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It’s Great!
It’s great!!!
Great stories
One of the biggest things I like about this podcast is that I get to hear life-stories about people I may or may not know about, but I feel as though I understand them a little better by the end of the episode. Keith does a great job keeping the guests on track, which in turn allows me (the listener) to stay engaged. And keeping me engaged is no easy task.😂😂 I look forward to more new episodes!
Great Podcast
Really good podcast!!!
Giving People Their Due
At The Mic gives an inside look into the people that viewers and listeners of The Blaze may or may not know, and I gotta respect the fact that Keith is digging more into their backstory than what you would get on a day-to-day basis. Hilary’s interview was especially insightful, as we normally only see her for four minutes at a time reading news headlines. What happens after he runs out of Blaze employees? That’s the great mystery.
Love it!
I am enjoying Keith’s podcast. He has a wonderful voice! His selection of guests has been great! I look forward to listening to his future programs.
18 stars
Great podcast! It’s neat to hear the origin stories of the many characters at the Blaze.
It Keith so. There’s that
I mean the show is good. It’s Keith who, lets be honest, is the backbone to the Pat Gray Unleashed show. So with Keith not with Pat would it be Keith without a leash too? Better name than at the mic.
Worth your time
Keith is really good. He’s relatable and funny. He didn’t pay me anything to say this, why do you ask?
Best Podcast EVER. Seriously... I love what you’ve got going on here Keith! Now all we need is a video feed of it too!
20 stars
Best podcast ever.... Love it
It’s great
This was great - can’t wait for more!
So informative
Keith, you rock! I learned so much new info about Pat. He knows not to call Cosmetology School “beauty school.” How great is that? Can’t wait till the next one.
Getting to know Pat a little more was very interesting. Is there a number people can call? 😜
Keith’s mic
Well done man!!! Your going on marathon training with it or not! Lol
Make time for this podcast!
That was fun - looking forward to the next one!
Another great podcast from the blaze
Enjoyed your interview with Pat soooo much! Can’t wait for more. Love all of you at the blaze!
Great Show!
Needs more cowbell.
Keith is the man
Really enjoyed this episode with Pat, learned some new things about his life and career. Keith, your kids might not appreciate your old demo tapes yet but we would love to hear them! Can’t wait for more episodes.
Your kids won’t make fun of you for this one Keith 🤣
Great job with the first episode! Informative and fun! Keep it up Keith!
Great interview!!
I just listened to Keith’s interview with Pat! I’m a fairly new listener to the Pat grey show, I was hooked the first time I listened! I was stoked when I heard Keith was doing his podcast and immediately subscribed and listened! That was hands down one of the most enjoyable interviews I’ve heard! Anyhoo, I really enjoy listening to all of you! Even Jeffy! Lol You guys literally make my day and because you bring the important news with a fun spin like nobody else does!! Great job Keith! Looking forward to more interviews!
18 Out of 18
Thanks Keith! Love it man
Smart and funny!
Keith Malinek is fantastic! He deserves his own show but I’ll settle for a podcast.
Great show
I enjoy listening to all podcasts associated with The Blaze. Keith is good however not great like Chewing the Fat with Jeffy
It’s great, whatever
Great podcast! Love everyone from the Blaze🙂
Great Podcast!!
Keith is fantastic!! Interesting questions and always entertaining! Highly recommend!
Where’s the 18 star button?!
Great Start!
Excellent first show, Keith! I’m not sure where you got that guy, what’s his name -oh, Pat, to be your first guest, but, you know, he was actually really interesting! Of course, your skilled questioning brought him out of his shell. OK, enough vaudeville. You and Pat have become my favorite team on Blaze/ TV & Radio. Your give and take is so funny and natural it makes even the worst subject matter bearable. This first episode of the podcast has filled in many blanks for me on your history with Pat. I’ve only been listening since June of last year, but I don’t miss a show now. Still, I don’t understand some of the inside jokes, but they’re few and far between. Keith, I look forward to more great interviews on your podcast and to hearing more stories about your wife and kids. It’s the side of America that I love, and you’re preserving our beautiful culture through your show.