Vaccine Passports & The Deep State: Who Was Really in Control?

COVID cover-ups, Big Pharma lies, and the Deep State agenda EXPOSED. Dr. Simon Goddek & Keith Malinak reveal the shocking truth about vaccine control, social credit scores, censorship, and media manipulation.
Uncover the hidden truths behind the COVID era. In this episode, Dr. Simon Goddek and Keith Malinak expose the deep state’s ties to the pandemic, Dr. Leana Wen’s controversial past, and the hidden connections that shaped public policy. Was the pandemic a test run for future lockdowns? What role did the media play in controlling the narrative? We break it all down.
What We Cover in This Episode:
- The technical struggles of live streaming (yes, we know the struggle is real)
- Dr. Leana Wen’s influence and the policies that changed everything
- Vaccine mandates—were they really about safety or control?
- How USAID, global power structures, and media influence played a role
- The rise of misinformation and censorship—who decides what’s "true"?
- The push for vaccine passports and what that means for our freedoms
- How China and the World Economic Forum shaped global pandemic policies
- Brazil’s digital future—are we looking at the next financial lockdown?
- What’s next? Are we being set up for another "crisis"?
Timestamps & Chapters:
00:00 – Fighting technical difficulties (because, of course)
02:55 – Breaking down key COVID-era figures
05:57 – Dr. Leana Wen: Public health expert or political mouthpiece?
09:01 – Upcoming guests and what’s next
12:11 – The Pineapple Express mission—why it mattered
14:59 – Keeping it light: Stories and behind-the-scenes moments
18:02 – Deep dive: Dr. Leana Wen’s most controversial statements
20:56 – Vaccine mandates and what we weren’t told
23:47 – The importance of holding public figures accountable
25:23 – The vaccine debate: What’s fact and what’s fiction?
28:41 – If the truth about vaccines comes out, what happens next?
30:54 – Vaccine passports—a health measure or a control tactic?
32:49 – Authoritarianism & public health—where’s the line?
36:23 – How the media shaped our perception of COVID
42:22 – Dr. Leana Wen’s ties to powerful organizations
45:34 – The Bird Flu vaccine push—are we seeing a pattern?
51:39 – The USAID connection—who was really funding what?
53:12 – CNN, Big Pharma, and the media’s role in misinformation
56:52 – The vaccine debate isn’t over—where do we go from here?
01:00:07 – Global power plays—China, the WEF, and COVID policies
01:01:38 – Will Fauci & others ever be held accountable?
01:03:42 – Brazil’s digital shift—is this the future of financial control?
01:11:36 – What’s next? Are we heading toward another global lockdown?
Creators & Guests
- Keith Malinak - Host
- Wesley Castelhano - Producer
Keith Malinak: Twitter, YouTube
Dr. Simon Goddek: Twitter, Instagram
Huge thanks to Wes Castelhano (X: @thatguyatpgu) and 2nd Floor Studios ( @2ndFloorDallas on Instagram and X) for handling everything—from production, editing, audio mastering, graphics, and distribution — so all I have to do is speak into the mic. So if you need a podcast recording studio or editor? Email or visit Https:// to get started!
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#COVIDFiles #BigPharmaExposed #DeepState #VaccineAgenda #Censorship #PandemicTruth #AnthonyFauci #DrLeanaWen #SocialCreditScore #GreatReset
@KeithMalinak On X (00:01.619)
My goodness, are we live? I seriously have no idea So here we are Maybe we're live. Who knows? I don't
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (00:04.622)
is real life.
@KeithMalinak On X (00:12.851)
muting Wes's microphone as he has stepped away. I would love to know if you guys want to confirm if we're live or not. I don't know, man. I don't know anymore. There's so many technical issues that we deal with over here. Hi, Wes! Hi, you're muted right now and it won't let me unmute you. So I'm sorry. It just will not let me do that. Anyway, so...
Bear with me here as we work out these kinks. Okay, all right, well I see myself on Twitter, so that's helpful. Wes, there you go, now I can hear you. Wes, I don't know, we had some technical issues. As we're wont to do here, I'm at the mic, it's a Thursday deep dive. And I appreciate y'all making time as always. So grateful. Let me check something here y'all, stand by.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (00:50.752)
I can hear you now.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (00:55.786)
As compared to the last few weeks, it's not that bad.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:10.291)
I don't know that we're live on YouTube right now, so if you were looking for us over there, my sincere apologies. I know a lot of you have a routine, and...
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (01:22.038)
And this is where I get to thrive. Okay. So when Keith's saying, I don't know what's going on, this is where I jump in.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:29.041)
Yeah, please do. So, I don't know, are you, are you getting this okay over there?
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (01:37.014)
Yeah, I got us no problem.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:37.096)
You got it? All right, very good, very good. OK, so there is a lot that is not known about how today's live stream is going to go. I'll tell you that because my guest, he had something come up. And so if he doesn't join us, then we'll figure it out because I've got his his Twitter thread that inspired today's conversation in front of me.
Because, and we will get into this, there are so many unanswered questions from the COVID era. And there's one specific player from that era that, man, it just didn't sit well. It didn't sit well with her, Dr. Liana Nguyen throughout the entire COVID era. And she requires further exploration. And by the way, Wes, just so you know, can...
get some slap back here so I don't know if your headphones are up really loud or what but just wanted you to be aware of that. So anyway, so we need to look into her and she's not the only one from that era that requires closer scrutiny. Still hearing you Wes. So anyway, I think she is one of many people like I would love to see what's going to come about with the
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (02:45.806)
We need to walk through the hurry.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (02:55.278)
@KeithMalinak On X (03:05.703)
gonna mute Wes. I love him to death but boy something's happening there on that end. Okay with the James Comer, Annapolina Luna, COVID files that hopefully we'll get soon, we need to explore what's going on there and what the real story is. And yes I see Victoria's hand and I'm again gonna mute that end over there. So before we go any further because clearly this is just a
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (03:19.598)
We need to explore what's going on there and what the real story is.
@KeithMalinak On X (03:35.356)
cluster right now. I want to make sure that everybody knows that we are on X, obviously live streaming at Keith Malinak. Our apologies for the YouTube issue. That's the thing. I just want to do a freaking show. And there's so many technical issues that happen that just drain the life out of you. And you're just like, can I please just do a freaking show? So
at keith malinac on x and then of course slash at at the mic in a perfect world it's at at the mic i'm sorry hold on see even the even the wood carving has issues shout out to gabby for all of the hard work that she is doing on instagram just for the love of the game thank you so much gabby with the at the mic show instagram account
she is doing a hundred percent of that. I am offering nothing, which isn't the first time, but I give you beer money. Yes, I do. And I appreciate Wes very much. Okay. So Toby, I appreciate you chiming in and saying it sounds great because there's so many uncertainties right now with this. So thank you for that. And by the way,
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (04:39.95)
You give me beer money.
@KeithMalinak On X (04:59.525)
just had my phone. don't know if Matilda ran off with my phone or what, did it fall? I don't see it. And you say which one? Well, it's not this one. It's not the green one. It's not it's not the black one. I've lost my orange one, which is the one that actually, you know, connects to the world. I seriously have no idea where it is. So if my guest is trying to get in touch with me, sweet lord, it's one of those days. And by the way, I don't know if it's an Android thing.
I don't know if it's a key phone thing, Twitter has just started crapping out of me on me. Look at that, I even forgot to turn the light on today. Now I can't even reach it. I'm not going all the way over there. So now it's dark and mysterious. But anyway, I don't know if it's me. Anybody else having an issue with their Twitter account lately? Because it is...
is it a question on you to us well crap sorry was muted my bad hang on you might have to unmute you there i don't know what's happening sorry bro yet yeah you're down low though you're down really low sorry yeah go ahead
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (06:10.102)
It's all right, man. you hear me?
Can you hear me now? that better? Okay, well, when I first started That Guy at PGU, thank you also for tagging me in so many posts within a two-hour time frame, but I was only allowed for two weeks to follow two people per day.
@KeithMalinak On X (06:32.819)
So Twitter was restricting you from...
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (06:37.216)
Yes. I don't know why.
@KeithMalinak On X (06:38.215)
I don't get that. That's weird. I've seen before where they've limited like a hundred maximum or something like that. They were only allowing you to follow two people back in a day?
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (06:50.754)
Yeah, because like in the first day that I started it, I got like 70 people that started following. And then I could only follow two people back. So sorry about that. It wasn't anything personal. I just want to say that.
@KeithMalinak On X (06:55.804)
@KeithMalinak On X (06:59.506)
my goodness.
@KeithMalinak On X (07:04.017)
Okay, yeah. All right, well that's interesting. Yeah, because he hasn't even... Did you follow me back, sir? I don't know. I really don't... I don't know. This is very exciting! Wes has been hard at work, as usual, with the... It's I should have made a gra... did I make a graphic? See? Look at that. I might have actually made a graphic for that. Hang on. Hang on. I'm gonna find this. Yes! I thought I did.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (07:10.68)
Did I? Could be.
@KeithMalinak On X (07:34.292)
let see if i can get it up there. Okay, there we go.! my goodness, it showed up on the screen. This is really, this is important because so many of you, and I'm so grateful, by the way, Wes, you're not being heard. I just want you to know that. Thanks, Toby. Trying to keep an eye on the chat here. So I don't know what's up there, Wes. We might just, you might have to learn sign language. I'm sorry to say.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (07:40.718)
We got a little bit of a...
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (07:53.826)
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (08:00.546)
I mean, I can do that on the fly. Why not?
@KeithMalinak On X (08:02.323)
There you go. You sound a little bit better, at least to me. I can hear you. Wes can or Toby cannot. So so what Wes did is he created this website at If you scroll down there, there are a dozen places where you can get the audio stream of this podcast. Obviously, it's not live, but you got Spotify, Apple, iTunes, all sorts of stuff. So find your player of choice. It's there.
Hold on, let me put the graphic back up. Boom! At the mic. Dot transistor. Dot FM. So, just to give you an update, our scheduled guest, Dr. Simon Gotick, he has the link to join us today. If he's able to, he will. And yeah, I'm sorry. Toasty Mitts also confirming that Wes is not hearable. I don't know if that's a word, but we're going with it.
So all sorts of stuff for you to remember today. The Instagram that Gabby's been working on at the Mike show, all sorts of good stuff over there. And of course, themike.transit. Look at all these, hold on. I made all of these graphics. I made this one for Wes's studio,
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (09:19.008)
Hey, thank you. That's not a misspelling.
@KeithMalinak On X (09:24.197)
Okay, yeah, it's .co, And again, hopefully, Toasty Mitz or Toby or someone can tell us if Wes is now audible. Okay, so look at this fun graphic. Huh? Look at that. That's okay. Hang on a second. What else have I been working on some other stuff here while we were waiting? There's At The Mic Thursday. Deep dive. That's pretty neat. Look at that. There's the At The Mic Show Instagram handle.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (09:40.003)
look at you buddy. Good for you.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (09:54.456)
@KeithMalinak On X (09:54.588)
you've already seen this one you've got this i mean you made that one i appreciate that's very kind so anyway let's let's go look at that toby hears you wes we can hear you heather can hear you
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (10:06.668)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. That's the win. I needed a win.
@KeithMalinak On X (10:11.047)
Hey look, we matched today. We got blue tops, blue shirts. Look at us. Okay, very good.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (10:13.962)
I know, right? got SpongeBob on my head and I don't know if anybody from Dallas gets this shirt, but let me know. Let Keith know if you're in Dallas.
@KeithMalinak On X (10:22.173)
Wait, on, I can't see it. Richardson, at least we're not Gar... a couple of suburbs doing battle on your shirt. That's awesome.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (10:25.622)
Yeah. Yeah. So I grew up in Richardson and Garland. It's one of those like, you know, Rhode Island, it's on the way to Boston.
@KeithMalinak On X (10:34.835)
fun fact, we flew into Providence, Rhode Island because it was cheaper than than Boston. And plus, we needed to hit the Rhode Island and Connecticut on the way to Massachusetts. So it worked out. Yeah. OK, so basically, people can hear you, but I guess it's kind of low. So if you'll just bear with me, let me crank up Wes's microphone.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (10:42.336)
I bet.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (10:47.736)
plus the bass.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (10:59.662)
and I can boost it up on my mixer. I just didn't want it coming too hot.
@KeithMalinak On X (11:01.394)
Okay, Toby's like, keep projecting. All right, so just...
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (11:07.69)
Okay, so right before this I was speaking too loud. Okay, I was speaking too loud. Okay.
@KeithMalinak On X (11:12.147)
I cranked us both up by the way. So let's see how that works. This is our first time really in this studio in separate locations. So we're learning on the fly. But I want to give you a heads up that tomorrow my guest, Ian Patterson is going to join me. Now we're going to do a Friday live stream, but there are some serious issues, a couple of serious issues that we're going to need to discuss because Ian, he was a big part of the Pineapple Express.
So if you'll recall, that was the mission to get... Now I'm too loud. Listen, I appreciate... Actually, Heather, I really appreciate this. I really do. So I've got Wes cranked up and I pulled myself back a little bit there. So keep me updated. I'll keep checking. So help me, we'll get this right. And then we'll lock it in. So Ian tomorrow, he was a part of Pineapple Express, which got Americans and good people in Afghanistan.
out of there, saved their lives back during the fall of Afghanistan, August 2021. And he's got some important information about Afghanistan that needs to be heard. So he also was just out in Los Angeles helping with the wildfire victims. He oh, yeah, he stays busy. That's for sure. So Ian Patterson will be
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (12:34.19)
He's a great guy.
@KeithMalinak On X (12:40.797)
I think that'll be his second tour on the Friday livestream. Okay.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (12:46.158)
I love that you called it a tour. Because this is a battlefield, technically.
@KeithMalinak On X (12:48.051)
Yes. okay, let me just check here. By the way, I don't want to don't want to promise anything here, but I also send a link. Because it's just it's just you got to send a link to Brad Stacks. Because whenever he whenever you can get Brad on board, it just adds to the fun. And he's got an open invitation to join us here. That's so funny. You asked that one of the reasons he probably wasn't going to be able to join today.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (13:09.678)
Did he pick his tooth?
@KeithMalinak On X (13:21.341)
was because of that tooth that I guess today is the day that Brad is gonna stop impersonating a hillbilly, huh?
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (13:23.32)
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (13:27.918)
That's all I could stare at.
That's all I could stare at last week. mean, Brad, I love you buddy, but come on, it was tough.
@KeithMalinak On X (13:36.561)
That was a good look, and I'm gonna miss it actually. It starting to grow on me there. Toothless Brad Staggs. my.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (13:45.474)
Well, the fact that he was quoting deliverance all the time, I'm like, this is getting creepy now. But we're not in that much. What's that? Yeah. when I was 10, believe it or not. yeah. Well, I just, remember it was really, really hard to, you know, when I hear the squeal, I'm like, yeah, So let's just, yeah, it was, was tough, but.
@KeithMalinak On X (13:51.603)
Have you ever watched that movie? Did ever watch Deliverance?
@KeithMalinak On X (13:58.74)
no! Did you know what they were doing to Ned Beatty?
@KeithMalinak On X (14:09.749)
@KeithMalinak On X (14:14.387)
Hey, so here is... Oh, don't you dare, don't you dare.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (14:15.15)
South Carolina, but yeah, Hey, I lived in South Carolina since 1999. Yeah. So
@KeithMalinak On X (14:24.345)
I love that state so much. let me, it's so funny. I've been sitting at this computer for how many hours Wes? Two hours, for two hours and it didn't occur to me in all of our technical setup to, you know, turn on the light.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (14:33.774)
At least two,
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (14:41.838)
Dude, I got stage lights over here. It's like in format. I'm looking lifestyle flashy. So if anybody wants to come record a podcast and you don't have really the time, the equipment or anything. Yeah. I don't charge five grand for a session. Sound over square footage. I'll just say that.
@KeithMalinak On X (14:56.069)
@KeithMalinak On X (14:59.591)
And so before I forget, we were just talking about the deliverance. This is how my brain works. We went from Brad's invite, open invitation, Brad's tooth, hillbilly deliverance. There is, if you ever go to YouTube and you want to type in the Connell's, maybe.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (15:03.714)
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (15:16.334)
I'm not there.
Okay, is that like the wonderful world of the whites the guys in West Virginia it's an interesting documentary
@KeithMalinak On X (15:27.675)
I'm hearing myself again. What is happening? So, we gotta get you to turn your headphones down or something. I don't know what's going on. So, they did a spoof of Deliverance, the Connells, for their song Maybe. And it's interesting. It's an interesting video. So.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (15:49.978)
Is it like Not like the graphic but it isn't one of those you know the one scene that we all know about Okay, that's all my hair I'm writing it down. It's on my list Okay, what I'm gonna do after this is gonna go why I'm gonna go watch that and talk to you about it back right tomorrow
@KeithMalinak On X (15:58.388)
You'll just have to tune in. Just know that... Just know that the role of Ned Beatty is played by the newest member of that band. They made him play that role.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (16:19.566)
Maybe in your ear while you're talking.
@KeithMalinak On X (16:22.043)
Are you able to turn your headphones down? Just for the fun of it. I just want to see what happens. Just turn them down all the way. Because now it's echoing.
and we'll see what happens.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (16:33.504)
and we'll see what happens. I'm trying this on a different mic. How does that sound? Yeah, let's see. the computer myself. How's that?
@KeithMalinak On X (16:36.603)
Yeah, let's see, check, no I'm hearing myself. I may never do another livestream again. Huh? Check, check, check, yeah, it's gone now. So I don't know what you did, no, now it's back. This is it, I'm retiring from doing livestreams after today. So it's been fun, I appreciate everybody being a part. I wanna honor my commitment to Ian tomorrow, and then after that, I'm probably just gonna hang it up because don't need the extra stress. Okay, now it's gone, now the echo's gone. I don't know.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (16:44.247)
So I don't know what to expect. This is it. I'm retiring from doing live streams after the patient.
@KeithMalinak On X (17:03.367)
I don't know what's happening right now, but I do appreciate the fact that it's gone. So there we go. All right. I don't see my guest, Dr. Simon Gotick on the line, and that's fine. I want to at least share his... Let me get his thread, because back in October, back in October, he put this thread out that...
caught my eye and I reached out to him and we've been trying to sync schedules so it's par for the course that something came up today for him but I've had him scheduled a couple of times and it just has fallen through but this thread of his really caught my eye he's a great follow over on X at G-O-D-D-E-K-E-T-A-L I'm sure you if you can't see that
So yes, Toby, we are such professionals, obviously. Dr. Simon Goddick, great follow. And he put out this thread and it starts off like this. And by the way, when we get down to the videos and I start playing them, I'm of course gonna need you to tell me if you can hear them because that's how we're doing this today. All right, so he asked at the time.
Remember Dr. Leanna Wynn, the woman who demanded that the unvaxxed should not be allowed to leave their homes? Wynn wasn't just a COVID fear monger, but also a crisis actor during the Boston Marathon bombings. my goodness, what is, what? This thread will make any conspiracy theorist go nuts. So stay with me. All right. So before we go down into this rabbit hole, let's be clear that the biggest villain
from the COVID era was definitely Anthony Fauci. Can we all agree on that? That guy is the tip of the spear of COVID era suck. He needs more examination than anybody. But there are other people who definitely need scrutiny. And I do not want them to fade into the background.
@KeithMalinak On X (19:29.371)
justice never being served. That's why I have, naively, I have hope that something will actually come out of the COVID files. One of the things that Annapolina Luna teased when she spoke yesterday or two days ago about what was going to be revealed, what they were going to uncover. Hell, she's already said there's at least two shooters of JFK.
So she's seen something. But I would love to do a deep dive at some point on Anthony Fauci. So who knows? Maybe files will be released without us having to do podcasts like this. Because don't forget, you're not going be doing it with me because I'm going to be retiring after tomorrow. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. At the very least, I'll just put my phone up here and hit go live. So I'm not going anywhere. OK, so I don't know.
As we explore this thread of Dr. Lianna Wen, I don't want us to get... I think it's a part of her story, obviously, that she was born in China. But that we can visit separately. Just the fear-mongering was out of control with this woman.
And I remember on Pat Gray Unleashed on my day job over at the Blaze, she would pop up all the time. The clips that we would play, it's like, who are you? And we'll play them, we'll refresh your memory. Perhaps you remember her, but do you remember all the specific stuff that she was saying? anyway, she was, let me just set it up, that she was born in Shanghai, China.
But then emigrated to the US in 2003. So she was born in 1983. So, let's see. okay, so she was eight when they moved here. So, born in 83, somewhere around 1991, moves here, becomes a US citizen, I'm sorry, in 2003. All right, that's Liana Wynn. That's where we're gonna start. Okay, so now let me get into this thread from Dr. Gannick. Uh-oh, oh gosh, what are we?
@KeithMalinak On X (21:52.788)
What do we have here? World Economic Forum. That's... Okay, that's your first... Somebody should be scoring at home for us. Alright, let's just... That's a... Born in Communist China. Eeehee. Alright. She's on the World Economic Forum website. Alright, we got a couple strikes here. How many strikes are you allowed? Okay, so let's get down here. Number two. Dr. Simon Goddard says, don't you find it weird...
The Chinese Communist Party released fake CCTV footage of COVID victims and then suddenly a Chinese-born woman shows up and spends over three years trying to cripple the US economy with fear and panic. Yeah, me too. Let's fat check her statements. So there's some fake videos there. mean this... Now look, as bad as COVID was for some people, myself included, it was really bad for me. I didn't have the strength to move like that, so I don't know what this guy's doing. Is this a... Is this a
dance cra- what are we doing here? That's not- that's not a COVID symptom. That's a- that's a- let's- I don't know what that is actually. All right. All right. So. number three on Simon Goddard's thread here. And Dr. Leanna Nguyen. In September of 2021, Nguyen demanded that the unvaccinated should not be allowed to leave their homes.
This statement lacks support from available data to this day. It appears that you can take China born Liana. I love how he emphasizes that. All right. China born Liana win out of communism, but you can't take communism out of Liana win. And there you go. There's her quote. You have the option to not get vaccinated if you want, said the doctor, but then you can't go out in public. Again, I asked, who are you? my goodness.
Where are we at here in July of 2021 when claimed that it would be much safer for vaccinated people to be around others who received the gene therapy. I do love the subtle inferences there, but I mean, that's what it is. Gene therapy. She also asserted that vaccinating everyone would stop the pandemic. She has been proven wrong in both accounts. For the record, you know how I said, man, we sure are having some technical difficulties getting on YouTube today. We're going to have
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (24:15.135)
we should be I'm back I'm back baby okay I'm here and myself okay then run hang on yeah thank you so
@KeithMalinak On X (24:18.175)
Okay, there's Wes again. Okay, and I'm hearing myself. Yeah, thank you. So, back to my point about YouTube. While we're not there right now, chances of us staying on there with this episode later are pretty minimal.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (24:33.534)
later are pretty minimal.
@KeithMalinak On X (24:38.041)
So don't plan on it being there and why do I keep hearing myself, Wes, this is, I'm about to break the internet with a hammer. Let's go on to this thread here.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (24:38.121)
So... Don't plan on it being there, and why do I keep harrowing myself? Wes, this is...
@KeithMalinak On X (24:56.019)
There's a tweet from her back on July 31st when she said, because somebody said, vaccinate all caps. my gosh. Vaccinated people do not transmit the virus at the same rate as unvaccinated people. And if you fail to include that context, you're doing it wrong. Exactly, says Dr. Winn. We need to make it clear that vaccination reduces your chance of getting infected with COVID-19 and thus transmitting it. Vaccinated people, emphasis by Dr. Gotick.
Vaccinated people around other vaccinated people is much safer than around those unvaccinated the key to stopping the pandemic vaccination and let me just pause right there Has anyone? gone through the
gone through the step-by-step process. was doing this before we got started here. Let's say the COVID-19 files, I've, backup, sorry. Give me a second here. Been a day.
@KeithMalinak On X (25:57.544)
I've said that if the truth ever came out about the vaccine, and I mean full-blown truth that I suspect many of you have the same opinion of as me, that it ever can, maybe beyond. But anyway, if it came out that they knew that it was, because a lot of people think that it's, from the very beginning, that it was a population control device.
I know that I'm willing to say that, but I'll listen to you. If you've got a guess for me on that, let's go. Let's have that conversation. I'm more than happy to have that conversation. But let's just say the best case scenario, in my opinion, is that they knew from the start that this vaccine was deadly. And we have seen many of the documents from behind the scenes.
with the companies involved in manufacturing these vaccines that they knew very, very, very early on the damage that it would do. But full steam ahead, you know? So if in the process now of revealing everything in these COVID-19 files as Annapolina Luna was hinting at the other day,
If at the course of that it comes out that it was absolutely clear that they knew this, the dangers and what could happen and what was happening,
@KeithMalinak On X (27:41.108)
I think society risks falling apart because you have had so many people that have been injured and their lives will never be the same, that have lost loved ones, that lost their jobs. If they're lucky, that was the, you know, the biggest issue by not taking it. Couldn't pay a mortgage anymore because they weren't allowed to keep their job because they refused the vaccine.
when all the while if it comes out that they knew the damage that this thing was doing and kept going full speed ahead your government involved the only way I think that all of this information really comes out is follow me here hey I don't hear myself that's pretty cool click of a button okay so if the media can figure out a way to
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (28:31.166)
I'm with you.
I know, was one click of a button. Sorry about that.
@KeithMalinak On X (28:41.789)
pin this on Donald Trump and Operation Warp Speed, that's when you're gonna actually get the truth, I think. Like, if they could figure out a way. Because this was his baby, he's still proud of it to this day, maybe not as proud of it as he used to be, but...
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (29:00.363)
I mean it is easy to go who's the guy in power and it's just everybody use a scapegoat
@KeithMalinak On X (29:04.179)
Well, this is big, beautiful vaccine. So anyway, I'm just saying it's going to be interesting to see what comes out from Representative Annapalina Luna and James Comer as we advance along the way here. number five, let's go back to the Dr. Simon gothic thread. March of 2021, Wynn was not worried about increasing cases, but about losing control. For example, Vax Passports. Remember this nonsense?
It was the stupid cards and then it was the floating the idea the vax passports. I mean what we saying?
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (29:36.538)
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (29:41.407)
I was going to say that's kind of like it reminded me of how you can bypass TSA if you pay a hundred bucks a year.
@KeithMalinak On X (29:46.771)
You weren't getting anywhere under their system you weren't gonna get
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (29:50.815)
Oh, I know. I'm just saying, but it's like, if you just had it, it was almost too easy.
@KeithMalinak On X (29:55.444)
Well, I specifically didn't end up going to a concert because you had to be vaccinated. my gosh, stop it. And you had to make the decision. And I decided I'm not going to even pretend that I'm vaccinated because you never you don't want them thinking that you're OK with their new rules of society.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (30:03.401)
I missed the concert too and I was very very upset.
@KeithMalinak On X (30:24.787)
And here's my vac status. No, no, screw you. We're just not going to your damn concert. Okay, so she said, I'm very concerned that we won't reach herd immunity in the US because of vaccine complacency, not anti-vax people, but those who need to be incentivized and see what's in it for them. We need to clearly message vaccination equals ticket to pre-pandemic life. Again, a lot of people talking like this during this era. Why was she so?
Such she was a big, big out in front, very vocal on this. So as Dr. Goddard says in July 2021, Wynn said that we can't trust the unvaccinated. Sorry, that's me. And then of course, he follows it up with the big X. love this. In 20th century authoritarian regimes like Mao's China, societal mistrust was weaponized to marginalize certain groups with disastrous results. Seeing a pattern yet? Yeah, I would have loved to hear him talk to us.
So let's see if you can hear this. Can you hear this clip of dr. Leanna win? Let's give it a shot shall we?
@KeithMalinak On X (31:53.04)
Okay, so many lies. Again, she's not the only one lying during this era. I just want to point out. But Toby, Heather, could y'all hear Dr. Wynn and her awesome knowledge for us there? Can you believe, when you watch clips like that, on one hand, it's hard to believe that we actually had that. That was such a prevalent mindset with so many people.
So many people that were like, yep, I guess this is the new normal. So on one hand, I can't believe that we were there. And on the other hand, it's like we could so easily go back. We could so easily go back. And we've got a clip of her coming up that will demonstrate that she wanted us to. Not that long, I mean, not long ago at all. All right, number seven on Dr. Goddard. In April of 2021,
Wynn labeled people who chose not to vaccinate themselves or their children as anti-science. then of course, Goddard follows it up with, COVID never posed any risk to children or adolescents, yet she pushed for getting children vaccinated despite the long-term effects being unknown back then. yeah, absolutely. And then there's another clip that will play of you. This is Dr. Leanna Wynn.
@KeithMalinak On X (33:20.531)
@KeithMalinak On X (33:43.687)
What in the hell? Romance? What is he talking about? Smirkanish? Okay.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (33:45.587)
The self-image thing doesn't make sense. It's not like you're going on the cover of Vogue.
@KeithMalinak On X (33:55.024)
we don't like outsiders messing in our business i just don't want something that's been around for less than five minutes injected into me and and something that i don't need see that's the thing it was killing at its peak point what percent stop it let's see
@KeithMalinak On X (34:27.309)
no, I'm gonna be serious. I'm a doctor and I know better than you. And let me explain to you why if you refuse to get vaccinated, you clearly suck and do not belong in society with the rest of us.
Ooh, buckets. Buckets.
@KeithMalinak On X (34:49.587)
Heh. Heh.
@KeithMalinak On X (34:55.395)
okay okay let's see hang on a second no hang on i just got a note from sue i'm sorry sue i just i just see that so what don't know it was a youtube comment so are we on youtube or we were in it when anyone okay cut all good i'm sorry all right very good very good
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (35:12.351)
Oh yeah, we're on mute.
I got YouTube and Twitter going, so.
@KeithMalinak On X (35:18.097)
So here's what I need to tell everybody. If you are in the YouTube chat, I'm sorry to get distracted here, ADD, as you well know. Exactly, right. So our boy Wes is going to keep an eye on the YouTube chat as best he can, because I don't see it coming up over here. Shoot. OK, all right. So just wanted everybody to know, feel free to chat over there on YouTube. Look at that. Now we're on this side. Do you prefer us down at the bottom or on the side?
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (35:25.727)
That's what I'm here for, buddy.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (35:33.127)
It's got a little bit of delay from the Twitter, so.
@KeithMalinak On X (35:47.887)
No, I like this. This looks good. This looks good. I like this a lot. I like us being on the side now. That's pretty cool.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (35:52.129)
We can be picture in picture or...
@KeithMalinak On X (35:55.55)
Have fun over there, Wes. Okay, number eight. In September 2021, Wynn admitted that vaccine passports for travel aren't about safety, the... here we go. Yep. It's all about coercing people into getting the shot. And she had no problem with that. And I don't even know. At some point I've got to play... I've got to play another clip that I don't think is in this thread, but boy, she is something else. But I like this. This is a great point by Dr. Goddard.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (35:56.98)
I'm ever blessed.
@KeithMalinak On X (36:23.953)
She proposed a Chinese-like social credit system. Never forget that. mean, they were... They wanted that social credit score for us so badly.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (36:32.457)
Keith, what would your social credit score be?
@KeithMalinak On X (36:36.903)
negative something.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (36:38.054)
yeah, yeah, definitely absolute zero, probably. Or maybe a little bit above. I don't like to think I'm that bad of a guy, but yeah, it's yeah.
@KeithMalinak On X (36:41.905)
And by the way, there's another theme of totalitarianism coming up a week from now, March 20th, when de Guerbier does his presentation on 15 Minute Cities. If you never saw his central bank digital currency presentation back last summer, that was very informative as well. But he's going to talk to us about life under control of a
totalitarian government. But all right, so here's this here's this clip of Liana wins September 2021. Please tell me how much I suck.
@KeithMalinak On X (37:29.299)
Where was she born again? can't recall.
@KeithMalinak On X (38:05.202)
Listen to this!
@KeithMalinak On X (38:21.213)
My goodness. Guys, we're not this far removed from being on the precipice of this being our reality. By the way, Wes, keep your eye out. Dr. Goddock is in a storm with a dead battery, but he's trying to connect. So hopefully we see him.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (38:37.023)
And what he doesn't know about this, he had one job. Just keep your phone charged, okay? No, I'm just kidding.
@KeithMalinak On X (38:41.273)
so i don't know exactly where he is by the way somebody check the radar where was it storming so anyway by the way by the way just a heads up but to those of you in dallas apparently next tuesday wednesday another snowstorm coming this way so we'll see how that how that works out you got jackets
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (38:48.275)
I mean, it's cold here, but that's all we got.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (39:01.897)
I got jackets. I got an awesome pico. I want to wear it, sorry.
@KeithMalinak On X (39:08.721)
Okay, so we'll keep an eye out for Dr. Goddard as we continue through his thread here. All right, so as far as I know, you don't have a constitutional right to travel as you please as an American. Where was she born again? It just keeps slipping in my mind. I'm trying to think of where...
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (39:29.887)
Have you talked about the doctor?
@KeithMalinak On X (39:31.252)
born. Yeah, I know where she was born. Okay, so number nine, Dr. Leanna Wynn is a deeply dubious figure who constantly contradicted herself and tried to impose authoritarian values on the free American society. I wouldn't be surprised if she were still in the payroll of authoritarian regimes or eugenic NGOs. Can I please, you know, we've got to yes, I know, I know we said so what I need we need we need we need to look up and see if her name is connected to any USAID.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (39:50.907)
It makes sense. She's from Shanghai.
@KeithMalinak On X (40:01.555)
Can you go to that Gov search or whatever it is, Wes, and just see if you find anything connected to Dr. Leanna Winn. And just see if any government money has come into her. anyway, I appreciate that no one should tell you what to do with your body. Oh yeah, she did, by the way. I don't think she's still there, but she definitely, in 2018, was appointed president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
the first medical doctor to serve in that role in nearly 50 years. Congratulations, first female doctor. All right, good for you. Planned parenthood. As you can see, no one should tell you what to do with your body except for, except for the vaccine. Obviously. That one, they have every right because things. Let's see here. What I wish is the vaccine requirement. There it is.
She even tweeted it, vaccine requirements for interstate travel, mandates for school. It's time for drastic action. I like this. Did I just say eugenic NGOs? There was something about that. Yeah, there we go. There's the Planned Parenthood thing. She's ready to fight so that you can kill babies. Number 11. It's also revealing. hey, there's Dr. Goodwick. Hey, hang on a second. Let me, how do I?
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (41:22.783)
So on that note, Dr. Gurek, hi. But I got to go. My wife and I have to get going. But it's been a lot of fun to be on the other side. But Keith, you're here.
@KeithMalinak On X (41:28.549)
uh-oh bye baby let me before you go west can I get a mic check from dr. Simon here okay alright cool thank you I just want to make sure I can hear him Wes thanks buddy love you man be good alright man yes sir thanks man thank you dr. got it cuz I'm borrowed time I don't know where you're at sir but I know that you're fighting storms and batteries right now so
Dr. Simon Goddek (41:35.629)
Yeah, yeah, should work.
Wes @ThatGuyAtPGU (41:38.115)
Okay. It was a pleasure guys. I'll be, I'll see you tomorrow. Keith for sure, but anybody else, it's a lot of fun. So, uh, it's been real. All right, guys, take it easy.
Dr. Simon Goddek (41:55.221)
Yeah, I'm in the Brazilian jungle and we have really bad weather here. So I'm off grid. So I could, I could be going if I'm, if I'm just disappearing, it's because.
@KeithMalinak On X (42:01.124)
Yep. If you disappear, we won't take it personally. So we've just been going through your thread. Obviously we're down to number 11, just played a couple of clips of Dr. Leanna Wynn. While we've got you, I'm gonna just shut up here and just talk to us about this woman and is she still a threat to us in America?
Dr. Simon Goddek (42:23.073)
well, mean, like, recently she was talking about the bird flu. yeah, it's wild. mean, she's been one of the voices that was really pushing the mandates in the lockdowns and the discrimination against unvaccinated. So I know maybe you've been already to the, the third post, then when she said like the unvaccinated shouldn't even be allowed to, to leave their homes.
@KeithMalinak On X (42:27.281)
Yeah, yeah, I was gonna get down to that clip, yeah, from your thread.
@KeithMalinak On X (42:48.615)
Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Simon Goddek (42:49.925)
There are other clips where she's saying, we can't trust the unvaccinated. And she's been very harsh about what she's been saying about us, or at least those who didn't, who didn't get the vaccine. So it's including me. And then she has been back, backpedaling. I think you are there right now here.
@KeithMalinak On X (43:04.775)
Yeah, yeah, so we just played that one about as far as I know there's no constitutional right to travel. And so that was what we just played. what do you what?
Dr. Simon Goddek (43:14.035)
And then here she said like, look, in this post, said, like, I'm concerned about those who advocate for broad restrictions for all publicly. So she was the worst with Eric Feigl-Ding, who's another CCP shill, you know. So she's probably, you know, she probably knows what she's been doing. I think she was even paid to do so. mean, like during the
@KeithMalinak On X (43:34.974)
So that's what I want to ask you, because you mentioned the NGOs here, and obviously in the last week or two here in the US, we've been uncovering through the Trump administration, all of these USAID connections to people like Leanna Nguyen. I don't know, I should have looked this up before we went live today. You know she's gonna be connected, there's gonna be some payment, and maybe somebody can look it up while I'm babbling here. But I would not be surprised.
Dr. Simon Goddek (43:47.533)
@KeithMalinak On X (44:03.833)
if there's just a cache of money going to her or organizations that she's a part of. But I mean, that would explain so much. do you think, let me ask you this. You make the point in the thread here, and it's just facts that she was born in China. She immigrated when she was eight. She did become a US citizen around the age of 20. But beyond those connections like
Do we know if there is a formal connection between her and the CCP? Okay.
Dr. Simon Goddek (44:38.291)
No, but you can like, it's always the same playbook with them. know, Theresa Tam, same, same, Eric Feiglding, same, same. They were all born in China and then they emigrate to the US and suddenly they're following this used to be playbook.
@KeithMalinak On X (44:53.741)
Yeah, that's the thing. Yes. So let's scroll through here. Let me get back to...
Dr. Simon Goddek (44:57.981)
I just forget like CNN and co-op pushing them. It's not like, you know, they, they get publicity. here we go. my God.
@KeithMalinak On X (45:05.691)
Okay, yeah, so let's pause for just a second because I want to go, before we go down to Boston here, I want to play what you just referenced, the bird flu thing. Because as recently as December, she, and by the way, hold on, I gotta play this. This is my favorite clip of hers during the whole mess.
of COVID. Let me see, I gotta stop this screen. I'm sorry, shoot. I wanna play this. Let me play two clips here, then we'll get back to the thread because we gotta talk about Boston. Dear God, I hope your battery lasts. Okay, so here is.
Dr. Simon Goddek (46:19.917)
Dr. Simon Goddek (46:32.685)
before I tell you one thing, you know, I'm not a linguist, but I studied languages and I'm like, I speak plenty like eight, you know, and I can tell she she claims that she has emigrated from emigrated to the United States when she was eight. She it's a lie. She wouldn't have this accent. I mean, I have an accent, probably even a strong one. And I lived in the States and was 1617 1819. And you know,
@KeithMalinak On X (46:33.201)
@KeithMalinak On X (46:49.821)
Dr. Simon Goddek (46:58.421)
In case if it's true that she was emigrating, she wouldn't she would never have an accent like this. So she has a very strong Chinese accent, just like Eric Ding and and the others. So I think it's a lie that she yeah, she probably was just moving to the States when she was almost an adult. It doesn't make sense if you're a child and you're growing up in the States, you don't have this accent. It's impossible.
@KeithMalinak On X (47:11.015)
Hmm. Yeah.
Okay, okay, let me,
@KeithMalinak On X (47:23.315)
Yeah, okay. No, no, I'm with you. I'm looking at my clips here, doctor. I'm just... I want to play the bird flu one, but I don't know... No, that's not it. All right. Yeah, we played that one. Shoot. Well, anyway, you're right though. I don't want the point to be lost that recently she was pushing the bird flu vaccine, like you said.
Dr. Simon Goddek (47:24.161)
Just telling you.
Dr. Simon Goddek (47:36.109)
This one's wild too. We can't trust the unvaccinated. whoa.
@KeithMalinak On X (47:53.138)
And it's like, when does, what is her deal? Leave us alone. Okay, so let me, yeah.
Dr. Simon Goddek (47:58.869)
week in the American economy. It's like the same deal that Eric Feiglding has. there, you know, what Eric Feiglding did, I mean, like, don't want to don't want to commit a crime here on TV, but like on stream, but let's let's put it like this. I figured out that when he was demanding school closures in the United States that he was actually in Vienna. How did I know this? Not gonna tell but I knew his IP address. So I was checking on this.
@KeithMalinak On X (48:05.299)
I don't know that guy you keep mentioning.
@KeithMalinak On X (48:24.627)
Dr. Simon Goddek (48:26.143)
I was like, what the fuck is this dude doing in Vienna? Then I figured out, his wife is actually from Austria. So he was moving to Austria during the pandemic. So his school could go to classes, could go to school and actually, you know, follow classes while in the United States, everything was closed. it's like a water hypocrite saying like, the schools need to be closed and then like moving to Austria so his son could live a privileged life. So that's what these people did.
@KeithMalinak On X (48:53.573)
Right. Okay. Yes. Okay. So, yes, we've gone through her background and what she was pushing right up to December with the bird flu vaccine now is getting crazy. Okay, let's play. I'm going to play this here and let's and I've seen this video where it's clearer than it it's showing up here for us today. And you're right, man. What is up with that screen? It clearly
Dr. Simon Goddek (48:55.447)
But let's watch the number 12, it's too wild. Cliffhanger. Yeah.
Dr. Simon Goddek (49:07.799)
Let's go to the green screen.
@KeithMalinak On X (49:24.019)
I'm telling you, it's gotta be a 99.9 % chance that he did this in a studio and I don't understand why. It's a great script.
Dr. Simon Goddek (49:27.893)
It's a green screen. It's a green screen. You can tell by the shadows. You can tell that where people are actually looking at. But just let's just play the clip.
@KeithMalinak On X (49:33.841)
That's right. Here we go. Here we go. This is after the Boston Marathon bombing.
@KeithMalinak On X (50:30.835)
Okay. Dr. Gannick, what's the deal here?
Dr. Simon Goddek (50:34.667)
Yeah, I know. I probably this was the moment she got activated. But when you then look into, you know, she even claims that her husband was one of the victims who ended up in this emergency room. So what are the odds?
@KeithMalinak On X (50:39.613)
@KeithMalinak On X (50:49.061)
Yeah, right, right, right. Let's see, hold on, what do we know about her husband? Hang on, that's, we'll get there, we'll get there. It's in the thread, I know it's in the thread. But let's see here, allegedly treating victims, Calmly report, yeah, okay. Let's see, here we go, here we go. Talk to us about Sebastian Neal Walker, doctor.
Dr. Simon Goddek (51:10.724)
Look, I mean, like, he's been a reporter for Al Jazeera. I mean, I mean, exactly, exactly. And he was also one of the first one, Hadeed in 2010. So, you know, it's all connects all these coincidence. are the what are the odds, you know, what are the odds that he is marrying her and she was just like at the Boston Balmings, then she's working just for CNN. And he was working for New York Times and then for Vice like
@KeithMalinak On X (51:14.513)
How Jazeera reporter!
@KeithMalinak On X (51:27.667)
Dr. Simon Goddek (51:38.669)
I think if we dig into USAID and we go back to 2010, we would find all the connections.
@KeithMalinak On X (51:45.832)
Right, we have to search all these names. You're 100 % right. my goodness. Okay, so what's... Hang on a second here. All right, let me check this here. Okay, let's find our next...
Dr. Simon Goddek (51:49.601)
@KeithMalinak On X (52:02.643)
Okay, okay, so there he is where he's in Haiti Sebastian is
Dr. Simon Goddek (52:08.833)
Yeah, go up, go up. Guess who else was on this talk show about Haiti? Check her.
@KeithMalinak On X (52:16.032)
There he is!
Dr. Simon Goddek (52:20.257)
Lesson Walker and Anthony Fauci. Here we go.
@KeithMalinak On X (52:25.363)
That guy. So help me. We need to do a deep dive just on Anthony Fauci. my word.
Dr. Simon Goddek (52:30.153)
Yeah, no, I did a really deep dive on this on this person. I've created thousands of websites and I found like some nice hints, but it's pretty wild.
@KeithMalinak On X (52:34.236)
@KeithMalinak On X (52:38.19)
Hey, if there's something that you, uh, now I'm listening to me, Mr. 50,000 followers, just telling the guy with a million followers, Hey, if there's something on Fauci that you want me to retweet, it to me. I just realized how ridiculous that sounds, but I would love to see what you got. And maybe we have you on at some point to talk about that. Cause I didn't realize, uh, that, that, that you have done a lot of deep dives on him. So cool. We need to look into him. Uh, I w I want to see what you've got there, please. Um, okay.
Dr. Simon Goddek (52:50.103)
@KeithMalinak On X (53:07.555)
So yeah, there she is. Okay, so then she...
Dr. Simon Goddek (53:12.409)
This mid of I think it was in September, October last year. And she was like saying, hey, you should get the new coronavirus shot. And you know, in the clip before she was still talking about herd immunity through the shot. And she, you know, she never said like that she was wrong. She's just like, continue taking it.
@KeithMalinak On X (53:32.051)
I tell you and they they act like they've never said anything like they get on there and And it's like what they said in the past Never comes back to haunt them They never have to answer for that whether it's someone like this that gets out in front of a camera or a politician It just there's no reckoning
Dr. Simon Goddek (53:51.309)
Yeah, why didn't CNN, for example, check this question, they were asking like, oh, how much should people worry about this? She was like, oh, not at all, of course. But why wouldn't they ask her like, oh, you were always claiming what hurt me and you were always claiming that the unvaccinated killed the vaccinated, you know? She never gets these questions. It's literally like they use her or she's part of this. So they would just ask her questions she knows beforehand and they would like continue their common gas lighting.
@KeithMalinak On X (54:11.443)
@KeithMalinak On X (54:21.011)
Just... No.
Dr. Simon Goddek (54:21.621)
It doesn't make any sense. These are adrenaline. It's, it's, it's gaslighting. see, they should be sure they're up to date with vaccines. Wow. Wow. There's, there's no word about the unvaccinated people. here. my gosh. Here. I'm talking about the other one. Actually, the name is not Dr. Leanna Wen. It's Wen Linyan. So that's, that's me. Let's be real. And also Theresa Tam is Tan Yong-Chi and Eric Ding is Ding Liang.
@KeithMalinak On X (54:28.819)
That's cute, that's cute.
@KeithMalinak On X (54:35.441)
@KeithMalinak On X (54:41.981)
Dr. Simon Goddek (54:47.607)
So this sounds more like CCP. So they give themselves like these posh English names they don't actually don't have. So they don't appear like CCP agents, you know.
@KeithMalinak On X (54:57.073)
Right. So I guess we hadn't played this. I'm sorry. Let's see what this is here.
@KeithMalinak On X (55:24.873)
get off me!
Dr. Simon Goddek (56:00.737)
called Wheel.
@KeithMalinak On X (56:02.291)
Right, right, I'm picking up on that too. I'm sorry.
@KeithMalinak On X (56:09.171)
Heh. Heh.
@KeithMalinak On X (56:39.101)
@KeithMalinak On X (56:52.412)
Dr. Simon Goddek (56:52.461)
So you're actually saying, you're saying, yeah, they can infect others who are vaccinated, but it's like their fault. think if the, you know, if you need to get the vaccine for the vaccinated to be safe, something is something is wrong. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. It didn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense.
@KeithMalinak On X (57:05.875)
You're right, I mean, it's just...
But to your point, and I'm going to call it a hunch, I guess, but to your insistence that I think is... I feel you. I think that her connection to the CCP is much more likely there than not. Okay. Especially because she's so insistent that we shut down our society. To your point about...
crashing the American economy to just destroying our society. But let me ask you this, and this is where I'm going to ask you to really be speculative, okay, as opposed to just going on what I think is a very educated guess, let's say, about any potential connection to the CCP. Let me ask you this. Do you think, and we talked about this before you joined us here, do you think that the vaccine itself was
Dr. Simon Goddek (57:54.38)
@KeithMalinak On X (58:08.573)
created to be a weapon or is it just such Technology that isn't That's just bad technology at this point and my gosh, we accidentally are killing all of these people because because when you have people like dr. Leanna win who Have have immigrated from a nation that does not like us and is pushing something that is killing people
This is gonna be taken off YouTube in five minutes. But anyway, the point is, it almost makes it seem like, my gosh, stop pushing this. What is going on?
Dr. Simon Goddek (58:47.191)
Yeah, Chinese people didn't take mRNA, you know this, right? So they had their vector, shizzle, whatever they had in China. So I don't know why they were pushing mRNA on us. I think it was more opportunistic from, you know, from the karma and Bill Gates and whoever invested in them. So the past studies on mRNA technology as in vaccines, I think the main studies were cancer vaccines.
@KeithMalinak On X (59:02.227)
Okay. Okay.
Dr. Simon Goddek (59:13.143)
They all literally failed. So I didn't, I don't understand why they pushed it on us on a respiratory seasonal respiratory disease. Like that's called the sniffles, right? mean, like it was nothing but the sniffles. So if you had a vitamin D blood serum level above 50, you would never get, you would never get the COVID or the sniffles or, or the baby flu. So the question is why did this happen? I think it's just, I think they just ran the test for climate lockdowns.
@KeithMalinak On X (59:14.835)
@KeithMalinak On X (59:23.207)
Dr. Simon Goddek (59:43.393)
So they were checking like how far can they go? How many people are going to comply? Can we do it again in the future? But of course, there are many factors that we have to take into consideration. think that China, I mean, like China wasn't really in lockdown mode. Their economy was skyrocketing while the Western economy was crumbling.
@KeithMalinak On X (59:43.603)
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:00:07.789)
So especially Chinese players or let's say also communist players, were many others who are hardcore leftists who are pushing this agenda that mainly they were like in favor of these harsh lockdowns that didn't make any sense. Mask, stay inside, like don't go to the gym, eat fast food, nothing that made sense. That's something we have to really talk about and also reconsider what's the big plan behind it.
I mean, there many theories, maybe all these theories are partly true. I think all the ways lead back to the WF and to PowerGrab, globalist PowerGrab. But what their end goal is, I have no clue. I mean, I have some ideas, but I have many ideas, to be fair. And I'm tweeting about this all the time. It's actually wild. Yeah.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:01.969)
Yeah, please. You got to follow Dr. Gattick. So let me ask you this. Today's actually, from my perspective, a very good day for America. Robert Kennedy was just confirmed to head up HHS, Health and Human Services, here under Trump. The Senate being in control of the Republicans and therefore, in theory, giving more power to someone like Rand Paul, who has been dogged in his attempt to
to bring Dr. Anthony Fauci to justice. Do you think that there will ever be a reckoning for people like Anthony Fauci for COVID? You think so? Hmm.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:01:38.797)
Yeah, I think so. I think so. Yes. I mean, the more we're to you know, USAID, we need to dig deep and we need to see, look, where are the connections? For how many years have they been already corrupt? So I think he's been pardoned since 2013, but there are 30 years before that he was doing awful stuff, HIV, etc. yeah. And I think there's also...
@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:56.658)
Right. Exactly my point. Yes. Okay. Sure. If he skates on COVID, we'll get him for what he did for AIDS.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:02:08.893)
a law in the United States that he can still be held accountable for. Oh, she's talking again. Oh, For national crimes, you know, for federal crimes, and which he surely committed. So the more we can learn about Wuhan, the more we're going to learn about the Eco Alliance, Peter Daszak, Ralph Barich, Christian Drost, Marin Koopmans, all is going to come to light. At some point, he needs to be held accountable. We just shouldn't forget, you know, there's always a
@KeithMalinak On X (01:02:11.921)
hush. No, sorry.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:02:30.525)
hope so.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:02:35.959)
There are always new topics, then was Hamas and then it's like this and that. And people keep on forgetting about to talk about COVID. this is when we look back 40 years and 40 years time, you said, okay, this is when it started. This is when it really started, you know? And I hope we're not going to say like this. Maybe we're going to be like, okay, this is when we prevented things that could have been much worse. I hope that that's going to be how we remember this time.
But I'm afraid it's going to get worse. they're going to be I mean, like even here in Brazil, their banks already implement carbon credits on your bank account. So they check, are you buying online or how many how many kilos of carbon dioxide you actually owe?
@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:22.213)
You know what? That's interesting. Can we just take a detour here for Brazil just for a moment? You living down there. What's the future look like for Brazil? Because from my perspective, it just looks like Brazil was another one of those nations that had their election taken.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:03:42.677)
Yeah, most I cannot say yes. It's dangerous. But I would agree with you. It's like this. So it's most likely rigged. I just say most likely, you know, there's always a likelihood that it wasn't but it was weird. Anyway, so I think Brazil is already in the future far ahead from the US when it comes to digital payments. So money is something non existent anymore as in physical money. It's really hard to get. It's really hard to get and it's really hard to pay with.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:48.772)
Okay, sorry.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:55.569)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:04:11.629)
I've been to a place and want to pay with money. like, we're going to take money. I'm like, what the heck? So everybody here pays with a phone, not even a credit card or debit card more. It's just the phone. QR codes, you pay with QR codes. So literally what they did with COVID, know, these QR codes, could check your tasks, et cetera. So that's what's happening here with payments. So everybody's literally paying QR codes.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:16.296)
@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:21.085)
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:04:41.077)
Of course, it's convenient, but the problem is the government since January 1st, they have access to every single payment of you, micro payment, macro payment, everything. And it's all linked to you and your personal social security number. So it's really hard to to make payments without the government knowing that you made payments. So, mean, like I'm in the jungle, as you know, so I trade just like the good old times. So I trade chicken.
I give my neighbor a chicken and he gives me 10 liters of milk. Like really, really hardcore. So we don't pay taxes. don't know what we are doing, but it's really, really, really crazy where Brazil is going under this social president.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:23.027)
And I just feel that the United States was on the cusp of that if not for our election results in November. Yeah. gosh. Here's, here's.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:05:32.523)
Yeah, of course. course. mean, but still, they're, they're, they're, know, literally, Brazil is a lab for, for what's coming in the West. People here are as conservative in the States. So literally, majority of the South and the North East of West of Brazil is conservative. So people here are quite aware of what's going on. And the Northeast were mainly
@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:42.418)
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:06:02.473)
African immigrants like from, know, the population with higher melanin levels. They are hardcore socialist and communist. And they don't get it. mean, like they've been voting socialism for like 40 years and they're still the poorest part of the country. And they don't get it, you know. So they they're actually that's keeping Brazil down. So I think for where I'm living, I think my state is sending more than 50 percent of the profit to the northeast so they can.
so they can get their food while not working. it's really fucked up. Imagine California is richer than they are, but it's really divided country. It's communism versus capitalism. So if I were living here, was like, the best thing you can do is split the country up. But it's a crime to say it here. I'm not going to say it. But check the post here. Here can see what I was actually, what I was, no, one up 20. The post number 20.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:49.863)
yeah, I don't-
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:06:58.807)
You've scrolled a bit. This 21. Here we go. Look at this. I mean, work Europe. mean, like they're like dumb as fuck. mean, they cut off. They were hardcore, really hardcore. The US wasn't hardcore, but Europe was hardcore. you know, look at their economy and they were like, it's necessary. Look at China.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:59.427)
sorry, sorry, Scroll up 20. Yeah, yeah, look at that right there. Yeah.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:14.813)
@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:23.763)
Okay, let's see here. Tin foil hat glowing, yeah. Yep. Yeah, the whole thing of her being connected to the world economic forum, I mean, that's a strike against you right out of the gate. You know, that says everything. Okay, yeah. All right, well, okay. So please, when we disconnect here, Doctor, if you get a chance, would you send me a thread?
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:07:36.151)
Yeah. Why hurt?
@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:51.54)
that you're particularly fond of of Anthony Fauci. I would love to see and that because I read I read the real Anthony Fauci, which I highly recommend Robert Kennedy's book if you want to learn
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:08:03.65)
Yeah, he some good ghost writers.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:08:07.027)
Okay, all right. Well, I will just say that when you walk away from that book, it's hard to determine if Anthony Fauci or Bill Gates is the worst person. That's...
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:08:10.231)
Yeah. It's still good book.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:08:17.581)
Yeah, I who wrote the book. yeah, mean, he highly he participated a lot. So he gave lots of input. So let's give him the credit, right. But there was there was another person who literally sat down and I mean, like how he couldn't have the time. I think during the pandemic, wrote like six huge books. So how does he do it? It's impossible. Yes, I was right. But I mean, like I put the information together very well.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:08:36.332)
I need a
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:08:40.429)
Unfortunately, they didn't look over the Atlantic Ocean. They didn't talk about the person who actually made everything possible. wasn't Fauci, was Christian Drosten. Christian Drosten is like, without him, there wouldn't have been any pandemic. Fauci, he's the face of COVID in the United States, but he didn't make this pandemic possible. was Christian Drosten who created this PCR protocol in a fraudulent PV process.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:03.411)
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:09:07.807)
And he also was the one who started with the myth of asymptomatic transmission. So he was obviously having the first patient who was asymptomatic and transmitted the virus. So he caused these two things and Fauci did none of this. He just went with the narrative, but he didn't activate the narrative. So without Drosten, wouldn't have been a pandemic. Without Fauci, would have still been a pandemic.
Unfortunately, nobody's focusing on this really, really awful German. What we call him without going to jail?
@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:42.973)
Wait, why is it... why does it always come from Germany?
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:09:48.953)
Hitler was Austrian and the first world war was Austrian as well. But still he is like same mindset. He's equally evil. So when people compare him to Mengele, was like, no, Mengele wasn't that bad. yeah, I mean, like, if you consider this without without the test, I mean, like even Drosten said himself without the testing, there wouldn't have been any pandemic. He said he said like, without us testing people, we wouldn't know that there is a pandemic. He said it himself. I'm like, wow, this is honesty.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:50.822)
Yeah, yeah.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:10:17.793)
So without the test, wouldn't have been any pandemic. would, there wouldn't have been any panic. And actually the panic and the elevated cortisol levels in our body, they actually caused the excess mortality in April and May. And after this, there was no excess mortality anymore. But still without excess mortality, they were pushing the vaccines against what? Against fighting the non-existent excess excess mortality. Doesn't make any sense. Anyway, he was making everything possible with a test and with the, with the myth of asymptomatic transmission. And he's still a free man.
which is wild. mean, like, he should at least, I mean, like, there is no death penalty in Europe, but that's why I said, like, he should at least be in jail or at least see a judge for what he's been causing. There's so much evidence against him, and they just don't care because they're protecting him because the whole system is actually protecting the man because the man is protecting the whole system.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:09.031)
Yeah, because I mean, if it's a house of cards, if somebody's going to take the fall, everybody's going to end up taking the fall. And then maybe society collapses in on itself because you've got governments, ours included, that we're constantly pushing. Get yourself vaccinated if you want to keep your job. Get yourself vaccinated. And I just I want there to be an accounting for people because there has
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:11:12.385)
Yeah, of course.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:36.637)
there have been countless bodily injuries and deaths that were so unnecessary through the vaccine.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:11:42.861)
So who was it was crazy who was like was sitting there eating hamburger and fries and it's like, Oh, look, look, hamburgers and fries. Get the vacs. can have this delicious hamburger.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:11:53.079)
That was the governor of New York, Cuomo.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:11:57.261)
former mayor of New York. No, it wasn't Cuomo. I think it was the blazer, but okay, whatever. Yeah, yeah, Like sitting very like fat eating eating burger, you know, elevating his his cortisol and being even healthier and more vulnerable and just like, you can combine these all these free donuts you could get, you know, get the vaccine, but free donut. Like, what the heck, you know?
@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:02.389)
was de Blasio, the mayor? okay, okay. Hell, they both suck.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:12:24.053)
If people didn't get at this point didn't understand it was a sign up is like, you know, yeah, at least the latest point that people should wake up who didn't wake up at that point is lost anyway. Like donut and the vaccine to get, or even all these McDonald's vaccination centers. I was like, what the fuck? That is drive through vaccination centers. You would go there and you would be there. Lord.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:30.737)
@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:48.467)
I feel so okay, last question for you here and then I'll let you go I know you're dealing with some harsh weather right now and some I appreciate you figuring out a way to make this happen man Do you think that or I guess let me ask you this? What's the likelihood that that we're going to see another? clamped down the way we did with kovat
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:12:58.315)
Yeah, that's a good idea.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:13:13.523)
Do you think that they're going to use something else even if it is the climate but maybe it's bird flu but do you see them being able to? Impose that kind of tyranny again on the West
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:13:27.029)
And not if the Republicans or Trump maintains president in Europe, also have some countries that are really waking up hungry Italy. So it depends. Of course, it always depends. But in general, I think the global cabal is still, yeah, they still have the power over everything. You can, you can see what happened the last year. So if you, if you criticize just one specific group of people, you also get still get shut down.
So I think there's still the people who are still managing the narrative are still managing it to some degree. Of course, Trump and Elon Musk are doing their best in order to expose corruption and we could prolong the current state of freedom. I think in the long term, it's going to be very, very difficult unless more and more people are waking up. And then they, of course, they don't have a chance against the population, but they, you know, they keep on doing stuff.
When we were demanding like, okay, we should we should persecute Fauci and everybody was like, you know, everybody was like together hunting down all these COVID people. Suddenly Hamas attacked Israel and we were all divided because 50 % 49 % was literally pro Israel 49 pro Palestine people like me 2 % we don't dislike both of them. We're like, you both. know, it's literally, you know, their society got divided.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:51.163)
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:14:52.257)
Totally. And so suddenly this strong opposition movement got split into two parts. And I think it was no coincidence that whatever happened on October 7th happened on October 7th, because we just got momentum and they destroyed it. And that's how they play with us. It's all part of their playbook.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:15:10.961)
Yeah, feels like we are little pawns here. Hey, did I spell that right? I've been trying to type that. Okay, cool.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:15:13.101)
youth like that. Prove me wrong. Yeah, correct. It's like how I started my my myself on scientific papers got a get all. So yeah, people. Yeah, people don't get it. So I should I should make a better one. But I mean, like, all the other ones, Simon Goddard, Dr. Goddard got it. They're all banned. During COVID, I was always making new accounts. That was been within hours. So all these
@KeithMalinak On X (01:15:24.691)
now I get it. Okay, hey.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:15:41.409)
all these hashtags or all these names are, yeah, aren't available for me. So I just go with this one.
@KeithMalinak On X (01:15:48.328)
Gotcha, well follow him over on X and thank you again for your time. Please be safe with the storms that you're dealing with and everybody thank you for sticking with us throughout the technical issues that we had at the onset here. I'm so grateful for your patience and we'll see you again tomorrow 3 p.m. Eastern. Patterson will be here. We'll have some fun with the Friday live stream. Thanks everybody, y'all be well.
Dr. Simon Goddek (01:16:11.489)
Bye bye.