okay so so one last one last question and I'll let you go because I know you got got big issues

to deal with there um with the kids there and I don't want you to to be distracted too much longer but but I'm gonna ask everybody that that that chimes in here and you can type it into the chat if you'd like what is your order of confidence on what you've seen the last couple of days what's your order of confidence for these confirmations to go through um like my I like I think Kennedy has the highest chance of confirmation then Tulsi then cash do you have a different order I think they completely hate Tulsi

I think Tulsi poses the greatest threat to them I don't know though I think it's a toss between cash and Tulsi but I think that some Democrats are gonna surprise us with RFK okay all right well very good that's my hot take hot take it was great talking to you yeah great talking to you Mom go go deal with the kids mom that was awesome uh okay so just make sure that is okay I'm thinking about sneezing I haven't committed to it yet though maybe not allergies or something just all of a sudden so okay so yeah I am curious uh

Kennedy cash then Tulsi that's what not Jess says Jess or not Jess you also did say that you uh you were late and you apologize for that and I was going to be very angry until I saw the apologies so so we're going to let we're going to let that one go uh there who else what else we got uh I think Kennedy loses let's see Dan says I think if Kennedy loses the pharmaceutical companies have more control than we think yeah um boy I'm gonna be angry if any of these three lose actually not disappointed not

sad just pissed off because because it means the Republicans defeated their Republican president you want to talk about coat Tales Republican politicians better be thinking Donald Trump and should do whatever he wants ask him like it's far yes constitutionally yes of course but I'm talking about his nominees give him the team he wants that man has took a Republican party that was on on life support and yes he remade it in His image but the fact that you have control of the house and control of the

Senate do you think you would have done that with a Mitt Romney or a John McCain or or or some squishy Rhino do you really think that and and the we are at such a mission critical moment in our nation's story that you have to have these Earth shattering these these GameChanger nominees like a cash Patel and a Robert Kennedy and a Tulsi Gabbert you need these people to save this country and and so help me the Republicans I swear see I can't say I can't say I'll never give another dime to the Republican party if they don't give it

because I've never given a and actually somebody reminded me I did I did give a dime and I'm pissed about it has not been worth it let me explain see this is this is how they do it at the at the at the uh at the Senate hearings if they hate you they say Mr malac you say you've never given a dime to the Republican party uh I see here that in 2020 you actually gave money to failed presidential candidate uh who quick somebody Google for me who's the May of Miami that guy yeah I was definitely passionate for him

and if you recall it was kind of a bit on Pat show that I donated a dollar to get $20 get a gift card sent to me remember that wasn't it $20 I was like hell yeah I make a profit of 19 bucks I'm all over that and I was gonna do it with Doug bergham but bergh's uh offer expired by the time I got to his website I think it was a dollar donation get you $10 and so I felt so proud my entire nearly half century on this planet that I've never given a dime to any political candidate and then it was uh has anybody

looked up yet nobody's gonna look it up for me are you whoever the mayor of Miami is I gave a dollar so I could get that $20 gift card and I remember spending it at Walmart and I thought so uh then I started getting the texts boy did they come and they came and they came and they came and somebody said because iing about him on Twitter and I was just like stop Republican Party Stop stop stop I can't take all of the spam texts and and as I sit here now I'm still getting them and I I've probably gotten up to I don't know a

couple of hundred now at this point and and sometimes you know in October it was like one every five seconds so um somebody reminded me uh because I said I haven't given a dime why am I getting these texts and stuff yeah somebody said bro you gave a dollar to that that one guy and Francis Suarez oh yes because I was so into mayor Suarez as the next Republican Presidential nominee so so yeah I gave a dollar and and I'm I'm here to tell you it's never worth it because this is going to come up again in four years and you're going

to be tempted to donate a dollar if you're a dummy like me and you're going to think oh that's easy money no it has not been worth the $19 profit has not been worth the The NeverEnding Bevy of spam texts I I just got one today uh which phone I don't even know where my actual phone is there hang on what did it say I think I've already now I just delete block you know boom boom boom boom boom uh um hang on a second yeah I already delete now I just now I just uh now I just block them I don't even leave

them on the screen here for me to come back and enjoy later so yeah I don't even have it here but it was something with something along the lines of like help Trump get his nominees through or something like I don't know I don't know not worth it not worth it uh all right so don't forget the audio stream is now down there this is unfortunate and I can't retweet the the audio stream so I can't get it to go back up there oh my gosh this is not getting any better so anyway so if you want to talk on the audio stream get

down there and raise your hand and you know whatever originally like I said at the onset some people missed the first few minutes of the live stream uhuh not Jess and I was saying how originally I was going to make this into a uh you know give me some ideas for guests what are some conspiracies you know give us your elevator pitch that that's what I should say give us your elevator pitch sell us on a on a conspiracy theory that you believe that you wish everybody else believed like can you imagine uh what's his name Bart

saell right the moon guy we didn't go to the moon like he's got to have like like a 3x5 note card elevator pitch that we didn't go to the Moon right he's got to because he never knows when he's going to find himself in an elevator with a NASA administrator or something like that right and so so if you've got that and you want to share it with us uh did you guys see that Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 images uh like India's Got the thing going around the Moon orbiting or whatever and it took pictures of Apollo

11 and 12 huh see those are they real huh what do you think which phone do I again I keep moving my phones around hang on say hang on hang on uh let me let me show you this you guys might find interest in this here we go okay so these are pictures purported to be of Apollo 11 and 12 lunar modules that the uh that the Indian the nation of India that their little Orbiter thing took flying over see that see boy what is the deal with this camera not wanting to focus today oh wait I just missed the Fox headline

local Fox four uh something about an ISD or something oh my gosh oh hold on this might be worth clicking oh that's not what I thought the headline was gonna say uh on Tuesday Godly ISD first of all I never knew there was a Godly Texas but it's got a a it's a school District what's the I stand for again Independent School District on Tuesday just so yall know this is important Godly ISD reported that nearly 650 students were absent now the reason I clicked on that I thought I was GNA say because of an impending ice

raid but I guess not uh apparently it's a flu outbreak so apparently we got several schools closed uh some until February 3rd so when's that next Friday holy crap crap uh because of because of a flu outbreak I really did think when I clicked on that I thought it was going to be hysterical I was like because the school has a large immigrant population never mind what am I missing here no he's not drunk again I'm not drinking do I sound like I'm drinking come on now a look at that I can donate a dollar

to Julie and and she won't spam me that's right let's see here hold on what's this what's this this this seems important hang on Michelle's got something here for us hang on Justin the number of staff at Reagan National Airport's air traffic control tower was not normal for the time of day and volume of traffic H geez yeah when Chris was reading the transcript from the air traffic control that that's kind of what we concluded and again I don't know uh I don't know where this is going to lead I know Trump made comments about

Dei today we'll see that's the thing about Trump but hold on let me make my point about the air traffic thing it's add and the PM so um the way the transcript read do you see that plane and the Blackhawk pilot said yes I I heard from multiple uh former Blackhawk Pilots um uh just regular you know airplane pilots whatever they were telling me it should have been more specific like there's a plane 11 o'clock whatever you know uh acknowledge you see that blah blah blah okay and so I I kind of made the analogy

on Pat show that it's kind of like coming up on a somebody passes out right or choking or whatever the hell I don't know and and you come up on the scene and you say somebody call 911 you got to be specific you call 911 or else everybody's just going to assume that somebody else is calling 911 next thing you know the ambulance never shows up and so it's kind of similar to that it's not the it's not a clean analogy but you see that plane yes okay well if you saw the video of the Collision there's a lot

of lights in the sky there was a lot of planes and perhaps perhaps and again I don't know I've been watching these hearings all day I have not been doing a good job following the Reagan International show uh Airport story um the pilot may have been saying yes I see this other one you know and I don't know man just a mess just a mess now to Trump's Dei thing now one thing I have learned and knowing the Donald Trump politician and watching him in action for nine years is that on so many things and the

Press you'd think that they would learn it better than anyone because they're the ones that get burned in public time and time again he will say something that will seem kneejerk he will say something that will seem like oh that's not right come on why is he saying that and then of course the Press gives him all sorts of [ __ ] for it and then it turns out to be accurate does the Press come back and go oh we had that wrong hell no they don't so so um we'll see we'll see what his answer was like somebody asked how

do you know it was Dei because I have common [Laughter] sense we're gonna see how this plays out it's very sad very sad pre please pray for the souls that were on board and their families it's just um yes and that's another thing not Jess that is another thing uh there's so many military helicopter wrecks in the last few years the training is lacking it needs to be addressed Trump's right about that just without any further details because this nation's military has been doing the Dei thing the training

and oh my gosh because for every hour that uh a soldier or a marine or or an Airman or somebody in the military is sitting in a conference room getting brainwashed like Soviet style re-education for every lesson that they're learning on how to be politically correct to the point of absurdity that is time that they could be training on uh these expensive powerful dangerous machines I mean that alone is a fact there yes we just lost an F35 in Alaska I saw that that video is hero I mean I know that the pilot ejected but that

that shot of it just kind of straight I mean not not nose down just like pancake oh gosh just doesn't look natural uh let me try to catch up on some of these comments here what do we got yeah yeah night nighttime no good man oh that's good that's a good little uh safety tip born Jus did I get that I still haven't seen if I'm doing that right Jus uh let's see uh they teach you to point to two people huh you and you call 911 more chances someone will call okay yeah hold them accountable okay but then

if you both start running off off and then one one will probably stop be like ah they got it no okay I see Lynn's got her hand raised where's the stylus I that's the one thing I'm always losing the damn stylist during these all right hang on H okay Lynn don't forget when I do come to you and and and it's the uh the audio stream is down below the video stream here on X so if you want to chime in if you want to talk feel free don't forget when I activate you unmute your microphone Lynn what is up how are

you uh I'm I'm fine but I'm of course very sad about what happened I mean I had trouble sleeping last night because I was thinking about it um what my concern is who's responsible for having uh helicopters the Blackhawks cing in an active airport area uh that just blows me or blow my mind I can't understand that yeah I had that same thought today on Pat show and uh it was explained to me I'd have to check my DMs but I guess it's pretty typical there was a there was a reason given that made sense but

I'm with you my gut says can we not can we can we just not simulate it that close to the airport I don't know I'm I'm with you um I hope we get answers in this kind of stuff stops happening it's just so sad I I would really like to know what originated you know who who decided that and uh it'd be nice that they changed that so that they didn't do that I'm with you I'm with you uh let me ask you this have you been following the confirmation hearings Lyn uh I've been I haven't really watching them but I've been falling a

little bit mainly been watching this program you know called uh Pat gray Unleashed you know yeah I know you've been watching pad gry Unleashed in the morning and this at the mic character in the afternoon so do you have does your gut have a feeling on uh on where are you most comfortable Kennedy gabard or Patel do you want to rank them in the order of of who you think has the best chance of getting confirmed uh let's see I think maybe maybe Kennedy um uh cash and then Patel although I'm very questionable

about Kennedy because they really don't like him at all they don't like any of him they don't like any of all right Lyn well thanks for being out there I appreciate your chiming in there um it's going to be interesting to see next week when they vote on these nominees huh all right oh yeah and and you don't sound like you were drinking thank you thank you you know what I should take a poll is it obvious when Keith is drinking and when he's not I I I think it's I I'm sorry whatever not drinking I me I'm drinking

water or is it oh sorry it's a visual there for the for the audio streamers I'm sorry uh which means again I was holding up a bottle of alcohol how did my we went to this uh this habachi grill week or two back how did my daughter's Sil little uh sword like balloon animal sword how did it end up in here like because I oh my gosh I took a test I should probably post the results and like it's it's are you autistic yeah yeah I I'll I'll post the link I did I took this test and you guys can decide on your own

if I'm autistic but anyway one of the things it's like this little circle graph and it shows you of the characteristics of autism it shows you like where your uh biggest uh you know markers are I guess and like my biggest one was fidgety like I'm just I mean that is me like I have to be like messing with something I'm gonna do this till it pops or not this is embarrassing at this point oh look at that I got a stylus for this but see if I do this if I commit to the bit and and and you hear the pop sorry it's another visual there for

you on the audio stream then I'm not going to have anything to fidget with that was loud that was there it is I hope she doesn't come looking for throw that away all right anybody else got their hand raised no they do not okay well uh all right so I am curious to see to see how uh what's your tism H moderate I don't know how uh I don't have anxiety actually is very low uh on anxiety queen bee I can let me get the get the results up here for you I mean hell this is like this is open lines am I right let me see here hang

on gotta find the chart it was was a while back hang on I'll post the uh if y'all remind me later I don't want to do this now it's just going to be distracting um I'll post the link so you can take it's 50 questions it's 50 questions and so then you just you answer the questions and then it ranks you and again this camera I don't know what your problem is but uh here let me just zoom in ticks and fidgets it's this red uh it's this red red one it is the uh ticks and fidgets look at that I'm not aggressive

that's good right uh I'm fine on I contact I'm fine on oh how am I fine on posture that I must have answered those wrong because that's not right anxiety's low social difficulty no that's pretty high it's pretty pretty high uh noise sensitivity is low although my tonight is holy [ __ ] I am over the tonight holy [ __ ] that's that's well that that leads in nicely to depression up there because that's really got me down man I just that that that tontis man uh fixations not very high a normal flat speech is not high at all uh so

anyway but ticks and fidgets man that's a chart Buster right there stupid ring ring light thing uh anyway so there you go I'll post that link when I think about it which means I won't and uh then you can take it yourself and and then I would encourage you to share and then we can all discuss our ISM isms together uh you got it from the mom yeah so okay so did did your boys get it from the mom or or did they get it from the vaccines you know we're gonna bring a full circle to RFK today uh yeah exactly I'm depressed that

I'm depressed good call Julie um mean how how's my aggression that low I'm loud I don't know that I'm aggressive Red Foreman although that's fair I don't mind that comparison me uh and red foran I I actually that's never heard that but I like it a lot so thank you uh let's see here Fus long enough to finish those all at once yeah that was tough 50 questions that's like that that was a commitment 50 questions yep uh let's see anything else really cool thank you thank you I'm passionate I'm not aggressive let's

see let's see here no here no it's not too many rock concerts because I do ear protection I think one time I made that mistake one time oh that's you that's you for you too many yeah for me it's working in radio and having earbuds because see that's the thing oh you want to hear yourself talk or else it's just you know cuz you to put these in to hear uh the music or the sound bites or your co-host or your uh uh callers anything like that but then you also have to hear yourself and it's just it's a mess

because you're trying I don't know how to explain it it's constantly jacking up the volume um yeah and I've been doing that loud volume thing for my first day in radio y'all was July 2nd 19932 July 2nd 1992 yes sir and so I've had loud headphones ever since but not as loud as Pat gray like and I'm not exaggerating this this sounds like hyperbole I promise you it's not and by the way I'm fidgeting right now not as as much as Pat by the way uh because I'm trying to I'm not messing with with my headphone cords the

way he does I'm actually trying to get a knot out and I realize I have company and it's rude to sit there and mess with a knot while you're entertaining guests but yet here I am because I can't let this go so Pat's headphones get so loud sorry visual aid see I'm scaring away all the audio streamers there's like five people over there and I think they're going over to the video stream to see what kind of craziness I'm holding up for the camera either that or I'm just chasing them away period but uh

Pat's headphones and this is not hyperbole Pat's headphones I got the knot out I'm proud I am proud Pat's headphones get so loud that when he like gets up during the break maybe goes gets a snack or the bathroom or whatever he's doing and he'll leave his headphones on the table and we've played we've put videos um like this uh on Twitter at the time can you hear can you hear Tanner can you hear him climbing over stuff over there go park it boy just park it either that or come over here and say hi

what are you doing anyway they're so loud even though they are seven eight feet away on his desk they're still too loud for me or if Chris comes in there they're still they're hurting our ears and we're way over here it's it's insane say a prayer for Pat Gray's ears okay is not add I mean it is but it's not it's it's it's what the president calls The Weave okay I got I always come back I always come backless I forget while I'm making that wide turn earbuds there you go I don't know what the promo code is but uh get those yeah

raycon never sent me any but whatever that's cool I'm not I'm not jealous I'm not bitter I'm just saying uh let's see here what else we got uh what did I miss here hang on you're seven in 1992 don't be rubbing it in I don't need that see I was 16 because I think I was like 14 when I went to the uh program director at my church's radio station in Atlanta Georgia and I was like Hey I want to work at the radio station he's like come back when you're 16 so I did on my birthday on my 16th birthday and then

next thing you know I was working at the station well volunteering at the station then working at the station let me just look here just seeing if I'm missing anything here yeah uh okay uh I thought that that some of you would have some conspiracy theories you wanted to to uh to share with us and guest ideas or something you'd like to see here on the Thursday Deep dive in case you missed it early on we know not Jess missed the first 30 minutes so she probably missed uh upcoming guest next week we've got uh uh

Richard Gage gonna talk about World Trade Center building seven huh lots of questions with that which opens up the doorway to so many more because if you can't trust that in fact I got to go back I got to go back and look at my uh my 911 show where I came up with that uh that little chart on the Fly that I think I think really kind of summed up and maybe I'm wrong but I feel like it kind of summed up the whole the whole um scale of of where you're at uh on on 911 I think I think like five levels let's

see if I can remember you believe the government story hookline and sinker you have questions um about building seven and then it it just keep you keep ratcheting it up to it was an inside job by our own government like I think I think somewhere along the way is oh so see I got out of order I should have just I should have trusted myself to remember them all you believe the narrative 100% have questions maybe about building seven um uh you let's see what was the other one you think that the the government knew something was

going to happen but they didn't know when or where I think the next level was they let it happen the government did and the next was um uh they did it the government our government did it I think those are like the five levels but but if you get to building seven it really opens up a lot of questions to the whole thing and we'll do all this we'll have this conversation uh with Richard Gage next week at this time uh we got 15 minute cities coming up we got the islamization of Europe I'll try to remember how to pronounce my

friend's name before then it's Norwegian man I mean it's it's not the easiest thing I want to let everybody know about an episode coming up I don't have a lot of I've just told you all the episodes I have booked out but one and the other one is booked I'm so excited for this on Thursday April 17th Steve da I called him up about six months ago I was like hey I do this uh this Thursday Deep dive show Steve da of the blaze um watch his show if you haven't or listen to it however you want to do it he's very intelligent co-worker of mine

over at the blaze I said Steve you're a deep thinker and I didn't know what he was going to say and he was instant with this I said I want to have you on my Thursday Deep dive because I want you I said what is one one thing that most people maybe don't believe that if you had the chance to convince them of just like I've been asking y'all today what would you what would you have a conversation with for a couple of hours with everybody what's one thing you wish that they believe that you believe and

without missing a beat Steve goes oh the resurrection of Christ I'm like that's yes that's awesome so get all of your maybe you have questions uh send me a DM what are some questions you want me to ask Steve as he spends that show attempting to convince I guess non-believers or those that maybe aren't sold on the Divinity of Jesus that's what we're going to do on April 17th that's right before Good Friday right before Easter so that's all I've got right now that's all I've got in Inc there's things in pencil so that

I refuse to jinx but World Trade Center 7 15minute cities islamization of Europe and the re resurrection of Christ coming up April 17th there's a big gap there obviously between February and mid April so if you got any suggestions now's your time Lyn I accidentally hung up on you too quickly there I see you're back in line so uh let me go back to Lynn I'm sorry if you had something else to say I'm not so good with the stylus I'm a little quick on the stylus trigger so uh what's up what's up Lynn uh is is it all right to mention uh

very uh just something that might be a conspiracy thing related to vaccines it's not on the topics you're talking about there is no topic it's whatever you want to talk about go for it okay um I believe I did hear something mentioned uh what I'm what I'm wondering about is uh Sid or sudden infant death um um my sister had gone through uh she lost two children one was six months one was three months and they're both boys and the thing I'm concerned about now and I want to look into if I can is whether or not those

vaccines if the children died uh sometime after getting the vaccines that's what I'm concerned about that you're not alone in thinking that did did I hear you correctly did you oh yeah yeah the first the first boy Michael died he was six months and the second one Jeffrey died at three months these were your grandbabies well no it was my uh my sister would be my uh nephews I got you I man I'm so sorry that is horrific but yes that there is um there is a thought that that these could be caused vaccines

um there is that there is that thought because um a lot of these sudden infant deaths are happening shortly after the administration of a bevy of vaccines and that and that's the that's one of the things about vaccines is that can we at least agree so if if if people are gung-ho vaccines are the way I want to make sure my kid gets all you know a whatever shots 75 whatever can I think there should be some common ground where people like me who have been so turned off by vaccines that there are very

few that I would trust anymore very few and I thank God I don't have and I'm just I'm just grateful I don't have to make these decisions anymore and and and it's going to be something that you know my kids are going to have to decide and I'm going to help them make those decisions but but here's what what I wanted to say is I think where we can find Common Ground I hope is with people that are gungho for vaccines and people like me who are yeah on the vaccines and even then if I'm going to trust a few a

handful of them they're not going to be made by companies like fizer madna but anyway I think the common ground is can we agree that you shouldn't be giving 12 shot in one freaking doctor's visit to a small child whose body even as an adult can't be expected to handle all of this it's it's truly remarkable and I cannot believe that doctors and nurses with with a A sound mind are are are fine with that my concern is also because uh I have now other new nie being born and uh so anyway so I'm going to do my homework and what I can

find out about uh for Michael and Jeffrey maybe if there was any uh shots that they received uh very close to their you know passing away yeah all right well you're you're breaking up there so I'm going to let you go um my gosh I I just pray for her family that is just just horrific I'm so sorry that that y'all are going through hopefully in the future they'll know so that we can save children absolutely absolutely okay well there you go all right have a good evening there Lynn um thank you I don't know it's uh it's not letting me

uh say goodbye to you you're gon have to hang up Lyn oh sorry no it's not on you I just I don't know what's going on here my stylus is in a bad mood that's what's happening um okay so I'm gonna need that's weird have to do that I guess weird all right um okay what's going on here bear with me I've got technical difficulties on the audio stream it may have killed the audio stream y'all I really don't know I think it just if x can crash it just did I think I don't know a streamers I have no idea if you can hear me if uh if that

space is still is still a thing but uh it's not looking good the patient is not looking good over there on the audio stream so I don't know maybe you can hear me let's see here all right there we go there we go okay okay I think all right stand by isn't this riveting y'all this is riveting there we go okay all right I don't know what happened I think it's just this phone actually gave up the ghost so yeah kill that okay let me see what else we got here uh I know yeah there you go Lynn great suggestion by Danny K Sarah Gonzalez

will will get you information on vaccines um let's see here and and can you summarize rampon this topic uh guns are good big government are bad oh gosh let's see here yeah I don't know I I saw that thing uh not Jess I'm sorry I had to it's it's like look it's like it's like you know when you when you enter in the class late you know then the teacher just kind of makes makes an example out of you the rest of the time it'll just teach you to show up on time next no no I think I think your mistake was

pointing out that you were late I would never have known you're absolutely right uh yeah you know SIDS is definitely a thing where there is uh plenty plenty that needs to be uh discussed on that oh my gosh I don't know y'all is this uh there we go I think I was muted on this on the audio stream I'm sorry y'all God bless you for tolerating me yeah so anyway uh any other guest ideas or topic ideas I should actually I need to write that down though I need to write down SIDS sudden infant death syndrome that

definitely is something that needs to be a topic here on the Thursday Deep dive all right yep for sure so if you have any good guest uh possibilities for that topic we need to discuss that for sure uh and yeah and and I don't doubt what you're saying uh on that one bat mommy SIDS was discovered back in the 50s the study started uh by a woman whose children have died different ages turned out to be Munch housing by proxy yeah but I'm not gonna lean on one case that turned out to be Munch Housen uh as

as the end all be all you know for SIDS explanation so for what that's worth uh let's see sorry a lot of stuff I'm trying to catch up on because oh my gosh you know what I need to do y'all hang on bear with me I it always occurs to me way too late that there are people um on the video stream on X who are uh who are commenting and for some reason I'm going back to this stupid phone that's not working uh all of my stuff seems to be just failing me right now so anyway I appreciate your patience I don't really have much else

y'all like I said oh I I haven't even played these damn clips I was going to play y'all holy crap case you've missed some of these there's been some fun stuff that's right boy I am I am not with it today let me play let me play this real quick let me play this as uh Amy kashar getting destroyed by cash Patel I thought this was fun here hang on a second let's see if this will play Hang On Second turn the volume up okay oh you know what it won't let me because it's doing the vid the audio live stream boy this is this is rough I need

a nap hang on got it let's see here this is half the entertainment y'all just watching me try to make everything work I hope you appreciate it because I'm I'm sure having fun all right standby I think I think this phone is GNA have to get tossed because that one's given up here it is before I go simply this if the best attacks on me are GNA be false accusations and grotesque misch characterization the only thing because they're doing what they were doing to Robert Kennedy they're just using the occasion

to just read stuff out of context to just grandstand these Democrats and giving him no opportunity to respond and defend himself this body is doing is defeating the credibility of the men and women at the FBI I stood with them here in this country in every theater of war we have I was on the ground in service of this nation and any accusations leveled against me that I would somehow put political bias before The Constitution are grotesquely unfair and I will have have you reminded that I have been endorsed by over

300,000 Law Enforcement Officers to become the next director of the FBI let's ask that Mr chairman so put put that in your pipe oh there oh we already did you Bernie that's a scary thought so hang on a second okay so that was him responding to Democrat smears okay so here is the clob Bashar back and forth Jes sucks by the way most of these people ran for president don't forget including her you said we're going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden rig the

elections yeah we're going to come after you whether it's criminally or civil is that something you said I a partial statement of what I said Own It cash you also said put the entire fake news Mafia press on your list is that correct is that what you said I hope so I don't have that in front of me Benny Johnson's podcast 2123 oh I got to go back and watch that you have said that the FBI uh including today uh you said that they remain utterly corrupt this is an agency with agents who have taken down terrorists

taken down Bank Rock robbers uh taking down crime and you wrote that the FBI has become so thoroughly compromised that it will remain a threat to the people yes unless drastic measures are taken yes do you know that under Chris Ray leadership he took out a very difficult time we all know that appointed by President Trump um that the during his tenure the applications to the FBI has in fact tripled do you think people would be applying to that agency like in those numbers if they thought they know they

can get away with stuff over there the American public's trust in it is at 40% that's an all-time low did you say that the FBI headquarters should be shut down and reopen as a museum of the deep State please definitely Mr chairman are we allowed to go an extra time let's see you got you get a second round before I call on Senator Le he just answer the question if he said that the FBI headquarters where they investigate cyber crime and terrorism should be shut down and open as a deep State as a museum did he say that the headquarters

should be shut down deserve an answer cool Museum he asking to be head of the FBI and he said that their headquarters should be shut down Mr chair parliamentary inquiry you got anything you want to say Mr Patel before I go on to Senator Lee simply this if the best attacks on me are going to be false accusations and grotesque misc characterizations the only thing this body is doing is defeating the credibility of the men and women at the FBI I stood with them here in this country in every theater of war we have

I was on the ground in service of this nation and any accusations leveled against me that I would somehow put political bias before The Constitution are grotesquely unfair and I will have you reminded that I have been endorsed by over 3 Law Enforcement Officers to become the next director all right like I think cash did a a good enough job today I mean from what I saw I just got a bad feeling in the room I don't know man I just don't trust the I don't trust Republicans to do the right thing you know let me see if I can

find this Tulsi clip I wanted to play because Tulsi had fun the day tosy had fun okay I understand what you were saying one back Mommy I I see your uh I saw your comment there you're saying that they discovered I get I misunderstood by wanting to study SIDS with her they discovered Munch housing by proxy I gotcha oh geez okay sounds like a hideous lady yes these people are insufferable uh insufferable all of these Democrat Senators uh yeah just when you think and I'll get to the clip I'm talking about

just when you think that uh hey there's a reasonable Democrat he's not and he got put in his place by Tulsi so let me play some Tulsi clips for you in case you missed it uh Tulsi uh on the claims she addressed the claims that she's a puppet a puppet for like a puppet for Trump a puppet for Putin um Assad yeah she had some fun with that little push back from tsy here before I close I want to warn the American people who are watching at home you may hear lies and smears in this hearing that'll challenge

my loyalty to and my love for our country those who oppose my nomination imply that I am loyal to something or someone other than God my own conscience and the Constitution of the United States accusing me of being Trump's puppet Putin's puppet Assad's puppet a guru's puppet Mod's puppet not recognizing the absurdity of simultaneously being the puppet of five different Puppet Masters the same tactic was used against President Trump yeah and failed the American people elected president Trump with a decisive Victory and

mandate for change the fact is what truly unsettles my political opponents is I refuse to be their puppet that's right that's right okay all right let's see what else I got here for you on the old tulsy front um oh I loved how in her opening statement she called out everything and everybody and this was was agencies hang hang on people elected Donald Trump as their president not once but twice and yet the FBI and intelligence agencies were politicized by his opponents to undermine his presidency and falsely portray him as a

puppet of Putin Title One of fisa was used illegally to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter P using a Clinton campaign funded false dossier as their so-called evidence Biden campaign adviser to Tony blinkin was the impetus for the 51 former senior intelligence officials letter dismissing Hunter Biden's laptop as disinformation specifically to help Biden win the election former dni James Clapper lied to this Committee in 2013 denying the existence of programs that facilitated

the mass collection of millions of Americans phone and internet records yet was never held accountable under John Brennan's leadership the CIA abused its power to spy on Congress to dodge oversight lied about doing it until he was caught and yet has never been held responsible huh under Biden the FBI abused its power for political reasons to try to surveil Catholics who attend traditional Latin Mass labeling them as quote unquote radical traditionalist Catholics personally just 24 hours after chrisis KLA Harris and her nomination I

was placed on a secret domestic Terror watch list called quiet Skies sadly there are more examples bottom line is this this must end yep yep y so that was good stuff Ted Cruz had some good moments with cash let's see here hang on okay Michael Bennett has issues like we we talked about me earlier and you know haha I need a therapist or whatever the hell I said I don't know oh no did I just think that internally so this though this guy Michael Bennett he popped up yesterday in the RFK hearing as an ass and he

popped up today in the tulsy hearing as an ass so I think we can logically conclude that the senator from Colorado Michael Bennett is an ass do you believe as the chairman of this committee believes as the vast majority of members of our intelligence agencies believe that Edward Snowden was a traitor to the United States of America Senator have confirmed you to make sure okay see this is why I could never be confirmed I I wouldn't even get one vote in the Senate because I wouldn't be able to help

myself Senator I can tell you that there are more more traitors into this country into our constitution on this panel than uh than than just Edward Snowden Edward Snowden is not the traitor it's it's h it's it's half of you up here on the de okay and you're one of them anyway next question social media it's not a moment to prop propagate theories conspiracy theories or or or attacks on journalism in the United States this is when you need to answer the question votes you're asking for to be confirmed as the chief intelligence

officer of this nation right all right so he's gonna obviously give her a chance to speak right okay sure but yes for anybody that wants to know no Edward Snow there would be no need for an Edward Snowden if the politicians in Washington DC adhere to the Constitution so no Senator he's not a traitor you are as my colleague said this is not about you it's about the people that serve the intelligence agencies of the United States is Edward Snowden a traitor to the United States oh hang on a second

hang on he was about to have his big moment asking her that question again I want you to watch the staffer because I don't know if you can hear I don't know if somebody's phone like is the weirdest ring ever listen to that I I didn't catch this the first time I watch this watch this you it's about people that serve the intelligence agencies of the United States is Edward Snowden a traitor to the United States of America no you are sir that is not a hard question to answer okay when the stakes are this

High Senator as someone who has your answer yes or no is Edward Snowden a traitor to the United States States of America as someone who has uniform in combat I understand how critical our national security apparently you don't apparently you don't let me let me ask you I've wor this guy I don't like him I'm just gonna go on the record of say I don't like Michael Bennett I don't like him at all uh okay all right so this this next clip is a little long but it's worth it this is the last clip we'll

play for you and I kind of catch you up here in case you miss stuff today but but uh Senator Mark Kelly right was he the astronaut guy he's the astronaut guy right and uh his wife right I can't there's so many Mark Kelly his wife was the one who was shot right Gabby gords am I right I'll wait for confirmation anyway so this is one of those cers you think when he starts talking you're like okay all right we got a reasonable guy here he's going to be calm and he's going to be uh this is going to be a good

constructive convers never there's not one Democrat that's ready to have a constructive conversation with any of these nominees espec The Big Three today but uh I just I I personally I saw this and I thought it was a thing of beauty uh how Tulsi responded to this clown thank you Mr chairman uh Colonel gabard when Russia was denying us use of chemical weapons uh they accused the US of supporting terrorists this is a line that Putin used frequently during the Syrian Civil War as he supported Assad Syrian officials

made similar comments they did it repeatedly they did it in public they did it at the United Nations can I just say in you know what okay risking alienating many of you can I just say I I am not prepared under any circumstances to say that Assad of Syria is a good guy or Putin of Russia is a good guy but I'm also not prepared to say that the United States is always the good guy look who they've been taking orders from for the last four years look who they took orders from for eight years pre previous with in office so so

I just want to just just pause for a second these Democrats who hate this country they they want us to simultan iously believe we are always on the side of righteousness we're always the good guys okay 16 you gave an interview in which you said and this is a quote the US is providing direct and indirect support to terrorist groups in order to overthrow the Syrian government and in 2019 on the Democratic presidential debate stage you said of President Trump this is a quote this current president

is continuing to betray us we were supposed to be going after Al-Qaeda but over years now not only have we not gone after Al-Qaeda our president is supporting Al-Qaeda so I'm interested to hear what was your goal in saying these things and did you consider before saying them the motives of Iran and Russia what their motives might have been before making these claims Senator as as someone who enlisted in the military specifically because of al-qaeda's terrorist attack on 911 and committing myself and my life

to doing what I could to defeat these terrorists it was shocking and a betrayal to me and every person who was killed on 911 their families and my brothers and sisters in uniform when as a member of Congress I learned about President Obama's uh dual programs that he had begun uh really to overthrow the regime of Syria and being willing to through the cia's uh Timber Sycamore program that has now been made public of working with and arming and equipping al-Qaeda in an effort to overthrow that regime starting

yet another regime change war in the Middle East uh DOD train and equip program again begun under President Obama uh is widely been known looked at and studied that ultimately resulted in over half a billion dollars being used to train who they called moderate Rebels but were actually Fighters working with and aligned with al-qaeda's affiliate on the ground in Syria all to move forward with their regime change and not acknowledging what was obvious at the time and what has unfortunately borne true which was that a regime changed war

in Syria much like the regime change Wars in Iraq the toppling of Gaddafi and Mubarak while these are all dict ators would likely result in the rise of islamist extremists like Al-Qaeda taking power I shed no tears for the fall of the Assad regime but today we have an islamist extremist who is now in charge of Syria as I said who danced on the streets to celebrate the 911 attack who ruled over idlib with an islamist extremist governance and who has already begun to persecute and kill and rest religious minorities like Christians in

Syria why that should be acceptable to anyone is beyond me certainly I appreciate I appreciate your answer and and and thank you my concern has to do with the the tendency to repeat Russian and Syrian and even in some cases I think we'll get into in the Clos session Iranian information and to Discount what comes from ourt Community that's the big sin Marky Mark that we're discounting what comes from our own intelligence agencies ah good their track record in recent years especially and actually for probably

close to a century had sucked they've sucked they've sucked and in fact I think that when these JFK and uh RF FK and MLK papers get released assuming it's not heavy on the Sharpie we're going to see that they're good at assassinations of Americans that's what we're going to learn there is a book author and I will not find this in time because I'm already off the track here hang ony hang on just just I have to talk to this guy I'm not gonna find it hang on I'm GNA check real quick see how how I yeah there is yes oh God

bless you Spotify somebody please somebody somebody listening right now God bless you the 842 of you somebody please get me in touch with Scott Horton and if you can't get me in touch with Scott Horton then just go read or listen to his book enough already please yeah it's it's available on Spotify it's a free download there enough already time to end the war on terrorism and shame on me because and and this is I'm not I'm not I I will do this at some point I don't care nothing's off limits I'm just looking at

the clock here and there's no way I'm going to be able to do this any kind of Justice here but around the time okay this would be a quick little cliffnotes version of trust your instincts I can't remember all of the all of the uh all of the individual thoughts that I had around the time of the Iraq invasion okay and I'm not giving myself credit at all please don't hear what I'm not saying because when push came to shove I was gungho let's get into Iraq okay I'm not of that I'm just being honest with

you because this isn't a fun dialogue if I'm not honest with you um but but I did have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind like I I I can't remember all the intricacies at the time I just remember thinking Maybe not maybe not and you know what pushed me over the edge to say yes to Iraq and shame on me for being an immature 20 whatever the hell I was uh what was I gosh 26 anyway Ted Kennedy gave a speech where where he just railed against going into Iraq and it was so bombastic and it was so over the top

this will be Joy George Bush's Vietnam oh it was like screw you I can't and by the way don't make your foreign policy decisions based on you know being pissed off turned off by the rhetoric of people that you can't stand that's a bad way to go through life but anyway that that's where I was just like you know what no [ __ ] you Ted we're going into Iraq now you know that's a bad bad thing and then the other thing is have kids and envision them fighting a war um uh off in a foreign land for not a good

reason uh a reason that that doesn't necessarily benefit the United States of America or or at its core uh relates to the Safety and Security of this nation anyway but trust your instincts if you have especially something life and death like that if you have that gut feeling stay with it don't don't don't get caught up in and and I learn the lesson from that and I think honestly I think it's me being wrong about stuff like that so long ago made it so much easier for me to not get swept up in the covid

[ __ ] with masks and vaccines and and being in the whatever percent of us that said no I'm not doing this I'll stop going to your business before I wear a mask um I will quit my job before I roll up my sleeve for this vaccine which I realize thank you God that my employer uh and and the people that ran uh my company The Blaze were on the same exact wavelength as me and I know so many of you did not have that option you looked at your mortgage payments you looked at your uh empty cupboards and you said

well I need a job and these sons of [ __ ] they plowed ahead and then they can lean on well the CDC says the CDC said this you know I'm sorry that you were put in that position and shame on the people that fed them that bad evil information and I call it evil information because that's exactly what it was and because there were people behind the scenes like an Anthony fouchy who knew exactly what they were doing and again that pardon only goes to 2014 let's talk to the HIV let's talk to the AIDS Community let's talk about the

orphans that he experimented on without their uh consent let's go back further than 2014 if we have to try this man for crimes against humanity we don't need to just look at the co era anyway this is what add and alcohol will do to you um so so what I'm saying is uh I would encourage you to to read this book um I've tried to get a hold of Scott Horton through multiple channels I've failed um his book was eye openening and basically let me put it this way when you listened to rush lmba he confirmed your um he confirmed

things that you knew inherently to be true and and at your at your core you thought he he just basically gave you gave you numbers stats he gave you um uh ammunition uh to to go and fight with it's like you knew how to you knew what you believed but you didn't know how to enunciate it and Rush gave you that and so what Scott Horton's book did for me enough already time to end the war on terrorism it took honestly 20 plus years of the war on terror and some of my early gut instincts thinking we're not really

doing this right and then as the time went on and I got to know veterans who were over there and talked to them and go oh my gosh um wow yes okay I I should have been I should have been wiser at the time I should have done more investigating and what this book did is basically it takes you back to that rah rah let's go fight Wars against terrorists after 911 and it shows you why you had these feelings and puts into perspective the decisions that were being made in your name and it's humbling it really is and

you're like holy crap that nagging feeling you know Thomas Magnum Magnum PI that little voice in your head you know uh I should listened to it I should have listened to it long before I did it took me way too long and then this was the Capstone uh his book so anyway I I would love to have a conversation with him uh if I could ever find him all right I don't know let's see here I'm just I'm just scrolling back here uh sorry y'all I know I get I get to just roll in I can't even look over here because I get disted raed I don't

know if you know hi my name is Keith and I'm easily distracted see um yeah just look in here yeah all right well anyway man I appreciate all of your time you're so gracious with it thank you so much uh like I said if anybody knows how to get in touch with Scott Horton please give him myh Twitter handle have him message me at Keith malinac and um would love to open up that conversation because here's a guy who I guarantee you I don't agree with on a lot of stuff I don't know I'm just I get that feeling

right but on this we could have a conversation and and and accomplish a lot of good and P pour out a lot of Knowledge from his very educated brain on this topic anyway enough of that uh I appreciate you guys uh tomorrow at 3M Eastern we're going to do the Friday live stream going to be Chris Cruz and Ken kikendall now during the conversation tomorrow the Friday live stream I will be referring to Ken on multiple occasions as Kyle and I will explain why that's the case and I think you will be entertained by that uh

reasoning but uh that'll be tomorrow at 3 pm Eastern and then again uh 3 pm Eastern next Thursday we're gonna sit down here and talk about uh building seven uh from 91101 so many questions anyway thank youall I'll see youall tomorrow morning live at 7 A.M Eastern uh on blazetv.com TR code 47 I think it is right or is it or is it Blaze 47.com or is it 47 off. I don't know blazetv.com uh where I produce Pat gry Unleashed weekday mornings so we will see you then uh and until then thank you very much I'm so grateful for

all of you please share like subscribe whatever you can do I think it's at youtube.com at theic and please tell your friends and and your family and your enemies even they need to know about this show okay all right be well I appreciate you have a good night bye bye