Feb. 22, 2025

WARNING: 15-Minute Cities Are Coming – Here’s What You Need to Know!

WARNING: 15-Minute Cities Are Coming – Here’s What You Need to Know!

Are 15-minute cities really about convenience, or is there a hidden agenda? In this deep dive episode, Keith Malinak sits down with returning guest DaGareBear to uncover the real implications of these so-called smart cities, who’s behind them, and how they could limit your freedom of movement.

DaGareBear is an expert in analyzing globalist agendas, urban planning policies, and digital surveillance, and he breaks down how 15-minute cities connect to social credit scores, AI-driven monitoring, and the centralization of power.

Topics Covered in This Episode:

  • What are 15-minute cities, and why are they being pushed worldwide?
  • The globalist agenda: Who's REALLY behind this urban planning shift?
  • How smart cities restrict movement through surveillance and social credit systems
  • Real-life examples of cities already implementing these control mechanisms
  • The role of digital ID, AI, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)
  • How climate policies are being used to justify these restrictions
  • What you can do to push back and protect your freedom

Listen now to get the facts mainstream media won’t tell you!

Timestamps & Chapters for Easy Navigation:

  • 00:00 - Introduction: What is a 15-Minute City?
  • 03:45 - Guest Introduction: DaGareBear on Urban Control & Surveillance
  • 12:15 - The Illusion of Convenience vs. The Reality of Control
  • 23:55 - How 15-Minute Cities Restrict Your Freedom
  • 44:00 - Surveillance & Social Credit Systems
  • 1:05:45 - Travel Restrictions & Carbon Credit Systems
  • 1:36:30 - How AI & Digital ID Will Be Used for Urban Control
  • 1:45:10 - Final Thoughts & How to Fight Back

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Keith Malinak:

Wes Castelhano (2nd Floor Studios):

Guest: DaGareBear

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@KeithMalinak On X (02:07.648)
Boy, that's kind of frustrating, right? It just, it gets going. It's like you really think you're going to get into the flow and then, and then, and then, and then it's done and the music's done. I want to see where that song's going. All right, kids. I hope everybody can hear me. Okay. I am grateful for your time. again, on a Thursday afternoon, we do the deep dive and my goodness, you know what I should have done?

Let's see if I can do this by memory, because I don't have my list here. Next Thursday, it's going to be the Islamization of Europe. Yeah. Hey, hey, Wes. How you doing? What are you doing? Popping in? OK, I don't know if Wes, Wes, you are on the air. I see I see your face. I don't know if you can hear me, but you're definitely on with us. So check, check.

Wes (02:43.7)
Hey, Harry.

@KeithMalinak On X (03:03.826)
Am I on? Hello? Any audio?

Hmm All right, hopefully the hopefully the chat will tell me if they can hear me, okay You can hear me. All right. Good. All right. That's just making sure

Wes (03:18.761)
I can hear you all right.

Yeah, I went wireless right now, yeah, so, hey man, it sounds good.

@KeithMalinak On X (03:25.27)
you okay good good okay eyes on a picture that everybody can hear me so uh... please chime in on the chapter because when i see west jump on like that it makes me nervous and i like all hell what if i don't what am i broken okay so cool i just want to make sure near here for me you know and let's uh... and a so alright so they're they're saying that they can hear me but they can't hear you are so very good and that's okay because uh... i want to uh...

Wes (03:40.617)
No, I'm here for you.

@KeithMalinak On X (03:54.23)
along on behalf of Wes and his bride Victoria. She has been through it with ovarian cancer since last summer. so there's a fundraiser and I'm going to ask Wes to since obviously we can't hear you Wes so we're just going to have you put in the chat a link to the GoFundMe and actually it's a give send go. Give send go.

link to help with the medical costs which are just outrageous any time that you go up against cancer my gosh our prayers to Vic and your family Wes and please take care of her and anything that y'all can do your prayers are obviously very welcome I don't know I can I can hear you but I'm not I'm not going on that one so

Wes (04:36.501)

Can everybody hear me right now?

Okay, no, thank you so much to everybody. I actually have Victoria here. But we'll hold off on, we'll wait till the end.

@KeithMalinak On X (04:52.948)
Well, let's let's hold off on on having her until we know about audio. So please put in the chat. Please put the link to the fundraiser and let's help her out any way we can. And so breaking news. I forgot tomorrow. Tomorrow I've got a couple of fun guests that you'll enjoy. JP Decker, who heads up Mercury One. He will be my Friday live stream guest as well. It'll be the first visit for Kelly Smith. So.

Wes (05:02.987)
You got it.

@KeithMalinak On X (05:20.566)
Join us for some fun and frivolity on the Friday livestream here at 3 p.m. Wes, I can hear some, can you take your mic off? Because I'm hearing a lot going on in my ears and I appreciate that a lot. So breaking news, despite the efforts of Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, two terrible Republican senators, by a vote of 51 to 49, Cash Patel was still confirmed as FBI director. I will say this is a four for four for Donald Trump.

This, I honestly, I did not expect that he would get all of these. I thought maybe three of four. And when I'm talking about Pete Hegseth for defense secretary, Tulsi Gabbard, director of national intelligence, Robert Kennedy for health and human services, and now Cash Patel, FBI director. look at that. We got the Deguear Bears presentation already showing. I don't know how that happened. But anyway, four for four. Congratulations, Donald Trump getting all of his nominees thus far. None of them have lost in the Senate.

So, Cash Patel confirmed. I don't know if the Epstein files are still available at the FBI building, at the old J. Edgar Hoover building, but if they are, we should be seeing those tomorrow, I understand. All right, so my guest today has been on with us before. In fact, it's pinned to the top of the YouTube page. If you want to go to youtube.com slash at, at the mic. See this? You gotta put the, you gotta put, you gotta put the little at the, and by the way, this is wet because I just dumped an entire,

glass of water. This thing was almost full when it started. Instead it ended up all across the desk. It's a man. And I cannot f- I have a roll of paper towels sitting here for a year. Never needed them. This happens. And I don't, I don't know where they're at, but they're not in here anymore.

Just a personal problem. Okay, so my guest was on August 8th, pinned to the top of the YouTube channel, is the show we did with him. I like talking with smart people, and Garabare is definitely one of those individuals who knows a lot of stuff. So we had him on to talk about central bank digital currencies and the threat that that presents to freedom loving people everywhere, especially Europe. But we're not in the clear yet either, but.

@KeithMalinak On X (07:41.706)
We've made a lot of progress, think. But anyway, so I wanted to have him back on because he knows a lot about 15 minute cities and the threat that those that we face from those entities because boy, the WEF and the New World Order and all the big government types, really love they really love to impose their will on us. And I've got Garabare here as a guest yet again. And I I respect people's anonymity.

because not everybody has a job like me where you have management that encourages free speech and free thinking so not everybody's got that luxury so there there can you hear me okay you know right there all right yes yes so you are dialed in from i believe it is no mollusk where you know skin where we're going to keep your identity

GareBear (08:27.807)
doing just fine. The joys of technology and trying to make it work.

@KeithMalinak On X (08:39.988)
Definitely a safe here, but I wanted to talk to you about this 15 minutes city stuff because after we did the CBDC show we had to talk in and one thing led to another I was like, you know, let's do a show on this and This kind of thing terrifies me if people don't know what a 15 minutes city is can you give us a thumbnail sketch of When they hear that what? What should they be thinking?

But what do those that run the world want you to be thinking about?

GareBear (09:14.518)
So with a 15 minute city, the basis of it is anything you need is within 15 minutes, normally by walking. Sounds fantastic, convenient, everything is just up the road, as I would say. That is also more, as far as the conspiracy goes, a control mechanism. That if anyone is familiar with the Hunger Games, where there were each districts, it's almost broken up to that, but...

@KeithMalinak On X (09:23.84)
Sounds great, right?

@KeithMalinak On X (09:42.293)

GareBear (09:44.33)
the districts are 15 minutes in any direction. So.

@KeithMalinak On X (09:50.768)
neat. It sounds convenient to me. So why do people like you think that we should be concerned about something as cool sounding as a convenient 15 minute city?

GareBear (10:04.192)
Well, and again, kind of like I said before, I try and come at things as apolitical as possible. So in the event that we're talking about 15 minute cities, again, the sale on this would be very, it's ease and simplicity. It's everything at your disposal that you would quote unquote need is relatively close. There's no 30 minute drive to Target or your Home Depot or whatever you need. There's less smog, less traffic, less congestion.

@KeithMalinak On X (10:24.566)

GareBear (10:34.014)
everything is ease, simplicity, and available. Yes, the problem is that requires a very strict structure and inevitably to make it work, limiting freedoms and choice and everything that we hold dear, more or less.

@KeithMalinak On X (10:37.92)
Sounds delightful.

@KeithMalinak On X (10:50.902)
Okay, so you've got a Outline here for us with lots of videos and pictures and all sorts of fun stuff here Did you want me to start in on this or how do you want to go from here to begin with?

GareBear (11:10.412)
Again, joys of technology.

@KeithMalinak On X (11:13.81)
I know you've got some slides. You've got the in fact, it popped up. It was so eager to participate in today's discussion. The 15 minute city. I think you have your first slide that popped up there earlier. Let's see there. Boom. There it is. 15 minute cities we got there. Look at that.

GareBear (11:29.642)
and the joy of this, can't really do this without going full screen. So 15 minute cities and what you see here is relatively a graphic that would go inside or coincide with the discussion. You would have your housing nearby, you would have retail, public service, whatever that might be for you. Education, obviously also parks, we can't forget about those. And that's one thing that comes up a lot, sustainable mobility.

@KeithMalinak On X (11:32.339)
Full screen here. Okay.

GareBear (12:00.044)
This model, and we'll get into it later, but this model really relies heavily on walking, biking, public transit. There's not much discussion of your vehicle. It's what's good for the community. So.

GareBear (12:19.882)
When it comes down to this and you, I'm trying to think of a good way to say this. When it comes to.

@KeithMalinak On X (12:25.14)
Are you able to, I'm sorry, are you able to zoom in a little bit, that little bar in the bottom right corner? Does that help any? So that we can see all these fun, awesome advantages of 15 minute cities.

GareBear (12:35.478)
Okay, so that's really kind of fun. It didn't go full screen for you guys, huh?

Okay, let's do this. So let's try and do

@KeithMalinak On X (12:48.24)
I'd imagine that the internet connection and the technology is a little difficult up in Nome, Alaska, where you're based out of. Okay?

GareBear (12:53.51)
I mean, we'll make it work.


@KeithMalinak On X (12:59.648)
That's cool. I don't want you to stress too much on this. It's okay. I was just trying to be able to see it and now it's zoomed in crazy tight. just go back the way it was. fine. I'd rather hear your information than look at the pretty pictures anyway.

GareBear (13:07.338)
beyond belief.

GareBear (13:17.979)
So Whenever you come across the the discussion of 15 minute cities More than likely you're gonna be told you're a conspiracy theorist that You know, there's no such plan in place people aren't talking about that There's no need to worry about things like this until You really delve into it and this hands down one of my favorite headlines over the last few years for those listening it the headline is

@KeithMalinak On X (13:27.392)

GareBear (13:44.342)
From Forbes, 15-Minute City Conspiracy Theories, insane, says 15-Minute City Creator.

@KeithMalinak On X (13:51.478)
That's awesome.

GareBear (13:54.4)
There's a gentleman out there, Carlos Moreno, published a book. It's available on Amazon. And it goes through the entire theory and a very light and fluffy and friendly version of what a 15-minute city is. And it's basically what we laid out, that from where you are, where the epicenter is, anything is available within 15 minutes, normally by walking or cycling.

Since then, he's taken time to discredit it, it's conspiracy, and everything else like that, until you start digging in that there are many politicians promoting this. There's some of our local politicians that we'd be familiar with here. Notably, there's the mayor of Paris is a large proponent on this, and in fact ran on this in her last election bid. And...

not too long ago, a Canadian politician, I believe we have a clip of that, was out there basically promoting what these are and why they're so great.

@KeithMalinak On X (14:56.302)

@KeithMalinak On X (15:01.6)
Okay, that's my cue. That's my cue. Let's see, why won't it let me, it won't let me click it. It was letting me click it before we got started, but now it won't. Let's see, here we go, here we go. Standby, here we go. Someone is sharing their screen. Okay, so we're gonna have to have you unshare your screen apparently, Garabay. There we go, okay, now here we go. Standby. All right.

Wes (15:13.023)
Which clip is this?

GareBear (15:24.289)
out of room.

@KeithMalinak On X (15:50.558)
@KeithMalinak On X (15:57.03)
Wow, no, first of all, I don't like the way he says a boot. That's that's the first red flag. And then he used that word district.

GareBear (16:07.968)
That's actually one term that keeps coming up again and again and again. And again, to play it fair, call balls and strikes. Whether it's New York, you have the boroughs. Chicago has wards. Many different, either Houston or El Paso, one of those, they're broken up into districts, and it's for local government. So we already have some of this.

@KeithMalinak On X (16:20.234)

GareBear (16:37.1)
framework in place. But yeah, I'm a little weary of anyone, especially when it comes to where you're allowed to go versus not, and then calling it a district that changes the dynamic of that word ever so slightly.

@KeithMalinak On X (16:49.952)
That's not fun. Yeah, that's not an American word, Okay, so that's a Canadian politician.

GareBear (16:54.355)
No. No.

GareBear (17:00.924)
And just kind of on the fly here, yeah, it is not going to let me go full screen on the presentation, so I'll probably just keep that one off, and we'll just go with video and kind of go from there. But speaking internationally, we already spoke about the Paris mayor.

@KeithMalinak On X (17:10.026)
Okay. Yeah. All right.

GareBear (17:19.178)
Miss Hildago, she ran her pretty much entire election bid. Not entirely on this, but it was a prominent feature to the point that some of the articles about it were it was a key pillar of her election bid. So this is not just Canada.

@KeithMalinak On X (17:37.098)
Wow. And the Parisians were good with that as a campaign issue? That's good. I'm going to start using that line when I think there's some funny business going on with election results. the votes fell in your favor. OK, so let's see. Do we go to this new Cleveland clip here?

GareBear (17:42.988)
The votes fell in her favor. How about that?

GareBear (18:00.956)
Yeah, I was about to say it's not just not just over there, not just north of us. There are. You can if you do the digging, you do the research, you can find news clips all around. Two notably. We got Cleveland on deck and then down a little bit, Fort Myers.

@KeithMalinak On X (18:21.526)
Oh boy, all right, so here's this Cleveland thing.

@KeithMalinak On X (19:26.62)
hang on hang on hang on hang on before you say anything i have to revisit a part of this video well something he said here hang on one second

@KeithMalinak On X (19:39.958)
Ideal planning framework. No, no, don't. I'm a human being. You're not gonna. Maybe maybe I'm a little too sensitive, but I don't like that. That phraseology there. Ideal planning framework where? Oh, then it gets more dystopian. Human needs and desires are accessible with a 15 minute walk. Get out of my face. Oh, these people. Okay, what now?

GareBear (19:42.656)
There you go.

GareBear (20:06.42)
No, I'm glad you caught that. Because again, it's almost like a throwaway line that it's just right there and then moving on to the next. And nice big words. No, that planning framework.

@KeithMalinak On X (20:14.677)

@KeithMalinak On X (20:18.538)
don't need convenience, I need freedom. And then I'll figure it out from there. this guy. Okay. Sorry, go ahead.

GareBear (20:25.718)
So, and kind of going back to Canada, just because they're our neighbor to the north, what happens there does have influence. The next video we have up is from Edmonton. Yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (20:31.972)

@KeithMalinak On X (20:39.798)
Can I just say if Canada actually becomes the 51st state it needs to be the 51st state. It doesn't need to be broken up into 11 provinces and three territories. There's too many electoral votes. Wait, hold on. Let me think this through.

I gotta get back to you on that. I was just thinking, there's only a couple of real conservative provinces in Canada. So that's what I gotta, I'm just trying to think this through. I gotta get back to you on this. I gotta work the math. But anyway, all right, let me play the Edmonton clip here. Hang on, here we go.

GareBear (21:10.636)

@KeithMalinak On X (21:19.478)
Play it!

@KeithMalinak On X (21:55.85)

@KeithMalinak On X (22:04.922)
can i just pauses right here and i'm sorry to to interrupt your presentation here you know what we're seeing here and and i know that that you don't need me to point this out in this intelligent audience doesn't need me to point this out but a telltale sign that you're being played by a globalist agenda is when you hear the same

GareBear (22:06.56)
No, that's cool.

@KeithMalinak On X (22:29.408)
Freaking phrases and same beautiful descriptions across the board. We've had what do we had now? I don't know where in Canada that one guy was but Cleveland and Edmonton and I imagine all these you know several other videos are gonna It's obviously the same talking points sent down from from the office of Klaus Schwab This is this is just like Kovac

This is like, this is, what was the damn build back better? I mean, it's all connected to this international force. Anyway, I'll let this continue.

@KeithMalinak On X (23:15.358)
I'm sorry, again, I'm an asshole for doing this. I have to interrupt again. I would guarantee I'm a betting man and I suck at gambling. However, I bet that I would win if I if you go to a city council meeting in Cleveland.

or Fort Myers or El Paso or wherever else these examples are and I bet they're reading the same verbatim letters with just different names instead of instead of down at at Cherry Street in Cleveland it's down at Canuck Boulevard but it's the same letter being sent from a citizen there in the town I'm sorry.

@KeithMalinak On X (24:13.142)
And at the end day, it's about land use, Gary. What do think of that?

GareBear (24:15.936)
And that's for those of you listening and probably watching there were what 24 different clips like this I sent in Not everything made it to what we're gonna talk about today one of them in particular Eddie Griffin where he really dives into tying this to recent natural disasters

@KeithMalinak On X (24:41.16)
how long is that video? Just just out of curiosity.

GareBear (24:44.22)
I think he goes on for good three, four minutes.

@KeithMalinak On X (24:47.316)
You say three or four? Okay.

Wes (24:48.768)
Okay, can I just jump in? We did get the Eddie Griffin. did get the one on the link and it's about one minute. one, it's sort of the end. I just want to say I got it. All right, bye guys.

GareBear (24:48.811)

@KeithMalinak On X (24:55.08)
Okay, well we might get to that later. I've got it off to the side here. Okay, cool. So, bye Wes. All right, so we'll keep that.

GareBear (24:55.29)
maybe I'm thinking of a different one I had.

GareBear (25:02.572)
The reason I kind of make or not say it that way, everyone's entitled to their theory, everyone like that. My basis here is to kind of point out this is a little more than conspiracy theory. is conspiracy published articles and plans from many different areas, all seeming to coalesce and go along, like you said, with the same narrative that statistically everyone having this

ID on their own rather unlikely what the execution method is or how they plan to implement it or where they're going to have the available area to build that's up for speculation and Everyone has a theory on that to include as we mentioned mr.

@KeithMalinak On X (25:51.432)
Yeah, okay. Go ahead, sorry.

GareBear (25:54.388)
Also, just side note, given I'm having fun with the presentation over here, not really wanting to cooperate, any of the links, anything I'm citing, I'm actually putting in the Twitter or X live chat. So everything is cited there as we're going along. For those of not on Twitter, sorry.

@KeithMalinak On X (26:00.63)
Okay, no that's fine.

@KeithMalinak On X (26:07.19)
Okay, good. Awesome!

@KeithMalinak On X (26:13.878)
Okay, they're not gonna show up if your account is locked. I'm just saying.

GareBear (26:20.524)
That's the fun part, it's in the chat for the...

@KeithMalinak On X (26:23.304)
good, okay, so I hope it's showing up there for everyone. If not, we'll get that figured out for sure. But I love how the onus is on us, the people that are resistant to this kind of advancement in this radicalization of our way of life. That one clip right there, for example, where half of us will be traveling by mass transit. No, no, we will not. But we're the conspiracy theorists. When they use the same language, the same talking points, the

planning that goes into something like Agenda 21, Event 201, now 15 minute cities, it's not a conspiracy theory. Are you trying to get us to believe that you people all just happen to have the same ideas at the same time around the world? They didn't come from some one singular source. Anyway, I digress. I'll let you continue on with your presentation, Gare.

GareBear (27:17.676)
No, that's quite all right. I mean, the video from Edmonton really, again, I'm glad you're picking up. It's the same verbiage, the same talking points as, you know, excellent point, build back better. This is along the same lines. Someone got the memo somewhere. Everyone's following it. Like we've all seen the, the prerecorded speech that many different news outlets had. Magically, they're all saying it. You can superimpose it to where they're practically saying it in unison.

@KeithMalinak On X (27:45.012)
Right. Yeah. Yep. Yep.

GareBear (27:47.232)
go to these city councils, watch the news reporting of these, it almost has that same feel. There was a memo that went out, here's the talking points, and as with the next video, I believe out of Fort Myers, it kind of points that one out.

@KeithMalinak On X (27:59.55)
Yeah. OK, and I'll I'll play the Fort Myers. But first, I guess I want to point this out. They gather in central locations like a Davos or a Brussels or wherever they all gather together, yet they don't want us to believe that they all have the same plan, the same marching orders for us. Give me a break. Here we go.

@KeithMalinak On X (28:58.748)
yay! I love the planet too!

@KeithMalinak On X (29:04.854)

@KeithMalinak On X (29:44.125)

@KeithMalinak On X (30:26.176)
So am I just, I'm a caveman aren't I? To reject this idea of convenience and saving the planet. Look at that, it's the best of both worlds. I can save the planet and have all this convenience. What's my problem dude?

GareBear (30:40.908)
Well, and again, that's it kind of mirrors the conversation we had about CBDC's and don't worry folks. We're not going into that again. I know that was enthralling for Menevio. It's the convenience. It's the simplicity. It's everything is at my fingertips. I don't have to worry. As he pointed out, you know, that to our commute, quote unquote. mean, honestly, right now, depending on what city you're in, a two hour commute could be nothing more than 10 miles.

@KeithMalinak On X (31:07.862)
I mean traffic sucks, bro. I'm with him on that. It does suck, but I sure I'm not giving up my freedom because of commute

GareBear (31:09.782)
Sorry, bud.

GareBear (31:18.5)
And that's where it is is and this will this I can't predict what will happen, but I could see this being a much easier selling point for sub 40s because many of them are very used to a downtown environment. know, people under the age of 40 there was this resurgence of going into the cities and everything being nearby and Uber and Lyft and taxis and just

@KeithMalinak On X (31:36.292)

GareBear (31:48.158)
I knew many people in a metropolitan area didn't have a car because when they needed to go visit family, know, the train would drop them off right near the airport if they needed to fly. Or if they needed to go to a friend's house, Uber, taxis, Lyft, whatever, there was something, didn't have a car. So this centralized localized idea can really gain traction.

@KeithMalinak On X (31:52.8)

@KeithMalinak On X (32:09.472)
You know.

@KeithMalinak On X (32:14.398)
It can, and especially if you're getting a population straight out of college that is used to everything being so centrally located. Right? You got a campus where everything you need, your education, your food, your entertainment, everything is right there. But as I'm thinking this through, and I don't know if this is, I don't know if this is a dastardly element of the 15 minute cities, but

GareBear (32:20.0)

GareBear (32:27.926)

@KeithMalinak On X (32:42.23)
Boy, you talking about a way to isolate people from the rest of the world. If I can't just hop up and drive to wherever I want to three hours away or an hour and a half away. If I don't have transportation, I'm just focused right there. All my needs are met right here. I'm pretty isolated. Again, I haven't really sat back and thought.

too much into that aspect of it. But boy, you have isolated pockets that you can concentrate on, and boy, you talk about quarantining for the next lockdown, whoo, that'd be easier.

GareBear (33:15.928)
And yep, it's, it's, affin-tages that you stumbled upon that because that will play into, especially as we get towards areas that are already implementing this, that does come up. And as far as travel, there are already,

@KeithMalinak On X (33:21.833)
@KeithMalinak On X (33:25.66)
Okay. All right, yay. Okay.

GareBear (33:34.496)
they try and do the carbon offset in some cities that have already started to implement this strategy that you are allowed so much movement with a personal vehicle. And as soon as you exceed that, you start getting fines to the point that there are, there was a small town started putting up a, what are those pylons called the bullyards that you had to scan out. And if you had exceeded your scans, you couldn't go.

@KeithMalinak On X (33:47.466)
Right? Right!

GareBear (34:02.59)
You had to turn around, go park it, and walk.

@KeithMalinak On X (34:05.014)
Explain that to people because it's not just some some codger here this 48 year old guy with the attitude of an 88 year old guy there are consequences, it's not like

GareBear (34:07.658)

@KeithMalinak On X (34:17.332)
This is the best of both worlds. You're saving the environment. You're living in a convenient. Think of the time that you just saved in your car that now you can spend doing whatever you could. You could spend two extra hours on the PlayStation every night. Whatever you want to do with that time. Just imagine that. Hell no. Talk about that right there about how they scan you as you're traveling around your little 15 minute city. You try to exceed that amount of usage that you're alive.

It's the exact same reason why you don't give the government access to your health care choices. Wow, the government's paying for my doctor's visits. Well, yeah, but they also control your diet and your life and everything about you. And you're going to be scanning out a grocery store someday and

A picture of RFK staring at you is gonna pop up, but no, seriously, it's, it's, I'm sorry. Uh, your last doctor's visit, your blood pressure was way too high. Uh, and I mean, this, this is gonna-

unravel into social credit scores, which is already a thing in many parts of the world. I mean, there are so many ramifications to giving into something and this is how communism works. This is how it went from red to green. Let's guilt these people. This is how we get them and control their minds by convincing them that they're doing good. And this is necessary to save the world for everyone. And you're handing them your freedoms. One

one agreement at a time. I'm sorry, continue.

GareBear (35:51.116)
Well, and you touched on many many concerns that come up with this discussion and Well, so again everyone will dismiss this as no, it's conspiracy theory you're worrying too much you're thinking too far into it Unfortunately, we can pull some receipts on some of that before we before we get too far down that road For those of you following along on the app formerly known as Twitter now known as X

In the chat for this episode, I am posting a lot of the links. You can go look them up yourself. One of them that I just threw in there most recently is from the United Nations themselves. Again, this isn't conspiracy. This isn't leaked documents. This is published on the UN website and the title is Cities 2030. Again, keep in mind that that year comes up a lot in this discussion for one reason or another.

@KeithMalinak On X (36:27.348)

@KeithMalinak On X (36:48.822)
2030 okay remember

GareBear (36:50.282)
But cities 2030, cities for all implementing the new urban agenda.

And you can go through this article and it gives a again, a fluffy, compassionate, everything's gonna be okay, the government loves me so this I know, type attitude when it comes to these 15 minute cities and A, how they're gonna be implemented, B, their goals. And their goals are always sustainability, first and foremost. Even in some of these, they lay out the 10 priorities.

@KeithMalinak On X (36:59.058)
is that my cue? sorry.

@KeithMalinak On X (37:13.342)

GareBear (37:29.388)
carbon emissions and climate are number one priority. Nine times out of 10, you'll see all the way at the bottom, if listed at all, personal health. So even on a lot of these documents, they're putting climate first. So is what it is. But the important part is when you dig into the training manual, they have training materials on the bottom right side of that.

that page, that's where it starts to get really, really interesting. If you're following along, again, bottom right of that page, training materials for implementing smart cities, and it goes through where these are located, primarily for the Asian Pacific and Southeast Asia.

@KeithMalinak On X (38:19.958)
So before you continue there, let me throw out some things here. I can't put the comments here on the screen for whatever reason today, y'all, but over at youtube.com slash at the mic, there's a lot of good, first of all, Teresa, thank you so much for the $5. That was very kind of you. Thank you so much. I see the comment. Yeah, Tam B says, Keith, imagine this concept of walking everywhere when your three kids were very young. Right.

GareBear (38:20.159)

@KeithMalinak On X (38:46.782)
So my kids are now ages 21, 19, 17, but they weren't always that old with their own cars. They saved up money and commuted to jobs and were able to purchase their own vehicles and in so doing purchasing their freedom.

I cannot imagine, Tam, having three young kids, living in this little area without being able to travel freely, and maybe that's what these globalists want. They don't want you to have kids. They don't want... I'm just spitballing here a little bit. it's... When you see who is publishing these documents that you're referring to, Gare,

and you know how they feel about individuality and freedom and procreation, it really puts things into a different perspective. know, it kind of makes it all come together, doesn't it? But continue, please.

Wes (39:49.632)
they don't have pets and they don't have kids.

GareBear (39:49.654)
It's quite all right. And I spent some time going through this training material and boundless information is in here. And I only pulled a few things just to kind of really drive home the point A, what the intent is, B, maybe some of who the players are, but also what they're going to be using. And one of the first things that really caught my eye, how familiar are you with the internet of things?

@KeithMalinak On X (40:13.038)

@KeithMalinak On X (40:20.222)
So correct me if I'm wrong, which by the way, one other point I want to make. Has the ascension of Donald Trump onto the world scene, has that put a governor on some of these globalist agenda plans? And then I'll answer the question on the other.

GareBear (40:39.436)
So the last time you asked me about a topic we were discussing and Trump's influence and

@KeithMalinak On X (40:47.254)
Oh hell, am I asking the same questions? Oh, that's not good.

GareBear (40:49.772)
No, no, no, it's cool. The last time you asked was, what do you think Trump is going to, you know, his impact on central bank digital currencies is going to be? Yes, before the election. And everyone, if you were listening then, I openly admit I was hesitant. I did not have faith that he would make a move on it just because of the amount of pushback he's already getting and even was just running.

@KeithMalinak On X (40:58.612)
All right, because we talked in August before the election.

GareBear (41:19.934)
I stand corrected. He came out with that executive order. He has been very vocal about it.

@KeithMalinak On X (41:21.182)

@KeithMalinak On X (41:27.348)
And while I appreciate executive orders, I sure love to see those things codified into law.

GareBear (41:32.614)
Exactly. So when it comes to this...

GareBear (41:38.188)
Again, balls and strikes. can see there's gonna be a lot of building that needs to happen with a plan for a 15-minute city. A lot of infrastructure work. This would be a union's dream. So from an economic standpoint of, in all reality, artificially pumping up an economy by forcing this kind of construction, I could see any politician being for it just because it'll bring money in, it'll bring jobs.

@KeithMalinak On X (42:06.614)

GareBear (42:07.052)
from a freedom aspect. Admittedly, Trump 2.0 seems very different than the first time around.

@KeithMalinak On X (42:13.675)
I know. Yeah, it's only been one month today.

GareBear (42:18.642)
Exactly. So if this was the first term, I'd be a little hesitant because, you know, he came out, for lack of a better term, shooting from the hip with bump stocks. I could see if someone said nice things, maybe he could be talked into it. Now I can see him probably putting up a fight.

@KeithMalinak On X (42:29.846)
Wait, that's a sore spot with him.

Yeah, Yeah, he's got much better people, much more small government minded types around him. So to your question about Internet of Things, when I hear that phrase Internet of Things, and correct me if I'm wrong, I think your house thermostat that you can access from your phone, your refrigerator that tells you when

You're low on milk. You want me to order some milk for you? know, things in your household items that are connected to the internet. Is that accurate or no?

GareBear (43:09.1)
It's accurate and again goes to the sale of convenience. Basically the internet of things and we're depending on how plugged in you are so to say you're partially on the way there. Thermostat great example. You can sync up your thermostat with your phone and hey it's great while you're at work you can go ahead and set the temperature in your house to make sure it's nice and cozy when you get home especially on those cold Dallas days.

@KeithMalinak On X (43:37.568)
We got him

GareBear (43:39.668)
whatever, what everyone forgets or chooses not to really engage with is how many people do you know in the Dallas Fort Worth area that signed up for the smart meters that they were coming in and manually raising the temperature, lowering the temperature because of a heat wave going on. I mean, I can tell you, I got people in the area that when they first moved there, it was a great promotion.

so they signed up, they would sit there, dial it down and watch it be dialed back up remotely. Because during a heat wave or things like that, there's stress on the electrical grid. Now you got to sacrifice a little bit of your comfort to make sure the grid goes up. Do that 100 times, you can protect the grid. So that's a small.

@KeithMalinak On X (44:31.798)
I swear man. I hate this stuff and if you do decide to go with the The app to control your heating and air and stuff which I will say Boy, that sure is convenient when you don't have to get out of bed in the middle of the night You know, it's maybe it's really cold and boy. I want to go turn up the heater. Well, how I don't want to get out of them

GareBear (44:41.174)

@KeithMalinak On X (44:55.634)
out from under the covers to do that. How convenient is that? But I will say if you do decide to go the route of the of the app controlling your thermostat, be sure because just in case John Connor doesn't defeat Skynet, you want to at least have in a drawer somewhere the old school thermostats that you can plug in.

once the machine start taking over or once you see like you just mentioned once you see crap they're controlling my thermostat they absolutely are controlling my thermostat you know you could plug in your old one don't get rid of those don't get rid of those I don't have I still have a I mean this is this could unravel quickly if I keep babbling but I have a have a VCR you know that's never been open before you know by these old-school technologies because you never know when you might need them but anyway I digress

GareBear (45:48.854)
No, it's cool. But so working off of the thermostat, because that's probably one of the things everyone can recognize and is already in use. The internet of things is really everything is connected. Whether it's the TV, like you said, a fridge, dishwasher. There are already washer and dryers for clothes that you can sync up with your phone. Basically, the internet of things is anything and everything that can transmit will.

and it will all be providing data and feedback to a data processing unit. That being said, for the example we, and we don't even have to pick on Texas for this, California. Recently during some of their heat wave that they had, Tesla owners were told, you can't charge your car. It draws too much, we have to protect the grid. Even when they're,

@KeithMalinak On X (46:44.406)
Think of that! Think of that! The solution to go green was to buy an electric vehicle. So millions of people buy an electric vehicle and then they're told, I'm sorry we don't have the resources for that.

@KeithMalinak On X (46:59.606)
sorry you know what the answer is obviously a fifteen minutes city where you don't have to depend on on electric vehicles

GareBear (47:07.104)
No, that's cool. but that's, and that's really where the Internet of Things comes in, that everything feeds back and it is analyzed for the most efficient use of resources. Reading directly from the training materials again from the UN website, the IoT, Internet of Things, system comprises of basic set of devices, intelligent sensors, monitoring devices, actuators for automation and AI programs.

that evaluate, monitor, and provide useful extra layer monitoring and control of many processes inherent to urban systems. Now most people think, especially those last few words, that means, they're going to synchronize the stop lights. Or they'll make sure that trains are on time. Yes and no, because again, we can pull current examples of shut it down to protect the grid.

or do you really need to charge your vehicle, or whatever it might be. It's not going to be limited to infrastructure if you include everyone is part of the infrastructure. And that's, again, we can dovetail to that's why there are so many 5G implementation everywhere, because that's really what has enough signal strength to carry this type of data. But different discussion for a different.

@KeithMalinak On X (48:33.046)
And this is a message to anyone watching right now. Please DM me at Keith Malinak on X if you have an expert that I need to talk to to do a show about smart meters. I won't spend a lot of time on this, but Tom Carr, who was a guest on this program with his, you know, EMF.

gizmo to go and try to find ghosts, right? So I ran it out to the smart meters. And sure enough, those things go nuts when you're up against those. We need to have a serious discussion about what those things are emitting. And what kind of health threats they possibly pose. Anyway, another discussion. But you mentioned smart meters. And yeah, those don't like them. Don't like them. All right.

GareBear (48:56.694)

GareBear (49:20.616)
Yeah, Internet of Things is one of the ways that it will be essential for this type of thing to happen. Again, one thing that plays into every report, white paper, most of the talks that they have on these is also the rise of artificial intelligence. Case in point, in the training material, they say even initial startup.

@KeithMalinak On X (49:23.062)

GareBear (49:49.42)
They use Suwon, South Korea as an example. All their government buildings were fitted with various sensors to monitor energy consumption. And after full optimization, the building saw a 30 % rise in energy efficiency. And they also say 35 % reduction in carbon emissions. So they're going to balance this, save money, help the planet, just make 1984 look like child's

@KeithMalinak On X (50:18.742)
Right, right. So do you want me to play this global AI summit clip here?

GareBear (50:23.808)
That is actually perfect timing.

@KeithMalinak On X (50:29.681)
and play.

@KeithMalinak On X (50:50.451)
No, I'm sorry.

@KeithMalinak On X (50:54.41)
The Zoom reality in corporate America is heinous. I hate it. And the case can be made, I contend, that you're less efficient when your entire workforce is over Zoom. I mean, look what Doge is uncovering. How many government employees are just sitting at home doing jack squat and we're paying their salaries? Not anymore. But for example,

at the Blaze where I would commute every day during COVID because we had to do the show on camera, on air, and a skeleton crew for a long time. And so many companies were like this. It wasn't unique to us, obviously, but so many people would work remotely that I needed to talk to. I needed to communicate with people that in many cases couldn't be bothered to return emails. Yeah, you know who you are. People that, that

before COVID hit, I would just plop down on a chair next to their cubicle and be like, Hey, I need such and such. What do you want me to do? Or, Hey, how do we get this done? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, I lost that element. And now I'm sending emails that are never returned or rarely returned. And it's very frustrating. And so much less got done behind the scenes of the show than would have normally been accomplished. Anyway.

So I'm just saying that having that element where you can actually connect face to face in person with your coworkers and your peers gets so much more done than whatever this dude is talking about at this AI summit in the Zoom universe that has been created since 2020.

@KeithMalinak On X (52:47.828)
Is that tap water? Because so help me, if that dude's not drinking tap water, it looks like a bottle of water. Think of the resources that went into that. I mean, the glass and the shipping and then the water and the purification and all the energy. I know, I'm ridiculous.

@KeithMalinak On X (53:24.95)
It's nice to know that you realize the hypocrisy

GareBear (53:29.108)
Yeah, he had a real moment of clarity as he was working it out live.

@KeithMalinak On X (53:31.552)
Sure did. I think he backed into that. I don't think he meant to. I think he was just like, crap. I just...

GareBear (53:36.938)
Yeah, that was a whoops. And one thing he kind of touched on there is flights and things like that. I've been digging for the last week and a half. I could not find the clip. But there was one of these summits where they actually came out and said, flight will be reserved for those of us that need it. And they even mentioned politicians, world leaders, the elites, as they might be called.

@KeithMalinak On X (54:05.0)
every now and then they let it slip out. So like no no no no no no who okayed that press release no we don't want them to understand what the real goal is here.

GareBear (54:06.974)
Mm-hmm. That's

GareBear (54:12.812)
And it was kind of an off-the-cuff comment that he made. I forget, how was it Schwab? It was one of them, but it was at a meeting kind of like this, like a Davos or a summit, that they said, you may be allowed two, maybe three flights in your life. So you gotta really budget those. yeah, that's.

@KeithMalinak On X (54:34.006)
That's what they think. mean, you, you want to talk about haves and have nots. You think it's bad now. Just you wait if they get their way with us on some of these things like 15 minute cities. my goodness.

GareBear (54:46.6)
And again, this is, it can be labeled conspiracy. You know, you're just a dude, you know, a back corner of a garage talking about this, like, what do we know? The fact is, we're not sitting at a bar saying what if? All this is published. It's out in the open. It's at summits and Davos and, you know, here's just a couple things. Again,

Presentation didn't happen, so things you can search right quick if you're wanting to learn more. Look up terms, COP 20, COP 27, G4C network, sustainable cities, smart cities, smart city zones, human-centered urbanism, plan to deliver 2030 agenda. These are all just

little quick hits you can throw out there, you will find more than enough information. And then once you start going that route, you also come across what they call surge, S-U-R-G-E, sustainable urban resilience for the next generation. That's actually part of the COP 27 plan that goes into how this is going to work. This was nothing new either. This was a plan that Egypt started to

put into works in 2022. You'll come across the UN Secretary General's SDG stimulus to deliver Agenda 2030. That's from February 2023, and it lays out the funding and who's going to have to participate in that. You'll come across localizing the 2030 Agenda with the Sustainable Development Goals from the EU.

as of this was mid last year. this has all been out there for some time. So this is no longer a theory. This is available at your fingertips.

@KeithMalinak On X (56:47.434)
Yeah, yeah.

@KeithMalinak On X (56:54.034)
And don't get me wrong, if someone wants to live off the grid or have solar panels or exclusive to well water or something along those lines or whatever, green energy solutions, I know that a buddy of mine who he is heavily involved in the designing of green buildings and very just awesome.

awesome ways to harness energy from from unusual sources into buildings. If people want to do that, if they want to spend their money on that stuff, absolutely go for it. We're talking we're not I'm not making the case against green energy per se on a personal choice level or a private business level.

What we're discussing here today is how they are using that. And that's again, when red became green, when communism fell, where did the central planners migrate to? Well, that was the green movement. And so that is just a way to wiggle in. And it's not, they don't wiggle in anymore. Now it's just.

blatant right out there. We're going to indoctrinate your kids into this stuff and it's going to be a part of their curriculum. They're going to know more about recycling than they're going to know about how to take care of themselves after school with home ec or general life skills. That's what's been replaced here. Just basic common sense and just how to...

How to survival skills, survival skills, that's been replaced with worshiping the green movement and all this stuff. But anyway, I'm obviously getting off the track here, but that's what they'll do. And so they're wedging into these 15 minute cities as this utopia. So in guilt trip you into, if you really do, it's gone from, hey, that's pretty cool.

@KeithMalinak On X (58:58.494)
having a off the grid setup with solar panels to, so help me, you're gonna do this. We're gonna go and just like Glenn Beck has said, it's gone from nudge to shove. And that's what we're trying to avoid.

GareBear (59:12.726)
And I mean, again, balls and strikes. At the end of the day, a 15-minute city where everything is nearby sounds fantastic. It's when you put that wall up and say, you shall not pass. I mean, at the end of the day, if everything went well and all this was implemented in a truly earnest way, I mean, who doesn't love Star Trek? It was a perfect utopia. I want to live in Star Trek. Sounds fun.

The problem is we've seen people will find a way to.

almost abuse this. And that's where the problem will come.

@KeithMalinak On X (59:49.588)
Yeah, look, if you want to live in a 15 minute city, live in a 15 minute city. But just know you're going to have somebody scanning your car every time you go down the block. OK, what do we got here? The line? Is that's next?

GareBear (59:55.167)

GareBear (01:00:00.716)
I was about to say, for anyone familiar with the concept of a 15 minute city, you've obviously heard of the line. And we would be remiss if we didn't at least throw that out there so that those that haven't heard of it can see it. It's a plan that, well, the name alone, the line. I think this video kind of lays it out very well.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00:13.878)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00:19.312)
the line look okay it sounds like sounds like the kind of place i'd want to see just to say yeah i checked it out was pretty cool but i wouldn't want to live there watch this

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00:36.937)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00:42.036)
the line no i don't like it i take it back i don't want to visit there i'm afraid i'd never be allowed to leave

GareBear (01:00:54.6)
again I mean for those of you watching again looks like Star Trek looks fun for those of you listening the promise is that it's 106 miles long but through high-speed rail travel end to end eat what 20 minutes is what they said but everything will be accessible inside entirely

@KeithMalinak On X (01:00:59.583)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:06.007)
hang on. Should I pull down this music here? Hang on. Hang on. What?

GareBear (01:01:17.356)
solar and renewable energy. Mm hmm. And it's yeah, literally a 30 story tall mirror on each side. I think they said four or five miles wide, but 106 miles long. And that's why they call it the line because it just looks like you took a sharpie and just drew it on the map.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:19.531)
no more cold days.


@KeithMalinak On X (01:01:37.694)
You know, on my day job, Pat Gray on leash, when we when we talked about the line and played the video, we I think I think we concluded. And keep in mind, it's in the Middle East and in Saudi Arabia. You talk about a target, a terrorist target sitting on a T. That that's that's terrifying to think of the damage you could do with with.

GareBear (01:01:51.766)
Saudi Arabia, yep.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:02:05.562)
high concentration of people like that in such a volatile area but anyway cool yeah you want to live in the desert we've got the perfect setup for you okay no thank you

GareBear (01:02:15.764)
And so that's just an example of something that's in the works. I think they started digging, what, a year, year and a half ago. Like they're still in the laying everything out phase. It's nowhere near, nowhere near completion and barely even started. But some other examples that are actually available now would be the next two videos. These are actually in the South Pacific.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:02:42.902)
Okay, hyper city tower, huh? Is that right? no, no. Hang on. That is, is this what you're talking about in China? Yeah, gosh, just, mean, it looked, okay, just looking right there, not being zoomed in. It just looks like vertical poverty. Am I wrong? What am I looking at here? Maybe not.

GareBear (01:02:53.002)
Yeah, should be Manzu China.

GareBear (01:03:06.72)
Well, this would be, if you're familiar of the old, and this is going back 20, 25 years, conspiracy, the FEMA camps and everything else like that, that Alex Jones was going on about around turn of century, the term stackem and packem was real popular. This would be the embodiment.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:20.38)
Yeah, okay. Uh-huh.


@KeithMalinak On X (01:03:29.75)
I have seen videos, I forgot what it was. was like a documentary or something. I'm trying to think of what it was. But this guy, it was in China, and he rented, it's a concrete coffin, bro. Like that, that was what, at the end of his day, he would go home to a, and it sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi film. But,

long just six feet long he crawled into the slab with a change of clothes or something maybe a toothbrush I can't remember it was nothing and and he slept in a coffin and there was a curtain like that was the divider from him to the outside world and there were all of these stacked coffins for lack of a better descriptor that was enclosed on three out of four sides and

GareBear (01:04:03.087)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:04:30.078)
You want a place to sleep? Here you go. I mean, was, that's what they, we're not people to them. We're not individuals to these kind of tyrannical regimes. They have a mask on right now and the mask says, come and save the planet and enjoy green living. But in reality, it's all about control. And if you think that your quality of life is going to get better and that kind of, no, it's just like communism.

You will all live the exact same way. Ugh, no thank you.

GareBear (01:05:02.076)
And this next video is actually a cluster of those. This is actually a cluster of those. Some of these are currently being developed, but this is the model. this actually is a good visualization of how a 15 minute city could be put together.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:06.472)
hang on a second. Hang on. Go ahead.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:12.044)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:05:25.398)
Okay. Okay. I don't think we need the narration since we have no idea what he's saying. He could, he's probably saying, look how beautiful this is. Don't you want to live here among the beauty? So much beauty.

GareBear (01:05:31.712)
Yeah, I do know.

GareBear (01:05:36.842)
But yeah, for those of you listening, the aerial shot looks like a standard large metropolitan area with 30, 40 story buildings until you realize there's just blocks and blocks and blocks of these buildings and they're all domiciles. They're all apartments. And this is how you would get not 10,000 people into a square block. This is how you could get 20, 30.

and now all of sudden you have four, five, six city blocks like that, you can get a very large populous into a very confined area.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:11.382)
I mean, that's your, that is your 15 minute city reality.

GareBear (01:06:15.102)
Exactly. And if it's, let's say, 15 minutes by just dropping a pin and walking, you could have hundreds of thousands of people within that 15 minute area very easily.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:29.526)
pass. I accidentally started this next video. Did you want me to wait on that?

GareBear (01:06:34.596)
Which ones? the control movement. This is actually an example. This was shortly after the the lockdowns they experienced in 2020. But what came in didn't necessarily leave. And there are areas of areas of the South Pacific that are starting to implement just as normal course checkpoints and health pass and everything else. And this is one of those.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:06:50.618)

GareBear (01:07:04.648)
examples of controlling movement.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:07:06.708)
You know, the moment that I knew we were headed down a sinister road, and if you ever hear this phrase any time in your life and make sure your kids know this phrase, because there will be things on the horizon. Maybe it's the bird flu. Maybe it's that soon, but maybe it's something down the road. Maybe it's another generation before we go through something like we did with, or they attempt to pull something like they did with COVID. When you hear the phrase, and this was early on.

And it was governor Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania. When he used, remember saying this on Pat's show. I was like, okay, that's rewind that that's not good. And he used the phrase the new normal. When you start hearing that phrase, turn and run the other direction. And to your point about, I haven't seen this video, but it sounds like what you just set up here. They implemented something and now it's the new normal, right? Okay. Let's see here. Hang on.

Getting ahead of myself.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:08:09.569)
Still, still.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:08:24.278)
for your health.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:08:59.762)
hold on. What?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:18.774)
Can I just just side note here? I doubt this video is airing in China and even if it were posted for five minutes it would be immediately taken down but just bear with me here. Hang on you make your next point I'm gonna I'm gonna look up two numbers here and then I'll get back to you. Continue with your presentation.

GareBear (01:09:39.384)
no, no. And it could kind of to your point there that the new normal, the new normal, they implemented it. It even says in that news broadcast, this was implemented and it just didn't go away. And there are countless videos and on the scenes reporting. If you are not familiar with what they're talking about, it is a app that you have to check in daily and it shows whether or not you've been.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:09:52.907)

GareBear (01:10:08.47)
exposed by contact tracing and not self-reporting, but let's say, like right now, Keith comes down with bird flu. Well, through contact tracing, just because of your cell phone and, again, with the fun of Internet of Things, even your vehicle or anything else like that, we can see who you were around, who you might have been near. And hence, you may also...

@KeithMalinak On X (01:10:24.405)

GareBear (01:10:36.032)
have contracted this. are now a danger to those around you. So the app they're talking about, if it's green, you can move freely. If it's red or yellow, you cannot. Red, you are confirmed sick or infected. Yellow, you have been exposed. So you're confined. No.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:10:58.154)
And they tried it so hard here.

They tried that in the United States of America. You remember that? Not only were they were they saying you had to have a card to go to. mean, I had tickets to a concert that I skipped out on because I wasn't going to get the vaccine or be even make them think that it was OK for them to require me the vaccine through a fake card. Remember, remember that you would print up these cards online and then they would say, wait a minute, if we catch you with a fake card, you're in trouble. my gosh. They tried that. They came so close.

getting that as the new normal in the United States of America. What I started to say is I checked the population of China. Let's see, what was it? 1.41 billion and the number of Communist Party officials in China is 99 million. Now check my Keith math, but it would appear to me that the population of China outnumbers the

CCP officials by a count of 14 to 1. Just saying. Anyway, just wanted to point that out there in case anyone in China wanted to run the numbers as to how you change the laws, I guess. Anyway, I'm sorry. Continue, please.

GareBear (01:12:12.808)
It's quite all right. And then this next video that we have here, very similar, shows things from a different angle. And.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:23.552)
barbed wire but wait it's it's such a convenient setup look everything I need is right there

GareBear (01:12:31.85)
And this is reporting from two, again, districts, so to say, that were separated. And if you look in the background, you can see the checkpoints. You need to pass through to move freely amongst those. This being up close, one of the exits.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:38.464)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:12:50.24)
Good soundtrack. Yeah. So and this isn't unique to China.

You recall in Australia they had the camps where you would be sequestered and forced to stay until you recovered I remember when families gathered at this at checkpoint basically It was like this there's like a little mini Berlin Wall and Australia where your movements were limited. I don't know that people Fully appreciate this audience will but generally speaking

You your uncle at the Thanksgiving table or the person you go to church with. I don't know that people realize how dangerously close to what we're watching here became reality in our own worlds, Anyway. See, I didn't want to... Sorry, I didn't want to...

GareBear (01:13:41.226)
Now, spoiler alert will come across that here in a minute.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:13:49.878)
I wanted you to make your presentation. just can't help myself, Gare.

GareBear (01:13:52.318)
Nah, it's cool. Because that was just the next point that, again, the presentation that wasn't. We can see, well, just one second here. We can see even locally, as we've shown with news reports and some of the articles that are supported by local cities, even the National Institute for Science and Technology.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:13:56.79)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:01.494)
Okay, so do you want to play video 12? No? Okay.

GareBear (01:14:19.34)
They have on their own website smart cities and communities framework series and it's an entire Here's what the idea is kind of what we're doing here, but the Fluffy everything's gonna be okay selling points so it's not just Far off and it's not just to our neighbors to the north These discussions are happening locally

@KeithMalinak On X (01:14:40.054)
Yeah, again, again, just a reminder, the truckers who didn't want to get vaccinated had their bank accounts shut down in Canada. It's not that far away.

GareBear (01:14:52.81)
And the question would always be, how can you enforce all of this? Sure, the internet of things is a great tool for something along these lines. can also be used for good. But your cell phone, having the health app, well, what if you just leave your cell phone at home? You take off your smartwatch. In theory, you can't be tracked, right? Well, this is where monitoring and everything else like that comes into play.

and some of the things that are already in place in our communities, both here and abroad that are making that type of tracking easier.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:15:33.59)
And you'll recall your Republican Congress had the opportunity to eliminate the requirement as of 2026 that your car be able to be well tracked, but controlled, have a master control of the government can shut your car down now. So Thomas Massey almost stands alone on some of these common sense issues. Okay. So you meant to play the next video here. Is that what you're saying? Or am I getting ahead of you? Okay.

GareBear (01:15:59.722)
Yeah, the monitoring and then UK monitoring. We'll just do those back.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:16:04.144)
sorry. Is that the one you want here? Okay, very good.

GareBear (01:16:05.664)
Yep, we can do that.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:17:01.046)
So as I'm watching that she's in the Netherlands cuz now she can speak freely. Uh-huh. Yeah hang in there. It won't be long and Britain boy careful

GareBear (01:17:13.886)
Yeah, Britain. This, I think it's a one on the street, but yeah, this next one.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:17:18.358)
OK, let's go to US monitoring. OK, let me do US monitoring. Is that what you want me to do? And then UK monitor.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:17:57.622)
GareBear (01:18:00.012)
And you can go ahead and cut it at this point. Yeah.

Now you can rewind about five seconds the superimposed map, which these have been going up for. This is nothing new. These have been going up for the better part of 15 years. And even in that previous video, if you noticed, it wasn't 2020 or even 2019. They made mention in that report that the cameras started going up in 2016 and it was about 20. I want to say 2019. The previous video.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:18:16.139)

GareBear (01:18:35.626)
mentioned how the cameras were going up three years prior to this, but they were already implementing facial recognition at that point. To the point they tested in just one of the suburbs, they gave the person a 15 minute head start to elude detection and tracing by the police just as a test. And they were able to apprehended in 45 minutes. So again, things like that, it will be a selling point that well, we can get.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:19:03.606)
Sure would be.

GareBear (01:19:05.536)
the bad guys.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:19:08.532)
Okay, UK monitoring video.

GareBear (01:19:10.986)
Yeah, let's do that one.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:19:20.0)
Hang on a second. Hang on. Let me just ask you before I forget. Is there a video coming up or somewhere in your presentation? Are you going to explain to us why in parking lots that I frequent they have these little similar to this little police vehicles with the big tower up there? Is that part of this somewhere?

GareBear (01:19:37.228)
those have been popping up in pretty much. Here, how about this? I was out in Omaha four years ago and I saw a couple of those. So it's not just you. Those are popping up everywhere. Those are, for lack of better term, mobile surveillance.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:19:43.55)
Okay. Okay. Yeah. They're all over Fort Worth.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:19:55.542)
I figured as much. Big camera, 360. Who's watching those? Is there a central location?

GareBear (01:20:02.452)
So the best explanation I've seen on those is they should be reporting back to the dispatching precinct. Confirmation on that one way the other, sparse at best.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:20:16.31)
Okay, all let's see here. Let's see what this guy's gonna say about this camera here.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:20:37.358)
What the hell? So hold on a second. Did he just say, as a matter of fact, pretty excited about it. Yeah, sure. We've been monitoring to make sure that you've had your seatbelt on, making sure that you're not on your cell phone and your cars. So these cameras are OK. All right. Just sorry. Continue.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:41.13)

GareBear (01:21:41.26)
So in that, so there's a, it's a good selling point. We're keeping the community safe, but.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:44.48)
That's a good selling point, you know?

Keepin', just tryin' to keep you safe, you know?

GareBear (01:21:50.87)
delve into the first, what, five, 10 seconds of that a little bit more. A, it's AI-backed. B, they're so delicate and so observant. It's not even, are you wearing a seatbelt? that's 10-year-old technology. Are you on your phone? it's five years old. Going past at 40 miles an hour, it can tell if you're impaired. That is getting to a point of

@KeithMalinak On X (01:21:54.506)

GareBear (01:22:20.66)
Well, just dangerous in my opinion.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:22:22.477)
yeah, okay, so this is gonna sound like an extreme example, but please follow me here.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:22:31.53)
Think of how the 2026, now the federal government can take control of your vehicle, a kill switch, that's what I was looking for earlier. Okay, so just set that aside. Now, I know for a fact that my phone, I think I'm gonna disappoint a lot of people, but at the end of the day,

I am a cheap SOB and I look to save money wherever and my gosh, car insurance. When you have five drivers, woo hoo, we, that's fun. So I have, I have agreed. Trust me. This was a big time internal struggle for me. I agreed to let my car insurance company monitor my phone use. I'm not texting while I'm driving. It's fine. know, whatever, blah, blah, blah. Again, this was a, I, I, I was tortured over this.

But holy crap, when I can save up to 30 % off of my insurance bill, yeah, I'm gonna do it. But here's the problem. On my commute, I have to go over three speed bumps.

And the app is so delicate, even though it's locked in in the car, it it reads these bumps. If I go a little too fast over them as, you are handling your phone three times on your drive. No, no, no, no, no, I wasn't. Well, we're going to report back to the insurance company that you, sir. Shame, shame, shame. We're on your phone. I didn't touch my phone. Stop.

And so that is a more of a micro level or at least an early level of something that could be a lot bigger. In other words, well, look at this, this guy is such a reckless driver. We're going to shut down his vehicle. Do you know the context of this? Maybe I was rushing someone to the hospital. know, like maybe there's someone bleeding out in my car or fill in the blank, any number of reasons that you have that you need to get somewhere fast or recklessly.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:24:44.72)
And the machines are gonna be so it's not even gonna be a human on the other end y'all it's gonna be ai It's gonna be a computer that goes. You know what? I don't like the way this guy's driving today Or or his social credit score god forbid isn't where it needs to be I think we're gonna restrict his movement for 72 hours. Anyway again This is what I do gear. I get us off track. What's your next video? I'm sorry god I swear I didn't see that. That is awesome

GareBear (01:25:06.412)
It's okay, we got social credit score coming up in just a little bit.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:26:23.306)
We are so close to that here, y'all. Thank God Kamala Harris didn't win. Because that, I swear within four years that'd be us.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:26:38.623)

GareBear (01:26:41.714)
in I mean they they is this a safe space

@KeithMalinak On X (01:26:43.572)
You can disagree with me. It's okay. But hold on. Did you notice real quick? You notice that the Chinese, it just said people with really bad social credit scores had 23 million flights blocked and 5 million train trips blocked even in places where they implement mass transit and, and, there's, know,

GareBear (01:27:08.854)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:27:11.254)
this lockdown 15 minute city type society and all the central planning even there the people prefer to fly planes than ride train. Anyway, I digress continue

GareBear (01:27:22.26)
No, it shows the danger and this kind of ties into what we were talking about with the central bank digital currency as well. I hate to keep referring to it, but these are all tools that can be used, whether it's the social credit score or central bank digital currency, limiting movement, limiting free travel, any of those things. And even when it comes down to banking, as this next video shows, the ramifications there can be pretty intense as well.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:27:50.462)
okay is this gonna be the american monitoring clinton no second social credit score i'm sorry all the train one-hundred

GareBear (01:27:53.9)
Second social credit score video

GareBear (01:28:15.04)
Alright, so that wasn't the one I was thinking. Maybe I had... No, it's cool. Maybe I might have just put them out of order, but there's another one. Again, I can post it later. The chat, things like that. Goes into... Even someone with a high social credit score had a friend that needed a co-borrower for a loan. And even just being helpful and being a good friend and doing something socially good by association alone, he got dinged.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:28:16.677)
I'm sorry.

GareBear (01:28:43.808)
his social credit score. Simply helping a friend co-sign for a loan. His friend had a lower social credit score and needed a backer. And he, having a higher score, came in to be a good friend. And he took the hit. So this can even affect banking and any opportunity you have to start a business, grow a business, things like that. And again, it's...

@KeithMalinak On X (01:28:45.064)
And what was he trying to do?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:28:52.694)
@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:01.716)
That'll teach you.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:09.59)
That'll teach you. Don't be helping.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:15.294)
okay what's this remote inferred emergency dispatch should make it any

GareBear (01:29:20.586)
So we can transition to stateside at this point that if you see the video American monitoring, we'll do the first minute and 20 seconds. That really drives on the.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:32.384)
Did I accidentally play that earlier? that?

So this is what we started playing earlier. Is that what you're talking about here? Okay. All right. Here we go.

GareBear (01:29:39.094)
That is actually so skip that.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:29:44.428)
we already played that one. My bad. Okay. Yeah, yeah, alright. So... What is the remote in for emergency dispatch to phone video? my gosh. Is this gonna be a more real-time situation where, like, police want to see your ring camera video? I don't work for the cops!

GareBear (01:29:45.484)
Yeah, so just skip that one. No, that's cool. Again, joys of technology cooperate.

GareBear (01:30:08.236)
Let's press play and everyone can learn together.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:30:09.322)
Okay, let's see. Okay.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:30:15.36)
Okay, gap in communication was revealed for 911 Center.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:31:07.616)
Boy, they got neat ways to get you to agree to this stuff.

GareBear (01:31:11.316)
And the only reason I kind of bring that up, because again, I thoroughly think that's a great tool. It can save firefighters' lives because they get an idea of what they're going into. Same with police. But any window, any door in.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:31:17.482)
with you,


@KeithMalinak On X (01:31:28.06)
Anyway, how long do they have access? Because I love how the the the government representative there was like our system is locked down as it should be. Well, I want my system locked down, too. But no, you're right. If I agree to help them and I would I would I would I just want to know that they're now out of there. You know, how can I confirm that you're no longer accessing my phone?

GareBear (01:31:49.398)

GareBear (01:31:54.292)
And that would be the thing is, okay, when are you disconnected? Because as has been admitted, the hockey pucks that everyone has on their counter that they ask what recipes are good, and I'm just avoiding that name so everyone's little unit doesn't go off. Those have been admitted, they're constantly listening. Because it can't be, I just say the phrase and then it turns out, no, it has to be listening for it.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:17.782)
Absolutely they are.

GareBear (01:32:22.9)
And that has been exposed in a couple of lawsuits, divorces, I believe even a murder trial, that the audio was there because it's always listening. Same goes there. So that being said, we're back stateside. And there's one here it plays in, especially when you think about the previous discussion of the health app and how that can restrict movement. And.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:27.478)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:35.936)

okay back states

GareBear (01:32:52.396)
how the lockdowns occurred, especially in major cities. Incorporate that into a 15 minute city and we can see some moves already being made legally with the video force lockdown in New York. We'll do like first 15 seconds if we can and then if we can. Yep.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:32:59.734)
All right.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:07.574)
Okay, I got it.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:11.782)
And then I see, yeah, then you want me to skip ahead a tooth? Okay, got it.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:22.454)
I'm sorry.

Just listen to that. I want to start it over. Again, we are always so much closer to this kind of tyranny than we realize.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:53.878)
Okay, you gonna kill it there?

GareBear (01:33:55.754)
Yeah, let's, because they go through a lot of the, hi, how you doing? Yeah, we go to, you have two minutes.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:33:56.95)
Okay, now.

Okay, here we go. All right.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:34:25.062)
I remember when we said this was a big threat and we were all conspiracy theorists. Yep.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:35:18.582)
Did you want to stop right there?

GareBear (01:35:19.788)
Yep, that's perfect because again, keep in mind it's not just the law basically states forcible removal of a person from their home or residence. It's that the governor did this unilaterally and then basically said, you can't sue or go to overturn it. they're going to involve Department of Health and a number of other agencies.

This isn't, again, just in a far off land. These type of things and these type of rules are coming locally.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:35:55.392)
Yes, my goodness, okay. When do we get to the movie clips? I don't know. Like I said, I haven't watched these. I just see what they're titled.

GareBear (01:36:08.938)
Well, and that's the fun part is that there's a lot of doom and gloom. And I want to point out again that in theory, this is a great idea. But the way it's being constructed is very dangerous for personal freedom. And all we can do is give you guys the information. Believe it, don't believe it, up to you. But again, we're citing sources.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:36:35.51)
Okay, you know where a 15-minute city might be practical because I don't want to just dismiss it out out of hand I want to actually think this through Let's say a retirement community, let's say the villages right I've driven under the little bridges there near the villages. I've never gone into the villages. I hear it's a wild place though I I could see people that that aren't driving anymore, right?

GareBear (01:37:03.434)
Well, I mean.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:37:03.862)
see people have no purpose no use for cars the cars don't serve a purpose in their lives they don't need to go far away they need everything needs to be centrally located for them because they have a difficult time getting around perhaps so I can almost see a 15 almost see a 15 minute and then you could oh my gosh hang on you could almost see this this feels nefarious but you could also see no no no it's for their own good

There are some old people who get to the point where, you're a little hesitant to let them travel on their own to wherever they want to go, and maybe they need a checkpoint because maybe they're not all there upstairs. Again, I'm just thinking this through. I'm sorry, Millie. We're going to need you to head back to your building. I was going to go for a walk over there.

GareBear (01:37:48.94)

GareBear (01:37:56.076)
No, you're 100 % right. again, in a circumstance like that, it could almost be understandable. This was, all right, so just a crazy idea I had years ago. I couldn't tie it together. But if there's anyone out there with investors behind them, and you want to make a million dollars, here's a freebie. There's a missing, we're going to come to an inflection point soon with the real estate market where something needs to be done, mainly because a lot of brick and mortar are dying.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:38:15.302)
GareBear (01:38:25.778)
I don't think anyone can argue that. And one of the hardest hit is malls. These big, massive structures. Well, when we break it down, what is a mall? It's a bunch of small, almost apartments, right? Because they have to have at least a bathroom for the employees. They have ample space. These could be renovated into retirement communities. That's something that I could see along the lines of what you're saying.

Entirely feasible and great for like a senior living center. It has limited exits. So like you said with Millie She's not getting out Most of them already have at least one if not two large department stores at either end Turn one into a grocery one into a gym Now the old people at least can go work out. They can do their shopping If you ever been to a mall in the morning, most of them are walking anyway

@KeithMalinak On X (01:39:20.598)
And everything they need would be right there. I mean you could turn the food court into the

GareBear (01:39:24.864)
And that would be a great execution of a true, almost like a campus, like you were speaking earlier. But that would be for a intended populace, not the population at large.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:39:35.21)
Yeah, okay.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:39:43.892)
Yes, yeah, it's a big difference there.

GareBear (01:39:45.548)
And that's, especially when implementing this idea with the population at large, that's where it really gets doom and gloom and you start citing sources and you just, you But there's always some fun to be had.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:39:59.242)

GareBear (01:40:00.82)
Now, before we get to the fun part, you would ask what cities would be good for this or who's thinking about it? Well, there are a few that Vancouver, Montreal, they're already starting to build this framework in. Paris, Zurich, Barcelona, Vienna, and Portland here locally. They already signed on to the Smart City Initiative. Kirkland, Washington.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:40:03.178)

GareBear (01:40:29.424)
is already developing, they're going above and beyond. They're trying to go for extra credit. They're developing what they call a 10 minute neighborhood analysis on how to implement these plans.

There was a couple others. yeah. Out east of LA, there's 150,000 acres already dedicated as part of a smart city, 2028 initiative. And then as we mentioned earlier, Fort Myers, do enough digging. You're going to see Tampa come up on the list. I can't confirm that it's more speculation. There hasn't been any official documentation from the city on that one. So those are just some.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:41:12.32)
Okay, all right. So before, are these clips from the movie by the way? No, okay. See I told you I didn't watch this.

GareBear (01:41:18.698)
no, no these are and that and this just shows what an excellent producer Keith is just walked me right into that. So what we're gonna be talking about next are Blade Runners. And for those of you that are not familiar, yes, excellent sci-fi movie but this is a group in the UK that.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:41:40.256)
Do want to explain the premise of the movie Blade Runner?

GareBear (01:41:44.342)
I'll be honest, I don't.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:41:45.814)
Okay fine, whatever. Let's go. That's fine.

GareBear (01:41:49.354)
But the Blade Runners in the UK, they are a group that are fighting back against the cameras that are being put up everywhere. Because whereas we saw other examples in the East, the United Kingdom has been prolific putting these up and have been for the better part of 20 years. Even, this is probably a 20 year old movie now, but the movie Green Street Hooligans even makes mention a number of times that London is one of the most surveilled cities in the world.

So this has been going on for some time and the Blade Runners are fighting back.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:22.762)
This is, okay, yeah, here we go.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:30.038)
Hello? Hang on. Doesn't like me. Here we go.

GareBear (01:42:35.052)
That's a good thing there's multiple.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:39.414)
All right, yeah, take it down.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:47.222)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:53.063)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:42:58.698)
You gone?

yeah, I like that. Hold on. Can I go to the next one? This is good stuff here.

GareBear (01:43:08.716)
Of course.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:43:13.33)
And broad daylight. I love it. You're coming with me. Later. I'm just gonna leave it there. Okay, hang on. There's another one.

GareBear (01:43:24.492)
Yeah, this one's just kind of silly.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:43:58.41)
Be ungovernable.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:44:03.158)
I don't know what he's saying, but yes, I agree. Jonas Unburned.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:44:14.367)
of sorts.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:44:31.773)
They've been putting their dog poop in the pipe. Okay, that's how you respond to this stuff. In mass, just like that. Yes. Yes.

GareBear (01:44:40.778)
Yeah, yeah, long kind of like was mentioned before the Blade Runners are and Part of me was just impressed how quickly the some of those saw blades cut through I'm like I want to know where I find those for some of the metal work I do they look phenomenal but yeah, they're going out and Again, we should point out. This is Destruction of public property. That's always a no-no You know petition your government as you're supposed to

But this is their form of civil disobedience to fight back against the surveillance state that they have a problem with encroaching on their lives. everything from, as you saw in broad daylight, to them going out at nights, ripping them down, cutting them down. That last one was so mangled that they were just having fun putting sunglasses and a hat on it. Everything along those lines.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:45:33.856)
Yeah, and like, like Garabare said, just petition your government or something like that. Yeah. So, did you want to play these other ones? the Eddie Griffin?

GareBear (01:45:44.438)
So the last one I want to touch on and this is just

GareBear (01:45:50.624)
God playing to a group that's afraid to laugh. Of all people that might have stumbled across something to fight facial recognition, in my wildest dreams, I never would have thought it was the Insane Clown Posse. For those of you familiar, it is a hip hop rap rock group from late 90s, early 2000s.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:46:07.417)
yeah, hold on.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:46:12.554)
Hold on, is this a music video or? No. Okay, which clip is it?

GareBear (01:46:14.014)
No, actually a news report. It's phenomenal. It's the one titled, Fago Beats Facial Recognition.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:46:22.61)
Yikes, hang on. Bear with me. Do know what number that is? Any idea? Way at the bottom. hang on a second. Hang on. I know what happened here.

GareBear (01:46:25.558)
way at the bottom.

Wes (01:46:31.55)
Yeah, I think I'd label it as ICP.

GareBear (01:46:34.511)
there you go. Yep.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:46:34.77)
and I don't know which one it is. ICP. Where is it? Which which number is it? What what number is it, Wes? OK, all right. All right. So I don't see it on here, Yeah. Twenty three Blade Run three. That was the very bottom one that I see. it's being blocked, I think, by hang on. No.

Wes (01:46:36.606)
It should say something like insane clown posse I Don't know I don't have this sheet in front of me It should be at the very bottom

GareBear (01:46:53.034)
Yeah, I'd say the last.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:47:02.238)
No, that's it. That's it. I'm sorry, guys. I don't have ICP on my end. all right. Yeah, that's fine. Give it a shot. But I tell you, what is the what would you suggest, Gare, that people do in order if they if they get a whiff of this coming to their town? First of all, show up at your city council meetings, which I will say that I have not been to one in quite a while. And shame on me.

Wes (01:47:04.224)
Let's see if I can pull it up. Hang on.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:47:29.558)
I was kind of demoralized, I guess. That's just it. You can't get demoralized and then stop. We turned out en masse for a city council meeting. We had an issue here in our town and there was literally one person in favor of something and the city council went ahead and approved. They were on the side of that lady and the other, you know, 300 or so of us that showed up, which is we don't care. And you know where we, know what? We did take care of it.

at the ballot box at the next election cycle, we clean house and all but one of the city council members got replaced. The mayor got replaced. So yes, do what Gare says and say, petition your government. Don't do vandalism and stuff like that. Yeah.

GareBear (01:48:17.621)

Yes, I would, I would, I'm trying to put this delicately that I would always encourage people go through the proper channels, petition your government, contact your local representatives, state, and above, because for anyone, okay, how about this? The last time that there was a mass gathering that turned violent.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:48:21.438)

Yes, we don't we don't

GareBear (01:48:51.084)
And that has been a political tool of a certain party for the better part of four and a half years.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:48:54.24)

GareBear (01:48:59.222)
Going to an extreme will never win hearts and minds. And while the Blade Runners, the people are very supportive of it.

the fines and penalties are also increasingly getting more more strict. We have a system in place. We should respect that. so petition your local leaders and move your way on up. Would be my best recommendation. Also, have these discussions with friends and family. You and your listeners are a very informed bunch, but I would...

@KeithMalinak On X (01:49:17.078)

GareBear (01:49:41.768)
Ask anyone, talk to your friends about central bank digital currency, about 15 minute cities, see what they know.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:49:45.322)
yeah yeah and let me let me let me jump in real quick in case you missed it earlier if you tuned in late pinned to the top of the youtube channel youtube.com slash at at the mic huh i i posted daguerre bears cvdc conversation we had in august go ahead continue

GareBear (01:50:05.686)
Yeah, that was back when I could get a slideshow to work. was, good days.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:50:08.266)

we're going on school here with the with the phone situation here from west

Wes (01:50:15.946)
Trying to show the jug of those. That not working. That, sorry.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:50:19.189)

GareBear (01:50:22.006)
So we'll do theater of the mind here. For anyone that might be familiar with the band Kiss and their makeup that they would do, the Insane Clown Posse is very similar. They do sharp edges on what would be considered clown makeup and they are a punk rock rap group that's been around since the mid-90s. There were multiple reports that came out that due to

how facial recognition constructs and identifies you off of your cheekbones, jawline, the muscles therein, eyelids, everything. Putting on that type of face paint distorts it. And inadvertently, the jugulose are subverting facial recognition technology. And it was just a fun little way to cap things off. That of all people, the

@KeithMalinak On X (01:51:19.478)
Okay, so.

GareBear (01:51:20.876)
Insane Composy has done what people have been trying to do for 20 years.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:51:25.472)
So if you are traveling in places with a lot of cameras like a, well, any place in China or London or New York City and you want to avoid facial recognition, you have to go through the trouble of wearing clown makeup everywhere? that the moral of the story? Because that sucks. Couldn't hurt.

GareBear (01:51:41.77)
I mean, it couldn't hurt. Give it a try.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:51:43.574)
Okay, so everyone check out the Gare Bears CBDC video if you haven't seen it and also It's it's if you don't want to do the YouTube. It's also pinned to the top I don't think a lot of people realize this that there is a library Since since X doesn't let you organize stuff the way I want them to I have put every show in the pinned article at the top of at Keith Malinak on X so there's an article there and so

as long as we've been doing this. They've got the Thursday deep dives, we got that list and then below that it's the Friday shows, which by the way tomorrow we're to have JP Decker, it'll be his second visit and then Kelly Smith her first visit and we'll hang out and I've got all sorts of not so rapid fire questions I'm looking at. See what I'm doing when I'm doing this, I'm looking that I got a pile of show prep that is not, it's not sorted, it's just a pile on the floor down here because as you know

I said this and I've made it very clear. I am the most or the least organized person that I know. But but boy, you organized today, Gar. I mean, you you came locked and loaded, man. I appreciate it. Good stuff. Yeah.

GareBear (01:52:56.552)
I'm not a problem. I was looking into it just while we were talking here and yeah, it's just couldn't get the presentation to work. My bad guys.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:53:05.09)
stuff it it was great it was good stuff man all right well and and what did you share all of those links you said in the chat of this of this X okay look in the comments there

GareBear (01:53:12.7)
in the Twitter feed for the live chat. Yep.

Wes (01:53:18.078)
Yeah, I'll make sure that when we get it as a video in the description, we'll make sure we have it there too. And for the audio podcast.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:53:24.022)
Okay. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Wes has got these things on Spotify and iTunes. mean, we're, we are ubiquitous. There's a dozen different players y'all. So you'll find a podcast app to your liking.

Wes (01:53:31.104)
There's like woods I've never even heard of, but they're there.

Wes (01:53:41.342)
Yeah, if you just go to atthemike.transistor.fm, you can listen to it on that website. Or if you go to where it says listen anywhere, will literally have links to every platform that it's on.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:53:46.56)
Got that?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:53:54.166)
good stuff yeah I was looking for the man I can't find it there's a nice little uh yeah hold on hold on I'll say hold on here it is wait for it boom at the mic dot transistor dot FM okay thank you guys I appreciate you so much yes please oh

Wes (01:53:58.336)
Oh, it's the... There's the Lord.

Wes (01:54:08.934)
can I just do one more plug? Okay, so Victoria, everybody that's donated so far, I cannot thank you enough. It's really gonna help. We might be at the last round of infusion therapy, but that doesn't mean that it's not over.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:54:18.763)

Wes (01:54:29.074)
So it's about dedication for about two years, but it's better than getting the infusion. So again, thank you to everybody that's, I don't mean to get all teary eyed, but I'm going to put it, I didn't get a chance to in the chat to pin it, but it's a give, send, go. And then we just do forward slash Victoria's shrunk. that's.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:54:31.198)
I hear her.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:54:37.94)
Yeah. Did you put in the chat the link to the GiveSendGo?

@KeithMalinak On X (01:54:51.678)
Victoria Strong. Awesome. All right.

Wes (01:54:52.924)
Yeah, so and then if you want and I I don't make money off of this I have a tea public store, but I have a shirt for this is kicking ovarian cancer in the dick Every I have every we have people at the hospital buy it I make about a dollar fifty off of it It's not it's just one of those just showing support. So if you want to buy one, I'll put a link in there, too so and I will have

@KeithMalinak On X (01:55:01.827)

@KeithMalinak On X (01:55:14.376)
Okay. Awesome.

Wes (01:55:21.246)
Pat as a lego as a shirt too coming out soon. not Pat no no I meant you no Pat's got enough no he's good. Well I'm not Pat every day no I got one of Keith as a lego that I'm gonna be it's gonna be awesome. Alright guys.

@KeithMalinak On X (01:55:24.406)
Oh, Pat Gray as a Lego character? Oh, I thought you said Pat. I don't know what you said. Yeah. Oh, no, I can't wait. All right. OK, awesome. Thank you guys so much. I appreciate it. We'll see you tomorrow, 3 p.m. Eastern here on X and at youtube.com slash at at the mic. Y'all be well. Take care. I'll see you.

Wes (01:55:46.782)
I got to see you tomorrow. Take it easy.