March 15, 2025

Weight Loss Lies, Fashion Fails & Social Media Exposed

Weight Loss Lies, Fashion Fails & Social Media Exposed

Jessica Fenske and Laura Black join the discussion, bringing their unfiltered perspectives on controversial topics, from AI deep fakes and political corruption to social media’s impact on society. Their sharp insights and real-world experiences make this conversation one you don’t want to miss.

Topics Covered:
- The danger of AI deep fakes and how they’re used to manipulate the public
- The Epstein Files – Will the full truth ever come out
- Shocking government corruption and hidden agendas
- The dark side of social media and its impact on mental health
- Why the cost of penny production is more than you think
- The AI regulation debate – Should Congress get involved
- The worst purchases ever and what we regret buying

Meet the Guests:
Jessica Fenske is a bold and outspoken commentator known for her libertarian views, strong advocacy for small government, and deep dives into public policy, education, and personal freedom. With a background in real estate and a passion for fitness and personal development, she brings unfiltered perspectives on politics, culture, and social issues. She also co-hosts live discussions covering controversial topics.

Laura Black is a no-nonsense political commentator and entrepreneur who challenges mainstream narratives. With a background in real estate and a strong anti-establishment mindset, she offers sharp insights into government overreach, personal freedom, and the intersection of politics and everyday life.

Timestamps for Easy Navigation:
00:00 - Intro and Key Topics Breakdown
02:51 - AI Deep Fakes: The Future of Manipulation
17:54 - Epstein Files: What They Don't Want You to Know
36:54 - Corruption in Politics and The Media
41:01 - Social Media Behavior and Public Backlash
58:00 - The Cost of Producing Pennies: Should We Stop
01:08:29 - The AI Regulation Debate: Necessary or Dangerous
01:30:12 - The Most Regrettable Purchases Ever

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 Keith Malinak:
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Twitter: @ForrestMommy

Follow Laura: Twitter: 
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Special thanks to Wes, as always: 
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 Instagram: @wesstlixx & @2ndfloordallas
 X: @ThatGuyAtPGU & @2ndfloordallas
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#AI #DeepFakes #EpsteinFiles #GovernmentCorruption #SocialMedia #WorstPurchases #TrendingNow #AIRegulation #DarkTruths #ConspiracyExposed


Keith (00:02.446)
Oh my goodness, are we live? Like it said, preparing to go live for probably half a minute. And I'm still not convinced that we are. Let me check y'all, hang on. All right, hang on. Okay, it says we're live. All right, yes, okay. I see myself. mean, that's scary when you see yourself staring right back at you.

Hello, okay, so I know that Twitter's live. I have no idea if you, my gosh, holy crap, what am I gonna, I'm gonna celebrate right now. I'm getting the Wayne Gretzky out for this, y'all. It hits, it hits on, it's on Twitter and YouTube. This is such a good day. I'll save this, it's gonna, gotta pace myself. All right, I don't know where you're at watching this, but I guarantee you it is windy wherever you are in America.

because this is my gosh there's no shelf space in here I've literally clogged up every freaking place to sit stuff so all right thank you for your patience on all the technical issues that we have I'm so glad to see this you have no idea this feels like freaking Christmas right now every Thursday and Friday 3 p.m. Eastern we go live here Thursday we do the deep dive yesterday was America Stonehenge that was fascinating I've got to get back up to New Hampshire now

I cannot believe I was there like five months ago and didn't know that this America Stonehenge existed. Big thanks to Dennis and Kelsey Stone for spending time with us talking about that. Next week, next Thursday at 3 p.m. Eastern, we're gonna have Razor Fist on. We're gonna talk about America's first dictator, Abraham Lincoln. my gosh. I don't know how much time he's got for Thursday, but I feel like he and I could talk about this for a day and a half. And so we'll be talking.

to Razor Fist, Thursday, 3 PM Eastern.

Keith (02:00.974)
That's going to be interesting. Let's see, what's next Thursday's guest? Oh, Jeffy and Brad will be my next Friday's guest for the Friday live stream. So hope you'll stick around. Now, let me get to my guest for this Friday's live stream. When we get in here, we just hang out. I got a couple of friends of mine, Laura and Jessica. Hello, ladies. How are you?


All right, very good. This is I cannot overemphasize how excited I am that things seem to be working today. crap. I'm like I'm on cloud nine now. before I forget, get over to the Instagram page at the Mike show. Gabby has been just she stays so busy and out of the goodness of her heart, she posts stuff over there. Check that out at the Mike show on Instagram and shout out to Wes for all the technical fun that he has to deal with and get us on the air as well.

Thank you, sir, wherever you're lurking out there behind the scenes. OK, ladies, Jessica is in Colorado. Laura is here in Texas. Follow them on Twitter. Chances are you already do, and you don't follow me, because you got to follow, let's see, how do I point? Fancy this and Forrest Mommy. And in fact, does her own live streaming. Where can people find the stuff that you do?

So mostly at rumble force mommy on rumble. You can find me there. And then I started a new show with a friend which I'm not in control of. And I just show up and look pretty. It's disclaimer. Fridays. So we have one tonight. It's late night. So we get a little it's like a Friday show. Okay, we got a little rough around the edges.

Keith (03:39.438)
Do you have Wigdretzky 99 on hand?

There's definitely plenty of stuff on hand, but that one's called the correct it's called the correct opinion, but it's spelled C O W R E C T. It was just a play on the word. I don't know if we like it or not yet, but anyways, that's a fun.

Mm-hmm. And, Ms. Laura, you're, you're here in 10... my gosh. Before I forget, I've got to show this. I'm telling y'all, I rearranged up here, and this is the first time that I've really had to practically use the space, and I'm realizing there's not enough shelf space now, and that's a problem. But... Now you know. Look at this. I bought this from your store. If people want... Normally, it's hanging back here, but I'm like, you know what? I got to make sure I don't forget to show this off.

because I bought this from your online store, which I think is, it's in your bio at fancy this on Twitter.

Yeah, it's linked to my Twitter bio that is getting a redesign. but

Keith (04:42.072)
Let me read this. Let me read this real quick. then I'll you do your spiel here. In this house, we believe the state is a mafia. The news is propaganda. Democracy is mob rule. Politics is a charade. Taxation is theft. Rights are not granted by the government. Please.

Yes. That's like if you had to, if you asked me to boil down my basic fundamental political beliefs, I think that encapsulates it.

I love it. It needs to be on display in every house in America. It needs to be within line of sight of any representatives of the government can see from your front door.

Yeah, I also think it's a good warning for people who are entering into your home. This is what you're getting when you land, just in case you had any questions.

I like it. I like it a lot. Okay. How about we do some not so rapid fire? Let's start off with you, Miss Jessica. What is the worst purchase you've ever made? Huh?

Jessica (05:43.734)
I one time was gonna get my personal trainer certificate and that was a waste of $900.

No. Why'd you quit on that?

being a sex kidding. Now that was a long time ago. It was a long time ago. So

That's funny. All right. Well, I that's how I met one of my guests last week is J Hag, Jonathan Haggerty. was so we got the lifetime membership at Lifetime, the gym. And I just I did not use it. It was funny. It was cute having it. But right, right. It was cute having it for half a minute. But you get a free session with a personal trainer. And Jonathan was mine. And he

say they think I'm mortgage.

Keith (06:33.996)
He acts like I went to the bathroom to vomit. I just went there to cool water on my face. And now every time I see the man, he always says, I'm going to make you throw up again today. Anyway, whatever. But I love that guy. OK, so Laura,

I think I didn't want to do it too because I realized how much people complain. Now it's like, I, you have to pay me a lot of money for me to like do that for you and have to listen to the complaining cause I just can't handle complaining. So I.

And I was going say too, that seems like a good move for you, but I get that. Because you've got your fitness and yoga and all that sort of stuff. it's like, no, no, you're right. If I have to sit and listen to people complain, I'm going to. That's a no. That's a no.

That's all I did the entire like hour that I was with him. Treadmill stuff and whatever. Yeah, you're absolutely right because that is all I did was complain. my gosh, y'all. Get this. I'm sorry. just ADD moment. Again, I told you I'm very excited that we're on Twitter. We're on YouTube. I can see the chat. my goodness. So all right. Let's see. Miss Laura, what is the worst purchase that you have ever.


Laura (07:50.134)
Mine is far more ridiculous. when Jess said hers, was like, now I just feel bad because mine is actually the dumbest girl purchase of all time. A Dyson Airwrap. Have you heard of this? I'm sure Jess has, like Keith, yeah. So Dyson, the vacuum cleaner, meandered their way into like beauty products. And so they make a blow dryer, curl, like it's like a

multifunctional sort of blow dryer. But it doesn't work. I mean, I have done all the voodoo that women are like, no, you just have to do this and you have to do this and you have to, but it's $600. So I shouldn't have to do 83 steps leading up to curling my hair or blowing my hair out or whatever it is in order to get the curl to stay. So I think I might sell it but also


Laura (08:47.712)
It's like the first gen and nobody's going to

I was gonna say does it have a bad reputation and no one's gonna buy it anyway, or is it just you're not jiving with it?

So no, I mean, there's definitely a collective of women who are like, this thing is a piece of shit. And so it doesn't actually do what it's supposed to do. But then the women who like it, they're diehards. So there's no gray area for this thing.

I this. just, I'm so proud of myself. I think I just came up with a solution on the fly. I don't know. Help me out. Somebody fuck me down. Find a Reddit group, a subreddit group that loves those, anything Dyson makes and go in there like, Hey, I just want to have this crazy thing laying around. I don't know. Good luck.

Yeah, I'm hoping that maybe there's some sucker out there who hasn't heard about how crappy it is and I can just like sell it on Poshmark or something. Make like 200 bucks on that.

Jessica (09:41.422)
My producer sell stuff on eBay like full time and I'm sure I should get you guys connected he can help you out make sure you get the best price for it

make $600 for it?

Yeah, well, it was like five, something creeping up to $600. But it's not worth, especially now because, you know, Dyson led the way, but now a lot of other brands have followed suit. I think like shark, the vacuum people. What is it with vacuum people making curling iron or hair? I don't know. But shark makes one. Listen, in theory, it's a good idea. In practice.

just use a curling iron. It works better.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, we dropped 600 bucks on a futon. I remember this back in 2001. that was my worst purchase ever. I just, I was never comfortable on it. My back always hurt. It only was practical when someone would visit and needed somewhere to sleep in the house. It's stupid. Never buy a futon kids. I mean, that is a mistake of a 20 something year old right there.

Laura (10:35.576)

Keith (10:52.171)
By the way, at this. Kelduk bought one of your signs. Look at that. Has it hanging in his house? Kelduk, we're going to have to get the updated version when it

That's right.

Laura (11:01.761)

Okay, let's see here. Generally speaking, when home shopping, what is the most important factor for guys or for girls? I thought I would start with Laura, because both of you guys, right? You have a background in real estate. And so I thought, do you ever see, you know, is it one thing or another like specific to guys?

I feel like men are just generally more practical when home shopping. Women are practical when it comes to two areas, the kitchen and storage. Those are things that men are sort of just, they don't really consider. But women get bogged down in dumb stuff. Like, I don't like this pink color and stuff that's easily changed and shouldn't.


Yeah, right.

Laura (11:59.722)
Yeah, so, but yeah, and, they care more about stuff that like the garage or the shed or the, you know, I mean, not to be like super hetero normative in my explanation here, but it, it's, it's a thing like men think more like broad spectrum.

with few exceptions, and women are more narrow-minded with few exceptions. Because I mean, a kitchen really does make or break. Like, if you can't function in a kitchen, what are you buying the house for? You eat and sleep there. But.


Everyone's always in the kitchen even when you have people over you can have a whole setup in another room. Everyone's in the kitchen

It's so true. It's so true. Doesn't matter what you do and how comfy your couch is or your futon. No, everyone's in the kitchen hovering around the stove.

Jessica (12:48.866)

Keith (12:52.846)
I just start your clocks, ladies. I'm sorry. I just texted the youngest who just got home. Let's see if let's see how long if she responds to my text. I'm having her bring me something that I desperately desperately need right now and I don't want to get up here. OK, so yeah, we'll see. We'll see if it's a wait. Hold on a second. The garage door opened. She I knew she got home and now it's closing again and now I'm getting a little stressed that I'm not going to get my.

little mason jar for my tree. Okay.

I'm having me rethink my no phones position though, because I'm like, oh, if I could just text them to bring me something that would be.

Yeah, yeah, let me see here. Is she gonna leave the house again? my gosh. This is not gonna be good. This is not good. Okay, so Jess, what about your take on guys and girls house shopping?

definitely agree that was like a lot of girls couldn't get the bigger picture, like it was harder for them to look past stuff like that. But one thing that I found interesting, found more between both of them, a lot more people were like looking for something they had when they were growing up, like they wanted what they had growing up basically, like in a lot of a lot of instances. So

Keith (14:07.601)
no, I don't want my wood paneling back from my childhood.

If you had if you had that paneling in your basement you got spanked as a kid growing up

apologize, shiplap.

Keith (14:21.65)
It's aww, that is so perfect, Yolty, yolty. Hey look, my youngest came through. That was like a minute tops. Okay, so where are we at here on the questions here? Let's see, I try to put in a few inane questions. Like Jess, what's your favorite fruit and why?

Good job.

Jessica (14:48.814)
I love the pineapple. don't know if pineapple is if there's like some role where it's not an actual fruit or something. I don't know, but I would say pineapple.

You have to turn it upside down, hear, too, like to make it like all the juices or something like.

I don't know, but it grows like a little, it grows like a little tiny baby. Like it literally looks like when they start growing. Yeah. They're like top of the plant and they're like little and then they get big. But I like it.

okay, very cool.

Which I heard and there was a pineapple like a dull pineapple plant in Hawaii and I heard it shut down or something.

Keith (15:24.56)
good, good. You know why? Because imperialists took over Hawaii.


That whole Hawaii's history, if any state has a beef with why they should be allowed to leave the union, other than the fact that it's constitutional, it's Hawaii. And Grover Cleveland, they love Grover Cleveland there because he did everything he could to keep him from being taken over by sugar and pineapple people. And then as soon as he was out of office, it was over for them. Anyway, sorry. In fact, I kid you not, I'm sorry. I get so distracted. When you go to his birthplace in New Jersey,

And there's a picture of a guy, a color photo of a guy who looks just like Grover Cleveland. It's his like great grandson. And he goes there like every year or however often they do these little, we love Grover Cleveland days. And I mean, they love Grover Cleveland in Hawaii. so, sorry, I told you, I get distracted there. What were we talking about? Laura's favorite fruit.

So I don't really have mine's more like a Classification of fruit. I like stone fruits. So like cherries peaches Apricots nectarines plums Those guys I just think that flavor is really rich and delicious and I look forward to stone fruit season in the summer

Keith (16:47.243)
I didn't know that.

really ripe pine- really ripe watermelon. That would probably be nice.

There was a classification for fruits.

I just know about stone fruits. I don't know about any other ones. I just know what stone fruits. You peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, cherries. And it has to do, like they have that one.

like in the center.

Keith (17:14.935)
Okay, if they've got a seed in it, they're called a stone fruit. I just go with it.

We're going to go. Yes, I'm going to speak with authority on this one and say that that's why they're called stone fruits. But yeah.

gets my fourth attempt at growing a peach tree in the yard is happening right now. And we got some really nasty cold air down here. See, now we're talking about cold air in Jess's in Colorado going, yeah, tell me about cold air in Texas. I put I don't think I ever tweeted a picture of this. Did I do this? I don't know. I took a you know, when you go to the grocery store, you take those those foil bags to put your


Keith (17:54.402)
your cold goods in. never use them, but they're in the garage. And I wrapped, there was a big boy back too. I took, I should have done a, I should have done a damn video of this. I took, you know, when you go to your kids' baseball, softball games, you have those little lawn chairs and the chairs go in this, like these bags, you know? Like the little self-storage bags, you know, whatever. So I that on top of the peach tree, like a condom. And then I put the,

the frozen food thing and zip-tied it around it, I bundled up that bad boy and then around that, I put one of those big cardboard boxes that you use to move like your closet. Then I put that over it and then I put a blanket over that and I said, so help me. If you don't survive this, you weren't meant to live. And it's budding right now.

Nice! I was just going to ask if it's a self-pollinator or if you have to have a companion plant.

No, so pollinator. don't know if it's peaches, but I know this tag on this particular tree said that. So, yay. That's all you need. We'll see. Now I'm going to go kill it. Well, but see, then I have to take care of it. I screw something up every time. Every time. I'm going to be more, I'm going to stop killing them with water. Because that's what I've been doing. I know for a fact. OK. Have you ever seen?

There you go. Let it survive.

Laura (19:15.754)
Yeah. you know the rule about fruit pruning though too?

no, that's, I'm sorry, Laurie, you reminded me. That's how I killed the last one. I wound it at the wrong time of year, way too low. It's the other two that I overwatered. Yes, dear Lord, I'm gonna F this up.

Yeah, no. you just, I think it's, you, you prune it's, you do it on like 75%. Then it's second year, you do 50%. Then it's third year, you do 25%. And then you just leave it alone after that. And that's a really good fruit production pruning method.

What's gonna happen if I leave it alone, period, because I'm too nervous to touch it?

Well, you should prune it because, you know, getting rid of the dead is good for life.

Keith (20:03.726)
All right, I'll Google later. Just I'm so scared. Ever done something adventurous that you regretted doing? Laura, let's start with you on this one.

I was hoping you would start with Jess. I am not adventurous. And so now the most adventurous thing I've ever done is unmedicated childbirth. And no, I don't regret that. That was wonderful.

wow. Good for you. Yeah. I saw the look on Jessica's face. Is there anything we can air for this question that you care

laugh because she says she's not adventurous and I'm saying I am adventurous and I have no regret.

for you. So then it worked out nicely. Let's see us go ahead here to the next one. Do you well hold on a second. No, no, no, no, hang on. They can't we're not gonna just jump off. Like what what tell us some things that you've done. Have you ever gone bungee jumping, skydiving, anything in that realm?

Jessica (21:02.658)
As far as that, like I jumped off the stratosphere. They have this free fall jump. I've done stuff like that. I've never like bungee jumped. Yeah, that's like dying. Apparently it's not very busy anymore, but.

The thing in Las Vegas,

Keith (21:16.267)
is that the one with the swings on the top?

They have a couple of things up top. They have a few little rides up there, like a little roller coaster, but it just like goes almost over the edge like that. But yeah, you can jump out and that's pretty fun because like it was a free fall, but like a little bit help like, but you could like, could go upside down or anything.

I'm not afraid of heights. Obviously I love the mountains. I don't mind tall buildings. In fact, when I worked in New York and we worked on the 34th floor, I would walk up on the radiator, stand right up against the window, lean out, see how far down I can look, you know. I love that stuff. But that Las Vegas, Laura's not, she's not. That Las Vegas thing, whenever I see it, just from wherever, I'm like, not me. I'm not doing a roller coaster, I'm not gonna swing. I'm not gonna take an unnecessary risk like that.

Come on.

Yeah, I have been to the top of the Freedom Tower in New York City. is my that's that's the extent of my adventurous nature. I am petrified of heights. I don't like being in airplanes. I can handle roller coasters. But the Freedom Tower like I was like at the top and like holding on to the wall and I was like, Dad, it's moving. And he's like, well, yeah. And then he's like trying to explain to me like building architecture and why they have to be able to sweat. I'm like, no, Have you ever been

Keith (22:35.95)
Up in the St. Louis arch, Gateway Arch, that is the most, I'm not claustrophobic, but I think I developed something that day. That's not good. That's not a good, it's so tight and I don't know what they were thinking when they built those things. When did they build them? The 60s maybe, 50s? I don't know. But no thing, it's just cramped and gross and other people. and I'm trying to think of the tallest building I've ever been in.

It might be the Sears Tower back when it was still the Sears Tower. Let me ask you this. If I've been to the Detroit airport and if I've seen Michigan from atop the Sears Tower in Chicago, does that count? Can I mark Michigan off the list? Been to the airport? Okay.

Go to UP!

I to, ladies. That's on the list.

that's beautiful.

Laura (23:30.168)
really touch you about this topic because I flew to India and the layover was in Frankfurt, Germany. And so I was like, cool, now I've been to Frankfurt, Germany. Okay, and I was told no, no, you have not you've been to the airport and that is international land and I'm very touchy about this. yes, you

Yeah, it's Chicago. It's totally Chicago. Thank you.


So when I was a kid.


Keith (24:02.062)
When I was a kid, I flew from Atlanta to Hawaii. I don't know if you know this about Hawaii, but they love Grover Cleveland. Anyway, no, when I flew to Hawaii, we connected in Dallas. And I made it a point, this is back before security was stupid and whatever, because I'm old. I insisted on walking out to the, there's a grassy median, right? There was at the time, out in front of the terminal. I was like, all right.

I've been to Texas, you know. that counted, but just staying inside the building, think Laura and I are saying that counts. Being in an airport, yeah, right?

Yeah, I slept on those benches for six hours. That was intimate. I've been to Germany.

All right.

That is intimate. Right?

Keith (24:51.32)
So you agree Jessica right we're three three we agree that.

hate travel anyway, so if I have to be somewhere, it's counting. It's counting! It's counting, man.

put it in my passport.

Jess, did you play a sport growing up and if so, which sport?

I started out soccer a little bit. had like a club soccer around here, but I wasn't like competitive at all. But then I did track and field middle school and high school. And then towards the end of that, everyone was getting all serious and like trying to get scholarships and stuff. like, I just like running, you know, I just like hanging out with my friends and running. So I kind of lost interest in that. But I did hurdles. I did 100 meter high hurdles and 300 meter low.

Keith (25:38.762)
Okay. Wow. All right. Good for you, Laura.

So I wasn't allowed to play sports when I was little because I had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. it impacts, you know, all your, it's just like old people arthritis. It's just for.

Yeah, you don't want to damage them any like extra.

Exactly. And then my inflammation went down significantly by the time I reached middle school. And so I was like, let's do field hockey. I have no idea. still, like, I can't transport myself back to eighth grade, Laura, and be like, why are we field hockey? Like, of all the things. But I did, and I made the team. And then I went to a high school that didn't have it. you know.

But you were in. of my...

Keith (26:32.494)
What part of the country were you in?

Delaware at the time. I went to a Votek high school and so the Votek high schools were far less athletic focused anyway because it was like you're learning a trade so that you can go out into the world and be a productive human being outside of college. Can you imagine the audacity? That's where I learned why you should prune fruit trees.

that there.

Laura (27:04.334)
properly. So you're welcome. Um, but yeah, so I, just, had wrestling, but that was

You know what? I, I, I, I vow this. I'm not kidding. When I start pruning this tree, first of all, do know what time of year I should be doing this?

I think fall.

Okay, that's what I thought. thought, I'm take a picture after every limb I cut, I'm sending a picture to you until you say stop. God, that's so much pressure.

Don't quote me on that, but-

Laura (27:33.197)

Laura (27:36.844)
Laura killed Keith's fruit tree. Just tweet it.

That's right. Seriously. I'm going to be looking for someone to blame if it happens again.

I'll be your fallback guy.

Thank you. Laura, will we ever get the Epstein files? And if so, how much of them?

this conversation and raged with me, so.

Keith (28:01.139)
Me too. Me too!

The answer to that is

No. I think what they'll do is they'll release some version of it that allows for...


Laura (28:24.414)
insignificant information to be revealed that feels significant to the general public. So insignificant in the broad picture, but I don't believe that anything riveting or like, shocking is going to be released because I just think that the corruption is so deep, so broad and

It's just all encompassing. so I just don't think that there's anything of significance. think saying that they were going to be released was a politically expedient thing to say. it captured the attention of anti-establishment people and got them looped into the Trump MAGA movement. I don't think.

I mean, I think of it as simple as, pedos are going to pedo and pedos are going to protect other pedos. That's what I'm afraid of. But Jessica, do you have any high hopes that we're going to?

No, feel like all the information that's already out there's a lot of that's already out there anyways, like other people have deep dived into, know, and it's like, not I don't think I don't think we'll get anything more. And the whole thing was weird. That was all weird. Like that one lady was like, I don't know. It was just weird. Anyways. It's weird when people are like that where they like want to withhold if this is important stuff to withhold that happens, like small political groups I hear sometimes like,

I have this information and I to withhold it because we have, you know, it's like a journalism, my information kind of thing. I'm like, we got kids getting raped out here. We got like child born stuff going on. Like there's certain things that we need to like get at.

Keith (30:11.022)
If there's anything that we should all be behind universally, it's a list of pedophiles in our midst, especially if they're in government. God knows what kind of blackmail has been happening. Okay.

So I don't think it's just government either. There's so many, this is going to make people angry, but a variety of different religious elements that are part of it too. I mean, even just the abuse, and I'm not saying this as a person who I grew up in the church and it's not a blanket statement about Christianity in general, but I mean,

It's not.

Keith (30:39.693)

Laura (30:53.486)
shouldn't people have been more angry about like all of the Catholic stuff that was going on? And I mean, I have been friends with people who were abused by staff members in the church that I grew up in. I mean, it's just, I think it's ramp, it's so much broader than just politics. It's religion, it's all of it. And there's so much damning evidence that

I mean, would be like we would have to just break everything down and then start from scratch again if you wanted to eliminate everybody who was involved in it. Trump included. I said what I said.

Woo hoo, spicy. Maybe that's what's taking so long. Maybe that's what's taking so long. I don't know. He's at the Department of Justice today. So we're either going to get that stuff released Monday morning or never. OK. I've got a few stories here that I've grouped these together. And I invited both of you all on with purpose because you're both small government types and you're both able to help me work through

things that maybe my brain is hung up on. So I got three stories and I convinced me you guys, you ladies just hit me with your takes on these first three stories here today. Here's the headline. Celebrity AI deep fakes are flooding the internet. Hollywood is pushing Congress to fight back. Okay, now my instinct is to, I don't want the government fighting back on anything. Okay, that's my,


Keith (32:28.888)
my initial response. And then you you read through it and you see, so okay, that's not cool. People getting scammed. But remember that Brad Pitt chick who sent, now she's just a dumb ass. Remember that? Did y'all see that? Somebody was sending fake pictures of Brad Pitt. Hey, I'm in the hospital. I need you to send money. Like Brad Pitt needs money to get out of the hospital. you can see, now she's just stupid.

And stupid people are gonna fall for fill in the blank. But the story goes on to talk about Taylor Swift, Joe Rogan, Steve Harvey's in here about, you know, their likeness is being used to scam people. And again, my initial, my gut take is if you're dumb enough to be scammed, that's on you. I don't know.


Keith (33:26.082)
I don't necessarily want Congress involved, but boy, AI is going to, we are dangerously close to not knowing what's real and what's fiction. I just don't know that a legislative answer is what we need.

Yeah, never. Never.

That's why you should be in government!

And I'm trying to think to myself, who could they trick me with? Like what person would they could like actually get me to be like, because everyone has a dumb point. So it's like, like I said, it's going to happen. It's a natural hierarchy thing. You fall for this stuff. Like call me cruel, but like it's always turns into more power. It was trying to take more power. Even out here in our state house, there's Republicans putting their name on stuff. We were like, no.

This is more government, more, you know, they're all about that as well. no, no legislation. And it's, I mean, it's an AI. I don't know. You know, what are you gonna, it wasn't me. I'm sorry.

Keith (34:28.174)
One thing I don't want to hear, I never want to hear someone say, well, the founders didn't have to deal with AI. Because the day that that starts getting interjected into the conversation, you'll know we're dealing with a terrible.

Yeah, like technology and change and none of that was ever going to happen ever. Even though it had happened prior.

Okay, so.

Keith (34:54.496)
Yeah, I mean hell the firearms were much more advanced than people give them credit for back in the day But that's a whole nother conversation. That'll be a that'll be a Thursday deep dive. Okay, so, okay, so we agree we don't need AI laws But you know, they're coming because this article goes on to talk about how the United States is way behind the rest of the good I want the United States behind the rest of the world when it comes to new laws so But it's coming. Yep

I feel like there was a quote here that I wanted to read. I don't see it. We're moving on. OK, I want to this video for you. I want to play this video. I want to get your take on this. Should this be legal? You're about to see a cyber truck not attacked by a radical leftist, but buffed to a shine where you can see the reflection. Is this a is this a safety hazard?

Keith (36:27.886)
Okay. Okay, what are your thoughts on should that be legal?

Okay, I have particular feelings about this living in Texas because the phenomenon that I have noticed living here is that the sun hits different. Like on the East Coast, you can be driving up and down any roadway and the sun does not blind you at certain times of day.

I know why. It's because we have trees along the eastern half of the country. Not here!

No, no, we do not have trees. just have more highway and mega churches. So when you are driving at like six o'clock and the sun is right in your eyeballs and it doesn't matter which way, I mean, it's, it's blinding. So I cannot imagine having that thing right ahead of me. And I wasn't even.

thinking about the reflection of the sun. I was just thinking, shit, is there a car coming at me? no, that's me.

Laura (37:31.436)
Right. Yeah. No, I mean, okay. No, I'm generally like anti-legislation, but at the same time, like I'm like, I'm just thinking of my eyes here at 6 PM or 7 AM or whatever it is. But I mean, that's wild.

Okay. Yeah, that's a it's a mirror. I feel like that's a dangerous situation. And I'm with you. I normally I see something like to the point where I can be absurd. And I will admit that, like, I don't want the government intervening on I need to come up with an example. But anyway, but this is this is scary because I don't want my kids out there driving 70 miles an hour.

dealing with a reflective cyber truck coming out. I don't know, Jess, you got to know.

And on Texas roads too, I might add. With those people who don't know how to drive.

Bad enough, as it is.

Keith (38:26.25)
I have found that every city I've lived in has really crappy drivers. And then I stop and I remember, I'm here. So that's why they have really crappy drivers.

No, no, I have you see, yes, it's horrific. The amount. Okay. On the East coast, outside New York City outside DC, where all the mass holes live. Yes, it's terrible. There's something unique about Texas drivers and how terrible they are. It is genuinely well, and also like, this is the what third or fourth year in a row where I've seen

You think it's bad here?

Laura (39:05.108)
a 53 car pile up because Texans haven't figured out that ice is slippery yet. So it's like, you can't, they cannot be trusted with a mirror car on the road. All of a sudden I'm pro government. Don't do it.

Doesn't that suck? When you get to that point, that hurts! I don't like that! Jessica, talk us down or or or...

I know.

Laura (39:27.576)

I mean I get it it looks super cool, but yeah that you kind of can't Can't really have that yeah most so someone in the chat to color it has terrible drivers But guess where most of those drivers came from I'm not gonna say the the state but it rhymes with hexes, you know,

And then rise with California.

They're bad too, but the Texas it's something that the slow I think the slow left lane stuff. Sorry. my Texas, bro

This morning driving in when I'm the only person on the road most of the time I this morning of how ironic you said that there was a a big truck in the left lane and there was just a slow-ass vehicle in the right lane and I had to deal I just I was there I was your God like what do I do like

Keith (40:26.658)
What do I do?

practice and patience is a practice and patience in those moments in life.

That was, I was pissed. Okay, anyway. Let's see here. Illinois governor pushes to remove cell phones from classrooms. First of all, J.B. Pritzker is a douche. So the strike one is they start to read the story. If there's something he wants, then I should just instinctively not want it. But 72 % of high school teachers identified cell phone distraction as a major problem in their classroom. Now, at first I'm thinking, yeah, absolutely. It's a distraction and absolutely they don't belong in the classroom.

But then I got to thinking, boy, those classrooms, man, that's Lord of the Flies. You kind of want to document some of the shit that goes down in those places. So I don't, it's like, it's like recording the cops. We should be allowed to record these public servants. We should, the same should apply, I think, to the classroom. But you're not going to get that if you take the phones away from the kids. But at the same time, I want them learning. But at the same time, I don't want them learning from the state. So I'm so torn on this, ladies, help me.

Yeah, actually, until you said something about the people who have been recording their teachers, like losing their shit over Trump or whatever policy, because even like, you know, because then the counter to that could be, well, then every classroom should have cameras. But I mean, I'm just thinking just literally just this past summer, I was reading the story of a school district somewhere around Flower Mound in Texas, where the teacher was abusing

Laura (42:01.11)
like a preschool student and the cops and the school district kept this thing completely under wraps. So the mom posted, I'll have to see if I can go on the backend and find this. Cause she, she finally out of the school and the teacher and the district on Facebook. Cause she was like, we followed the protocol and the recommendations of the police for so long.


Laura (42:28.706)
But it's been eight months now. The teacher is still teaching at the school. She was only removed from the classroom for, I want to say, a very short probationary period. And then she was allowed to be teaching again. And the older sibling of the abused child ran into her in the cafeteria. So that's where I think my rubber meets the road moment is, because I don't trust the school.

to be forthcoming if they're protecting, because it's the same mentality cops have. They protect their own. They will lie on reports. They'll try to get a mask cover up in place to protect another cop, even if they're doing something as heinous as abusing a child. This woman was, there was no doubt about it. you may have, I started off being like anti-phone, but now I think you flipped me.

So we need the phones in the classrooms, right?

Keith (43:34.91)
Yeah. So, okay, so isn't this, I mean, this sucks. I hate landing. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's...

It's okay to hold different thighs. It's okay to hold the same.

But hey, but we're still anti-government because we're just keeping an eye on them Laura. So yes phones in the classroom. So say look we're still yay. We're still anti-government.

If there are systems there, like if the systems are, I'm not an actual mother, despite the moniker, which I know you guys are both parents, but I've been like, I'm anti phones. Totally. My sister didn't have phones with her kids, but then it's like, okay, but yeah, if you're sending your kids to public schools or any school or anything like that, then there's gotta be something. And maybe they can come up with something in the public school. If a teacher doesn't want kids to have.

at the desk and yeah, then you like either they maybe they have to wear a body camera or something like that or you know, I don't know something like that.

Keith (44:35.01)
Basically, stop getting, you know, teachers having sex with kids.

Yeah, my school district it's something like you were saying like you find out about this stuff going on afterwards Which if people like I always they don't know how to get involved locally start information requesting the public schools with stuff and just find information But yeah, we have we've had like eight cases in my school district this past year one of the guys was the chief of schools and Right before Christmas on the 19th. He got fired. All of a sudden. He's under investigation for child porn or

It's called CSAM, Child Sexual Assault Material Media, I believe. But like, yeah, and then he killed himself on New Year. So it's like, okay, which kind of sucks because in the middle of an investigation that can kind of screw things up, right? But also the problem took care of itself, which is what we can only hope in those kinds of situations. But now there's still have this investigation open and I'm like, okay, because they're doing a ring in the school or there's got to be something going on.

hire people connected and we've I found stuff during an information request on the guy and like, wow. But that's what you can do and to find consent. That's how you find these stories. Because a lot times people don't know they're not watching every meeting or everything and I'm trying to find.

I'm trying to find this story just from, I don't know, that's not it. There was a headline, Libs of TikTok had a headline. I forgot how many teachers so far this year was it? I want to say it was 685 teachers.

Laura (46:08.258)
Yeah, I public school teachers, think, I think are like, what is it per capita, the, the, you know, the people who have the most like, child predatory people working for them, child predators working.

Go to where the kids are.

Yeah, right.

Right. And that for me, that for me is where this conversation becomes relevant, because then you do have it's like what systems are in place to protect the teacher. And there are lots of them. I mean, I even remember, so there was a case, this was brought to my attention recently, because the the offender just passed away. And he was sexually abusing his foster daughter. What was that?

That was just that was mug shots of teachers. right. Yeah, that was just a visual aid while you were while you were talking.

Laura (46:59.394)
We love our visually.

yeah, I was looking forward to How many was it?

Well, this one that I found doesn't have that number unfortunately, but I thought it was 685 Maybe somebody can put in the chat there. I don't know But what are you saying? Go ahead

Yeah. So, okay. So he was a bus driver and something else for the school. And he was sexually abusing his foster daughter, who was a student at the school. His wife walked in at some point on school property on like him abusing their foster daughter. And so then it was this entire conversation in the state of Delaware. Like, does, does she get charged as an employee of the school or do we just treat her as the spouse of the offender?

Laura (47:45.102)
And we go after the school legally because the school employee saw it happening to another, to a student on the part of another employee of the school.

Well, this is going to be test case.

Well, that's so it's like there are so many different layers of protection that places are willing to go to to protect their own people, even to the detriment of children. mean, our government can't even be forthcoming with an entire list of people who are abusing children. So this is why like the phone, like you said, it's a balance, right? Because you don't want the phones to be distracting. You don't want them to be something like that kids are.

watching porn or watching YouTube or whatever, instead of doing and paying attention to the teacher and disrupting the education of the other children who have a right to be sitting there and learning also. But at the same time, does not allowing phones in school interfere with a layer of protection that parents have for their children against the system that may prey on them and then cover for the predator? So I don't know. I don't know.


Laura (48:59.544)
See you.

If someone like Pritzker wants it, then it makes me want to go opposite completely.


That's exactly strike one as I start reading the story. Yeah, and did you guys Robert Morris, right the pastor over here at and Come on help me at Gateway. It's a mega church here So, they're getting him But there's hundreds of law that they're getting him on

Mega-tards, okay. Highways and mega-tards.

Jessica (49:30.936)
There's a lot of that in Colorado too.

Keith (49:35.67)
because he was a, well, let me back up. The 1800s law is like, there's no statute of limitations or something like that on back in 1800s in Oklahoma, where the alleged crime occurred of him molesting a 12 year old girl when he was an adult male in his twenties, I believe. Anyway, so they had this law back in 1800s because cowboys would come through and commit crimes and they wouldn't be residents of the state. And so.

They needed a way to prosecute them or something like that. Anyway, so they're applying that to him because he was visiting Oklahoma as a traveling preacher when this occurred and they're using that law to kind of that's fascinating. But all right. Yeah. Let's see here. I don't think there should ever be a statute of limitations on pedophilia, but maybe that's just me. A college student who can't read or write. Did you see this? did I? OK, so this this is.

Unbelievable. I want to ask your question on this. She's 19 years old. She's in college. Her name is Alicia Ortiz. She began, she had trouble with letters, sound, number recognition as early as first grade. Couldn't read at a first grade level until she was in the sixth grade, but was swept along through the public school system anyway. They're in Hartford, Connecticut. They must be so proud.

Let's see. she, by her sophomore year at Hartford High School, Ortiz was assigned a special education teacher and case manager. However, according to the lawsuit, she's filing for negligence by the way, because she's saying the school is negligent in educating her. She was bullied. the lawsuit says that her case manager, this goes back to your point you were just talking about, Laura, her special ed teacher and case manager bullied and even stalked Ortiz?

and was eventually removed from her case. Now she's in college. She's gone back to the city council. She's at the University of Connecticut. First of all, she was accepted there. I'd like to point that out as well. But bottom line is she graduated high school with honors. You can't read or write. She suffers from dyslexia. I get it. But now is a lawsuit. Is that the remedy here?

Jessica (51:56.812)

She's suing for negligence after spending 12 years in the district, but never learning these essential skills. Thoughts?

So I don't, I, what's like that stupid to school us through the schools because I mean, it's the parents, I'm sorry, but like at a certain point, how did the parents not know? They're in their life every, like I don't excuse the teachers. They all were up to funny business too, right? Doing this, but like how little time are you spending with your child to think they not even know they don't know how to read.

I was thinking the-

Keith (52:33.17)
I'm with you 100 % here is this But absolutely, so this might be this might be useful information here. Okay. Hang on a second Let me see if you you if your tune changes at all because I had the same thought then I see this line and For a moment I go and then I go back. No. No, she's a native of Puerto Rico is Her her mom tried to alert school officials to her daughter's problems, but had difficulty communicating herself because of a language barrier

Screw public school.

Keith (53:02.36)
Quote, I didn't know English very well. I didn't know the rules of the schools. It's still inexcusable that you didn't realize this was happening with your daughter's learning.

No, and schools have interpreters. mean, there are a million interpreters. Right. and I feel uniquely qualified in this conversation. My daughter is dyslexic. And we knew right away. I mean, the phonics curriculum that I taught my son on, because we homeschooled him for a couple of years when we lived overseas.



Keith (53:33.782)

she wasn't getting it. And phonics is a really user friendly sort of system. And so I'm like, something's wrong here. There were not connecting dots. And the school wanted to move her forward into the second grade with a complete inability to read. And so I, I feel a particular type of way about this mother, because it's like, I mean, I had to advocate for my child, make no mistake about it. Like everybody knew Ila can't read. I was not functioning well in this environment and everybody was ready to move her forward.

And I was like, well, that's going to be a big no from me. so I was just like, right. was just like, I mean, and then they hit me with, well, even if we observe these issues, we don't start testing them until they're nine. And I was like, she is going to be so far behind in just reading alone.

Go dog.

Laura (54:29.026)
But then if you're behind in reading, you can't function in a math environment because you have to be able to read the problems and understand what's going on. Reading is the gateway for everything. so I actually in Plano. I had a worse experience in Plano for her than I did on the Fort Worth side. They're much better. And this was my favorite part. So they tested her for a variety of different things. And they came up with her autism diagnosis.

I taught this school.

Laura (54:57.474)
But they were like, well, she is my old and, then what I, but now she's got all of, now that we have this diagnosis, we can put all of these systems in place to kind of help guide her through the school year. And I was like, that's fine. I'm still holding her back because I'm not like, they're like, but when she has all of this, it's going to help her move forward. And I was like, no, we're not doing that. She's staying in first grade and then you can implement her new, your new systems on her and help her move forward. It wasn't until we moved over to Fort Worth and all of her paperwork transferred.

that the school here was like, so she has like all of the markers for dyslexia and they never tested her for it. So do you want us to test her for it? And I was like, yeah. And they're like, yeah, she's dyslexic. And then they started working with her and that worked. But the fight that I had to put forth to get there.

See, you cared. And that's the thing about public schools. It just, well, any school, honestly, that they're not teaching their kids. And so they're not as invested as you're gonna be. Like you are gonna be the one who is most concerned with what they're learning, how they're learning, and if they're learning. And so you went in there and you fought that battle and you got a positive result. This mom...

is using this language barrier thing, I don't know, at least get in there and talk to someone who speaks Spanish then to advocate on your child's behalf then. I think you're absolutely right. I think it's just a lazy parenting on this end that I think it's a perfect storm. It's a shitty school system mixed with a lazy parent and people that just don't care.

Right. Well, and to get to hop onto the like small government anti public school train, it's like, there are, there are a ton of things working against school systems, truancy laws, because you've got, and I'm saying that like, I grew up in a really low income area. You've got bad kids in schools whose parents don't care, but they're forced to be there because of truancy laws. And that creates a learning environment that is actually really negative for everybody else. And they teach.

Laura (57:06.306)
to the lowest common denominator in a classroom. There's no, and it's not like the teachers are, the teachers are trapped in the system. It's not the teacher's fault. It's not a reflection on the teacher. Just the system to begin with is bad. And so everything that flows out of that, you're gonna have a situation like this where if you don't, if you've got a mom who has a language barrier and she doesn't know how to fight the fight or whatever, the whole thing is set up for.

failure, frankly. So no, it's like, okay, well, you stand in a long line, sweetie of kids who've been, you know, failed by the public school system, because it's not there to make you succeed. It's there to churn out.

So yeah, right. Should she win this case for negligence and will she win? And if she does, what would the ramifications be for education?

lawyers will probably win, I'm sure. And that's now you're more taxing. So now she's doing the public school, who is already taxpayer funded and now they're going to spend more taxes defending themselves in court against her. I don't know. Yeah, I'm not


Laura (58:19.392)
to George Bush and has no child left behind.


yeah, come on. I'm looking for a video. that's right. It's a tab I have open. Never mind. Hang on. Where is it? Let's see here. I want, no, here we go. I want your thoughts on this. The backstory is you're about to see a couple at a restaurant and they faked an engagement so that they could end up getting free drinks.

Jessica (59:03.886)

Anybody want to jump in here? You want me to go first? Who's going to take the lead on this one? Do we have a problem?

they admit it? Did they admit it or something? Like why not?

out. She tweeted it out.

You're gonna be mad.

Keith (59:19.982)
We were supposed to get us free drinks last night and laugh emoji. So I don't know who- Okay. So I was thinking, oh, come on now. Y'all should have done that. And then I read a comment and I go, okay, hang on. That's a good point. And the comment was something along the lines of, oh, tell me you haven't told your server that it's your birthday for free dessert. It's like, I'm telling you this. Huh. I mean-


Jessica (59:48.366)
ever do that because then sing at you. Who wants to be sad?

That's a fact. That's a fact. And I've not done that either, but for some reason I got hung up on it. And then I thought, why was my reaction to that comment? Yeah, that's fine. But not to the drinks thing. That's where I was hating myself. But you're right. Don't you dare embarrass me, sing at me, nothing public. I don't even do the free dessert because I don't want the attention. I love that. You're absolutely right.

to take you out and tell people it's your birthday.

I swear I will walk out there and you'll have a whole table full of people doing this at you.

Anyway, go

Keith (01:00:28.554)
Yeah, that's can you and the workers hate it they hate it. They're like, crap I gotta cash out these I got four tables pressuring me right now to cash out or to bring them an appetizer I've already run it behind and I gotta drop what I'm doing and do this happy dance. Yeah, you're right anyway

My dad would like tell us, was like, I will literally kill you if you get one of And I'm like, I never would want one either, so I totally get it.

Yep. Yep. OK. But do we have a problem with them being dishonest? mean, you know what? Hey, hold on a second. Hold on. Hold on. I'm going to rationalize this. I'm going to totally. Hey, nobody asked for the free drink, right? Did they? Right? He just, what if I just like going down on one knee and holding my wife's hand here? I mean, maybe that's the thing. And I can't.

Did the restaurant? Yeah, she didn't have that.

That detail wasn't in there.

Laura (01:01:25.866)
Yeah, I mean, because that's the same thing as like when people on Twitter are like, you know, I'm doing whatever I'm turning on my tips, buy me a drink. And I'm like, no, like, and so, you know, we all have free will.

Don't look at my bio. Anyway, continue.

No, I just mean like, you know, if people are turning on tips for like something like that, like, I just got engaged to so and so. You know, and so that's like, I mean, it's, you know, it's a little gaudy. But again, like, I would never take away or want to take away someone's free will to contribute to it either because it's like, well, whatever if you want to buy so and so a drink because they got engaged or whatever.

I got you, I got you.

Laura (01:02:13.086)
go for it, you know?

Yeah, I don't think he stood up there and said, OK, where are my free drinks now? That's on you for interpreting that as a proposal worthy of drinks.


Laura (01:02:25.216)
Yeah. Yeah. mean, just sort of it's like, you know, if the restaurant gave them free drinks, like I do feel a little bit bad about that. But if people contribute their own money to buying faux engagement cocktails, then, you know, Godspeed.

Now I'm going to be a liberal for a moment. When this is however many pours, but three pours at a bar is the equivalent of buying one of these off a shelf, I'm not going to cry too much over the big bad restaurant, the corporation behind it, pouring a couple of free drinks for the two. Anyway, OK.


Keith (01:03:14.042)
I think I'm the only person in America that feels this way about this next story. so y'all can mock me if you'd like, but it cost almost four cents to make a penny. I think Trump's told the treasury department to stop minting the penny. I just feel this irrational attachment to pennies. Kind of like the way I feel about Pluto being demoted. It's like, pick on the penny. But at the same time, as a taxpayer, save me money. And if it's stupid, if it's...

cost four times the amount to produce something, then it's stupid. But how's this going to work out with exact change? That's what, that's my biggest concern, honestly.

Yeah, I mean, I'm sure that the culture, not culture, but like the culture will shift to accommodating for, you know, five and 10 cent dollar amounts or change amounts.

Are they gonna round in our favor or the business's favor or the government's favor? You know what I mean?

You already know the answer to that question. I also have a rational attachment to any kind of.

Keith (01:04:23.086)
I'm nursing this thing way too long. It's so good. Oh my gosh, our tariffs gonna fuck up. I said my wing red skiing up 99 from Canada. Okay, I'm sorry. Continue. You're making a good point. know.

Laura (01:04:38.414)
No, I just I was gonna say I have the same irrational attachment to the penny. I don't think it's founded in any kind of reason or logic, but Yeah, I also there's something like about Are you gonna take away the nickel? Are you gonna take away the dime? Are you gonna take away the dollar? Like are you gonna take away my ability to use cash like that's where I with the penny and meander

And what if it leads to ending the Fed? Then we're okay.

Okay, well then we're out.

You can't do that you can't you're not they won't You can't inject that in there cuz then it's like Take away my cash if it means audit the Fed


Jessica (01:05:23.15)
Obviously, I want them to cut down on spending and stuff. But my stupid governor, like when all the dough stuff was starting up, he was all like, the penny that's which this this guy's wasted so much money, but he's trying to he thinks he's Mr. Libertarian. And so he saying he's bringing up stuff about, you know, getting rid of the penny program, because it'll save money and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, shut your trap. Like, stop like you don't get to even make any suggestions, let alone

that one where you're trying to be like cute and like, you know, along with more like minded like us. I was like, uh-uh, you're fake. So then right away I'm like, no, we need the penny. We need the penny. Just oppositional defiance to him, I guess.

You pisses me off? Pritzker, yeah. You know what pisses me off is, and this has happened multiple times to me, and I don't think I'm a curmudgeon for not going back to these businesses, but so help me. If you round down, like not in my favor, but in the restaurant's favor, when you bring me back my change, bro, I hold a grudge. do not want that is wrong.


Keith (01:06:35.786)
If you want to round a certain way, you round up in my favor on the change in returning to my table. I do not... Anyway, I'm sorry.

Trader Joe's does that. No, to the favor of the customer. When I get change back, it's always like, didn't feel like counting all that out, so I'm just giving you a dollar or whatever. And I'm like, I love you. Every time. It's not just one cashier or something like that. Any time, if it's a chunky amount of change, they always round up to my favor.

Okay, okay.

Keith (01:07:09.41)
Chunky change. I like that. Okay. That is a good policy to have. I wonder if they don't even notice though. They're just like, they just put it in their pocket and they don't even notice that they were cool about it.


Laura (01:07:22.614)
Yeah, see, I do. collect my change and then I count it once a year and then I spend spend that money.

I do that too. Well, I don't speak. take you to the bank because I'm a loser.


Well, same difference.

Like a saver. That's the opposite of losing your saving.

Laura (01:07:36.834)
Yeah, right.

There's a there's like a kind of thing of what it is it's like an animal cracker like thing that Sits in a house and at the end of every day. I just dropped drop the change in there and then take it to the bank in December. All right

for a new bottle.

Yeah, or two drinks at that restaurant. I want to play this for you. I want to get y'all's perspective. OK, so you are both two beautiful women, and I want to know how you would feel if this were you on camera at this sporting event when ESPN.

Keith (01:08:29.56)
We are glad.

Keith (01:08:34.874)
I wish that video had continued. She had him down where okay, so I'm gonna play one more time because I had they announced it to be low here and That's so much crap for just even the camera guy Holding their shop for so long. I I will reserve my thoughts. I will have the females

Keith (01:09:10.613)
Anyway, so, okay, Thoughts? Thoughts? people be pissed at the ESPN camera guy, the announcer? No.


Jessica (01:09:18.794)
wha- no. if you're doing that, like if i was ever doing that and someone busted me doing that, like-

I didn't even do it.

Keith (01:09:26.957)
Did you see that one chick was like, let me just.

I know, and it was in the butt shot.

And like trying to be secretive about it


That's what I needed to know though. I want to watch this again because I can't

Keith (01:09:58.216)
of my ass here, huh?

Listen, one day, God willing, she's going to be 75 and her ass is going to be down around her ankles and so are her boobs. And so she's going to have that great memory of there's this one time that ESPN caught me taking a booty shot to post to social media and

Yeah, hopefully they're in life at herself. Hopefully they like and laugh at themselves and be like, yeah, I mean, that's just like. And the joke, the joke, the guy, the delivery with the glasses line.


Laura (01:10:28.462)
Those are not raining glasses.

She'll be sitting in the TV room at the old folks home 70 years from now going, I was somebody. I was on ESPN for 10 seconds taking a picture of my booty.

Your little old lady voices.

That's the first voice that I could do when I was a kid, whenever I'd prank people. I've done this before on the show here. It's just like, hello baby. That's all I could do. And so it's just kind of stuck with me through the years. What else do I have here? Okay, all right. Now this, again, another lady-centric topic, I guess. is, geez, did I, I didn't send you all the Meghan Markle.

Hello, honey.

Keith (01:11:17.665)
You did. I send you the list?

Well, no, you sent me the budget.

I should have sent you this because look, let me see if I can do this. Okay. See the bottom. So this is episode, that's not even all of episode one, all of the articles of clothing. says like a shirt that cost $109. I don't know what the hell that is. $1,300, another shirt, $1,200, shorts, $500, necklace, $4,100, a watch for 28 grand.

A bracelet for over five grand, another bracelet for over five grand, jeans for $340, boots for 200 something, trousers $250. Oh, here we go. I should have just, you could have just gotten to the bottom, Keith. Episode one total on her wardrobe, $47,000. Megan Merkel. Episode two was, oh, that was only...

$6,200 episode 3, 20,000. And so I think episode 1 was our big spinning episode. Oh, 57,000 an episode. Whatever the hell that was, seven. Holy shi- Oh, that's the grand total, sorry. 172 grand over a total of, I think it was six episodes, seven episodes. There you go. So ladies, first of all, I have to ask. I have to ask.

Keith (01:12:44.192)
If you want to discuss this, you don't have to. This is an optional answer. Do you want to tell us the most expensive article of clothing you have? if you don't want to do that, just tell us what do you own that's most valuable to you? Because for me, it's like a pitstain short or something like that. That's just really comfortable. But do you have like one item? I should have had you all bring this for show and tell that I have I have a bad

Well, you said favorite. do have my most meaningful or something like that. I do have that. It's not my most expensive thing that I own. I have it. I have it right here. yes, I thought I


Keith (01:13:23.694)
You didn't bring it

After I started to ask you that I was like

Are you ready? Yeah. It is Zara circa like 2015.


Uh-huh. And I, so there's a reason. So. Okay. I used to be chubby.

Laura (01:13:49.548)
Very overweight. used to be 50 pounds heavier than I am now. wow. And so I did a lot of work trying to figure out what worked for me because my autoimmunity interfered with my ability to just drop weight and get fit. so I did. I lost weight. I had a baby. I lost even more weight, kept that weight off. And then I had like 83 cousins who wanted to all get married in the same summer. And so I.

went dress shopping with my sister at Zara in New York City and

That's Zara was. I'm not hip enough to know the lingo here. Okay.

It's a fast fashion brand that I think originated in the UK, if I recall correctly. Anyway.

Amazon's here. Tanner's letting me know.

Laura (01:14:43.022)
So yeah, so I bought that like I tried it on the store and it was the first time I was ever like, I'm not like fat anymore. Like shallow, but but


And then

Well, yeah, I was really proud of the work that I had done. And then I went, every wedding I went to that summer, people were like, oh my gosh, did you lose weight? I was like, yes. And it just, felt so good in that dress. And now I'm even more proud because it's too big on me, but I can't get rid of it. Like every season when I change out my winter clothes for my summer clothes and all that sort of stuff, I just look at her and I'm just like, no, she's an icon. She's got a stick. Plus like the little ruffle. I don't know. like it.

Well, maybe your daughter will wear it one day. No? Yeah?

Laura (01:15:32.268)
I mean, she is projected to be taller than me and then that would make it very short. I can't.


I'm like, no, it's too short. my Hang on. I'll never. I can't. I can't get rid of it. I can't.

Hang on to it.

Keith (01:15:48.662)
Okay. I mean, so the equivalent for me is when I was 14, I worked at a Montesia golf course, like a miniature golf course, and next door was a Sonic. And they were giving away free shirts. And I kept this thing. I swear I only got rid of it five years ago. So I held onto that damn thing for 30 years. It was the most, it was the nastiest. And I wore it in the yard, like to mow and stuff.

it was so nasty, but it was so comfortable. And when I threw that thing away, like if you folded it, it would break. yeah. gross. Anyway, sorry. So that's the equivalent to your dress for me was a was a nasty pit stains. Checkers, not Sonic. was Checkers. yes. That's what it was. Checkers. Anyway, Jessica, do you have anything?

equivalent to a pitstain t-shirt and a nice fancy dress.

I'm sure I do, but I'll go the actual shallow route because normally I have shoes behind me. Oh, yes. Yes. You're in not in that room. Not in that room right now, but the shoe thing. But I never like spent a lot of money on it because you could get more shoes if you're not spending a ton of money on it. But, um, but I don't want there. I don't want there.

How many pairs do you have?

Jessica (01:17:12.078)
Not that I hardly wear them anymore and like I hardly but I always think like they were art to me so I like to have them out but my most expensive I do have one expensive pair it's a Fendi and I don't have them with me but I love these Fendi they're like these strappy sandals and it's that's all it's Italian but that's like the only like fancy that's the only expensive anything I really have so


Profic understands my t-shirt dilemma. just can't get rid of it. You get attached to something, So Jessica, have you ever heard of Amel DeMarcos? I'm showing my A.

Yes, because everyone calls me that. They're like, oh, it's Miss Mel Camargo's over here. well, then, yeah.

Checking. Let's see if I can get this video to play here. There's one video that I had to put in a different... Here we go. I just think this is super cool. The end. I just think this kid is incredible. Look at this. Let's see if it'll show up here. Okay. There we go. Okay. So I got it on the screen. Hang on. This kid can write in every... He's like a walking font machine.

Jessica (01:18:22.966)
That's the part of the Rune Swap.

Runes? This is the Runes font? Dude, that looks cool, man. Looks like Caesar's Palace font.


Keith (01:18:33.304)
That's cool. Dude, Chick-fil-A fun.


Ain't no that fun.

Okay, do a different font that you like.

Keith (01:18:46.78)
That's so pretty. What does that say?

Belfair? That's awesome. You just do any fonts you want because I don't know any. Do Egyptian.

I love your strip.

Jessica (01:19:00.044)
Thank you.

Keith (01:19:04.385)

That's cool, dude. What about a brand?

No. No. Don't listen. Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want, kid. This is so cool. What are we doing here?

Jessica (01:19:28.482)


So good at that, dude.

hey, that's so cute.

Thank you.

Jessica (01:19:40.818)
Alpha Beta

Alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota. Yeah, shut up dad. Let the guy grow.

I know.

You had to get a little impressive in there.

Wild as that, huh?

Jessica (01:19:55.416)
Thank you.


I can't even, wait, why is it, how do I get you all back to the regular size? There we go. I can't, I mean, I can't write legibly no font. I just thought that was really impressive there. So kudos to that kid. hope that's a marketable skill that he can use at some point in his life. And by the way, you're recording a video for the internet, which the dad clearly knew he was recording this and stuff, turn down the TV in the background, please. Just a little.

Fun fact, a little tip, I guess I should say, because it distracts. I'm trying to hear the kid. Let's do some animal videos. I've got to get these up here. This is fun. I like this.

Keith (01:21:49.57)
Dog off right there, I got it. Let's see, musical dog.

Jessica (01:22:01.614)

Jessica (01:22:14.616)

Keith (01:22:21.646)
Yeah, okay. Anyway, I just, I love animal videos, ladies, sorry.

Can I pause for like three seconds? I'm being interrupted.

Yeah, of course. OK, you have to talk to the class about what you got to know. I'm just kidding when you come back. come back, come back. We'll we'll we'll ahead. No pressure. So let's talk about.

I like the tail. like my cat doing my cat does she well I got her. No, I got her. I got a dog this last year. I got the cat. She was my right before COVID happened. I got her like October 2019. But she like she you know, cats will do the needing thing and sometimes suck on something. She has to suck the tip of her tail. It's the grossest thing ever.

He's got a cat, right?

Keith (01:23:06.814)
Hang on. Hold on a second. I can't imagine that that's an easy ask.

No, like she gets stuck and she gets stuck in the position and she's like a trans kind of doing this stuff. But yeah, and then it gets all wet and gross. And it's like, and like sometimes it'll go mad because I'm like, I'm not touching that thing. And it sounds so gross. She like it's just like, she'll be purring really loud. And then you just hear like

Yeah. Yup. So, okay. So Tanner has a routine, the older of the two dogs in this house. And every night that I get in bed, he, that's his bath time. It comes right next to the bed, right? Right next to me. So I'll either be reading a book, I'll be surfing Twitter, whatever. And every night it's his routine. He's just like,

Yeah, right

Keith (01:24:05.152)
I know. Like he's gnawing on his paws and he's, it's the most disgusting sound, you know, what I just provided for you. So, and then Matilda licks blankets. And so you'll roll over in the middle of the damn night and you'll be like, I'm cold. Let me grab this blanket. And you'll get a handful of wet dog slugs. yeah. Anyway, everything okay there on your end? Should I, should we set you free? Everything good? I'm serious. Okay. I only have a couple more things here.

no, no, no, I'm good.

Leave y'all

I've never actually seen a cat catch its tail. Right? That's a- Yeah. little bit. Chasing, yes, but catching, never.

That was interesting!

Keith (01:24:45.9)
Right, and it was like a routine thing for him because he caught it twice just in the 30 seconds we were.

And I'll post a video of my cat sucking her tail. I'll tag you guys in it because it's just gross.

Awesome. Yeah, don't forget to follow. Don't forget to follow my awesome guests here at fancy this and at force mommy. And then you can see, and by the way, Laura, are you back on Twitter? We're gone forever. Now I'm seeing you again. Is there anything we're back? We're back.

I'm back adjacent

I can chase it.

Jessica (01:25:19.87)
With self-control, she has self-control. Whatever that's called.

Yeah. It was like one of those things where I was like, spend too much time here and it's like, I have to clean my toilets.

That is fair! That's fair.

And also, I mean, not to get too deep about it, but I think sometimes, the dopamine hit that comes from interaction on Twitter, because I refuse to call it X, it's like a thing. You have to just really undo your, that mindset, like, that your value is wrapped up in how intelligent people think you are, or how pretty people think you are, or how, you know,

Everybody knows I'm not intelligent. Everyone's gonna hold me to these standards.

Laura (01:26:11.374)
Not true So yeah, so it was that it's that sort of thing too, like I just needed to just not I needed to not be present for that and

I got you.

You were on Twitter for a while too, because didn't you know that weird guy who like scammed that girl at that restaurant, the vegan, like you knew who he was on Twitter, right?

Yeah, so that was.

Time out, time out, I don't know about anybody watching, but I know about me and I have zero clue as to what is being referenced. So please enlighten all of us.

Laura (01:26:48.056)
So there was a, was it Netflix, Jess? Like it was a documentary called Bad Vegan. And it came out, I had no, I didn't know about it. I had seen it and I never even watched it. And then a journalist from Vanity Fair contacted me and he was like, hey, I was going back in, cause okay, so the crux of this is this woman opened a vegan restaurant and

somehow this Twitter guy, were they in a relationship? See, I can't even remember the relationship. And so they were scamming people out of money somehow. so the Vanity Fair journalist contacted me, and he was like, I mean, are you one of his victims? He was trying to circle around the question without being offensive or prying too much. And I was like, no.

No, no.

No, not like I the only people getting my money are like retailers So I'm not giving you anything from my talk about right Zara But some rando stranger on the internet is not scamming me out of a few hundred dollars, but he did like They kind of


Jessica (01:28:11.214)
She was in on it too for a while because it's like she acted all like I'm dumb and he was pretending to be this they were in a relationship but it's like honey you're you can't be that dumb

Right, right. It was like hundreds of thousands of dollars. Like it was, it was bad. So yeah. So I, I knew him. I kind of came into the Twitter, Twitter sphere around the same time that, what was that first?

Laura (01:28:41.462)
Not, no, not Po-Pat. Po-Pat's coming in my head for some reason. But no, there was like a, there was like a faux person controversy around the time that I came in. my gosh. Like everybody who knows what's, who knows what this is, is screaming right now. It was somebody and their wife was A and she had a fake miscarriage and I cannot think of the name of this person's handle right now.

I know the feeling.

Keith (01:29:08.588)

Driving me nuts. But that was sort of when I came into the Twitter sphere like right as that was being discovered and I was like what's happening here and I guess I'll hang out here because it feels like you know, I can find some people who maybe view the world in the same way that I do but Twitter's a wild place


remember for the longest time, mean, you had the tweet, is this still up there? It was the most prophetic tweet of all time. And it was so, it's not up there anymore, you said?


Laura (01:29:42.516)
Now, now is today's a good day to hate the government. then it was just a friendly neighborhood reminder that the government's favorite activity is to use fear to strip rights. And it was seriously, that was a completely self-serving tweet because I mean, I don't even care at this point. I'm an anti-vaxxer. so I had experienced many situations. also, I'm also vaccine injured. Like I think that people, they don't like they're told that it's a one in a million kind of

phenomenon and they have no idea what they're talking about because it's not one million, but I'm

any hope for HHS under RFK?

I just want, this is what I want. I want people who want to vaccinate their kids to vaccinate their kids. I want real authentic science on the table because that's not happening. There are so much, like there are pharmaceutical companies who are exchanging CEOs with like our own FDA and CDC. I want parents to be able to sue for vaccine injuries, which you can't do, which a lot of people don't know about. There's a lot of stuff, but.

But one of the things that I noticed was, so in the aftermath of the Disneyland measles outbreak was when a lot of states started taking away the religious exemption for vaccines. I don't think that you should need a religious exemption, you should be able to have a philosophical one. But for example, even in the state of New York,

Laura (01:31:19.328)
as a vaccine-injured person, I could not get a medical exemption for my children. And so the religious exemption was all I had to rely on. And then they took that away within two weeks of me moving to New York state. And so that was when I started noticing, first of all, people don't understand the measles and how not scary it is. But second of all, that fear that they use to prey upon mothers and fathers

to manipulate you into getting a vaccine will then also be the fear that they use to take away your right to refuse it. so that was like, I could just see the writing on the wall. Like I heard about COVID. It was like still in China when I tweeted that.

Because that was early. That was before it was a mainstream conversation. Yeah. We did that.

Yeah. yeah, I just, knew I was like, this, this is going to happen. They're going to, they're going to, it's going to come here and they're going to use this to control and manipulate because people are afraid they, they still have a lot of faith in the medical system. And it's like, okay, that's the number three killer in the United States of America, but do go off about how you're, you know, Western medicine is fabulous. I could go on and on and on and on about this, but.

Yes, I mean, I could just see I knew what was going to happen. you know, conservatives like to pretend like they were ahead of the curve on this one. And I'm like, okay, then why was why were Texas cops walking business owners out of their businesses and cops? Like this? Everybody was wrong on this from the very beginning. There wasn't it only started when it became political. It was like, Trump wants us to take a vaccine. not taking a vaccine. And the right was like, that you wants us to wear masks. We're not wearing masks. And it was like this like,

Laura (01:33:11.47)
push pool of weird rebellion that had nothing to do with what was actually happening. And that was the erosion of our freedom based off of fear mongering.

Okay, so earlier I asked are we ever going to see the Epstein files? Are we ever going to see prosecutions for the people that perpetrated this insanity?

No, because then Trump would have to take ownership of Fauci.

Ding ding ding!

It's just not how I mean, the thing like everybody allowed their fear to make them irrational. Everybody on both sides of the aisle. It was just.

Keith (01:33:46.83)
It's amazing how those that that hated the vaccine suddenly loved it on January 20th, 2021. Anyway, so let's see here.

This is, I have to ask. Did y'all see, did I send you all the story of the kid with the ice cream? Can I send that to you? Send the ice cream kid. The in Pleasant, New York. You're not the first. So a kid in New York called the police to report that his mom, report his mom for eating his ice cream. Okay. He's a four year old.


Jessica (01:34:23.982)
Well, what kind of ice cream? What kind of ice cream was it? Do we know?

you dare. You're throwing a curveball here that might actually convince me and I don't want it to go down that road. So he said he told dispatchers come get my mommy. When officers arrived he decided he didn't want her arrested just he wanted his dessert back. The next day the cops returned with ice cream and blue sprinkles turning a crime into a sweet surprise says the New York Post. Screw that!

Yeah, actually.

Call his mom, 911 on his mom.

Red guard? That is a little red guard-ish. Like, come on.

Keith (01:35:03.786)
It right okay, so it's bad parenting if you let your kid call 9-1-1 four-year-old unsupervised Yeah, don't be don't don't you dare

him for knowing how to do it though.

Or an actual emergency like my mommy fated or had a heart attack. I mean, yeah.

the kids are nar-

Keith (01:35:23.054)
Yeah, and I think that the police were nurturing his narcaness by showing up next day with ice cream saying, kid, don't forget, you you have a tip, you better tell us. mean, the kid's gonna be a spoiled brat is the bottom line. Right. but.

The sense of entitlement there is, like, I'm like, that's the bigger concern. Mom needs to get rid of that. But also, like, a really healthy snitches gets stitches and end up in ditches line to throw your

Hold on, hold on a second. I want you to make a point, but I've never heard it end up in ditches.

Grow up in the hood, Keith, and then you know the full sentence. But yeah, no. I would. I'm sure I'm going to get lambasted for this, but I taught that to my kids. Because my thing is, like, and I would teach them. I mean, this sounds so bizarre when I'm saying it back and I'm hearing myself think it. But I teach them, like if they would come tattling on each other.

Because there's an age where that sort of happens, where they start to understand right and wrong and justice and all of that. But then when they would start tattling on each other, I'm like, don't come to me unless somebody is bleeding or dying. Snitches get stitches and end up in ditches. And you guys should be a united force against me. Because I'm really good at ferreting out the truth, but I also want them to understand I'm going to leave this earth and you will only have each other.

Laura (01:36:54.382)
Stop tattling on each other you little bitches. Like, there's got to be a limit here. I don't want to hear, he took me, he's looking at me. Like, kids are dumb. You got to parent that stuff out of them.

Thank you.

Keith (01:37:08.942)
I don't want to get sad and weepy here. Let me just say one thing for any parents out there that are thinking that have one kid right now and are trying to debate, should I have another one? Should we have more blah, blah? The answer is always yes. And let me tell you why. Because you just said something that kind of I hate this word triggered me, but it just it made me think when you just said when you leave this earth, you will have each other. I'm telling you, don't let your kids if you can help it.

Don't let your kids be only children. Because when that parent dies, there is nobody on this planet experiencing what they're experiencing. And it fucking sucks. Okay, so have more kids. The end.

Yeah, when my dad died, one of the fun things, this sounds like a weird thing to say, but one of the fun things that we had was each other and each other's memories. Because nobody could understand what we grew up with but the other siblings and being able to have those shared memories with each other and share about the funny stuff too. Do you remember that one time that dad screamed at you because there was a leak in the house and you weren't getting the bucket fast enough? Those kind of things too.

Yes, it is. Yes.

It's a road camaraderie builder.

Jessica (01:38:25.55)
Yeah, we have one of those, hey, remember when mom was reaching around the back of the car to beat you and she actually hit someone's boyfriend or something instead? yeah.

Okay, let's see here. I don't want to spend too much time on these next two stories. It's just, I want to point out that people just are so self-absorbed. Self-absorbed because this guy, he invited all the kids because the school forced him to. You have to, if you're going to send out invitations in a classroom, you have to invite the entire class.

And so this kid invited 24 kids to his birthday party because the school made him and and nobody RSVP'd. That's that's that's strike number one. But yet all the kids showed up at the I think a bowling alley. It was like it was like a fun center or whatever. But anyway, but see. So let's see here. I'm trying to think of what is the op here?

I don't know. Anyway, so he got nervous. The dad got nervous. didn't want nobody showing up to his kid's party. So he started inviting.

the, gosh, what is the OP? What is that short for here? I forget here. This story is written poorly. I'll tell you that, news break. But anyway, long story short, all these people showed up with their siblings and their cousins and all this stuff. This guy ended up having to pay through the nose all because, including a cleanup.

Keith (01:40:04.59)
and extra charge for all this food. He was out hundreds of dollars that he wouldn't have been otherwise. And it just comes down to simple respect. RSVP. gosh.

Don't even offer to pay. what that was, especially that no one was RSVPing. Why was he still offering to pay? I've been like, you show up. It's on your dime now.

Yeah, I didn't want to get into the minutia of the story, but you're exactly right. Like they the place didn't tell him and he had to. It's a mess. It's a mess. But it all goes back to just simple. Just be a decent person. RSVP and I just the common decency is gone. Just common sense, just common courtesy. Here we have the Bayou Adventure at Disney World got stopped for an hour because some guy and his son, his little kid.

They decided, you know what, let's jump out of our little log ride here and go for a tour behind the scenes. And they refused to get back into the thing. It's like, I don't understand people anymore. It's just stupid stuff. Anyway.

Present property there's rules people like I'm all about being you know doing whatever but come on

Keith (01:41:13.876)
One last thing for you here, ladies. I have a video here. I want to know. I want to know the strangest way you've ever been injured, because because this video, I swear this could have so easily been me. Let me find it here. Hang on. crap. That's the video. Me and Wes were trying to figure out which video we were missing earlier.

when we were loading these into the streaming service. Hang on a second. Here it is. Hang on. I'm going to find it. I'm going to find it. Hang on. Where is it? Oh, you know what? I'll you what. I'll just describe it and then I'll play it. I'm going to make Brad watch it next week. Brad and Jeffy. Oh, here it is. Oh, I found it. I found it. Here we go. Hang on. Here we go. Hang on a second. me. OK. I got too much going on here, ladies. Hang on. I'll get this queued up for you. Hang on.

We're a professional operation here. I like it. So I want I want you to watch this until this could have easily been me. Hang on. Watch this. Strangest way you've ever been injured. Watch this poor lady at the bottom of screen. Hey, so she's walking. Walking. She's walking. What's this shopping? I don't know where the shopping cart came from.

Keith (01:42:41.71)
She gets pinned, she gets rolled over, and then it spikes the football in her white hair. Look at that, that's rough.

That's like the worst luck ever

I hope

Right? Okay, that could have easily been me. Alright, so Jessica, what's the weirdest way you've ever been injured?

Jessica (01:43:06.958)
I really haven't been injured much, but now that I'm getting old, the weirdest is sleep is sleeping. I wake up hurting from sleeping now, you know.

Can I just say I paid way too much for a mattress? It causes me way too much pain and I'm getting really pissed about it. Anyhow.

Yeah, pillows and mattresses. Like it's so hard to get it just right.


Yeah, and then it ruins your day. In other words, you sleep like crap, and then your day's ruined because now your back hurts or your neck hurts, and you're like, damn, how much did I spend on that mattress? I'm so pissed. Y'all, I can't even begin. I have not talked about this. I have this thin piece of wood under my mattress. I've taken that out. I've put floor mats under my mattress. It has been a process, and it still frickin' sucks. Anyway, Laura, any weird injuries for you?

Laura (01:44:00.12)
the same. Like I, I'm trying think if I have ever injured myself oddly. But no, I'm, it's like the older I get now it's, I, you my neck doesn't feel quite right or.

I've tried to cut my fingers off. got bored with cutting the shrubs out front. And so I decided, you know what? Let me just try to cut my fingers off. And that was fun. Three of them there. But anyway.

That's a good way to be inventive and creative and, you know, have fun new things to. Yeah.

It's a hell of a story, I'll tell you that. Anyway, I appreciate y'all's time today. Please make sure that you follow, follow at Fancy This, at ForrestMommy. Jessica, I wanted to ask you, because I know you do live streams, is there a set schedule that people need to know, or should they just turn on notifications and just hope that they see when you go live?

My the stuff for my channel anymore is not so but still follow me at first mommy and rumble especially but the the Friday night show I've been doing correct correct opinion is That's been every front. We're doing that every Friday night. So that one's scheduled 11 Eastern as we start

Keith (01:45:14.19)
11 p.m. Eastern. All right.

9 p.m. in the best time.

That is the best time. There is not. You could drop me down anywhere in the Mountain Time Zone and I will be in heaven. Yes, that's a fact. All right. And Laura, you should do some live stream. Can we get you to do some live stream?

Yep, this was your first one, right?

Bye. How was it?

Jessica (01:45:35.798)
Give her a hand.

Thank you. I mean, I'll hang out with you guys. That's fun.

All right. All right, ladies. Thank you so much. I hope you have a great weekend. Please be safe out there. I know there are storms in the middle of the country. Everyone, please keep your eye to the sky. Be safe. Have a great weekend. And we'll see you back here Thursday at 3 PM Eastern when we talk about America's first dictator, with razor fist. We're going to talk about Abraham Lincoln. Thank you all so much. Be well.