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Wow Keith, I am truly happy you have your own podcast!
Best podcast ever
It’s great, whatever. Wait.
Great show
A great first podcast Keith.. I highly recommend And a great interview with Pat Grey the man from the mean streets of Helena
Word to Keith
Keith could probably interview Stalin and make him cry.
Great start
Great start, looking for future shows.
Jeffy rating 20 stars best podcast ever!
It’s great
Or whatever.
Love it
Its GREAT...whatever
Can’t wait to check it out
I listen to you everyday with pat now I get to hear you with pat😝. I think you can come up with a better description though. Come on, Keith.
The best new podcast on the internet
What he lacks in hair, he has in radio talent. Great new show from The Blaze’s Keith Malinak. You’ve heard him with Pat Gray, now catch Keith with his own brand-new podcast. “At the mic” is a funny, interesting and entertaining collection of stories and interviews from the guy who’s usually behind the scenes. Definitely five stars. I can’t wait to start listening to it.
Great job
Great job Keith. Keep it up!!
It’s good
It’s good..... whatever
Not bad
Great interviews, great personality, little hair.
20 stars!!! Second best pod cast ever.
The only thing this pod cast needs is a little more Jeffy.
Who knew!
Glad you said something this morning!! Great listen can’t wait to hear more, except maybe the week with Jeffy😂
More Keith is what the world needs!
Keith is super smart and represents us mid-40s, klutzes with an ironic sense of humor well! The Blaze needs to give him a show and his own producer.
It’s aight, sure
I’m so glad Keith is joining the podcast game! I love listening to him on @patunleshed’s radio show on the Blaze Network, Pat Gray Unleashed! Great job!👍🏼 Good luck!😁🇺🇸
Another diamond in the rough!
Great new show! At The Mic with Keith gives you insight into the lives of his guest, with hard hitting questions & deep dive into their career & personal lives. Keith keeps his witty approach that most Pat heads expect & enjoy! Can’t wait for the next episode to drop & keep up the great work Keith!
When did this happen
You really need better advertising lol. I don’t think I heard about this once.