Jan. 23, 2025

Vanished Without a Trace: Mysterious Disappearances and Lost Legends

Vanished Without a Trace: Mysterious Disappearances and Lost Legends

We uncover the truth behind the Oklahoma City bombing, D.B. Cooper, CIA secrets, reincarnation, deep state cover-ups, FBI conspiracies, Timothy McVeigh, Mars life, remote viewing, Alzheimer’s, and nicotine facts.

Shocking CIA Declassified Files!
What if the government knew more about Mars than they ever told us? Today, we deep dive into remote viewing, secret CIA operations, and the strange mysteries of declassified documents. The truth is out there—will you believe it?

00:00 - Start & Introductions
04:23 - Did the CIA conduct secret remote viewing experiments?
06:48 - Mars 1 Million Years Ago? Pyramids & Ancient Civilizations
10:57 - What the CIA declassified about Mars & secret programs
16:05 - How much can we trust the government on these topics?
23:14 - UFOhttps://youtu.be/2bwaFVoZ2FQs, Aliens, & Military Secrets—What They Won’t Tell You
30:09 - Can Remote Viewing Be Used TODAY?
40:00 - The Timothy McVeigh Conspiracy & Hidden Truths
52:00 - Final Thoughts & Next Episode Preview

DID YOU KNOW? The CIA once ran secret remote viewing experiments to allegedly observe Mars 1 million years ago! They reported seeing pyramids, ancient structures, and strange beings. What does this mean for us today?

Comment below: Do you believe in remote viewing?
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J6 Cover-Up and Rock ‘N’ Roll Secrets 


[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right all right look at that huh just experimenting playing around uh hopefully everybody has now joined us thank you for making time here on the Thursday at the mic Deep dive what is today February or Janu dear Lord help me January 23rd uh 2025 I'm already dragging you in here Brad because I don't even know what month it is apparently right are we at a European

disco Tech I think Art Bell is jealous right now A Art Bell I tell you I'm I mean I stood on top of Art Bell and I'm sorry literally I mean I stood on top I talked to you when I stood on top of oh that was awesome how you how you live streamed in or dialed in or whatever I was doing a back patio thing and you were out and that standing on the man you're standing on him I was standing on the man and uh let's see incredible uh you know what uh let's see I'm I'm seeing down there it's uh Linda says

it's uh 57 Sunny degrees so are yeah you're about in Texas yeah about 57 I think that's about the temperature here I can almost see it's 52 here uh Northwest of Fort Worth Texas so it's definitely gotten warmer she on YouTube she's on YouTube that's where the chat is uh at least for now uh that's where the chat is exclusively I knew that if you would like to join over there uh obviously we're on X at Keith malinac and youtube.com theic uh I don't know if you can no you can't see that it's over there this mic person how come there's

two of them wait that's weird there's two live streams on YouTube on YouTube I was afraid of that what happened so everybody can I know it's a mess this whole you and I were talking off air this new setup that I'm using this one stream thing are they two different streams or this the same stream you don't know I don't know that's all right I don't know that's kind of wild uh but that that is something that I need to to write down uh because there's a lot of things that need addressing Curtis is in

there which one is he on though he oh that's a good qu Toby's in there and is he on the help me Wes Wes genius West I had to pause Brad show today to join Keith and Brad now a sue that's very nice of you I think I'm you know what I'm mad and I'm happy at the same time I feel insulted yet I'm honored cuz she paused one of me oh so there's actually three of you technically there that's almost a a deep dive topic right there why how are there free Brads that is uh that would make some people very unhappy I mean they could be you get

more you can get more stuff done that way all right thanks for joining me here Brad Stags people can find you obviously you do your thing over at the daily mojo.com I do which you can see there on the screen uh and I love your new setup there what a nice set you bro like thank you it's a I have a sword and a thingy behind me a sword and a thingy um a sword and a rifle you can't see it all in this I need to change that don't I need to make but yeah I've just it's a work in progress because y it's where

you know it's where I live it's where I spend all of my quality time here in the motel well I always love doing these little barfle with you because I feel I almost feel like uh I let me back up for those that may not have seen episodes one and two or actually episode one where where we couldn't figure out like it was like a barfly it was supposed to be Barfly but but I barfle yeah I made it one word and I don't think it's supposed to be one word so now it's just a barley episode it's a barfle episode

it's like shidu and so I feel pressure to drink because that's the whole gimmick of the of the deal we're hanging out at a bar kids are doing it obviously right so uh you know what you're right all the cool kids I should probably be careful though starting this early in the podcast because this is oh I dare you to just drink vodka I dare you to just throw it back okay just drink drink drink I gotta I'm not I'm not gonna drink the whole thing brother Keith brother so okay we got a lot of topics you and I have been when's the last time

we did one of these episodes uh we just been kind of T3 1903 so since 1903 you and I have been texting back and forth hey we should talk about this hey let's talk about this topic blah blah blah uh and and if you're not familiar what we do here is we just kind of pull out some we whip it out conspiracy theories we whip it out interesting things that we want to talk about yeah uh with alcohol you're not drinking I'm not drinking right now because honestly I I don't think I'm doing it tonight you

know what I'm saying I don't think I am do I mean be very specific I was I I mean I I wouldn't mind doing it tonight I mean I would doing we get an anant for it already especially if I'm getting paid to do it I CU I will do it for money and I'll do it for three hours for money I mean hell I do it every morning for two hours for not money I mean I do it mainly to have people watch three hours damn three hours but here's the weird thing if I if I do it at night for three hours this is Water by the way I'm not

uh I don't think I talk as much as I do doing you talk the whole time you're doing it I do I do I just I won't shut up because I that's I've heard that people like that if you just don't shut up if you just keep you know flapping what are we talking about again I don't know but I'm getting paid for it if I do I don't think I'm doing it though okay I think we're not okay so we're not gonna be uh discussing specifically what you could be doing oh no we can it's a a BAP and because I did it last night for

three hours and I was told that if I was going to be doing it to uh tonight I would have been told yesterday but I wasn't told yesterday so I'm assuming that oh well I'm lost so but but if people want to check you out uh it's tonight at what time would you be possibly it would be if I was going to be it would be uh at uh 8:00 uh central time Central Time uh wbap probably.com I'm going toe well no just go to the iHeart app because in typical radio fashion I don't think that if you go to their website it you'll spend hours just

trying to figure out how to get the damn thing to play the thing is so ridiculous is that they don't give you any warning they're just like hey can you do a show in five minutes I'm easy and you're talk I'm easy and I'm relatively cheap okay so did you see this thing uh the CIA first of all let me let me back up the tweet that really uh led me down this road uh it came uh from I don't know uh Ander Cott honestly I don't know but I just love this the CIA publishes the craziest stuff on their website uh

then he goes oh yeah we had professional remote viewers yeah we asked them to go visit Mars 1 million years ago what did they see pyramids obelisks a dying Elder race looking for a new home anyway it's Declassified now and what I just read is 100% I have the report printed up here from the CIA and you could see this you 88 in back in 2000 it was released 25 years ago yeah 1984 actually is when um it was approved for release it says at the top of the thing right uh in 2000 so what 16 16 years later and you can look this up

yourself uh you can download it and it is the most ridiculous thing and it's a guy I don't a guy I mean it doesn't say guy does it no it's just a transcript it's a transcript hold on a second hold on you said guy please do not use gendered language to to address everyone and so the guy so you can pull out the tape no I'm good I'm good I gotta tell this now see I got to tell this I like to let the audience in on everything can you just queue up the the end of that clip that you're referring to so when I worked in Atlanta

as The Story Goes I was not in this room but uh Kim Peterson awesome afternoon host there at GST the radio station that I worked at I was the evening producer or producer for the evening show and he was the host for the afternoon show Kim Peterson those of you Atlanta may know this and Wayne no offense his producer uh uh they would they would sit in the studio together and that was back in the days when we didn't have digital stuff everything was analog and so the sound effects the drops everything were on

these little carts it look like eight trck tapes look like eight track tapes and they would go in these little machines and so if you thought of something you wanted to play you got to quickly find that cart put it in hit the I mean you got to be fast Y and so that was an ongoing thing where he would play this clip you lousy cork suckers you have violated my fargan rights okay all right all right so it ends with him calling them I see I can't that's the bad thing I can't cue it to the end because it's either

either push you lowy cork suckers just let it just let it okay well anyway I'll let it go the cor suckers you have violated my fargan rights this someon oning country was founded so that the Liberties of Comm and patriotic citizens like me could not be taken away okay by a bunch of fargan ice holes faring faring ice holes is that Johnny dangerously I don't know I have can't remember what that's from yeah I can't either it comes and goes in my brain it doesn't sit there in a in a concrete uh anyway so um so dangerous and Wayne

would play that uh faring ice holes and Ken Charles one of the Great program director in the history of radio in fact was just uh just won an award uh I saw is there such a thing what has a great program director it's a fair point actually it's a very very fair point tell him I just asking the question so anyway so so Kim Charles as The Story Goes walks in during a break and says where is it and and Kim and and Wayne are like uh where's what where's the faring iceholes clip and and so like Wayne hands him the

cart and then and Ken just starts pulling the tape out of the cart no more not on my station so there you go what's wrong with a farg in ice hole I'm just telling you can we stop getting distracted so anyway this transcript is about remote viewing which if you've ever spent five minutes listening to Coast to Coast AM with the befor mentioned Art Bell uh remote viewing is is just a big constant topic or at least it used to be what what what there was a book written about the cia's um remote viewing do you remember what it was

called and I'm not it's not a trick question I can't remember the name of the book has the word black in it it's almost like Black off black uh um the one I read is ah but that was specifically dealing with that's what I was goingon to go look at the bookcase for in the motel here the in the lobby but there's a bunch of people out there her to get right well I know it's customers come in they need a room and it's like for an hour or two and but I borrowed this book on remote viewing from Patrick Hennessy and explain

explain to people what remote viewing is it's sitting in this room closing my eyes and and uh I guess technically astrop projecting myself like to Keith's room to a different time and place right so like this thing gives you GPS coordinates on Mars and says go back to um hang on here's the summary here the guy goes back or girl I don't know don't play the clip um it's uh it's one one Million Years BC I saw that movie Welch was it any good not really okay made a nice made for a nice poster yeah um but um it the guy goes there and

he I already read you the Tweet he sees pyramids he sees really tall he calls them like tall like skinny uh beings wearing like Silk robes or something I mean it just sounds like a a a bate movie honestly is what T whites tall whites that's right racist and so um but but this was a legit thing the CIA did spent money on to um no they're still doing this off the books though to spy technically I mean if you could do this and I'm not saying you can I'm not saying you can't but if you could do this you could go to the enemy's uh

office and and peer over their shoulder at their computer and they're saying you know we attack at dawn and then you know they're going to attack at dawn uhuh but first we dance first we hang on y'all I am actually I'm gonna put in the chat I don't know what uh what what live stream this is gonna go to maybe both I'm probably the only one that gets to to land in both of them I I texted Wes I said uh we're live on two YouTube channels uh let's see hang on could you see the one that could you see

the one where I just said it's me uh yes okay then that's I guess wherever Brad is and then I just posted the link to cia.gov reading anyway you see it there um okay so I just think that's insane that's crazy but it sounds it sounds nutty that you'd be able to do that but I know why I'm with you I'm not saying you can I'm not saying you can't by the way genius West just took down one of the live stream so if you got kicked off a you don't hear me right now I should I should have said anyway good luck it was probably

just a duplicate so okay I just hope so wbap is my presets in the car for when I drive past Dallas when did you drive past Dallas Linda Linda drives past Dallas and it's uh BP is on a preset didn't say hi oh right didn't say hello now on FM at 933 uhuh oh look at Wes chiming in he Wes AP uh sorry for the interruption that one is on me oh oh it's his fault uh oh Keith you just froze am I hold on am I just am I in a room talking to myself now this is going to be kind of funny because if it's what

okay I don't I'm still moving but Keith isn't okay this is kind of weird it looks like I have no idea what's going Keith okay so all right so Ean uh says uh Keith is frozen this is awkward because I didn't start this uh chat it it's it's Keith Keith is frozen Brad is good I'm back oh there you are what happened you frightened me yeah I know but you're a professional can handle it um I don't know you know what happened Wes I'll tell you what happened Wes logged in under my log in and kicked me off ah so

let's you know it's it's technology is both amazing and heartbreaking isn't it holy crap man we we're off to a great start today and now I can't let's see there we go okay so um and and I appreciate everybody hanging around for this uh this is this is a dumpster fire uh okay soome my world we need to uh so I don't know there was um there was another thing oh hang on a second is this in Rumble too risn wants to know if it's in Rumble it's only on YouTube it's on delay on Rumble um there was something you sent me what did you send

me about remote viewing just before we got started I was like oh throw it in with the Mars thing um didn't you send did I send you oh man no I did I hold on I don't know if oh no no I sent you the the uh the the uh Adam and Eve thing the uh next cataclysm and that's a CIA to or also but it's the I'm telling it things something is it feels like things are lining up to happen and I know I've said that before and I'm tired of hearing my say it quite frankly uh but it feels like things are lining up

like there's something that's going to happen and hang on so I'm going to read this tweet that you sent me it says this is from uh holding colada I don't know that uh if you like if you like hold and getting caught in the rain oh my goodness uh the CI now it's in my head damn you uh you like making love at midnight and what's the next line quick um you did caught in the rain if you like making love at midnight in the in the it took me forever like 30 years to figure out he was saying in the dunes on the cape Dunes on the cape okay

and no why would you want to make love in the dunes on the cape first of all I hate that term and secondly it's sand and sand and that don't go together so no you don't want to do it in the dunes on the cape freak anyway sorry I mean you don't want you don't want where that sand goes you don't okay so the CIA kept this book on ancient civilizations and shifts classified for 50 years oh hang on hang and don't shift your polls on the dunes all right I got it I got to move my vodka it was sitting on top of

this story I gotta get right uh civilization of 20,000 years ago were more advanced than our wildest imagination Atlantis was real ancient Americans launched great satellites into space allegedly and then you click oh you know but why does that sound so because you you you say that and you go and I agree cuz it's it's like I haven't read through this thread this is a long I haven't either I mean I haven't done the whole thing but it's the you sent it to me I did send it to you but this goes back this is you you you know

about everything that's in here and then the community notes uh they even said wait a second no the CIA didn't just declassify it they had Declassified it a while ago but it's always nuanced this is something that's been around since 1963 I think this is hysterical y'all we are so good at the thing you call show prep on the show where we just how do you show prep for Life on Mars we send each other links without reading them and then we just sit here and we talk about stuff we haven't even looked at

but I have a story here about um Earth's magnetic north pole is on the move and scientists just updated its position thing has moved hang on I want can I read I wanted because I saw this and read the first paragraph with a rumble so low as to be inaudible growing throbbing oh no then fuming into a thundering Roar the earthquake starts only it's not like any earthquake in recorded history in California the mountains shake like ferns in the breeze the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into a mountain of water more than

two miles high then starts its race Eastward the force of a thousand armies the wind attacks ripping shredding everything in its supersonic bombardment damn that's poetry have you got Goose bombs well yeah because because what I'm looking at um my source is not you know creative writing 101 like yours mine is CNN.com and that's this story well this is in the book this is in the that's the book that's in the book that's in the Adam and Eve story and it talks about the the the flood um and I it's just it's it's crazy that

what this ties into Life on Mars is what I guess I'm saying so let me ask you this uh okay so I need to familiarize myself with that can you um can you post that tweet in the chat there yes um hang on no pressure uh no no so what you do is you want to take your mouse it's that's what's the mouse what what what is this mouse you speak click it and then you control C by the way by the way um H you feel like hold and coladas can I just say Danielle had a we talked about the mice or the rats or or raccoons or

vultures or Bears or something whatever is living in the attic and in the walls which by the way this wall I swear every time I sit at this desk I just I could it's just like a colony something's happening over there uh but I laid out the uh she she sent me a video of we're gonna find your lifeless body with parts of wallpaper torn off of the wall and a small hole in it and what was he doing I don't know looks like into the wall hang on if it happens while I'm live streaming imagine the clicks oh somebody if it aliens through

the wall right here whatever the hell it is it's gotta go it's got to go through a calendar and a corkboard but if it can get through drywall it can handle these easily but anyway what was I saying yes oh it's a video where you you mix up uh baking soda and you mix up um uh like Jiffy cornbread mix it's like honey flavored or whatever like a Saturday night yeah come on and so what happens is the Little Critters get drawn to the sweet sweet uh you know Flavor of Love yeah there it is and so and then they eat it

and they can't rats and mice and rodents Keith I think is the word you're groping for here um it's uh they can't they can't burp or fart or whatever it deals those orifi shut and so so they uh so they it mixes with acid and then and then booah it's it's over for them the problem is they crawl back to their nest and they die and God willing their nest explode all over their are not under this roof because what did I say the temperature was because if that's the case and they're in these walls dying

right now it's gonna be really warm really soon and then it's gonna be all right they stink for like a day there's not enough moisture there to really this is this is strangely just like I'm sitting in a bar right now we are well and again this all goes back and ties into Life on Mars as we're talking about life in your walls and Life on Mars that is the essence of all life I like it I like it you're welcome oh yeah see see Danny's in the what okay what stop with the I swear I will send Ken Charles

to the hotel to take whatever digital Wizardry you're pulling on that in okay hey what's the latest uh you know about a two weeks ago or so president Trump before taking office said that he wants a report on his desk January 21st I'm sorry what's going on sorry I hear Trump I just think gra oh okay I see so January 21st he wants a report on his desk about the uh about the drones flying over New Jersey Etc and now I'm gonna cough so stand by January 21st that was two days ago so Monday night he's in the Oval Office and

I'm watching him right and um and he said he's signing all them executive orders and he sends one of his staff out of the room to go get because one of the reporters asked about Hey where's the report you know on the on the drones and stuff and he's like oh that was um Peter Ducey I think it was he asked him half of the questions were asked by Peter du can you tell us right now no I just got here well well because remember he had requested that report be on his desk Tuesday morning and so Monday night he's

like hey yeah go go find out have we heard an update on that because he he asked for it Monday night he previously asked for it uh to be ready on Tuesday morning and what where where do we stand on the drones I mean Tucker had a guy on who swore up and down it was China I think it right isn't it um according to news Nation or or they were quoting a source about CH go ahead well I was just goingon to say u u let's see Jan the 22nd so yesterday um the headline is just Trump vows to shine light on Jersey drone mystery but

it doesn't it doesn't have any any result yeah see see we need an update well and the problem is remember he a few weeks ago said I I he acted like he knew what they were and he's like I don't think that there is any yeah yeah so I was like okay well you know he doesn't seem real concerned about it which made me think right okay he like the government knows and I'm going to have a report on January 2 or maybe he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who believes that UFOs are flying around oh oh so you don't think so I'm

thinking he's thinking you know it's just aircraft which it might be I don't know I have no idea what the hell there is it our aircraft were they looking for something is it China's aircraft are they looking uh to intimidate us to keep us out of Taiwan which is what the Tucker uh guy Source I forget now well and and the uh uh according to news and we all heard this the white remember the White House the Pentagon they said there was no threat of course they also told us us that about the u Chinese balloon

that was flying over the middle of the country and it didn't pose a threat except that we then later found out that it had like a modem on it and was communicating with like Comcast and uploading information but don't worry about it it's not not a big deal because when they shot it down over the Atlantic then they were going to collect it and then were going to give us the full report on what it was and um then's that report then we didn't get that it's almost like they were never in intended waitone like what that they never

intended to tell us and honestly we have such a a short attention spans I know I know everything is it's it's here one day and gone the next and I know according to the end of the story on news Nation the last paragraph is later more than 20 official from the Departments of Justice Homeland Security and defense went before Congress for a classified drone hearing testifying there was no threat and so I mean then case then we're done here which you know is complete uh hog wash and but what do you

do where do you go to complain that's not not a sponsor but they're they're more than than I'm more than happy to take them is it wheatle wheatle or this isn't you don't make vodka out of wheat do you this isn't even that good it's Mulan and you know why I have x's on it it's because you wait until you're drunk before you start drinking this one that's what the X means why did I say that out loud I don't know so if you ever see me pull uh this is a new bottle of M yeah in fact I have hardly even

tapped into M Rouge I swear I I don't know why I'm saving this one I I I just I need a friend I need a friend to come over Brad and drink the Wayne Gretzky and finish it off with me okay is that his company Wayne Gretzky's company yeah it's a it's a Canadian whiskey oh my gosh February 1 is gonna shoot up I better go stock up now I'm sorry what oh are we are are tariffs going to be on Canadian stuff too a I don't know he better not honestly hey dab and the reason he better not is because right now and and

I don't want to go down we got so many of these uh stories we got to get to but can I just say uh he signed on to an agreement with Mexico and Canada uh this deal was signed by him and it doesn't expire until July 1st 2026 so if you want to Tinker with that get all parties to the table but don't just start changing stuff because then you're going back on your word and it's just it's a don't be a tinker stinker Tinker stinker um um it's it'll be I don't know we'll find out finish Wayne off with uh with uh Keith Bradley what

what Deb say she drunk I think Deb's drunk already so finish Wayne off with uh Keith and Bradley LOL I don't know what that Wes Wes okay Wes we'll see you here soon finish this off sorry we have ADD obviously we talked about that on my job this morning Pat gray un Leaf you get paid for that uh oh for for going into for waking up at 3: a.m. every morning no I'm just asking oh no I'm asking if that's what you're asking no I just it's fine I I wish I they give me gas money so um don't tax my tequila second floor Studios is that

that's Wes that's W that's W where he go yeah so um okay so you're saying because I I I picked up on a a little bit of sarcasm in your voice when you were talking about you know the dod went and talked to Congress they cleared everything up everything's fine here stop asking question questions were good don't I don't I mean you can't believe there used to be a time sorry I'll get a full sentence in here somewhere there used to be a time when you knew that if you were watching like a government hearing that you know you would see okay

somebody was lying you knew that somebody was lying but now it's they're all lying and you don't there's no how do you know what to believe and I just I've chosen not to believe anything because that's what they've taught me to do over the past few years is don't believe a damn thing they say when do you think that started uh decades ago I'm I'm leading I'm leading you to something see you and I haven't talked about this show in like two months it's okay it's okay because it's all of these things

and and let me just as a as a just a sidebar um this morning we we talked to um this whole show Jeff uh Jeff mckop and he was one of the January 6 hostages yeah and Ron went and picked him up on Monday drove him to Atlanta and we had a discussion this morning which is now up on rumble on The Daily Mojo Channel and the the things that he told us about what they did in in the DC goog uh and the lies I mean that we you so we know that they lie and the point is that they will if they'll lie about that they'll lie

about anything yes sir so you can't believe it when any of them come out and say uh who do you mean they I mean any government official anybody representing the view of the government up to and including Donald Trump I I mean I think I trust him but I don't I don't can I I hope I can believe him but I don't necessarily know if he can tell us the whole truth I don't know I'm are you finding it is it there it has to be there I don't see it was it was there hang on I have to refresh it oh yeah refresh the page it should be right

there the Jeff can you see my uh can you see my cursor on there right there y'all and see up at the top can you see can you see the uh the web uh the the no the url url go to URL call us a telephone number and uh we'll uh these are the really sad thing you know exactly what I'm talking about you can get more information on all of this just go to URL go to URL y'all but don't criticize them because that's not fair so that's the daily Mojo with Brad Stags over on r R so anyway yeah but the the he just he he solidified that we

can't trust him so even when we're talking about life on Mars and you know if if there was or is Life on Mars we the only way we can really research that is to find out like what is na what did NASA find out but we know they lie so and there's not an agency in this government that lie there's nothing there's nowhere you can go to get the truth because even if you do the whole Foya thing MH they don't even do that right right it's so you remember like a lot of people will say oh it all started with

the Gulf of ton and bull crap as you and I been talking about it started with the USS uh main down uh started the Spanish American war down in Cuba yeah I know when I said that to you when I said the USS man you're like right I didn't even have to you know what it's that's where the term like that era yellow journalism comes from that was a that was a press that that wanted the the America to get into a war to sell freaking newspapers right oh and and and part of the reason sorry Spain is it too late to apologize

we realize you didn't attack that it was something happened internally with the ship but sucks for you I guess because Cuba and Puerto Rico and Philippines or whatever the hell everything was Guam Guam was in there too congratulations that's and the reason we didn't take Cuba is because let's see it was Dominican and it was um Puerto Rico and I think and Cuba we did not decide to make them a protectorate or whatever because of the what crop was down there and the uh senator from Utah was concerned that that would be competition

because he had a what the hell was it Farm rubber was a rubber tree farm um but you know hundreds of years ago they were doing the same thing they were they were they were lying to us so that they get done what they wanted done and that why you know we how the hell do we know if there's Life on Mars they're sure as hell not going to tell us whether there is or not you just have to use your your Noggin your uh your old melon up there it was melons that's what it was it was a melon farm and uh you'll have to look

at the really prep I don't know you have to look at the preponderance of evidence and and make a a common sense decision decision which is what they don't want you to do in the first place that's why they don't like common sense they don't want you to they can't control you if you have knowledge because knowledge is power Y and you can't exactly it so nothing surprising it sounds like what you're saying and I don't want to put words to out it sounds like you're saying that we we can't trust our

government it's weird that you would get that from everything I just said because I don't know why I've seen this video many times and I don't know who to credit for because I've never seen a watermark I haven't seen the original Source I just see it floating around uh on Twitter and this is a four-minute video we can watch together and and let's just you know take some notes while you watch this Brad and and anyone listening and watching get ready in the chat because there's a I have a feeling I see when

when I put all the conversational topics in order here I thought don't put that one up front close to the front because I feel like that's where the show is gonna end I think we're gonna watch this video we're gonna spend the next 90 minutes talking about Timothy McVey because here we go listen to this listen to this here's here's the tweet that linked to this this time Timothy McVey was a Christ actor he's still alive and is an FBI agent his name is Paul uh wasel um but that's an anagram P do WS o p a l

law scop backwards okay I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I'm just telling you what that particular tweet but this video has been everywhere uh if you haven't seen it um enjoy if you have watch it again CU there's a lot going on here and there's even more questions than this video uh brings up are you the Oklahoma City bomber maybe one of the benefits of me talking to you today is that you'll see that maybe not everything is true that you've heard about me on the morning of April 19th

1995 a decorated GF war combat vet blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City using a truck bomb that he didn't build and a rider truck that he didn't rent with the help of a passenger who didn't exist having just gotten away with the largest Act of terrorism on us soil to date the Fort Brag train Special Forces sheep drip Dropout Blended in with the crowd by making us getaway in a car without a license plate and was immediately pulled over the ATF was the supposed Target of the attack but luckily all of their agents were out of

the office that morning later that day the president boldly declared we will find the people who did this and when we do justice will be swift certain and severe except for John do number two John do number two John do number two who according to the FBI never existed in mcvey's unprecedented 3 and a half week trial the prosecution didn't show the CCTV footage of him and joho number two parking the rider truck didn't explain why 24 separate Witnesses Mass hallucinated the existence of joho number two didn't explain why the

government was testing truck bombs and the Army was storing rider trucks at Camp grber right before the bombing and didn't talk to the FBI informants who blew the whistle on the plot but they did collaborate with the CIA and they did convict McVey as lone with bomber and Terry Nichols as his bomb constructing accomplice still a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists including 300 bombing victims insist on talking about facts and evidence and refuse to Simply believe what they've been told a million

times by people in tailored suits with well coughed hair they quote the US Army Brigadier General and the FBI crime lab whistleblower and the inventor of the neutron bomb who point out the physical impossibility that the rider truck bomb did the damage to the building but that doesn't matter because if there were other bombs in the building that day we would have heard about them the second explosive was found and diffused I think he said another B justice department is reporting that a second explosive device

has been found they then found a third device which was also larger than the first and I see another bomb truck going so apparently they're going to try to get out that third bomb the FBI claims to have lost the footage showing m b and joho number two parking the truck in front of the mura building that morning but that's understandable because the bureau has a lot of important evidence to store Terry Nichols insists the FBI was involved in the plot but thankfully a judge has saved us the trouble of

listening to him by preventing lawyers from deposing him there was a bomb squad truck parked across the street two hours before the blast but that just shows the authorities were prepared for anything and other documents obtained by 2020 show that someone called the executive secretary at's office at the justice department in Washington and said the marrow building had been bombed but this was 24 minutes before the blast but that just shows the public was unusually Vigilant that morning also apparently

before the bombing Governor Frank King's brother Mark had been working on a novel about a terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City Strangers still one of the characters in the novel was named Thomas McVey but that's probably just a coincidence God McVey wrote a letter to his sister where he admitted to being a secret Special Forces operative and he complained to friends of the pain in his ass from an army implanted microchip but that's crazy because if he didn't actually leave the Army in 1991 there would be proof of

[Music] that McVey was not executed on May 16th 2001 as scheduled because the FBI had failed to turn over thousands of pages of evidence to mcvey's defense attorneys but the execution went ahead on June 11th in highly unusual and secret agreement no autopsy was performed one witness said he was still breathing and the prison officials admitted his hearse was a decoy then the case was officially closed if you question any part of the story you are a paranoid Wingnut bir or truth or ten or prepper conspiracy loon who bring up any

of these points ever again ever this message has been brought to you by the friends of the FBI ATF doj CIA SPC MSM and the US Army and a pedophile and remember ignorance is strength so well done hold on here's that book here's that book I mean there is so so much here this is such a big book the final report on Oklahoma City uh by the way by the way make all the points you want Brad let me just say Chris tro appeared uh briefly in there when they talked about the execution being delayed Chris tro was the attorney uh for Timothy

McVey and in the way tro tells it is that McVey didn't want he's like don't fight it don't push for you know even though you H you found Chris you found all of these boxes of evidence that they didn't turn over just let them execute me now which which would seem strange if you're trying to prevent being executed hey look at all this evidence maybe I have a chance to to not be executed here especially after seeing that video but if you already had it set up and I'm not saying that this was the case but let's

just say he isn't really dead yet you just wanted to get no the plan is for me to be executed don't screw this up anyway continue what what are some thoughts you have there BR this th this it reminds me of and I'm trying to remember where where got the theory that he that he's not uh dead because I don't I don't remember because I've had this for a very long time and I don't remember seeing somebody say that and then going aha what I think that I saw was that he you know the U I think I read the story the method of execution

which was Lethal Injection which there are so many drugs well there are at least there are enough drugs that will you know slow your heart down and and give you the impression that um that the person is dead even a doctor who may not be in on it because that's that's the argument the the number of people that would have to be in on this it's crazy you have to get the doc well if the doctor goes up and listens there's no heartbeat uh and well he's dead and then for them to immediately cremate the

body it just it's too easy it's too easy to to pull that off and then everybody who doubts that is like well why would they want to do that why would there be the I you know there's a lot of things that they do they again being the uh uh deep state government whatever you want to call them um they have shown us how they will go to Great Lengths to cover up information to hide information if this was about hiding information well and I think that that people maybe when they go through the City timeline and and and you recall

this doesn't even include uh the police officer that died a mysterious death dragged himself out into a field right apparently committed suicide right yeah right but he had he had clearly shown some stress about what he had witnessed that day of uh the bombing but if you recall people don't and this is just my this is just my working theory on this and you know I'll never know the truth but I just I hate to think this about my government that's that that and that right there that's it no one wants to

think that their own government would do that right by the way uh uh okay anyway I'll get back to this okay add holy crap I need drugs so in the fall of 1994 people might recall that Bill Clinton and his Democrat Party got their asses kicked by the Republican Party in the midterms yeah I don't remember that okay I I wasn't paying attention back then because I wasn't into politics so well again this is my working Theory yeah the contract with America n Gish pulled off this uh wonderful PR campaign that um um

gave the Congress to the Republicans and also part of that uh that um the social media of the day the Twitter of the day was the equivalent of the 2024 election to Twitter and social media would have been talk radio and Rush limo 1994 yeah so it sure would have been convenient to say hey look at this we we just blew up uh and again I hate to think this about my government but look they just the guy was so mad at federal government that he blew up uh the Oklahoma City uh the mura Federal Building children in the nursery there

uh were killed and um by the way he's a crazy right-winger and I just thought you should know that uh that talk show hosts man they're instigating kind of stuff across our nation and and I tell you what the fact that uh the DEA wasn't even in their uh uh offices that day uh speaks volumes it's and they always and it's horrendous for anybody obviously to kill anybody number but to kill kids because they're innocent and they haven't done anything that you know could possibly uh bring that kind of Retribution down on them so

you that's what we think of of anybody who would uh harm a child in any way shape or form and that makes that you know that person absolutely heinous therefore as soon as you uh as soon as you include that emotion in the whatever it is that's it that's all it takes well that son of a he killed the kids and and and you just see red because that's human nature because you don't f with kids and so as soon as you do that you know there all any logic uh is likely to go out the window because you're so

focused there are enough people so focused on the fact that these these innocent children were killed that the that will kind of create a haze of whole thing right that that that uh uh PES people's Vision it's so um just so you know uh people take notes here if you want to come back to the chat later what I have just added to it is uh and I've said this many times the the show that I'm most proud of uh being a part of and producing my day job over at the blaze Pat gry Unleashed uh we did a free thing

Friday a while back on Oklahoma City and for two hours three guests over two hours there is so much there I just put the link there um and and if if I may because the what what yeah go ahead no I was just gonna say uh here I just wanted to type that there so so you can find this later there you go boom bookmark that I think I think you will enjoy that show go go ahead Brad well and and we've seen it and you can uh compare and contrast if you will the events of January 6 with Oklahoma City because it's kind of

the same thing in that look at the uh different things that are already being said about January 6th you're seeing the reports now about um and I saw a friend of mine on Facebook you know five cops died as a result of this of the and and they don't they they just run with everything that they've been fed instead of looking the only people who died that day on January 6th were uh people who were uh Trump supporters those are the only people Brian snik uh didn't die until the next day number one number two uh it was

stated by the coroner at the time that he did not die because of anything that happened at the during uh the uh demonstration right whatever the hell you want to call it uh that so he didn't die as a result of what happened on January 6th the other cops who uh committed suicide we don't know if that was a result of January 6th or not you have no idea suicide SU it's horrible but you can't say well that's because of January 6th you don't know what was happening in their lives and it's it so the the the the history books are

already being changed oh yeah and this is only four years ago and so you look at something that happened 30 years ago and you'd be amazed at what you if you go back and look at what the the actual facts are you'll be like oh wow I didn't realize that like the the license plates on Tim mcf's car yeah as in there weren't any yep as in okay I just bombed the federal building so I'm now I'm going to get into a car with no license plates and drive off down the freeway and because you know I don't want to

call any attention to myself by you know not having any license plates and if you just bombed a federal building and I'm not saying he didn't I'm not saying he did but I'm saying it if you use logic and you look at it this guy just bombed a federal building let's say and he's driving along and he's a and Bo he sees the blue Heights in his ABV uh oh I'm being pulled over oh I guess I better pull over and the cop comes up you know it's like suddenly he's he's Joe law-abiding citizen this is part of the plan right

it's like why if you just bomb the federal building if the cop comes up to your car don't you pull out the gun that the cop saw on the seat and go bam and and have you ever heard in the official story uh that there was more than one explosion no no no so just you gotta but we saw that in we saw that uh uh in you got witnesses that say there were multiple explosions the guy on the bus it goes up twice and uh 911 same way multiple explosions were reported by people and the the report in uh from Oklahoma City about the uh bomb uh going

off or that it was going to be bomb that happened before the actual bomb well and then uh for 911 it was uh what a French news agency that reported that the Trade Center 7 had had fallen I knew I knew putting this story this far up close to the front was it's not that I mean it's not it truly isn't brain science or rocket surgery my uh my clock it like I I have no idea we we could end up doing a 12h hour show today I have no idea when we hit the two hour mark that's what happens when the NSA is

is looking into your your dealings it it has a tendency to stop all of those LCD devices so I would just are there any strange Vans outside your home maybe no no no no the but the government agents live inside my walls apparently right laugh they could be that was another thing by the way the the uh conversation we had with uh Jeff um Mel uh this morning uh people were following him and they were parking outside of his house and he said these guys had no skill set he said you could spot them a mile away that they were

following anyway just listen but you got the guy at the Trump Tower in Las Vegas who was being followed according to his what he left behind but that thing's a mess okay that's a mess too because his wife spoke out and said this makes no sense at all we could do this all day and one last thing because um I I my glasses are downstairs so I get the the big question though let me just let me just make a shout out here hold your big question real quick um just like the kid that shot Trump he was supposed to get

away with it why would he try to hide himself so so just for the record um I need to do a show on what his name Matthew Crooks because this is slipping way into the memory hole yes it is we cannot let it I want okay so if anybody I'm making a call out here if you're watching and you are or know someone who could be a great guest on this topic of uh the Trump shooter uh Thomas Matthew Crooks whatever the hell his name was um I got to I got to do a show on that but anyway and I remember I sent you the

picture or you saw or I showed it to you whatever you freaked out because it was the picture of him at room temperature the picture of Matthew Crooks dead on that rooftop that we were able to obtain I would didn't even look for it I it was sent to me within what two hours of the yeah event it's like let's go okay that's that's weird how did you get that so fast right how did that get disseminated so fast right um oh by the way uh two weeks ago Tony arterburn was my guest here on the Deep dive if you

want to go back and look at that we talked about so topics and one of them we touched on this uh Timothy McVey stuff because there is so much there oh gosh okay it really is bizarre when you and and the question the the big question that I was going to say why did um why did Timothy mcve if he did if this is how things went down why did he agree to do it was he hired was this his idea what was the motivation did he get paid where is he if in fact um if if he's not dead um it's there's a lot of questions and and

you don't I mean we don't have the answers to all the questions which you know makes it again easy for people who don't tend to think about government agencies pulling this kind of crap makes them it it it makes it easy for them to go you guys are just nuts you're C there's another video going around Trump rapist I'm sorry what was that Trump are rapist Trump's are why are we what now okay no that's what they'll throw at you that's what they'll throw at you yeah okay so um uh there's another video

going around that we just haven't had because remember you and I have been communicating I haven't done the at the mic stuff since uh Thanksgiving before Thanksgiving but we've been texting back and forth we got to talk about this uh when we come back we got to talk about this blah blah blah and one of them is this video of the lady who was uh show was this on um let me see if I can find the damn video now see how much longer can I stall about it but uh it was the lady who was in charge of uh CIA disguises oh her yeah Jennifer

Hudson show swear it looks like that looks like s Jessie that's exactly what I wanted to say but I was like wait she wasn't host of that show she's the best we had the same thought uh Sally Jessie ra Jessie Rael still alive or she oh I don't know S I just know that Sally Jesse Raphael used to be in the CIA apparently um I think she is Sally Jesse rapael no she is 89 years old oh look at that man and she's about to turn 90 in February look at that look look look at that do I can't I can't see that is uh

how do we know that's really her right I don't know okay all right don't don't that does look like that that is her nose look at the picture you're holding look at the nose and then look at the oh my gosh well after you see this video you'll see that yes it probably was Sally rapael who was also in charge of CIA disguises keep mind when you're watching this she is talking about fooling fooling the president of the United States back in between 1989 and 1992 can you only imagine how the technology has advanced since then this

what happened in the Oval Office chief of Disguise what all did that inail the uh the office I worked in was like the queue in James all right what's going on here oh I love it when it buffers that's always Bond we were the queue for the CIA and oh my gosh the intelligence community so there were different parts of it oh my gosh I have incred the NSA inly fast internet I don't know thank you Brad whatever you needed if you needed a bug if you needed oh my gosh let's just go you know what back it up like back it up like 10

seconds and see I just reload the page here well you can do that all right I'll try this again guys the office I worked in was like the queue in James Bond yeah okay so anyway it was really exciting when you saw the video work on that I I think I can I think I can play it and we just be able to hear it hang on but you got to see the but the thing is you have to see her uh the the image because she's in the office with George put up the image just put that video but is that is the image in the uh did they

show that Boll they don't do they it's just her sitting there right did you freak no no I'm I'm still here okay C chief of Disguise what all did that entail hang on second the uh the office because you can hear it fine from me yeah okay so you want to play it from your end yeah I'll just play it and listen to it and then just put up that picture of her okay all right whatever so here we go three two one was chief of Disguise what all did that entail the uh the office I worked in was like the queue in James Bond we were the

que for the CIA and the intelligence community so there were different parts of it whatever you needed if you needed a bug if you need secret writing or a micro dot or a concealment device or whatever you needed you had to come to us and we'll put something together for you what's the most memorable moment from being in Disguise for you um there were a number of them but the one I mean one that has to stand out I went to the White House and I briefed George HW Bush the president at the time while I was wearing a

fullface mask so we're sitting like this close together and I'm telling him that I'm going to show him the best disguise that we have and he's looking for a bag like where where is it I said well I'm wearing it and I'm going to take it off and I reached to start taking it off and he said stop and he got up and he walked and he looked and he looked and he couldn't he didn't know it was a mask he wasn't sure what I was wearing he sat back down he said okay so I took it off and I was holding it up in the air so he

could see did uh my whole head it had hair and a face and a neck so you could walk around as someone else absolutely and that would be the disguise okay I'm gonna push back on that a little bit because she looks like she's holding that head there in the Oval Office right and and that theoretically came off of her head just now yes so so the you're looking at two pictures so there's a line down the middle okay so there she is at the bot oh who whoa who I got you okay y now I see what you're saying yeah I didn't see

the line okay um I mean and Bush was a spook himself that's that's that's what I was gonna say I mean this so he should have been a little bit more right but I'm saying if he was shocked by how good that technology was then I can't imagine what it is now I don't know I she get that okay she she see this is where he know her or did she just come in and say yeah I'm from the CIA it's pleasure to meet you like in other words did he know her beforehand because right I want to know although I will say that there was I I

don't know if I've told this story uh please don't let me turn into the old guy oh God here he goes again oh I'm already I am I am that by the way so uh one day at uh over at Mercury Studios I had uh Bailey uh brel who by the way sent uh some incredible treats her and her uh little love toy Travis sent tips treats to the motel and thank you uh for doing that because Travis was my guest just a couple of months ago on the Friday live stream so he's a love toy isn't he I mean that's all he is he just

bless his heart just doesn't have the brains of a marshmallow but he's cute and that's the best part about about Travis and and and it's okay but anyway so they sent the Tiff streets we all have our roles thank you thank you and uh so anyway Bailey who is a fantabulous up artist made me up to look old I don't have that picture but I walked straight up into Mercury one at the time and Beth not at the time was the head of mercury 1 oh yeah and I was as an old man and she did not know who I was so it's po but but that was makeup

on my own on my own face and uh you know wasn't the the full because pulling that thing off of your face I just that there's something of that and it may be legit but her hair looks too good afterward so and well and it may be that they wanted this information out I know this is but Brad you're going too far I don't know it may be that they wanted the information out so that you knew that there were these disguises but and so they had to make this uh because why was there somebody with a camera

there that's the other thing it's not like everybody has you know a phone because you wouldn't question that now I think you wanted I think you wanted to see Bush's reaction right well then didn't he wonder why why someone bring in a camera because back then again I don't know it's not like everybody walked around with a camera I guess maybe you could have one because you're maybe maybe Mr secret service agent was handed the camera hey take picture of this maybe maybe absolutely it could be I just

again if it's coming from because she's saying she was a a spook right she she was CIA so do we believe her now I'm not saying that they don't have fantastic disguises because I think they do but anyway that's just my skepticism uh coming out and all all of we all that we have done today is just question everything man theot because that's what they've proven to us that we have to do we should question everything right okay everything so let me throw some videos at you here let me let me see what you think about some of

these and I have not done any follow-up research on these videos that I'm about to play about um about what we eat and what we're ingesting so just take it with a grain of salt hey no pun intended but we go what you did there let's even when I'm not trying SE it's a curse isn't it it's a cur yes okay nicotine nicotine you gotta check this out I don't know what to believe anymore bro did you know that every cell in your human body in your heart and in your brain in your pancreas that creates insulin did you know you

can't create insulin without nicotine in fact the tea cells which are the cells that protect you from any respiratory infection ever flu pneumonia bacteria doesn't matter every immune cell God put in our body has nicotine receptors on them to turn them on now that you know you've been lied to about foods containing nicotine and you've been feeding yourself and children nicotine your whole life and you didn't even know it now it's time to tell you what else you have been lied to about since 1994

about nicotine why would they lie to us about nicotine if it's in all our vegetables we eat every day anyway it's in every bell pepper you've ever eaten to Nightshade vegetable on Earth it's in every celery I am convinced our government had to lie to all of us about nicotine these are all the things that the FDA has known since 1994 that nicotine is a cure for now this is important every one of you have been told that nicotine is a drug now classified a drug by the FDA it is not a drug it's a nutrient found in tons of

vegetables and plants on Earth it is a nutrient nicotine is proven to reverse and prevent Parkinson's disease all by itself nicotine is published to cure and prevent and reverse Alzheimer's disease nicotine is published to cure and prevent multiple sclerosis gleo blastomas brain tumors which is the number one being diagnosed around the world right now killing even young teenagers they found during the pandemic they published nicotine intravenously can dissolve a gleo blastoma by itself in three

[Music] days okay Brad sta oh it's hick talk oh so it's it's the Chinese trying to F with us I can't believe you fell for that one I mean it's not if you think about it I mean tobacco is a plant and it has nicotine in it so why wouldn't other plants have nicotine but um they the the the caveat is uh apparently nicotine is present in uh vegetables but in much lower levels than in tobacco and if you're smoking if you light it on fire okay doesn't wouldn't that destroy the nicotine I mean because if you eat

an eggplant I see funny I would choose the eggplant uh yeah why'd your brain go there what all theet how about a peach let's talk about eating peaches I thought we were talking about vegetables though those two well peach with a pit in it is that a I guess that is a fruit anyway so if you eat a a plant with nicotine in AR you going to is the the nicotine would enter your system in a different way so so whats you what gives you the the lung cancer is it is it tar I think it's yeah all the other stuff that that you're uh burning so how

can you can you get nicotine um without the tar by vaping I have no idea I'm asking I don't know yeah I mean you can get nicotine uh by you know with a patch on your arm you get nicotine in gum you can yeah yeah so it's the but people back well I say this I haven't looked at any statistics or anything but way back when when cigarettes were just you know cigarettes um and didn't have a bunch of crap in them I don't know was the was the the cancer rate as high then I don't know I haven't looked and the problem we

all did Linda just for the record continue Brad uh we all did what once in college but I was drunk and I really didn't enjoy it please continue please continue oh it wasn't that question um so but but the problem with getting the information like if you want the the statistics on uh disease and or nicotine consumption Etc who do you have to go to to get that information like the National Institutes of Health you trust your government I don't trust them do you hell no look back to remember the when the whole uh

uh scam demic was is happening and I'm uh I I'm I'm going to try not to trip the algorithm but remember when the um the the uh Reporting System remember we were told that that the self-report the Vees reporting system was like man it's the best thing in the world because people can self-report and we can get all this information and then suddenly when all of the uh people were uh reporting that oh we had a uh an adverse reaction to the you know uh then all of a sudden oh that you can't trust that

very system they're crazy right right right I don't know where do you go to get that information anymore I don't know such a good question okay uh I got another video for you here let's see if this one a play we take that same chemical weapon that's an acute toxic flame okay so's he's talking about energy drinks okay hopefully you can understand this audio is a little rough environmental hazard and we ship it to compound pharmacies that put it in supplements and protein powders and energy drink oh cool drinks

that you drink you ever heard of a Celsius energy drink oh my God Cel energy drink has four times the amount of daily that human being is meant to inest oh four times that's just one what you can fact check this later y'all I've looked that up because it's yeah it's a um uh what they're referring to is um uh what the hell is it called it's uh cyano uh cyano toal but sure yeah it's also known as B12 oh yeah okay oh wait a minute now I'm not saying that it's you know that that okay that's because it's a it's

a it's it's lab made or lab grown or whatever it's synthetic okay but so it may be bad because it's synthetic but it's B12 it's the this goes back to uh pen and Teller when they did the um uh bi Hydro dihydro monoxide um survey remember they would go into the park and or at the beach or whatever and they're like please help sign this petition to ban uh dihydro monoxide it's horrible for people uh you can it causes you know fluid build blah blah dihydro monoxide is water H2O and so so you can right that is awesome see that's what I

said do your own research okay so it's is a 12 I don't you know it's but it does show should look at ingredients I think so I have no idea what to think about the nicotine video or the cyanide video but this one this one has the Ring Of Truth for me here o hope it plays Al disas is a physician cause disease Alzheimer disease did not occur for all right he just said he just Alzheimer's disease is a physician caus disease is that Wally Cox her name now it's the number four killer of adult the United

States over the age of 65 okay what is El well it's the going away of the mile oh my gosh M what the hell H I don't know I guess I open these tabs too soon I don't know what the deal is are you on a PC or a Mac let me guess a PC yes sir it's okay I swear I had this conversation today with Chris Cruz because I told him of an issue I was having with his computer and uh I bet that's exactly what's happening right now um anyway so I need more memory or something because it ain't the internet speed uh anyway I I'll get this video

working here in just a second um standby I would share if I could well hang on a I like how when you share things here I don't know if I can do that or not let me let me try this again hang on stand by stand by only the best we are so professional here at the at the mic de Al disease is a physician caused disease Al disease did not occur 40 years ago even by another name now it's the number four killer of adol United States oh what is Al disas well it's the going away of the the insulation material the

brain the white matter of the brain which makes up okay 75% of the brain weight when the milon goes away and you don't have enough raw materials to replace it these naked nerve fibers get all tangled up you all heard the nerve Tangles right in the milon they short circuit and your memory doesn't work that's what that's what Alice is well this milon in the brain that makes up 75% of your brain weight is 100% cholesterol so you go a cholesterol restricted diol of eggs egg white omelets you're eating margin and canola

oil instead of cream and butter and lard and eggs and you're eating tofu instead of red meat you're e b skinless chicken breast now how they grow chickens without skin I don't know but they figured that one out you're better off throwing away the chicken and eating the skin then if you can't get your blood cholesterol below 200 normal remember is 220 270 you can't get your blood cholesterol below 200 they give you cholesterol oring drugs then you can't remember who you are because you have Al disease now because you can't rebuild

the mile in the brain all right so he's talking about lipor is uh I I think I don't want to put words in his mouth but um lipor right that's the drug that lowers cholesterol correct I think so yeah yeah that those kind of cholesterol lowering drugs uh I think the theory is that uh that has created this this because if you think about think about back in the late 80s early 90s when you would go to a grocery store and they would have get your cholesterol checked right here I mean that was the thing in the 90s man cholesterol bad

eggs bad you know like he just going through the whole list on on we got to get you on these cholesterol Lo drugs if you don't get it down yourself and now what do we have now is this epidemic of Alzheimer's I'm not saying the two are related I'm just saying as a ring of Truth it does a whole generation is on these cholesterol low and look at FD and like the colors FD and c and red and yellow and all that and and the the thought or the theory that they may cause autism and and who knows what else but now we know after

seeing what we went through during The Rona and the uh the the high pressure sales that we got for the uh the different uh you know that it's possible that those drugs did do have uh some effect on it and they were you know they they were L lying to us I mean again it doesn't that doesn't surprise me it doesn't make telling me that people that that whose main motivation in life is to just make a big profit they would want to lie to get it's weird and I know that it's hard to swallow that but but it if you keep

your eyes open and you you know if you just use some common sense uhuh and we see what they've been doing to us you know the past couple of years then that wouldn't surprise me at all that now they're never going to admit it I mean look how bad uh they fought back against you know any of the uh claims against the um that because it's none of this is surprising to me and when when people go and I and again but I've had the benefit of having been skeptical and uh and Linda says Brad again there's a theme here um and borne

genius say and or genius I don't know how you say that Brad can swallow a lot how do you know that how you well I can because I can swallow this entire two of these two of these uh Yeti tumblers full of liquid I've swallowed all of it every drop but um the cholesterol thing is faulty logic high cholesterol happens because of something else wrong it doesn't cause your issue so lowering cholesterol just lower the body's natural response to the problem well if you go back to the I think it was called

the Farmington or the you the framington or the Farmington study you can Google this yourself uh the Heart Association the one of the original uh studies that they did I think it was in the 50s um and they paid for it uh the Heart Association they funded it which they don't do anymore because of the controversy over this thing but the the whole cholesterol thing yeah and and just look up I think it's is it farming or framington one of the two and it'll autoc correct you but think about that the remember the food

pyramid thing yeah was the original it wasn't was it the food pyramid what is it now or did it anyway that that that wasn't based on nutrition and stuff that was based on the subsidies and and and trying to get people to buy more meat and more eggs like the Dairy Farmers and yeah it was it was marketing that's the people make the mistake in thinking that the government gives a damn about their health because yeah they don't they don't I'm sorry I was I was Googling controvery controversy controversy oh I

must have spelled it wrong I like learning new words and I and I can't quite figure out how to controversy it's like orale sex I see here I thought here I thought it was a new word never mind it's a controvery I feel we did a we we did a I think we did on bip it was a a sex study um and the results from 2024 and about how couples are using Kink to become closer uh in their relationship and uh one of the things that they were into was um uh pleasure mapping and something called anal sex and I don't know what that is

and I that anal and then there was orale sex and I don't know what those those are so apparently it's uh H my face during that because I knew exactly where this was going and I any facial response whatsoever I didn't I mean I'm just I'm asking the questions here I don't I don't have the answers double fisted yes thank you Linda yes okay I got it what I'm just reading what she said it's her it's it's Linda's fault can can we can we swe sex study she says where are we going with this can I get to the next topic please poor

keth is that possible is that good thank you um okay so according to uh former FBI bureau chief in Salt Lake City well let me stop here right there because if you are in the FBI anything that follows in this sentence I'm going to Discount outright hold on it's former so they have that going for them I do know I do know an FBI agent who is legit current one yes yeah and he is a good guy so there are some hold on hold on hold on I'm glad you said that I got one of those too that's current FBI good guy

you want to talk about someone might be the same person it's night talk later all right what what what's the first letter of his first name um uh I knew you're gonna say that and I can't um I don't okay it probably isn't it's it's somebody that I know through somebody that we both know but he yeah he he definitely is someone on the inside he stood up to the whole mandate and yeah there are some good there there are some good TSA agents too yep yep y like four of them you're right and we know half of

them and then the former one Steve friend who was my guest on last week's Deep dive oh did we cover some ground there go back and watch that hold on a second wait a second remember they do this right across your junk just because this is this is designed to keep you safe is right we're just trying to find look we're going to go up and down and we're going to go they we're looking for stuff in your junk okay well look there's there's only room enough for one weapon down there there's room we're looking for stuff in your junk that

could be bad so we're just gonna we're going to rub and you're going to feel some pressure okay we're just going to rub back and forth like the up and down like this it's not gay it's can we get that private room for this check because if we're gonna do this and you're going to buy me dinner everyone right okay so according to former FBI bureau chief in Salt Lake City Russell PE Camy uh DB Cooper was actually a Mormon from Provo Utah named Richard McCoy Jr you heard about this oh dick McCoy um I I yes he

that's one of the theories um he was a a decorated Vietnam war hero uh is that the guy who recently no because the recent one you know the one I'm talking about where they went into the barn and they found the um they found either the parachute or the yes okay I think that's the dude so here we go so there's a couple of possibilities here for DB Cooper so um uh scroll down here in the story Bruce Smith the author of DB Cooper in the FBI a case study of America's only unsolved skyjacking right doesn't believe the FBI

is being truthful what when it comes to their findings what just what was I don't know it's some scre by where's give me the cart give me the cart you lousy C no no I don't want it I don't need I didn't what I that wasn't me um so anyway uh okay so this guy McCoy okay uh his own children also believe that their father was DB Cooper a secret that hung over the family but they kept quiet over fear of speaking out May implicate their mother okay that that is the one but he was like the guy the the one that dick

McCoy was like killed like six months later right yeah I'm getting to that yeah so um so Karen they believe was involved in both hijackings so yes um so they went inside uh McCoy because the family invited yeah uh in North Carolina they invited a YouTube guy right um because he had been doing his own investigation and led to them and they're like all right you know what you need to come to the property and so they went inside McCoy's mother's storage unit uh where this Grier guy Dan Grider if you want to check out his uh YouTube

page they discovered a modified military surplus bailout rig which he believes was used by Cooper during the hijacking and could be the cas's missing link that rig is literally one in a billion he said of a specific parachute um and and so the guy who you're talking this mcoy guy um he did a another skyjacking six months later yeah and they caught him yeah and I think that's him I think that was him yeah and then and so when he broke out of prison he gets in a shootout right yep and they take him out

so he died six months I'm sorry y'all DB Cooper died six months later because he got greedy and he did another one of these Sky jackings yeah and it wasn't that much money like the first one um I mean it was only a few thousand dollars right I mean the ask the initial ask was only what 10 grand or was something but again that was 1970s right so so the FBI yeah yes 1974 I believe it was yeah right so so uh 71 1971 was the the first the first one but how did he make a so when this guy who we both

believe is DB Cooper was in in this prison somehow he he fashioned a a hand a homemade gun in prison and got into this uh I I think a shootout when he escaped or something in 1974 and uh was killed but was was he um was was he killed in the Escape or was he killed in the next robbery uh let's see here oh no no no no no you're right you're right I'm sorry I'm sorry um you should be so but he broke out with the handmade gun but it was during the um uh you're right the shootout was later I'm sorry yeah yeah

yeah so yeah all the those thing that that story that lines up up I mean that that all makes sense that that would have been who that was so in other words here's the timeline DB Cooper the original hijacking happens he does another one and then they found money that he had buried from that other one um and then catch up to him um uh they that's when they put him behind bars yeah so on so forth it does make you wonder if they if the family had any money left over right right even if they did though it wouldn't be much because

there wasn't much that he asked for to begin with which can the government is the mom is his wife DB Cooper's wife if we're to believe this story she's dead now right okay that's why the family is okay but you couldn't go and punish the family and seize assets from kids or something if they're innocent in this you couldn't throw people in jail in prison for trespassing in the capital you can't do that you can't put people in prison for years and not even give them a chance not even have a pre-trial hearing not you can't

do that I walked into that one that's for sure I'm just just saying you're you're you're coming up with some wild hypothetical I yes that's yeah I mean that would never no ever happen in America in America no it would not my America no no no no no no no no so did did you want to talk about these reincarnation uh videos that you sent me you want to uh have a little chat about should I play the uh the uh the chick uh talking about our grandmother you want to do that one because you know what's gonna happen if

I try to play it on this end you realize what's gonna happen do I did I did I send this to you I thought you sent me both of them am I WR I don't know did I hell I don't know who knows anymore oh you know what's weird is that tell me the the the Tweet right below the the tweet that I reportedly sent to you is Fox Moulder saying I want to believe so maybe I did send it let me I'm G try I'm gonna try to play this chick you got the chick with the tattoos and stuff because you know what's going to happen I'm

going to press play and it's not going to work but we're why don't I why don't you why don't you hit play but keep your volume down and I'll hit play at the same time right you ready you ready and and I keep I'm so are you want to do that and if if you you have yours muted oh you you can see her I can see her yeah so in in three two one then hit it right three two one I've always thought that my daughter was my grandmother reincarnated I gave her a picture of her today and uh you guys tell me what you think this is the

first time showing Arrow this picture I want to see how she reacts be music creepy kid I love how the music tells us what to think right who is that that calmed her ass down didn't [Music] it she's touching her own face what the [ __ ] did a sucky job of bleeping that one is that why are you just touching your own face is that yours all right I can't take the I know [Music] right that H stop beating the picture Grandma right the the Tweet below it says you should see the kid that remembered being shot

down in World War II in the Pacific he actually had his parents plan a trip so he visited the spot he went down if I remember correctly they talked to him after he was 16 and he could barely remember the feelings at all weird I it's I don't remember sending this to you I don't know that I did um somebody brought up a point about you know all these people who say that they've uh you know I in a former life I was Annie Oakley or I was Charles Lindberg or I was you know whoever and some it may have been Bassy not said how come

nobody's ever re reincarnated from like uh uh Betty Smith down the street who worked at Kroger well Phil Phil Collins thinks he was at the Battle of the Alamo which is why he collected it all all the stuff he could find from the Alamo and then donated to the state of Texas which which is why when he wrote this song about I when I saw you were drowning it was a person drowning in the pool in the Alamo and he didn't want to save them because he knew that they had intentionally remembered the Alamo and it was about him not saving

them in the uh in that song In the Air Tonight yeah was that the Alamo he's English or Scottish or something I've heard about a dozen explanations for what that song is about it's nothing it it it it rhymed I know that's that's the whole thing but now I want to believe the Alamo one can I have that one I'm gonna keep that one in my heart I would keep that one I Love Phil Collins okay so um he got screwed man he he has a bad picker when it comes to women he's not uh in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

either well that's a shame he's just in with Genesis yeah that's that's Pat's new Pat gray that's his new Jihad is to get Phil Collins In which I'm Foreigner ever get in yeah yeah yeah because because of an interview that we did with a guy from The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame he took his marching orders from us and uhuh and uh the next cycle uh they were they were elected in and and I don't know why Tommy James and the Shawn Dells aren't in the most underrated uh musician ever Tommy James and his story is incredible I want to

interview him but his publicist ghosted me for orer was inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on October 19 2024 in Cleveland Ohio thanks to Pat gray and Keith malinac found of Pat gry Unleashed and Jeff fer is not mentioned in that article it says something about Jeff fer as a hanger on and trying to get credit for it oh no I think is mean right I do too and in fact that explains his presence on the show that you guys do together Saturday morning right right right Saturday morning live it's he's a

hanger on it's a just he's a hanger on her so so uh in the realm of uh reincarnation beliefs somebody thinks that this is this was um the video I have up here it says it's a rat that was reincarnated and you're like it's not it doesn't have a tail or anything I don't know what's going on there look it's just a creepy it's fun it's kind of what wrong with your computer I don't know look at this it's an animal that's showering though is that weird well no one wants a dirty rat okay you you dirty rat got to get the naughty

bits nobody wants a stinky rat hole no no I mean right don't they they teach you that in school school do not have a stinky rat hole nobody wants a smelly stinky rat hole I'm pretty sure that's on a t-shirt somewhere interesting the Ghost Inside My Child that's what the show was called okay that uh uh Julie says that I think I watched that one in a former life say the aliens have been quiet or the media has been distracted after all there's a lot of road construction to report on you so I would like quick poll here I

wish I could put a poll over in the chat here yeah I got it um I'm just wondering how many people actually believe in reincarnation you know like what what what do you think that percentage is can't you put a um stinky ratle would make a good band name um yes that would um that's a pun how come you can't put a a thingy in the in the chat how come you as the host of of the that's because that'd be a great little feature for them to have in in a chat it great poll oh you can put that in the X thing

though yeah I'm going to right now that's what I'm going to do oh you're doing that okay well I'm making sure that I can't put a poll up here uh and then when I've realized that then yes I'm going to uh so if you would like to um participate in the poll I'm gonna I'm gonna retweet this live link uh oh no you can't re you can't uh do a poll on top of a on top of a retweet that's asking look don't we can send a Mana Mars maybe but we can't put a poll on top of a Life Link on X are you insane you're just asking for too much

now and um how would you vote in that poll I I want to believe because the thing that yeah you didn't you know what I'm trying to tell you how watches made you just ask me what time it is so yeah I want yes yes yeah I'm just going to say yes okay so what what what causes that like what what's we don't want to believe that at the end when the lights go out oh why don't yeah that's it which and I look I as much as the next guy I want to believe that I'm at some point going to be walking down the street streets of

gold um because the thought of as a human being the thought of closing your eyes for the last time and just having the it the lights go out and that's it is terrifying if you think about it so I reached out to a uh a pastor about this uh issue of you you Pastor of of uh of reincarnation yep and uh this uh pastor says quote we have one life this sight of heaven and then our body and soul are separated uh at death but our our souls are in the presence of Jesus until we have the fullness of time Resurrection

making res making reincarnation impossible and again that yeah according to in theology yes I mean that's so that's can I throw a wrench in of course I love that's the whole point of this podcast um in I should change the name of it to wrench wrencher wrench talk wrench toss whatever hi welcome to the tossed wrench now you have to pay we gonna be the tossed salad but you know somebody already taken that name so welcome to the tossed wrench you could have just left it where the rusty TR continue

continue did you have a followup something about something steaming in Cleveland I don't know tell me about what is okay so no what was the question I'm sorry I don't know we were talking oh it was uh the the so um uh uh like The Book of Enoch in the Bible which is in the Ethiopian Bible it's not in the King James it's still in the Ethiopian Bible and there are a number of things that are um uh spoken about in in the in in like the Book of Enoch and and there are others that I have not um read but it and it may there may be one of

them that talks about reincarnation um but your soul is I believe is electrical and you can't destroy it soal you said yeah I I I've been told that I should have you know a host a host that uh told you not to ask him to be here because he just SCS it up every damn time hello what is going on uh if I had show prepped properly I would have looked up these references in uh 2 Thessalonians Revelation Romans and apparently Jesus talked about it as well but you know this pastor could have copied and pasted some

Bible verses to support his or her thoughts on this right but whatever so anyway hey I did the poll and uh bet you did there's only there's only 15 votes thus far which is kind of disappointing hold on can I do the poll 79 79 to 21 say no right now uh first 20 votes no they don't believe if you wna how do I do the poll okay that's something you're gonna have to I'd really like to how I do this poll can someone please tell me no I just hang on a second I'm gonna do hang on no I got this y'all hey y'all check this out I'm

gonna take I'm gonna copy oh my gosh I feel like discovering fire here hang on it's it's now gonna be in the chat hang on hang on I gotta get it pasted in here yeah yeah boom there it is there it is okay this is you should see my you should see my screen because it looks very odd I don't know what this thing looks like do you see the chat go to the chat click it I'm looking at wait wait on on Twitter right on no okay I'm at I'm at I went drinking by the way I went to URL I don't see a damn thing here

uh May oh look I found it I found it I found it um I'm gonna there I'm going to screw up your little there you go I don't believe in magnets what is magnet how is I how can this guy not believe in magnets bro I don't know I don't understand that's right underneath the the pole is the magnet and why wouldn't you believe in magnets are you drinking or am I drink no there's it's right there and do you not see it underneath I see the comment but I'm not dwelling on it because what does it mean I don't know so I'm not how you

know that's not a sign from above did you know G Brooks may or may not be a serial killer I have no problem believing that that's because you'd never think of that to begin with he's got the perfect dis I know he's kind of been tipping his hand lately I think there might be something to it I mean let's be honest the Chris gains thing was was was was a look into the whacka doodl I mean come on when he did that you're like what in the hell is he thinking and he played for the Padres for a while too didn't he oh that's

right he did that's right that's right man that that's called living your best life look I I'm gu Brooks I'm so famous I can do anything I want you know what I've always wanted to try my hand at professional baseball he sucked at it though didn't he yeah I don't think he ever made it out of the minor lead no no he didn't and but single and which would add to his angst and his anger right because he always wanted to be a professional ball player and let me preface this by saying G Brooks was one

of the nicest guys I've ever met we had him on a show on the Nashville Network when he was first starting out super duper nice guy yeah ran into him a year later in an elevator at Atlantic Records in Nashville and he remembered me this is after he'd like gone meteoric and I was like he'll never remember and he's like hey how you doing I was like well oh wow you do remember me and then he kissed me gently and I never saw him again he never called but typically how it works I right I just feel like a

piece of meat but he you know he's angry about not ever becoming a professional baseball player he doesn't know who to take it out on he's not going to go after Trish because she'll kick his ass because you know um not small and so he decides he's going to take it out on the little people and uh he goes after the people on the road and he's got because like who's ever and he probably had this conversation with her who's ever going to arrest me as a killer I'm gu freaking Brooks change my mind I bet this video doesn't play

that'd be a shocker well I guess it's official oh jeez I hate my life that is so weird play you play Linda says I never cared for uh G Brooks you play that you just play it hold on do I have it I do have it don't hang on a second hold on I think I do I've got it right uh I just I don't even care anymore I'm so pissed my computer I'm taking my computer the IT guy at the blaze okay who remember who is um uh who who came up with PCS it was Bill Gates he invented the PC remember maybe him no no no it's Bill Gates and he wants to kill

us all and therefore if by inventing the p he pissed you off caused G Brooks to be a serial killer and U here's gu well I guess it's official we're now on Facebook I really wasn't sure about this start but then a friend of mine said something that just made all kinds of sense she said think of it more as a conversation I like that but I'm already finding out on my own that it's wiping the walls out between you and me and I really like that it allows us into each other's worlds or I I guess in my case

oh show room when I think about things I want to post I want to post cool stuff slick stuff neat stuff but most of stuff I'm going to post is GNA be raw stuff like this this just who I am so if this is truly a conversation then I say let the conversation begin wow I thought he was going to cuss there it scared me um that's creepy just the way he said it was creepy was he reading that no he's like it did feel like it but that's just creepy the way he did it no wonder the serial killer Theory started with that

because that's where it started I like breaking down walls between you and me creepy that was uh that was gu Brooks by the way uh Linda C see my computer doesn't play video anymore so we just listen to audio now the comments before it says so creepy if I was on a game show uh if I was on a game show called serial killer or not and play that I'm locking in serial killer for a hundred bucks all day long right right uhhuh it's I mean again a perfect Alibi he was and I'm not saying that he did I'm just

saying that he was accused of um rape which I think far too many uh people throw toss that one out there yeah um and it it it um it's they shouldn't do that but there was you know what within the last six months that makeup artist right and that's a hot take Brad is that a hot take or is that a hot mess because you're like hey you know people throw out rape allegations they shouldn't do that they shouldn't do that no they shouldn't they should so uh here's a fun trivia question for you the first person how many

people I don't okay scare me you scare me so um the first the first person I saw talking on the cell phone in in public was G Brooks I was at the dean Center at the University of Nebraska what what thean Center no Dean oh de Deany that's what I said the fanny Center I swear I will I will reach through this camera don't you bisch the the greatest Nebraska football coach I love the fanny Center anyway uh he was in town doing shows there in the mid 990s and I was at the dean Center uh to interview the gymnastics coach for my

sports broadcasting class don't ask anyway that's a weird name for a a Sports Broadcast don't ask who's drinking so anyway uh he walked by me and he was on the phone and it was just like wait a minute I was halfway I was like that's G Brooks and the other part of me was like wait a minute that's a cell phone in the wild you know it was kind of cool so so but he kept staying he kept extending his stay in Lincoln because he wanted the whatever it was the 1 millionth person to ever attend one of his shows I don't

know whatever he wanted that winner to be in Lincoln because he was having such a good time or whatever I don't know and so so whoever got that ticket they ended up I don't know what they got like I don't know if it was a car like a trip it was a whole bunch of stuff right and I don't know how they determined it was it the Ticket Master I I have no idea look it up Lincoln Nebraska fan G Brooks they walked away with a with a boatload of stuff um you know have you ever cross referen those dates with people gone

missing or turned up dead in Lincoln Nebraska no wonder he had to stay there he had some scores to settle H let's see wouldn't be the first time tiet prizes hang on a when was that the 90s man uh let's see I don't know and he was so nice which again is the perfect disguise for his Ted Bundy was a sweetheart right sure andan everybody that met Ted Bunny's like well he's the nicest guy I mean you had to get past the murders I want to say that you're a nice guy what does that say about you I'm not

a nice guy though I just I used to be and the world now now it's a checking the pole 81% uh no did you say you're checking the poll 81% don't believe in reincarnation I just want you to know that I'm up how the hell do they know I'm looking up I'm looking up the uh the 1990s I'm trying to find what I'm it's tough see back back in the early days of the internet you know there's not a lot of stuff archived from then you know it's tough to find really old old stuff is it true that um did Trump just release the

JFK what son's executive order over the office hang on a second signed it okay so he signed it but do we have files um JFK files release oh my gosh yeah but the thing is ordered it yeah he 54 minutes ago declassification of records concerning the assassination of President John F Kennedy okay where are they where are they um what's the web address what's just go to URL it's all right there duh um but we already know um I'm looking we already know who did it I mean that's three Shooters CIA at least connected with the

uh and and see how many people have actually ever been to Del Plaza and or been to The Book Depository it's a very small percentage of the population right keep talking yep I know where you're going you stand up there in The Book Depository and you look down you go that's this is the dumbest idea I've ever seen this is these dumb if you were gonna shoot the Pres this is not the way that you would do it standing in this window looking down there because you've got like five minutes of the perfect

shot and then the car turns the corner and you got like the crappiest shot y in the world right from that window right so what you're saying is for those that haven't been there if you are in that building and you're in the schoolbook depository you've got because there's windows so in other words ah you can stand at the window and look down yeah and so the president has passed him yep when he shoots yeah way P not just past him but way past him he could have turned this way and had a much easier

shot but the shooters were over here hiding in the train yard probably in the sewer and also the grassy null area I mean you've got bro there was was there a um the I don't know what you call them on the curb there where the the sewer the storm uh drain goes in I don't I guess it's storm drain um there in the curb we all we if you have a curb in front of your house there's chances a good chance that you've got a storm drain somewhere along that curb and and you can climb down in those things I mean they're creepy but you can

do that and that would be the ideal place and I don't know was there one of those storm drains in that curb I've never been able to we should go back and look at film and the other thing the zuder film it was we all think okay well that's been around forever and you know after the president was shot you just have to look at that and and you can see that that wasn't released for 10 years the no one saw the zuder film on a wide basis for 10 years I want to show you this here hang on gotta hide some

information here hang on all right so right now for $28 oh man this is a bad day for technical stuff huh $28.96 I'm gonna tell you go to go to uh Amazon right now if you're interested because I full uh I wholeheartedly uh believe the story in this book firsthand knowledge how I participated in the CIA Mafia murder of President Kennedy who wrote that firstand knowledge written by Robert D Maro he unwittingly purchased the guns uh that were used um so and modified these radios that were used on different

frequencies really yeah you gotta you got to you can borrow my book some people have had it on their show for a couple of years haven't read it yet Brad would you like to borrow it huh I still have one of Ian punit's books and I still need to get that back to Ian don't don't you dare what I should I should get I gotta get his back to him and I gotta get docks back to him I mean I feel like they're gonna be mad at me if I don't return their books oh I'm sorry I I I apologize uh Ian passed away last

year so so I can keep the book I thought the that's what you are I don't like does this mean I get to keep the book W that's your reaction wait a minute I didn't I totally missed the part where you talked about doc to went right over my head just right over my head where you mentioned doc to see I'm I'm my brain's on a 10-second delay I'm only hearing what you said 10 seconds ago which would explain why my computer is lagging it's just trying to make me feel better it's just trying to keep up I hate life how

did I pull that out of there that's what that is so weird that no I was able to somehow pull the video out of that Macs are amazing they let you do things you didn't even know you could do and you didn't even know you did like live stream without any technical difficulties pretty much yeah I that does happen so uh one thing here before we go uh that I want to share with the audience that uh because this is a good a time as any that we're gonna have to talk about this new feature that uh that that we kind of stumbled into before we

went live here uh on this streamer but apparently I can uh I can I can give reactions and stuff um with Emojis now you don't have this feature on your just a guest actually um stupid look at this oh you can do a thumbs up thbs I did find them look at all those this is kind of fun I can do the I can do a bunch of what's this one here little party I I can just cover your whole face up can't I wait why isn't it covering your face I'm covering my face wait huh i' be plotting you and is that like fairy dust

right there is that what is that no that's a party horn beas yeah I'm sorry of course it's a party that's what I said fairy dust hold on pet video those are on Friday tomorrow on the Friday live stream at 3M Eastern right here wherever the hell you're watching this show this this debacle um I will have a couple of guests w Clark who actually was on this Thursday show talking about Alaska a few months ago what is is happening yes yes what what can people hear the the I think I'm the only one in here though no I can hear it

too CLK and will be on the Friday live stream are you busy tomorrow you want to hang out with us who me yeah you I won't um I can send you the link and if you're bored you can click it that way you'll have the option I might have to join you from the road oh it sounds like you've said something so your will be lowered G because I kept hitting the I ra it gave me a warning sounds like you've talked so shut the hell up or put your hand down stupid I can't believe it I was just putting my why does it keep

covering my face it's not cover see I think that this this streaming service that I use now I think this is actually I think I paid for it to be a beta tester for them Linda says Brad is messing with Keith we the blip blip you do hear the blip you hear the blip I hear the B love this audience because you have the BP they're so helpful says all I hear is the air conditioner no wait and Toby says yes I heat the bubbles I don't even know what the heating the bubbles means I oh my go here L control I like to heat the

bubbles too quite frankly and I'm not afraid to say it I'll say it right here in public the real man to admit that they Heat their bubbles I will heat the bubbles just and Julie just meowed that reminds me of the dude remember the uh the attorney cat yeah the your honor your honor I'm not I'm not dressed as a cat hang on hang on hang on I gotta find that one I want to believe that was real that's one of the greatest videos in the history of the internet honestly it hang on turning with cat I'm not a cat I'm

gonna find that hang on hang on I can't even see straight I don't have my glasses I can't I can see it I can you you want me to send it to you no I got it I believe you have a filter turned on in the video settings you might want to uh can you hear me Jo I can hear you I think it's a filter it is and I don't know how to remove it I've got my assistant here she's trying to but uh I'm prepared to go forward with it that's I'm here live that's not I'm not a cat not a cat not a cat I can I can see that I'm not a cat so good hashtag I'm

not a cat that's quote of the year I'm not a cat I'm not a cat finish this boy that almost that made me giggle at something an attorney said usually I don't an attorney talks and an angel their wings burn off every time an attorney speaks an angel loses their wings wings burn off it's not quite catchy enough for me but it's but it's sometimes the truth isn't catchy we're we're workshopping here is What's happen it's a safe place for brainstorming I'm not a cat your honor I'm not a cat oh real quick real quick I

don't want to tease next uh Thursday's Deep dive because my guest is uh traveling and it's a little up in the air right now so what we might do and I want everybody to be thinking about this because you you wonderful people and Brad what you might get a text from me like five minutes till just like Bap does with you hey bro you want to hang out with me again because uh my guest it's a tricky situation for next week so that's why I don't even want to promote it yet but if he falls through which my gut tells me he

will uh I want I want to I'm going to what I'm going to do is we're going to do it differently if you're familiar with when I do drinks with Keith I'll sit around and I'll live stream on Twitter and I'll start a video space and I'll start an audio space and if you want to talk like like regular old timey am talk radio then you go to the audio space you know raise your hand hold on what we got an emoji for that right we don't have a raise your hand emoji where the hell oh here we go Sue wants to be

teased oh oh dear lord so anyway see there's your raise your hand uh over the audio what does it say on the screen when I do that please please stop I what and and the top will be like I want to hear from y'all like what conspiracy theory do you believe that you wish everybody else believed so that will be our def that'll be our fallback topic our safety net topic if my guest falls through through and maybe Brad will join as well I don't know what's happening with all the little hearts and stuff man drowns in

the sea of Hearts there it is okay well it's been fun this what happens when you make love in the dunes of the cape if you're if you're unfamiliar with that reference please go back and watch Julie says that's the drip sound yeah I got it Julie leaving okay thanks so much tomorrow uh we got the Friday live stream uh with war we solve any problems Ed bishop and perhaps Brad Stags we solve any problems today is I before we leave any problems here and then uh and then a week from today you may be the guest ladies and

gentlemen uh talking to me it could it could just be a glorified drinks with Keith if I'm not dripping by the way just just so you know what she's borne asked I don't want to know what Brad is dripping I'm not I'm not oh look look look at the time it's been two hours I'm leaving okay uh thanks so I'm hanging up now uh I got to hit this button here my Mom Mom's dead actually she can't hear