Jan. 24, 2025

Winter Survival & Shooting Dynamite – The Wild Side of Alaska

Winter Survival & Shooting Dynamite – The Wild Side of Alaska

Winter Survival, Alaska’s Deep Freeze, and Wild Stories You Won’t Believe
Join us for a Friday Live Stream featuring Ward Clark and Ed Bishop as we break down extreme winter conditions, life in Alaska, survival tips, and unbelievable stories from their past. 

Ward Clark anbd Ed Bishop join us on the livestream today! 
Topics Covered:
00:00:00 - Introduction & What’s Coming Up
00:00:30 - Welcome & Tech Issues
00:03:57 - Genius vs. Hero West – What’s the Better Nickname?
00:06:18 - Guest Intros: Ward Clark & Ed Bishop Join the Chat
00:06:51 - Live from Alaska: The Big Freeze Explained
00:09:11 - Voiceovers and Podcast Production with Ed Bishop
00:11:52 - The Worst Winter Mistakes You Need to Avoid
00:20:39 - The Weirdest Inventions (Progresso Soup Drops?!)
00:27:07 - The Dumbest Things We’ve Done (Including Shooting Dynamite)
00:30:36 - Best Concert Experiences Ever (Led Zeppelin & Roger Waters)
00:36:57 - Ancient Greek Time Travel Proof
00:47:45 - Alaska’s Denali Name Controversy
00:53:34 - The Legendary Frugality of Our Dads (Insane Money-Saving Hacks)
00:57:58 - Would You Walk Across This Insane Glass Bridge?
01:06:02 - Can Cats Understand Human Sounds? Try This at Home
01:16:48 - Why the U.S. Government Needs You to Read Cursive
01:22:18 - The Lost Art of Letter Writing – Is It Dying?
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What’s your biggest winter disaster story? Share it in the comments.

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Ward Clark’s Articles: RedState.com
Ed Bishop’s Podcast Services: ADBvoiceovers.com

Keith's Personal Account On X: @KeithMalinak
The Shows Account on X: @AtTheMicShow

- At Work But Can’t Watch? Listen To Our Podcast Atthemic.transistor.fm (Links to all platforms are there)


e e e e e e hello happy Friday everybody and I hope everybody's doing well I actually I hope you can hear me that's actually the uh goal number one right now um because I hope you enjoyed the picture of the car driving down the road there was actually uh the music uh I got to hear the music I don't know if you did but um anyway hello there we go see okay cool I hear myself yay all right that's all that matters and yes I realize there are two YouTube links right now uh we we're working on uh we're working on that uh genius West

I don't know genius West or hero West because I feel like I mean he both both nicknames apply but I don't know hero West seems Seems to flow better so thank you for making time um let's see uh tomorrow let's well I'm sorry yesterday if you missed the Thursday Deep dive Brad Stags was here we talked about oh my gosh about a dozen different topics so if you want to talk about uh remote viewing that's your show if you want to talk about a cure for uh Parkinson's that's your show if you want to talk

about uh I don't know it was a ton of stuff uh G Brooks being a possible serial killer it was a fun show it's a fun show and so I hope you will check it out it's available at youtube.com atthe mic uh and it's of course Keith malinac on Twitter and I appreciate all the feedback there uh Toby talking about no music yeah any any kind of I it I I I I need to hear from y'all what you're experiencing out there but hopefully you hear me and all is well in that uh department now don't forget next Thursday uh so six days from

now there's either a very exciting topic an exciting guess that will happen either that day or a day in the future but I don't want to tease it because I don't want to get burned and then you guys are expecting a a specific show so it it might honestly be and I'm totally fine with this if it happens it might be a show where you just chime in with the topics that you want us to talk about maybe guest ideas stuff like that so I need to do one of those shows at some point anyway it just that my hand may be forced uh on

Thursday uh regardless of my best plans so there you go uh let's see other housekeeping next Friday Chris Cruz will join me here on the Friday live stream or is it called happy hour I really don't know uh Wes is making awesome thumbnails I know that uh but also a new that's never been on the Friday live stream another blaze cooworker of mine Ken kikendall and I will probably call him Kyle during the entire episode something that we will have a fun time explaining uh when we do that so alrighty I don't

want to delay any longer let me get a couple of awesome gentlemen in here I got Ed Bishop I think it's your second visit into the lair yes it is and Ward Clark who did an awesome Thursday deep dive with me on Alaska that's pinned to the top of the YouTube page so go check that out like subscribe share share you got to share this stuff uh and make sure that uh your friends family hell your enemies doesn't matter to me uh make sure that they know about this but uh Ward let me let me just let me start with

you about I want to know what it's like right now in Alaska because down here in the lower 48 we are are experiencing Alaska I think for the last couple of weeks got a over a foot of snow in the southern edge of Louisiana two days ago temperatures have been very chilly it's been hysterical I love winter weather but I just want did did it all the cold air empty out of Alaska what's going on up there right now man by the way redstate.com Ward uh uh writes up some awesome articles over there uh from

his homestead in Alaska how's the weather bro well it's it's funny you mentioned sending the cold air down there because that's pretty much exactly what's happened uh this same uh Arctic air flow that's coming down over the lower 48 uh and up here uh everybody who's not in Alaska we refer to you as being outside with a capital O so that's what's happening outside that but on the edges of this Arctic you know Vortex that's pushing this cold air down all the way down to you on the edges it's coming up and it's bringing warm Pacific

Ocean Air right up over South Central Alaska so right now it's 41 degrees it's raining everything is melting it's been this way for almost two weeks next week we go back to normal which we alaskans expect and approve of this time of year it'll be single digits during the day and below zero at night and everything will freeze back up and we won't be sliding all over the place okay all right uh very cool so uh there's the uh on the ground report from Alaska Ward Clark redstate.com go check out his

stuff uh Ed Bishop my other guest you're here in Texas with me uh Ed Bishop voiceovers I mean you do a pretty much you do a lot of stuff what what all do you do over there man yeah uh voiceovers is my main thing but uh you know past couple years I've dove into podcast production so I'm more of a uh oh yeah more of like the the beginner podcasters um you know people that have never even recorded themselves before they got their setup in their you know office or their bedroom whatever and uh you know

they just they hire me to take their audio and mix it down add intros and outros and kind of customize it up so that it sounds you know a little more professional you know all right yeah so okay so is is it Ed Bishop voiceovers.com yeah ADB voiceovers.com also badass podcast uh intros is the other one yeah so yeah so just kind of a mix of everything in the audio world you know okay that's awesome um are you able to help podcasts uh stay on the air U and make their videos play uh properly because we've been having

trouble here at at the mic for sure not good at that we're gonna we're gonna test it later I'm so nervous y'all I don't even think it's gonna work because uh I think there was a sneak peek with no music playing before we got started today I think you're gonna it's gonna be a treat so uh I I printed this uh here uh somebody posted this on uh I don't know Instagram here I took a screenshot it says uh going back to the weather uh I should say Ward it says I'm over this free trial 7-Day free trial of living in

Alaska so it's exactly what it's like down here okay I got cold weather tips because everybody's experiencing it everybody except for maybe South Florida has been going through it the last couple of weeks to one degree or another uh so these are just these are just six things you should not keep keep in your car actually I think it's seven I don't think USA Today knows how to count we'll see apparently don't leave your sunglasses in there I think I think the thing is is that if you go to pick them

up right if they're frozen then they'll crack or something I think that's what they were trying to say with that so so be sure to to make sure that you're oh aerosol cans extreme temperatures can cause aerosol cans to become unstable oh they could break or explode oh that would be a bad trip out to your car um let's see canned Beverages and Foods oh my goodness hold on a second ward I I'm sure you've gone through this a lot in Alaska when I lived in Nebraska we kept coolers of like Coke and stuff

out on the deck of the apartment and because it was a natural refrigerator but the problem was it was a natural freezer and so all the cokes exploded and you just had this nasty cooler filled with like you know corn syrup and stuff uh yep but yeah that's uh I I grew up in Northeast Iowa and our Winters there were other than the daylight hours they weren't that much different than the winters here and I've had that happen exploding Coke cans it's always interesting Ed you have have you ever experienced in your life because you're

from you're from Philly right New York New York I'm sorry yeah I lived in Philly I came from Philly before the blaze yeah yeah so I mean you you've experienced cold weather I mean I hate it I I'm not on this no I I I was telling my wife the other day we you know obviously live in Texas now about 20 miles from Keith um I would rather have it be 98 Degrees oh oh that's just me I really I I swear I'd never say that yeah I love the cold but no I'm done with it man I'm gonna retire to South Florida at some point yeah I

lived there three different times in you know when I was younger so yeah but no I want the man I you know what's funny I lived near the beach several years of my life I never went except for like you know at night to go drink I never actually went to the beach you know yeah no no I just like it I don't like um I just don't like cold anymore yeah yeah yeah and hey the older I get I may change my tune as well but I don't know Ward you you sought out the cold you sought out Alaska when you retired right

we we did yeah uh my grandfather used to say every cat its own rat and uh I'm very happy living in a place where it never gets above 75 degrees I love that phrase I got I could live at 75 like if you kept me there I'd be fine I just don't like the the dipping cold it's all it's all in what you're used to because around here uh we we have a running joke uh you can always spot the locals because when it gets above about 45 degrees they're in tank tops and shorts uh it it's all a matter of that now then when it gets cold last last

winter we had I think two or three overnights where it was below 30 below and that gets to the point where if you see a wolf with a rabbit he's not eating the rabbit he's wearing it oh so when it gets cold here cold for an Alaskan is you know below about 15 or 20 below that's that's when we start worrying about it being really really cold it's kind of opposite here right Keith like here you you know they're when it's 47 or 48 and they're bundled up like an es and they're whining and oh station in San Antonio I saw that

yeah so I got a question Ward when it gets that cold obviously when when we're going to be below freezing for you know any any amount of time here you're supposed to drip your pipes and all that stuff so they don't you know freeze up and explode and then you got a total mess serious question I'm not being factious are you obviously it's 41 degrees there but a normal uh scenario are you dripping your pipes Around the Clock all winter there or or is it built differently not normally our houses are built for for it

uh our our water comes from a well and and the line from the well head to the house is like four feet underground so it's not freezing up got it and and our house all our piping of course like most houses is under the uh under the the main floor we have I guess you'd call it a crawl space it's not not quite a basement it's not quite a a Sellar uh but there's an enormous Stone heat sink down there our wood stove the the air circulates around our wood stove down through this Stone heat sink and then up

into the house and that stone heat sink keeps that entire crawl space pretty warm how cool so you and it's the same with earthquakes our houses are built to be earthquake proof because it's earthquake country yeah yeah you're in that don't know that about Alaska but Anchorage was almost wiped out by I think it was 1964 the big earthquake um so we're we're we're built for it um okay well um I I will say you know living in Nebraska I just thought of this in the dorm rooms at the University of Nebraska we had these long vertical

blinds and it would and so the air the space between the glass and the blind you know maybe uh seven8 Ines long or wide and you would keep you could keep stuff cold there in the winter there's like a built-in refrigerator it wild because that cold air was trapped behind there anyway uh don't don't uh eat frozen eggs just I want you to know the USDA says that's bad don't let your eggs crack uh don't let them get Frozen they want you to throw them away uh let's see Electronics oh oh when we were moving

out of Omaha to Charleston South Carolina all of our stuff from the same apartment I'm referring to here was in one of those little external garages and so all of our stuff was just boxed up because we never planned on staying there too long and sure enough you know it was easy to back the U-Haul up easy he says it was zero degrees and I remember my uh my cell phone at the time I'm trying to think it was my watch I think it was my cell phone it was just it was just blinking in and out almost like that picture and Back to the Future

where Michael J fox is looking at him and his siblings fading in and out I mean that was that was nasty cold so Electronics don't let them get cold I think we've gone through the list here oh medications wow yeah okay so they're just saying that uh they become ineffective or even dangerous that's weird I wonder what happens with that I don't have a lot of details here but uh maybe like liquid the liquid maybe that's got to be right can't be pill I wouldn't think yeah oh yeah any liquid minut medication good job Ed suspended

state will likely be negatively affected if it's frozen wow I don't know who's keeping their meds outside but just in case you are now you know and I love this I want to thank USA Today things you hold on let me let me get this right the exact headline because wait till you hear this one six things you shouldn't leave in your car in freezing temperatures shout out to the USA Today for reminding us don't leave your loved ones in the car crap all right uh let's see here I that is known as belaboring the obvious

they needed they're like we've already written the headline it says six we need a six okay um gentlemen who who wants to start here uh Ward I'm gonna let you uh I'm Gonna Let You Go First Ward what is your favorite comfort food oh boy uh is I'm sorry this is this is not so rapid fire I forgot to set that table so take your time answering this and whiskey absolutely it's its own food group yep yeah that's it's I find whiskey comforting um if I had to name one thing it's an actual food um my wife

makes a Sourdough crust homemade pizza that is just amazing it's one of my favorite wait a minute sounds good bro oh I when I go to a diner or something and it's you know you order the toast I always go with the sourdough toast oh yeah I've never even thought of that with a pizza oh that's what I yeah I want that try it it's it's it's great um and plus the fact that you know my wife made it and that always uhuh is a little extra yeah yeah look at that I got beef strogen off yeah that's uh quick easy

see if anybody else got anything here yeah uh all right so uh Edward what do you got first of all whiskey is definitely food all right I agree that's a good Comfort uh I I have to say um it's funny because I talking to my wife and I'm like um what you know as a comfort food because she was in here two seconds ago I couldn't think of anything really then it just popped in my head grilled cheese and tomato soup I don't know why yeah just love that combin and it always every time I eat it I don't know maybe just brings me back to

like childhood memories or something but I like it on sourdough would be really good too but I like it on rye like a rye toast I'm gonna next two hours all I'm GNA be thinking about a sourdough pizza crust bro I mean that's yeah yeah he got me on that one I'm like man I G get the sour uh yeah okay so uh soup obviously is a good one and you you mentioned it there with tomato soup but have you seen what Progresso is doing and it I love Progresso soup I love chicken noodle soup but I'm not so into what they're

offering which is soup drops what these are these are candy candy uh drops that taste like soup okay somebody should have engaged their inner 12-year-old on that subtitle because soup you can suck on yeah somebody didn't think that through uh this is this is the General Mills press release on this I'm going to read just part of it enjoy soup like never before Progresso trademark your go-to for comforting premium soups is innovating Beyond expectations this cold and flu season with the launch of the

first ever limited edition soup drops what's a soup drop well it's soup you can suck on of course I not in a million years do I want that has got to be so gr that would ruin soup for me yeah it's awful it's it's funny you mention that because last Christmas and like most people bacon right I mean Bacon's way up there yeah so my kids uh sent me this uh oh hang on bacon candy yeah okay and it doesn't taste anything like bacon not even remotely it just tastes like any hard candy it's just a little lump of

sugar and I've got you know almost the whole thing left because I don't like hard candy I hope your kids aren't watching oh the kids didn't understand it is like it was kind of a gag thing because Dad loves bacon because who doesn't it just who wrote this press release listen to this while most folks flock to the cough drop at the first sign of a cold Progresso is here to say hold my spoon this is real this isn't a joke this is real 100% real Ed yes this yes wow uh old my SP Progresso soup drops

deliver the classic hearty flavor of Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup in a format that will definitely suprise fans it's a convenient hard candy drop reminding you the comfort you can find in a bowl of Progresso soup okay I'm known on red State as the man with the golden pun and I even cringed at that one you know what they're doing here it's got to be that they're just they're just trying to sell Progresso soup so they make a limited uh supply of these you get the name people talking about Progresso like me Tada here I am you win

I I don't know man just uh I just don't like that at all just gross it looks disgusting even the little things in the can there I know uh okay what's up next here oh oh no some of these questions see I've talked about this before I've got this game uh these game cards I don't even know the name of theame they've get these little questions you know deep questions deeper questions ice breakers all stuff I I I can tell I got this next question from that what lessons have you learned the hard way like here's an example uh I electrocuted

myself I've told this story flung me across the room uh back when I was in high school at my grandparents house when I was messing with the back of the TV lucky to be alive I'm still a dumbass so anyway um Ed uh what what what are some lessons you've learned the hard way well there's probably a lot of them uh but one that sticks out to me because I've done it three times so I never learned it until maybe the third hopefully there's no fourth but uh not having this was back in the 90s not having the right uh lug wrench in my car

oh no and I used to travel between New York in Florida a lot you know with no money just enough money for gas to get me from one place to the other and I didn't have triaa I don't even know if that existed then I don't know but I couldn't afford it if it did um and yeah I mean you know four o'clock in the morning driving straight through in North Carol line it happened and in another time on a different trip it happened just outside of Jacksonville so in the middle of nowhere and uh along the interstate and both times I knew

from the previous time that the lug wrench was wrong I never switched out when I got back home I ended up having to have it one guy with a tow truck just stopped to help me another time a State Trooper this is in Florida he's pulls over this is about five in the morning and I was sleeping at that point because I was like what the hell else am I gonna do um I get out and I even had the four-way lug right like which is supposed to fit everything right none of them fit uh and he pulls over and he's like all right I'll have

somebody sent here in the next like 20 30 minutes I was there till 7 8ish in the morning like three or four hours after the cop had left nobody ever showed up So eventually another tow truck drove by and I flagged him down luckily neither one of the guys charged I didn't have anything anyway but they didn't charge me they just literally took the you know lugs off I I did the work I put the little dut on and whatever but I'm like you got to be kidding me so hold on a second so I didn't really learn right obviously yeah

so I didn't really learn the hard way but again I do now so I just haven't been tested since then hold on a second you said uh this happened in North Carolina y North Carolina just yeah yeah I still remember the town uh rapid no wait Rowan Oak rapid Rowan Oak Rapids yeah yeah it's right there exit North Carolina it happened again you said in Jacksonville just out yeah like along the interstates it wasn't in Jacksonville was out the country yeah what was the third location you said third was Upstate New York it was where

I that was right in my own area that was the first time you would think at that point so I so were people nicer than uh in the South or New York or you know no new my in New York my friend owns a uh I went to high school with him he owns a like a tow service and a garage so I just I went to person's house and used their phone and called him and he just he came out and helped me out but still like I didn't have that option uh you know thousand miles away from there uh I and I'm and I have no idea what Ward is

about to say about learning the hard way but I just my gut tells me has something to do with with cold weather or something in Alaska and surviving the winters Am I Wrong uh well not that wasn't the first thing that came to mind um I would say uh the one thing I learned the hard way was never get involved in a land war in Asia which I did but I met my wife there that was uh Desert Storm the first Gulf War I did meet my wife there we've been married for almost 33 years so I I came out of that fairly well no the one that came to

mind that that didn't end disastrously but could have would be don't shoot at a stick of dynamite yeah um when my grandfather passed away I was 14 and uh he he died in June and that November my grandmother was making arrangements to turn the farm over to my uncle who was going to to run it and my cousin and I went out to shoot some pheasants on the farm and grandma said you know boys come in after you're done and I'll give you lunch and we're sitting in there after that eating lunch and grandma says there's a couple of

boxes of Grandpa's stuff still out in the barn you boys go through it I think that's the last that's left take anything you want oh boy because the rest is going to the dump oh boy so the first thing we found in these boxes was a stack of girly magazines and it was a couple of years before I realized why kept his girly magazines in the barn and I was like oh oh grandpa but there was two old sweaty sticks of dynamite down in the bottom of one of those boxes and I don't know if you ever seen Dynamite but it when it

sweats it's like crystals it's not like a liquid it's like these white crystals form on the stick and that those crystals are nitroglycerin oh so we thought my cousin says you know wonder what would happen if we shot it these with my 22 so we took them out to the the back cornfield stood them up in the fence row and started shooting and like I'm sure we're hitting them and we kind of creeped up kind of close and looked yeah there's bullet holes in them they didn't go off so suddenly this is where things

could have gone horribly wrong um and and before before you continue sorry to interrupt you uh where was this what state are we in oh this was in Eastern Iowa Eastern Iowa okay so so probably rural lot of room here okay yeah it was my my grandparents Farm I was making sure it wasn't down here next to the HOA president you know oh yeah the the farm had actually been a century Farm it was in my mother's family for over a hundred years okay uh my my great great-grandfather homesteaded it before the Civil War oh wow cool anyway um so

my cousin had a sudden Rush of brains to the head and said you know this could be dangerous and I said you think and he said yeah because if Grandma hears the 22 shooting comes out here and sees what we're doing she'll cut a switch and beat the hell out of both of us now we were a couple of big tough Farm kids grandma was 4 foot 10 and maybe weighed 90 pounds and we had no doubt that she could have beat the hell out of both and would have um so that I I don't know if that qualifies it's something that could have

ended badly and I don't know if we would have learned from it or not because rural kids and explosives just go together like a I guess like soup and rock candy oh boy okay uh let's see uh Ward what was your Best Concert Experience easy 1978 St Paul Led Zeppelin oh oh nice we got up to within 10 feet of the stage Robert Plant was standing right over us right in front of the speakers looking up at Robert Plant with his shirt ripped open and the mic and he's got the mic out there he's probably got

a he's probably got a cigarette in his hand yep now we couldn't hear anything but tined us for about 48 hours after the [Laughter] concert ears were ringing huh you didn't you didn't put any cotton or anything in your ears it probably wouldn't have made a difference that close to the we we didn't even we were shooting in those days we go out and shoot 100 rounds of trap and no hearing protection you're You' be oh you did pretty good today huh nobody nobody thought of those things back right right yeah was

70s yeah uh I can't top that LE Zeppelin's one of my favorite I obviously never saw them but uh as you can see that's side I yeah I see that album cover right there yeah um mine um man I got so many different ones for different reasons more fun whatever but sonically soundwise I saw um uh oh my God Roger Waters do the Wall tour in 2010 or 11 he re created that tour and it was just that album and that they built up the whole wall piece by piece as the the concert went on and then they tore through it it had and I'm

not I'm not like I I really can't stand him uh but none of us can that was the most uh like just mindblowing show from an audio person's perspective like you couldn't there was I always find things wrong at shows I'm one of those people like a man I'm bull crap it's eching over whatever you know but I'm telling you I could not there was nothing nothing wrong with it and I was with the right people like everything about it was was great um then again I go back to my like teens and 20s I had just more

party and concerts that were that were fun in their own way but that one was just awesome that was unbelievable yeah yeah that's cool man and what you do with audio I do with guns on television and movies oh really yeah yeah my wife makes me keep a jar to stick a dollar in every time I criticize uh we were watching a movie once that had to do with the British Army in India in the 1930s and a row of British soldiers runs through the screen just boom bo bo bo boom like that with their rifles on on

the slings and uh I looked at my wife said that's the wrong rifle and she goes what do you mean I said that's the number four mark one infield they should have the number you know the number one mark three probably from isopore Arsenal and she goes how can you tell I said the muzzle cap is completely different oh man that was that was when that started and um and of course one of my pet peeves is someone brings up a pistol and you hear a yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah don't do that yeah oh Ward I think uh

you would enjoy watching movies with my son because he does the same thing like he he knows like which gun belongs in which period of history and if it's wrong he'll pause it he'll be like okay so that's that's not accurate uh that's awesome man uh let's see so what's a what's a random thing that you know a lot about Ed uh I don't know if it's random but not a lot of people do it is like uh home brewing making my own beer yeah yeah so I mean like you know uh that's like I said it's not really random but it's something I've really

taken an act to and kind of dove into about 105 years ago haven't done it a lot recently I've just I've gotten more into whiskey and B you know bourbons and scotches and stuff over the last couple years but I still have the setup I still Brew maybe twice a year I used to brew all the time so I don't know I don't know like I said I don't know if it's really like a weird or uncommon thing but it's not really common that people Homebrew but that's kind of couldn't think of anything else that I know a lot

about of that's that's random you know what I I'm sending you a text and it's really uh it's really just a reminder to myself uh and I just sent it right now if you want to uh if you want to read it if your phone is Within Reach um I don't know if you want to read that uh that text because this like you just said at the onset you're 20 miles from me so the the little text says go oh wait Keith go drink it EDS yeah so I'll be over there real soon please do I got um bring your wife too because I don't know if she

likes cers I made a a really good hard cider that's on tap out in the garage as well I'm too far away but I'd Beed to next time I'm in the 48 to drop anytime anytime I always love people coming over for drinking you don't make uh uh you don't make any wine do you right no I tried wine once or twice a while back it just tastes like awful grape juice it just doesn't taste like wine not me I've had some other people's homemade wine and I I don't I've never met anyone yet yet that has made it to taste like to

taste like a bottle of wine you know it always just has like a like my beer not just my beers but I've had a lot of other people home Brewers beers they actually taste like a beer you would buy you know what I mean like a a beer but any wine that I've always had like crafted I it's it's always tasted like a it's like a juice more than a wine in my op my experience yeah my wife makes dandelion wine and uh I'm not a wine guy I it tastes good to me uh but we have a friend who is a wine guy he has his own

label and uh he he appreciated it he thought it was pretty good but I'm I'm not qualified to to say whether wine not I'm gonna whiskey guy yeah but I'm gonna sound like an idiot here but dandelion wine dandelion wine you use the blossoms really yep that is fasc my grandmother my grandmother made it my grandmother made plum wine blackberry wine all kinds of wines huh and my wife actually adapted her recipe for for dandelion wine and boy do we have a lot of dandelions up here in the Summer She yeah Keith if any if it has sugar in it

you can convert that to alcohol so yeah so that's the key yeah okay um uh I guess Ward you've kind of answered that uh a random thing you know a lot about I mean you said it was guns and uh um what was the other thing you said uh well uh the first when when you asked I had that question the first thing came to mind with me a lot of people might not understand is ancient Greek philosophers that my dad started me reading when I was about when I was about 14 my dad had me reading Aristotle wow wow and being you know an old Soldier

one of my favorite quotes is from a guy named herac Cletus who lived about 1500 BC I think talking about uh armies and and and soldiery and he said of every 100 men on a battlefield 80 of them are just targets 10 of them shouldn't be there at all nine are the fighters and we should be glad for them for they make the fight but the one the one is a warrior and he will bring the others home and uh that always stuck in my mind because I served in Desert Storm under one of the last great Warf fighting

generals that the US militaries ever had and that was Norman Schwarz Scot the guy was a warrior and we need warriors uh we don't have many of them right now not not not wearing Stars anyway yeah I think Pete Heth is a warrior boy that's uh that vote is going to be uh later today later yeah I think he's going to get confirmed it'll be narrow but I confed with JD Vance probably breaking the tie yeah um yeah I'm if y'all see that flash across holler please uh you mentioned something there Schwarz cough

what were you saying um oh hell it'll come back to me I'm sure or probably not but I actually saw him once H yeah from a distance I saw this big Blackhawk with wing tanks land and this big stocky guy got out of it and stomped into a building uh I was sitting there standing in an office in RI about to bug the medcom S4 for G4 actually for for some materials we needed and uh while I was waiting to be a pain in his ass uh I saw this helicopter come in so I walked over to the window oh wow that's General

Schwarz Scot there he is there he is very cool uh let's see here um okay where are we at gentlemen uh guess oh a game show that this is a fun one I think Ward what kind of game show would you or which game show would you like to be on if I don't know what game shows there are now I I watch almost no television fair I guess I would say from back in the day maybe Hollywood Squares oh yeah that would be fun I want to sit next to Paul Lynn I mean I always thought he was funny in those yes so good that's just the only one I can

think of yeah I guess the Newlywed Game except Jeopardy and I haven't been newlyweds for three decades yeah Jeopardy will a fortune I mean I'm with you the Family Feud that's out there uh I don't know what about you Eddie uh yeah I'm not not into a lot of game shows really even back in the day but there was one I used to like when I was a kid I don't remember what it was called but there was like people in the audience and then there was like levels of just different like packages that were wrapped like

presents and you could pick one and grab it and like I I don't remember what it was what the name of the show even was but huh it was that looked cool because it was just a bunch of presents and I was a kid and you know but I really don't like I can't stand most game shows I just I'm I'm not big in TV either I like movies and and some TV shows but not really never got into games so yeah but Family Feud Family Feud would be cool lot with my family but somebody else it'd be fun yeah borrow a family

for the occasion yeah yeah I I remember let's make a deal with mty hall right kind of fun and but but whenever I think of that the thing I flash back to being a child of the 70s was the chich and Chong skit let's make a dope deal oh I haven't seen that yeah which is pretty funny wait let's make a deal that might be the one yeah did it have like almost like stairs going up and they had to oh maybe it's been so long it sounds like the name of it I don't know I was a kid but and the door number one door number

two and door number three that was the at the end that they had to pick and and in that skit they're picking a door and of course he finally decides on door number three and uh the announcer goes behind and there's a siren behind door number three Sergeant steno narcotics Squad you're busted oh man oh okay funny B that sounds good yeah I need to check that out uh there I don't know if it was MTV or VH1 one of those two I don't know early 2000s it feels like and it wasn't on long but I don't even remember any of

the game I I I really just don't and then at the very end they they put you in a chamber uh I think the clock starts with a minute or two minutes or whatever and I think you you're asked 10 questions but you got to pick the topic I don't know what game this was but I thought oh my gosh oh ask me 10 Falcons questions Atlanta Falcons ask me 10 uh about the ban the conell you know that's what I would have loved to pick because the final round is you're proving your knowledge on a topic that you gave them

to research and I think that's a really cool way uh to to finish that game yeah uh is there a reality show that you would ever agree to appear on Ed uh no I no I'm with you man I I can't stand you know I only the first reality shows was like the real world I think in the early 90s or early or early 90s yeah I mean I remember watching those again it was because I was young and stupid I love that show I love the opening with with the cowboy guy from Kentucky true story oh yeah I mean so those that's the only reality show I

even liked in my life I really don't well okay but if I was going to be on one and this is more of a competition than reality I don't know but the Amazing Race we watch that like I watch that because I just find it the competition's great and I just you get to see the world without you know traveling it um so I if that's considered reality I mean it's it's people in a competition but that would be one I would go on for sure okay none of the other ones yeah I know that's a boring answer but that's

no no that's fine it's totally fine uh Mr Ward well there again I don't watch much television but uh I I do know that there are number of reality shows around Alaska and most of them are horse squeeze they're they're garbage um most alaskans will tell you that's not what it's like these are people the people are probably from California bring them up here every summer and film uh they uh I I do remember I I think most reality TV isn't I I do remember early on there was some show where they dumped people on a

desert island or something my sister was watching it oh and uh my father came in my father hated television he would turn on he had one television in the house and he'd turn it on for 5 minutes in the morning to get the weather he had it permanently tuned to the weather station and then he turned off he never looked at it again the rest of the day um but he came in one time and a family get together my sister's watching this show and she had explained it to him and oh you know they have to gather their own

food or they can go hungry and dad says they can't get the film crew to give him a sandwich and I thought about that and I said yeah you know there's probably a craft table right off camera yeah yeah but I mean that's Survivor and I think there was a scandal of some sort uh it seems like at one point there was something like that happening where somebody was getting fed or I don't know I don't watch the show I just I would be surprised if they weren't right right all right Ed you got uh let's see we

already talked about you said uh the real world the yeah that's um okay do you like to plan trips out to the you know down to the the minute Ward or do you just wing it do you just pick someplace to go and you're like a we'll figure it out when we get there yes um nor normally we wing it uh we we uh a lot of Sundays we'll hop in the car and granted when we leave our house there's only two directions can go we can go towards Anchorage or away from Anchorage we always go away from Anchorage and and then just kind of

wander around there there aren't that many side roads you can take there's only one Highway and and there's a road that goes over to Petersburg and there's a road uh way up north of the Denali Highway goes over through howling Wilderness uh but no we tend to just kind of wing it uh later this year our two younger daughters and our son-in-law are going to Japan for a week and we're they want us to accompany them we probably will and we'll probably land in Tokyo and I I know Tokyo pretty well I've done a lot of business in Japan and

we'll probably just wing it go see the Imperial Palace one day you know the kids have been there before too my wife speaks Japanese and reads it so she gets along well in a country where I'm functionally illiterate um but yeah we we tend to just Wing It uhuh all right Ed yeah I back in the day I was I would plan everything and I mean uh friends of mine even nicknam me Clark Clark Griswald because I like had everything structured like we gotta be here we got to do this we gotta do that that's awesome but I

I'm totally opposite now um the things are trips like if we do little Texas weekends or drives like just going somewhere for the afternoon or even like a night uh we wing it completely uh if we're now when we go on vacation for going whatever Carolina's Florida wherever um it always they always seem to revolve around distilleries or breweries other than that we wing it so it's like that's the only thing we kind of research we're going wherever like all right what breweries there and what you know distilleries and we'll make

sure we hit one or two of those and then the rest of the time the rest of the four or five days or whatever we just wing it so yeah it's G I've gone both sides of it I understand yeah um if you're ever in Alaska we have the Denali Brewery about 25 miles north of us Denali the Denali Brewery you know uh beers and and Denali Brewing whiskey too side of it Ed Ed and I will actually be up there together real soon to see this Denali Brewery of yours uh people in the chat since you brought up Denali uh they're having the same thought I

have what are your thoughts on the Denali Mount McKinley naming situation where where or where are alaskans on that honestly Mo most of the people I know around here have always called it Denali Alaska the state of Alaska and I'm a big states rights guy I'm a big on federalism and the state of Alaska was trying to get the name changed actually back to Denali officially uh since 1975 wow wow uh most people I know around here have always said that we've always called it Denali you know the president

can say whatever he wants we're going to keep calling it Denali that's that's what it is um the change the signage though won't it yeah and and that's fine alaskans are stubborn people and like you you can put up all the Mount McKinley signs you want and we we'll call it Denali yeah I don't blame you I I like it's it's not a huge deal if people like to call it Mount McKinley we all know what they're talking about right right uh okay so let's see here this topic came up yesterday on my day job Pat gray

Unleashed me Jeffy and Chris were kind of talking about this came up and and I just mentioned how my grandfather was so cheap that I mean he graciously bought meals you know took us out to lunch dinner stuff like that but then when it came time to tip the server you might have a $50 bill on the table uh a you know check and he would leave maybe a buck or two and then you get up to leave and you're like wait what no no no no no and so you wait till Papa has his back turned or he's out in the parking lot or whenever you can run back

in put more money on the table uh do you have you ever had uh have you ever done that gone behind someone's back a family member a friend that you know leaves a tip and you're like oh my gosh did you ever run back or maybe you guys are are the papa in the story and somebody's behind your back to uh adding to the tip I don't know um no I usually go back and take the tip um you know because I just want it myself um no no no no I would never I I would do that though 100% I don't think I ever had have had to do that but

I I'm that way too like if I was there and that situation came up I think I would I'd wait for them to leave I wouldn't do it in front of them just no just drop like whatever I thought was probably a little bit more that way they don't have to feel humiliated or re me out for doing it or whatever just yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm pretty much the same way I'm I'm a fairly generous Tipper uh and and my wife you know her family was in Food Service her father ran cafeterias for over 60 years he was almost 80 before we

convinced him to retire and he's a good Tipper because of the experience uh when you were talking about your grandfather Keith you you were could have been talking about my dad my my dad you know he was a child of the depression both my parents were and they took frugality to an extreme now anything mom wanted he'd buy her uh us kids always had everything we needed he he was a probably an average Tipper when when the rare occasions you got him in a restaurant but he had this old brown nylon vest that he bought he thinks

about 1955 and wore it for the rest of his life he died in 2018 so you know do the math how old that vest was jez wow at one point the collar had been torn off he sewed it back on with monofilament fishing line and sealed it with epoxy glue that's dedication we we all bought him new vests and dad was a little guy he was 5 foot five and maybe 130 lbs You' have to find a vest and it couldn't have a logo on it it couldn't have any bright colors on it or he wouldn't even touch it and he'd wear a new vest for a

week or so and then you go back and you have that old brown vest on again said oh that one the collar was itchy I didn't like it it didn't fit right when he died he he he was 94 he took ill very suddenly when to the hospital and from hospital into hospice and he was gone in a matter of days but we know my mom put him in the ambulance in the middle of the night and she knew he didn't have the vest with him nobody took it to the hospital or to the hospice because there was no reason to we all saw it hanging in the coke

Closet near their front door but after dad died we went through the house cuz my mom had to you know go into a assisted living so so they sold the house and none of us could find that vest it just disappeared and we're all convinced that somehow Dad figured out how to take it with him you want frugality that's frugality yeah even unto death he would not surrender that vest incredible incredible I mean I've got a coat that I got in January of 1994 and I have lived in that thing it is so tattered and repaired and fixed and it's

I mean Carrie hates it but I will not allow it to be thrown away because even if I never wear that again because I finally it took forever I finally found a coat that I can accept but I'm not I'm not thrilled because this coat is still comfortable it's gross I look like a hobo Oscar the Grouch is better dressed than me when I wear this thing but and and I need to go and reiterate this while I'm thinking about it after the show today I've got to go and remind the family that's what I'm getting buried in not a suit not I I

don't need to look nice I need to be buried in my nasty dirty gross dark green coat with the perfect Pockets I need to remind those the best they are so I've got a pair of boots that still have cow [ __ ] on them I I still wear them all the time that's awesome I've had them I think they're 40 years old oh wow they're on their third set of souls wow what a great segue and you didn't even know this on this day January 24th back in 1899 the first rubber heeled boots uh were patented there you go we

we were walking around with just wooden shoes I guess until then till 1899 uh I don't know if you guys ever go to Dunkin Donuts but shout out to those of you uh who have had to suffer uh in the last week or so uh in Omaha Lincoln Grand Island Nebraska Albuquerque New Mexico for some reason those locations uh Dunkin Donuts didn't have any donuts for a few days I don't know how it happened supply chain issue but that's uh that's that seems like a company called Duncan Donuts if they assured their supply of anything it would be

right Donuts so much for the guy time to make the donuts right yeah he wakes up he makes the donuts or is it now should they change it to time to ship the donuts cuz somebody dropped the ball yeah it's weird that is a weird story okay let me uh with me here as I try to share I've got a screen issue here uh well I wanted to play these video and remember I already set the table we're gonna have an issue with audio so let me uh let me try to find this so I want to know how you guys would react to this

let's say you're at the beach you're just minding your own business a stranger just wanders up on you and and and he does this to you um if it's hard to see you're going to see a gentleman approach a guy multiple people start throwing water balloons uh but he leaves a bucket so that the guy can play along if he would like right what do you think of this I mean haha see like after you get over the initial you know I'm I'm pissed at you but you realize he's giv you a supply of ammunition as well I don't know I don't know I go back and

forth I don't know if I'd be pissed or if I'd be having fun probably a little bit of both but anyway so that's his thing and I just wonder how would how would you react if if somebody came up and started throwing water balloons at you but then but then you realize oh wait he's got he gave me a supply too I don't know uh I'm sorry but yeah I think being at the beach would really benefit them because I probably wouldn't be carrying because my reaction would be what the hell is this because you don't know if

somebody's throwing like acid you know the world is that's such a great point if I instantly saw him put the bucket down I don't know I don't think I would I would probably just be like what what is wrong with I don't think I'd probably engage in it but I I would get it at that point just be like that's funny but no get get some kid to do that I don't know I mean it's not remember you got it's probably 90 degrees and sunny so it might feel good but you're right I don't know if that's pissed that you just

threw at me yeah catch you off guard yeah yeah and I don't like the I don't like those situations anyway even like like watching some of those TV shows with the hidden camera stuff and they do I can't I can't even like watch them without like cringing because I don't know it drives me crazy like so I don't know how I would react in one of those situations it could either be very very bad or very very good ignore the balloons ignore the bucket and just tackle him that could happen that would have happened you know 15 20 years ago

for sure but yeah yeah all right Ward how would you have responded I I would have been looking around for Allen Funt uh yeah I I don't know I'm I'm kind of with Ed on that one I don't know how I'd react I would not be a bit surprised for any one of my three sons-in-law to to pull this because they're all three smart asses and they never know let's let's let's go get you know Dad's half asleep over there and a little drunk let's go throw water balloons at him but if it was just some stranger I yeah

right think I'd be like what the hell's wrong with you right okay um I I don't know if I'm going to do this every week but last week I finished the show with a um a video if you didn't see this uh go back and watch the end of last week's Friday live stream but there's a glass bridge in China and so you're supposed to walk across it I mean it's like just imagine being at the Grand Canyon on a bridge that's made of glass and you're supposed to walk over it and enjoy enjoy the view but people were freaking out

people were crawling on it people were holding on to the sides I I just no so so I think I'm gonna start trying to find a video every week we'll see how long I do this called would you do this and what this is uh today we have a video it's a it's the side of a of a of a cliff and what you're looking at is a spiral staircase oh we don't need audio here we don't need audio so so would you would you walk up this thing I mean it is I mean this is a workout y'all I mean I I want to see the the the the zoomed out

version of this look at that thing that is H I don't know what do you think you gonna do that no no is it a height thing or what I don't yeah it's a Heights thing with me yeah I've over the years developed a Heights issue there's no way I don't even I can't even watch people stand near Ledges without it bother me I don't know what hell what the hell's happening to me it it's happened to me too Ed I'm the same way um my wife and I went to the Grand Canyon I couldn't get within 20 feet yeah she's over there

looking over the rail looking down and I'm good I'm good back here well here in uh Dallas they have Reunion Tower Keith you know that thing looks like a golf ball yeah I still never been in there is that cool we went to go we had anniversary dinner whatever Wolf Gang pucks uh restaurant was up top for a while I think it's closed down now but okay and the elevator is one of those on the outside so you you go up and you see yeah yeah yeah I had I was literally facing like the doors as close as I could get with everything but and I was

one of like 10 people in the other I'm just standing there facing I I couldn't even move um and I you know I didn't care how I looked or whatever I could just imagine like the door opening and I'm just like right there but uh so I couldn't do that inside of something there's no way I'd be able to do that spiral no uh I mentioned Tokyo there's there's two big towers in Tokyo the Tokyo Tower and the osagi sky tree and it's a big date thing in in Tokyo you know young people go on a date they one of the things is go up in the tower and

my wife and I were in O shagi because there's a big shopping center there and we were buying some stuff like uh like my tanaki thanks to the Daiso 100 yagi tanaki brings you good luck but uh somebody asked you gonna go up in the sky tree and my wife's like you want I'm like no no no I but it's enclosed there's glass you know Plex no no uhh nope not not not going up in that thing I'm a pass yeah on airplanes I sit in the aisle seat so I can't see out the window that doesn't bother me airplane it doesn't bother me as much but if I I

I don't like being too near the window plus I had the old man's thing that I have to get up more frequently than I used to have to 30 years ago so let's hold on let's noodle this out just I I am not expecting logic here but as you guys are explaining this I'm thinking now hang on a second that bridge made of glass I would not enjoy that I I I would be if if I did it and it makes no sense but I would be holding on to the side where it's like there's a I think it was like a little narrow area of metal you

know before the glass I've be worried about the glass shattering and you falling through but let's just think this through that bridge has stood there with with many people walking across it back and forth enjoying it blah blah blah but I don't want to do that but like you said in an airplane I'm up much higher I'm depending on Strangers flying this plane with mechanical parts that could fail uh Birds could fly into engines whatever it's like why are we so comfortable and I don't know if it's like this across the board but I'm so

much more comfortable in an airplane but not comfortable at all on this glass bridge I don't know the logic I don't know if there is any but I that's that's why it's a phobia phobia is an irrational fear I was going to kind of say something similar like it's it's not that I'm scared I'm gonna die die or anything or it's not this it's not a safety concern for me it's just I the phobia the fear of just being up high not that I'm even worried about falling it's just it bothers me yeah so maybe deep down it's rooted deep down inside

of me I'm scared I'm going to fall but an airplane yeah you got much better chance to die in an airplane probably than that bridge ever falling right I mean that's yeah see airplan they have one they have one of those at the Grand Canyon too apparently it's on one of the Indian reservations they got a glass walkway it's not a bridge it's just a walkway out over the canyon yeah the navajos have that right yeah yeah and I I would rather I would rather spend the weekend with my first wife's mother than

to walk out on that thing M okay uh all right so have you guys seen this picture I I think it's been making the rounds here uh this is H we got proof of time travel gentlemen if you see this this is a Greek that's a Greek St stat like carving ancient Greek and there's a woman and she's using a laptop see that you see that right look at that huh the obvious answer is well it's not a laptop because there were no laptops um what that oh yeah yeah what that could be uh back in the in those times they used wax tablets uh

to write on and they worked rather well because you could scrape them smooth and write on them again it was like you know it was like a ETA sketch uhuh and I have seen some that were hinged like a book and usually you saw them open side to side but they could have opened that way it's a more logical explanation than a laptop because no there weren't any laptops what is so great is this thing existed forever and nobody ever even thought you know oh it's a laptop until we invented the laptop and now they've

gone back and they've oh look at that uh but I just think what it's just so funny how those two holes they're saying that um uh they think that at some point when they were trying to um I guess reinforce it they probably drilled a couple of uh uh stabilizers or something that fell out but I think it's just absolutely myal it looks so fun but yeah they're saying that it might be a music box um it might be a um a mirror uh but yeah I just I think it's fun because a lot of people think it's uh plus USB ports

aren't round no that's a fairly objection that art is stupid yeah got it wrong uh okay let me uh having to jump back and forth between uh Chrome and and windows here explore standby okay so do do either of you guys have cats yes you do you have cats one okay one cat H do you ever talk to it it talks to me every morning it's yeah yeah well uh this sucks is I don't think I have audio we're about to find out the hard way but I can totally recreate this if it doesn't work uh because uh I just because I can't let's see if this guy

here uh if the audio comes through can you hear this guy no no you don't hear him okay so what what what's Happening Here is you're gonna see this video and I'm G to just recreate what what everybody's saying and it's because that apparently means in cat speak come here so every time you see one of these cats respond in their their owner is going so I want you to try that I don't know if your cat's in the room Ed but just uh you know you might want to try that at some point report back because we'll all be

waiting to hear this but here we go I I I'll I'll be everybody's owner what's that Ed no no I I'm like I'll do it at some point yeah I'll try yeah yeah record it too all right here we go okay so all right so so look at that he comes see that and this cat the owner is saying what okay I'll come over there where's the cat there yeah look at that huh and that cat got down and came over this is so hilarious I can't wait to go back and watch this where I'm the audio whoa this guy goes and the cat just turns on a dime so all these cats

are like now I don't know if I if you said to these cats you know anything maybe they come but I want I want Ed to try that I want Ed to try that and and report back to us would you I I could definitely try that I would like to see somebody try that with like 10 random cats because anybody could pick a bunch of videos that that happens with I'm the cynic here but I mean like you can make almost any noise and it that's what I'm wondering I want to see right they're curious they want to know what the hell is going on

oh what huh our youngest daughter has a cat and she calls it by going ny AA I guess you and the cat comes just that's I'll do both I'll do I'll do that and I'll do the other one now if you could get that meow sound effect and maybe put it on a loud we don't have a cat up here but we do have a lynx that's hanging around maybe I wonder if it would come to that because I've been wanting a prime winter Lynx Pelt that would be a maybe all right so both of you have projects that you're going to need to

report back to us on uh let's see here I'm gonna try to share these videos I don't know if they're gonna have the same impact without the audio guys but I'm gonna give it a shot uh let's see here oh yeah let's stay on the cats for a second here uh these cats uh they are so synced up is it is it the word synchronicity look at this I mean that's that's wild all right so you got these cats look at that okay hold on all right yeah we we know that one oh that's wild oh that was wild you see that they lick their lips at the

same exct look at that that is hilarious uhoh all right we don't need to thank you I at that that's funny stuff is funny uh oh that's too low there you go so there you go syn synchronized cats uh interesting stuff I I think that supports my assertion that uh you you you've probably seen the birds aren't real a parody site um yes I've thought about starting one that cats aren't real and they're actually you know mechanized automatons and you can site something like this look they're perfectly aligned uhhuh all right

doesn't work that way they're they're uh uh what is it uh help me out here they're spy drones yeah they're spy drones but they're NPCs uh yeah right the the they're probably they're probably manufactured in China or Iran or some place like that you actually reminded me there was like one of those news of the world or whatever National chire something like that I'll never forget because I had K I had cats growing up and uh I think the headline said that cats are alien spies and so if you have a cat in your

home it's it's transmitting everything you're doing back to a hostile Planet so they I don't I forgot all the details of it but it's just like I think I went home from the grocery store I like looked at my cats I was like that's it I could totally see that there there used to be a website it's now defunct sadly uh called scary squirrel world and it was all about the squirrel conspiracy to for world domination tons of Articles and and photo s and video and and it just disappeared which is kind of s that's

too bad that's because the truth was out there and the government couldn't allow that site to well clearly the squirrels you know engaged you know probably with the Obama Administration to take it down because that's about the time frame it was you know I'm sure that's not a coincidence I'm sure it's not oh oh this okay I I pulled this one uh because if I were a dog this would be me uh somebody crashed the golf cart so I checked the cameras to see what happened it's a dog it's a it's a dog driving the golf cart oh wow

he jumped in there and took it for a r oh right the truck destroyed the pool it just gets out like nothing happened like what I probably drinking yeah probably drinking uh let's see here hang on a second let me get this other video going what is this one I don't even know I'm just clicking videos right oh so this one is just a bunch of dogs wreaking havoc so check this this is oh oh no see I can hear the audio you can't but uh just know that a lot of things are breaking oh jumped up there and knocks oh no oh

that's a beagle causing trouble what oh you can't see that but but that so so back here so back here so this the the amount of clattering happening and I apologize that there's no audio gang the the amount of uh clattering in dishes I think his collar got stuck or something in the dishwasher like you know H mesh or whatever and so he ends up dragging and all these dishes just go shattering oh bad bad okay so this I I moved this up because it was blocked that's a glass table in the middle oh oh well not

anymore okay that guy just slid into something okay this dog oh I could see this happening to me this this dog is is um uh leashed to this right column okay oh no and he sees a sees a squirrel or something Tanner would have totally done this back in the day watch this did you see that he just took the house with him oh no uh oh oh no oh no no oh what a bad dog that's a dog with a derelict owner yeah and this one's not good either what' you do he says he's barking he's excited about it he's like what do

you mean what did I do I just tore up your house AR you happy about that I decorated for you you anyway that one scene with the pulling all the tables off the tablecloth off with the the uh remind me of a Christmas story where the dogs come in and just rip up the Thanksgiving on the oh man that okay guys I don't know what to think this please help me to understand this there's a camera and it's faced outward and there is cat food on this table this dog has located this cat food it and the dog is going to town

on the cat food this is this is how it's set up so I want you to watch what transpires here so there's the camera that it got bumped there it got bumped because there's a cat next to the camera which you will see all right so look at the dog he's trying to be on his best behavior all right see that he's like oh hell what is that is that a camera oh I don't like that camera move it this way because I don't want it to record me eating the cat food the cat comes down and goes screw you bro that's my cat food so the cat then comes over

here jumps up here and goes hey owners I want you to see what pho is doing over here let me move the camera back so you can see this H what the hell that's clever what I am stunned I think that is hysterical that's funny I mean because it's not just I moved the camera so I could get away with my crime it's then I moved the camera back so he can't get away with the crime I animals man they're just that's well the the lesson T that clearly is a cat will sell you out every time my cat's not even smart enough to

do that so I not yeah well you don't know yet you have to try them that's right that's right and get back to us um did I and please uh wonderful people in the chat who I'm so grateful for the feedback and and the participation I don't think you guys can see them and I'm sorry about that it's another limitation with this new streaming service that I hate anyway uh I didn't do the the cursive story last week y'all did I about the National Archives uh wanting people who can uh who can read cursive to translate uh to to translate

to transcribe documents like lost in history because because I guess I guess it's a dying art certainly What I Hear yeah and it's something that they're not even teaching now and I remember my boss Glenn Beck warning of this probably a decade ago but I didn't know it was so bad that that that we have to get people in here to to go through 200 years worth of documents uh us documents that uh just for posterity I mean that is you don't recall the T the cursive story thank you Toby this is just embarrassing um so

Suzanne Isaacs manager of the National Archives catalog in Washington DC quote now listen to this and all of you watching here okay I'm not ashamed of you Julie I see you there uh um I want I want everybody to know if you can read cursive listen to what the director of the National Archives says quote reading curs cve is a superpower now I read that line and I immediately thought I am in the movie Idiocracy yeah you that's a bit of a stretch yeah I if if reading cursive makes you a superhero the bar is quite low now yeah

yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh so I thought when I saw that I thought I thought you know what this this would be a fun job right here you you you show up you just you amaze everybody at the National Archives and you get a check for this and you go home and then I read in in true government fashion it doesn't pay they just want you to volunteer your time but I thought I was a superhero now yeah yeah you know what's funny is I I C obviously can read and write cursive but I I would say most of my adult life I print I don't too I

write cursive my signature of course but like yeah so I really I've come to think of it like I never my writing is horrible it's got to be because I haven't done it in 25 30 years yeah my my father had a beautiful copper plate script handwriting but he went to school in the 20s and 30s when they still taught that they taught it I I learned cursive but I haven't used it except for my signature which you can make out the W and the rest as a scribble yeah me too get two letters but uh I don't think uh I think my oldest

kid was taught cursive in school she's 42 the younger ones are all in their 30s and I don't think any of them I I don't remember them being taught cursive they don't think they know how to write it do you think it's okay do you think that this um this not teaching cursive anymore do you think that that is a conspiracy we can't read our founding documents or is it just ah teach him how to do this instead I don't know I wouldn't put it past that just honestly but I don't think so I I mean I think when I was

taught cursive I don't know if this was taught but I think it was just because you could do it faster like you know it is faster than printing you know that's what that's what Julie who I am not ignoring over in the chat says the competition to writing fast now with texting or emailing or whatever with the computer so maybe printing you know what I mean maybe the cursive is just going out because it's not needed to write fast anymore I I don't know well and as for conspiracy and founding documents

you can get all the founding documents on the internet and text I mean I I've read I've I've got bookmarked the Constitution The Federalist Papers all I can pull up on my screen and they're in type and I can read them you know you can read those that's not uh I I think it's just kind of a sign of it's It's a changing world uh we deal now with each other through emails and text messages and and you know like like we're doing here on on computer where we can actually see each other face to face and there just isn't the the need for it

anymore I mean when I was a little kid I kept in touch with cousins and my grandparents and stuff by writing letters so we didn't even use the phone that much because you had longdistance charges yeah yeah but now now it's we talk to our grandkids uh on video chats you know FaceTime or whatever it is on my wife's Mac thing that she has um i' I've never received a letter from any of my grandchildren I've got six of them the oldest one's 23 I've never gotten a letter from them so yeah yeah and that's

one thing that my 99y old grandmother uh she wants my oldest daughter who doesn't live here anymore lives in another state she's like you know write me a letter you know and it's like what's that what you mean like on paper right I and and that's what Asen says she goes then I have to go buy stamps uh but see I mean Nana doesn't text you see I mean it's a completely different Generation Um now she can work a tablet and she knows how to uh handle YouTube that's actually pretty fun to see her navigate that but um but yeah it's uh

you know you're talking about somebody mentioned that that they it's a mix of uh it's almost Spanglish because it's it's a mix of uh of print and cursive but for me I find that I just go back and forth and writing uh capital letters or lowercase like my brain can't decide yeah if it want to you know what I mean yeah so half the half of it will be in like a capital H and I was like why didn't I do that for the previous word I have a lowercase h i right I'm so you know what else too I find is I think I'm

so used to texts see see that that's your age at the end is capped and your te yeah the Keith I'll do this all the time I mean I did this for an example but like sometime anyway what were you saying I'm sorry Ed Oh no just uh I I'm so used to just being able and I'm terrible at typing on a keyboard too like I I use like three fingers maybe four like I don't I don't do the proper way I remember back in high school I was like why do I need to learn how to type who's gonna need to know how to type I'm

not ever gonna yeah so I I just I've learned how to do it pretty quick my way but um just find myself hitting backspace more than I hit any other key and but when I'm writing now or or texting so I can pretty much use my computer go pretty fast and texting pretty quick so now when I'm Printing and I'm writing writing something I find myself getting ahead like I want to be able to write faster and I can't so I'm like crossing my te or dotting an eye before I've even written the eye like I'm getting so far ahead of myself

because I'm so slow at doing it I'm like so it's not even worth it to me anymore if I do it I'm so slow at doing it I I it takes me forever to write like five words just because yeah I and it's it's really neat but I my my hand even even when I'm writing in print my handwriting is terrible my father uh was always disappointed in my brother's in my handwriting um whether we were writing in you know block letters or or script um but I've gotten pretty good with the keyboard because of course it's how I

make my living literally sitting at the keyboard the problem is I have these big gorilla hands and I I apparently I'm hard on keyboards because I hit the keys very heavy and I go through a keyboard about every six months I've had people ask me if I was angry what do what why why do you think I'm angry well I don't know because you keep pounding the keyboard pounding the keyboard I'm just very demonstrative and I want to make sure that the keys going yeah well that's me my wife can hear me over here

banging on the keyboard you know Ed you were talking about uh typing and writing I don't understand this I uh I notorious I mean I'm notorious for for Post-it notes all over the place I just like I I can't turn this this board here but I'm looking at a cork board with 2462 probably 20 Post-it notes anyway and I I I I can't decide if it's if do I am I am I not using uh you know the the the available tools on my phone to to write notes or whatever and I think it's I think it's um well I know it's because

I like at the end of the day when I'm done with all the stuff I have to do I could throw away the Post-it note that's off my mind boom boom boom if it's if it's still there in the morning then oh I gotta do that tomorrow blah blah blah the problem is when you're so busy and you fall behind and then before you know it you're starting your day with like five posters you're like damn this week is sucked so anyway I I think it's because it's uh I I like having the tactile you know being able to to have

that throw it away and that's an accomplishment but also I think I'm what did you say you said it's faster for you type than it is to write is that what you said Ed for you yeah um because I'm just the opposite I feel so slow and old when I'm like on my phone I'm like oh I need to write a note here to myself or what I'm just like screw it there's a Post-It note if I'm taking note like I still take notes I literally I notes all over the place I hand everything but then I transcribe them later if I want

to save something I'll put it in a document or something so I remember my note then I can just pull that up but I do initially I like to do it that way first and if I'm typing up something when I say I'm fast at it it doesn't mean it's accurate it's but I can go back to that too just look at I know what I type there and I can fix it if I need to or not so it goes both ways but I love handn notes I got stickies on my monitor you know um that I just you know it's just easier just me to slap it up

there and I can throw it away like you said at the end of the day and if it's important I also use the not I do use the notes on my phone a lot and I use audio memos all the time okay yeah that's why you don't have to know how to type because you can just hit the little microphone and start well no I mean actual recorded audio memos yeah like yeah you can do that I never think to do that you know but no I mean I just record audio memos for myself and usually it's after I've had a few whiskies at 11:30 12 at night and I'm

coming up with these ideas and the next day I was like what was I thinking and how much did I drink because I can't even understand myself [Laughter] so I use kind of an audio system myself in my case it's a it's not technological really I tell my wife hey don't let me forget to do such and such tomorrow yeah and then she forgets to remind me but I do keep notes the problem I have with notes um like this one and my little Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation thing but you see at the bottom it says three dog

night at some point I wrote that down now I have no idea what it means I am the same way yeah yeah same thing happened to me this morning I'm looking down I was like what and I wrot okay just quick examp I don't know if you can read it but I have notes just about different I don't know things I was I was in a meeting and then up here I this has nothing to do I have Janice Chaplan I like why is that part of this whole what is this doing on there that's wild yeah so I I maybe we just drink too much

gentlemen five weeks I'm on this like yeah this one of the longest I've been since I was a teenager well ignore my text from earlier where I invited myself over to drink well that's not now you can come over in about four or five weeks you come over we'll do it all we'll do it all weekend I'll make up for it what I'm missing right now I love it I love it okay so has anyone tried this because I'll tell you what really works for me uh because you're talking about writing yourself notes and stuff uh if

I'm laying in bed and I don't feel like rolling over because if I grab my phone then I could end up on Twitter and it would just be a mess right but I'm just I woke up and I thought or or I'm about to fall asleep or whatever and there's like something I have to remember for tomorrow if I reach over and maybe it's something as simple as this uh and I just toss it out in the middle of the of the floor and then in the morning I'm like oh that's right I gotta do blah blah blah I don't know how my brain

remembers that but it works like charm yep if you associate tossing something in the floor with I've got to know making an oil change appointment tomorrow whatever you know it I do that I swear I do that all the time it'll be something stupid I a car whatever it is and I'll just throw it on so I H actually have to walk over it to get out of my studio yes yes if I see it I like oh that's right I gotta take out the garbage like right I do that yeah I do the same thing yep and until my wife comes along picks it up then I'm touch

that that's a reminder I don't even see her do it so I just forget why did the garbage picked up that Post-It note on the floor that's why it didn't go out your fault when you mention changing oil you made me write another one down a change oil in tractor oh I'm glad I could help see I've got to do that so now going to throw that over there and forget about it it'll be March oh I got to change oil in the tractor before it gets cold again you need to get out there yeah uh I can I just I was looking

at this article here about the volunteers they need this is actually this would be I think fun uh it should pay but whatever um you could be you're gonna you're gonna transcribe reading these Revolutionary War pinion records field notes of Charles Mason of the Mason Dixon line immigration documents from the 1890s Japanese evacuation records the 1950 census these are just examples of things that they need volunteers at the National Archives to uh translate from cursive but I was just glancing here and

it said that um school children were once taught impeccable like you said war copper plate handwriting and penmanship was something they were graded on that began change when typewriters first came into common use in the business world in the 1890s and was further supplanted in the 1980s by computers still handwriting continued to be considered a necessary skill until the 1990s uh when many people shifted to email and in the 2000s to texting by 2010 the Common Core Teaching Standards emphasized keyboard skills um and no

longer required handwriting on the presumption that most of the writing students would do would be on computers uh now that led to a push back and today at least 14 states require that cursive handwriting be taught wow including California what in the world California yes wow that's crazy well maybe it's because their power keeps going out is it like I I I think it's sad that they don't but is it something that is really NE if you could maybe push that learning to something different besides cursive would that be better like it

doesn't matter to me I don't care like I'm not that if people don't can't read or write script is it a big deal maybe maybe not it's just that they're taking away something we you're so like what uh but is it like a requirement you know I'd be happy if the schools started teaching basic Reading Writing as in sentence structure and and and and grammar and and Ari you you know yeah you know the purpose of any system of Education K12 College anything the only legitimate purpose those institutions have is to produce young

adults with marketable skills yeah they're not doing that any well I I take it back you go to Colorado School of mins and get a get a engineering degree and you're probably going to do pretty well uh but if you go to uh Berkeley and get a un underwater ethnic dog polishing degree you're probably not well set up to to make your way in the world yeah I I love all these uh auto corrects and spell checks and stuff this happened until I saved Jeffy in my phone and got tired of it changing to Hefty I had to save Jeffy as a as a word

because it would always do Hefty as well uh so anyway uh let's see what else here my my uh my name doesn't apparently come out in uh if you in on the handsfree in the truck or if my wife is trying to call me and and just hits the voice thing and says call Ward she couldn't never make it work so I am in her phone both in text and on the voice command under my old army nickname which was animal so she says call animal and my phone rings that's funny that's funny that's awesome I I I carried that nickname around I want to say it was the

summer of 85 okay that's great I think next time you're on I'm going to just have you not put W Clark on the screen about animal animal redstate.com okay so I I I I didn't really get into this story it just reminded me of uh and I didn't this to you guys but this guy uh took a toll road for just 22 miles in back and he was driving an RV uh a 40 yeah so 45 miles round trip in the RV guess how much his total charge was what state uh I believe it is Virginia uh well hold on Virginia family I don't know what state this yeah

Virginia it it happened in Virginia weekend getaway he he went a total of 45 miles with an RV and when he got his toll charge he said this is wrong and they were like nope it's right uh look at your axles buddy yeah RVs have three axles yeah any guesses 75 bucks I was I was going to go with 45 you know dollar a mile $576 oh wow wait did he go he might have went through the that one tunnel Chesapeake Bay Tunnel is like a $22 toll for a car oh yeah and that's in Virginia so he could have maybe gone that way I I

I it was 22 20 some dollars I drove it once when I was out there at Fort Eustace that was 1988 and it was like $22 then it was 20 it was only it was like around 22 $23 not too long ago for us when we went through yeah so maybe that one I know the bridges going in and out of New York City they when I lived there it was like four bucks and $6 now I think it's 18 and it's only been like 20 years like that's insane but we were uh I I had a little U-Haul trailer that I was pulling and Pennsylvania Turnpike

I can drive from Texas done it several Texas all the way to Philadelphia 1570 some miles right um I can go 1490 of those without paying a single toll until I hit the state of Pennsylvania then I have to get on the Pennsylvania Turnpike and drive about 70 miles and it cost $40 to go 70 miles and with with the Utah trailer it's $70 to go 70 miles it's and they have the worst you know potholes or high my wife and I just laugh about it we're like it's a crime that they're charging you TOs and the roads suck even worse I know that I

I get so pissed off and it and it got so bad they they changed here in Dallas and I don't know Ed if you mess with the tolls here but I I won't even let my family drive on the tolls I'm sorry uh the only place you can use the Easy Pass unless you want to get your own for your cars kids is uh the airport to go and pick people up drop them off because they started this thing here called uh uh is it go Karma yeah the karma so you put the device in your car and it used to be a routine where we had to go way

down into Fort Worth to get the kids uh a couple times a week and then back and so I would have the kids all do their little apps so that the stupid go Karma would know that there's a lot of us in this and it was never right it was never right yeah and I fought so many battles I was like eff it we're leaving the go karmas in the garage and that's it if you want to do a toll then you can pay for it your damn self because the go Karma things just don't work and this technology ends up costing us you know

uh uh peak hours and and Peak congestion and and anyway it's tied to my Texas toll tag my it's just an app now so the Texas toll tag you have in the car and yeah you have to have two people but we thought that uh long you have more than you in the car you get the carpol thing right uh so it's reduced half rate or something but it's only between carpool times so it's only between like 6: am to 9:00 am and 4 pm to 6 PM like rush hour times yeah yeah we thought it was just all the time and until we realized wow

but I tell you man I hate the tolls but at least the tolls here you can still haul ass down the road because you're on the express and you fly there are up to the point now where I'm like I'll pay five dollar to be able to not spend 20 minutes sitting over there yeah you know and I it it drives me crazy but I'm to that point where I'm like I don't feel like if I'm going down to Fort Worth from here is 20 two miles right it can either take me 22 minutes or it can take me 40 minutes I'm taking the 22 minute for $5 I'm just at

that point I'm like I your time is valuable you know it's worth something but it shouldn't be that much it shouldn't be not for 20 not yeah but so okay is anybody else like this uh in the chat or either you two gentlemen where if if I have multiple options like if it's green and it's going to take me 22 minutes I will take that before it's red and it takes me 15 minutes because I don't want to sit I want to keep moving even if it's gonna take me longer if it's green we're going yeah is that just

me I don't know well that's the same as like back when I was in Philadelphia I would I I would sit in traffic and hardly go anywhere I'd rather drive an hour on an open Highway than drive 20 minutes in traffic yes we we lived in we lived in the Denver area for a while long time before we moved up here and uh I would take I would take the tollway if it if it made any sense at all just so I was moving yeah Y and and Denver you know my my in-laws live in Denver two of our kids live south of Denver and that city has they they're

turning it into Los Angeles on the Front Range it's a it's a mess well the problem is I25 yeah right you gotta go north and south and there ain't no side streets it's just that's your only option to get from one side of Denver to the other well I25 and I70 and that interchange where they meet they call the mouse trap for a reason because you can get stuck in it and they oh back in the 90s they completely rebuilt it and it's just not any better it's always been a terrible terrible interchange H now the worst thing we

have to deal with is sometimes you have to stop and wait for a moose to get his butt off the highway before you can drive on they're bigger than your car in a lot of cases um let me see here uh hey do you guys are either of you in the Guinness uh Book of World Records or do you hold a record for anything off the top of your head I don't think I asked you this in the email um because I got a goofy story here that it's just like these records are getting more and more ridiculous where you had um congratulations to West

Palm Beach Florida uh they now uh have the Guinness world record for largest gathering of people dressed as dinosaurs please stop please there was a woman from Turkey I saw the video uh who now holds the Guinness world's record for the most watermelons crushed between her thighs in one minute how how and it was five and she was a young young woman I could I I guess she was in her early 20s and okay the only thing I could think of was I would have hate to have been the guy who her into prom sex yeah I'm with Ed on this reaction yeah

yeah I'm like I think that could go many ways that could go many ways so anyway congratulations West Palm Beach 468 of you gathered you shattered the previous record of 250 uh people dressed as dinosaurs C let's move there now in one place uh let's just do it I don't this is interesting you know the they're what they studied like the blood of bears or something like that that hibernate and all this stuff anyway I just want y'all to know this I'm not going to get into the minutia of this article mostly because I don't

understand it but they've been working on cooling human blood and all this stuff uh to try to help for human hibernation this could pay off for like trips to Mars or something like that right you see and so so what's happening right now is they're trying to figure out a way to help you go sleepy sleep for a long time for these long trips uh so I just wanted you I don't any I don't have a question for you I don't I don't know if you want to talk about that but I just want y'all to know that they are

actually trying to figure out they're studying blood of bears that hibernate to try to figure out how we're gonna colonize as it happens unlike associate Justice Kenji Brown Jackson I am a biologist I have a degree in biology my undergrad and the thing about bears yeah bears sleep through a good part of the winter Bears also put on like 40% of their body weight and fat before they do that so is that the cost you got okay listen we're going to send you to Mars you're going to be asleep through the

trip but you got to eat like 16 pizzas a day for six months before you get in the capsule we need you to pack on about a 100 pounds yeah I think when you wake up you're going to be skinny again so yeah that's a good diet I guess if you wanted you could really enjoy that couple months up to it you know um let me see here oh the 10,000 steps uh that's a myth just so you know so anybody that count your steps over there uh that's not the key to staying healthy uh instead uh you just need to do um 150 to 300 minutes of moderate

intensity activity weekly which translates to about 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous exercise so basically 15 minutes a day I think is what the math works out don't trust my math do it yourself so they're just saying if you just could just do vigorous movement for 15 minutes a day uh that's much more healthier than just a 10,000 step goal that that people seem to obsess over so I just thought I'd give you a health tip there 15 minutes a day that'll be different in three years yeah I'm not sure what vigorous means but uh I

probably spend that much time chopping up kindling for our wood stove so I don't know if that counts goodness you're set that's oh that's see I need to move to Alaska that sounds that that seriously sounds like fun just chopping chopping wood it just seems therapeutic man do you get a lot of thinking done when you're chopping up wood actually yeah it is I mean I grew up in a house that was heated largely with wood my my dad you know in that house it was the primary heat and we used about six between six and eight cords a year now

we only burn about two because we got an oil burner and the wood stove's just extra but uh yeah it's it's therapeutic it's one of those things that you're you know it doesn't require any thought you just kind of slip your mind into neutral and let it free wheel while you're chopping up wood man so we went to the New England states in October and and knocked out a whole bunch of you know States because my goal has always been since I was a kid to get to all 50 states so all I have left is Michigan

North Dakota Washington State and Alaska and I assure you when I get to Alaska I'm gonna make sure you know Ward and we're not going anywhere you could you could take advantage I could just be free labor just come there and just start chopping wood man because I I mean that I I know it sounds either sadistic to some people or therapeutic to others but I really now I'm saying that that sounds therapeutic when I start doing it I may quickly flip to sadistic but anyway I I just I don't I I just like the thought of that sounds

like fun to me um I don't know Ed uh you're not going to be moving to Alaska or I'll you though I'll go up for you know a week or two Texas is Texas is cold enough for you what time of year we going Ed uh Ward what's the best though when is it 70 degrees uh June and July uh June has more mosquitoes July has more rain uh the weather's usually a little prettier in June June um but June has the bugs uh and our mosquitoes are not to be taken lightly they show up on air traffic radar jeez no yeah Alaska has I think it's 27

different species of mosquito and uh you you'll believe it when you see them because and every Year's a little different last year they weren't they weren't that bad the first year we moved here they were they pick you up and carry you away so many just clouds of mosquitoes every time hold on a second so you said that's June when when the mosquitoes are crazy yeah June June for about the last three weeks of June is usually the heavy mosquito time and then they cut it slack off when's the When's the earliest it snows

there we've gotten dustings the snow in late September but it usually doesn't start to pile up until first week of November so so you think July August is is warm and out of the uh influence of but it'll start to rain more and in about the second half of July through August it's it you get more rain than than you do the rest of the rest of the summer man you're making it sound like winter is is more fun I'm gonna up I'm gonna revise what I said I actually think I would like to come up there when

it's not brutal brutal winter but when it does snow because I miss snowmobiling I would love the snowmobile and I I would love I never did this I always saw people doing it and we watched Grumpy Old Men the other day or last night actually and ice fish like I would love to do those two things so I've I've never been big on ice fishing snow snowmobiles up here by the way are called snow machines I don't know why the difference but if you say snowmobile people look at you oh you mean a snow machine can in Canada they call them

sleds oh wow I don't know why the difference but but uh yeah we we've got on our list to buy one we haven't bought one yet we've got two ATVs but actually if if you like if you're into that sort of thing in uh late September through about October you get some lovely weather the leaves are turning and our Spruce grous actually Spruce grous and Ru Grouse seasons are open and we have some fantastic grous hunting around here and the limit you know when I lived in Colorado the limit on Mountain gr was three per day up here

it's 15 geez and there's a lot of grous around a lot of fun grous hunting and the nice thing about hunting a grous as opposed to a moose is you can shoot a grous you stick it in your pocket and you go find another one a moose 5 days of back breaking work oh just getting just getting the meat out of the Bush into a place where you can process it for the freezer I'm I'm an old man that's getting to be an awful lot of work so when is the best uh of of I'm trying to think of I want to do the ice fishing

like Ed said but September is going to be too early right I mean you gota wait so so but if I go in March December or January is ice fishing okay but how cold is it then see I don't want to be miserable yeah it's G to be cold I want to ice fish and I want to be comfortable doing it could you get could you get there where the water's still like at the end of winter where the water's still froze enough to fish but the weather's a little bit nicer or does it happen quick yeah it happens pretty a breakup can come pretty early and it can

be kind of unpredictable um and ice fishing is always on the Lakes too uh which you know you get a lot of catch you know Pike and stuff like that that have been introduced and I I can't eat pike I don't never cared for them if you come in the summer we've got you know trout fishing and salmon fishing if you come in September the silvers are running and and they're fun to catch um they call them coo most places when was your last encounter with a a wild animal there on your property because I know when when we did our Deep

dive that's pinned to the top of the YouTube page you talked about encounters with uh with beasts when you walked from the house to the office there what what's what what's been your latest uh runin anything uh was in early December or late November we had a moose hanging around actually a big full grown cow and her yearling calf uh were hung around for a while um we had a black bear hanging around last fall for a while I kind of saw a glimpse of him through the trees if I had got a clear look at him

he probably would have gone in the freezer because black bears are good to eat oh wow really I want the Pelt um the other morning we got a motion sensor light by our back door and of course it's dark still a lot we're still over half the time in darkness right now and oh that's another thing man something something set that light off and I looked outside and there's a porcupine waddling past our back door oh wow that's cool yeah we've got links hanging around we see their tracks we've got Pine Martins we've got uh all kinds

of wild here so I got one more story and then I'll let you gentlemen go and I appreciate your time today um this is this is fascinating there's a study at least it's fascinating to me a study that says um our our muscles like like our body may have be have the ability to store memories not just our brain as we're led to believe um I I don't know how to approach the story other than just like they they did this study and um they they the the the tissues I don't know the cells whatever bottom line is it

they're calling it body memory they're thinking that it's change the study is fascinating because it just it's changing how how they um what they think of when the body processing information and so they're thinking this could really open up the uh the the The Avenues for Innovative therapies and um uh it's it's um what was that there was a term in here that they used but uh anyway non-neural cells can learn and retain information um from P from patterns of chemical signals in ways previously attributed only to neurons

anyway I'm not going to sit here and try to uh make it sound like I understand this other than just this is very exciting um I don't know um memory just not confined to the brain only apparently is what they're thinking based on on this study I'm trying to see where this was done though I'm not seeing that anywhere in here so if it was done you know at uh I know a community college down the street that got a grant to make up something and um anyway but but there but they're saying that and this is an

if if cells like uh if cells in organs like the kidneys or heart hold memory like capabilities it could explain how tissues adapt to repeated stressors uh or treatments over time the concept of body memory offers new lens through which to FL anyway I think it's exciting I at least wanted to throw that out there in case somebody wanted to do their own uh research looking into that because that would be wild I mean it just it seems like there are procedures even today like in other words you look

back at at stuff that they were doing at hospitals and surgeries and stuff 50 years ago hell 20 years ago in some cases barbaric compared to the stuff we do today but there are stuff that we do today that that it feels like we are on the cusp of looking back and saying oh my gosh I can't believe that they used to do chemotherapy and you know blast the body and basically kill it to save it I I just I'm I'm fascinated by stuff like this you reminded me of a bit in uh I I was a Star Trek kid and I I love the

original movies and there's one movie where they go back in time to what was when the movie was filmed was the present day to the 1980s and it involved they had to get two humpback whales and this that and the other thing but one of their crew uh the Russian kid Inon COV is injured badly and and they have to go pull him out of this hospital and of course Leonard McCoy is like ah these people are barbarians you know Flint axes and and he heals check off and they take him out and there's an old woman sitting

there and he W McCoy walks past her and goes what's the matter with you and she goes I'm here for dialysis he goes oh my God he goes here hands are a pill take this she puts it her mouth and as they're escaping the hospital they run past and this old woman is sitting up on the gurnie yelling I grew a new kidney I grew a new kid I love that scene but but it is the advances we're making people talk about the good old days my my father had a younger brother who died of pneumonia in 1928 he was three years old today he

never would have been in any danger yeah my dad would have grown up with a younger brother that he never knew he barely remembered him um our youngest daughter was born in 1997 she was born 3 months early uh for about the first six weeks they weren't sure she was going to live for about the first three days they weren't sure my wife was going to live and the doctor told me 20 years ago they both would have died wow gez see so I I I can't speak to that paper Keith because I haven't read it um I know there's such a

thing as muscle memory and it has to do more with uh you know building up certain muscles involved with certain MO like splitting wood but uh but the the advances we're making now and just our understanding of biology and how how things work is it's been a fascinating time about the last 40 years you know since I went to college in right in biology studied biology this is okay so my grandmother was born right at the time that Calvin kage's son was dying from a blood infection that he got from a blister

playing tennis without socks a 100 years ago yep and and I'll spare details but but recently uh she had a blood infection and and she said to me because because we were saying I don't think it's much going on she was like no no oh no Calvin kage's son died from a blood infection and I'm convinced I had a blood infection and nobody uh nobody really believed anyway bottom line is the doctor said oh my gosh you're absolutely right you have a blood infection and she's like see I could have ended up like Calvin kage's son but

but see it's just we are not that far removed from just like you just went through ward in your own life and your own relationships just it's just fascinating um and that's why you want the government to keep their hands off yeah for most of human history life was nasty brutish and short and and uh most most of the world lived in grinding poverty yeah it's only been uh basically the western civilization in the last 200 years really that kind of lifted so many people out of that that's right what is the uh 5,000

year leap I've got a copy of that book over here somewhere uh I would highly recommend that uh that is that shows you how America uh is very exceptional and and it feel it doesn't not feel that way again here uh this week it it feels a lot I mean you can see my cap gift for my father-in-law actually um honestly I have hope again and it's probably pathetic that that I that it just took um the inauguration of a new president to to give me renewed hope in this country but I sure as I'll have it I mean if the election had gone the other

way I'd be pretty despondent right now yeah me too me too I I I just yes 100% no I I I agree it's it's it's looking very hopeful yes like I mentioned ear you know at the beginning of the show i' I'd be happier if he talked more about uh I I mentioned Barry Goldwater Barry Goldwater says I'm not interested in making government more efficient I'm interested in making it smaller and I wish we and I have a series of VIP articles out at Red State right now uh that's going into precisely that how can you reduce the government

not make it more efficient cut it yep smaller um but I'll take what we've got yeah this is what we can have and politics is the art of the possible and this this is what we can have so I'll take it it's much better than the alternative read all of Ward's uh awesome stuff over at redstate.com Ward Clark redstate.com also if you're interested in learning more about Alaska go to the YouTube page youtube.com atthe mic I've got it currently pinned to the top there if you missed it from last summer uh and Ed Bishop voiceovers if

you have a podcast since we know everybody has one uh you need help with it Ed Bishop's your guy or if you even have a uh you know if you're small business you need you know commercials produced I any Anything Audio you need radio spots cut you take it to a regular radio station it's going to suck trust me I've worked at just because they don't care you're just another you get the same voice voice on everything that's right voice yeah so your commercials can stand out so anybody that has anything in the world of audio

anything that is awesome I'm so glad you mention that if you have a small business think about advertising on the radio understand that when you sign the contract at the radio station you will have the same they have one production guy if that or it's usually someone else that also does production and that individual is the voice of every commercial on that station have a unique voice and Bishop voiceovers.com uh awesome guys uh I appreciate all of your time I hope you uh will stay warm uh this weekend actually Ward will probably

be out in shorts and a t-shirt it sounds like in Alaska where it's warmer than it is here that's awes it won't last it won't no it won't no it won't but we have eight days of above 32 coming the next eight days are above I put my trees back outside I uncovered them so we've got eight days before it gets cold again if it does so we're good we're good okay all right that's good I want snow though I satisfied we got we had five inches of snow here and I need I need some more let's go come on let's get another

snowstorm coming through here they actually are saying next week at the border of New Mexico in Texas over two feet of snow now it's way out I'm just saying keep that NE of your mind and uh prepare having a good day thank you thank you all right guys have a great weekend we will thanks thanks for having me on this was fun thank you so much like And subscribe and we'll see you guys Thursday at 3 p.m. Eastern for another Deep dive thanks so much bye-bye