Kase Duggan is a big part of what happens behind the scenes at The Blaze TV and Radio networks but there's much more to him as well.
Be sure to check out his bands
At Lexington & Concord:
ITunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/at-lexington-concord/1485060383
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3EsccYmGGjxfFYFRh3a0Iz
Back To Better:
ITunes: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/backtobetter/1545282364
Host: @KeithMalinak on Twitter
Guest: @ClassicKase on Twitter / @backtobetterband on Instagram
Sponsor: APRCoffee.com
Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/11056066